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DB Cooper

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U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010
Name: Lynn Doyle Cooper
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 17 Sep 1931
Death Date: 30 Apr 1999
Cause of Death: Natural
SSN: 540365007
Branch 1: NAVY
Enlistment Date 1: 29 Dec 1951
Release Date 1: 22 Apr 1955

Marla has agreed to answer a series of ten questions regarding her uncle and the events around the week of the hijacking. I cannot reveal the questions on Dropzone. It was part of the agreement. When she finishes giving her answers, I will put up the link to the article at Newsvine.

There is no mention of "Paratrooper" or even "Parachutist" in that.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Who's picture is that you use for an avatar, and what is his relation to DB Cooper?

It is my father. It was taken in March of 1971 by the FBI during surveillance. He disappeared in September 1971 and has not been heard from since. He was a career criminal and has Federal warrants for his arrest for counterfeiting charges out of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

As far as I know, there is no relation to Dan Cooper. That would take evidence. Not speculation.

Okay. Sorry for your loss. From the picture I thought you were trying to imply that he was Cooper. What draws you to this forum anyway?

BTW, you may not know this, but witness testimony plays a big part in a lot of cases. Marla claims to be a witness to certain things. Are repressed memories out of the question? Repressed memories have played a part in a lot of child abuse cases.

No reason to be sorry. He disappeared 40 years ago and it was nobody's fault but his own.

Implying he was Cooper and knowing are two different beasts. Should he be investigated as a suspect? I believe he should be. Am I writing a book?...NO. Am I making money by monetizing my YouTube video? NOPE. Just curiosity.

This is how I found the forum. I stay because I have a crush on Farflung. :$

Witness testimony is also unreliable as people have different biases. I refer you to the website below. It is about evidence vs. witness testimony:

***At the same time, numerous psychological studies have shown that human beings are not very good at identifying people they saw only once for a relatively short period of time. The studies reveal error rates of as high as fifty percent — a frightening statistic given that many convictions may be based largely or solely on such testimony.

These studies show further that the ability to identify a stranger is diminished by stress (and what crime situation is not intensely stressful?), that cross-racial identifications are especially unreliable, and that contrary to what one might think, those witnesses who claim to be "certain" of their identifications are no better at it than everyone else, just more confident
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Who's picture is that you use for an avatar, and what is his relation to DB Cooper?

.....If you would read the thread, then you would have known already...............................and since you refuse to take my advice and readit, then you might as well go to youtube and watch vicki's dad's unsloved mystery episode......................................

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Who's picture is that you use for an avatar, and what is his relation to DB Cooper?

It is my father. It was taken in March of 1971 by the FBI during surveillance. He disappeared in September 1971 and has not been heard from since. He was a career criminal and has Federal warrants for his arrest for counterfeiting charges out of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

As far as I know, there is no relation to Dan Cooper. That would take evidence. Not speculation.

Which is why Vicki remains in our hearts rather than our obsessed evidence bender list.:)
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As in the McMartin preschool trial which had molestation, conspiracies and Satan.


Then there are the more salacious (if that was possible) Salem witch trials:


Yep, lots and lots of people are giving Marla the ‘benefit of the doubt’ by presuming LD’s guilt. How exactly does one reconcile those diametrically opposed behaviors?

The answer is obvious…… Marla makes me like her story with facts. Flaxen, flowing facts which tease a pair of come hither, twinkling eyes of ice blue which serve as a portal to unharnessed passions and desire held aloft by a pair of silky slender legs which rhythmically hypnotize as each sultry step is taken in a non-stop seduction of ……and….. umm…. ahh….. I think I got, a little bit lost in my own allegory here but you know whatta mean.

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Just the same, eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence are used to convict people everyday, rightly or wrongly.

Another fascinating article on repressed memories: http://agora.stanford.edu/sjls/Issue%20One/fisher&tversky.htm

The circumstantial evidence should not be a result of the repressed memory. There has to be evidence that ties the person to the specific crime.


In fact, contrary to popular opinion, circumstantial evidence is often extremely reliable. Blood of the victim that makes a DNA match with blood found on the defendant's clothing, credit card records that place the defendant at the scene of the crime, and ballistics analysis that shows a bullet removed from the victim to have been fired from the defendant's gun are all forms of circumstantial evidence.

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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As in the McMartin preschool trial which had molestation, conspiracies and Satan.


Then there are the more salacious (if that was possible) Salem witch trials:


Yep, lots and lots of people are giving Marla the ‘benefit of the doubt’ by presuming LD’s guilt. How exactly does one reconcile those diametrically opposed behaviors?

The answer is obvious…… Marla makes me like her story with facts. Flaxen, flowing facts which tease a pair of come hither, twinkling eyes of ice blue which serve as a portal to unharnessed passions and desire held aloft by a pair of silky slender legs which rhythmically hypnotize as each sultry step is taken in a non-stop seduction of ……and….. umm…. ahh….. I think I got, a little bit lost in my own allegory here but you know whatta mean.

How can she be guilty, or is it innocent?
The Money Connection

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As in the McMartin preschool trial which had molestation, conspiracies and Satan.


Then there are the more salacious (if that was possible) Salem witch trials:


Yep, lots and lots of people are giving Marla the ‘benefit of the doubt’ by presuming LD’s guilt. How exactly does one reconcile those diametrically opposed behaviors?

The answer is obvious…… Marla makes me like her story with facts. Flaxen, flowing facts which tease a pair of come hither, twinkling eyes of ice blue which serve as a portal to unharnessed passions and desire held aloft by a pair of silky slender legs which rhythmically hypnotize as each sultry step is taken in a non-stop seduction of ……and….. umm…. ahh….. I think I got, a little bit lost in my own allegory here but you know whatta mean.

How can she be guilty, or is it innocent?

Cheese and rice! Take Marla off the table (I know Farflung that may be difficult for you).

L.D. or Lynn Doyle Cooper is the one being investigated here. Marla is someone who gave the FBI a TIP. That is all. Her story does not make L.D. guilty. That would come after a lengthy FBI investigation. Marla is the first step of their investigation. Forensic testing is next. Now we all wait for the results.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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That was exactly my point Vicki. After LD is identified as a suspect then the claims and artifacts should be investigated in an objective manner seeking the truth. No one should focus on Marla beyond that in regard to the DB Cooper investigation.

No matter how haunting you may find her perfume or the cut of her dress which drapes a subtle pouting waist with the proportions of de Milo’s Venus and sways as if beckoning a person, nay taunting a man till the inextinguishable fires of unquenchable cravings rage in a frenzy of….. uhh…. ummm…. hey, I think I did it again.

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It is my father. It was taken in March of 1971 by the FBI during surveillance. He disappeared in September 1971 and has not been heard from since. He was a career criminal and has Federal warrants for his arrest for counterfeiting charges out of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

No reason to be sorry. He disappeared 40 years ago and it was nobody's fault but his own.

Implying he was Cooper and knowing are two different beasts. Should he be investigated as a suspect? I believe he should be. Am I writing a book?...NO. Am I making money by monetizing my YouTube video? NOPE. Just curiosity.

This is how I found the forum. I stay because I have a crush on Farflung. :$

Vickie, I edited out part of your post above, but I want you to know how down to earth - how real most of your post sound.
Perhaps I feel we share a bond -
I want to know WHO I was married to and you want to know WHAT happened to your father.

I think it is time the thread created a real profile on Cooper.
The FBI's profiles have been biased and without knowledge of the time when Cooper was exposed to jumping or was trained to jump. Obviously Cooper knew the 727 could be jumped from the aft-way.

Each strait needs to be fine combed and lets see what the general skydiving and war veterans and those who have a suspect can produce. Can WE as a group produce a profile the FBI will accept and the general public will accept?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Come back in 10 years and this case will still not be solved. Come back in 20, 30, 40 and it will be the same. I'm calling this thing officially botched

I disagree. I think it will be solved. Earhart disappearance too.
Someone will find something, in spite of all the prior botching.

How's that Jack the Ripper case coming?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Can WE as a group produce a profile the FBI will accept and the general public will accept?

Jo, I'm sure you said this with the best of intentions, but honestly...what on earth makes you think a bunch of people on the net, half of whom have clearly vested interests (just look at your own post history) are going to come up with anything objective enough to fit the above? For a start, you'd never agree to anything that didn't fit Duane. What's the point?

The FBI has already taken on board the citizen sleuths it trusts.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I want to know WHO I was married to

Are you even prepared to consider the fact that he had nothing to do with Cooper? In other words - do you REALLY want to know who he was, or do you just want to prove he was Cooper?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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1. Knew a 727 could be jumped:
as he specifically asked the ticket agent if this flight was a 727.

Possible answers:
Was he involved directly or indirectly with the planning of the plane. Was the 727 patterned with the objective of being used to drop cargo on a massive basis and then decided to use this as a passenger design since the war was winding down.

Possible answer:
He was in the service - if so why did individuals who thought their old buddy did NOT come forward in 1971 or 1972. Or did this person come up as a suspect and be ruled out.

Possible answer:
Why were certain suspect ruled out...was this because the FBI could not find any background on the individuals whose names they were given - gives suspect to false names given

Possible answer:
Individual with basic military training (so many records burned but, maybe we can find individuals still living whose records were also destroyed who might be able to provide information regarding basic jump training in certain facilities suspects were trained at.

Possible answer:
Cooper joined the service during war time used another man's ID, but was found out during or after basic and went AWOL - or just plain old Poof.

Possible answer:
He was military and jumped military - doubtful he had a long career, because too many would have recognized him - such as those who say Braden was Cooper, but no one has explored Braden's locations since 1971 in any detail - surely the family had pictures of Braden after 1971 and until his death.

Possible answer:
Cooper had be an opportunist using another name - and became part of a non-military covert Op. Or he was a criminal buying his way out of prison...do we even know if that was ever done. Surely there is someone in the system who could provide a 1st hand account or accounting from a reliable relative that could discount or confirm this. I have heard rumors of individuals buying their way out of prison by doing someone a favor - but, no confirmation of such activities.

We take the case - starting with this and then go on to his actions on the plane.

Such as:

2. Cooper was the last person to board and until seated kept his sunglasses on in NOV? Why? We have all basically answered this in the thread in the past.

Such as:

3. We have beat the accent or non accent to death and nothing can be added to this. We can test expressions used by Cooper such as "Let's get this show on the road" . Did he use an expletive? What was the tone in his voice? Anger, threatening, raspy, lower tone than other communications expressed by Cooper. We need more information from the crew before they are all deceased.

Possible answer - I heard or read from some source the voice was raspy. Was the voice deep, normal, raspy ( perhaps he had had a procedure that caused that). Example I know Duane's voice became raspy when he was angry and after he had a procedure done) - this was later in life - the angry - get the point always existed. I think it does in all of us.

This is merely an example of how we need to summarize Cooper's profile and of course mine are biased - but they are all possibliities.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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1. Knew a 727 could be jumped:
as he specifically asked the ticket agent if this flight was a 727.

Possible answers:
Was he involved directly or indirectly with the planning of the plane. Was the 727 patterned with the objective of being used to drop cargo on a massive basis and then decided to use this as a passenger design since the war was winding down.

Possible answer:
He was in the service - if so why did individuals who thought their old buddy did NOT come forward in 1971 or 1972. Or did this person come up as a suspect and be ruled out.

Possible answer:
Why were certain suspect ruled out...was this because the FBI could not find any background on the individuals whose names they were given - gives suspect to false names given

Possible answer:
Individual with basic military training (so many records burned but, maybe we can find individuals still living whose records were also destroyed who might be able to provide information regarding basic jump training in certain facilities suspects were trained at.

Possible answer:
Cooper joined the service during war time used another man's ID, but was found out during or after basic and went AWOL - or just plain old Poof.

Possible answer:
He was military and jumped military - doubtful he had a long career, because too many would have recognized him - such as those who say Braden was Cooper, but no one has explored Braden's locations since 1971 in any detail - surely the family had pictures of Braden after 1971 and until his death.

Possible answer:
Cooper had be an opportunist using another name - and became part of a non-military covert Op. Or he was a criminal buying his way out of prison...do we even know if that was ever done. Surely there is someone in the system who could provide a 1st hand account or accounting from a reliable relative that could discount or confirm this. I have heard rumors of individuals buying their way out of prison by doing someone a favor - but, no confirmation of such activities.

We take the case - starting with this and then go on to his actions on the plane.

Such as:

2. Cooper was the last person to board and until seated kept his sunglasses on in NOV? Why? We have all basically answered this in the thread in the past.

Such as:

3. We have beat the accent or non accent to death and nothing can be added to this. We can test expressions used by Cooper such as "Let's get this show on the road" . Did he use an expletive? What was the tone in his voice? Anger, threatening, raspy, lower tone than other communications expressed by Cooper. We need more information from the crew before they are all deceased.

Possible answer - I heard or read from some source the voice was raspy. Was the voice deep, normal, raspy ( perhaps he had had a procedure that caused that). Example I know Duane's voice became raspy when he was angry and after he had a procedure done) - this was later in life - the angry - get the point always existed. I think it does in all of us.

This is merely an example of how we need to summarize Cooper's profile and of course mine are biased - but they are all possibliities.

Never mind all your above BS........................Jo please answer Orange1's question................."Are you even prepared to consider the fact that he had nothing to do with Cooper? In other words - do you REALLY want to know who he was, or do you just want to prove he was Cooper?" ..............................................PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING BUT THIS.......................NO RAMBLING BULL SHIT....................JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION.................

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Never mind all your above BS........................Jo please answer Orange1's question................."Are you even prepared to consider the fact that he had nothing to do with Cooper? In other words - do you REALLY want to know who he was, or do you just want to prove he was Cooper?" ..............................................PLEASE DO NOT POST ANYTHING BUT THIS.......................NO RAMBLING BULL SHIT....................JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION.................

Jo, Orange1 and ClassClown are correct.

For your information, it was obvious that Cooper knew that the 727 could be jumped.

The 727 was ALWAYS intended to be a passenger aircraft although quite a few were converted to cargo aircraft (with a large side door) and used by such companies as FEDEX. The decision to use some of the aircraft for cargo was an economics decision and did not have anything to do with the military.

When the 727 was designed, there were already better military cargo aircraft, such as the C-130 and C-141, in service or on the way.

And as everyone has told you for years on end, there is no possibility whatsoever that Duane Weber was Cooper.

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NO RAMBLING BULL SHIT....................JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION.................

Why are you attempting to hold her to a different standard than the rest of the posters? Most of what I read on here is rambling bullshit and hardly anyone stays on topic or on point.

Your attitude seems disingenuous and your all caps and concatenated ellipses way of writing isn't helping your cause...what ever it is.

I am not DB Cooper

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That was exactly my point Vicki. After LD is identified as a suspect then the claims and artifacts should be investigated in an objective manner seeking the truth. No one should focus on Marla beyond that in regard to the DB Cooper investigation.

I concur.


No matter how haunting you may find her perfume or the cut of her dress which drapes a subtle pouting waist with the proportions of de Milo’s Venus and sways as if beckoning a person, nay taunting a man till the inextinguishable fires of unquenchable cravings rage in a frenzy of….. uhh…. ummm…. hey, I think I did it again.

lol..Steady there Farf...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z6alLSfabw....or we might have to do an intervention. Get you back in touch with your inner nun. :):D
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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No one should focus on Marla beyond that in regard to the DB Cooper investigation.

That Marla Cooper Symposium in Portland was cool, in spite of the DB Cooper stuff.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Come back in 10 years and this case will still not be solved. Come back in 20, 30, 40 and it will be the same. I'm calling this thing officially botched

I disagree. I think it will be solved. Earhart disappearance too.
Someone will find something, in spite of all the prior botching.

How's that Jack the Ripper case coming?

Well, not so good Quade.

I am not ruling out Duane Weber.

He has an alibi, but you know what a liar he was.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Smokin99 wrote


Is all of this based on a picture and an 8 year old's stated memories?


Sheridan Peterson, who has a lot more provable Cooper skills than LD was only ruled out by a DNA test.

LD has been ruled out on DNA, has no provable Cooper skills (unless surveying is one) yet the FBI allegedly is still pursuing him as a suspect.

What's the reason for the difference in evidentiary criteria?

Hot blonde. Can that explain it?


377 - Sheridan Peterson was ruled out on the DNA on the tie bar which is probably not DB's anyway. A person helping him put the tie on could have held the tie bar in their mouth while fixing the location of the tie. Then the tie bar is put on the tie/shirt to hold the tie in place, but without DB's DNA. Sheridan was ruled out at the time of the skyjacking, his perfect alibi was that he was in Nepal (only a day's flight from the PDX Portland) and could not have "done the job". Sheridan actually used the words "lets get this show on the road" which he used in his book written after the DB caper. Only Sheridan and DB had the olive complection, were expert skydivers (including Instructor certification at Issaquah Sky Sports) and were the right age, height and worked at Boeing in the late 60's. None of the others fit the profile like Sheridan. If the FBI would check the DNA on the envelopes/stamps of the four letters written to the news papers (including the Portland Oregonian). they would really be able to solve this case. Why won't the FBI move forward and check the DNA from the Envelopes/stamps? Are they hiding the truth and solution of the crime because Sheridan/DB was CIA.?

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Blevins: Marla's story is Marla's Story. The Cooper Comic Book was never injected into this case untill after Larry Carr, Posted it on the FBI Blog . No one ever even heard of it untill then. Funny thing it all of a sudden shows up in mutiple copies on her uncle's wall in english. Go figure . Can anyone say Jo Weber. Jerry

At the symposium, Marla mentioned that D.L. was a real Francophile - I believe she also said he spoke French.

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