airtwardo 7 #28876 December 17, 2011 As an aside, it occurs to me that some of our postulating isn’t about solving the DB case but is about planning the perfect crime. Quote 'Perfect Crime' is contradictory terms. As a long time skydiver, I'm more interested in the how than the who...but then again, they are interrelated because whomever it was, he either had to have huge balls & some smarts, or be REALLY lucky. The how, it's seems to me helps point to the who. I see it in way a lot like the Oswald/JFK thing, when ya look into Lee Harvey's life...they guy got around, did lots of stuff, went lots of places, given his age & background a lot doesn't make sense & I'm not convinced. 'Many' of the Cooper theories make sense, some more than others...I actually kinda like the way much of the discourse goes on here because it does bring forward points I hadn't thought about. Other parts are just useless hateful static and that's too bad. ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClassClown 0 #28877 December 17, 2011 .................I'm with Vicki and Orange..............sjsmith created a profile with the intent of splashing Marla's dirty laundry on here in order to hurt her......................whatever the motiviation was, the basic intent was to hurt her and her having said that I must declare that the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior..................Marla admits that everything sjsmith posted is if she carried on a 20 year ruse within her own family what makes you think she is not capable of carrying on a ruse with her DB Cooper story......................while I do not like the sjssmith post there is something to take away from it.......................... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeW274 0 #28878 December 17, 2011 QuoteDisclaimer: These are Marla's known aliases. I do NOT know if she changed her name back to Cooper in an effort to add credibility to her story. Let's make that clear, folks. Lots of women change their names after a divorce, etc. Marla Wynn Santore Marla Wynn Evans It would be interesting to know whether she was divorced for a significant amount of time before the last name change, however. Especially if this change came shortly before she went public, or began checking the Cooper case. This is easy to discover. Two ways. Drop thirty bucks on a legit search service. Or I could call I guy I know in NYC. You can figure out the rest. Robert, your use of the word "alias" implies dishonesty: a·li·as/ˈālēəs/ Adverb: Used to indicate that a named person is also known or more familiar under another specified name. Noun: A false or assumed identity. I have a friend whom I've known for a little over 2 years. She's been married 3 times. In the past 2 years I've known her by 3 different last names. None of those names was a "false or assumed identity". I don't really see anything false about Marla starting to use her maiden name - especially since she is planning on writing a book. It's not even a nom de plume since it's apparently the name she was born with. Personally, I'd call her use of "Cooper" to be good marketing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClassClown 0 #28879 December 17, 2011 ......................also she(Marla)had to have known that any background info that she wasn't proud of could possibly be dug up and thrown at her considering the type of slueths we have here at DZ........................ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #28880 December 17, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuoteThis was low class. If I were going to drop this kind of info about someone, I would not do it on a message board hiding behind a made up name. I would either have the balls to say it publicly or I would not say it at all. It was low class and did not even NEED to be revealed to the public. Agree with the above. While the background of a potential Cooper would certainly be open to scrutiny, this is not the case for the "informant" ( for lack of a better word). Jo/Duane is a good example: Duane's past misdeeds/actions are open to scrutiny. Jo's (if there were any, which I do not think so) should be off-limits. +1. Orange, though I think it depends on what past behavior you're looking at...for example if Marla had a history of perpetuating fraud or scams, I'd say that was fair game. But as far as i know, she doesn't. Plainly speaking, her personal relationships are no one's business but her own. As far reverting to her maiden name - if I were trying to capitalize on the Cooper saga (as she herself has essentially said outright) - I think I'd do the same thing.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #28881 December 17, 2011 I guess I missed that memo about the surplus of women in the Cooper Vortex that are so hot they are required by federal law to wear radiation hazard signs. Her past marriages? Really? This would aid in the research of LD how? I couldn’t care less about Marla’s husbands, relationships or sex life. OK, that last part is a lie, but the first two are sincere because they have nothing to do with the Cooper hijacking. Marla’s response strikes me as demonstrating how she has a ‘large set’ and they are likely made of brass. Good for her since it effectively pimp slapped the accuser’s information into a greasy spot in the ‘cyber carpet’. I know I wouldn’t want to be the focus of Marla’s speed of light lashings, being mercilessly and repeatedly whipped and spanked while begging for the corporal punishment, which I so richly deserved to stop. OK, that was another lie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #28882 December 17, 2011 Quote Quote Quote This was low class. If I were going to drop this kind of info about someone, I would not do it on a message board hiding behind a made up name. I would either have the balls to say it publicly or I would not say it at all. It was low class and did not even NEED to be revealed to the public. Agree with the above. While the background of a potential Cooper would certainly be open to scrutiny, this is not the case for the "informant" (for lack of a better word). Jo/Duane is a good example: Duane's past misdeeds/actions are open to scrutiny. Jo's (if there were any, which I do not think so) should be off-limits. Thank You! If anyone comes here for the soul purpose of attacking a specific poster that is not acceptable. We as a group often "attack" but it is to defend ourselves when someone has stepped on our toes or our feelings with name calling. We ARE ALL guilty of that at one time or another - excluding Quade and 377.The words Marla uses - indicate a different era and background. My own children who are in Marla's age category do not write and speak with the "hip" language Marla uses such as "snarky". That take a little getting used for a 70+ old gal. You are right Orange - outside of Cooper there is NOT much in my background for anyone to make much out of. No one is perfect and I have my flaws and my secrets...but no enemies. Perhaps the person was trying to show that Marla was not creditable and knew NO other way to make it known. It is a known fact that some of the individuals Marla has mentioned do NOT want to be a PART of this. Every coin has 2 sides. Perhaps Marla got a little too cocky after all of the media attention. I know when media interviewed me (being a very private person) it was difficult. I do okay talking one on one or a sales pitch to a couple, but do not put me infront of an audience or a camera. Was never able to stand up in class and recite a poem I knew forwards and backward...but when the class was over I could recite it to the teacher. One teach was very demeaning and told me if I could recite it to her after class and not in the classroom there was SOMETHING wrong with me...I was a straight A student. Never got past that and to this day find it very difficult to speak infront of a camera or a group of people. The interviewers had to really work with me to make me feel comfortable and with the cameras and to focus on the person inteviewing me. Just the girl in the back row.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #28883 December 17, 2011 Quote +1. Orange, though I think it depends on what past behavior you're looking at...for example if Marla had a history of perpetuating fraud or scams, I'd say that was fair game. But as far as i know, she doesn't. Plainly speaking, her personal relationships are no one's business but her own. As far reverting to her maiden name - if I were trying to capitalize on the Cooper saga (as she herself has essentially said outright) - I think I'd do the same thing. Fair enough, but the "expose" was not revealing such as far as I could see. As for the names...correct me if I'm wrong, but Jo is using Weber (at least here) despite having subsequently married someone else. So the principle is the same. And anyway yes, if you are entitled to use a surname, why not? Not sure what US law is, but here a woman is entitled to use any married name she has had before, even if divorced/widowed, remarried and used another name since. It actually made headlines with a certain woman who married a number of times but insisted on using her second husband's surname - a well known businessman who took her to court to try get her to stop. He lost the case.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28884 December 17, 2011 Quote Quote Re Lil Subie. If it has a "non interference" engine a broken timing belt is no big deal. If not, the repair bill likely will exceed the value of the vehicle. In the case of an "interference" engine, when the timing belt breaks the valves and pistons are no longer synchronized and they collide. Havoc is an understatement. Good luck Robert. I like keeping old cars running. I've never owned a brand new one. 377 Non-interference for the Subaru, at least the GL-10 wagon. I had a Fiat once that snapped the belt at 17,000. Engine was ruined. Never bought another one. Your concern should be your ACLs, your livere titres, the walls of your small arties (in your brain), and your lower body circulation particularly your feet and lower legs! Have you been feeling limp lately, with obsessive-compulsive flareups and delusions of grandeur? Your liddle car is the least of your problems! But Jerry Thomas has a homebrew solution for that too! Jerry is your friend, and will see you through... Baruq Adonai - we knew him well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28885 December 17, 2011 Speaking of name changes, check this one out; 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28886 December 17, 2011 Quote Georger says in part: Quote 'Your liddle car is the least of your problems!' Ack. I love that car. I wouldn't marry it, but a fling is possible...We've been practically everywhere together. Pick any Forest Service road in Washington, for example. I used to be really attached to my old parachutes. I am sure I was the last guy in California regularly jumping mil surplus rounds. I didnt have anything more modern. One day I borrowed a modern rig. I just couldn't go back. The performance was sooooooo superior. It's probably like that with newer cars. Is Marla gone? The hurricane analogy is looking pretty good. Georger, how was that for modeling? Will we get FEMA trailers? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeW274 0 #28887 December 17, 2011 While I haven't gone back and checked every one of the over 20,000 posts (and I'll leave whether this is correct to ClassClown), but I believe I may have been the first to use "snarky" in this forum. Snarky isn't some new-fangled hip term. it's been part of the language for some time: snarky "irritable, short-tempered," 1906, from snark (v.) "to snort" (1866), from an imitative source akin to Low Ger. snarken, N.Fris. snarke, Swed. snarka. I'm 61 years old, by the way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #28888 December 17, 2011 Quote While I haven't gone back and checked every one of the over 20,000 posts (and I'll leave whether this is correct to ClassClown), but I believe I may have been the first to use "snarky" in this forum. Snarky isn't some new-fangled hip term. it's been part of the language for some time: snarky "irritable, short-tempered," 1906, from snark (v.) "to snort" (1866), from an imitative source akin to Low Ger. snarken, N.Fris. snarke, Swed. snarka. I'm 61 years old, by the way. lol...sorry snowmman beat you to it in 2009, fyi...there's a search function at bottom of page.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #28889 December 17, 2011 QuoteQuote I find it more useful to consider myself a divine being on a path to God,. ...interesting way you are choosing to do it... most people who look at themselves that way don't choose to hurt others on their path. Despite my most earnest intentions to be a force for good in the world, I find that I still cause a lot of havoc. But, I also have come to realize that I am just one partner in this dance. I say it's the balance of outcomes and impacts as one moves towards their goal that we need to keep our eye on. However, it's often sloppy and messy, like the soldier who must kill in order to protect that which he loves. To do nothing, or very little, in the hopes of not distrubing anyone is not a very worthy option, in my view. To be a bold investigator is a worthy endeavor, and I fully accept responsibility for all the pain I inflict. Orange, what would you like me to do with Tina? Leave her alone? To me that is unacceptible and only serves those who have made her the rageful woman she has become. I seriously doubt that her anger is rooted in annoyance with too many pesky reporters asking too many mundane questions. If it was, I wouldn't have had eleven doors slammed in my face and shunned twice by nuns in a convent. In my professional judgment, something bigger is going on than media overwhelm. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #28890 December 17, 2011 I'd like to share some thoughts on Marla's departure, especially the focus we placed on her marriages and divorces, and other personal behaviors. I think Marla brought the scrutiny upon herself. She forcefully shut down other forms of inquiry, saying repeatedly that she didn't have to tell us this or that. Further, she never provided basic data, such as LD's height, weight, eye color, etc in a documented fashion. At best, she provided anecdotal material. In short, all Marla provided - and all she insisted on sharing - was her story. As a result, we only had one avenue of investigation left to pursue - her personal credibility. As we dug deeper, more concerns and doubts came up, so things intensified and even a buddy from Oklahoma eventually joined the fray. For me, I'm not concerned, primarily, about Marla's book deal or what her motivation is to tell this story. Rather, I am more concerend about the FBI and why they allow Marla to be Marla. How does this serve the FBI? What agenda does it further? To me, that is the most important question. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #28891 December 18, 2011 DB was featured in a jeopardy question tonight. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ParrotheadVol 70 #28892 December 18, 2011 QuoteI'd like to share some thoughts on Marla's departure, especially the focus we placed on her marriages and divorces, and other personal behaviors. I think Marla brought the scrutiny upon herself. She forcefully shut down other forms of inquiry, saying repeatedly that she didn't have to tell us this or that. Further, she never provided basic data, such as LD's height, weight, eye color, etc in a documented fashion. At best, she provided anecdotal material. In short, all Marla provided - and all she insisted on sharing - was her story. As a result, we only had one avenue of investigation left to pursue - her personal credibility. As we dug deeper, more concerns and doubts came up, so things intensified and even a buddy from Oklahoma eventually joined the fray. For me, I'm not concerned, primarily, about Marla's book deal or what her motivation is to tell this story. Rather, I am more concerend about the FBI and why they allow Marla to be Marla. How does this serve the FBI? What agenda does it further? To me, that is the most important question. Bruce - to me the most important question is: What does the FBI know about LD that we do not know? On the surface, is LD a better suspect than any of the others that have been thrown out over the years? I don't think so. So, does the FBI have some sort of smoking gun, some bombshell, that they have not revealed? Something about LD obviously interests them."They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #28893 December 18, 2011 Bruce wrote Quote eleven doors slammed in my face and shunned twice by nuns in a convent... If that nun thing isn't working out for ya Bruce I'm pretty sure Farflung can give you some pointers. I still can't see someone as smart as Marla lieing about what the FBI told her. That would almost surely blow up before her book release and kill its market appeal. She is too smart to do that. I'm staying tuned. If Marla were a serial commercial scammer she'd have an easy to find record and history. Nothing remarkable in the public records. Just some divorces and one inconsequential small claims court judgement for about $600. Not a scammer profile. Her romantic misadventures don't have anything to do with Norjack. To my amazement she even took that matter head on with no dodges. I felt sympathy for her. Imagine if some infidelity or dishonesty of yours got plastered all over the Internet. Herman Cain could have taken a lesson from Marla. She didn't lie, dodge or make excuses. Bruce is focusing on the FBIs apparently unique response to Marla. Sooner or later more will be revealed. I am keeping an open mind. Do I think LD was DBC? So far, I've seen zero probative evidence that he was so I'd have to say no. I wish I was a friend of Curtis Ng and could talk off the record. I'd just ask what's up with this Marla Cooper thing? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pek771 0 #28894 December 18, 2011 What makes everyone so sure she is telling the truth about anything? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28895 December 18, 2011 Quote I'd like to share some thoughts on Marla's departure, especially the focus we placed on her marriages and divorces, and other personal behaviors. I think Marla brought the scrutiny upon herself. She forcefully shut down other forms of inquiry, saying repeatedly that she didn't have to tell us this or that. Further, she never provided basic data, such as LD's height, weight, eye color, etc in a documented fashion. At best, she provided anecdotal material. In short, all Marla provided - and all she insisted on sharing - was her story. As a result, we only had one avenue of investigation left to pursue - her personal credibility. As we dug deeper, more concerns and doubts came up, so things intensified and even a buddy from Oklahoma eventually joined the fray. For me, I'm not concerned, primarily, about Marla's book deal or what her motivation is to tell this story. Rather, I am more concerend about the FBI and why they allow Marla to be Marla. How does this serve the FBI? What agenda does it further? To me, that is the most important question. Well you needn't concern yourself. The FBI is just fine, and so is Marla. Marla dipped her toe in the River Dropzone and said: "Oh! Its just what I thought it would be" ... and Marla found nothing and no one, compelling here. Be assured it isnt her loss! Marla - a conspiracy to undo Blevins!? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #28896 December 18, 2011 QuoteWhat makes everyone so sure she is telling the truth about anything? Uh, everyone so sure? You know something nobody else, not even Marla, knows ? Its like what the hermit said when after 90 long years a little girl from the village passed by his cave door: " I'm gittin the hell out of here. I can't stand the constant interuption!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #28897 December 18, 2011 parrotheadVol: I would like to think that the FBI now has as much info as we do. Im sure they feel imbarrased by there suport of Marla if they realy did. I do have to question the statements Marla has made in reference to Curtis Ng. A simple search involving the timeline that Marla give's in reference to when she observed her uncle LD, delirious and bloody on thanksgiving day was enough for me to dismiss LD as a suspect.It would have been impossible for LD and Dewey to have made it too Sisters Oregon, untill after dark on thanksgiving day. If none of you have ever driven the road's from Ariel Wa to Sister's Oregon in Nov give it a run.You'll find that you may be able to average 35 to 40 mph at best.Now less examine the time of evening Cooper Jumped and what the conditions on the ground was. Its dark your disoriented and you cant see any thing to get your berrings so you can pinpoint your position. You have to wait untill daybreak which is around 8 am in this area. (Check with Kim Cornett producer from NBC Today for verification of this she was there at this time on 16 Nov} Even if LD ,with Dewey on the ground waiting for him, they could not have made contact untill after daybreak. Now LD has to walk out of the woods Bleeding hurt barefoot delirious and Identify his location find a walkie talkie contact Dewey and make it back to Sisters Oregon by 8 am on thanks giving day which is 160 miles away I know I drove it recently.Seem's impossible to me. As for finger print's and santa clause. Here is a tooth brush that hasn't been seen since 1999 but there is no comic book, if LD prized this comic book of his he would probably still had it when he died or at least some one else would remember seeing it.Better yet I have not met a person that has ever gone through Airborne Training that does not have proof of it in his living quarters by means of display or in a file.Now Marla expects everyone to believe that she is the only one with a memory at 8yrs old and no one in her family does, not even the adults.What about the statement her father made all there money problems were solved because LD hijacked a plane. Now her statement is LD lost the money because he had trouble with the chute.If you were a FBI investigator would you believe this story. I realy wonder if Curtis did. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pek771 0 #28898 December 18, 2011 The term "everyone" was used as a figure of speech. Please forgive my poor choice of words. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #28899 December 18, 2011 I still can't see someone as smart as Marla lieing about what the FBI told her. That would almost surely blow up before her book release and kill its market appeal. She is too smart to do that. I'm staying tuned. Her romantic misadventures don't have anything to do with Norjack. To my amazement she even took that matter head on with no dodges. I felt sympathy for her. Imagine if some infidelity or dishonesty of yours got plastered all over the Internet. Herman Cain could have taken a lesson from Marla. She didn't lie, dodge or make excuses. Quote I disagree with your view, 377, that Marla didn't "dodge." She has blocked me at every turn in the past two weeks in my efforts to learn more about her and her family. To whit: she threatened me with a law suit if I contacted Santore. She didn't return phone calls or emails in a timely manner regarding the wackiness coming out her cop, Detective Dorney nor restore the communnication link with Santa Claus, and dropped the ball about Gracie. Here at the DZ she dug in her heels and on numerous occaisons said she wouldn't provide info or contact information. Add in her snarkiness and one had to be strong-willed to maintain a dialogue with Miss M and ask a few questions about Norjak. As for me, she didn't answer a single question I posed here, such as LD's height, with any precision. Further, the key FBI contact of hers is still un-identified, and I appreciate his dilemma of protecting himself from restless triggermen while being the lynchpin in an enormously public and controversial case. Nevertheless, his contributions must be made known, for it speaks volumes about the FBI's investigation of Norjak. They ignore Marla and Dorney in 2010 but grab the bait when it's a G-man pitching? Yeesch. Is that what Vicki W needs? Not a cute red dress but an SA in her back pocket? Lastly, in her Big Confession, Marla left out a lot of names and dates. Yes, it was juicy, but the damn thing is - it's still woefully incomplete. To me, she admitted just enough to abate the wolves nipping at her heels and then made a grand splash as she headed for the exit. Bottom Line, she is most reluctant to discuss issues that impact her credibility. Worse, she does not seem to have developed any substantive appreciation for corroboration, facts and details. Worst, she has not provided any access to her brother Dave, or her sister, who were in the house on The Day and presumably heard all the family stories afterwards. Dave was 7 or so years old, okay, but I'd sure like to hear what he has to say. So far, all my efforts to contact him have gone to naught. As for the FBI, can you imagine what true deception is going on if Marla is telling the truth and she's been set-up by Curtis? Holy Guacamole, Batman!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #28900 December 18, 2011 I was only referring to how she responded to the accusations posted here of past infidelity etc. She sure didn't dodge that one. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 Next Page 1156 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50
377 22 #28900 December 18, 2011 I was only referring to how she responded to the accusations posted here of past infidelity etc. She sure didn't dodge that one. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites