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DB Cooper

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... she may have *borrowed* some elements of her story from the original version of Blast.

What elements? The suggestion that Cooper may have used walkie talkies, and trying to 100% link the comic to Christiansen.

Silly ole me. I thought it was 377 who came up
with the walkie-talkie idea. And Snow who came
up with the Dan Cooper comic. And SA Carr who
linked it to Cooper, hypothetically.

I didnt think you had been born yet!

I am deeply offended. I first floated the idea of walkie talkies on the thread>:(

** Just kidding about being offended. 377 took the idea and ran with it. Besides he is a Cooper nut and honestly I would rather not be put in that category:D:D
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I don't think Marla just lifted the walkie talkie story. I'd bet money that LD and Dewey had radios. Marla described them in considerable detail to me during a break. She didn't get anything wrong. I didnt ask leading questions. From her description of the front grille appearance they were probably Midland 5 watt units. She played with one and broke the telescoping antenna tip, VERY common. Most used ones you see have broken antenna tips.

Still, many hunters used CB walkie talkies. The Midland 5 watt unit was very popular. Having a pair of walkie talkies doesn't put LD on the plane.

It's not fair to attack Marla as a liar/plagiarist about everything she says. I believe her walkie talkie story. Sure, I am biased, but she knew more than you'd get by just reading Blevins early draft or my walkie talkie posts here.

The FBI could bust her claims about Ng and the lengthy polygraph wide open. Hasn't happened yet. She is a smart person. A smart person with a book pending wouldn't lie about those two things.

I see the chances of an LD Dewey post jump rendevousz as nearly impossible. That's the basis of my skepticism.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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** Just kidding about being offended. 377 took the idea and ran with it. Besides he is a Cooper nut and honestly I would rather not be put in that category

Radio nut, oh yes. Cooper nut? Not as much. My house has lots of radios, not much Cooper stuff. Just a few Farflung posters and an Ingram Tena Bar twenty.

Proof? Hey, I get some one on one time with Marla and what do I do with it? Radio talk. ;)

Snowmman puts me to shame on radios. He engineers his own gear and antennas. He wins contests. I am not in his league.

So many ham radio people here besides me. Sluggo, Snow, Guru, Georger, and I am sure others. Hard to figure the connection.

Breaker breaker. Dewey, got a copy on me?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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... she may have *borrowed* some elements of her story from the original version of Blast.

What elements? The suggestion that Cooper may have used walkie talkies, and trying to 100% link the comic to Christiansen.

Silly ole me. I thought it was 377 who came up
with the walkie-talkie idea. And Snow who came
up with the Dan Cooper comic. And SA Carr who
linked it to Cooper, hypothetically.

I didnt think you had been born yet!

I am deeply offended. I first floated the idea of walkie talkies on the thread>:(

** Just kidding about being offended. 377 took the idea and ran with it. Besides he is a Cooper nut and honestly I would rather not be put in that category:D:D

Oh My God!

Now there are three! :D:D

I very humbly apologise, taar taar - had I known -

377, Nigel now has a claim against you!

Marvelous. :D:D

Nigel copywrite your posts from now on. Like Jo

Happy Holidays to you.

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I don't think Marla just lifted the walkie talkie story. I'd bet money that LD and Dewey had radios. Marla described them in considerable detail to me during a break. She didn't get anything wrong. I didnt ask leading questions. From her description of the front grille appearance they were probably Midland 5 watt units. She played with one and broke the telescoping antenna tip, VERY common. Most used ones you see have broken antenna tips.

Still, many hunters used CB walkie talkies. The Midland 5 watt unit was very popular. Having a pair of walkie talkies doesn't put LD on the plane.

It's not fair to attack Marla as a liar/plagiarist about everything she says. I believe her walkie talkie story. Sure, I am biased, but she knew more than you'd get by just reading Blevins early draft or my walkie talkie posts here.

The FBI could bust her claims about Ng and the lengthy polygraph wide open. Hasn't happened yet. She is a smart person. A smart person with a book pending wouldn't lie about those two things.

I see the chances of an LD Dewey post jump rendevousz as nearly impossible. That's the basis of my skepticism.


I wanted one of those things back in the day -
no way short of holding up the local grocer I was
ever going to get one, much less two. Weekly paper
route netted only $2.25 profit per week! Snow
shoveling also a buck a house, driveways included.
Hell it took me a year to save up enough to buy an
Elvis album ... and then my dog ate the album!
Life is so unfair.

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That’s right, the bus I took to school was so short, I had to drive.

Knowing the vast amount of downstream thinking that takes place on this subject, I need some help. There appears to be some effort invested in proving if Marla observed Dan Cooper comics around her uncle. I’m going to get crazy here and assume that she did see that and a photograph exists as proof for just such a claim. Just assuming here, there’s no need to contact the global media yet.

Then what?

Has the Dan Cooper comic now been elevated to some level of proof that a person is DB if they owned or read this Brain Dead Sea Scroll? When did this occur exactly? It is a little bit funny to imagine the mythic proportions this comic has taken in spite of the utter lack of association with the hijacking of Flight 305. In addition to the fact that absolutely no one has the faintest clue how McNally, LaPoint or McCoy selected their alias let alone have any idea what they were.

This is little more than a parlor game; void of logic, insane and now cruel with private information being tossed around like a headless corpse (think about collateral damage?) but still a parlor game. Hey, at least there’s no ‘name calling’ because that would be intolerable. I just thought someone might help me out with the relevance of this comic book now.

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There appears to be some effort invested in proving if Marla observed Dan Cooper comics around her uncle.

Perhaps it's because it's right on the edge of possibility, yet so highly unlikely, it becomes a pretty good target in disproving the story.

After all, she claims it's 100% true, but if it can be shown that it's not, her credibility with regards to an entire series of recollections simply goes out the window.

The beginning of stories are vital. You have to buy the premise if you're going to buy the rest of the story. If the beginning is disproven, then why on earth should anybody waste their time with the remaining chapters?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Quade opined with:

“If the beginning is disproven, then why on earth should anybody waste their time with the remaining chapters?”

Then RobertMBlevins violently agrees with:

“Exactly, Quade. You hit the nail on the head there.”

This should be treated the same way a uhhh …. let’s say a book…. ummm… that started out saying that the Captain of the flight actually spoke with a hijacker. Since it was clearly false, the remainder of the document should be viewed as such without the benefit of amendment or revision.

Hit the nail on the head indeed.

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Breaker breaker. Dewey, got a copy on me? 377

With all the QRN on this channel I'm surprised that you are identifying with CBers. After all, they lobbied and stole our 11 meter band you know! To make matters worse, aren't most of them whuffos? :ph34r:

The number of hams following this DBC thread is interesting. My guess is that most will take the position that if DB had walkie-talkies in the paper bag, using them to pinpoint his position to an accomplice on the ground is possible but very unlikely. Given the terrain and relatively low power of the units I don't think communications would be very reliable or even possible. From the air, yes; on the ground, I doubt it.

I am not DB Cooper

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"With all the QRN on this channel..."

WN9PSQ (original call) checking in, also a ham, first licensed as a novice in 1974 and a successful master of the morse code at blistering 5 wpm, ur rst is 599 OM, but bad QRM and QRN at my QTH!

If I could trouble the masses present, I would ask that each lurker of this forum take one minute of their time and click on this link (its safe) and answer the 10 questions in your own opinion. Its a survey, no more, no less. No evidence or substantiation required, just what is your best guess to each of the quetions? Thank you, Sincerely, 73's Dan (officially off whuffo status since 1981 or so...)[url]http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=puwbdrom27xbq811008436

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Wow I had no idea there were that many people on here, results are already dumping in! Can somebody make me a sticky for tht link as my hot link feature doesnt seem to work. Thanks!


Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Guru312: I've solved the case. Georger masterminded the operation. Quade was Cooper, You were the man on the ground, his accomplace. Hangdiver drove the getaway car. Amazon ran interference.And Bob knoss is mad because he wasn't invited to the show. Now Blevins and Smith has the story of the century to report.Jerry

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... she may have *borrowed* some elements of her story from the original version of Blast.

What elements? The suggestion that Cooper may have used walkie talkies, and trying to 100% link the comic to Christiansen.

Silly ole me. I thought it was 377 who came up
with the walkie-talkie idea. And Snow who came
up with the Dan Cooper comic. And SA Carr who
linked it to Cooper, hypothetically.

I didnt think you had been born yet!

News for both of YOU:
Walkie Talkie came from a phone conversation. The information was provided by the ex-wife in a phone conversation with me in 1998 or 1999.

Quiet often she had a little too much to drink - around 1998 or 1999 or 2000 she told me about their trips to FL. I had already learned of Duane's extensive criminal background and asked how much of it she knew - she knew it ALL...and yet, she claimed to the FBI she knew nothing.

It was the ex who 1st brought Walkie Talkies into the incident, but by telling me about how THEY used them on the beach when he was being a BAD boy. She always maintained she left him in Nov of 1971 and he called and asked her to come back around Feb of 1972. YET both Duane and the ex told me about NY and New Yrs. THERE was only ONE yr they could have spent New Yrs Eve in N.Y.

P.S. Duane told me about he and the ex having talkie talkies, but I didn't know the purpose of them, until she told me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Do NOT any of you remember the conversations we had. I am not going back to find them but they are in this thread.

The Walkie Talkie was posed by me long long before I discussed it in the thread. Perahaps back on 101 or Unsolved Mysteries.

I definitely discussed this with Mr. H and also with a step-daughter who was about 16 or 17 back then. There was also a boy of about 8 or 9 ---who remembered suitcases and a duffle bag full of furs and jewerly.
His own mind told him this was not right - but this was his mother and the only father image he had.

Their participation in many activities was NOT right to say the least. What they were exposed to was NOT right, but it is what it is.

This thread now seems like a total waste of time. Everyone claiming he was the first one to discuss this or that To Hell with the Dan Cooper Comics - they had NOTHING to do with D.B.Cooper and the man who made that jump.

C.B.'s and walkie talkies have been discussed by me almost from get go. The FBI did NOT ask the ex-wife or the stepchildren about these things - NOT one WORD! Why does not anyone get the significance of my going on and on about What a CB nut Weber was. Worlds Greatess Jock Carrier.

Didn't individuals used to register their handle? For some reason I thought the could with a number behind it.

TALK about a home-ing device?
Talk about what Cooper could have had on him that he could have used when he jumped - some primitive type of transmittor. If a vehicle was equipped with a very HIGH end CB in 1971 and a good antennae - yes. WHY the hell did DUANE carry that big battery in the trunk of the car - he said could be used for emergency power if we got caught in a white.

Duane obviously had lots of experience with white-outs and snow, ice and communications. I did NOT know how to ice skate in 1978 (nor now). Even my daughter remembers when he took us skating in Denver. The first time either of us ever had on ice skates and Duane just takes off showing off. I asked him when he learned to ice skate I do NOT remember his answer.

I just know he knew what he was doing on skates. It was nothing fancy just forward and turns and trying to support both my daughter and I while we learn to keep our balance.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Guru312: I've solved the case. Georger masterminded the operation. Quade was Cooper, You were the man on the ground, his accomplice. Hangdiver drove the getaway car. Amazon ran interference.And Bob knoss is mad because he wasn't invited to the show. Now Blevins and Smith has the story of the century to report.Jerry

Only thing ya gotta figure out now Jerry, how I ended up with the $$$$$$!! >:(

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Jo: Are you saying that Duane used walkie Talkies when he hijacked the plane and his wife was on the ground giving him directions. Did Duane ever tell you how long he waited too open the chute and what side he had the money bag tied too. Jerry

>:(See what I mean. This is the same WAY you took everything I ever said to you COMPLETELY OF CONTEXT.[/RED]

>:(YOU ARE VERY WELL AWARE I SAID NOTHING OF THE KIND. I only said that the exwife discussed with me the fact she and Duane had walkie talkies and used them on the BEACH so he could find her and visa versa.

>:(She would never have admitted she was with him - or even had knowledge of the crime after the fact. She was smart like a FOX and COY - she did NOT admit to having anything to do with a skyjacking. YOU are nothing Jerry, but an opportunist or someone the FBI or the FEDERAL government pays to keep the public away from the discovery of who Dan Cooper really WAS.


Everyone here knows Duane L. Weber lived as John Collins from 1962 to 1968 and that he knew PAPERLEGS PETERSON. - who headed up Intermountain Communications.I know Duane had the know how and the expertise to have devised and use some kind of radio signal - or homing device so the jumper and an accomplice could find each other.

Duane Weber was very very knowledgeable in this area - but that does not make him Cooper and/or an accomplice.

YOU are NOTHING BUT A D-- sneaky snake...that is the code of your life. Just like a HIRED informant - only paid to keep anyone from find the truth.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Dan wrote


WN9PSQ (original call) checking in, also a ham, first licensed as a novice in 1974 and a successful master of the morse code at blistering 5 wpm, ur rst is 599 OM, but bad QRM and QRN at my QTH!

Outstanding. 73 OM.

Let's rig up a trailing wire HF antenna on your DC 3 Dan. I have the parts including an original C 47 28 volt motorized antenna reel. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I keep loosing a connection to the site.

just for general information:


Knoss must be completely out of his mind! CAN anyone state any place where I have even remotely claimed what Color the Chute was?

This thread has gone completely nutty...not worried about keeping a connection right now - just going to bed. My nightmares and dreams are better this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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