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DB Cooper

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Re: the freefall stability debate

I'm not sure there is one simple answer as stability can vary so much -- a novice can fall really stable, or start spinning or tumbling wildly.

I think some of the worst spins happen to those who are trying to fly arched, belly to earth, which would be what a novice skydiver would try to do -- but not necessarily someone trained in military bailouts.

Military aircrew in the WWII era may have been trained to dearch in freefall, essentially falling on their back. The US did some high altitude bailout tests in WWII to look at the issue, as aircrew often bailed out high (say, 20,000'+) and delayed opening until down low (say well under 10,000'). I really don't know any results or statistics, but in emergency bailouts they didn't all go spin themselves semi-conscious and not pull.

Having a bag tied on one's belly will be less destabilizing if one is dropping dearched on one's back than arched on one's belly. The degree of destabilization or stabilization also depends on the weight & density of the bag. I'm not sure how dense a bag of paper bills is, and how tightly wrapped they would have been.

Without considering other factors, this gives different possibilities for what Cooper would try to do, depending on where he acquired parachuting knowledge.

In conclusion:
I think that so far, not enough weight has been put on the possibility of him intending to fall on his back (if he didn't pull right off the ramp). I don't know for sure, but for someone with a pouch on his belly and minimal freefall skills, falling on his back could increase the chance that he would be relatively stable and not turning all that fast, compared to being on his belly.

Edit: of course the high exit speed wouldn't help getting stable. But at least look at IAS not the higher TAS.

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McCoy had a full suit with a small sport chute on the shoulders.

You realize this makes no sense; right?

Quade, It is senseless to argue with Knoss. I have black and white copies of the PLANTED emails I sent to him with copies to Doug Pasternak - Doug was informed what was BAIT and knew what WAS real. This was done because Knoss did a good SNOW job, but feeding him deliberate false information and then later his CREATING characters and events - was very revealing. In other words he never passed the TRUTH tests.

These email are in black and white - and upfront. This was on the 1st computer I had and I did NOT know how to save emails, so I made black and white copies. I have several 4 inch thick notebooks with these emails in them. Anyone wanting to scan them or copy them is invited to do so. Anyone wanting to discuss this with Doug should contact him.

Reading those emails and notes from the phone conversations is very very revealing. Knoss created his characters 2 and 3 and sometimes 5 months after I initially introduced a name known to Weber and myself. Knoss denies knowing such an individual - he CREATES this individual later on swearing up and down that McCoy was Tommy Gunn was calling him on the phone.

My connection with Knoss damaged the case regarding Weber. Probably why the FBI decided to drop Weber as a suspect.

Knoss has made himself such a nusiance that the Co-pilot had to refrain from making charges against the man. Knoss has harassed the Co-pilot, his brother and his son. In my communications with the Co-pilot - I derived the only reason he did not do so was he felt sorry for the man. Knoss did some framing work for the Co-pilot's brother and as far as I know this is Knosses only connection to the Co-pilot.

Mr. Rat seems like a very nice and honest and caring person.
I value the few conversations he and I have had over the yrs and wish he and his wife the best concerning all they have dealt with past and present. Knoss and some journalist have been the biggest headaches of all.

The Co-pilot is an extremely polite person and I do hope that one day I can meet him and his wife - but, time has taken its toll on the crew and those of us who have strived for the truth and to stay out of the lime light hoping and waiting for the FBI to close this case.

Cooper did survive! McCoy was NOT Tommy Gunn. Tommy was a real person who lived in x and died in x and owned property in x and had a business in X. Wonder if the FBI ever questioned Mr. Gunn or at least investigated Mr. Gunn's past. He did have a past with Weber and it was not as Richard McCoy. Mr. Gunn was about the same age as Weber - why it was EASY to pick Knoss apart.

Geoffry Gray was taken by Knoss, because he was looking for sensationalism and Knoss provided that. Knoss and Jerry have cost this investigation big time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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thousands did it in the war from any airplane in any configuration, on fire and going who knows how fast.

On the flip side of that, you might want to look at the percentage of paratroopers who never made it to their destinations during insertion during D-Day.

Here they were, dope on a rope, do nothing but exit, ride it down, land without injury and walk to a rally point.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The aircraft was doing about 225 MPH at the time Cooper separated from it. So he was actually ABOVE his natural terminal velocity at that time.

A knot equals what in miles?
l.5 miles. The plane was traveling just above stall speed.

I am just a dumb broad, but others can jump from planes going faster than the 727, then Cooper succeeded in jumping Nov. 24, 1971 and he landed and he lived. Have you read ANYTHING about the other successful skyjackings?

I have to agree with statements by professional jumpers on this thread - you sound like a wuffo and I am not saying that as NICELY as the others did.

Jo, Here we go again!

As Quade has already pointed out to you, a Knot (which means one Nautical Mile Per Hour) equals 1.15 MPH (which means one Statute Mile Per Hour).

The airliner was NOT traveling just above stall speed but quite a bit faster. The simple fact that 170 KIAS was the best range speed indicates by itself that the airliner was not on the "backside of the power curve" as it would have been if it was just above stall speed.

Your claim that since others have jumped from planes going faster than the 727 means that Cooper did so successfully and lived to marry you is nonsense. Most of the people who have jumped from aircraft going faster than this 727 were military crewman who survived some rigorous training by Amazon and her cohorts.

For your information, military paratroopers usually jump from C-130s and C-141s at about 140 knots, give or take about 10 knots. Some of their aircraft also have "spoilers" that swing out just in front of the side exit doors to reduce the stress on the paratroopers as they hit the free stream airflow.

I have never read of a successfull hijacking in the USA. Cooper wasn't necessairly successful, he is just missing.

To return your compliment, I have to agree with the people on this thread who know what they are talking about when they say that there is not a snowball's chance in hell that Duane Weber was Cooper. AND I am saying that MORE NICELY than some of them have.

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I am looking for the name/contact info for the person that found the 727 Airstair Placard. Is he still alive? Any help?

According to at least one news article of the time, the guy that found the placard was Carroll Hicks of Kelso, Washington.
A Carroll C Hicks of Kelso, Washington is also listed in SSDI - Died Oct. 4, 1995 at age of 62. No time right now to dig further to see if it's the same guy but it'll give you a start.

"There isn't any way that it could have come off a plane without the (rear) door being opened," said the Cowlitz County sheriff, Les Nelson. "We know that two days after Cooler jumped that the placard was missing off the plane." ………
……..The placard was found about "six flying minutes" from where Cooper is believed to have jumped, said Nelson. It was found last November by an elk hunter, Carroll Hicks, of Kelso, near a Weyerhaeuser Co. logging road north of Ariel, said Nelson.

From Seattle Daily Times, Jan 17, 1979.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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We also had the Kurt Vonnegut types, captured infantrymen, sent to various POW camps. In Vonnegut's case, that was Slaughterhouse-5. I suspect more downed fliers were inhabitants of the Stalags. I do not know the exact stats. It is fairly clear that the parachutes of the era were quite functional.

The scope of the Allied POWs was tremendous in number. This link is more than anyone really needs to know, and has no bearing on the Cooper case whatsoever.


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As Quade has already pointed out to you, a Knot (which means one Nautical Mile Per Hour) equals 1.15 MPH (which means one Statute Mile Per Hour).

Your claim that since others have jumped from planes going faster than the 727 means that Cooper did so successfully and lived to marry you is nonsense. Most of the people who have jumped from aircraft going faster than this 727 were military crewman who survived some rigorous training by Amazon and her cohorts.

How many skyjackings occurred after Cooper jumped? How fast where those planes going?

Others jumped from similar or the same kind of plane after Cooper did and survived...and YOU do NOT know if Cooper had training or NOT.

There are too many missing yrs in the life of Duane Weber (1962 to 1966) - DO you know where he was all of that time? Do you know who he worked for during that time frame? When you can answer those question without fault and with employment records, then & only then you can remake your lousy statement and until then tread softly!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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As Quade has already pointed out to you, a Knot (which means one Nautical Mile Per Hour) equals 1.15 MPH (which means one Statute Mile Per Hour).

Your claim that since others have jumped from planes going faster than the 727 means that Cooper did so successfully and lived to marry you is nonsense. Most of the people who have jumped from aircraft going faster than this 727 were military crewman who survived some rigorous training by Amazon and her cohorts.

How many skyjackings occurred after Cooper jumped? How fast where those planes going?

Others jumped from similar or the same kind of plane after Cooper did and survived...and YOU do NOT know if Cooper had training or NOT.

There are too many missing yrs in the life of Duane Weber (1962 to 1966) - DO you know where he was all of that time? Do you know who he worked for during that time frame? When you can answer those question without fault and with employment records, then & only then you can remake your lousy statement and until then tread softly!

Jo, In all of your years on this thread, not one single individual has bought into your story about Duane Weber being Cooper.

Duane Weber was a con man, a small time crook, one of your husbands, and nothing more.

You cannot blame the FBI, CIA, or Girl Scouts for your Duane Weber problems.


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As far as I can tell Cooper jumped with a bail out rig, not a sport rig. It was either an NB6 or an NB8 harness-container with a C9 canopy. No deployment sleeve, and probably no drive/steering vents. The rig was intended for use by an acro pilot.

You appear to have a different opinion. Can you explain the basis?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As far as I can tell Cooper jumped with a bail out rig, not a sport rig. It was either an NB6 or an NB8 harness-container with a C9 canopy. No deployment sleeve, and probably no drive/steering vents. The rig was intended for use by an acro pilot.

You appear to have a different opinion. Can you explain the basis?

It's possible I'm wrong. My understanding was the rigs came from a drop zone's loft run by Cossey. I guess I assumed they were set up for sky dives. The fact reserves came with them supported that in my mind since pilot rigs don't have reserves; they ARE the reserve.

I'm open to be shown evidence otherwise.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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There are THOUSANDS of similar stories from aircrew... bailout rigs work exceedingly well even for those who were tumbling. We learned from those stories.. and designed training for aircrew that every class that went thru Survival Training was taught.:)

But DB Cooper wasn't wearing a bail out rig. He was wearing a rig for sport jumping. Do we know, for instance, if the parachute in question had a free bag or if it had been modified? Modify the parachute and it is no longer the same item with the same reliability of opening.

I have a rig just like it.. wanna try it out???:)

Hi amazon

Hows it hanging;)

No way would I take you up on your offer to jump a rig like that:S Give the poor wuffo's and square canopy jockies a chance and at least let them land o
in water:P

Some of us are so old that we actually made 75 jumps on the modified reserve's, Blank gores, double L's ,double T's , double rocket, 7tu's. During that time I only weighed 135#'s Got my first standup landing jump # 15 WAG without checking my offical certified logbook. Most kanding on rounds after that were SU's.

40+ years later I'm 50 #'s heavier and out of shape Wouldn't Risk landing on the ground even with lots and lots of practice doing PLF's. These are my golden years no reason to ruin them.

We had a buddy 180-200# 6' plus that started jumping with us at the same time and same size canopy but he was a big boy he should have jumped a big boy canopy a T-10 but there were to many big boy's that day and to few t-10'sB|

He landed in a plowed field and shattered his leg into very small pieces. Eventualy the bones grew back together and when he finally recovered he was able to walk without even a limp.:)
We jumped "The Jet" at the WFFC cost us about $55 :( but we did a DB Cooper and a certificate, :P Er didn't jump the jet the first year so the airspeed issues were corrected.

Wwe were briefed to exit either in a cannonball or superman position. We chose the suoerman exit and the airspeed while fast actually helped. When we hit cleared the bird we had instant body control.

Stayed face to earth, felt like a flat rock skipping on top of a calm pond. The exit was a lot more stable than other tailgate acft I've jumped from.

After you all solve the DB Cooper riddle, whats next the Grassy knoll in dallas:D:D



To old and to fat

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Wwe were briefed to exit either in a cannonball or superman position. We chose the suoerman exit and the airspeed while fast actually helped. When we hit cleared the bird we had instant body control.

But who briefed DB Cooper? Anyone?


To old and to fat

Right behind you.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Nope. Definitely bailout rigs. Thoroughly researched. See Bruce's posts. He dug deep, interviewed Cossey (rigger) and Norman Hayden (owner).


Bruce even got recent photos of the rig Cooper left behind. It was a civilian bailout rig, made by Pioneer.

No D rings were on either bailout rig making chest reserves useless.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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After reading Bruce's article, I'm almost convinced nobody actually knows!

My god, that article offers up two completely different stories as to who owned the parachute. Neither one with actual documentation.

How on earth can you possibly call that definitive?

Here's what Bruce himself says;

At this point, I simply do not know what the truth is, and frankly I think we’re just beginning to unravel this matter.

So not even Bruce is clear what's the truth is.

I'd offer up yet one more scenario to add to Bruce's list of possibilities. Way back when, Hayden got a repack from Cossey, has a signature on a packing card for a parachute similar to the ones described and has confabulated the story in his mind over the years to insert himself into the narrative.

Certainly wouldn't be the first such case of confabulation we've seen in this thread.

Question for Bruce.

In the article;

Regardless, the FBI document, pages 226-227 of a larger Cooper case file, describe the parachutes in the following manner:

1. Civilian luxury type, tan soft cotton material outside, 26 foot while canopy inside. The parachute inside is a military parachute. The parachute has a foam pad cushion and a fray mark down the rib on the back from rubbing on metal.

2. A military backpack parachute, standard olive drab green on outside, a 28 foot white canopy on inside. He (Norman Hayden) stated that this parachute also has a foam pad cushion.

He (Hayden) stated that both parachutes bore lead seals which had not been broken and it is possible that he seals bear a confidential number, such as a rigger’s number. He (Hayden) stated that both of his parachutes were assembled for him by Mr. Earl Cossey, who works at Seattle Sky Sports in Issaquah, Washington.

What "larger Cooper case file" is that?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's sure not definitive about chute ownership but who cares? I think it makes a pretty good circumstantial case that the two main rigs were bailout rigs not sport rigs with sleeves, D rings, etc.

Cossey is puzzling. He allegedly says different things about the rigs at different times. His sig is on Norman's civilian Pioneer bailout rig packing card, so his claim about not knowing who Norman is doesn't sound correct. Maybe it's just faded memory, no deceptive intent.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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His sig is on Norman's civilian Pioneer bailout rig packing card, so his claim about not knowing who Norman is doesn't sound correct. Maybe it's just faded memory, no deceptive intent.

Well if he worked in a loft and repacked the guy's rig, I'm not certain a life long friendship necessarily spawns from it.

I do a lot of freelance work and I gotta be honest, some of the people I've sat next to just a few weeks ago I don't remember today. I'm certainly not going to remember who they are 40 years down the road.

I have no illusions about people who I'm a client for either. I seriously doubt the guy at Subway knows my name or would remember me even though I've bought sandwiches from him every day for a month of workdays.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's sure not definitive about chute ownership but who cares? I think it makes a pretty good circumstantial case that the two main rigs were bailout rigs not sport rigs with sleeves, D rings, etc.

Cossey is puzzling. He allegedly says different things about the rigs at different times. His sig is on Norman's civilian Pioneer bailout rig packing card, so his claim about not knowing who Norman is doesn't sound correct. Maybe it's just faded memory, no deceptive intent.

Didnt Norman have to sue to get the chute back?
That is documentation.

But exactly from who did the FBI get these chutes.
Two had to have come from Norman; he owned
them and were in his possession. Meanwhile Cossey
refuses to talk about it, beinghis natural helpful self!

Two came from the skydive school where Cossey was
a packer-instructor - school name I can never
remember (Issaqua?).

So two came from Norman. Two from Issaqua (sp?).

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Others jumped from similar or the same kind of plane after Cooper did and survived...and YOU do NOT know if Cooper had training or NOT.

[There are too many missing yrs in the life of Duane Weber (1962 to 1966) - DO you know where he was all of that time? Do you know who he worked for during that time frame? When you can answer those question without fault and with employment records, then & only then you can remake your lousy statement and until then tread softly!

You also do not know what training Cooper had. Your leap from not being able to figure out where Duane was during that time to him being Cooper is just laughable. For all you know he was in prison under yet another alias that you haven't figured out yet. You continue to insist that people need to prove what Duane was doing when, as though that has any relevance to this case at all. And yet you cannot see why people call you delusional.... Let me put it this way: if anyone else came to this thread making the same claims, based on the same "evidence", about someone else as you do about Duane you would shoot them down in flames. With good reason.

In fact, let's turn your own argument around. Why don't you prove what happened to Mel Wilson after he disappeared? If you can't do that then you can't prove he wasn't Cooper.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Hominid & Georger, Carr did post some weather information for the Orchards area early on this present thread. I don't remember the specific details right off but they are consistent with the numbers and wind direction I used. And if I remember correctly, Carr did not have any winds or weather above 5000 feet. And I don't specifically remember him saying anything about 30 MPH winds aloft from anywhere.

Here is the (lost) Ckret post Hominid is referring to,
I think.

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Jan 30, 2008, 5:00 AM

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Registered: Sep 7, 2007
Posts: 522 Re: [labrys] Popular Cooper Myths Debunked [In reply to]

We put Coopers total weight that night at 230 lbs.

In regards to the jump, we no it can be done (McCoy and others) but can it be done under the conditions Cooper did it. Its not just 15 MPH winds it's almost 30 MPH winds at 10,000 feet and its not just rain and clouds it's freezing rain at 200 mph. If you tried to recreate this jump, find a night under these conditions with his equipment, would the jump be sanctioned by any governing body? if not why?

I know we could debate forever the above and still get no where so lets move forward. However, based on what we know: his age, 45 to 50, puts him out of the general population of sport jumpers of the day, his request for "two front chutes and two back chutes" puts his "lingo" out of a sports jumper. His cavalier attitude of equipment (chutes and clothing) choice makes it seem as if he doesn't realize the challenge he is facing. He new some things about the aircraft but not as much as he thought he did.

I believe all of these things, plus many more discussed here, add up to an inexperienced jumper making a jump that would challenge the most experienced. Could he have beat the odds? Sure. Finding nothing points as much to making it as it does to not. Finding a portion of the money in the condition it was found I think tips the scale to not but even still does not mean its so.

And lastly, I hope he did make it and he is alive. DB WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!

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Georger wrote

Norman have to sue to get the chute back?
That is documentation.

If Norman's claim is true then his obtaining the chute back means he had to prove ownership. Evidence in the custody of the FBI isn't just given to whoever asks for it.

I can't find any record of a federal court lawsuit over this chute. It was probably not an actual lawsuit but rather an administrative claim.

Still, no big deal. We believe with reasonable certainty that Cooper jumped a surplus Navy bailout rig with a stock military round canopy.

That's a good rig for the jump. It can take a high speed opening.

We know he exited and we have a reasonable estimate of approximately where it occurred.

After that, it's all speculation.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Quote from 377: "We believe with reasonable certainty that Cooper jumped a surplus Navy bailout rig with a stock military round canopy. That's a good rig for the jump. It can take a high speed opening."

The "rig" was by definition an "emergency" rig. It was designed to be used when there are no other options. I believe that the jumper "intended" to obtain two sport rigs that were complete units, i.e. a sport back as a main and a chest mounted reserve. When he surveyed the goods presented and it was past time to go, he knew he didnt get what he wanted, so he had to take second best. The emergency rig with no second chute (chest mounted)would have been my second choice as well. This emergency rig was used by thousands around the world in both military and civilian. I wore it one time just like it in a T-6 doing acro. We didnt use them (the rig) but we wore them because it was required for acro flight.

My conclusions:
1) The hijacking occurred
2) The man made took efforts to hide his identity
3) His real last name was not Cooper.
4) He selected the best rig from the lot available.
5) His level of clothing/gloves/goggles is unknown
6) He jumped with the money.
7) The type of exit (quick pull, delay, face fwd, face aft, tumble, spin) is unknown.
8) He obviously went to a lot of trouble to get to this point in his caper.
9) He exited somewhere in some fashion. He pulled.
10) "Something" came out.

If you have a legitimate disagreement with any of these, I encourage you to openly bring out your disagreement and state why you disagree. I value the opinions of each and every individual and I believe that this is the true "on topic" value of the forum. Thank you. Dan Gryder.

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9) He exited somewhere in some fashion. He pulled.
10) "Something" came out.

If you have a legitimate disagreement with any of these, I encourage you to openly bring out your disagreement and state why you disagree. I value the opinions of each and every individual and I believe that this is the true "on topic" value of the forum. Thank you. Dan Gryder.

The second part of 9, and 10 are just unknown. You cannot state with any certainty that they either happened or did not happen.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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9) He exited somewhere in some fashion. He pulled.
10) "Something" came out.

From Orage1: "The second part of 9, and 10 are just unknown. You cannot state with any certainty that they either happened or did not happen."

The 10 listed are "My" conclusions. Each person is entitled to his own conclusions. Jo has concluded that Duwayne did it. She is entitled to that opinion.

I wrote 9) and 10) with the limited amount of information that is present, my experience as an airline pilot and a veteran skydiver, and limited practical experience regarding human behavior I made my best guess.

Please submit 9) and 10) in your own words.
as your "best guess" based on what your opinion is. You are entitled to one.

If you were to write these last two would it look like this?

From Orange1:
9) He exited. He never pulled anything.
10) Nothing ever came out.

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Blevins wrote

Let's face facts here. It was the Seattle FBI back in August who first put forward Marla as a reliable witness. I think they should either back this up now, or retract their initial assessment.

They will do neither. That's my prediction. That hedges their bets. It buys them time. If they screwed up, a press release now just calls attention to it. In time, everyone but dropzombies will forget all about Marla and LD.

Sometimes it's hard to separate what the FBI said from what Marla claims they said. The FBI said she was a credible witness and that they did not get a DNA match. Isn't the rest all from Marla?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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