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Has anyone verified that the FBI actually did question her family?

Why is anything about to hit the fan for her family if Marla's story is true?

Statute of limitations has run and protects everyone but the skyjacker himself. Even without that protection a successful prosecution of a helper or accomplice forty years after would be impossible.

And how did you immunize yourself against the hot blonde fever? Maybe you could share your meds with Curtis Ng. ;)


No, there is no verification that I know of that the FBI spoke with the family in the time shortly after the skyjacking. That seems to be the Marla Magic - few facts, fewer details, and little or no corroborations. Just Story and Smiles.

I understand that the SoL is up for the family. But if they are viewed as participating in a criminal conspiracy, that may change everything in terms of image. What happens to the Book Deal? And who is going to sit next to whom at Christmas?

I received an immunization shot by telling Grace that I had tried called her grandson, Marla's kid. Then Grace told Marla. Miss M went ballistic.

"Not even Inside Editon did that!" Miss M told me, releasing her fangs....

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I doubt it will take much thread-pulling for Marla's story to unravel.

This LD person is probably the least convincing suspect ever suggested anywhere in this entire thread or its predecessor thread.

Marla's story was amusing at first even though clearly baloney from day one, but it has been a few months now. I would like to see the case actually solved someday, so if this person is going to continue to waste the time of investigators, FBI, witnesses, etc, by pressing on with this then at this point she may actually be hindering the investigation.

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Just joking Georger.

I feel some sympathy for Ng. If Marla is spinning what he said to her he can't just post on the Internet and straighten things out. He had to suffer in silence. Kinda like Carr when Jo burned him. It's no fun to have your professionalism maligned and be constrained from setting the record straight.


1. NOT, fair. Carr and I had it out in public right here in this thread...not hiding behind a desk Everyone of you hear him take credit for things this thread discovered (mostly because of Snowmman).

2. Carr exposed Duane Weber's criminal record in this forum and yet, I had requested those records for 7 yr. I guess Carr thought he could back me off with that tactic - but, it was NOT ethical. I requested by phone and by email and by snail mail those damn records and they were not provided. The only one I gave a damn about was the Jefferson record - (the detail report)

I had obtain the detail reports with the help of a journalist - the McNeil, the Canon City, the Folsom and the San Quentin files - before the FBI had a chance to destroy them. The only detail report that meant anything was the Jefferson and the Columbia (which now some of you guys have helped me fill in some data - we still have 3 yrs unaccounted for)...an nothing on the Jefferson othere than the sketchy thing they placed into public reocords and NO explanation for the John Collins Commutation. He ran aroun that one like it was piece of dynamite.

3. The FBI withheld criminal records from me - (but put them out for the public to see). Remember the FBI claimed in 2000 that Duane had not been in McNeil and that he had never been in the army...just reminding you that inappropriate actions took place and he did it in the thread.

4. Yes, I contacted the FBI and told them is was inappropriate and it was also inappropirate for him to boast on the FBI web site "his" find regarding the comic - which only hinderd the investigation and didn't help at all.

BE mad if you want - but that is what I told them. On a personal basis I provided him with some detailed infomation that actually went some where and he chose to sit on the computer instead of going out there to see if there was anything to what I sent him.

Then one of my guys went and found what the FBI did NOT find and why now we are in OR.ID to finish the pieces we need for the puzzle. That information was WHY I spent 5K plus and 15 days in WA with FLA clothes. I had to come home.

The next time I need surveyors with metal detectors and those big things you roll over the ground. In one place we will be looking for the bag or a body 6 ft under - right were it should be - in a cemetary....and now JT wants my maps. The man who knows the area wants my maps, well well dance with me won't you.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This LD person is probably the least convincing suspect ever suggested anywhere in this entire thread or its predecessor thread.


well apparently not, in the minds of a lot of people.
At least in the beginning. The more Marla has
marketed the story, the worse it has become, and
may unravel now. That could be the birth of a new
Jo Weber saying her relative was Cooper.

All, just as the FBI closes the Cooper case, without

That might be a fitting end to the whole "fiasco".

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Jo wrote

4. Yes, I contacted the FBI and told them is was inappropriate and it was also inappropirate for him to boast on the FBI web site "his" find regarding the comic - which only hinderd the investigation and didn't help at all.

BE mad if you want - but that is what I told them. On a personal basis I provided him with some detailed infomation that actually went some where and he chose to sit on the computer instead of going out there to see if there was anything to what I sent him.

So petty. So vindictive.

Yes, I am mad. So are many others Jo. We had a unique resource here and YOU blew it up.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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...................arfuller, once again...............OLD NEWS...........everyone on here knows that..........................


Please forgive me for not going back through and reading every one of the over 29000 comments in this particular forum and making the mistake of asking perfectly valid question.

There was a specific reason WHY I asked that question because I wanted to see if it agreed with some private communication I had received recently from a source that is independent of this forum.

Lee, you're not the one who should be apologizing. There's nothing wrong with education. The government spends billions of dollars on it every year. They even teach correct punctuation in those schools. This forum should at least partially be about freely educating people about the case.

It is absurd to expect someone to read through the whole thread, as you point out. At least half of the thread is joking and socializing. Another part is tedious technical stuff that may or may not be important. Don't get me wrong. I think people have every right to post those things.

Clown is just a bully that likes to pick on people like you, Jo and I.
The Money Connection

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I do not doubt that the timing of the release of the entire Uncle LD stuff and Gray's book were not coincidental, at least on the Cooper end of things. Gray at least stood to gain some publicity.

Bruce, you must be on to something to get Marla so riled up.

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At least half of the thread is joking and socializing. Another part is tedious technical stuff that may or may not be important.

What is the rest of the thread doing?

I think it's informative?

Where do the wild conspiracy theories fit in, in the above classifications? :D
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Two things:

First, we only have Marla's word that the FBI is dropping the case soon. She has said that not only does the case agent she met with believe LD is the hijacker, but that he told her they would be dropping the case soon anyway, even if they can obtain prints from LD and those prints don't match the 66 from the plane. She has also claimed that the FBI thinks the DNA on the tie isn't the hijacker's. This is all from Marla and she alone only...no one at the FBI has verified her statements, yet.

Second, Marla has seen some of my postings here and made a mention about them on her Facebook page. I couldn't actually see her comments, since we are not FB friends. However, a few folks have told me (or PM'd) that she objects to the upcoming article at Newsvine where I present the case against her story. She wanted a chance to be interviewed, I guess.

I want to be fair with her, so I messaged her at FB with an offer: Ten questions. She answers none or all. She must email me first with the request to see the questions. If she does this and sees the questions, and then refuses to answer them, then this refusal will be mentioned in the article.

I cautioned her to consider carefully before asking to see the questions.

I gave her the first question for free, no obligation:


'In one interview, you claim your uncle had a single copy of the famous Cooper comic tacked to a door. In another, you say he had multiple copies on his bedroom wall. Which is the truth?'

The questions get harder from that point. That was one of the easy ones, I said. I gave her a couple of days to consider her decision. Article was scheduled to come out this morning, but I'm holding off until Wednesday to give her a chance to respond.

It sounds like you and Bruce are really going to give us a critical evaluation of Marla and her story. I can't wait, even though I've been sorta a Marla fan.
The Money Connection

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At least half of the thread is joking and socializing. Another part is tedious technical stuff that may or may not be important.

What is the rest of the thread doing?

I think it's informative?

Where do the wild conspiracy theories fit in, in the above classifications? :D

They get filed in that internet file right next to Big Foot.:)
The Money Connection

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Where do the wild conspiracy theories fit in, in the above classifications? :D

I think the conspiracy theories will be filed under "joking and socializing".

Following is a story of my youth, also to be filed under "joking and socializing". Monday levity.

My grandpa was the caretaker of Iona Island, in the Hudson, and also at West Point. My uncle was the caretaker of the old mothball fleet of merchant ships just south of Iona Island, across from where the Indian Point nuclear reactors currently are. Not necessary info, except that one of them gave me an old cargo parachute; probably my uncle. It was a big sheet of fabric, with some cut off strings, if I remember. This was in 1960, and I was 8 years old. My guess is that the chute was what you divers would call a conical, and no more than 12-16 feet in diameter.

I was fascinated with all things flying (my dad flew off carriers in WWII). I figured I could make myself a parachute (I am an engineer, after all). So, I found a cardboard box, and taped the top such that it was a flap; an inverted trap door. I used rope to make a harness and a ripcord; the ripcord simply opened the trap door. I reconnected the cutoff strings (using good Cub Scout knots, no doubt). I anchored the chute to the bottom of the box with rope, and packed all the fabric into the box. It was simple and elegant, for an eight year old. I wish I had taken a photo with the old Brownie.

I am eight years old. I have no clue about fluid mechanics, acceleration due to gravity, and I am obviously lacking in common sense. But I am fearless and reckless. And, I watch too many cartoons.

I was going to jump off the barn roof, pull the ripcord and float to earth. I figured the chute will pop right out and open instantly. Thank God I didn't have a ladder to get to the barn roof. So, I climbed one of the big pine trees....yeah, if I jump straight out, I will clear the branches. Another stroke of luck.

Needless to say, the actual jump did not go as planned. I hit every branch between the alighting point and the ground, which is by the way covered with blackberry bushes (I used to pick them for my cornflakes). I didn't break anything, as I was very pliable in my youth. I did not fare so well regarding bumps, bruises and briars.

I wasn't a no pull, as I deployed as soon as I jumped, but I didn't open the chute. I have never again had a parachute strapped to myself, although I have had the parachute-like safety harnesses we used in the AF to work on the wings and tails of C-5's.

But, I am still a WHUFFO. Do I get an honorable mention with the skydiving community for this?

So, then, what is the big deal about going off the aft stairs of a 727 at night?

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Two things:

Second, Marla has seen some of my postings here and made a mention about them on her Facebook page. I couldn't actually see her comments, since we are not FB friends. However, a few folks have told me (or PM'd) that she objects to the upcoming article at Newsvine where I present the case against her story. She wanted a chance to be interviewed, I guess.

That's very interesting, if it's accurate. Marla does look at dropzone. She could have been influenced either consciously or subconsciously by the things written here.

She could of been looking here because she honestly thinks her uncle is the hijacker, or she could be looking for information for her book.

In all this we have the problem of the quotes reported by the media that the FBI thinks she is the most credible person they've interviewed in the case. If she's making all these wild statements about polygraphs and the FBI closing the case, then why haven't they said anything? Maybe she's promised them a cut of the book sales (wild conspiracy theory). Or maybe they are ready to close the case and they just don't care. All they've said is that the case is still open.
The Money Connection

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Two things:

First, we only have Marla's word that the FBI is dropping the case soon. She has said that not only does the case agent she met with believe LD is the hijacker, but that he told her they would be dropping the case soon anyway, even if they can obtain prints from LD and those prints don't match the 66 from the plane. She has also claimed that the FBI thinks the DNA on the tie isn't the hijacker's. This is all from Marla and she alone only...no one at the FBI has verified her statements, yet.

Second, Marla has seen some of my postings here and made a mention about them on her Facebook page. I couldn't actually see her comments, since we are not FB friends. However, a few folks have told me (or PM'd) that she objects to the upcoming article at Newsvine where I present the case against her story. She wanted a chance to be interviewed, I guess.

I want to be fair with her, so I messaged her at FB with an offer: Ten questions. She answers none or all. She must email me first with the request to see the questions. If she does this and sees the questions, and then refuses to answer them, then this refusal will be mentioned in the article.

I cautioned her to consider carefully before asking to see the questions.

I gave her the first question for free, no obligation:


'In one interview, you claim your uncle had a single copy of the famous Cooper comic tacked to a door. In another, you say he had multiple copies on his bedroom wall. Which is the truth?'

The questions get harder from that point. That was one of the easy ones, I said. I gave her a couple of days to consider her decision. Article was scheduled to come out this morning, but I'm holding off until Wednesday to give her a chance to respond.

I hope Marla tells you to GFY.

I think she will, which is the good news.


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There's one hell of a big, wide river between the suspected drop zone and PDX. Additionally, the Interstate bridge has no provision for pedestrian traffic. Anybody trying to walk over it would have stood out like a sore thumb and possibly gotten picked up by the cops for walking on an interstate highway.

So if you're implying that he parked a car near the Portland Airport he wouldn't have had a way to walk back to it if he'd landed on the north side of the Columbia River.

Au contraire... I have walked across the pedestrian lanes on each side of the I-5 bridge NUMEROUS times and evenwalked out on the east side lane to watch the 4th of July fireworks for the Fort Vancouver celebration.

Bridge Piccie
I have riden my bike across the bridge quite a few times when I lived in Vancouver and when I had my boat at Pier 99.

Even the new I-205 has a pedestrian lane betwixt the lanes.

Amazon: I think DB parked his car somewhere in Vancouver and walked to PDX and then after the jump, walked to his car for the get-a-way.


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There's one hell of a big, wide river between the suspected drop zone and PDX. Additionally, the Interstate bridge has no provision for pedestrian traffic. Anybody trying to walk over it would have stood out like a sore thumb and possibly gotten picked up by the cops for walking on an interstate highway.

So if you're implying that he parked a car near the Portland Airport he wouldn't have had a way to walk back to it if he'd landed on the north side of the Columbia River.

Au contraire... I have walked across the pedestrian lanes on each side of the I-5 bridge NUMEROUS times and evenwalked out on the east side lane to watch the 4th of July fireworks for the Fort Vancouver celebration.

Bridge Piccie
I have riden my bike across the bridge quite a few times when I lived in Vancouver and when I had my boat at Pier 99.

Even the new I-205 has a pedestrian lane betwixt the lanes.

Amazon: I think DB parked his car somewhere in Vancouver and walked to PDX and then after the jump, walked to his car for the get-a-way.


God knows he could have easily enough.
Thousands of other people do/did. (per year).

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So, then, what is the big deal about going off the aft stairs of a 727 at night?

The problem is what happens AFTER you go off the stairs. If you open the parachute immediately as 377 recommends, and it stays in one piece, then your problems will be minimized.

If you do a free fall with a delayed opening, then you are going to tumble and perhaps violently. There is no way you can avoid that since you are above an overcast initially and do not have any visual references to help you stabilize.

The type of tumbling motion depends on how and where Cooper attached the money bag to himself.

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I've been in communication with a reporter at the Seattle Times lately. I can't give any details on that, but I will say this: No one in the media likes to think they are being used for promotional purposes in place of real news. Now...to be fair, the FBI was backing her story in August, that is, until the negative DNA came back. Now they aren't saying much and Marla has been doing all the talking for them since.

However, I think her media blitz is winding down. Lately, they are just recycling the same interview, the one where she claims the case is soon closed, the case agent believes LD is the guy, etc.

Not that she isn't telling the truth. Maybe she is. But a bit more evidence is required. At this point, without further proof, and no more statements from the FBI...she needs to step up to the plate with something more than 'because I SAID he was the hijacker.' I'm willing to give her a fair shot if her answers make sense, otherwise I'm going with what I have now - on Wednesday.

Marla etal wont have a God damned thing to do
with you!

Publish that!

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Robert99, I agree completely.

Once you commit to going off the stairs, it seems a few different things could happen.

Pull immediately, as 377 said. Probably the safest thing to do, I suppose. Now, your fate is up to what you hit on the ground.

Free fall, with the ensuing risk of tumble, disorientation, and possibly no pull. Survival odds diminish.

Pull, partial deployment. Survival odds approach zero.

Enjoy the ride, as in the James Dickey poem "Falling".

The point is one must commit and accept the consequences, and this is what happens on the stairs. I would doubt that DBC was in any way timid.

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Pek771 wrote


But, I am still a WHUFFO. Do I get an honorable mention with the skydiving community for this?

Hell yes. Wonderful childhood story. You are a jumper in my book. As a seven year old I made my parachute out of a bed sheet. One rope shroud line to each corner. I BASE jumped off our garage roof into a big pile of leaves. I'd run across the roof to pre-inflate the chute.


So, then, what is the big deal about going off the aft stairs of a 727 at night?

No big deal if you are Peterson, Braden, McCoy, Mayfield... or Amazon. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Marla's story certainly deserves scrutiny, but give her some credit.

She showed up at the Portland Symposium with no assistant, agent, PR person or "handler." She walked into the lions den. She answered every question asked save one about the source for print evidence saying that the FBI asked her not to disclose it. Her answers were direct, not one bit of dodge or ambiguity. No question was off limits.
I thought she was pretty courageous to walk into the midst of skeptical Cooper sleuths and take unscreened questions.

Sure there may be some inconsistencies. That isn't proof of a hoax or fraud. Sometimes memories expand in scope. Sometimes the expansion is accurate, sometimes it is actually fill ins from third party info.

Let's see how things pan out. The probing that Blevins and Bruce are doing is inevitable. It isn't pleasant for Marla and she might get pissed at the implication that she is a liar. Her defensive reaction doesn't prove she is lieing.

Marla is obviously smart. She spoke very articulately. I can't see a smart person jamming the FBI with claims she knows will be shot down eventually. That is a stupid pre book release strategy. Marla isn't stupid.

My impression is that she believes her story. That doesn't make LDC into DBC. Let's see where things go. It's really not fair to paint her as a scheming publicity hungry liar.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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