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DB Cooper

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Farflung : perfect response. I have a serius question. If I had lost a five dollar bill I would and have spent countless hours looking for it. If I lost 200,000 dollars I would not leave the area or move to another location untill I could find. at least part of it. But Im not a crook. Is there a difference between a person that looses money than one that lost money they felt they so desperately needed to risk there life for. I don't think so. Still there is one question, I would ask the hijacker, This question is the one that would Identify the real culprit.I have mine, what would be your's or the rest of the people on this thread. Jerry

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Off DB topic but these two google hits on Martin J. McNally are kind of interesting....


but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Someone explain why Duane left only this magazine in a hidden safety deposit box. Soldier of Fortune - and with the picture attached and why did he say the things he did. Why! Why is his knowledge of the area not considered? Why does the FBI say he was never in the N.W. when I know that was NOT true.
No way Duane had the means or the knowledge to research the area before we went out there. He had been there and for an extended time frame.

My inquiry into a polygraph test with a former FBI agent - cost is $700. It could be more depending on how lenghty.

I cannot imagine a polygraph lasting 5 1/2 hours. I intend to call this guy tomorrow and ask him if he has as a FBI agent or as a citizen ever gave one that was 5 1/2 hours. Perhaps I can talk him into posting on the thread what his view of this is...after all he is retired FBI.

I am going to call and ask - hope he doesn't want to charge me just for giving an opinion in the thread. The worse he can do is say NO.

Perhaps someone should send Dangerous Dan some pictures of all of the suspects and see what he can conjure up in with his memories or whatever memories he professes to have. Maybe he will LD Cooper as Dan Cooper.

Tina never described Cooper's hair as greasy - only that it appeared to have been died. The temporary hair dye I used when I was graying - made my hair shiny...gave up on covering the gray in 1985 and just went with the flow. The ex-wife told me she died his hair.

She supposedly was NOT with him in late Nov. Dec and Jan - and his hair was grey by Feb. I also have conflicting stories from the siblings about the time frame - their mother was separated from Duane.

Supposedly he called her and asked her to come back, but in Feb she tries to kill herself because he is leaving her for another woman. This part of the story never did Jive....because both of them told me about celebrating New Yrs in New York..the same time frame Max Gunther received his contacts.

See I never told all I know - but, depended on the FBI to actually investigate Weber.....yet, the stepdaughter tells me she knew Duane was Cooper. She even kept some of his things.

I had two conversations with the step-daughter who was in CA with her mother. She was so glad I had called when Mom was not there and she opened herself wide. She spilled her heart out about Weber - and how much she missed him and loved him.

The Stocking was hung and left for Santa to fill. Christmas morning the Stocking was gone.
She searched and searched but there was NO Santa to be found.
Out into the streets she ran, looking for Santa...and she was lost and never found.

Good Night!

:)[:/] (I suggest you open this picture). It will answer lots of your questions

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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As well you should Vicki.

You have been measured, patient and logical.

Now it’s time to raise the hemline and attract some justice. Nothing too exotic, perhaps just a fishnet number, micro-mini and stilettos with at least a 50 degree rake. Haven’t given it much thought. But it’s a place to start.

Then if people are still undecided you and Marla have numerous other avenues to consider.

Oil wrestling combined with a protest to protect the rain forests with all you can eat Buffalo Wings. You could offer bourbon and seven, body shots if you want to try for the more sophisticated crowd. I think a demolition derby where the entire field of vehicles are Coopers and the drivers have to dress like Tina and when knocked out of the derby have to engage in a pillow fight with another eliminated driver; sort of a wild card element. This is all being enjoyed with some private label ‘DB Coobeer’.

Then you will get some American justice.

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As well you should Vicki.

You have been measured, patient and logical.

Now it’s time to raise the hemline and attract some justice. Nothing too exotic, perhaps just a fishnet number, micro-mini and stilettos with at least a 50 degree rake. Haven’t given it much thought. But it’s a place to start.

Then if people are still undecided you and Marla have numerous other avenues to consider.

Oil wrestling combined with a protest to protect the rain forests with all you can eat Buffalo Wings. You could offer bourbon and seven, body shots if you want to try for the more sophisticated crowd. I think a demolition derby where the entire field of vehicles are Coopers and the drivers have to dress like Tina and when knocked out of the derby have to engage in a pillow fight with another eliminated driver; sort of a wild card element. This is all being enjoyed with some private label ‘DB Coobeer’.

Then you will get some American justice.

Gee....and I was afraid of the media? You are a naughty monkey!:P
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Read the thread!

Hominid & Georger, Carr did post some weather information for the Orchards area early on this present thread. I don't remember the specific details right off but they are consistent with the numbers and wind direction I used. And if I remember correctly, Carr did not have any winds or weather above 5000 feet. And I don't specifically remember him saying anything about 30 MPH winds aloft from anywhere.

My "26 knot" value resulted from doing the flight path from the take-off in Seattle to a point 10 miles north of the Red Bluff, California VORTAC on V-23. At that point, one Oakland controller told another Oakland controller (during a hand-off) that the airliner was "ten northwest to be exact" of the Red Bluff VORTAC and on V-23. And that was the last point I used. On Sluggo's web page, you will find the details of how I did the calculations.

But basically, I did the climb-out to 10,000 feet separately and concluded that the airliner was quite a bit further south when it reached 10,000 feet at 7:54PM than indicated by the 1954 point on the FBI chart. Oddly, both the FBI chart and I have the airliner at the Mayfield Intersection at almost the same instant.

For the rest of the flight from the time that the airliner reached 10,000 feet to the 10 mile point north of the Red Bluff VORTAC, I considered two or three possible routes in the Portland area. But basicall only two are of any consequence. First I assumed that the airliner stayed on the centerline of V-23 for that entire distance.

I also considered a short cut passing on the west side of Portland. However, this short cut did not have a noticeable influence on the calculations due to the distance covered by the airliner between the two points mentioned above and the time involved.

The true airspeed was calculated from information in the radio transcripts and I then worked backwards to determine what is actually an "average winds aloft speed of 26 knots at 10,000 feet". These calculations were done on a standard pilot's flight calculator (a Jeppesen's CR-3 in this case).

Both the climb out calculations, which involved a lot of assumptions, and the cruise calculations agreed with the actual airliner's performance better than I would have expected.

Note that the "26 knots" is equivalent to 29.9 MPH. It was not planned that way. Again, I don't remember Carr mentioning 30 MPH anywhere.

I agree with your summary incl what Carr said,
and did not say.

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Farflung : perfect response. I have a serius question. If I had lost a five dollar bill I would and have spent countless hours looking for it. If I lost 200,000 dollars I would not leave the area or move to another location untill I could find. at least part of it. But Im not a crook. Is there a difference between a person that looses money than one that lost money they felt they so desperately needed to risk there life for. I don't think so. Still there is one question, I would ask the hijacker, This question is the one that would Identify the real culprit.I have mine, what would be your's or the rest of the people on this thread. Jerry

What if the person survived and expected to die? What if he did manage to hold onto the money, but had to bury part of it because he could only take part of it with him? I think Cooper was surprised he survived - I don't think he expected to survive.

He is on the ground and he is alive - Oh MY God what have I got myself into. I believe Cooper hid part of the money and then stole some clothes in a shed by a tower - the tower he could see a light on from a long way - he just kept going in the direction of the light. He buried the money behind the shed and donned some clothing he found there and then he blended in - just a worker with a piece of equipment in this hands. By day break he is on his way. No one would have know he was not a worker. He reaches a point where he again has to stop, but the next day makes it to the Columbia and steals a boat from the Marina - and heads right back at them - to the PDX. He spent some time in an old house across from the PDX - actually watching part of the search. NO one was looking for him there.

The place across from the PDX was near the exhange and the trains slowed down there. He jumps a freight into CA. He had family there and there is no love like that of a sister. The letter to one of the papers was mailed 13 miles from her house. They stopped seaching the freights around day 5.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I too am shocked by the apparent willingness of this forum and the FBI to go with this story. Certainly the case is a pain in the neck for the FBI but to close it on such flimsy evidence would shock me.

Tom Kaye

I hate the LD Cooper angle and don't believe it. I see the real Cooper being much smarter and more wordly than these 2 brothers. I am surprised how little follow up by regulars there is here concerning the titanium found on the tie. It seems that since it does not jibe with a particular favorite son theory, it is ignored. I think it's the biggest clue to come out in decades.

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Hominid, That is not the specific post that I remember Carr making for the Orchard's weather.

Right. That post was not one of those in which he gave the wind speeds and directions for different altitudes. That one only has the reference to 30MPH.

Post 1286 is one of those in which he gave winds at different altitudes.

This is probably the one you remember. No. It doesn't have the cloud layers.

Hominid, At this point it doesn't look like I can positively identify the specific post. Sorry.

I will look - tomorrow. I have a file of Larry's posts
sorted by subject -

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Jo: So your saying that the hijacker could have survived. If this is the case THTyour saying. In fact that Ld Cooper is the prime candidate for the real Cooper.If Curtis is actually sayind LD Cooper is the hijacker your comments about Cooper's survival is true. Problem is someone has to put your candidate ,Blevins candidate Galen Cooks Candidate in a Chute on that fATFULL date. All these candidates should have been expert Skydivers and had Halo /military experience. Still plesse explain to me why you think Duane could have pulled this crime off. as you have declaired. Only one person is Cooper. You and Marls share the storys .

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377: You have made jumps with a big bag and other equipment yet your and experienced skydiver and one of the best, you knew how to carry your added equipment and what to expect. Still you were chalenged . How long have you been in the sport 42 yrs. However Cooper was not that experienced, his actions proved it. There is no way a novice jumper could have overcome the unexpected problems he would have experinced during this jump. You lost your googles in the blast what do you think an inproperly mounted money bag of 21lbs could have done.Jerry

Why dont we just stipulate Cooper died from eating
the galley food after trashing the galley, then since
the door was open, rolled out the back of the plane,
to a chorus of angels singing el di la tatum bonum

Sweet Jesus! Nobody was there to see Cooper roll
out the back so my conjecture is as good as
any ones?

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I too am shocked by the apparent willingness of this forum and the FBI to go with this story. Certainly the case is a pain in the neck for the FBI but to close it on such flimsy evidence would shock me.

Tom Kaye

I hate the LD Cooper angle and don't believe it. I see the real Cooper being much smarter and more wordly than these 2 brothers. I am surprised how little follow up by regulars there is here concerning the titanium found on the tie. It seems that since it does not jibe with a particular favorite son theory, it is ignored. I think it's the biggest clue to come out in decades.

Pat that makes 2 of us especially given what I know about some of the circumstances and I do NOT mean my knowing Duane was Cooper. Marla is a media WHORE - and eventually she will make a fatal mistake - in fact she has already made several.

I expect the SHIT to hit the fan before Friday. The FBI does NOT want this to hit main stream USA and National. I expect the FBI to be making statements to the media by Tuesday to refute her claim. NO FBI agent would tell her the things she claims ENG made. I have dealt with the FBI for 15 yrs now and what she is saying just cannot be.

Eng may have told her they were going to Close the Case to futher investigation, but I do NOT believe he told her the Uncle was Cooper. That is NOT how they operate. I believe after 38 or 40 yrs they can close a case as unsolved unless certain circumstance come up - like a $20 bill taken in the skyjacking or other such proof - like the airline ticket.

Another question for the retired FBI agent who does polygraphs.
I believe we are only getting part of the story right now...and there is more to come.

There is more to come because I know more than I have ever told in this thread and only recently have I been telling some of these things...My call to the FBI Saturday might prove Marla is being used by individuals she thinks she can trust. She too is a victim. but a willing one.

I had several opportunities to have gone with individuals who tried to lead me, but I have always said if it wasn't the truth the story would not be told. Of course I was only looking for the truth and was never looking for fame or money....her motives are different from mine. Hers are material and mine was for the truth and to know more about this man I spent 17 yrs of my life with who I would later find out after contacting the FBI had spent as many yrs in prison as I had been married to him.

Imagine the shock that was for me. I knew in 1990, 12 yrs after I married him about the 16 months in Jefferson - but only because he was on dialysis and tried to renew an old drivers license he had for John C. Collins. I will never forget the day the Highway Patrol knocked on my door and asked me if I knew the guy in the picture.

Duane was sick then and I had invested 12 yrs in the marriage - I did NOT walk away, but stayed and tried to make his last 5 yrs comfortable - it was NOT always easy....but he always had money which I just did NOT understand especially when I was paying all the bills after he died.

During that 1990 period he raged about 50K and I had NO idea what he was talking about, but at 10K per yr to the income it comes out about right. The Dr. gave him 5 yrs in 1990 and he was right on target. That 50k really existed. That last Xmas he went way over board with Xmas gifts to the Dialysis unit and the nurses - I didn't know where the money was coming from. He knew it was his last Xmas.

You'll Never Know if You Don't Know Now....but the FAT LADY hasn't sang yet.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Farflung: So what you saying is anyone experienced or not can could have done this crime and survived. And you believe LD Cooper was the Hijacker. Jerry

As usual Jerry, your logic is flawed. The choices you
allow are totally biased and not even rational. For
one thing, you were not there to witness what
Cooper did or did not do, or what happened, but
you speak as if x,y,and z had to have happened
and did happen - which is total nonsense!

Then you draw a conclusion which isnt even related
to the unproved conditions you set. It would be
better to just say: "Farflung you are an idiot. You
are wrong no matter what you do! Only I am right!
That is what you are saying.

Doesnt that about sum it up. Yours are not
arguements but ominous rants. You will take this
as negative no matter what I or anyone else says.
So, there it is. Others would let your amble forever.
I would not and Ive told you this before.

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You gotta give Marla credit for letting Bruce talk with her police friend. That's pretty open. She isn't trying to control access to info or people.

At the symposium she was very open and didn't dodge any questions.

Even if she "passed" a polygraph it in no way proves LDC=DBC. It just shows she probably isn't consciously fabricating her story.

Kudos to Bruce. He gets out there and chases down leads.


The interesting thing now is collateral evidence is
coming in, completely independent of Marla, things
Marla did not even know about LD, and its just
getting deeper by the moment. Keep in mind
Ng may not have wanted to persue this at all,
in the beginning. There definately are some
coincidences beyond what Marala has said or
claimed, or knew. LD is definately a person of
interest now.

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Amazon: Are you saying you were at the symposium. Did I meet you.Sorry. I just took a second look at the post You were reF: 377 Jerry

Nope.. there was no way in hell I wanted to attend that CF:D:D

Trust me... I tend to stand out in a crowd.. kinda hard to miss:ph34r:

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I have been reading the posts here for a couple of days and I keep hearing about Marla Cooper as being Hot, a Hot Chick, a Hot Babe, a Real Knockout. I'm sorry boys and girls, I saw her at the symposium, up close -- a couple of times, and I don't think she's all that hot. What, we just don't get out much? In fact, she gets this wild-eyed, scary look when she gets excited about whatever she's talking about. I'm not seeing it, Hot is not the word I'd use to describe her. Media Mogul, yes. She has definitely cast her spell over the media, I wouldn't underestimate her for even a second.

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I have been reading the posts here for a couple of days and I keep hearing about Marla Cooper as being Hot, a Hot Chick, a Hot Babe, a Real Knockout. I'm sorry boys and girls, I saw her at the symposium, up close -- a couple of times, and I don't think she's all that hot. What, we just don't get out much? In fact, she gets this wild-eyed, scary look when she gets excited about whatever she's talking about. I'm not seeing it, Hot is not the word I'd use to describe her. .

I agree with your sentiments and facts, and already
commented on it - nobody responded.

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Oh come on. Give her something. If Marla's story is not believable at least let her be pretty.

There were a bunch of guys in their 20s at the Ariel Tavern who'd dispute your and Georger's opinion about hot or not.

Hey, you have to normalize for age. Marla is 48. Even at very close range she sure doesn't look 48. Not even close. If you could prove she is 40 you could bust her LD story.

Marla wasn't the only very attractive woman at the symposium. When you set reasonable standards for beauty you find yourself surrounded by it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Oh come on. Give her something. If Marla's story is not believable at least let her be pretty.

There were a bunch of guys in their 20s at the Ariel Tavern who'd dispute your and Georger's opinion about hot or not.

Hey, you have to normalize for age. Marla is 48. Even at very close range she sure doesn't look 48. Not even close. If you could prove she is 40 you could bust her LD story.

Marla wasn't the only very attractive woman at the symposium. When you set reasonable standards for beauty you find yourself surrounded by it.


Compliments to you also - you dont look anything
like 85, in the wheelchair.

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I would likely rate Marla around a ‘2’, I suppose.

I would like to make it higher but let’s face reality here; most women don’t want more than a 2 hour catbath given to their feet in the first place so anymore would simply be hyperbole. It could be domination too but I won’t put up with that no-way. That’s why I have such a strict personal limit on bootlicking, my dignity is not for sale (code for: call me Marla).

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One aspect of Marla's story really confuses me...The Money. Didn't she say it was lost during the jump?

Yet in an early news article She says that she also remembers overhearing a discussion about the money that day between her uncles, with one of them saying "Our money problems are over." Marla Cooper tells ABC News, "I remember dancing around saying 'We're rich! We're rich!'"

What was her story at the Symposium?

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Oh come on. Give her something. If Marla's story is not believable at least let her be pretty.

There were a bunch of guys in their 20s at the Ariel Tavern who'd dispute your and Georger's opinion about hot or not.

Hey, you have to normalize for age. Marla is 48. Even at very close range she sure doesn't look 48. Not even close. If you could prove she is 40 you could bust her LD story.

Marla wasn't the only very attractive woman at the symposium. When you set reasonable standards for beauty you find yourself surrounded by it.


The "reasonable standards" for beauty seem to evaporate about 2:00 AM. Anything goes after that time.

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Man I'm smart. My idea was that the hijacked flight was easily identified from the ground by an accomplice. Cooper was located by the use of flares below the cloud bank, and then walkie talkies. Of course the use of walkie talkies has already been widely discussed by you people. The flares were the supposed dynamite sticks in the briefcase.

Guess what! I found an eye wittness.

>>Janet recalled that late in the afternoon on Nov. 24, 1971 she had just gotten off work from her job as a billing clerk at Wilhelm Trucking Co. in northwest Portland and was heading to a beauty shop appointment.
Suddenly a news bulletin came on her car radio regarding the Cooper hijacking.
Janet had her hair done at the salon and didn't give much thought to the news as she drove to her home in nearby Vancouver, Wash.
After reaching the house, she and her husband loaded their two children into the family's Datsun to take them to a babysitter so they could go to dinner at the nearby upscale Key Hotel.
Janet, who was in the passenger seat, looked up just as the car was backing out of the driveway and saw a light pass overhead. A platform or ladder below a plane caught her eye.
"What I saw was flames and thought I saw something on the platform which could have been a person," Janet said.
Immediately, the fireball arched away from the platform, split into two and then disappeared in the direction of the Columbia River.
Cook believes the fireball Janet saw was Gossett tossing some road flares made to look like a dynamite bomb to judge wind direction to safely guide him to the ground.
Cook said his research has shown winds were blowing from the southeast at more than 60 knots in the Portland area around the time of the hijacking. "This kind of wind speed would likely cause a falling flarepack to appear fiery, as reported by Janet," he said.
Janet's sighting of the fireball fits with William Gossett's penchant for road flares, said his son, Gregg Gossett.
"My father had an obsession with road flares," he said. "He used to light them off for me when I was a kid. There were tons of them around our house growing up."<<

The Money Connection

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