skyjack71 0 #28276 December 7, 2011 Quote Quote I think most of you know that all I want is the truth. Nothing more. I wish that were true, but it's not. All you want is proof that Duane was Cooper. You will never accept anything else as being "the truth". When the FBI actually produces solid proof Cooper was someone else, but until they do - I hold on to what I know and I continue to search and with each new suspect I learn something new, but now the crime is old and I am old so there is NOT much left to Identify Cooper. If he is NOT named in my life time - he never will be.......Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #28277 December 7, 2011 Cook is claiming the letters Cooper supposedly sent prove Gossett was Cooper. Well, I disagree. I have told the story about Duane's sister but the FBI refused to llsten. I offered up a letter she wrote to me asking me to leave the past in the past. His sister lived 13 miles from the postmark on the letter. Postmarked in Oakdale. She lived in Modesto, Ca. Since she is deceased I can even look up her old address if you like. Some one tell me how many coincidences does it take for the FBI to take Duane Weber seriously. Perhaps the most unlikely suspect, but that is the problem. Plus the FBI 15 yrs ago and 10 yrs ago did NOT do the job...the did the number 40 yrs ago - at least that is how it is beginning to feel. Too many Co-incidences. At least I offer connections and actual people and places and letters. Have never had anyone show me the one that used a code. The FBI wanted that one to go away....since no one mentiones it I guess it was a game played on me. That one was supposedly mailed out of Reno if I remember correctly. Break the Code and you will find me.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28278 December 7, 2011 Jo riddledQuoteTry ID/OR Not in a chute, but next best thing perhaps..picking apples and building things or maybe playing with fire. It has been narrowed down and there is someone "jumping" on it. Jo, You keep playing the 'my time on this earth is running out' card, yet you hide cards, talk in ridiculous riddles and promise big revelations that are never delivered. If you have evidence that Duane was Cooper then show your cards. If your time is running out then don't delay another minute. By holding back you give yourself miles of wiggle room. Maybe that is part of your plan. Wiggle room let's you keep your options open. He might be the jumper or he might be the guy on the ground. If you think apple picking is somehow related to parachuting then we have a bunch of migrant farm workers who need to be checked out as Cooper suspects. Lord knows they had some justifiable grudges. Familiarity with the ground is nice to have but it sure doesn't help to narrow down suspects. Duane was a bumbler. He was a liar, a thief and much worse according to some dark hints youve posted here. He has an arrest and conviction record that screams incompetence in his chosen profession: CROOK. You can't put him under a chute. You cant even put him under an apple tree. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28279 December 7, 2011 Jo wroteQuoteHis sister lived 13 miles from the postmark on the letter. Postmarked in Oakdale. She lived in Modesto, Ca. Since she is deceased I can even look up her old address if you like. Dont bother looking up the address. It proves nothing related to Norjack. Zero. Nada. Zip. There is no evidence showing that those letters came from Cooper. Sailshaw has urged the FBI to test the letters envelopes and stamps for DNA, but it has not been done. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28280 December 7, 2011 Not that anyone cares, but I have opinions on guitars. I think Martin is best for acoustic, or lacking that, a Takemine. Not a bad copy. Harder sound, go with the Ovation and an amp. On electric, Les Pauls are the best, but they get heavy sometimes. If I were stranded on an island with a generator, fuel, an amp, and an axe, I would go with a Gibson SG every time. I care - sympathise Any opinions on jock straps and Antarctica? Or whaling and therapy for species going extinct due to urban sprawl on Newsvine? An L.L. Blevins store? All those subprime gray areas in NYC and Washington State and now Oklahoma? Will Crown books and 377 move into the White House? 377 can park his fishing trawler under the portico? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #28281 December 7, 2011 QuoteRobert99: Your correct. Some one should write a book on why all these people couldnt be Cooper. It just might be a best seller.Hopefully someday someone will get it right but that will probably end up being a comic book. Jerry How true and fitting! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #28282 December 7, 2011 Quote Quote Whether I am right or wrong about Christiansen is definitely open to debate. My honesty is not. If you bought a used car from me, when you drove it away you'd know everything about that car that I know. Of course, that's exactly the same type of thing a psychopathic liar of a used car salesman would say as well. Congratulations are due to Quade for locking a new Cooper thread seven minutes after it turned up on DZ yesterday. Now if he could only do that to the meaningless books that keep turning up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #28283 December 7, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuoteBlevins: Forman is not pushing his book on dropzone yet .The oklahoma guy is not Marla.Yet he is Known . Jerry Well, there are only two types of Cooper books, basically. Those that generally cover the case, and those that have a specific suspect. Geoff Gray's was the only one that was a little different. He covers the case, but also makes a personal journey out of it. what personal journey? "Peeless in Portland - How to Become a Celebrity on Per Diums and Other People's Work!" ? Maybe Farflung could cash in as well. A suggested book/film for him would be "Dee Bee Does Seattle and Portland". This would be a juiced up version of the classic "Debbie Does Dallas". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #28284 December 7, 2011 QuoteJo wroteQuoteHis sister lived 13 miles from the postmark on the letter. Postmarked in Oakdale. She lived in Modesto, Ca. Since she is deceased I can even look up her old address if you like. Dont bother looking up the address. It proves nothing related to Norjack. Zero. Nada. Zip. There is no evidence showing that those letters came from Cooper. Sailshaw has urged the FBI to test the letters envelopes and stamps for DNA, but it has not been done. 377 The DNA from the envelops/stamps would help tie this case up and the FBI just sits on it. They would rather waste time and money on Marla which we all know to be just BS and help her promote "Her new book"? Why do the FBI have to be so tied-up in doing nothing? Getting the DNA from the envelopes/stamps is really their kind of work and what they should be doing. sailshaw/Bob Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #28285 December 7, 2011 Mark Twain is credited with saying – “A mine is a hole in the ground owned by a liar.” I just read some of the most flagrant examples of shameless data mining I’ve seen recently. As is the case with all data miners, they deny the activity under the guise of something they have admonished others for doing. Then they bake a ‘Proverbs’ pie and have a big slice of ‘28:1’. It really is a sticky, warped and tangled web. I used to feel sorry for people that got swindled out of whatever by con men until I observed how these ‘victims’ would ignore sane and sage advice from friends and family yet still get hoodwinked by a crook because the crooks were saying what the victims wanted to hear. I guess these two types will always be attracted to each other and if Darwin is correct, both will wither and die out if left on their own. The ‘cold readings’ with these vague, generalized questions are nothing but preludes to more mindless fabrication. Does anyone know a person with a name? They would have worked in the Pacific Northwest, Boeing or anywhere. They were known to wear pants and smoke at times but I’ve not been able to confirm this. They also were called something I can’t remember like ba, be, mah, ma, maaa, mooo – moooo, wah, wee, co or cou ending with jer, er or per. I need help with this, someone…… anyone, anyone at all walking down the street pushing a shopping cart filled with bottles of their own urine would be just fine. Yeah, it is that painfully obvious. The scattershot approach is another favored technique. Cooper came from Washington, California or Minnesota. Well no problem with ‘my’ suspect because he has ties to all three of those states. Cooper was associated with Tom, Dick and Mary. Wow, so was my suspect; he fathered Tom and Dick in an undocumented affair which I oddly have knowledge about and had a torrid affair with Mary too. Cooper was suspected to have worked in the metals industry, with pipelines or wet nursing. Again, my suspect was always around metals, skydived into remote areas to repair pipelines and never could pass an infant with offering services for wet nursing. These guys are more Forrest Gumpy than Forrest Gump. I can fully understand how this thread is known for Bigfoots in a Roswell UFO saucer crashing into Area 51 where MIBs are deployed to mutilate cattle, re-animate Zombies and mow the grassy knoll. Since all the former is supported with the exact same gibberish and garbage science which has kept the Cooper crime under several feet of steaming compost while offering the same appeal and olfactory experience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28286 December 7, 2011 Blevins wrote:QuoteIf I were stranded on an island with a generator, fuel, an amp, and an axe, I would go with a Gibson SG every time 377, if stranded on a desert island, would choose this Gibson: Farlung would chose this Gibson: 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arfuller 0 #28287 December 7, 2011 Okay, here is a question for Blevins or whoever. Most people seem to feel Marla is fabricating everything, and for some reason the FBI is playing along with her. Everything supposedly rests on Marla's word. What about the things I bring out in my video that came from newspapers and not from Marla? LD was married and living in Vancouver, WA in 1970. Marla never mentioned that in August. Dewie worked for Boeing in the 60's. Marla never mentioned that in August. The money turned not so far from where LD lived in Vancouver. Of course familiarity with the 727 would have been a big advantage. In August she did say that in 1971 both were living with her grandmother in Sisters, OR while they went through their respective divorces. Marla confirmed both of these facts at the symposium. So did she find the newspaper accounts, did she watch my video or did she get the information from relatives? Or did she just randomly make the stuff up?The Money Connection Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28288 December 7, 2011;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread Here is a very experienced jumper accidently jumping a training aid main chute. He got a malfunction. Probably could have landed it just fine but he tossed the chest mounted reserve just to be sure. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28289 December 7, 2011 QuoteMost people seem to feel Marla is fabricating everything, and for some reason the FBI is playing along with her I think she believes what she says, but that doesnt mean it is factual or an accurate memory. Marla isnt dumb, far from it. She must have something to back up her statements about the FBI. Why would she jeopardize her book prospects by taunting the FBI and provoking them to possibly expose her as no longer credible? No need to do that. She could just sit tight, bask in media attention, and let the FBI proceed with further forensic tests at a glacial pace. If Curtis Ng's career is damaged, it wont be the first time a self proclaimed Cooper relative has put an FBI SA in the doghouse. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28290 December 7, 2011 Quote Quote Whether I am right or wrong about Christiansen is definitely open to debate. My honesty is not. If you bought a used car from me, when you drove it away you'd know everything about that car that I know. Of course, that's exactly the same type of thing a psychopathic liar of a used car salesman would say as well. Just when you think Quade might be sleeping at the wheel, the clouds part and a voice from above lets you know that our every move is closely watched. How about an Xmas prresent Quade? You know what I want. It's the season for Snow. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28291 December 7, 2011 Quote Quote Quote Whether I am right or wrong about Christiansen is definitely open to debate. My honesty is not. If you bought a used car from me, when you drove it away you'd know everything about that car that I know. Of course, that's exactly the same type of thing a psychopathic liar of a used car salesman would say as well. Just when you think Quade might be sleeping at the wheel, the clouds part and a voice from above lets you know that our every move is closely watched. How about an Xmas prresent Quade? You know what I want. It's the season for Snow. 377 another.....another.......another! Senior Moment. Quade: Let Snow back before 377 drives us all crazy! This thread does not require (canot support) anyone else here, but 377 and his friends. Happy Senior Moments, Radio Guy/Camp Director ! Take a fucking pill! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28292 December 7, 2011 QuoteThe injuries L.D. suffered just before Thanksgiving in 1971 landed him in a V.A. hospital. Woudn't someone have connected the dots? A guy who matches the general description of DBC shows up with injuries right after the crime? If it was a landing accident there would be scrapes, dirt, tiny rocks and other stuff in the wounds that might tip a savvy ER doc to ask a few more questions. If LD then said car accident you'd be suspicious. ER docs tip cops to lots of criminals. Wounds often tell a crime story. Has the FBI verified that LD was admitted to a VA hospital with injuries around that time? If so, the med reports might give some illuminating details about the wounds. If he was not admitted you have a big hole in Marla's story. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28293 December 7, 2011 Georger wrote Quote Happy Senior Moments, Radio Guy/Camp Director ! Take a fucking pill! When you get out of your anger management class can you please send me a few of your extra Donepezils? Georger seriously, your life would be better with a little more tolerance, light heartedness and kindness towards others. Try it. OMMMMMM... 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #28294 December 7, 2011 Dumm Dee Dumm Dumm Dummmmm…. What’s that make you think of? I thought so. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28295 December 7, 2011 What tangled Webb we weave. Great job Farflung!!!! 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28296 December 8, 2011 Take a look. Looks quite a bit like the type of canopy found at Amboy. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28297 December 8, 2011 Quote Georger wrote Quote Happy Senior Moments, Radio Guy/Camp Director ! Take a fucking pill! When you get out of your anger management class can you please send me a few of your extra Donepezils? Georger seriously, your life would be better with a little more tolerance, light heartedness and kindness towards others. Try it. OMMMMMM... 377 Well actually, mine was the request of eght or nine people. Have a nice efning, Snowfan. I guess we all go to anger management recess, on your account! Hows the new wife doing? Tolerating? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28298 December 8, 2011 Terry Urban actually wrote the definitive post on the silk subject: QuoteRe: [georger] Pink military canopy? [In reply to] Quote | Reply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are you trying to accomplish? No I haven't talked to anybody. And I am an analytical chemist and can easily tell the difference between silk and nylon also. The fact is tha no parachute made in the U.S. in 1946 was made of silk. Many people call it silk. I very much doubt that any 'authortative' source has called it silk. Only civilian, news or uninformed officials. If you care to point me to a lap report that says otherwise I'll be glad to read it. And figure out why it is wrong. The parachute in the photo I attached IS nylon, by definition of what it is and when it was made. Many people automatically either believe a parachute is silk or call it silk generically. That's all I've ever seen. An FBI agent calling it silk doesn't mean squat. An FBI lab testing it and saying it was silk would mean more. If that exits let me know. Here is a description on ebay right now of a parachute that never saw a silk worm in its imagination. The seller calls it silf several times. "For auction is a 35-foot, Type MC1, olive drab Silk Parachute with canvas carrying bag. The canopy has what appear to be two professional patches. There is one large (about 12” – all pieces intact, clean) tear and a few small tears. I’ve tried to take photos of all tears and patches. The date of manufacture, by Mills Mfg. Co., is October 1973 (stamped on canopy). ";hash=item41528e59bd Believe me or not. Anyone saying it is silk is uninformed or misinformed. All I'm trying to accomplish is to correct errorneous statements. It is not silk. It is nylon. It could easily have been in service in the skydiving community in the 60's. It would survive burying for 37 years. White would stain to tan. The other number is the contract number. More information is on the opposite side of the canopy if it wasn't cut off to use it as a skydiving parachute. These are all facts simply based on the date of manufacturer in the photo (And it is the DOM, not a repack date or even an in service date) I KNOW these things by knowing parachutes. If I could examine it I might learn more. Examining or seeing photos of the rest of the find that this was cutaway from would be useful. I have NO dog in this fight. Just trying to add some real information, not repeated wrong statements. Is it Cooper's? I don't know. Added.. I hadn't seen the photo of the pink parachute but just looked at it. Who cares? It is of little importance. The pink is most likely and pretty obviously a home done dye job. Someone probably tried to dye it red and got pink. Nylon is very hard to dye at home. It was common in the 60's to dye surplus equipment so it looked "cool". Usually the container was dyed black. BTW the FBI trying to tie the Amboy chute to an NB-6 is not particularly useful. As a military chute an NB-6 would have had a 26' nylon conical parachute. I could give you the part numbers. But, as a skydiver rig an NB-6 might very well have had any number of different parachutes in it. IF it is a Navy conical original to an NB-6, AND that's mildly interesting. But main parachutes, even then, were mix and match. Containers and mains were not necessarily kept together. An examination by a rigger with some knowledge of round parachutes could very likely tell if it is a 26' Navy canopy, even with the data panel gone. If 1946 records exits the contract number could be looked up to find the part and manufacturer of that contract. I'd assume the FBI tried to do this. Unless they really have never had a rigger talk to them. The accounts of them wanting someone knowledgable about NB-6's to come forward ot help seems silly. Any older rigger familiar with rounds could help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm old for my age. Terry Urban D-8631 S&TA ME, FAA DPRE 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28299 December 8, 2011 Georger wrote: Quote...Snowfan. I admit it. I like having you here too Georger. You are an inrtelligent scientist and add a lot of value. You were banned once or twice and Quade showed some mercy. That's all I am asking for Snowmman. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #28300 December 8, 2011 QuoteQuoteJo wroteQuoteHis sister lived 13 miles from the postmark on the letter. Postmarked in Oakdale. She lived in Modesto, Ca. Since she is deceased I can even look up her old address if you like. Dont bother looking up the address. It proves nothing related to Norjack. Zero. Nada. Zip. There is no evidence showing that those letters came from Cooper. Sailshaw has urged the FBI to test the letters envelopes and stamps for DNA, but it has not been done. 377 The DNA from the envelops/stamps would help tie this case up and the FBI just sits on it. They would rather waste time and money on Marla which we all know to be just BS and help her promote "Her new book"? Why do the FBI have to be so tied-up in doing nothing? Getting the DNA from the envelopes/stamps is really their kind of work and what they should be doing. sailshaw/Bob Only the DNA on one of those envelopes means anything to me. The one mailed in Oakdale. If it came up as Weber - great it is over. If it comes up as a female - relative great it is over. The other option is the DNA of Weber's then female companion and she has children who are currently alive. It is worth a shot if the FBI really wants to end the Cooper Saga. They could also compare it with Gossett dna if they have any. I asked about the Oakdale letter yrs and yrs ago when I first contacted the FBI - most of my conversations went thru Mr. H, because I thought he would relay my info to active FBI. My Bad - I should have put all of my Cooper information in writing directly to the agent of record, but I was not astute at putting my thoughts into words. The thread has helped me to over come this to a certain degree, but I still ramble from one thought to the other. I did provide new information on Dec. 3 2011, but do not know if Eng or the FBI has or will act on it. Because of an email in my box tonight they might be following up on this information, but I have NO confirmation of this. That email was NOT from the FBI.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites