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DB Cooper

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WN9PSQ (original call) checking in, also a ham, first licensed as a novice in 1974 and a successful master of the morse code at blistering 5 wpm, ur rst is 599 OM, but bad QRM and QRN at my QTH!

Outstanding. 73 OM.

Let's rig up a trailing wire HF antenna on your DC 3 Dan. I have the parts including an original C 47 28 volt motorized antenna reel. ;)


377, you are right on (your) Mark! You will fly my DC-3 when this is all done. But for now - The survey yielded some great results, Some 40 individual people responded. The main question I wanted to know about was the scenario. The way I see it as a skydiver, you have one of several scenarios possible. Incidently, out of all responders, no one indicated that they thought he never jumped. I think thats a given, you do too. Of course he jumped. Now, any jumper, by definition, is going to fall into one of the categories I illustrated in question 8. I stacked the answers with 4 out of the five indicating that you think he died, one way or another! The fifth choice was "hands down" the group answer with more than 40 indicating that choice 5 was correct(opinion only) and only 2 people voting for one of two other scenarios. So: (Conclusions) One a note to Blevins: The notion that a jumper being stabbed by thousands icy knifes due to cold air (in your book) is sensationalism only. We used to jump on new years day in Illinois every year with temps on the ground zero to minus 10F. No prob. Into the blast? There is no blast in the protective bubble "Vacuum" of a 727. You can smoke a cigarette out there. A wild tumbling confused and disoriented jumper unable to pull the handle like your brilliant FBI says? You, the masses of DZ have spoken: No way. A no pull is the best way for the FBI to write this off the books. Look folks, this is easy. He was a jumper and correctly selected the strongest rig (from the choices)with the least drive, and strongest construction, and best pack job! What are you going to steer into, the least dark? If he got a good chute and walked away, which he did, then the FBI are government paid idiots that knew little about what they were doing at the time, and botched another investigation. The survey will be up a few more days and then I will post all summaries and percentages. With all due respect to each individual as a valid opinion holder, Dan Gryder

If you would still like to participate in the survey, or see it, it is listed here:[url]http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=puwbdrom27xbq811008436

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Thank you. There are probably several variations that I did not include. But lets think about this: Basically the guy left the plane. Thats a given. He either didnt/couldnt pull, or he pulled and got a total nothing and roe it in, or he pulled and got a streamer, or he pulled and got a good canopy. What other options do we have? Also, the guys up where Im from used to make night jumps on New years eve from 10,000 so they could be in freefall when the new year rolled in. Cold? below zero standing on the ground. Insurvivable? Not hardly, most enjoyed it and did it years ina row. (I never made a New years eve jump up there)

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Cold? below zero standing on the ground. Insurvivable? Not hardly, most enjoyed it and did it years ina row.

Were they wet? Did they have the option to come out of the cold within a few minutes?

Hypothermia isn't instantaneous. It takes -some- time. Cooper, if he survived the jump, would have been exposed for quite a long time. We're pretty sure he didn't leave the aircraft with proper clothing. His choice of shoes tell us that much.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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We got this info from a Canadian Sleuth.

James Hugh McDonald
Age 46
Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Brown Suit
Horn rim glasses
private pilot
Flew in and out of French Canada
Last seen 12-7-71

From the database it doesn't look like anyone else from 1971 stayed missing. Interesting? yes/no??

Tom Kaye

Picture on file here

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We got this info from a Canadian Sleuth.

James Hugh McDonald
Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Brown Suit
Horn rim glasses
private pilot
Flew in and out of French Canada
Last seen 12-7-71

From the database it doesn't look like anyone else from 1971 stayed missing. Interesting? yes/no??

Tom Kaye

Picture on file here

<-----Melvin Wilson went missing September 1971. Federal fugitive. His case is still open, but closed to further investigation.

Appeared on Unsolved Mysteries March of 1997. No credible leads.

6'0" - 180 lbs, olive skin, black hair...etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpE1oyHWpG0
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Dan How many of your friends had a 21 pound money bag attached to there side.With about a half second window to deploy the chute or go into a spin. The hijacker if he was experienced would have attached the money bag differently. He would have had enough cord that would have allowed him to hang on to the bag while he jumped. He did not . How do we know this . Tom Kaye measured the length of the remaining cut cord to determine how much was missing. Jerry

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We got this info from a Canadian Sleuth.

James Hugh McDonald
Age 46
Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Brown Suit
Horn rim glasses
private pilot
Flew in and out of French Canada
Last seen 12-7-71

From the database it doesn't look like anyone else from 1971 stayed missing. Interesting? yes/no??

Tom Kaye

Picture on file here

I have just taken a look at a Canadian map and Thompson is listed as being 469 miles by road north of Winnipeg, Manitoba. At least two-thirds of that road runs through very sparesly settled areas.

If MacDonald flew direct, he would be over Lake Winnipeg for at least an hour with the whole trip taking at least three hours, not even considering the winds, clouds, etc.

To make a long story short, it is easy to understand why he has been missing for 40 years.

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We got this info from a Canadian Sleuth.

James Hugh McDonald
Age 46
Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Brown Suit
Horn rim glasses
private pilot
Flew in and out of French Canada
Last seen 12-7-71

From the database it doesn't look like anyone else from 1971 stayed missing. Interesting? yes/no??

Tom Kaye

Picture on file here

I love it!

BTW: I'll be leaving Cooper World for two weeks to see family Back East. If you like Christmas stories, I'm posting a slew on the Mountain News:


On the 30th I'm heading to San Francisco and spending a few days hunting up Sheridan Peterson at the behest and support of ol' 377.

Merry Christmas to all. Plus, I'll be lighting candles on the 28th to celebrate Chanukah, too. So, Gude Yontiv, as well!

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We got this info from a Canadian Sleuth.

James Hugh McDonald
Age 46
Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Brown Suit
Horn rim glasses
private pilot
Flew in and out of French Canada
Last seen 12-7-71

From the database it doesn't look like anyone else from 1971 stayed missing. Interesting? yes/no??

Tom Kaye

Picture on file here


How can you waste our time on a suspect with no alleged or proven exposure to Dan Cooper comics?;)

Walkie Talkies are prefered, but not essential.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The Night Clerkl contacted me with a message. AS ALL of you know and the FBI should KNOW - this Night Clerk came forward from an article ran in the Oregonian in 2001. THE FBI DID NOT CONTACT HIM - until I cornered AGENT CARR about this on the forum. Then when he did contact the night clerk while he was in the STATE for a few months - it was a phone call before he went to Surgery and then another after surgery. Carr did NOT ask him any questions and CLAIMED to have looked for the Hotel Registration in the files. That File would have been in the Oregon file and not in WA.?????!!!!! NO one made a personal interview with this witness nor did they check him out.

His Edited Email below:

[RED]Dear Jo ; I truly hope you can get satisfaction very soon on this quest for both our sakes while we are both still around to savor the knowledge that we have been right all along vs the attention seekers and greedy 'former' authorities ,book writers, and crazy's ! I ask you to make sure that the current 'agent in charge ' knows my name ,E-mail and will look at my sworn testimony paper , that is if they haven't misplaced it . I will be very happy to talk with them / him /her/ about this to set the record true and straight.
(a personal note edited out).
Sincerely yours, Charles ( Chuck ) xxxxxx.

If anyone of you truely talk to the FBI please tell hem to check and see if CARR ever made any notes about this night clerk. GOT a feeling nothing he did was put on record and that the file contains NOTHING about the NIGHT CLERK and that NO enquiry was EVER made of the Portland FBI about their COOPER files - and the local law's search of the Hotels/Motels in Portland.

If the FBI is even remotely interested in solving this case - I have the NIGHT Clerk's Contact information in China available to them.

It has been 17 yrs since Weber became a suspect and Ing probably NEVER saw the information about the NIGHT Clerk.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The Night Clerkl contacted me with a message. AS ALL of you know and the FBI should KNOW - this Night Clerk came forward from an article ran in the Oregonian in 2001. THE FBI DID NOT CONTACT HIM - until I cornered AGENT CARR about this on the forum. Then when he did contact the night clerk while he was in the STATE for a few months - it was a phone call before he went to Surgery and then another after surgery. Carr did NOT ask him any questions and CLAIMED to have looked for the Hotel Registration in the files. That File would have been in the Oregon file and not in WA.?????!!!!! NO one made a personal interview with this witness nor did they check him out.

Spill the beans on what his name is. I'm sure somebody here would LOVE to check him out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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About 3 yrs ago when he was in the States - my guys interviewed him and did a video. His story was close, but not exactly as he orginally told me on that first contact.....several yrs of being contaminated by me and things in the media. 2001 - to 2009 and now 2 yrs later.

What the FBI had done in their negligence to properly interview a witness in a timely manner regarding a suspect in the Cooper Incident is beyond belief.

Beyond REAL when you look at the money they used to investigate the whims of an eight yr. old girl.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please provide me with a link to this thread - I keep having to sign in and out - I keep loosing the site.

I believe the Clerk will talk to someone privately that he knows I can trust - but NOT in an open thread. He does NOT view the thread because he tries NOT to contaminate his memory.

I have never met him but saw the video he willing made..so nothing could get lost. He looks as lost as I do when being interviewed. I am NOT a media HOG or is he - we just genuinely want the FBI to really look at what they have missed - and how many agents dropped the ball.

Other wise if the FBI keeps on with this Marla Frenzy - this is the kind of thing that STOPS honest people like myself and this night Clerk from come forward....we are dismissed almost immediately. WHY I really BELIEVE the FBI does NOT want this case CLOSE and that something is really really wrong.
The FBI feeds the Cover-up theories and the hoaxers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please provide me with a link to this thread - I keep having to sign in and out - I keep loosing the site.

I believe the Clerk will talk to someone privately that he knows I can trust - but NOT in an open thread. He does NOT view the thread because he tries NOT to contaminate his memory.

I have never met him but saw the video he willing made..so nothing could get lost. He looks as lost as I do when being interviewed. I am NOT a media HOG or is he - we just genuinely want the FBI to really look at what they have missed - and how many agents dropped the ball.

Other wise if the FBI keeps on with this Marla Frenzy - this is the kind of thing that STOPS honest people like myself and this night Clerk from come forward....we are dismissed almost immediately. WHY I really BELIEVE the FBI does NOT want this case CLOSE and that something is really really wrong.
The FBI feeds the Cover-up theories and the hoaxers.

Like Quade says -- give his name. Bruce will no doubt jump on it.

If you have determined that the FBI isn't gonna act on it - it's time to shit or get off the pot. You've said yourself that time is running out.

So give the night clerk's name to Bruce or someone else who will follow up on his info. Otherwise give it up and go make some banana pudding.

Hey, a legit hotel night clerk with info on Dan Cooper would be flippin huge. You, Jo, could create your own frenzy but you have to quit playing all these undercover games.
At the very least Marla came out with all her stuff and didn't play a lot of mind games. Like her or not - she pretty much laid out what she knew or thought she knew and let the chips fall where they may.

JO - The FBI is not going to read this forum and take action for you. Lay it all on the line - you have nothing to lose. No collateral damage. It's a 40 year old case and no one is gonna get a visit by the piano wire man.
Even if it's a Bob Knoss conspiracy B| - no one gives a damn anymore. And, hey... if I'm wrong and they do - well - oops and too frigging bad. At some point you just have to say to hell with it.

Just tell what you got to tell. It's the only way you'll get any traction on this before D Day. Otherwise...seriously, from someone who wants to see you happy at the dimming of the day..... Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have, should have, or could have done. Nothing waits forever.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The FBI feeds the Cover-up theories and the hoaxers.


What would you call it. The take the word of an 8 yr old versus a woman in 1979 who was 40.
The refused from 2001 until I made it known on this thread to interview the Night Clerk. Why did they ignore this man in 2001.

Even the writer for the Oregonian knew who he was - as she was the one who put us intouch with each other. The FBI did not acknowledge him.

His wife of the time from whom he is divorced stands behind what he originally told me. She now does NOT remember much of it - the two were still married I believe when he contacted me the first time.

I keep in touch with her about one time yr and the same with him.

The FBI according to Blevins did NOT investigate KC at all. I think it has been the changing of the guard that caused them to miss things on Duane. IF the FBI knows where Duane Weber was on Nov 24, 1971 - why haven't they made that public as a disclaimer or at least have told me what they have...so I could have moved on. This is why I do NOT think they have been able to RULE Weber out - if they could WHY have the strung his widow on for 17yrs.

Evidently the FBI had it doubts about Cooper when in 2003 the called to collect his DNA. A little late since I first contacted them in 1996. I USED to be Ms Clean and I doubt there was any DNA on those items, but I gave them what I could but NOT his pipe and his watch. When I remarried in 2002 - I had to get rid of most things I had of Duane out of respect for my new husband.

What I did keep I put in a suitcase and put in the attic - my new husband had NO idea what was in that old suitcase and he never asked (I think he knew it was some of the things of Duane's that I held onto). I even put the pictures of Duane away out of respect. I did what research I did at work or after my husband went to sleep. He knew and only one time said anything about it - that was during the last yr of his life. I do regret I did NOT give my last husband ALL of me. That was not fair to him.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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A name won’t mean a tinker’s damn without some corroborative evidence to establish the credibility of the Chinese ‘night clerk’.

Whom has the night clerk been married to? Was it a woman and is everyone sure there was no secret behind scenes clam bumping going on that he didn’t know about? This is a minimal amount of information needed before any sort of determination can be made about the validity of the story.

Next of course there will be a need for the standard, candid bathroom photographs with the lens focused on the toilet. None of that fake stuff either, because this thread is about class so you will have to provide proof, of just whose cooter is centered in the frame. I demand quality and intelligence just like everyone else. Let’s just say a silent, group prayer than no one is called a ‘poopy head’ since that would be bad. Amen.

Then his name will matter, be it Wong, Smith or Jones. Then we can see if his story flies or sinks like a stone. None of this group answer stuff is ever legitimate either, since two Wongs won’t make a Wright.

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Let’s just say a silent, group prayer than no one is called a ‘poopy head’ since that would be bad. Amen.

My 5 year old son's favorite name for me.
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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A name won’t mean a tinker’s damn without some corroborative evidence to establish the credibility of the Chinese ‘night clerk’.

Whom has the night clerk been married to? Was it a woman and is everyone sure there was no secret behind scenes clam bumping going on that he didn’t know about? This is a minimal amount of information needed before any sort of determination can be made about the validity of the story.

Nonsense. BTW, you're trying too hard to sound like James Elroy.

One has to assume the "night clerk" is still alive otherwise there's no need at all for Jo to be secret about his identity. It's pretty difficult to bother the dead. Well, unless she has another motive, but the privacy of a dead man . . . it can't be.

We've already established where he supposedly worked which means he had to have lived in the area. There's going to be records of that. From there, it's not necessarily simply, but anyone who knows the basics of records searches ought to be able to establish quite a bit. Since Jo would be giving up his name, she might as well give up some form of contact information as well. Connecting the guys present to the past at least as far as establishing his location in 1971 goes; just ask him then verify it via public records.

Everybody with a name leaves a paper trail. It's the nameless ones that are difficult.

So, lets say somebody brought an old flame of theirs into the case to lie for them . . . that would eventually shake out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Blevins: Jo Knows what to do and how to do it. She is once again adding fiction to her ongoing fictional story that she has made up for the past 17yrs. She will allways have an excuse as to why, she can't do things for her self or why the case will never be solved unless it is Duane. Only problem is she knows her story is fiction but still wants to waist the FBI's time. Jo what would you do if the FBI showed up on your door step with hand cuffs and a warrant for you on fraude charges. They just might and you would deserve it. Once again all anyone has to do is read your many past post and change's in your story to realize that you are a fantastic fiction writer. Mark Twain could have learned a lot from you. Jerry

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Like Quade says -- give his name. Bruce will no doubt jump on it.

Hey, a legit hotel night clerk with info on Dan Cooper would be flippin huge. You, Jo, could create your own frenzy but you have to quit playing all these undercover games.
At the very least Marla came out with all her stuff and didn't play a lot of mind games. Like her or not - she pretty much laid out what she knew or thought she knew and let the chips fall where they may.

Smokin99, I tried to play by the rule of the law as I know it. Perhaps I should have told the Night Clerk to go talk to the media - but we thought the right thing to do was tell the FBI and do it the right way. Seems like doing things the RIGHT does not work in this Government today. Nothing is like it was in my day and Duane's day. The FBI had the man's name - and his contact- WHY didn't they do THEIR JOB?


JO - The FBI is not going to read this forum and take action for you. Lay it all on the line - you have nothing to lose. No collateral damage. It's a 40 year old case and no one is gonna get a visit by the piano wire man.

Who is going to believe a F----- thing I say. The FBI did NOT interview the man in Mobile and now he is dead, but he would not have talked to them, BUT they did NOT even check that man out. Now he is dead.

They did NOT question or investigate what the wife of the day said - they just took her word with absolutely NO proof he was with her and yet, her OWN children said he wasn't with them on Thanksgiving of 1971.

Of the 2 children living with them at the time - ONE is Dead (after telling me she knew Duane was Cooper). OD'd 2003.

The other was only approx 8 yrs old, but he remembered things about his Mom and his Stepdad.
His life is messed up enough as it is. He will never talk to the media. He just wants to try to sort his life out and does not want the world to know the things he has been exposed to...after all he did love his Mom regardless of what she was or was not.

There were 2 older boys but the last they were around Duane was in 1969 and the oldest one was gone before that. Both lived in WA state in 1971?????????
That part I do NOT understand and the Mom told me she had never been to WA and yet another time she admitted seeing one the boys in WA.
As she always said just like Clara "We all have a little larcency in our hearts." For those who do NOT know, Clara was the character in Max Gunther's Book.
D.B.COOPER What Really Happened.

Max and I really felt that the Ex was Clara. The timing of the contact was dead on. I played a recording of her voice and he was sure it was Clara. He wanted her contact information as he was going to CA because they were going to do a movie of one of his books. (as he put it - paying him money he did NOT need).

I have the letter he wrote after he got back - he never told me what transpired in CA that yr or if he contacted her. I would have to pull the letter to tell you what he did say - it was OUR last communication after he got back for CA. I wish Max had been around to finish what he started.

Yes, I know that at one point one has to let go - I just do not know how. I don't want to expose myself to the media, but I also don't want to leave it up to others to screw up after I am gone. (like JT)

As for allowing Bruce to interview the Night Clerk - I would rather the FBI really talk to him, but now they would have to go to CHINA or fly him and his new wife and child back to the states.

Before he was in a rather remote area of China and he talked on Skype. Do Not know what he uses now. There was always such an echo and I worried about his spending money to call.

The FBI had him in the States for about 6 months and all they did was 2 very short phone calls and did not do a face to face.


Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump.

I just hate to be the one to bare the dirty linens and I worry about how this affects the lives of others. Some individuals treasure the privacy of their lives and how people view them. I know the truths if all were revealed would destroy more than one life. I don't think a couple of those living could deal with the emotional stress of telling what they knew about Weber. The damage to others might be greater than I could live with and yet it has destroyed what was left of me.


Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have, should have, or could have done. Nothing waits forever.

Perhaps it will be my burden to bear - if others do not want to do their part. I think the Truth is the right thing to do - but I have to look at the COST to all concerned. I kept hoping the FBI would do what was right and actually talk to these people, but they did NOT even try to find them....there were 4 and then there was 2 living. Of the others there was 4 and now there are none. Everyone of these individuals were alive in 1996 when I contacted the FBI and now there is only me and 2 who will not talk and 2 I could never find, but they knew about me or I assume they did.

In the household Duane was a part of prior to 1971 was 2 military guys and both were stationed in WA in 1971. So why did the FBI not make an effort to see what they knew even though they didn't live with Weber in 1970 or 1771. One of these individuals was Special Forces!

Why did the FBI not insist on interviewing these young men in 1997 - QUESTION this ONE in your own mind and then MAKE your decisions - WHAT would you DO?

I can give the FBI names, but not locations - that is their job.
I could not afford to find them and go see them and I wasn't sure how to talk to them. This was supposed to be the job of the FBI. They knew about the family! Why didn't they go talk to them and support the story told to them by another member of the family???????Now 17 yrs later they probably would not as they probably would not have said anything in 1997 - because they would NOT want to hurt someone another party.

Regardless of how bad a person is or who they were or what they did someone at one time loved them. Even I felt there was NO need in exposing the person - because I knew not the real person or if what I knew was a front...or perhaps toying with me.
I felt it was the job of the FBI to investigate and expose - NOT me, Who was I? How was I to confront these individuals? Yet, I confronted the one who scared me the most - Tommy. He was smooth and refused to tell me anything about knowing Duane as John Collins. Find the past of Tommy and you will find the past of Duane Weber aka John C. Collins. THIS is a JOB for a REAL FBI agent.

Well, I have had a hard day and tomorrow won't be any easier and I am tired of hearing myself talk to myself. If there was anyone of you who would like to contact me privately and investigate the stuff I have I am willing to do so, but I will not expose private lives or memories on a public thread.

This is why it is a job for the FBI. Not a reporter or a citizen or a widow.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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