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DB Cooper

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My new report of Marla and her family is now up on the Mountain News:


I have interviewed Marla's mother, Grace Hailey, Dewey's widow, Janet Cooper; Dale Miller, the pastor who befriended LD at the end; and Arden Dorney, the cop who assisted Marla.

I also offer some commentary about the new face of Marla Cooper as her story becomes more complex.

Damn Bruce, what do you do in your spare time?

Nice work.
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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Jo : What are you saying. Iv'e never wanted any of your map's . Why would I? The map's I have go back to the 1800's through too this date. I have found the tower your looking for. It is in your 2nd fabrication of your story. Still continue with your lies. Why would you even make that kind of post. Not even my dogs could understand. Now! just like you have suggested in the past, Too others on this thread. There is no need to respond. But unlike you any response that you can make! I will prove you a lier. Jerry Ps. Ok less evaluate my grammer and the rest the story . If you have not figured it out by now it is self explanatory. I Have Dyslexia so I write in a very simple way. I can understand an speak intellengently. It just takes me longer to write. So i chose to make simple statement's. Jerry

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My impression is that she believes her story.

Belief in ones own story is hardly proof of anything. In the 50s a large group of people held annual get togethers at Giant Rock in California. These people claimed they had been taken for trips on UFOs. I have no doubt many of them were delusional, while others were simply attention seekers. The only thing I'm 100% positive is all of their stories were bull shit.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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My impression is that she believes her story.

Belief in ones own story is hardly proof of anything. In the 50s a large group of people held annual get togethers at Giant Rock in California. These people claimed they had been take for trips on UFOs. I have no doubt many of them were delusional, while others were simply attention seekers. The only thing I'm 100% positive is all of their stories were bull shit.

You are just pissed they did not take you to Lemuria too

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Quade, those Giant Rock people were just ahead of their time. Today you have to pay admission. No shortage of UFO stories believed whole heartedly by the tellers. It's called Burning Man. ;)


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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My other skepticism re: Marla. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt as to whether she is telling the truth of what she "believes" happened in 1971, but....sorry... I find it extremely hard to buy that she didn't know about "jumpzone" (as she calls it) or had never visited it before Saturday (when someone sent her the link due to Blevins cartoons and postings) as she infers on her FB page. After posting that someone had sent her the link, one of her subsequent statements was ....NOW that she's seen it, she doesn't see a need to revisit.

Hmmmm. Soundin kinda sketchy..making the hinky (that's hinky, not hunk(y)) needle shake... But that's just me....I could be wrong :)

Oh yeah ....she said to give her regards to Farflung. ;):)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo wrote


4. Yes, I contacted the FBI and told them is was inappropriate and it was also inappropirate for him to boast on the FBI web site "his" find regarding the comic - which only hinderd the investigation and didn't help at all.

BE mad if you want - but that is what I told them. On a personal basis I provided him with some detailed infomation that actually went some where and he chose to sit on the computer instead of going out there to see if there was anything to what I sent him.

So petty. So vindictive.

Yes, I am mad. So are many others Jo. We had a unique resource here and YOU blew it up.


P.S. When I contacted the FBI about the comic Ckret was already gone from the forum, when I made that complaint when I found it on an Official FBI site. It was an opinion and not a fact.

I was NOT happy about an agent making public Duane's record which I had request and the FBI had not provided me at my request. That was inappropriate behaviour on his part...and I let this be known in the thread at that time.

Ckret was still on the thread when I made my complaint about his making subjective remarks in the thread that were his OWN opinion...FBI agents can only provide facts - NOT opinions regarding an open case.

Ckret remained on the thread but ....he stopped voicing his opinion and stated facts only. You can see his tone change....and he was on the thread for quiet sometime after that.

If Ckret actually received a demotion it was because of his own actions and had nothing to do with anything I said. He went to Washington, D.C. - and there are those who say that was a promotion.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If you do a free fall with a delayed opening, then you are going to tumble and perhaps violently. There is no way you can avoid that since you are above an overcast initially and do not have any visual references to help you stabilize.

The type of tumbling motion depends on how and where Cooper attached the money bag to himself.

Gotcha! Max's favorite statement - no not Max Gunther, just a business associate of Duane's.

This is why I keep throwing the attached pic out from the Soldier of Fortune Magazine.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo: I hate to break it to you, however once again your claim to fame, for getting Larry Carr moved had nothing to do with your involvement. Larry Carr called Tom Kaye Geofrey Grey and I. He told all of us the real reason. "As for you and your involvement" ! No one paid attention to you or any of your statements when it comes to Duane. Still to this day your contact to the FBI when it comes to Duane is considered BS, This is only because of your ongoing stories and your repeateted contact, not only to the FBI but to the Media.This has been verified. Why is it you try to contact the media and they never respond. I and other's have tried to tell you this even the media recently! and you continue to ignore it . Why! Jo:All you can do is stop trying to access the media and other's . It is automactically assumed that you are going to make up a new story. Jo This is nothing but the Truth . If you don't believe me Try to Contact Doug Pasternik and have him post on this forum or try and email your friend Kim Cornett from NBC NEWS a producer for the Today Show. She hasn't acknoledged your request in how long. Sorry Jo when you attacked me in a recent post you ask for this. Bottom line "Jo/ Ms Cooper" that name you used on other threads that most people on this Forum are aware of in the year 2000 . So Jo! Its time to do one of two thing's, and that is stop posting on DropZone, or start using your research to help research this case. One last thing. Jo You Know I, and you have proven! Duane was not Cooper. So take the" cat claws" off and stop atacking people or stop posting here on DropZone. Jerry

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About Marla


she didn't know about "jumpzone" (as she calls it) or had never visited it before Saturday (when someone sent her the link due to Blevins cartoons and postings) as she infers on her FB page. After posting that someone had sent her the link, one of her subsequent statements was ....NOW that she's seen it, she doesn't see a need to revisit.

...no need to revisit. Told ya she was smart. ;)

But never been here before? Hmmm. I had a hot blonde tell me that about a bar I had taken her to. Funny how everyone seemed to know her. Especially the guys, several of whom gave me a nod and a thumbs up.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I'm keeping an open mind with a healthy dose of skepticism. Like I mentioned in a prior post the guitar strap picture is intriguing, but.....


and here


Not to mention what someone else brought up (they didn't post it so I won't say who it was unless they want me to) -- the logistics of leaving Sisters and being in Portland with black suit and shades on by midday?? in order to buy that ticket, board that plane, and hand over that note at 3 pm-ish. What time does Marla say they left the house? What time was the ticket bought?

All that said...I do have to wonder what LD's immediate family thinks about all of this. His wife and kids, specifically. For all I know, they may love the attention, but from the scarcity of articles featuring them, one has to wonder what they think of Marla's walk down memory lane?

In addition to the timeframe they left the family home ;), why would they bring a duck blind to a hi-jacking?

From Bruce's article and his interview with the police officer, Arden Dorney:

Arden appeared mentally refreshed when he drifted back into anecdotal stories he had heard from Marla concerning the antics of the Cooper brothers. Arden told me the story that Marla had told him about LD and Dewey making weird preparations before Thanksgiving, constructing a duck blind out of plywood that was too big to fit in Dewey’s small, two-seater automobile.

It sounds like they were planning to go hunting.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Blevins: Marla's story is Marla's Story. The Cooper Comic Book was never injected into this case untill after Larry Carr, Posted it on the FBI Blog . No one ever even heard of it untill then. Funny thing it all of a sudden shows up in mutiple copies on her uncle's wall in english. Go figure . Can anyone say Jo Weber. Jerry

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Blevins write

It's important that EVERYONE'S story be heard in the Cooper case.


So when does Jamie Cooper get his ten Blevins questions?

You could do a whole book Robert. "Ten Questions for DB Cooper".

Jo Weber (Duane), Al Tyre (Braden), Sailshaw (Peterson) etc. Next?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jerry wrote

The Cooper Comic Book was never injected into this case untill after Larry Carr, Posted it on the FBI Blog . No one ever even heard of it untill then

Didn't Snowmman find it first? Then the FBI posted it?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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