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QuoteI was wondering if you would be willing to post the following message for me on DZ, being as I've been permanently banned from doing so:
in response to ParrotheadVol's Dec 17, 2011, 8:04 PM Post #30217 regarding a photo comparison of my father to DBC claiming he saw it on my facebook page.
I've never had any photos like that on my facebook page
my facebook is
I offer my friendship to everyone, however it is not a place for posting anything DBC related! I will accept questions also but only privately at this time. not on my facebook wall!
georger 247
I understand what you are saying.
Do you want the FBI to close this case and proclaim
Cooper died, in the Washougal?
What is it you want the FBI to do - what outcome
do you want? What have you been waiting to have
happen? Why are you still in this if you already know
the facts and the outcome?
georger 247
QuoteGeorger: the last info put out by the FBI was that LD had been dismissed because there was no match.No other public statements have been released. But of course your computor has not told you that. Jerry
Why do you dislike my computer? What did my
computer do to your dog?
Arent you saying "Georger doesnt knowwhat he's
talking about"? Its me, not the gadget with chips
and a keyboard.. the computer doesnt run itself!
(or does it?).
Do you think the Marla Story was concocted to
disrupt or sidetrack Blevins?
Do you think KC was Cooper?
And this! Are any of the Jones's related to any of
the Coopers at Three Sisters? What does Shelly
think? What church did they attend?
georger 247
QuoteGeorger: I work with facts and experience. You already know I don't believe Cooper survived that Jump. As to who he was I don't know.I feel someone out there does know who Cooper was.I also believe eventialy someone will find his LZ and his parachute in the Washougal watershed.Untill some documented proof is produced as too who Cooper realy was and his manor of death, I believe the FBI will keep this investigation open and should. Georger you have produced information that is valuable to this case your expertise is invaluable but once again that is just my opinion. Jerry
Now that makes sense!
This will work itself out in time, at least I hope it will,
knowing who Cooper was may take more time and
I am trying my best to stay neutral on Marla. Its
all about evidence!
Happy holidays. lhayim. shalom.
Are the Jones involved in this at all? In and around
3sisters? Yes or No so far as you know, because I
havent done anything to try and find out. Have you?
Give our best to Shelly.
BTW my email was never shut down to you.
I just let you think it was!

georger 247
What elements? The suggestion that Cooper may have used walkie talkies, and trying to 100% link the comic to Christiansen.
Silly ole me. I thought it was 377 who came up
with the walkie-talkie idea. And Snow who came
up with the Dan Cooper comic. And SA Carr who
linked it to Cooper, hypothetically.
I didnt think you had been born yet!
BobKnoss 0
QuoteGeorger: I work with facts and experience. ... As to who he was I don't know. I feel someone out there does know who Cooper was.... Jerry
I believe the following people know that Duane Weber was Dan Cooper:
Bill Rataczak, et. al. family
Richard McCoy, et. al. family
Robert Knoss
Dennis Nichols
Nick OHara
Ralph Hemmelsbach
Jerry Thomas (;#)^ et. al. crew
Jo Weber
People who know what really happened are now in the hundreds and growing, many have also passed away. If you are going to cover this up, you'd better start getting more professional about it. This is more like a Shriner's Circus for the kiddies than any serious discussion of "FACTS". You really funny guy. Jo says the chute was buried where a tower used to be. Look for the GPS of the old tower. It is tied together with parachute line and a bunch of knots. Probably a buff colored larger chute. NOT a red and white sport chute like Jo "TESTS" you with. (:#)^
QuoteQuoteGeorger: I work with facts and experience. ... As to who he was I don't know. I feel someone out there does know who Cooper was.... Jerry
I believe the following people know that Duane Weber was Dan Cooper:
Bill Rataczak, et. al. family
Richard McCoy, et. al. family
Robert Knoss
Dennis Nichols
Nick OHara
Ralph Hemmelsbach
Jerry Thomas (;#)^ et. al. crew
Jo Weber
People who know what really happened are now in the hundreds and growing, many have also passed away. If you are going to cover this up, you'd better start getting more professional about it. This is more like a Shriner's Circus for the kiddies than any serious discussion of "FACTS". You really funny guy. Jo says the chute was buried where a tower used to be. Look for the GPS of the old tower. It is tied together with parachute line and a bunch of knots. Probably a buff colored larger chute. NOT a red and white sport chute like Jo "TESTS" you with. (:#)^
That is funny!
It is not April yet!
So, start being safe, first!!!
QuoteA non confrontational word from an exhile. I dont normally post anything for Jamie but this seemed unlikely to offend:
QuoteI was wondering if you would be willing to post the following message for me on DZ, being as I've been permanently banned from doing so:
in response to ParrotheadVol's Dec 17, 2011, 8:04 PM Post #30217 regarding a photo comparison of my father to DBC claiming he saw it on my facebook page.
I've never had any photos like that on my facebook page
my facebook is
I offer my friendship to everyone, however it is not a place for posting anything DBC related! I will accept questions also but only privately at this time. not on my facebook wall!
Jamie Cooper is correct. It had been a couple of weeks since I had looked at the facebook page. It was actually the DB Cooper fan club facebook page that I should have referred to. For that, I apologize to Jamie Cooper. He sent me a message as was none to happy about my post. But, I won't apologize for the post. I see no real similarities between the sketches and the photos posted. Nor do I see any similarities in the handwriting.
I am not a keyboard bully, and my post wasn't meant to be critical of anyone. I was merely asking if he was ever looked at as a suspect by anyone other than Jamie Cooper. That's all.
EVickiW 0
QuoteJamie Cooper is correct. It had been a couple of weeks since I had looked at the facebook page. It was actually the DB Cooper fan club facebook page that I should have referred to. For that, I apologize to Jamie Cooper. He sent me a message as was none to happy about my post. But, I won't apologize for the post. I see no real similarities between the sketches and the photos posted. Nor do I see any similarities in the handwriting.
I am not a keyboard bully, and my post wasn't meant to be critical of anyone. I was merely asking if he was ever looked at as a suspect by anyone other than Jamie Cooper. That's all.
There would not be a similarity in the handwriting. The ticket agent, Hal Williams, filled out Dan Cooper's name on the ticket.
No they didn't or that would be page-one.
Thomas is just engaging in wishful thinking again,
and painting the barn to look like a water fall.
Jerry Thomas does not speak for the FBI and they
are not telling him their every move and thought.
I think you all may be missing something which
could be important, ie the personal vita for DB
Cooper. He had one! He had a family and personal
history. What circumstances bring a person to
hijack? I can assure you with absolute certainty,
the professional at the FBI have given that some
thought, especially after the initital crime and
Cooper not being apprehended, such work done by
specialists within the FBI. Very likely a profile has
been created for DB Cooper, and it may have been
updated with current techniques and modeling.
The Marla story may be being evaluated in that
context; and any other claims by others likewise.
Marla and the facts she has about family history
are going to be judged in terms of the FBI's
profile and maybe by specialists in that field.
So, revealing particulars in Marla's family and
personal history may actually be helping profilers
in their evaluation of LD vis-a-vis Marla, family
history, and a Cooper profile!
So, rather than revealing Marla to be a liar, the
poster could find the exact reverse effect than what
the poster intended. Marla already said she had
revealed "all" to the FBI. So Marla is already
immunized, as it were, to jerkoffs posting on
internet forums, and anything they could say or
reveal may only be the very proof profilers are
looking for!!!
Its in the hands of the FBI. I seriously doubt
anything said here will matter, much less decide
this matter, for Marla or for the FBI.
You might have kept Marla around for another day
or two before you slit your own wrists with your
greed and "opinions" hoping for an effect and fame.
Isaiah 40:4 Every valley shall be raised up, every
mountain and hill shall be made low; the Spirit
of the Lord moves through all things, that high and
proud thoughts may be brought down, good desires
examined like grain, the best planted, the worst
thrown aside, and the road made even in the
forgiveness and making of things, vayomer Elohim.
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