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DB Cooper

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The injuries Marla discribed her uncle as having are not the type of injuries you would recieve in a jump.

I'm quite curious, and I would guess others are also, to know what background or experience or training that you have which makes you an authority on parachute related injuries.

I am not DB Cooper

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Guru312 A lot of people on this forum already no the answer to your question. However If your question is am I a Doctor? No, but I have observed plenty. Jerry

The only person on this forum who can address what I'm asking is you. I did not ask if you are a doctor.

Jerry, even after rubbing my Mensa card for assistance, I can not parse your sentences for meaning. Are you answering my implied question by saying that you have observed plenty of doctors or that you have observed plenty of parachute-related injuries?

You have presented yourself as an expert in so many areas that I'm simply attempting to discern your expertise regarding parachute related injuries.

I am not DB Cooper

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Guru312: As to presenting myself as a expert in many area's is concerned my certifications have been seen by many. One most recent was Geofrey Grey. He has copies of them. He required them before publishing his book. Another person you can contact for verification is Retired FBI agent Ralph Himmelsbach. Jerry

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A parting thought:

There are highly intelligent people who have spent anywhere from a few hours to tens of thousands of hours attempting to solve this case for years and even decades – many people are aware of who these individuals are in this forum.

It is important to note that from a psychological perspective, an invested devotion to any personal project such as this can provide a number of personal benefits for the individuals involved: a stronger sense of identity, a level of unique socialization, the pursuit of private goals, and a general sense of being needed.

This is important to state, because all of us who have examined this case will want to take care to ensure each of us are mentally prepared to qualify a theoretically credible witness and accept the endpoint of this case – whoever this witness may be.

This person does not HAVE to be Marla and Uncle LD; perhaps the suspect truly is someone else. However, if her story proves to be legitimate, any individual – including her – would, in the end, deserve an objective level of acceptance from the Cooper-sleuth community.

Green Elf

Now this is brand NEW! A rational perspective. A
good dose of collard greens straight from Grandma's
ktichen, for what ails ya! Not that others are not
rational, some are, but Ive never read a pitch quite
like this before, here. I had to go back and read it
twice to be sure. So short of applauding and doing
high fives, which ad agency do you work for? :D

Good thoughts to take to heart. (hope not to many
die or heart attacks or strokes reading it!)

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if it is true that Uncle LD was not the hijacker, but involved in a car accident as she was initially told, there will be a record about the car, or the accident itself.

le accidente may have been with a moose, and
meece (mooses/moosym) dont talk or file reports
so, searching for a DOT report may be be futile,
or moostile.

From her brief recollection, my expertise tells me
it was a big moose.

It might be easier searching sales records for
moose calls where he was driving, wherever in hell
that was?

The FBI should search his guitar strap (and his ties)
for moose urine?

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I’ve been working on a movie treatment involving a ‘fallen angel’ who through happenstance acquired a large sum of money then went on to give it to the poor while in a convent. The working title is ‘Sister Hood’.

I could easily incorporate the leather working, LD Cooper into the story by simply having him slip from the stairs while checking his walkie-talkie. He sustains some minor injuries but leaves the money on Flight 305. The title for this version is ‘Awl or Nun’.

Obviously nothing is in ink yet but if Marla is looking for someone to do a project with I have two words for her….. call me.

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Thank you for your response. I am grateful for your input.

You are correct; we only have Marla's word for it that she has, in fact, taken a polygraph. You are also correct in that we have only Marla's word that the FBI will be closing the investigation. I would only add to this thought that the FBI has said her story appears credible.

However, I would suggest that circumstance we are discussing here does not require an either/or scenario. It can easily be a both/and scenario. As most will acknowledge, organizations of all types, federal or otherwise, render official statements that are sometimes purposefully misleading, and sometimes such statements are unintentionally neglected and not kept current with knowledge-based revisions due to organizational timing or preparation issues.

Organizations of all types care about controlling information for the purpose of effecting self-representation and social influence; what info. is released, how much info. is released, and when such info. is released. I don't claim this is necessarily occurring with the FBI in this case; I would merely claim that it might be the case. The existing official response at this point may vary greatly from what is known among internal circles.

Your statement regarding Marla's recollection of Uncle LD's injuries is valid; again, we only have Marla's word on this. My point here, however, would be that for any witness (Marla or otherwise) it would not be objective to give her eye witness testimony the benefit-of the doubt in one scenario (in this case, Uncle LD's injuries), while choosing not give her the benefit-of-the-doubt in the other scenario (in this case, her statement about the polygraph and/or the FBI closing the case).

Either way, we can only work from one assumption at a time; that her testimony is invalid and untrustworthy, or that her testimony is valid and trustworthy. We can try them both on to see if they fit[email], but not simultaneously.

Regarding the walkie-talkies, it is good that you clarified your point. There is a slight difference in investigative meaning between recalling that a witness (Tina M.) did not see him with a communication device and asserting that he didn't have one.

Regarding Marla, I'll agree with you in that there are gaps in her story where we may seem to need fuller explanations (if it is possible for her to add anything further), so I suppose calling them "holes" is fine. However, I would differentiate between holes and contradictions. If clear contradictions surface, then her story will be summarily dismissed. Until then, I want to keep an open mind to the possibility that there is more to know here.

Green Elf

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.......................I'd like to hear more from Marla's mother........................Other than a small video appearance I've really never heard or read much about her....................................anybody got anything concerning Marla's mommy to post here? ...........................JT, Blevins............you guys claim to be experts on everything Cooper...................whatcha guys got on the mom?...............

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Class Clown:I honestly don't know much about her Mother. The fact is not much is known about her family.I do wonder if she has relatives in Scio Oregon. If she does chances are she is related to my cousins Sherry's husband Johny Cooper but all of us are in our 60's. However Cooper is a very common name. Blevins is the investigative reporter.Im sure he'll be able to find more info than I can.Jerry

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It should have been obvious to all attendees from your use of the audience volunteer that any individual with limited skydiving experience would have been hardpressed to both easily and quickly strap on the chute and correctly fasten that particular buckles and attachments within the short window of time described.

Jo Comments:
:SIf Cooper was around jumpers or perhaps even a packer for jumpers he would have some exposure...and I do believe Cooper had exposure to others. Duane told me something about the Nickels (the black jumpers and I do not believe this is a false memory). He told me the Nickels could not go into town to the restuarants and a young man would run errands for them. I got the impression he was talking about himself. They were definitely stationed in a area he knew well and spoke of knowing individuals in the area at one time, but never told me the yrs or the time period in his life.


Marla's claim that the FBI has informed her personally that the case is winding down is certainly intriguing. Obviously, the general feeling of most of those who have posted on this blog recently seems to be is that her recent emergence as a potential witness, more than any other emerging witness at the moment, requires some critical scrutiny. The nature of her story is compelling at the moment, especially because it is new and because many existing candidates previously considered have been dismissed.

Jo Comments:
As for Marla - I have no predetermined conclusions. I have been quiet regarding her because I found so many flaws in her story and asked myself why the FBI would believe the stories of an 8 yr old who has as far as I know presented only one distorted picture of her uncle. I think when she spoke of her uncles hair being black and almost greasy - I remembered the picture the media made available and said NO WAY. Then along the way in all of the media buzz I spotted something only I would know and called the FBI. It is my opinion that Marla has victimized by unscruplous individuals for the probagation of financial gain.

If the FBI provided Marla a lengthy polygraph - it might be a first . After my experinence with the FBI to find unfeasible the Agent of Record would put himself out on a limb like this . Had he contacted others who know the case - the Tax Dollars could have been saved.

Had the FBI offered or requested a polygraph I would have done so. Even today I will under-go a psychological evaluation and polygraph for the FBI, but my story is so engrained within me over the last 15 yrs, I doubt either would provide any useful data for the FBI.

The story I told for 15 yrs would have been more acceptable to the public - if I had pursued in the manner in which Marla has done. I did NOT go public until an FBI agent made a serious judgement call 4 yrs after I first contacted the FBI.

It became obvious after one young man and I acquired certain documents the FBI should also have been aware of. I held government documents in my hands during a conversation with the investigative agent telling me my husband was not in McNeil or the Army. When I told the agent I was holding government documents to the contary, the agent quickly excused himself. The agent called me back later and said he was wrong.

These were things he could easily have found with the FBI search capabilities in less than 30 minutes - which is what I think they did after hanging up the phone - perhaps until that moment they done no more than a cursive review.

The day of that Phone call is when I decided to go public and I did it with lots of reservations.
Unlike todays generation I had little capabilities to research my husbands back ground...and the things I remembered. After the media "buzz" that resulted from my gong public in 2000 - 4 yrs after my first contact to the FBI.

Until I acquired a computer in 2000 - I had only what Weber told me and my memories and what a young journalist found. The FBI had shared little with me about Duane. It is amazing what the world of technolgy provides...I did not know how to use it - but I was not afraid to ask....as I still do today.

Like Marla, friends and family do talk - and one sent a man to see me about writing a book so I let him do the interviews - but, just the query letter he put together did NOT resemble the story I told him - and I said NO WAY. It will be told truthfully or NOT at all. All of these yrs I have remained steadfast on those grounds...but, perhaps I should have done what Marla did?

Nahhaa - I still would have done it my way!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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\edited more than 50 books privately[/url] and written nearly 500 illustrated articles for Newsvine/MSNBC. This experience gives me an edge,

Please produce one email or any other evidence
that Newsvine/MSNBC ever asked you, hired you,
commissioned you, or requested you in any way
shape, or form, to write "for" them anything, as
you claim above.

I could be wrong, but short of me calling a cousin of
mine who is an executive at MSNBC to find out about
your relationship with them, here's your chance to
make good on your claim, voluntarily.

You say you are in persuit of the truth.

Isnt Newsvine just a blog where people must register
to be entitled to write anything? Newsvine says:
"Newsvine's primary purpose is to provide a place for
people to share and discuss topics and opinions
relating to the news".

Nobody at MSNBC invited you to post at Newsvine!

Do you also "write for" Dropzone?

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\edited more than 50 books privately[/url] and written nearly 500 illustrated articles for Newsvine/MSNBC. This experience gives me an edge,

Please produce one email or any other evidence
that Newsvine/MSNBC ever asked you, hired you,
commissioned you, or requested you write "for"
them, anything.

I could be wrong, but short of me calling a cousin of
mine who is an executive at MSNBC to find out about
your relationship with them, here's your chance to
make good on your claim, voluntarily.

You could have found out this information easily on your own simply by checking the website. Columns at Newsvine are set up by the user. You write articles, you publish them. Content is totally your responsibility. It's an online citizen-journalism news site with feeds from MSNBC. You are not 'hired' by anyone. I just have a column there, that's all. It's been in place since 2007. Not that it matters, but I'm the fifth most prolific writer on the site for original articles, and number one in illustrated articles. They do pay me money, but you couldn't live on it.

Click the Profile - Read More link on the right side of the page for details.

So you do not "WRITE FOR" Newsvine/MSNBC as
you claim, since Newsvine/MSNBC does not hire
anyone to write for their freesource blog; least of all

Newsvine/MSNBC has no obligation to you whatever.

You have been jumped for stretching the truth about
your credentials here before - unless you forget.

Blevins you have a major disconnection in your
thinking-claims to deal with.

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Marla had already gone public when certain individuals approached her and then her story started to Grow and Grow and Grow. Where did I read that she went to Eugene - the place her Uncle died? Some items where supposedly retrieved that belonged to her Uncle.

Wonder what will happen if the DNA/prints of another suspect matches that of Marla's Eugene treasures. Question - WHY did anyone/someone keep these article for 12 yrs? Where the articles kept because of a story passed along and left behind that went with the articles?
A story of a past and a father/daugher like love that was endless, but lost in the throws of addiction. Perhaps it was believed NO one Else knew this story.

An Angel or the Devil in indisquise? This is a Christmas Story and maybe when Santa makes it home after making all of his deliveries he will have one last package to deliver.

A stocking of Hope and Memories for Damien.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger says in part:


'So you do not "WRITE FOR" Newsvine/MSNBC.
since Newsvine/MSNBC does not hire anyone to
post to their freesource blog; least of all you.

Newsvine/MSNBC has no obligation to you whatever.

You have stretched your credentials here before and
been jumped about it - unless you forget...'

'Least of all you...' (?) Now that hurts. It really does. I thought I did a few nice articles for them.B|

When I've referred to the column, I usually write: "My column at..."
I don't recall saying I worked for MSNBC, or even hinting at it. Their PayPal deposits come through MSNBC Interactive, but I'm not an employee. I have a regular job, you know. It's true you've made fun of it. But then I was never afraid of hard work. (*laughs*) AB of Seattle is strictly a second job.
I gave it to you straight
in my post. What is it about honesty you don't like?

So, : List your primary occupation as "writer-
editor". Say everything else is secondary to that
including your housecleaning business. There is
nothing wrong with that. It shows your primary
devotion/work/goals in life as it defines you.

Then say: 'I have submitted over 500 articles to
Newsvine/MSNBC" and list any other similar
credentials you have. At least that is an honest
submission of your actual credentials. Again nothing
wrong with that at all.

But do not say "I write for Newsvine/MSNBC" unless
you do. Nobody ever requested you write for that

Just state things as they are. You will get a lot
further that way with far fewer setbacks.

There is nothing wrong with a person listing their
primary devotion in life whether they are earning
their entire living by it or not. What people are
interested in is who you are and your reliability
and devotion, starting with yourself and those
dependent on you.

That's my 2 cents -

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Your article provided the best source of information on Marla and her story of Uncle LD that I have seen thus far. Nice work.

In perusing the content of the article, for some reason I smiled briefly at the details regarding the logistics of LD's passing, but mercifully, not at Tina M.'s expense.

In the event that LD is correctly identified as NORJACK's perpetrator, the intersection of his life and Tina's is rather extraordinary.

In what may truly be regarded as one of life's greatest little ironies ... a former NWO stewardess desiring to escape to a life of peace and solitude as a cloistered nun - away from Cooper-mania and the enduring level of emotional/psychological duress such unwanted attention had long brought her - unwittingly escapes to the same Western Oregon community where her greatest nemesis will finish out his days, completely unbeknownst to her.

This nuanced storyline can only be described as Shakespearian.

Green Elf

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. There are those who say I have changed my story, but it has basically remained the same told over and over.

.................Jo, the above statement contains the word "basically"......................so are you admitting that you have changed your story? ..................wow, you're kinda wasting space here..............your old man has been ruled out by the FBI............................give it up.......................Weber was not Cooper..............you just admitted changing your story..................sometimes you type too much...................so much a Clown can see the errors of your ways..................now Marla's mom is where her story makes or breaks.............let's see where that goes.......................Jo, please no more............................I understand where JT tires of your act.....................I don't wanna be mean but............ahhh nevermind

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JT: You said you knew Mac and he broke his foot. He didn't break his foot, only a small bone in his foot. It hurt, but he could walk on it. He gave the kid $15 for a ride, and that was not ever known. If you know this, you also know that Duane Weber was Dan Cooper, and you know who I am, and Nick, Denny, Bernie, Dave, Lindstrom, Selick, Truitt, etc. I know you that know Bill well, so we are all aware of the Project. So, now tell me why you want to play these silly games with Jo Weber? I know the truth is really deep and murky, but she doesn't have that information. only suspicions of it. Duane never talked about that other stuff. You guys spend an awful lot of effort on seemingly unimportant trivia... What is the big priority? I can't fathom your purpose? Sussplain it to me, oh Great JT? Mr. Boogieman! You have my number. I deserve an answer, I earned it.

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JT: You said you knew Mac and he broke his foot. He didn't break his foot, only a small bone in his foot. It hurt, but he could walk on it. He gave the kid $15 for a ride, and that was not ever known. If you know this, you also know that Duane Weber was Dan Cooper, and you know who I am, and Nick, Denny, Bernie, Dave, Lindstrom, Selick, etc. I know you that know Bill well, so we are all aware of the Project. So, now tell me why you want to play these silly games with Jo Weber? I know the truth is really deep and murky, but she doesn't have that information. only suspicions of it. Duane never talked about that other stuff. You guys spend an awful lot of effort on seemingly unimportant trivia... What is the big priority? I can't fathom your purpose? Sussplain it to me, oh Great JT? Mr. Boogieman! You have my number. I deserve an answer, I earned it.

...........................Duane Weber was not Dan Cooper...........................simple enough.nada..nope.......never!

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