JerryThomas 0 #29176 December 22, 2011 Dan: Thank You. Each and every civilian can hold there head high. And are will respected by all those in the Armed Force's past and present. Your Jobs are as important to the women and men that serve this country. Without each others support we would not be the individuals we are today. to seperate the civillian from the military is something we do for idintification purposes. With out the support of the many we would be known as the none. In my mind that makes us a team. Known as Americans.So let me thank all of you for your support past an present and say a job well done. You all are why Im proud to be part of the team.Orange 1 your an American at heart. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #29177 December 22, 2011 QuoteIf there are seasoned skydivers on here that hold an opinion that the jumper (This is a DB Cooper thread I thought) left the 727 as a no pull/couldnt pull/total mal/etc. Then I would like to talk to them. Yeah, but is the feeling mutual?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29178 December 22, 2011 The position you suggest is the standard FBI agent 'official' opinion. Particularly all of the retired agents associated with this case. It is hoey from people who know what happened and are looking to end all conversation. They were all pilots, but I don't know if any were jumpers. This 727 jump was long debated after the introduction of the 727 and was reportedly executed in service application prior to Cooper. McCoy wouldn't risk it until Weber actually proved it. McCoy also wouldn't let Stallone tour Europe because he was afraid of the risk. McCoy wasn't ever in Nam, because like me, he didn't like the risk. If 'Cooper' had really cratered, McCoy NEVER would have jumped. It is all Government sponsored FABRICATION. And that's the truth fer sure. 'Terry' Thomas knows this. He REELY funny guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #29179 December 22, 2011 Quote That story on ‘Vanishing Vlad’, the Russian who went mysteriously missing and was on the doorstep of Sasquatch and Roswell Aliens turned out to be another case study for me anyway. He is at least a microcosm of what the Cooper story has devolved into before the fables, faux analysis and repetitive shenanigans delivered by those just looking for the truth. Awwww, how noble. I quote “MAY be missing”. May indeed. His macro parameters were somewhat different from Cooper’s. The flight path was extremely contained. His description was missing from people who observed him, like the agent that sold the jump tickets ( . It was day time and clear. There wasn’t a smoking hot Stewardess involved but there may have been an equally attractive jumper on the load but those buttholes writing the articles decided not to mention this or publish any pictures. They knew precisely when he jumped. On a strictly linear scale where the variable is distance and the result is time I think you may need to brace yourselves for these shocking implications. Given is a missing person who was less than one nautical mile from the departure end of the runway-FACT. Secondly, this person remained missing for two months-FACT. The search area had all the obstacles of a shopping mall parking lot at 3 AM-FACT. They searched with helicopters, dogs specially trained to sniff things, metal detectors, spy satellites, secret CIA agents that no one knew about, Scout Troop 453, Agent 007 and some chicks from Orange Julius only to find nothing-FACT. Thus proving Vlad lived. I have it on good information that ‘Vaporous Vlad’ was seen in the company of a meth addict from Corona before his jump and likely staged his disappearance in order to start a new and better life in Bombay Beach. There just needs to be someone smart enough, attractive enough and who cares about the truth, beer and puppies to get in the field and start knocking on doors until you flush out Vlad and his partner in crime hidden in that resort town on the shore of the Salton Sea. I’ll bravely continue my dazzlingly brilliant, focused, humble and non-manipulative analysis to dig up other leads or clues where people are not thinking outside the box (or any other hackneyed phrase) as my hunkyness compels me to do. I couldn't get past this line.... "The body was identified as a skydiver because of the presence of an undeployed parachute at the scene." Good call Sherlock And this one..... "The company does not keep track of skydivers after they leave the plane, representatives said." I never thought about it but is that standard practice? Kinda like diving the barrier reef. lol...the FBI could borrow that line..."So why didn't you guys catch Cooper?" "The FBI does not keep track of hijackers after they leave the plane."but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #29180 December 23, 2011 QuoteAnd this one..... "The company does not keep track of skydivers after they leave the plane, representatives said." I never thought about it but is that standard practice? In the US, yes. There are certain exceptions. Generally a drop zone requires people to check in only after special dives like those being held at night. Generally it works out ok too because their buddies in the landing and packing area notice when they haven't shown up. Generally large drop zones, such as Perris, have a guy who's looking out for those people that land "out" as a result of either a bad spot or maybe a student not understanding how to steer his parachute properly. Generically this job is sometimes called "Bad Spot Bill" (or insert the actual name of the guy doing it) and he'll have a pick up truck to go out to pick them up. That said, when you're dropping 20 skydivers every fine minutes or a hundred all at once, it's not really practical (possible?) to even attempt to keep track of every one of them. All of the above said, it would be incredibly easy to miss a skydiver who is tracking into the ground a half mile or so away. You'd be looking for a pin-point moving against the sky and pretty damn difficult to catch even if you knew the general area to look.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #29181 December 23, 2011 To Robert99: Robert99: You say "What was visible to Cooper when he jumped? I mean below him to say 5000feet. Around him in the air/sky? Above him standing on the stairs? " DB did have wind rushing past him (at least 180 knots) to use as a frame of reference as to which way down was and be able to arch his body into a stable position (belly down. Spinning could be detected by an experienced skydiver and by use of arms and legs could change direction of spin and quite possibly stopped the spin. As 377 points out, by pulling the rip cord, the spin would stop anyway and get everything in control. Bob sailshaw Sailshaw and everyone else who has not made a free fall, somewhere on there is probably a list of vertical wind tunnels. Find one in your area and give them a call. Tell them that you want to see how easy it is to control your body position during a free fall. The tunnel people can probably arrange a few minutes in their tunnel for around $150 per person. You could make it a family affair. The experience is well worth it in my judgment. I have spent a few minutes in the tunnel at the Casa Grande, AZ facility. In the preparation for going into the tunnel, we were shown a video of four kids (I believe both boys and girls) in their tunnel. These kids were about 10 years old and had their own team jump suits, etc.. They did controlled formation turns and other things and were always under control. But looks can be deceiving. In my particular case, I found that I could no long go into an arc position without getting leg cramps. When I straightened out the legs to stop the cramping, I would go head first into the wall. Basically, I spent my tunnel time just banging my head against the wall. -------------------------------------------------------------- Robert99: I notice you have no hours posted as a skydiver. So, by definition "YOU ARE A WOOFO". How do you justify being critical of anyone saying what they think if based upon logical information? I suggest that you have no freefall time other than your failed attempt in the vertical wind tunnel and your absolute statement that DB had no references when he jumped is just plane BS. He had the direction of wind acting upon his body and actually he had another reference for a little while. He had about one minute to keep the 727 airplane in site and visible before he hit the cloud layer at 5,000 ft. So, he had two frames of reference, especially if he backed down the stairs as Bob Blevin proposed and remained facing the same direction as the airplane. Possibly you banged you head too hard on the walls of the vertical wind tunnel you tried? Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29182 December 23, 2011 Blevin's did you ever stop to think that your sales could be up due to the publicity involving the 40th and Marla going public on NBC Today.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29183 December 23, 2011 QuoteJo, In all of your years on this thread, not one single individual has bought into your story about Duane Weber being Cooper. Duane Weber was a con man, a small time crook, one of your husbands, and nothing more. 1. If it was not for Duane Weber being a Cooper suspect - I doubt you would be on this thread talking about Cooper. 2. Because you do not think Weber was Cooper does NOT mean that others do NOT have serious doubts. 3. The FBI did screw up the investigation of Duane L. Weber as there is far more evidence he was involved than you even fathom - you cannot tell me where Duane was - and like the FBI it is a kiss-off answer. 4. One of my husbands? How many do you think I had. I divorced the father of my children because he did NOT know the meaning of the word fidelity. Duane died after 17yrs of polycistic Kidney disease and my last husband died after 7 yrs of lung cancer. The way you wordedyour post I took personally and there are those who do support me - because they actually know me and you unlike the FBI have NO idea what I am made of. 5. For you to say Not one Single sole count only yourself. I stay here and slug it out with the nay sayer and my story has not changed - and I have NOT lied. The time lines all fit - time lines never discussed in this thread - because NOT one soul would believe them......after all it come the mouth and memory of a woman who has been labeled because - it was JT who deterred the FBI regarding Duane Weber. 6. There is NOT one suspect out there with more circumstancial evidence than Weber. Time, circumstances, reason, someone who knew how to hide, a life unknown to the FBI, false identities and a puzzling past, plus he confessed and he showed to me (all you have is my word, but I am not a known liar), When you have PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper then and only then do your words have any meaning. Let me inside of the boxes of evidence for several days - and I will find a lot the FBI missed not only about Weber, but other names they let drift past them. 7.The FBI did NOT even give the Night Clerk anymore than the time of day and only after the FBI was PUT to SHAME for not interviewing him yrs before when he came forward. You and some others would rather the myth continue till the end of time and if the FBI is so SWIFT - why can they tell me exactly where Duane was and why can't they explain where he was all of those yrs and then the missing yrs early in his life. Not one of you can explain HOW and WHEN Duane Weber learned the area like the back of his hand and until that is done - he is a suspect - and he has been the best suspect out there. If the FBI had concrete infomation Weber was not Cooper they would say so. Before they used the DNA and now they admit that even that might be flawed and that the prints are all particial incomplete print that may not even have belonged to Cooper. If the FBI really wanted to the JOB - they would have tested the cords cut and left on the plane - surely not that many people have handled those cords even in packing. The FBI has an excuse for everything. TEST THE CORDS - we know COOPER touched those. Surely if Cooper's DNA was on that tie - then test the cords and see if the same DNA comes up.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29184 December 23, 2011 Jo: Duane was never a suspect untill you started telling your lies and forced the FBI through your harassment to take a look at him. He was quickly dismissed.Your changing stories and wild claims are ridiculous.No one has deterred the FBI. Your stories are lies plain and simple.You continue and try to convince those on Drop Zone that you have a claim that Duane was Cooper. They have all told you,that due to your posting's and there investigations that you should stop this you have been told this many times this week alone. Please stop the BS/ fictional stories. Better yet Take a polygraph. So you can prove to yourself that you can't even beat the machine or pull this BS story of your's off. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29185 December 23, 2011 QuoteFor all you know he was in prison under yet another alias that you haven't figured out yet. Quote The FBI did NOT find out where he was but, yes I did. I talked extensively (at a great deal of expense to me personally with the woman who spent those yrs with him). During the yrs from 1966 to 1971 there were minor children in the home and their memories supported the stories from 1966 to 1971. During the yrs of 1962 - to 1966 it was the wife's word only and she did NOT to lie to me. She herself used aliases. She told me about AZ, CO, TX, LA, OK, NB, WA and CA - and then the children enter the picture for MO, KS (also CO and LA) then finally GA. I found their life discusting and rightfully so....but I had to maintain connections to learn what I could about Duane Weber. That is a HELL OF A LOT more than the FBI did.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29186 December 23, 2011 Jo Who care's Duane had nothing to do with this case. Nor does any of this crap you just posted. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29187 December 23, 2011 Quote Quote For all you know he was in prison under yet another alias that you haven't figured out yet. Quote The FBI did NOT find out where he was but, yes I did. I talked extensively (at a great deal of expense to me personally with the woman who spent those yrs with him). During the yrs from 1966 to 1971 there were minor children in the home and their memories supported the stories from 1966 to 1971. During the yrs of 1962 - to 1966 it was the wife's word only and she did NOT to lie to me. She herself used aliases. She told me about AZ, CO, TX, LA, OK, NB, WA and CA - and then the children enter the picture for MO, KS (also CO and LA) then finally GA. I found their life discusting and rightfully so....but I had to maintain connections to learn what I could about Duane Weber. That is a HELL OF A LOT more than the FBI did. Jerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies? How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational levels? Anyone who was actually a respected military retiree would NOT continually attack someone with beliefs that are different from his. Jerry forgets that I live in a community of 5 military bases....his actions and BRAGGART position are NOT viewed well by others. Jerry is being asked to post his educational levels (IQ & Universities - seems he has bragged about a very high collegiate university in his past). He is also requested to post all of the service ranks and testing scores and provable Military Credentials along with the dates served and his actual rank.. What happened Jerry did I hit a nerve. You didn't know I had talked extensively with the ex did you or her children - YOU had no idea that my research was so involved. What are you afraid of Jerry - does a little old woman scare you? Since I do NOT lie - I am tired of being called a Liar and you have been asked nicely in the past to stop you inflamatory posting about me. If Jerry is telling tales - ONE has to ask themselves this question: If Jo is the liar Jerry has called her 1,000's of times -why is he suddenly so upset to find that her research was so intense? Jerry - your note calling my investigation Crap was very telling - that is how a grade school child reacts when they get "caught". I will share my tapes and notes with someone from the FBI who is really interested in the past and possiblities that Weber was Cooper....but, they are NOT for public exposure.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29188 December 23, 2011 Robert99: I notice you have no hours posted as a skydiver. So, by definition "YOU ARE A WOOFO". How do you justify being critical of anyone saying what they think if based upon logical information? I suggest that you have no freefall time other than your failed attempt in the vertical wind tunnel and your absolute statement that DB had no references when he jumped is just plane BS. He had the direction of wind acting upon his body and actually he had another reference for a little while. He had about one minute to keep the 727 airplane in site and visible before he hit the cloud layer at 5,000 ft. So, he had two frames of reference, especially if he backed down the stairs as Bob Blevin proposed and remained facing the same direction as the airplane. Possibly you banged you head too hard on the walls of the vertical wind tunnel you tried? Bob Sailshaw Sailshaw, Seriously, you need to start reading the other posts on this thread before posting your nonsense. It would also be nice if you made some attempts to gain some knowledge of aerodynamics, dynamics, gravity, and other physical science subjects. For instance in your post above, you state that "He [Cooper] had about one minute to keep the 727 airplane in site and visible before he hit the cloud layer at 5,000 ft.". For your information, the airliner was at 10,000 feet when Cooper jumped. Using your numbers, that means he was in a free fall and only doing 60 MPH vertically from 10,000 feet to 5000 feet. In reality, he was probably falling at a speed of at least 180+ MPH and would have covered that distance in no more than 20 seconds. Your claim that he could keep the airliner in sight during that free fall doesn't merit comment. You obviously have not read any of the dozens of posts in the past week related to your claims. For starters, I suggest that you read Quade's post #30426 and 377's post #30411. Quade, 377, and others have discussed this subject in dozens of other posts. My parachuting experience is summarized in post #30397, which you obviously haven't read either. Incidentally, skydiving experience is measured by number of "jumps", not "hours" as you state above. So to repeat, you need to start reading this thread. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29189 December 23, 2011 QuoteJerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies. How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational. Anyone who was actually a respected military retiree would NOT continually attack someone with beliefs that are different from his. Jerry forgets that I live in a community of 5 military bases....his actions and BRAGGART position are NOT viewed well by others. Jerry is being asked to post his educational levels (IQ & Universities - seems he has bragged about a very high collegiate university in his past). He is also requested to post all of the service ranks and testing scores and provable Military Credentials. It is my opionion he needs to produce Proof of his credientials and stop calling Jo a liar. Jo, Why don't you set an example by posting your qualifications, your IQ (including your Mensa membership number if applicable), certificates, academic degrees, your annual salary (since you have never had a service rank), all test scores on any and every subject, and any proveable credentials. Your entire second paragraph above is laughable. Did you acquire this information by osmosis? Finally, what is there in your background that you feel qualifies you to evaluate the credentials of Jerry or anyone else on any subject? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29190 December 23, 2011 QuoteQuoteJerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies. How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational. Anyone who was actually a respected military retiree would NOT continually attack someone with beliefs that are different from his. Jerry forgets that I live in a community of 5 military bases....his actions and BRAGGART position are NOT viewed well by others. Jerry is being asked to post his educational levels (IQ & Universities - seems he has bragged about a very high collegiate university in his past). He is also requested to post all of the service ranks and testing scores and provable Military Credentials. It is my opionion he needs to produce Proof of his credientials and stop calling Jo a liar. Jo, Why don't you set an example by posting your qualifications, your IQ (including your Mensa membership number if applicable), certificates, academic degrees, your annual salary (since you have never had a service rank), all test scores on any and every subject, and any proveable credentials. Your entire second paragraph above is laughable. Did you acquire this information by osmosis? Finally, what is there in your background that you feel qualifies you to evaluate the credentials of Jerry or anyone else on any subject? You miss the point: I do NOT want to evaluate his Credentials - I want to prove he has lied and that there is NO reason for him to continually keep calling me a liar..Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Orange1 0 #29191 December 23, 2011 Quote When you have PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper then and only then do your words have any meaning. ..... You and some others would rather the myth continue till the end of time and if the FBI is so SWIFT - ]why can they tell me exactly where Duane was and why can't they explain where he was all of those yrs and then the missing yrs early in his life Well, you have no proof that Mel Wilson was not Cooper and the FBI cannot explain what happened to him after his disappearance. By your own logic, then, Mel Wilson must have been Cooper. And every time you bring up this stupid argument I will post this counter-argument. Maybe it will eventually sink in as to how ridiculous your reasoning is.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29192 December 23, 2011 Quote Quote Blevin's did you ever stop to think that your sales could be up due to the publicity involving the 40th and Marla going public on NBC Today.Jerry No. Actually, sales dropped in August on Blast when Marla went public, although our other books did very well. Same thing happened to Geoff Gray with Skyjack. I watched his Amazon rankings drop. Don't know how Crown did wholesale on Gray's book, but I'm sure they weren't Marla fans, either. No, it was definitely the CNN article comments, I think, that boosted sales again. The article came out September 1, and sales jumped considerably on Blast after that. They slowed a bit in December, but September/October broke our monthly record for the book and November was not bad. Amazon more or less remains the same. Our REAL income is from wholesale sales of books, not retail through Amazon. Less than five percent of AB's revenue comes from them. I also got a few emails from people regarding the nasty comments. Nobody I knew, just people who had read the article. They were nice, and I answered them all. However...I won't lie. I was not happy seeing the same names of people on some of those article comments who have been civil to me on Dropzone. It was a big surprise. Sure, I was angry. I didn't realize there were so many phonies around here until I read them. Live and learn... Robert..I'm not sure which comments you are referring to because I only skimmed the page when it was first mentioned. However, you do know, don't you, that anyone can put any name on comments on sites like CNN, Fox, and other media sites as long as the name is not already taken. Sometimes you don't even have to give an email address. Just saying - I wouldn't get my panties in a wad about people here unless you know for a fact that they wrote it. The last time someone did this (don't remember who the target was that time) they posted a succession of flamer comments supposedly written by different folks on this site. I think it was concluded that the comments were not authentic. Now I'm not saying that a dropzoner is not playing games with names -- that could very well be -- but I don't think that most of the comments attributed to this forum's participants were actually made by the people on here. For example - if you've got 377 making nasty remarks about someone here in a comment on an article from another site, then you can pretty much make the case that he didn't write it. Just mho but I'm sticking with it until proven wrong. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #29193 December 23, 2011 Quote Quote When you have PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper then and only then do your words have any meaning. ..... You and some others would rather the myth continue till the end of time and if the FBI is so SWIFT - ]why can they tell me exactly where Duane was and why can't they explain where he was all of those yrs and then the missing yrs early in his life Well, you have no proof that Mel Wilson was not Cooper and the FBI cannot explain what happened to him after his disappearance. By your own logic, then, Mel Wilson must have been Cooper. And every time you bring up this stupid argument I will post this counter-argument. Maybe it will eventually sink in as to how ridiculous your reasoning is. Sorry: Jo is in this to win. Not to reason or even debate. If she can win by what others are calling 'debate' then all the better. Its their mistake, not hers. Jo, is in this win, and that is all. Her logic is simple and consistent since day one. What constitues a win for Jo? She hasnt decided yet! And that is why this bogged down long ago and will continue as long as possible. So give it three more years and see where things are then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites quade 4 #29194 December 23, 2011 Guys . . . tone it down. Everyone is entitled to be here regardless of their claims. If you don't like them, just ignore them.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29195 December 23, 2011 Georger: I think that what you wish to post is important. Please do not let any of my post influence your decision on posting.The drama should not matter at this point.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29196 December 23, 2011 Quade: Sorry! I will do as you requested. If it is possible I will try and delete my last post. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29197 December 23, 2011 Jo: I have no problem with your request. I will Honor it if you will honor one of mine, That is never Post again, Here is a sample of what I will post a copy of my Diploma from the FT Polk Academy , Drill Seargent School. Dated 21 May 1971. Certificate of Training Survival Instructor Northern Warefare Traing Center FT Greely AK,1979 and 1980. This is just two of many. The others are Ranger school ,Sf, Anoc, First sgt Refresher courses, Sgt major Academy, Ft Bliss TX Ect. The list is Many. Geofry Gray, Ralph Himmelsbach. The FBI to include News Media agencies and producer's have also seen these Documents. Do we have a deal. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29198 December 23, 2011 QuoteQuoteJerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies. How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational. Jo: Credentials don't mean a lot. Consistency in your presentation means a lot more. When you make up these "tests" and feed people fake stories to see their response, THAT is lying. When you conclude from your "investigations" that you have uncovered 'facts' that end up being untrue, THAT is a form of lying. It is prolificating an untruth. Denouncing the truth from others is just as bad. 'Janet' spoke the absolute truth as it was reported. Jerry is a little 'reckless' with the truth. It is like he has dislexia too, as he makes it all backwards, like Duane was not Cooper. Actually Weber WAS Dan Cooper, and Duane physically told me directly that he was using the name Dan Cooper and his real name was Duane Weber. "No 'W' and no 'Y', just plain Duane." Bill was the one who asked him to tell us, and we were all three together at the time. Duane happened to be on his knees clipping the grass in front of 9120 Lyndale Ave. So., in Bloomington, MN, summer of 1968. And THAT's the truth. Does THAT make Jerry a liar? I guess? Not here to make accusations, just sayin'. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29199 December 23, 2011 QuoteYou miss the point: I do NOT want to evaluate his Credentials - I want to prove he has lied and that there is NO reason for him to continually keep calling me a liar.. Jo, You can not prove he lied to you without evaluating his credentials! So WHUFFO you making that demand in the first place! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sailshaw 0 #29200 December 23, 2011 Dear Robert99 Your post leads me to believe that you really did bang your head very hard on the vertical wind tunnel and now you and you posts come out senseless!!! You say: "Sailshaw, Seriously, you need to start reading the other posts on this thread before posting your nonsense. It would also be nice if you made some attempts to gain some knowledge of aerodynamics, dynamics, gravity, and other physical science subjects." Robert, you seem to not be able to understand what I write, so I will not even try to respond to your jibberish. Get 377 to explain it to you. He knows my background (science and engineering) and I find out from Jerry you actually did only a couple of jumps in the 60's. So why are you not publishing your two jumps in your experience profile? In your mind two jumps probably makes you an expert but not to the rest of us, eh? 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JerryThomas 0 #29186 December 23, 2011 Jo Who care's Duane had nothing to do with this case. Nor does any of this crap you just posted. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29187 December 23, 2011 Quote Quote For all you know he was in prison under yet another alias that you haven't figured out yet. Quote The FBI did NOT find out where he was but, yes I did. I talked extensively (at a great deal of expense to me personally with the woman who spent those yrs with him). During the yrs from 1966 to 1971 there were minor children in the home and their memories supported the stories from 1966 to 1971. During the yrs of 1962 - to 1966 it was the wife's word only and she did NOT to lie to me. She herself used aliases. She told me about AZ, CO, TX, LA, OK, NB, WA and CA - and then the children enter the picture for MO, KS (also CO and LA) then finally GA. I found their life discusting and rightfully so....but I had to maintain connections to learn what I could about Duane Weber. That is a HELL OF A LOT more than the FBI did. Jerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies? How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational levels? Anyone who was actually a respected military retiree would NOT continually attack someone with beliefs that are different from his. Jerry forgets that I live in a community of 5 military bases....his actions and BRAGGART position are NOT viewed well by others. Jerry is being asked to post his educational levels (IQ & Universities - seems he has bragged about a very high collegiate university in his past). He is also requested to post all of the service ranks and testing scores and provable Military Credentials along with the dates served and his actual rank.. What happened Jerry did I hit a nerve. You didn't know I had talked extensively with the ex did you or her children - YOU had no idea that my research was so involved. What are you afraid of Jerry - does a little old woman scare you? Since I do NOT lie - I am tired of being called a Liar and you have been asked nicely in the past to stop you inflamatory posting about me. If Jerry is telling tales - ONE has to ask themselves this question: If Jo is the liar Jerry has called her 1,000's of times -why is he suddenly so upset to find that her research was so intense? Jerry - your note calling my investigation Crap was very telling - that is how a grade school child reacts when they get "caught". I will share my tapes and notes with someone from the FBI who is really interested in the past and possiblities that Weber was Cooper....but, they are NOT for public exposure.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29188 December 23, 2011 Robert99: I notice you have no hours posted as a skydiver. So, by definition "YOU ARE A WOOFO". How do you justify being critical of anyone saying what they think if based upon logical information? I suggest that you have no freefall time other than your failed attempt in the vertical wind tunnel and your absolute statement that DB had no references when he jumped is just plane BS. He had the direction of wind acting upon his body and actually he had another reference for a little while. He had about one minute to keep the 727 airplane in site and visible before he hit the cloud layer at 5,000 ft. So, he had two frames of reference, especially if he backed down the stairs as Bob Blevin proposed and remained facing the same direction as the airplane. Possibly you banged you head too hard on the walls of the vertical wind tunnel you tried? Bob Sailshaw Sailshaw, Seriously, you need to start reading the other posts on this thread before posting your nonsense. It would also be nice if you made some attempts to gain some knowledge of aerodynamics, dynamics, gravity, and other physical science subjects. For instance in your post above, you state that "He [Cooper] had about one minute to keep the 727 airplane in site and visible before he hit the cloud layer at 5,000 ft.". For your information, the airliner was at 10,000 feet when Cooper jumped. Using your numbers, that means he was in a free fall and only doing 60 MPH vertically from 10,000 feet to 5000 feet. In reality, he was probably falling at a speed of at least 180+ MPH and would have covered that distance in no more than 20 seconds. Your claim that he could keep the airliner in sight during that free fall doesn't merit comment. You obviously have not read any of the dozens of posts in the past week related to your claims. For starters, I suggest that you read Quade's post #30426 and 377's post #30411. Quade, 377, and others have discussed this subject in dozens of other posts. My parachuting experience is summarized in post #30397, which you obviously haven't read either. Incidentally, skydiving experience is measured by number of "jumps", not "hours" as you state above. So to repeat, you need to start reading this thread. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29189 December 23, 2011 QuoteJerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies. How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational. Anyone who was actually a respected military retiree would NOT continually attack someone with beliefs that are different from his. Jerry forgets that I live in a community of 5 military bases....his actions and BRAGGART position are NOT viewed well by others. Jerry is being asked to post his educational levels (IQ & Universities - seems he has bragged about a very high collegiate university in his past). He is also requested to post all of the service ranks and testing scores and provable Military Credentials. It is my opionion he needs to produce Proof of his credientials and stop calling Jo a liar. Jo, Why don't you set an example by posting your qualifications, your IQ (including your Mensa membership number if applicable), certificates, academic degrees, your annual salary (since you have never had a service rank), all test scores on any and every subject, and any proveable credentials. Your entire second paragraph above is laughable. Did you acquire this information by osmosis? Finally, what is there in your background that you feel qualifies you to evaluate the credentials of Jerry or anyone else on any subject? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29190 December 23, 2011 QuoteQuoteJerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies. How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational. Anyone who was actually a respected military retiree would NOT continually attack someone with beliefs that are different from his. Jerry forgets that I live in a community of 5 military bases....his actions and BRAGGART position are NOT viewed well by others. Jerry is being asked to post his educational levels (IQ & Universities - seems he has bragged about a very high collegiate university in his past). He is also requested to post all of the service ranks and testing scores and provable Military Credentials. It is my opionion he needs to produce Proof of his credientials and stop calling Jo a liar. Jo, Why don't you set an example by posting your qualifications, your IQ (including your Mensa membership number if applicable), certificates, academic degrees, your annual salary (since you have never had a service rank), all test scores on any and every subject, and any proveable credentials. Your entire second paragraph above is laughable. Did you acquire this information by osmosis? Finally, what is there in your background that you feel qualifies you to evaluate the credentials of Jerry or anyone else on any subject? You miss the point: I do NOT want to evaluate his Credentials - I want to prove he has lied and that there is NO reason for him to continually keep calling me a liar..Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #29191 December 23, 2011 Quote When you have PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper then and only then do your words have any meaning. ..... You and some others would rather the myth continue till the end of time and if the FBI is so SWIFT - ]why can they tell me exactly where Duane was and why can't they explain where he was all of those yrs and then the missing yrs early in his life Well, you have no proof that Mel Wilson was not Cooper and the FBI cannot explain what happened to him after his disappearance. By your own logic, then, Mel Wilson must have been Cooper. And every time you bring up this stupid argument I will post this counter-argument. Maybe it will eventually sink in as to how ridiculous your reasoning is.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #29192 December 23, 2011 Quote Quote Blevin's did you ever stop to think that your sales could be up due to the publicity involving the 40th and Marla going public on NBC Today.Jerry No. Actually, sales dropped in August on Blast when Marla went public, although our other books did very well. Same thing happened to Geoff Gray with Skyjack. I watched his Amazon rankings drop. Don't know how Crown did wholesale on Gray's book, but I'm sure they weren't Marla fans, either. No, it was definitely the CNN article comments, I think, that boosted sales again. The article came out September 1, and sales jumped considerably on Blast after that. They slowed a bit in December, but September/October broke our monthly record for the book and November was not bad. Amazon more or less remains the same. Our REAL income is from wholesale sales of books, not retail through Amazon. Less than five percent of AB's revenue comes from them. I also got a few emails from people regarding the nasty comments. Nobody I knew, just people who had read the article. They were nice, and I answered them all. However...I won't lie. I was not happy seeing the same names of people on some of those article comments who have been civil to me on Dropzone. It was a big surprise. Sure, I was angry. I didn't realize there were so many phonies around here until I read them. Live and learn... Robert..I'm not sure which comments you are referring to because I only skimmed the page when it was first mentioned. However, you do know, don't you, that anyone can put any name on comments on sites like CNN, Fox, and other media sites as long as the name is not already taken. Sometimes you don't even have to give an email address. Just saying - I wouldn't get my panties in a wad about people here unless you know for a fact that they wrote it. The last time someone did this (don't remember who the target was that time) they posted a succession of flamer comments supposedly written by different folks on this site. I think it was concluded that the comments were not authentic. Now I'm not saying that a dropzoner is not playing games with names -- that could very well be -- but I don't think that most of the comments attributed to this forum's participants were actually made by the people on here. For example - if you've got 377 making nasty remarks about someone here in a comment on an article from another site, then you can pretty much make the case that he didn't write it. Just mho but I'm sticking with it until proven wrong. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #29193 December 23, 2011 Quote Quote When you have PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper then and only then do your words have any meaning. ..... You and some others would rather the myth continue till the end of time and if the FBI is so SWIFT - ]why can they tell me exactly where Duane was and why can't they explain where he was all of those yrs and then the missing yrs early in his life Well, you have no proof that Mel Wilson was not Cooper and the FBI cannot explain what happened to him after his disappearance. By your own logic, then, Mel Wilson must have been Cooper. And every time you bring up this stupid argument I will post this counter-argument. Maybe it will eventually sink in as to how ridiculous your reasoning is. Sorry: Jo is in this to win. Not to reason or even debate. If she can win by what others are calling 'debate' then all the better. Its their mistake, not hers. Jo, is in this win, and that is all. Her logic is simple and consistent since day one. What constitues a win for Jo? She hasnt decided yet! And that is why this bogged down long ago and will continue as long as possible. So give it three more years and see where things are then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #29194 December 23, 2011 Guys . . . tone it down. Everyone is entitled to be here regardless of their claims. If you don't like them, just ignore them.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29195 December 23, 2011 Georger: I think that what you wish to post is important. Please do not let any of my post influence your decision on posting.The drama should not matter at this point.Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29196 December 23, 2011 Quade: Sorry! I will do as you requested. If it is possible I will try and delete my last post. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29197 December 23, 2011 Jo: I have no problem with your request. I will Honor it if you will honor one of mine, That is never Post again, Here is a sample of what I will post a copy of my Diploma from the FT Polk Academy , Drill Seargent School. Dated 21 May 1971. Certificate of Training Survival Instructor Northern Warefare Traing Center FT Greely AK,1979 and 1980. This is just two of many. The others are Ranger school ,Sf, Anoc, First sgt Refresher courses, Sgt major Academy, Ft Bliss TX Ect. The list is Many. Geofry Gray, Ralph Himmelsbach. The FBI to include News Media agencies and producer's have also seen these Documents. Do we have a deal. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29198 December 23, 2011 QuoteQuoteJerry always has to get the last word in - but, he won't get the last word on this. He has called me a liar, yet how many time has he been publically denouced for his lies. How many stories have been told about Jerry and can anyone actual list his credits, military and educational. Jo: Credentials don't mean a lot. Consistency in your presentation means a lot more. When you make up these "tests" and feed people fake stories to see their response, THAT is lying. When you conclude from your "investigations" that you have uncovered 'facts' that end up being untrue, THAT is a form of lying. It is prolificating an untruth. Denouncing the truth from others is just as bad. 'Janet' spoke the absolute truth as it was reported. Jerry is a little 'reckless' with the truth. It is like he has dislexia too, as he makes it all backwards, like Duane was not Cooper. Actually Weber WAS Dan Cooper, and Duane physically told me directly that he was using the name Dan Cooper and his real name was Duane Weber. "No 'W' and no 'Y', just plain Duane." Bill was the one who asked him to tell us, and we were all three together at the time. Duane happened to be on his knees clipping the grass in front of 9120 Lyndale Ave. So., in Bloomington, MN, summer of 1968. And THAT's the truth. Does THAT make Jerry a liar? I guess? Not here to make accusations, just sayin'. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29199 December 23, 2011 QuoteYou miss the point: I do NOT want to evaluate his Credentials - I want to prove he has lied and that there is NO reason for him to continually keep calling me a liar.. Jo, You can not prove he lied to you without evaluating his credentials! So WHUFFO you making that demand in the first place! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sailshaw 0 #29200 December 23, 2011 Dear Robert99 Your post leads me to believe that you really did bang your head very hard on the vertical wind tunnel and now you and you posts come out senseless!!! You say: "Sailshaw, Seriously, you need to start reading the other posts on this thread before posting your nonsense. It would also be nice if you made some attempts to gain some knowledge of aerodynamics, dynamics, gravity, and other physical science subjects." Robert, you seem to not be able to understand what I write, so I will not even try to respond to your jibberish. Get 377 to explain it to you. He knows my background (science and engineering) and I find out from Jerry you actually did only a couple of jumps in the 60's. So why are you not publishing your two jumps in your experience profile? In your mind two jumps probably makes you an expert but not to the rest of us, eh? Bob sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 Next Page 1168 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50
Robert99 50 #29199 December 23, 2011 QuoteYou miss the point: I do NOT want to evaluate his Credentials - I want to prove he has lied and that there is NO reason for him to continually keep calling me a liar.. Jo, You can not prove he lied to you without evaluating his credentials! So WHUFFO you making that demand in the first place! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #29200 December 23, 2011 Dear Robert99 Your post leads me to believe that you really did bang your head very hard on the vertical wind tunnel and now you and you posts come out senseless!!! You say: "Sailshaw, Seriously, you need to start reading the other posts on this thread before posting your nonsense. It would also be nice if you made some attempts to gain some knowledge of aerodynamics, dynamics, gravity, and other physical science subjects." Robert, you seem to not be able to understand what I write, so I will not even try to respond to your jibberish. Get 377 to explain it to you. He knows my background (science and engineering) and I find out from Jerry you actually did only a couple of jumps in the 60's. So why are you not publishing your two jumps in your experience profile? In your mind two jumps probably makes you an expert but not to the rest of us, eh? Bob sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites