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BobKnoss 0
Reply: Hey! The King has no clothes! Are we just beginning to realize? I have lived this thing longer than ANY of you. 43 years in April. Only one known living person has more years into this, and his years have made his hair snow white. I'm just salt and pepper because I don't care, frankly. Mac moved on, Duane passed on, Nick has amnesia, and a few play games with the memories for pocket change. It became a 'Tricky Dicky' moment hardly worth a second thought. It is the rest of that iceberg that needs the investigation, but that is not so popular. Joshua fit the battle, and the walls come a tumblin' down. I'm just sayin'.... Trivia, trivia, trivia. The better good at any cost is an inefficient expenditure. I'll just keep blowin' the horn.
Robert99 50
The co-pilot of the airliner has been quoted by several sources as saying that they could not even see the lights of Portland when they passed through the area.
Then why is Rataczak also quoted as saying:
"... and we could see the suburbs of Vancouver
coming up".
My quote is from an FBI agent of record who read
the 302's. I also have other sources who agree.
Where is your quote(s) from?
All these different quotes from different sources is
getting downright perplexing. How can there be so
many (even contradictory) versions?
If you have an explanation I sure would like to hear
Is this like Popeye's complaint (1950s)? Popeye:
" I can read writin when it's writ, but I can't read
writin when it's wrot". Do we need Olive Oil to lead
us out of the darkness? Who is our Olive Oil?
The quote about being able to see or not see the lights of Portland comes from page 95, George Nuttall's book, where he has a copy of a letter from Harry Grady, his research partner. Grady cites conversations he had with Jerry Thomas and Ralph Himmelsbach in which, apparently Ralph H., stated that "There was a cloud cover below them [the airliner] when they passed over Vancouver [this would include Portland] that was so thick they couldn't see landmarks or even the glow of city lights".
The above matter was discussed to death a few months ago in connection with Sailshaw's claim that Cooper parachuted into a field adjacent to the Portland Airport, then walked to the airport parking lot, retrieved his car, and drove off into the sunset, figuratively speaking.
I have never seen a claim that the flight crew could "see the surburbs of Vancouver". But I have seen a claim, in numerous sources, that the co-pilot had said that the aircraft must have been "in the Portland/Vancouver surburbs" when Cooper jumped.
I am not familiar with the writings of Popeye and Olive Oil. Sorry.
georger 247
"... and we could see the suburbs of Vancouver
coming up".
The quote about being able to see or not see the lights of Portland comes from page 95, George Nuttall's book, where he has a copy of a letter from Harry Grady, his research partner. Grady cites conversations he had with Jerry Thomas and Ralph Himmelsbach in which, apparently Ralph H., stated that "There was a cloud cover below them [the airliner] when they passed over Vancouver [this would include Portland] that was so thick they couldn't see landmarks or even the glow of city lights".
The above matter was discussed to death a few months ago in connection with Sailshaw's claim that Cooper parachuted into a field adjacent to the Portland Airport, then walked to the airport parking lot, retrieved his car, and drove off into the sunset, figuratively speaking.
I have never seen a claim that the flight crew could "see the surburbs of Vancouver". But I have seen a claim, in numerous sources, that the co-pilot had said that the aircraft must have been "in the Portland/Vancouver surburbs" when Cooper jumped.
I am not familiar with the writings of Popeye and Olive Oil. Sorry.
Jun 10, 2008, 5:15 PM
Post #2364 of 10320 (1452 views)
Registered: Mar 30, 2008
Posts: 2458 Re: [Ckret] Interview with Tina's stepmom on 11/26/71 [In reply to]
Can't Post Yes, It's also reasonable to assume that pilots would not be familar with cities without airports, like Vancouver.
If they land at PDX all the time and are familar with Portland thru that entry point...everything approaching PDX at lower light levels may mentally be "suburbs".
Especially since as noted, Vancouver was smaller then.
It's just another important case to note where the transcripts might represent opinions at the time, not necessarily facts.
I am positive Ratazcak was talking about Vancouver when he said, "we had not yet reached Portland proper but we were definitely in the suburbs or immediate vicinity." Suburbs meaning Vancouver for the very reason you pointed out.
Thomas has been very critical of Tom's Kaye's
flight path work. Didnt you work with Tom on Tom's
flgith path analysis?
How does your work and that of Mt. Kaye differ
(on the flitht path) ? Could you comment on
that? Isnt Kaye's flight path essetially the same as
the FBI's (Eng's) flight path?
Cooper's generation knew Popeye. I ama whad I am
a whadda I am. Popeye is a fictional character meant
to inspire and motivate people facing the Great
Depression and then World War II.
Robert99 50
QuoteThomas has been very critical of Tom's Kaye's
flight path work. Didnt you work with Tom on Tom's
flgith path analysis?
How does your work and that of Mt. Kaye differ
(on the flitht path) ? Could you comment on
The position that Tom Kaye has given for the placard's landing place is consistent with the airliner being on or just slightly east of the V-23 centerline (on the left side while inbound to the BTG VORTAC) when passing several miles south of Toutle. It was approximately 35 nautical miles from the BTG VORTAC at that point.
And the location of the placard is extremely important since the airliner would have to pass up wind (which was from the southwest) of that point. And if the airliner stayed close to the centerline of V-23, it would pass reasonably close to the original estimate of Cooper's jump point, which was just north of Highland, according to the FBI maps.
NEVERTHELESS, I still consider ANY flight path from the placard location to the 23 DME point south of Portland to be unproven at this point. But I think a flight path east of Portland can be ruled out on time and distance considerations.
I also consider a flight path west of Portland to be the only "logical" path. There are just to many problems explaining how the money got to Tena bar to support a flight path on or east of the V-23 centerline. Also, the flight crew had discussed avoiding flying over populated areas before they took off from Seattle.
If you apply Occam's Razor to this matter, it would come out in favor of the west side flight path which would pass over or very close to Tena bar. Occam would probably slash a wrist before selecting a more easterly flight path.
But there are other problems that need to be resolved and they include converting the flight path on the 1971 maps to present day maps. That involves changes between the NAD27 grid system and the WGS84 grid system.
Also, the magnetic variation in the Portland/Seattle area has changed significantly since 1971. The orientation of the SEA and PDX/BTG VORTACS have been changed and the radials defining V-23 have been changed in some instances.
This means that the geographical track of V-23 has changed between 1971 and today. In some cases by several nautical miles. I hope to have more on this in a few days.
Farflung 0
georger 247
Quote'If you apply Occam's Razor to this matter, it would come out in favor of the west side flight path which would pass over or very close to Tena bar. Occam would probably slash a wrist before selecting a more easterly flight path...'
Did Cooper no-pull into the Tena Bar area? Maybe. But the problem there is the lack of any other evidence found at the site. No chutes, no other money, no briefcase, no body. I think simply moving the flight path to justify the location of the money is too much of a stretch.
What site are you talking about?
If you are talking about the Tena Bar - Shillapoo
area being searched in 1971, it wasnt. Simple as
that. Why would it have been searched and by who?
The area was not searched in '71.
That area in 1971, btw, was also home to several
hobo encampments stretched out west from
Vancouver, below the railroad line that runs south
to Vancouver (crosses the Columbia at Portland),
with lines going west on the Vancouver side above
the Shilapoo, then west to directly behind Tina Bar,
then further west and goes north along the east side
of the Lewis ... (goes north, split into several lines in
those days, one line wound up in the Ariel area,
another line goes back to Seattle. Weve discussed
this before. Jo has posted extensively about those
lines and knows quite a bit about those lines. Hobos
used to ride those lines with regularity. The hobo
camps were patrolled by the Vancouver PD and the
Sherriff's office.)
Look on a map or read past posts -
(anyone else having trouble with Dropzone loading
or is it just me?)
georger 247
QuoteBruce..Great article.. Please have Tina compare the picture you have of Ted Braden and myself in 1962 in Perth Scotland in the Skydiver Magazine. I still say the FBI sketch of Cooper in sunglasses is Ted. You can disregard the SOG connection and knowledge of the 727 aircraft, that picture and the personality described by Tina is definitely Ted. The FBI could eliminate Braden with fingerprints and DNA. I do not think the FBI has any fingerprints or DNA of any kind. I feel they know the identity of DB Cooper, and are required by government policy to remain silent. That means we will probably never know the true identity of DB Cooper. I worked for Ted Braden for three years, and feel he did this just to prove he could, and not get caught. That is exactly what he did. Al Tyre
Why not talk to the FBI vs. RobertMBlevins-BI ?
What can RobtMBlevins do, besides write another article at Newsvinyard?
And if there is no evidence, and nobody can or will
do anything, then precisely what is this exercise all
Do you know? Have you a theory?

arfuller 0
QuoteGeorger says in part:
Quote'What can RobtMBlevins do, besides write another article at Newsvinyard?'
Come on, Georger. This isn't about you or me. It's about whether Marla Cooper's claims are valid. There is nothing wrong with the AB staff investigating that claim. At least SOMEONE is doing it. And you wouldn't believe what we found.
When I came on board Dropzone with the Kenny Christiansen story, many of you questioned our findings. As well you should. It's important to question everything in the Cooper case...including Marla Cooper's unsupported claims. Fair is fair. How about some equal time from you? Or do you think she is right? Why not go on the record - and then give your reasons why.
You asked what Tena Bar location I spoke of previously. The spot where the money was found, of course.![]()
If LD and Dewie had a car accident back in November, 1971 which I doubt, how does that have anything to do with what Marla said? She didn't see her uncle injured when he landed, and I'm not even sure she said her uncle was injured in the landing. But even if she did say that it doesn't change anything. She just assumes he was injured in the landing. He could have landed safely and and then while speeding away from the scene they could have had a car accident. That doesn't change anything else she said or mean that she is a liar. If she said she saw her uncle injured in the landing, but then it was discovered he was injured in a car accident, then she would be a liar.
Robert99 50
QuoteRobert99 says in part:
Quote'If you apply Occam's Razor to this matter, it would come out in favor of the west side flight path which would pass over or very close to Tena bar. Occam would probably slash a wrist before selecting a more easterly flight path...'
You are hinting here that this is the only explanation as to how the money ended up at Tena Bar. Did it fall from the sky like the placard? If so, Occam might also say it's unlikely three packets (approx. $5,800) of the money would land in the same spot, with nothing else discovered.
Did the money go into the Columbia somewhat nearby and wash up at Tena Bar? Again...same problem.
Did someone plant it there? Maybe. But the evidence shows it was unlikely to have been done at the time of the hijacking, and would have to have been planted later.
Did Cooper no-pull into the Tena Bar area? Maybe. But the problem there is the lack of any other evidence found at the site. No chutes, no other money, no briefcase, no body. I think simply moving the flight path to justify the location of the money is too much of a stretch.
Blevins, Occam's Razor is defined in my desk dictionary as "the scientific principle that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary." That is, other things being equal, the simplest explanation for the "thing" should be selected.
The money was found at Tena Bar - period. The money was last seen on an airliner. Falling from the airliner to Tena Bar is the simplest explanation possible.
I am not saying that the money landed at the spot Brian Ingram found it or that it buried itself under the sand. If you would familarize yourself with the geography of Tena Bar, you would discover that there are some very formidable constraints on what could happen to the money after it landed there. These constraints have been pointed out several times before.
You have asked a number of questions and attempted to apply Occam's Razor to them without formulating them in a manner where Occam's Razor can be used.
For instance, you write "Occam's Razor might also say it's unlikely three packets (approx. $5,800) of the money would land in the same spot, with nothing else discovered." How can you apply Occam's Razor to this? Frankly, I think that Occam's would say IT IS likely that three packets of money would end up at the same spot since all the packets were in a single bag when last seen in the airplane. The "with nothing else discovered" is not relevant to the problem.
There is only one explanation as to how the money got to Tena Bar. Whatever it is, it remains to be proven.
Also, there is only one flight path for the airliner in the Portland area. And whatever it is, it also remains to be proven.
arfuller 0
She's been accused of getting the information for her story from the internet and right here at dropzone. Things like the Dan Cooper comics and the radios. That made me wonder just how computer savvy Marla is. She's said that she doesn't have a TV. I wondered if she even had a computer.
In the NewsOK interview she mentioned that her mother's interview could be found online. That makes me think she must have some ability with computers.
If she truly thought her uncle could be the hijacker it makes sense that she would search the internet for information. Then again if her motive was just to write a book she could have done the same thing.
She claims that her story came to her in the form of repressed memories that at first she thought might not be real, but she later became convinced they were.
I think there are three possibilities.
1. She searched the internet to find information for her book.
2. She searched the internet, and what she found subconsciously influenced the memories she was having, so she thought what she was remembering was real and it really wasn't.
3. Her memories are real.
Farflung 0
Nice silk suit, black tie (black tie) and sunglasses eh?
arfuller 0
QuoteLemme hep ya with Marla’s computer literacy:
Nice silk suit, black tie (black tie) and sunglasses eh?
Hmmm.... Interesting choice of reading. At least she knows how to use Facebook. Nice picture.
georger 247
QuoteGeorger says in part:
Quote'What can RobtMBlevins do, besides write another article at Newsvinyard?'
Come on, Georger. This isn't about you or me.
Mine wasnt a criticism but an observation of fact.
Again: you are not the FBI or US Justice Dept. You
have no legal powers, period. AB Books either. All
you(pl) can do is opin and write stuff. Youhave no
authority to do anything in this case except try and
Thats not a criticism but an observation of fact.
Stop being paranoid.
Im not even talking about Marla!
Thats not a criticism but an observation of fact.
Thats not a criticism but an observation of fact.
Got it now?
georger 247
QuoteQuoteLemme hep ya with Marla’s computer literacy:
Nice silk suit, black tie (black tie) and sunglasses eh?
Hmmm.... Interesting choice of reading. At least she knows how to use Facebook. Nice picture.
thoroughly modern millie ...
georger 247
QuoteI need to do a PM or some kind of communication with you outside of this thread. It will be a one time thing. You can create a log on name in your online service - then you can delete the new name after the communication.
Jo, please try 377 who is sympathetic to your cause.
Im sorry, but its only in our mutual interest that I
must decline.
If 377 wants to pass something to me after
reviewing it I would look at that. But 377 has no
obligation whatever. Its between you and him.
Take care.
This site and other sites like this one are my main means of communicating about Cooper. I do everything else hands on with a search and with the help of many people who have came to my aid. With maps I can hold in my hands and talking to people on the phone.
Now certain individuals realize I have some very special maps - but they do not recognized that I obtained some of these on my own by paying a person to go to Clark Co to do the research work - the person did NOT ask for any re-imbursements, but I gave her what I could. Others have provided me with documents and maps, such as Sluggo and other very generous souls in this thread and the other threads, but the FBI never provided me with anything....except the Ben Gazzard look alike composites I could find NO WHERE in 1996 or 1997. The agent of record actually mailed me the composites and I am the one who has made the Gazzard look-alike available as they appear in the media today in color - not counting the one someone altered for the benefit of Cook/Gossett.
Until then all anyone had was what had appeared in a newspaper or book. Seems like the FBI would have made all of the composites available to the public every yr on the anniversary, but that did not happen in the East or South. Cooper was not going to stick around the N.W. and wait to be arrested.
JT never provided anything...not one IOTA to me. Right now there is a surveyor in WA chewing at the bit, but I can't ask him to do what I need done without some kind of compensation, otherwise I would pick up the phone and say do it and I need to be in WA with him , but my health will not permit that at this time. I can't seem to say in words or describe to anyone what I was shown by Weber in 1979.
Now it has been so long and so much developement - it seems like an impossible task, but I need to find where that tower was and there are other areas I did not get to see in 2010. 15 days with my feeling my way around with some maps and my gut instincts. I just did not have the time or the money to say any longer and the last 3 days I was down in my back.
If I could find where that tower used to be - there might be something there, but I expect why I couldn't find it is that the area is now developed, because the land was flat and wooded not hilly. Yet, where ever that tower was is a key. The road would still be there and from the road it would be at 10:30 on the clock and to the rails for the logging road. What is on the other side of that Logging road and where did it go.
Did it go to one of the other places he took me. How did he know all of the places without a map?
LeeW274 0
I gave a presentation at the Portland sympoisim explaining how Cooper could have ended up under a good chute.
I like to think Cooper didn't crater and its very possible that he did not, so I don't need any convincing on that front.
OK, say he landed alive and managed to evade searchers.
Yes, I've jumped a round at night. No big deal.
Okay, I'm new here. I attended the symposium and thought that 377 gave a pretty convincing presentation on how Cooper could have made the jump. I was the guy who asked you - given the same conditions and a 21 pound sack of cash if you would have done it. You said you wouldn't have done it at night.
The chances are pretty good that Cooper became bear crap. He certainly didn't have the odds stacked in his favor to survive.
I'm pretty convinced that the hijacker would have needed an accomplice. While he wouldn't have needed one to get him to the airport it's highly likely that he would have needed one after he jumped.
There would have had to have been communication between the jumper and the accomplice on the ground, but I don't think that this could have been accomplished using road flares. Unless the jumper got lucky and came down close to his accomplice a flare would have been useless. Walkie talkies? Maybe, but given terrain and distance and the technology available at the time I don't think that would have been reliable. However, I don't think pay phone records were ever checked for the pay phones in the area.
There was a lot of speculation at the symposium about the hijacker "buying" himself a ride after the jump. This defies credulity. You've just jumped out of a plane in the area, the story is going to be plastered all over the news and you want somebody to relate a story to the FBI about how they picked up a guy in a business suit they've never seen before matching your description the night of the hijacking? Why not just cut to the chase and wear a sandwich board saying "I'm the guy you're looking for"?

I think he found a pay phone and called an accomplice to come pick him up. There can't be that many pay phones in the area and I certainly don't think he would have been knocking on any doors asking to use the phone.
When precisely did he jump? We know when the stairs were lowered and there was some bumping around that might indicate when he jumped, but pinpointing an exact time isn't known. The video 377 showed at the symposium of the jumps from the aft stairs of a 727 didn't show much bouncing around. While it's unlikely that Cooper would have wanted to stay out there very long given the temperature and the blast from a 170 knot wind, it's possible, but probably unlikely that he could have hung out there on those stairs longer than has been speculated.
The cash? I think it got away from him, or the 21lb sack put him off balance and he went into a spin in the dark and had to cut it loose. How part of it turned up 9 years later where it did? I don't think someone buried it there. I know if I'd pulled off a heist and had $200k I'd want to keep it somewhere a bit more secure than a beach on the Columbia River. I believe I read someplace that the cash that was recovered was found in a bag - or part of one. Is this correct? If so, was it the same bag or the same bag material of the bag Cooper jumped with? Obviously, if it was a different bag, then human intervention would have been involved.
There was some speculation at the symposium about how Cooper got to the airport. Even if you rule out an accomplice who drove him there, it would have been easy for anyone in the early 1970's to get to PDX for free. I know, because I did it on a number of occasions. The Hilton Hotel had a free airport shuttle. You just showed up in the lobby and got on the shuttle bus. They never checked to see if you were a guest and the service was free. Additionally, the Greyhound bus station was only a couple of blocks away back then, so getting to the airport from out of town would have been very easy.
I can also state from firsthand knowledge that dynamite - at least back in the late 1950's was the color of a manila envelope. When I was a kid living outside Oregon City our neighbor was a powder monkey. Every July 4th he'd set off a few sticks. I even witnessed him "digging" post holes in a pasture with it once. He even "dug" his basement with it - and never had his family evacuate the house when he set off charges.
377 22
In the Thailand 727 jump film I think the stairs are actually removed leaving just an open door and a passage to the outside. Stairs get in the way of rapid sequential exits of multiple jumpers.
No big deal though. Look at the photo of the military jumper at the bottom of the 727 stairs during the FBI sled drop tests. No obvious bouncing or even big wind blast. I think it was pretty stable and reasonably calm down there.
I can give a believeable scenario that puts Cooper under an open canopy. After that, it gets a lot more problematic. Safe landing, yeah its possible. Rendezvous with a ground accomplice? Now that's a really tough one. Cooper wasn't in control of the flight path. No radio was seen onboard. So how does the accomplice find Cooper?
I love the walkie talkie idea, but it's a bias tied to my fascination with wireless. There is no evidence that Cooper jumped with any kind of radio gear.
LeeW274 0
As it stands right now, the only person who knows or knew the complete truth about what happened that night was the guy who jumped out of the plane. Everything else is theory or speculation apart from the concrete evidence left behind.
I tend to go with what is plausible and also apply "Occam's Razor" to what people say. Maybe Marla's claims will get blown out of the water. When the prints from the guitar strap are compared with what the FBI has on file we'll know for certain it was D.L. Cooper if the prints match. However, if they don't match and it can't be conclusively proven that the prints the FBI has came from the hijacker then it only proves that the prints don't match and nothing more. It would make Marla's case weaker, but not rule D.L. out completely.
That said, I'd like to know what Marla has said in the past regarding what happened to the $200k Has that story changed over time?
As for my personal opinion of McCoy. I've always found him to be one of the more interesting suspects, but I do not think that McCoy was Cooper - for a couple of obvious reasons.
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