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DB Cooper

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A name, an approximate age, and the location where he worked. Even without the name, just knowing where and when he worked there, it would be easy to discover the name.

Blevins, ALL of this has been discussed. He worked at the Rodeway Inn just out side of the airport gates. It is now a Red Lion and has change, but not that much. It still has the covered area going NOT to a piano bar as it did in 1971, but to a sports bar with a restaurant next door. I stayed there my first night in Portland in 2010 and then I stayed there the Night before I left for home 15 days later - standing under that covered area calling the Portland FBI to let them Know MsCooper had been there.

I thought that rather symbolic as an after thought - but did not think that way until this moment as I typed this. There was NO need to check it out - supposedly the FBI did that. He had a wife who backs him up today even though he remarried twice since then and has a child by the last one. Another person has interviewed her to check out her story - regarding what she remembered him saying back 40 yrs ago when he got home after the FBI interviewed him.

This interview was conducted when he reported to work either the next day or the day after that....I am not sure of which day it was....memories of us old folks does dull with time. The man who is tall himself knew the guy who checked in was almost as tall as he was. The guy asked for a late check out - and he was under the impression there was someone with him (he thought a woman as there was one over in the shadows away from the check-out). If his story is true then the entry has NOT changed that much. There is a still a sitting area away from the front desk and out of site.

At any rate he did NOT know how they arrived and again if this arrangement has not changed then this would still be the case as I parked away from the entry to check in.

How can anyone woman be call a liar by JT as many times as I have and still be sane. My story has been basically the same for 16 yrs and 8 months.

I will repeat this until someone gets what I am saying. JT has been the sole reason Duane was NOT investigated the way he should have been....as with others he claims all of this buddy buddy stuff with the FBI. I promise you, anything anyone tells JT does NOT get to the FBI and if it does it will in NO WAY resemble what the person told to him. JT has been a deterrent to the investigation even before I never spoke with him in 1996.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please, it's not THAT good of a story. Maybe those guys who wrote LOST though . . .

Perhaps Jerry didn't catch that the way I did. Lost was a back and forth story - past and present. Flash backs to the past and into the future...a prior post by Farflung was very good in getting this point across. Do not know which one I like best.

I think I like the comparison to LOST best. It was probably easier to follow LOST then it is to follow me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

I promise you, anything anyone tells JT does NOT get to the FBI and if it does it will in NO WAY resemble what the person told to him

You and Jerry have a unique long running adversarial relationship. You can't generalize it Jo. I asked Jerry to make some inquires to Ralph Himmelsbach. Later I spoke with Ralph myself. Jerry had very accurately communicated my questions to Ralph even though Jerry and I disagreed on the subject of the inquiry: Cooper's possible experience in putting a parachute on.

Ralph is a savvy guy. He is a retired FBI SA. He is a highly experienced military and civilian aviator. He is an older guy but was very quick and sharp. He told me he considers Jerry a friend and an expert on wilderness survival. Ralph reminded me of something that Jerry doesn't mention much, that Jerry was a Special Forces soldier.

Jerry thinks Cooper cratered. I don't. Even though we disagree we see the logic in each other's position. We don't squabble, fight or call each other liars etc.

Jo, I don't think anyone on the outside can do much to influence or hinder the FBI Norjack investigation. They go at their own pace and set their own course. Distractions and conflicting witnesses are routine in high publicity cases. Nothing you or Jerry says is going to cause the FBI to ignore relevant Norjack evidence.

Where did Marla go? Maybe Hurricane was a poor analogy. She was gone from dropzone in a flash. More like a tornado. I am not ready to call her a twister.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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How can you waste our time on a suspect with no alleged or proven exposure to Dan Cooper comics?;)

What are you talking about? The guy was Canadian and, at least in this thread, that's all the proof you need ;)

Would be interesting to see if people who had seen him between the hijacking and disappearance mentioned anything unusual about his behavior. Tom, your sleuth have anything on this? The guy seems as good a suspect as any other on the face of it...any relevant history?

Of course, missing plane loaded with cash, either making it or wrecked and found by others....both good movie plots at least. Both been done already haven't they?!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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The FBI feeds the Cover-up theories and the hoaxers.


Yes, because cover-up is the only other option left to those who refuse to accept FBI rejection of their pet suspects...:D

Has anyone considered that the FBI or the CIA was involved in the hijacking from the beggining at the direction of J Edgar Hoover.:ph34r:

Has anyone tried to account for the location of all the FBI agents at the night of the hijacking?

I wonder if this thread took a year off if the whole event would just be forgotten except in the history books.B|

Has anyone considered entering this thread into a super computer and try to make some sense of all the data you all have collected.:)


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Has anyone considered entering this thread into a super computer and try to make some sense of all the data you all have collected.:)


Hal would blow a circuit and hurl us out toward
Uranus. Wait - we are already there!

What do mean by "entering this thread into ..." ?
Print it out and shove it into the ..... what?

Another lonely dreamer! NEXT PLEEZ!

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We got this info from a Canadian Sleuth.

James Hugh McDonald
Age 46
Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Brown Suit
Horn rim glasses
private pilot
Flew in and out of French Canada
Last seen 12-7-71

From the database it doesn't look like anyone else from 1971 stayed missing. Interesting? yes/no??

Tom Kaye

Picture on file here

Flew in and out of French Canada, eh.

Which French Canada?

Franco-Newfoundlanders, province of Newfoundland and Labrador, also known as Terre-Neuvien(ne).
Franco-Ontarians, province of Ontario, also referred to as Ontarien(ne).
Franco-Manitobans, province of Manitoba, also referred to as Manitobain(e).
Fransaskois, province of Saskatchewan, also referred to Saskois(e).
Franco-Albertans, province of Alberta, also referred to Albertain(e).
Franco-Columbians, province of British Columbia mostly live in the Vancouver metro area. Also referred to as Franco-Colombien(ne)
Franco-Yukonnais, territory of Yukon, also referred to as Yukonais(e).
Franco-Ténois, territory of Northwest Territories, also referred to as Ténois(e).
Franco-Nunavois, territory of Nunavut, also referred to as Nunavois(e).
Acadians residing in the provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia represent a distinct francophone culture. This group's culture and history evolved separately from the French Canadian culture of Quebec, at a time when the Maritime Provinces were not part of what was referred to as Canada, and are consequently considered a distinct culture from French Canadians.

Brayons in Madawaska County, New Brunswick and Aroostook County, Maine may be identified with either the Acadians or the Québécois, or considered a distinct group in their own right, by different sources.

French Canadians outside Quebec are more
goosey-lucy than those within. d'où Carol a cette
idée idiote que tout français parlez le même dialecte
sans l'accent ? eh?

Canadian French is an umbrella term for the distinct varieties of French spoken by francophone Canadians: Québécois (Quebec French), Acadian French, Métis French, and Newfoundland French. Unlike Acadian French and Newfoundland French, the French of Ontario, the Canadian West, and New England all originate from what is now Quebec French and do not constitute distinct varieties from it, though there are some regional differences. French Canadians may also speak either Canadian English or American English dialects.


b;lah b;lah b;lah


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Guru312: I've solved the case. Georger masterminded the operation. Quade was Cooper, You were the man on the ground, his accomplace. Hangdiver drove the getaway car. Amazon ran interference.And Bob knoss is mad because he wasn't invited to the show. Now Blevins and Smith has the story of the century to report.Jerry

How did you know...???...I drive 3 wide and pass on the outside...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Glad to see you back Hangdiver. We thought maybe Raz had taken you off road again.


ATT decided to hook me up...after I made calls to the north western supervisor...whew!!!

Watcha doin up so early/late???

eta: guess I missed the Marla show...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Ha...that Vine Voice reviewer at Amazon who has slammed Blast repeatedly, using a lot of slurs along the way, surfaced again. Background:

Brent Butler of North Carolina

Can we say 'obsessed'? Ever met someone who couldn't stand being disputed or challenged on anything...EVER? That's him.

He thought changing his name to 'George Brandenberg' would fool me. Well, I didn't just fall off the apple cart. One thing I never forget is someone's writing style. It's a talent you acquire after editing so many books and short stories.

Brent Butler is an idiot. And to a certain degree, a stalker.

And you think anyone here might be interested in this because ....???
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Thank you for participating in the short survey. I created the survey through an independent source and I promise, no one is tracking who you are or what your answers were, or who answered what! All that is way beyond my level of ability, or interest. But there were a total of 54 respondants as of this morning, a bulk of those from DZ, which is good. This is a mystery about a skydive. Let the true skydivers speak about the odds of donning a reserve rig and leaving a plane and pulling the handle. Of note is the fact that I also posted the link on Marla Coopers FB page with an open invitation for her or her friends to participate. See question 3 results. My take on Marla? I think she is an average citizen with no ill intent, or delusions of pulling a fast one on anybody. She was 8 and she told what she remembered. No more, no less. Are there holes in her scenario? I think there are but I don't agree in bashing her for honestly saying what she remembers. Of note from the survey, mostly unanimous agreement on wether the event occurred at all, the fact that he jumped, and the fact that the money left the plane when the jumper did. Question 5 is the kicker. The answer to this question spells the answer to where Cooper sleuths should be looking! If the masses are correct, there is no point in wandering through any woods, or dredging any rivers. I agree with the masses. The man wore a reserve rig, he exited, and he pulled. What happened next is exactly what is what is guaranteed (By the FAA/rigger certification) to happen: It opened. In 40 years of looking, somebody would have seen this wad of trash hanging in a tree somewhere if he had streamered in, no matter what color the canopy was. Also of note is question 10: In this survey there were 6 people that put down that they know who it was, which explains the continued frenzy over this case, the other 47 admitted that they didnt know who it was. Just like the redhead from 1971 as 377 recalls; 40 years later and it is still as much a mystery as it was the morning after, Here is a quote from Tosaw's book page 32: "Cooper put the military parachute on his back and cinched up the canvas straps to make them fit his chest and thighs. Tina noticed how quickly and easily he completed this complicated operation - just looking as though it were an everyday occurence." With all due respect to each opinion holder, Thank you for your participation, Dan Gryder

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Ha...that Vine Voice reviewer at Amazon who has slammed Blast repeatedly, using a lot of slurs along the way, surfaced again. Background:

Brent Butler of North Carolina

Can we say 'obsessed'? Ever met someone who couldn't stand being disputed or challenged on anything...EVER? That's him.

He thought changing his name to 'George Brandenberg' would fool me. Well, I didn't just fall off the apple cart. One thing I never forget is someone's writing style. It's a talent you acquire after editing so many books and short stories.

Brent Butler is an idiot. And to a certain degree, a stalker.

And you think anyone here might be interested in this because ....???

Because he's another victim of the Cooper Curse. This guy has it BAD. B|

how about some on=topic posterooes Bobert?

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Thank you for participating in the short survey. I created the survey through an independent source and I promise, no one is tracking who you are or what your answers were, or who answered what! All that is way beyond my level of ability, or interest. But there were a total of 54 respondants as of this morning, a bulk of those from DZ, which is good. This is a mystery about a skydive. Let the true skydivers speak about the odds of donning a reserve rig and leaving a plane and pulling the handle. Of note is the fact that I also posted the link on Marla Coopers FB page with an open invitation for her or her friends to participate. See question 3 results. My take on Marla? I think she is an average citizen with no ill intent, or delusions of pulling a fast one on anybody. She was 8 and she told what she remembered. No more, no less. Are there holes in her scenario? I think there are but I don't agree in bashing her for honestly saying what she remembers. Of note from the survey, mostly unanimous agreement on wether the event occurred at all, the fact that he jumped, and the fact that the money left the plane when the jumper did. Question 5 is the kicker. The answer to this question spells the answer to where Cooper sleuths should be looking! If the masses are correct, there is no point in wandering through any woods, or dredging any rivers. I agree with the masses. The man wore a reserve rig, he exited, and he pulled. What happened next is exactly what is what is guaranteed (By the FAA/rigger certification) to happen: It opened. In 40 years of looking, somebody would have seen this wad of trash hanging in a tree somewhere if he had streamered in, no matter what color the canopy was. Also of note is question 10: In this survey there were 6 people that put down that they know who it was, which explains the continued frenzy over this case, the other 47 admitted that they didnt know who it was. Just like the redhead from 1971 as 377 recalls; 40 years later and it is still as much a mystery as it was the morning after, Here is a quote from Tosaw's book page 32: "Cooper put the military parachute on his back and cinched up the canvas straps to make them fit his chest and thighs. Tina noticed how quickly and easily he completed this complicated operation - just looking as though it were an everyday occurence." With all due respect to each opinion holder, Thank you for your participation, Dan Gryder

Did he live?

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Because he's another victim of the Cooper Curse. This guy has it BAD. B|

I admit to having a quick look at your first link. What's the difference between his slurs and the childish insultingly captioned pictures you printed?

Honestly, between you and Bruce.... Let's just say I'm glad I know some other journalists, or my opinion of the profession would be at an all-time low right now.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Because he's another victim of the Cooper Curse. This guy has it BAD. B|

I admit to having a quick look at your first link. What's the difference between his slurs and the childish insultingly captioned pictures you printed?

Honestly, between you and Bruce.... Let's just say I'm glad I know some other journalists, or my opinion of the profession would be at an all-time low right now.

He will never work for the New York Thymes!
Or that other one either!

How boot dis guy for Cooper eh?

He's the real deal. A real French Canadian, from
Dialect Zone IIIb-2.3. No accent!

Will Tom and Carol be sending drones over Canada,
the Washougal, and Columbia to look for Cooper,

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Good job catching your antagonist being all deceitful and treacherous.

You should drop the hammer on your therapist while you are at it also. He or she commented on this blog (bottom of page) you referenced a few days ago (16 Dec). I don’t have any problem with your postings being part of your therapy but the good Doctor could have made that point here instead of a CNN blog viewed by millions and millions of people.


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Blevins: I realize that you have money and time tied up in this Christiansen story.(Although Waisted) The book is a wash out and so is your theory. Yet you continue to push your book here on DropZone.What are you expecting to gain by this?.All your interviews that you publish ,always has a mentiion of Christiansen.Why interview anyone if all your going to do is shove your Cooper candidate down there throat. Your story is so ridiculous and baseless. Its like all the lost Gold Mine stories, all here say and every one in it is dead.You've exagerated your point's. Georger,Farflung, Orange 1,Quade just to mention a few have all tried to give you good advice. You ignore it. Bottom Line Christiansen was not Cooper, You have even admitted it in past posts. The Book is a flop and will continue to be, no matter how often you change it.Its time to trash it and use your expertice to research other suspect's. Who knows you might find some one worth researching. Remember if you can find the parachute Cooper used you could become a millionaire your an outdoorsman hit the thickets. Jerry

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Remember if you can find the parachute Cooper used you could become a millionaire your an outdoorsman hit the thickets. Jerry

Jerry, with all due respect, I dont think there are very many on here that think that there is anything out there in the thickets to find. See attached image. Only 53 people responded, but its pretty reasonable to figure that a guy that intended to jump, KNOWS HOW TO JUMP! He picked a GREAT rig (I would have made the same choice), and he made his exit. This "wild spin" notion is one that the Whuffo government manufactured out of ignorance and embarressment. Even if the jumper took a ten second delay and was in a turn, the reserve is still gonna work! Thats what they do! 47 out of 53 said they figured he probably got a good chute and lived. What happened after that is anybodys guess but going to all this trouble and then never pulling the little silver handle? Really? Your firm stance on this important issue is not consistant with that of a knowledgeable experienced jumper. What gives here? The temps were plenty warm, well above freezing, the winds were light, he wore the industry's best, and there is only one reason we never found this wad of trash in a tree somewhere, its because he walked out of there with it. (Or had help getting out) Jerry, how do you explain the results of Q 5? Do you really think that all these other people hold your theory that he never pulled/couldnt pull/total mal'd all the way in? Please explain to me how this makes sense to you. Sincerely, and with respect. Dan

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The poll is meaningless. The concept behind it is woefully flawed.

Crowd sourcing answers about known facts works because, well, the facts are known. Crowd sourcing answers about the unknown is pointless.

Consider this. When it was commonly thought the earth was flat, if you had crowd sourced the question "What is the shape of the Earth?", what answer would have been returned? Would it have had anything at all to do with the actual shape of the earth? No. The fact is, it still would have been approximately round.

The "average" person believes all sorts of nonsense unsupported by facts and among them is DB Cooper lived and "got away with it." However, there are no facts to support that belief.

Beliefs -may- represent the true state of affairs or not.
FACTS exist independent of belief.

Santa Claus either does or does not exist independent of what most five-year-olds believe.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Remember if you can find the parachute Cooper used you could become a millionaire your an outdoorsman hit the thickets. Jerry

Jerry, with all due respect, I dont think there are very many on here that think that there is anything out there in the thickets to find. See attached image. Only 53 people responded, but its pretty reasonable to figure that a guy that intended to jump, KNOWS HOW TO JUMP! He picked a GREAT rig (I would have made the same choice), and he made his exit. This "wild spin" notion is one that the Whuffo government manufactured out of ignorance and embarressment. Even if the jumper took a ten second delay and was in a turn, the reserve is still gonna work! Thats what they do! 47 out of 53 said they figured he probably got a good chute and lived. What happened after that is anybodys guess but going to all this trouble and then never pulling the little silver handle? Really? Your firm stance on this important issue is not consistant with that of a knowledgeable experienced jumper. What gives here? The temps were plenty warm, well above freezing, the winds were light, he wore the industry's best, and there is only one reason we never found this wad of trash in a tree somewhere, its because he walked out of there with it. (Or had help getting out) Jerry, how do you explain the results of Q 5? Do you really think that all these other people hold your theory that he never pulled/couldnt pull/total mal'd all the way in? Please explain to me how this makes sense to you. Sincerely, and with respect. Dan

Silver handles kinda skeer those who let the dope rope do their deployments for them... just sayin:)

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"The poll is meaningless.

The concept behind it is woefully flawed."

Polls in general, or this particular poll? Please explain what part of the concept is flawed. There is nothing that can be proved via a poll, but they provide a pretty good litmus test of wht a cross section of the people are thinking. Your jury system is built on it, if all jurors agree (they are polled until they reach a unanimous decision) then a guilty verdict is returned. If 53 people responded via an independant agency poll (results of Q5), then a reasonable person could deduce that there is probably some pretty strong merritt to the results of that question. If you dont like THIS POLL in particular, I will rewrite it and include a larger cross section. Polls are everywhere! There is a reason for that. You are an outstanding citizen and a credit to your race, and I respct your opinion!

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