georger 247 #28776 December 16, 2011 QuoteFrom Bruce's article Quote Bill Rataczak, the guy actually flying Flight 305, told me that when DB Cooper told him precisely how to position the wing flaps, he knew the skyjacker was very well informed since “the 727 is the only Boeing product with a wing flaps setting of fifteen degrees.” Is that highlighted statement true? Some planes can set flaps at any angle between zero and max deflection. Don't have my manuals with me. 377 Just because Coop asked for 15* doesnt mean a-priori it was because he knew the 727-100 (was the only plane?) to have a 15* setting? He could have been thinking the plane had variable setting capability ... and just asked for 15*. If he had listed all possible settings and said "only 15*" then . . . If he had said "I know this plane has a 15* setting ..." but he didnt say that. Weve discussed this before. The brevity of his instructions leads to many possible interpretations. When he says "get this plane on the road or Ill do the job!" that leaves little room for interpretation. What if Rat had yelled back at that pointL "Fuckyou Im now going to keep us here another hour! ... I wonder if the fake bomb would have gone off!? Of course not! Even Cooper was having to live within the walls of reality.... because very clearly that was his first choice. He may never have had an second choices! This was a hijacking (for profit) vs a terrorist act to blow up a plane and commit suicide. His grudge falls within those parameters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #28777 December 16, 2011 Excelent point Georger. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #28778 December 16, 2011 Quote Quote Marla will be here soon. She should be showing up in a few days. The way I understand it is anyone's welcome at any time and, depending on how they act, Quade decides whether they can stay or not. I lurked for a long time and the advice I got when I first started posting was to wear kevlar but most folks on here are rational, engaged, and enjoy the discourse. And some are plain nuts. And then there's Farflung. He's well worth the price of the kevlar.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeW274 0 #28779 December 16, 2011 Marla forwarded the following email communication to me and requested that I post it on Dropzone. The only changes I've made were to edit out the email addresses and to format Marla's answers in red as they were in the original email. Some other formatting was not possible, i.e.: Side-by-side comparison pictures of the composite sketch and Kenny Christiansen that were in the email could not be embedded. However, I've made every effort to duplicate the email forwarded to me as much as possible. One other note: Marla's answer to question #2 was not highlighted in red in the forwarded email I received. I have retained her error in this post and left the text its original color. Marla is planning on joining this convivial group in a couple of days. I think she's shopping for a stylish Kevlar vest first before subjecting herself to the direct potshots she's sure to get once she's in here.---- email follows ----- From: Marla Cooper Date: December 13, 2011 5:14:53 AM CST To: Robert Blevins Subject: Re: Interview questions Hi Robert. At lease five of my wisest friends advised me to just ignore you. I don't always follow good advice, especially when my gut tells me to do otherwise. I just could not resist the opportunity to write my own answers for once. My inner Dave Barry came out a little. To keep things simple, I made my words red. I like red. But I like the blue dress you put on me in your cartoons even better! Marla Wynn Cooper On Dec 12, 2011, at 5:36 PM, Robert Blevins wrote: Hi Marla, I will list the questions below and leave space in between, in case you want to do cut and paste and just fill in the blanks. Or you can just print this up and give your answers. I'm going to put a *star* after some of the questions with a comment that says why we're asking this question, so you won't think it's a trick question. We want to be fair. The starred comments won't appear in the article. For the actual article, in questions below where it says 'you've been quoted as saying...' I wil insert a link to that specific portion of the news article. I tried not to get too specific on some questions, to allow some leeway for whomever wrote the articles we will quote from. You when that reporter misquoted you on how many copies of the comic LD owned. Things like that. We're not trying to trick you here. Just atttempting get the facts as best as you can recall. We understand you were only eight years old at the time. 1) When your uncle showed up at your grandmother's house the day after the hijacking, you said he was injured. To your best recollection, what was he wearing and how badly do you think he was hurt? He was wearing a bloody white t-shirt. He was badly wounded. I would say he was delirious. I don't remember him speaking at all. (*Trying to determine if he was wearing same clothes as the hijacker at the time he arrived home.*)The tie and sunglasses were conspicuously absent. 2) $5,800 of the ransom was discovered on the banks of the Columbia River in 1980. It is known that this money could not have arrived in that location before 1974. UW scientist Tom Kaye's research alleges that the money was most likely a plant, and did not (in his words) 'arrive there by natural means'. Do you have a theory on how the money arrived there? I agree with the theory that the money was dredged to the location where it was found. My dad told me LD dropped the money when he had a problem with the chute. (*Everyone has a theory on the money. And they are all different. We know you've researched the case. We just wanted to hear yours.*) I doubt I've "researched the case" anything like you have Robert. 3) One question that arises persistently is about verification from your other family members regarding events at your grandmother's house the day after the hijacking. Your mother has gone on record saying that she had suspicions LD was the hijacker. Have any other of your family members gone on record, and what do they say? No one was around when the two arrived on Thanksgiving morning. My mother and Grandmother had left the house. My brother and sister were probably sleeping. It was early in the morning. I'm not sure if anyone has "gone on record." (*Seeking verification of your story from additional family members*) Yah yah. Got that part. 4) In recent news articles, you have claimed that Curtis Eng, current FBI case agent in Seattle for the Cooper case (or the Seattle FBI media agent) met with you and said he believed your uncle was either the best suspect, or that he believed LD Cooper was the hijacker, and that regardless of the print results on LD, that the FBI is planning to drop the case reasonably soon. Do you stand by these statements? Yes. Except he said "close" not "drop" the case. Are you sure these aren't trick questions? That one was pretty tricky! (*Since the FBI hasn't verified this, even after several requests from Seattle media, we have to ask you to go on the record here.*) Really? Who exactly is "we"? I said it on TV already. Is this part of some really special official top secret type of record? Are you one of their Special Agents? Are there going to be guns and bad guys involved somewhere? Could you get Clint Eastwood to play my love interest? He's totally hot! 5) You've been quoted in a couple of news stories as saying the FBI showed pictures of LD Cooper to at least some surviving members of Flight 305's flight crew, and that at least one of them identified LD as possibly being the hijacker. Which flight crew were shown the picture, and which one(s) identified him as possibly being Cooper? Well gee Robert, the FBI didn't invite me to tag along for their investigation, so I couldn't tell you "which one." I was told that a crew member had said: "Of all the photos you've every brought to me, this one sure looks like him." My guess would be it was one of the flight attendants who said that. (*This is a fair question, since stewardess Florence Schaffner has previously said Kenny Christiansen's picture was (quote) 'the closest I've ever seen to the hijacker.' )This really surprises me since none of the witnesses mentioned "Big ass ears" in their description of the hijacker. Surely someone would have noticed and brought it up! Isn't Kenny your suspect Robert?? Were you and Flo ever, you know, like intimate? I mean seriously, why would she say that? By the way, you forgot your asterisk, I mean "star", so will this part be in your article? 6) There has been much research done on the famous Cooper comic book. It was mostly distributed in France, Belgium, and some parts of eastern Canada. Very few copies reached the United States. Yet you claim your uncle had several copies on the wall of the bedroom at your grandmother's house. When you think about it today, do you have any theories on how he might have acquired them? Yes I do. He had a car. I'm pretty sure he could drive it. The trek to Canada isn't impossible under those circumstances. One of my theories is that he bought them in Canada. Since I only saw my Uncle once a year, he had plenty of time to do things I wasn't privy to. However it's more logical to me that he discovered "Dan Cooper" while serving in the Navy during the Korean war. (*Comic book was not associated with the case until 2008, when the info was released by the FBI. Your uncle died nine years earlier, so we had to ask, since it is a key element of your claim.*) 7) One well-known quote in your story is your Uncle LD saying, 'We did it. Our money problems are over...we hijacked a plane.' Were any other still-living family members present when LD allegedly made this statement? If they are no longer living, then who else heard him make this statement? You're mistaken. My uncle Dewey, not LD, said this to my father. Nobody else was around to hear it. (*Seeking a second source for the statement*) Sorry about my dad's untimely death. Really. It's been damned inconvenient overall. 8) In your research on LD Cooper, did you discover any evidence that he may have had at least a minimum experience in using a parachute? Evidence? No. You seem to be assuming that my book research involves some type of sleuthing into all things DB Cooper. It does not. Someone in my family had told me LD was a paratrooper. There has also been speculation he could have taken skydiving lessons. Lots of people do that sort of thing. (*Another have-to-ask question. Testimony from stewardess Tina Mucklow, and some elements of the case record indicate the hijacker almost certainly had some parachute experience, and that because he selected the NB-6 chute, it may have been military. He picked the NB-6 over a newer sport chute when he jumped.*) "Have to ask"? Are the voices telling you to ask Robert? 9) The Deschutes County Sheriffs Department near Sisters, Oregon has been made aware of your claim about LD Cooper saying he was in a car accident, and that was how he received his injuries. You say it was a result of a bad landing after the hijacking jump, based on his statement that he and Dewey actually hijacked a jet instead. How will you respond if they discover an accident report from the time of the crime with either LD's or Dewey's name on it? Let's start by getting strait AGAIN about who was Dewey and who was LD since you seem to be having trouble with this. Dewey: Younger brother. Shiny bald head. Man on the ground. Drove the car. Did the talking on Thanksgiving morning. Dewey told me they had been in a wreck when I asked what happened to LD, who was wounded and bleeding in the passenger seat. LD: Guy with slicked receding dark hair and heavy duty sideburns. Didn't talk to me on Thanksgiving Day, just sat in the passenger's side of the (not wrecked) car while being badly wounded, which alarmed me. Bloody uncles in cars had been virtually absent from my life up until, and pretty much after, that morning. I know what I saw Thanksgiving morning. The car wasn't wrecked. When the Deschutes County Sheriff's Department produces a document stating my uncles were in an accident on that day, I will begin formulating my own conspiracy theories like maybe it was Kenneth Christiansen wrecking cars and claiming to be my Uncles! Kenny looks really happy. (*Portland FBI and Deschutes County have been told about your claim. No one knows if they are actually researching the old records, but it is likely they could be checking.*) Why is it likely they would they be checking? Because YOU asked them to? ooooh! I'm really really scared now. Here's another thing Curtis told me a long time ago Robert. When "Decoded" did the story about Christiansen, I asked him "What do you think about that theory?" Curtis sort of groaned in that cool Asian guy way of his and said "We ruled him out a long time ago. There's no way he could have done it. We all just wish that guy would just sort of go away." I don't think he was talking about Christiansen, being that he was previously dead by having died before that and all. I think Curtis was probably talking about YOU. I bet he would even "go on record" to say it too. Go ahead. Call him up. Or maybe get Bruce or Jerry to do it. Bruce especially likes calling people up, and Jerry has Curtis's number. 10) During the time that LD Cooper stayed at your grandmother's house, was he known to have his own car? Optional: Do you know what type of car he owned? See above. He had a car. I think it was a blue Triumph. (*Trying to establish that if the injured-during-the-jump story is true, then if he owned a car, that car would still be there after the date of the hijacking and available to him, since there would have been no accident.*) I have read this last parenthetical statement five times and I still don't get your point. But then, maybe it's just me. I'm blond. Submitted by Robert Blevins 12/12/2011 My thanks to you for agreeing to answer these questions.You're welcome. And thank YOU for contacting me for a "fair" interview, even if you had to be smoked out of your hole to do it. Don't forget, I have it on record that you "will not change one word" of my answers. We'll see if you really meant it. Are you sure you don't want to put this whole thing on DropZone? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marla 0 #28780 December 16, 2011 Snarky they were. Deliberately so, which I think parallels your attitude. The low road should be familiar territory to you Robert. You were not even going to interview me for this article until I posted an open note to you on FB. I figured surely someone would let you know, since you had not answered my "friend" request and your settings don't allow for messages. No, I didn't read your additional bullets, just as I told you I wouldn't. I've read enough of your writing to know you've little regard for the truth. Georger, please forgive my error in addressing you on FB. I've been reading this forum for a few days, but I still don't always know who's who. Some of you are on FB, but obviously, you don't use your real names. Georger, I confused you with someone els. LD's fingerprints are missing from his military record. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #28781 December 16, 2011 I remember Tom Kaye at the symposium showing how easy it would be to make a tee-pee shaped shelter from the parachute material on the ground. Maybe DBC took the bogus chute on purpose -- part of it to serve as a temporary shelter and part of it to serve as an extra layer of clothing -- for more warmth and protection. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #28782 December 16, 2011 Hmmm, ya know, after reading those responses, if I didn't know better (and I'm not certain that I do), I think I might come to the conclusion "Marla" was a fictional character made up just to torture Blevins. Blevins, are you 100% certain Marla actually exists and all of the Marla story isn't an elaborate hoax directed specifically at you?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28783 December 16, 2011 Welcome to Marla. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28784 December 16, 2011 QuoteSnarky they were. Deliberately so, which I think parallels your attitude. The low road should be familiar territory to you Robert. You were not even going to interview me for this article until I posted an open note to you on FB. I figured surely someone would let you know, since you had not answered my "friend" request and your settings don't allow for messages. No, I didn't read your additional bullets, just as I told you I wouldn't. I've read enough of your writing to know you've little regard for the truth. Georger, please forgive my error in addressing you on FB. I've been reading this forum for a few days, but I still don't always know who's who. Some of you are on FB, but obviously, you don't use your real names. Georger, I confused you with someone els. LD's fingerprints are missing from his military record. Hi Marla. Thanks for your comments about Facebook. Your comments to Robert indicate you are sure it was the Dan Cooper comic, and that LD was taken with that comic for some reason - talked about it? Anything you could provide further on this would be helpful. Secondly, can you add anything to LD's time in the service, his place of induction and training, his MOS, his time in Korea, and his time in hospital in England? Thanks. G. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #28785 December 16, 2011 Greetings Marla, Welcome to the Jungle! It would be interesting to actually hear The Rest of The Story so to speak, regarding your take on all that's transpired thus far. Many of us here don't have an opinion either way as to who the hijacker might be...any & all of your contributions to the discussion would truly be welcomed. ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #28786 December 16, 2011 Quote This will be my last post for a while before I disappear for several months again. When I come back, hopefully I will have something worthwhile for everyone to review. Oh... one last thing, I've mentioned to Blevins before that he might want to go learn a little bit about cognition. This same advice goes out to Curtis.... your lack of understanding of the human mind, as an agent, is quite appalling. The above post was edited - just wanted to repeat these 2 paragraphs and ask you guys what the heck is he talking about? This guys posts in the past have come off as being on the high end of the IQ list and what he did post way back when was very analytical. Sound like safecrack and georger should actually meet each other.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #28787 December 16, 2011 QuoteFrom Bruce's article Quote Bill Rataczak, the guy actually flying Flight 305, told me that when DB Cooper told him precisely how to position the wing flaps, he knew the skyjacker was very well informed since “the 727 is the only Boeing product with a wing flaps setting of fifteen degrees.” Is that highlighted statement true? Some planes can set flaps at any angle between zero and max deflection. Don't have my manuals with me. 377 Quote That's what Rataczak told me. Perhaps I should ask for confirmation from Everett Johnson, the 727 pilot with World Airways that Sailshaw and I had lunch with about three months ago. Also, I believe that Bill told me that there was a pre-setting for 15 degrees. I'll check my notes at some point to confirm. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #28788 December 16, 2011 QuoteIf so, his prints are in the NCIC computers. Not necessarily. My father's prints are on the original fingerprint cards for all crimes committed prior to September 1971. Since his case was closed to further investigation in 2001, his prints were never uploaded into the IAFIS database. NCIC is a crime database: IAFIS is a fingerprint database. Not everyone arrested is in the system: When IAFIS started: IAFIS was launched on July 28, 1999. Prior to this time, the processing of ten-print fingerprint submissions was largely a manual, labor-intensive process, taking weeks or months to process a single submission.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BruceSmith 3 #28789 December 16, 2011 Welcome to the DZ. So, can you tell us about Curtis Eng? What's he like? Besides groaning about Blevs, what else does he groan about? Or laugh? Do you meet him in person or on the phone? How often would you say you've talked with him? When was the first time you spoke with him? Does he ever talk about the case in general terms? The political and cultural hub-bub surrounding DBC? Do you ever see Ayn? Does she sit in? What's she like? Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #28790 December 16, 2011 Quote Where do you get this stuff? do you make this up in your dreams? GET A LIFE THOMAS. I have not contacted this Marla in any way shape or form. I have no list of question for anyone. But I do know you to be a total liar, blatant gossip and rumor spreader, and lying trouble maker. That much is true. What exactly is your problem? Im beginning to think everything Jo Weber ever said about you is true! That is how far you have fallen. Quit while you are still ahead of Jo by one inch? Thank You, Georger. I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. JT is responsible for the FBI not investigating Weber the way they investigated other suspects. How or why they have gone as far as they have with the LD Cooper things totally is out of character for the FBI and tells me they just want to hang the case out to dry. NOW regarding Marla: Again we (you guy - I will sit this one our) take on a writer and teach them the facts about the crime as we all mentored Blevins. I will start this off with ONE big mistake - Plagurism and taking of her story from all of stories told about Cooper suspects. Note she says "man on the ground" How many time as it been printed what Duane Weber told me in 1979"That's were Cooper walked out of the Woods" and I asked him "How would you know" and he replies "Maybe I was the one on the ground". It was always my belief that he was trying to cover up his statement. Yet, I never looked back on the statement until I learned 1 yr and 2 months after he died and said "I'm Dan Coooper" that Dan Cooper was D.B. Cooper. This resulted in a 15 yr search for the Marla could never survive. This old cookie has survived to continue her battle for the truth, but I do not have the time or energy to expend on the likes of someone who rides on the work and research of others. Infact I am running out of time -period. An observations from a non writer - Bloody T-Shirt . I caught this right away, but Cooper could have removed his shirt. Sounds more like a bar fight to me. If Marla remembers he had on a T-Shirt at the age of 8 perhaps she also remembers what pants he had on. What was he wearing when he left. She will now add this to her story. Marla sounds like the writer who wanted to write a story about Duane - the one who did 12 hrs of tapes and then does a query letter with NOT one word of truth. Fired him with that - it would be the truth or nothing at all. I have stood firm on that all of these yrs and hopefully there are those of you who respect that. [RED]My memories are those of woman who was 40 yrs old and now 30 + yrs later and telling my story since 1996 it has NOT changed even though certain individuals have tried to discredit me at every turn.[/RED] Those who consider this a game cannot keep up with themselves and are quickly dismissed by those seeking REAL answers to this Cooper saga. I have said in recent days - Show me the proof Duane was NOT Cooper and the FBI has NOT done that in 15 yrs. They thought I would just die and go away. If they had proof DUANE WEBER was not Cooper why used up 15 yrs of my life. All I have ever asked of them was prove he was NOT. Not one iota. They cannot even produce the Jefferson Federal Prison fingerprints. Not producing those fingerprints is their error in judgement. Carr came up with the 1944 prints from Stillacoon (McNeil file), but never has the FBI explained WHY Webers prints under John Collins in Jefferson - did NOT reveal a 4 time Felon by the name of Duane L. Weber. I was recently looking at old files: I communicated with Jefferson before the FBI realized I was moving on in my search. My communications with the prison prior to 2000 indicated John Collins and 2 others names connected to Weber were residents there in the late sixities. I had nothing to prove I was the widow of John Collins. Prior to FBI coming to this thread I was denied the Jefferson file and Duane Weber was not connected to the John Collins file per 2 emails I had with the prison and a phone conversation. FBI refused to provide me with the materials and then a few months later the file is on a Mo. site and the back paperwork is destroyed. They have him listed there as Duane L. Weber. Does not anyone find that odd? It was not until I brought it to Carr that Duane L. Weber was connected to the John Collins file. Someone did some fancy foot work (paper work) to move Weber on out of the picture. Excuse me I had a problem with this and the FBI's own actions gave birth to the CIA, coverts or soldier of fortune stories. Plus the stories told to me by the ex-wife and places they lived (always on the move) and the stories told to me by Weber - that matched. Except Duane's stories were always in 3rd person. She denied knowing what he did, because he would be gone for wks at a time and he always came back with money. They moved to and lived in all of the locations certain programs where worked out of. SO what's a girl to think? P.S. HOW convenient the military lost LD Cooper's prints. Surely he had other prints on file some place - how convenient this is going to be with the items they retrieved that supposedly belonged to LD in Eugene. If those prints match they will declare LD as Cooper, but the FBI already knows my story about this the location. Nothing I spoke about on this thread, but communicated to the FBI. I also covered my ass by telling the story to others before talking to the FBI. The timing of the Eugene connections is weird, but it is a small world today. I made sure others knew what I said so the FBI could NOT just brush it under the table - but, again I wait, but i won't wait long.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BruceSmith 3 #28791 December 16, 2011 LD's fingerprints are missing from his military record. Quote Welcome to the DZ, Marla. You have LD's military record? Can you post it or tell us the pertinent details? Time of service, type of duty, physical characteristics, etc.? Thanks. Also, can you tell us about Curtis Eng? What's he like? Besides groaning about Blevs, what else does he groan about? Or laugh? Do you meet him in person or on the phone? How often would you say you've talked with him? When was the first time you spoke with him? Does he ever talk about the case in general terms? The political and cultural hub-bub surrounding DBC? Do you ever see Ayn? Does she sit in? What's she like? Thanks **************** Oops. Did I erase some formatting with my post? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #28792 December 16, 2011 Quote No. That was me. I fixed it. NO it was ME - I had a coding error. Your post was just fine and when I saw what had happened I tried to get if fix as fast as I could.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ClassClown 0 #28793 December 16, 2011 ..............Welcome Marla...................prepare for an adventure.................... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ClassClown 0 #28794 December 16, 2011 QuoteQuote Where do you get this stuff? do you make this up in your dreams? GET A LIFE THOMAS. I have not contacted this Marla in any way shape or form. I have no list of question for anyone. But I do know you to be a total liar, blatant gossip and rumor spreader, and lying trouble maker. That much is true. What exactly is your problem? Im beginning to think everything Jo Weber ever said about you is true! That is how far you have fallen. Quit while you are still ahead of Jo by one inch? Thank You, Georger. I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. JT is responsible for the FBI not investigating Weber the way they investigated other suspects. How or why they have gone as far as they have with the LD Cooper things totally is out of character for the FBI and tells me they just want to hang the case out to dry. NOW regarding Marla: Again we (you guy - I will sit this one our) take on a writer and teach them the facts about the crime as we all mentored Blevins. I will start this off with ONE big mistake - Plagurism and taking of her story from all of stories told about Cooper suspects. Note she says "man on the ground" How many time as it been printed what Duane Weber told me in 1979"That's were Cooper walked out of the Woods" and I asked him "How would you know" and he replies "Maybe I was the one on the ground". It was always my belief that he was trying to cover up his statement. Yet, I never looked back on the statement until I learned 1 yr and 2 months after he died and said "I'm Dan Coooper" that Dan Cooper was D.B. Cooper. This resulted in a 15 yr search for the Marla could never survive. This old cookie has survived to continue her battle for the truth, but I do not have the time or energy to expend on the likes of someone who rides on the work and research of others. Infact I am running out of time -period. An observations from a non writer - Bloody T-Shirt . I caught this right away, but Cooper could have removed his shirt. Sounds more like a bar fight to me. If Marla remembers he had on a T-Shirt at the age of 8 perhaps she also remembers what pants he had on. What was he wearing when he left. She will now add this to her story. Marla sounds like the writer who wanted to write a story about Duane - the one who did 12 hrs of tapes and then does a query letter with NOT one word of truth. Fired him with that - it would be the truth or nothing at all. I have stood firm on that all of these yrs and hopefully there are those of you who respect that. [RED]My memories are those of woman who was 40 yrs old and now 30 + yrs later and telling my story since 1996 it has NOT changed even though certain individuals have tried to discredit me at every turn.[/RED] Those who consider this a game cannot keep up with themselves and are quickly dismissed by those seeking REAL answers to this Cooper saga. I have said in recent days - Show me the proof Duane was NOT Cooper and the FBI has NOT done that in 15 yrs. They thought I would just die and go away. If they had proof DUANE WEBER was not Cooper why used up 15 yrs of my life. All I have ever asked of them was prove he was NOT. Not one iota. They cannot even produce the Jefferson Federal Prison fingerprints. Not producing those fingerprints is their error in judgement. Carr came up with the 1944 prints from Stillacoon (McNeil file), but never has the FBI explained WHY Webers prints under John Collins in Jefferson - did NOT reveal a 4 time Felon by the name of Duane L. Weber. I was recently looking at old files: I communicated with Jefferson before the FBI realized I was moving on in my search. My communications with the prison prior to 2000 indicated John Collins and 2 others names connected to Weber were residents there in the late sixities. I had nothing to prove I was the widow of John Collins. Prior to FBI coming to this thread I was denied the Jefferson file and Duane Weber was not connected to the John Collins file per 2 emails I had with the prison and a phone conversation. FBI refused to provide me with the materials and then a few months later the file is on a Mo. site and the back paperwork is destroyed. They have him listed there as Duane L. Weber. Does not anyone find that odd? It was not until I brought it to Carr that Duane L. Weber was connected to the John Collins file. Someone did some fancy foot work (paper work) to move Weber on out of the picture. Excuse me I had a problem with this and the FBI's own actions gave birth to the CIA, coverts or soldier of fortune stories. Plus the stories told to me by the ex-wife and places they lived (always on the move) and the stories told to me by Weber - that matched. Except Duane's stories were always in 3rd person. She denied knowing what he did, because he would be gone for wks at a time and he always came back with money. They moved to and lived in all of the locations certain programs where worked out of. SO what's a girl to think? P.S. HOW convenient the military lost LD Cooper's prints. Surely he had other prints on file some place - how convenient this is going to be with the items they retrieved that supposedly belonged to LD in Eugene. If those prints match they will declare LD as Cooper, but the FBI already knows my story about this the location. Nothing I spoke about on this thread, but communicated to the FBI. I also covered my ass by telling the story to others before talking to the FBI. The timing of the Eugene connections is weird, but it is a small world today. I made sure others knew what I said so the FBI could NOT just brush it under the table - but, again I wait, but i won't wait long. bout you show some proof that Duane was Cooper?.............................................. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Marla 0 #28795 December 16, 2011 Thank you 377. And thank you for your neutrality, poetry, etc., where I'm concerned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Orange1 0 #28796 December 16, 2011 Quote I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. Really? Including that he is responsible for the conspiracy theories you did not have? Never mind all the other clearly bullsh*t claims you have made about him... On another topic, I'm surprised you haven't yet asked Marla if LD and Duane were in cahoots about making their fingerprints disappear/change Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Marla 0 #28797 December 16, 2011 Hi Georger. Thank you for the welcome, and for giving me the benefit of your doubts in your posts. I will answer your questions as I'm able. Please keep in mind that I only have my memories, those shared with me by others, and a few documents. I've never felt it was my job to "solve" or to "prove" anything. Physical evidence is the only thing that could bring a conviction. I am aware of certain facts about the case because Eng has told me some things, but certainly not everything! The comic books: My dad was Don Cooper. I used to think those comics were about him. It was odd to me that an adult had comic books. I would take them down from the wall and try to read them, believing there would be something about my father written in them. Of corse, that was frustrating because they were written in French. I can almost hear Jerry ask "How did you know it was French?" I didn't. I know that now. I tried to read them phonetically, which didn't help. I remember seeing the one with the space needle, a familiar and identifiable land mark to me as a child since I had lived in various parts of Seattle in the first grade. Someone on here has observed that I had described my uncle as just "having" the comics to later calling him "obsessed" by them. I used the word obsessed only after hearing Carol speak at the symposium. I was looking forward to her presentation as I've always wondered what the connection was. Her research was fascinating to me because I've never known what was in the comics. After hearing about all the things in the comics that he used in hijacking the plane, I thought "What a nut job! He must have studied and studied those comics to the point of obsession to have extracted and execute such detail from them." So yes, my description of his interest has changed. I know very little of my uncle's service record, only that he was in the Navy and fought in Korea. Someone in my family said he had been a paratrooper. Another family member said he had been assaulted and beaten up badly while over seas. My parents and other people in Sisters have attested that he was very different after the war. He had seizures, and was emotionally withdrawn. I have been quoted saying: "he was always smiling." That, like many things, I didn't say, has been regergitated in the press. What I have said is "I remember his smile." I know he convalesced at different times in his life in VA hospitals. As far as a hospital in Great Brittain, I don't know about that. I think you got that from Bruce's story where he interviewed Dale Miller. Or maybe he got that from Arden Dorney. Bruce has quite a flare for the dramatic and takes creative license when writing. He also becomes a pest when he interviews you. He starts with a "normal" interview, then comes back with more and more questions, then wants yet more or your time to discect what he or someone else thinks or says about what he wrote that you may or may not have said. He brings a lot of drama, embellishment, and conflict into his stories, and his quotes are seldom verbatim. I, my mother, and Dale Miller have all experienced this with him. In the end, Bruce writes whatever he wants to and my guess is it's usually based on what would make for a good performance on stage. Dale told me LD said a lot about his service time, but he didn't know how much of it was true. One of his stories had included being treated by his own brother, who was a doctor. LD didn't have a doctor/brother. What I do know about his service record is that there were no finger prints in it. This was told to me by Eng. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites pek771 0 #28798 December 16, 2011 Hi Marla: So, how do you feel about having close relatives threaten the murder of dozens of people for profit? And, do you happen to have one of those $20's, or maybe a bit of parachute? Thanks, and enjoy your stay. Pat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #28799 December 16, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuote377 wrote*** I'm going to talk Cooper had a good Navy back chute (NB6 or NB8) that had room in the front to lash up a money container. Why on earth would he rig the X marked chest reserve to be worn on his back? Your scenario shows a profound lack of parachute configuration knowledge. I don't think it makes any sense. You don't make it more plausible by endlessly repeating it. Buy Dan Poynters Parachute Manual. Learn something about rigs. Re-evaluate the story you are telling in light of facts about how parachute rigs are actually configured. 377 Because we KNEW who packed the X chute and it was sewn shut to prove nobody tampered with it!! Ask BILL RATACZAK. He is a better expert. More informed. More first hand experience. A true hero in my estimation. But very bashful when it comes to his accomplishments. (;#) ^ Making no sense is what makes sense. If you try to make sense of any of this caper, you are going the wrong direction. Ask BILL! So there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites arfuller 0 #28800 December 16, 2011 Marla, Welcome. I'm one of the newer members here. I joined back in August when I saw you on ABC. Of course many of the members here are not receptive to your stories because they've followed the crime for years and have there minds made up as to just who did the crime. I've been interested in the crime since it happened, but I think most of the theories presented as to who DB was are pretty weak. Apparently the FBI feels that way too. The FBI seems to have a positive outlook on your story. I think Blevins raises some valid questions about LD's condition that thanksgiving, his treatment and the attitude of the rest of the family about that. Do you remember anything about that? Sorry if that's already been addressed. I'm a slow typer. Also I was wondering if you ever saw your uncles experimenting with flares. Do you remember them checking airline schedules before the hijacking? Did they spend nights away from home hunting, or drinking or whatever. What I'm getting at is did they spend time where they could have been planning the crime? I realize this was 40 years ago. That's a long time to remember, and you were only 8 and possibly not aware of this info. Thanks again. Another thing, do you remember just when they left to go hunting? Was it the same day of the hijacking, or earlier?The Money Connection Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 Next Page 1152 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing
EVickiW 0 #28788 December 16, 2011 QuoteIf so, his prints are in the NCIC computers. Not necessarily. My father's prints are on the original fingerprint cards for all crimes committed prior to September 1971. Since his case was closed to further investigation in 2001, his prints were never uploaded into the IAFIS database. NCIC is a crime database: IAFIS is a fingerprint database. Not everyone arrested is in the system: When IAFIS started: IAFIS was launched on July 28, 1999. Prior to this time, the processing of ten-print fingerprint submissions was largely a manual, labor-intensive process, taking weeks or months to process a single submission.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #28789 December 16, 2011 Welcome to the DZ. So, can you tell us about Curtis Eng? What's he like? Besides groaning about Blevs, what else does he groan about? Or laugh? Do you meet him in person or on the phone? How often would you say you've talked with him? When was the first time you spoke with him? Does he ever talk about the case in general terms? The political and cultural hub-bub surrounding DBC? Do you ever see Ayn? Does she sit in? What's she like? Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #28790 December 16, 2011 Quote Where do you get this stuff? do you make this up in your dreams? GET A LIFE THOMAS. I have not contacted this Marla in any way shape or form. I have no list of question for anyone. But I do know you to be a total liar, blatant gossip and rumor spreader, and lying trouble maker. That much is true. What exactly is your problem? Im beginning to think everything Jo Weber ever said about you is true! That is how far you have fallen. Quit while you are still ahead of Jo by one inch? Thank You, Georger. I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. JT is responsible for the FBI not investigating Weber the way they investigated other suspects. How or why they have gone as far as they have with the LD Cooper things totally is out of character for the FBI and tells me they just want to hang the case out to dry. NOW regarding Marla: Again we (you guy - I will sit this one our) take on a writer and teach them the facts about the crime as we all mentored Blevins. I will start this off with ONE big mistake - Plagurism and taking of her story from all of stories told about Cooper suspects. Note she says "man on the ground" How many time as it been printed what Duane Weber told me in 1979"That's were Cooper walked out of the Woods" and I asked him "How would you know" and he replies "Maybe I was the one on the ground". It was always my belief that he was trying to cover up his statement. Yet, I never looked back on the statement until I learned 1 yr and 2 months after he died and said "I'm Dan Coooper" that Dan Cooper was D.B. Cooper. This resulted in a 15 yr search for the Marla could never survive. This old cookie has survived to continue her battle for the truth, but I do not have the time or energy to expend on the likes of someone who rides on the work and research of others. Infact I am running out of time -period. An observations from a non writer - Bloody T-Shirt . I caught this right away, but Cooper could have removed his shirt. Sounds more like a bar fight to me. If Marla remembers he had on a T-Shirt at the age of 8 perhaps she also remembers what pants he had on. What was he wearing when he left. She will now add this to her story. Marla sounds like the writer who wanted to write a story about Duane - the one who did 12 hrs of tapes and then does a query letter with NOT one word of truth. Fired him with that - it would be the truth or nothing at all. I have stood firm on that all of these yrs and hopefully there are those of you who respect that. [RED]My memories are those of woman who was 40 yrs old and now 30 + yrs later and telling my story since 1996 it has NOT changed even though certain individuals have tried to discredit me at every turn.[/RED] Those who consider this a game cannot keep up with themselves and are quickly dismissed by those seeking REAL answers to this Cooper saga. I have said in recent days - Show me the proof Duane was NOT Cooper and the FBI has NOT done that in 15 yrs. They thought I would just die and go away. If they had proof DUANE WEBER was not Cooper why used up 15 yrs of my life. All I have ever asked of them was prove he was NOT. Not one iota. They cannot even produce the Jefferson Federal Prison fingerprints. Not producing those fingerprints is their error in judgement. Carr came up with the 1944 prints from Stillacoon (McNeil file), but never has the FBI explained WHY Webers prints under John Collins in Jefferson - did NOT reveal a 4 time Felon by the name of Duane L. Weber. I was recently looking at old files: I communicated with Jefferson before the FBI realized I was moving on in my search. My communications with the prison prior to 2000 indicated John Collins and 2 others names connected to Weber were residents there in the late sixities. I had nothing to prove I was the widow of John Collins. Prior to FBI coming to this thread I was denied the Jefferson file and Duane Weber was not connected to the John Collins file per 2 emails I had with the prison and a phone conversation. FBI refused to provide me with the materials and then a few months later the file is on a Mo. site and the back paperwork is destroyed. They have him listed there as Duane L. Weber. Does not anyone find that odd? It was not until I brought it to Carr that Duane L. Weber was connected to the John Collins file. Someone did some fancy foot work (paper work) to move Weber on out of the picture. Excuse me I had a problem with this and the FBI's own actions gave birth to the CIA, coverts or soldier of fortune stories. Plus the stories told to me by the ex-wife and places they lived (always on the move) and the stories told to me by Weber - that matched. Except Duane's stories were always in 3rd person. She denied knowing what he did, because he would be gone for wks at a time and he always came back with money. They moved to and lived in all of the locations certain programs where worked out of. SO what's a girl to think? P.S. HOW convenient the military lost LD Cooper's prints. Surely he had other prints on file some place - how convenient this is going to be with the items they retrieved that supposedly belonged to LD in Eugene. If those prints match they will declare LD as Cooper, but the FBI already knows my story about this the location. Nothing I spoke about on this thread, but communicated to the FBI. I also covered my ass by telling the story to others before talking to the FBI. The timing of the Eugene connections is weird, but it is a small world today. I made sure others knew what I said so the FBI could NOT just brush it under the table - but, again I wait, but i won't wait long.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #28791 December 16, 2011 LD's fingerprints are missing from his military record. Quote Welcome to the DZ, Marla. You have LD's military record? Can you post it or tell us the pertinent details? Time of service, type of duty, physical characteristics, etc.? Thanks. Also, can you tell us about Curtis Eng? What's he like? Besides groaning about Blevs, what else does he groan about? Or laugh? Do you meet him in person or on the phone? How often would you say you've talked with him? When was the first time you spoke with him? Does he ever talk about the case in general terms? The political and cultural hub-bub surrounding DBC? Do you ever see Ayn? Does she sit in? What's she like? Thanks **************** Oops. Did I erase some formatting with my post? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #28792 December 16, 2011 Quote No. That was me. I fixed it. NO it was ME - I had a coding error. Your post was just fine and when I saw what had happened I tried to get if fix as fast as I could.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClassClown 0 #28793 December 16, 2011 ..............Welcome Marla...................prepare for an adventure.................... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClassClown 0 #28794 December 16, 2011 QuoteQuote Where do you get this stuff? do you make this up in your dreams? GET A LIFE THOMAS. I have not contacted this Marla in any way shape or form. I have no list of question for anyone. But I do know you to be a total liar, blatant gossip and rumor spreader, and lying trouble maker. That much is true. What exactly is your problem? Im beginning to think everything Jo Weber ever said about you is true! That is how far you have fallen. Quit while you are still ahead of Jo by one inch? Thank You, Georger. I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. JT is responsible for the FBI not investigating Weber the way they investigated other suspects. How or why they have gone as far as they have with the LD Cooper things totally is out of character for the FBI and tells me they just want to hang the case out to dry. NOW regarding Marla: Again we (you guy - I will sit this one our) take on a writer and teach them the facts about the crime as we all mentored Blevins. I will start this off with ONE big mistake - Plagurism and taking of her story from all of stories told about Cooper suspects. Note she says "man on the ground" How many time as it been printed what Duane Weber told me in 1979"That's were Cooper walked out of the Woods" and I asked him "How would you know" and he replies "Maybe I was the one on the ground". It was always my belief that he was trying to cover up his statement. Yet, I never looked back on the statement until I learned 1 yr and 2 months after he died and said "I'm Dan Coooper" that Dan Cooper was D.B. Cooper. This resulted in a 15 yr search for the Marla could never survive. This old cookie has survived to continue her battle for the truth, but I do not have the time or energy to expend on the likes of someone who rides on the work and research of others. Infact I am running out of time -period. An observations from a non writer - Bloody T-Shirt . I caught this right away, but Cooper could have removed his shirt. Sounds more like a bar fight to me. If Marla remembers he had on a T-Shirt at the age of 8 perhaps she also remembers what pants he had on. What was he wearing when he left. She will now add this to her story. Marla sounds like the writer who wanted to write a story about Duane - the one who did 12 hrs of tapes and then does a query letter with NOT one word of truth. Fired him with that - it would be the truth or nothing at all. I have stood firm on that all of these yrs and hopefully there are those of you who respect that. [RED]My memories are those of woman who was 40 yrs old and now 30 + yrs later and telling my story since 1996 it has NOT changed even though certain individuals have tried to discredit me at every turn.[/RED] Those who consider this a game cannot keep up with themselves and are quickly dismissed by those seeking REAL answers to this Cooper saga. I have said in recent days - Show me the proof Duane was NOT Cooper and the FBI has NOT done that in 15 yrs. They thought I would just die and go away. If they had proof DUANE WEBER was not Cooper why used up 15 yrs of my life. All I have ever asked of them was prove he was NOT. Not one iota. They cannot even produce the Jefferson Federal Prison fingerprints. Not producing those fingerprints is their error in judgement. Carr came up with the 1944 prints from Stillacoon (McNeil file), but never has the FBI explained WHY Webers prints under John Collins in Jefferson - did NOT reveal a 4 time Felon by the name of Duane L. Weber. I was recently looking at old files: I communicated with Jefferson before the FBI realized I was moving on in my search. My communications with the prison prior to 2000 indicated John Collins and 2 others names connected to Weber were residents there in the late sixities. I had nothing to prove I was the widow of John Collins. Prior to FBI coming to this thread I was denied the Jefferson file and Duane Weber was not connected to the John Collins file per 2 emails I had with the prison and a phone conversation. FBI refused to provide me with the materials and then a few months later the file is on a Mo. site and the back paperwork is destroyed. They have him listed there as Duane L. Weber. Does not anyone find that odd? It was not until I brought it to Carr that Duane L. Weber was connected to the John Collins file. Someone did some fancy foot work (paper work) to move Weber on out of the picture. Excuse me I had a problem with this and the FBI's own actions gave birth to the CIA, coverts or soldier of fortune stories. Plus the stories told to me by the ex-wife and places they lived (always on the move) and the stories told to me by Weber - that matched. Except Duane's stories were always in 3rd person. She denied knowing what he did, because he would be gone for wks at a time and he always came back with money. They moved to and lived in all of the locations certain programs where worked out of. SO what's a girl to think? P.S. HOW convenient the military lost LD Cooper's prints. Surely he had other prints on file some place - how convenient this is going to be with the items they retrieved that supposedly belonged to LD in Eugene. If those prints match they will declare LD as Cooper, but the FBI already knows my story about this the location. Nothing I spoke about on this thread, but communicated to the FBI. I also covered my ass by telling the story to others before talking to the FBI. The timing of the Eugene connections is weird, but it is a small world today. I made sure others knew what I said so the FBI could NOT just brush it under the table - but, again I wait, but i won't wait long. bout you show some proof that Duane was Cooper?.............................................. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marla 0 #28795 December 16, 2011 Thank you 377. And thank you for your neutrality, poetry, etc., where I'm concerned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #28796 December 16, 2011 Quote I can assure you that everything I ever said about this man is true. Really? Including that he is responsible for the conspiracy theories you did not have? Never mind all the other clearly bullsh*t claims you have made about him... On another topic, I'm surprised you haven't yet asked Marla if LD and Duane were in cahoots about making their fingerprints disappear/change Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marla 0 #28797 December 16, 2011 Hi Georger. Thank you for the welcome, and for giving me the benefit of your doubts in your posts. I will answer your questions as I'm able. Please keep in mind that I only have my memories, those shared with me by others, and a few documents. I've never felt it was my job to "solve" or to "prove" anything. Physical evidence is the only thing that could bring a conviction. I am aware of certain facts about the case because Eng has told me some things, but certainly not everything! The comic books: My dad was Don Cooper. I used to think those comics were about him. It was odd to me that an adult had comic books. I would take them down from the wall and try to read them, believing there would be something about my father written in them. Of corse, that was frustrating because they were written in French. I can almost hear Jerry ask "How did you know it was French?" I didn't. I know that now. I tried to read them phonetically, which didn't help. I remember seeing the one with the space needle, a familiar and identifiable land mark to me as a child since I had lived in various parts of Seattle in the first grade. Someone on here has observed that I had described my uncle as just "having" the comics to later calling him "obsessed" by them. I used the word obsessed only after hearing Carol speak at the symposium. I was looking forward to her presentation as I've always wondered what the connection was. Her research was fascinating to me because I've never known what was in the comics. After hearing about all the things in the comics that he used in hijacking the plane, I thought "What a nut job! He must have studied and studied those comics to the point of obsession to have extracted and execute such detail from them." So yes, my description of his interest has changed. I know very little of my uncle's service record, only that he was in the Navy and fought in Korea. Someone in my family said he had been a paratrooper. Another family member said he had been assaulted and beaten up badly while over seas. My parents and other people in Sisters have attested that he was very different after the war. He had seizures, and was emotionally withdrawn. I have been quoted saying: "he was always smiling." That, like many things, I didn't say, has been regergitated in the press. What I have said is "I remember his smile." I know he convalesced at different times in his life in VA hospitals. As far as a hospital in Great Brittain, I don't know about that. I think you got that from Bruce's story where he interviewed Dale Miller. Or maybe he got that from Arden Dorney. Bruce has quite a flare for the dramatic and takes creative license when writing. He also becomes a pest when he interviews you. He starts with a "normal" interview, then comes back with more and more questions, then wants yet more or your time to discect what he or someone else thinks or says about what he wrote that you may or may not have said. He brings a lot of drama, embellishment, and conflict into his stories, and his quotes are seldom verbatim. I, my mother, and Dale Miller have all experienced this with him. In the end, Bruce writes whatever he wants to and my guess is it's usually based on what would make for a good performance on stage. Dale told me LD said a lot about his service time, but he didn't know how much of it was true. One of his stories had included being treated by his own brother, who was a doctor. LD didn't have a doctor/brother. What I do know about his service record is that there were no finger prints in it. This was told to me by Eng. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pek771 0 #28798 December 16, 2011 Hi Marla: So, how do you feel about having close relatives threaten the murder of dozens of people for profit? And, do you happen to have one of those $20's, or maybe a bit of parachute? Thanks, and enjoy your stay. Pat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #28799 December 16, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuote377 wrote*** I'm going to talk Cooper had a good Navy back chute (NB6 or NB8) that had room in the front to lash up a money container. Why on earth would he rig the X marked chest reserve to be worn on his back? Your scenario shows a profound lack of parachute configuration knowledge. I don't think it makes any sense. You don't make it more plausible by endlessly repeating it. Buy Dan Poynters Parachute Manual. Learn something about rigs. Re-evaluate the story you are telling in light of facts about how parachute rigs are actually configured. 377 Because we KNEW who packed the X chute and it was sewn shut to prove nobody tampered with it!! Ask BILL RATACZAK. He is a better expert. More informed. More first hand experience. A true hero in my estimation. But very bashful when it comes to his accomplishments. (;#) ^ Making no sense is what makes sense. If you try to make sense of any of this caper, you are going the wrong direction. Ask BILL! So there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites arfuller 0 #28800 December 16, 2011 Marla, Welcome. I'm one of the newer members here. I joined back in August when I saw you on ABC. Of course many of the members here are not receptive to your stories because they've followed the crime for years and have there minds made up as to just who did the crime. I've been interested in the crime since it happened, but I think most of the theories presented as to who DB was are pretty weak. Apparently the FBI feels that way too. The FBI seems to have a positive outlook on your story. I think Blevins raises some valid questions about LD's condition that thanksgiving, his treatment and the attitude of the rest of the family about that. Do you remember anything about that? Sorry if that's already been addressed. I'm a slow typer. Also I was wondering if you ever saw your uncles experimenting with flares. Do you remember them checking airline schedules before the hijacking? Did they spend nights away from home hunting, or drinking or whatever. What I'm getting at is did they spend time where they could have been planning the crime? I realize this was 40 years ago. That's a long time to remember, and you were only 8 and possibly not aware of this info. Thanks again. Another thing, do you remember just when they left to go hunting? Was it the same day of the hijacking, or earlier?The Money Connection Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 Next Page 1152 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing
arfuller 0 #28800 December 16, 2011 Marla, Welcome. I'm one of the newer members here. I joined back in August when I saw you on ABC. Of course many of the members here are not receptive to your stories because they've followed the crime for years and have there minds made up as to just who did the crime. I've been interested in the crime since it happened, but I think most of the theories presented as to who DB was are pretty weak. Apparently the FBI feels that way too. The FBI seems to have a positive outlook on your story. I think Blevins raises some valid questions about LD's condition that thanksgiving, his treatment and the attitude of the rest of the family about that. Do you remember anything about that? Sorry if that's already been addressed. I'm a slow typer. Also I was wondering if you ever saw your uncles experimenting with flares. Do you remember them checking airline schedules before the hijacking? Did they spend nights away from home hunting, or drinking or whatever. What I'm getting at is did they spend time where they could have been planning the crime? I realize this was 40 years ago. That's a long time to remember, and you were only 8 and possibly not aware of this info. Thanks again. Another thing, do you remember just when they left to go hunting? Was it the same day of the hijacking, or earlier?The Money Connection Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites