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DB Cooper

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(i) Marla is absolutely sure it was the Cooper
Comics. She has testified to this REPEATEDLY in the
media. Anyone believe that story? I don't. My father
told me once: "You can't snow the snowman..." (or
probably Snownman the Research Wizard, either, for
that matter.)

(ii) Fine. I was off a year or so. Big deal. To set a
possible date, I looked for motivation to actually
make the trip and do this. I.E. what would motivate
the hijacker to plant money? Answer: My best guess
says he probably did it after the Feds in Portland got
the John Doe warrant in 1976, or slightly before that
time. It's the only reason I can think of that would
motivate the hijacker to plant the money. He
thought he would be free and clear in 1976, but that
didn't happen. I'll bet he was PISSED OFF.
(*laughs*) F$#!*N Feds...they went around the f%$!
#ng statute on me...what the hell am I gonna do

(iii) Right. Okay, tell me this then: How did three
bundles of the money wind up in the exact same

ok let me try and address all of this above:

1) How is Marla sure it was a Dan Cooper comic.
What dates (time scale) are we talking about?
Before 1971, after? Ithad to be before 1972, I
think, because LD left the area in 1972? So Marla
was 9-8 or less when seeing the comics? Do any
other relatives confirm the comics? His ex-wife?

Im not saying Marla is lying, just trying to pin this
down with concrete facts from Marla's end if possible.

2) The stance of the FBI etal was money, arrived
no more than a year prior to discovery, not as far
back as 1976. I cant buy a plant theory because
it defies logic and the forensics of the find itself,
as I understand what I believe are the facts of it.

3) I cant talk about this yet - there are lab reports
involved. Tom can comment as he choses. Safe
is correct in his comment re- 'there will be more to
come' after the New Year.

Hopfully this addresses everything essential.

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Georger wrote

You are probably the only person here who takes
modeling seriously and knows the value of it.

Not true Georger. Snowmman uses modeling. I've used it. Bet Nature Hominid has as well. All EEs know its value.

In fact, Marla Cooper is considering a career in modeling.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger wrote


You are probably the only person here who takes
modeling seriously and knows the value of it.

Not true Georger. Snowmman uses modeling. I've used it. Bet Nature Hominid has as well. All EEs know its value.


Um. Um. Raises hand. Ok I know you scientist types look down on us, but still.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Georger wrote


You are probably the only person here who takes
modeling seriously and knows the value of it.

Not true Georger. Snowmman uses modeling. I've used it. Bet Nature Hominid has as well. All EEs know its value.


Um. Um. Raises hand. Ok I know you scientist types look down on us, but still.

No time for this toxic nonsense tonight! Sorry you
are all bored.

Safe was trying to employ inferential logic, which is
a different kind of modeling process than 377 is
talking about. That is all there is to this, basically,
and 377 should know this.

Iff 377 and Blevins want to argue the point and
write treateses about it fine. I just dont have the
time tonight.

Where were all of you when all of this was
happening years ago? Why does it come up now
at 3:00am MY TIME ?


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Blevins wrote


Personally, I don't believe that LD and Dewey hopped into a Triumph MG...

Yeah. Provably impossible since Triumph and MG are like Ford and Chevy.

Did you see Marlas Facebook comment about being a shameless capitalist? She's a 99%er with her eyes on crossing the border. I just think coffee beans will get her there faster than Cooper schemes.

I do think an 8 year old could remember a comic title for decades. I sure do. My friend down the street was obsessed with Aqua Man. Another was a die hard Batman guy. My brother liked Super Boy.

A pretty blonde with an engaging personality and a detailed Cooper walkie talkie angle;) is hard to resist. Still, the facts as told fit a hunting trip and mishap as well or better than Norjack.

I've yet to see anything that puts Dewey on the plane.

Still, Marla doesn't impress me as a liar. She may be telling the truth as she remembers it. The lies could be LD's and Dewey's rather than hers.

I'm going to talk with Ralph H soon. I want to hear his account of what Tina observed regarding the perceived ease or difficulty Cooper encountered putting his chute on.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Bruce Smith can be ruthless, but sometimes being nice can get better results. I'm not planning any more interviews with Marla and the reason is because I don't believe her story. It's as simple as that.

So...I guess I can tell you something else. She didn't just send The Answers To The Questions.

Let me explain: I submitted ten questions. After each one I put a little asterisk behind it and told her WHY I was asking that particular question. I told her the asterisked comments would not appear in the article.

So...she takes that opportunity to also answer my comments on each one about WHY I was asking. They were so bad I was tempted to publish them as well, because I think they reveal her true nature, as well as her motivations. But I promised I wouldn't.

I printed the whole doc up and left it by one of our computers. Gayla Prociv saw it after the interview came out. She brought the pages to me and said:


"What the f#$k is this?"

I explained. Marla had made 'additional comments' but I promised not to make them public, along with those happy-happy screenshots of some of her early Facebook postings, from August when she first went public.

Those are not good, either.

Personally, I don't believe that LD and Dewey hopped into a Triumph MG, and then zipped off to the Portland International Airport to have a bit of fun with Northwest Airlines. It defies belief.

Then...imagine Dewey in that little British car with a walkie talkie driving from Portland International out to somewhere in the forests of SW Washington state - at night and in winter no less - and searching hundreds of miles of Forest Service roads...without a clue as to where he jumped...and monitoring that walkie talkie for LD. Doesn't sound like a Cooper Caper.

I envisioned Austin Powers, to tell you the truth. B|

And then...somehow finding him, even though he was *allegedly* seriously wounded (Marla's words) and rushing him out of the woods back to Sisters, Oregon by early morning. Are you kidding?

And let's not forget L.D. had copies of the comic on his wall and was 'obsessed' by them. (A quote from Marla from at least two news articles)

Folks, I may be wrong about KC. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I don't buy THAT story. The Janet Fable has more credibility.

And here's something else to remember: When someone *allegedly* lies about an important point where they have something to gain, you have to question everything else they've said...and their credibility about the whole thing.

So in other words, you gave us a heavy dose of
False Reporting - in addition to slamming Bruce
again, and Marla, and me, and . . .

Is there any end to your grand tutorial for
Humanity? I think not, clearly.

You really are a mench, Bobert.

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Look up Sunbeam Tiger, Amazon. I drove one for a day. Insane power to weight ratio. Actually this stuff is right up Bob Knoss's technical alley.

The duck blind.... Hmmm...

Dewey: LD, when you see this here duck blind, jump! You'll be right over me.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Look up Sunbeam Tiger, Amazon. I drove one for a day. Insane power to weight ratio. Actually this stuff is right up Bob Knoss's technical alley.

The duck blind.... Hmmm...

Dewey: LD, when you see this here duck blind, jump! You'll be right over me.


Owned one of them too.

My second car ever was a TR-3A... bought in OCT 1968 in Wisconsin. I bought it with the insurance money from my stolen 1963 Impala SS.[:/]

By the middle of November... with the snow swirling around inside the TR-3A when the side curtains would pooch out a bit and let the snow in while driving to school, I realized it was time for a "beater with a heater" and the TR-3a got parked till April of 1969.

Over the years I owned a LOT of English sports cars, and I might add that some of the best engineered and well built parts in the world fall off of English sports cars.

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Over the years I owned a LOT of English sports cars, and I might add that some of the best engineered and well built parts in the world fall off of English sports cars.

How true!

Surely youve had a few experiences with Mr. Lucas's craftmanship. They never learned from their mistakes and repeated bad design choices forever.

Lucas made the electrical systems for most WW2 Bristish fighters and bombers. Somehow, in spite of that, they beat Germany.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins wrote


Personally, I don't believe that LD and Dewey hopped into a Triumph MG...

Yeah. Provably impossible since Triumph and MG are like Ford and Chevy.

Did you see Marlas Facebook comment about being a shameless capitalist? She's a 99%er with her eyes on crossing the border. I just think coffee beans will get her there faster than Cooper schemes.

I do think an 8 year old could remember a comic title for decades. I sure do. My friend down the street was obsessed with Aqua Man. Another was a die hard Batman guy. My brother liked Super Boy.

A pretty blonde with an engaging personality and a detailed Cooper walkie talkie angle;) is hard to resist. Still, the facts as told fit a hunting trip and mishap as well or better than Norjack.

I've yet to see anything that puts Dewey on the plane.

Still, Marla doesn't impress me as a liar. She may be telling the truth as she remembers it. The lies could be LD's and Dewey's rather than hers.

I'm going to talk with Ralph H soon. I want to hear his account of what Tina observed regarding the perceived ease or difficulty Cooper encountered putting his chute on.


Good news: Marla indicated she will be joining Dropzone soon, so we will be able to ask her questions directly.

It's great she's making herself available. This will certainly shorten interview-related turnaround time, and hopefully, to a degree, help to reduce levels of speculation.

I'm looking forward to her additional input in examining Uncle LD's case...while we wait for any official statement from the FBI.

Regarding the vehicle issue, she also made a (FB) statement about Dewey owning a truck, although she thinks the truck was broken down.

She also states that the duck blind was not taken with them in the vehicle on their trip, but was left at the house.

Welcome aboard, Marla...

Green Elf

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You really have to admire Marla, no dodging, no ambiguous answers and now she is going to take a kayak trip down the Styx into dropzone.com. Girl's got guts, thats for sure.

I could be wrong, but that open behavior isn't common with liars and schemers. They totally control the access and dialog. They have to.

Welcome to the Colosseum Marla. May it please Caesar.

Great poster Farflung, and so incredibly quick.

I once saw a cartoon with a car's headlight beams forming an arc that curved into the ground a few feet ahead of the front bumper. "LUCAS old chap? a passerby asks.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Surely youve had a few experiences with Mr. Lucas's craftsmanship.


The Prince of DARKNESS! :S

I've owned an MGB, TR-4 & a TR-8, ...never again.

Currently drive a Z-4, & wow...everything WORKS! :ph34r:

I had a new Triumph Spitfire for several months in the early 1970s. About once a month a visit to the dealer was necessary to tighten all the nuts and bolts.

The suspension, if it had one, provided the roughest ride I have ever seen. In just cruising down the freeway at 55 MPH, I doubt if all four wheels were ever on the pavement at the same time.

When it rained, I needed to wear a raincoat, and keep an umbrella handy, just to keep reasonably dry while driving.

So I faced the problem head on, disposed of that car, and went back to Mustangs (since I am a charter member of the Mustang generation).

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Lucas helps maintain a sustaining birth rate for a declining empire.

Guy: Oh dear, seems we have a bit of a problem here. Bloody thing won't start

Girl: Perhaps there is a garage nearby?

Guy: Not a chance, not this late, not out here. We will simply have to find an Inn and see what can be done in the morning.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Surely youve had a few experiences with Mr. Lucas's craftsmanship.


The Prince of DARKNESS! :S

I've owned an MGB, TR-4 & a TR-8, ...never again.

Currently drive a Z-4, & wow...everything WORKS! :ph34r:

I had a new Triumph Spitfire for several months in the early 1970s. About once a month a visit to the dealer was necessary to tighten all the nuts and bolts.

The suspension, if it had one, provided the roughest ride I have ever seen. In just cruising down the freeway at 55 MPH, I doubt if all four wheels were ever on the pavement at the same time.

When it rained, I needed to wear a raincoat, and keep an umbrella handy, just to keep reasonably dry while driving.

So I faced the problem head on, disposed of that car, and went back to Mustangs (since I am a charter member of the Mustang generation).

When my wife & I were dating, she had her Spitfire shipped back from over-seas, pulling it off the crate...A '72 with 12,000 miles in perfect condition...20 years old!

It ran great until some drunk in a caddy hit her head on...nuthin' left but scrap parts! :|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Postive Ground

It's actually jumpzone in Oklahoma.

Sounds like a DZ that may have a lot of inversion malfunctions.

There is a coffee shop in SF called Positive Grounds.

Marla makes a living off of caffeine addicts. I've tried it but I didn't inhale.

So the crowd is roaring (or is it the lions?), awaiting Marla's entrance. Apologies To Andrew.

Don't cry for me Oklahoma,
The truth is I never left you,
Up on the podium
At Geoff's symposium
I told my story
I went the distance

And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions
They are not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I saw the comics and DB was LD.

Don't cry for me Oklahoma

(Backround Humming chorus)


Have I said too much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you.
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Airtwardo wrote


It ran great until some drunk in a caddy hit her head on...nuthin' left but scrap parts!

So did Elvis just pay right there or did he let his insurance handle it?;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Geoger has also contacted Marla to get a list of the questions Blevins asked her . I wonder what kind of trouble Geoger is trying to start this time.As for Marla coming to the Forum it would be nice to have Snow on board, things would realy get interestig then. Snow would actually be a asset to Quade. When Marla apears here you can expect at least a 150+ of her followers/backer's to show.

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