georger 247 #29276 December 26, 2011 QuoteThe case that Kenny is holding in the photo look very much like a Pilots briefcase that opens on the top, also looks like he is only pinching the bag like it is not heavy , and was the door open already? because he is half way in and should be coming up if he put something down in order to open the door then reach down and pick it up where you would see him coming in a upward postion? The infamy comes straight from Blevins. Blevins has replaced the former unflanked door photo on Google, with his own, of course. Blevins never fails to mark his own territory! The caption on Blevin's propogandized version reads: "A peculiar photo of Kenny walking in ... " and "It was discovered hidden behind another pictire". Key Buzz words: PECULIAR PHOTO and HIDDEN. Well of course why not! Blevins needs to set his agenda early with some well chosen obviousities! Obvious to Blevins .... but not to the rest of the thinking world. What makes the photo "peculiar"? How does Blevins know the photo was "hidden" ? Rather than have SS progandist Blevins come back and regale uswith 50 more "The Dialogues of Blevins", lets just admit Blevins is correct, in every thing he has ever said. Sorry Jo. Blevins wins. He has the biggest hammer and the largest toll of vitims. KC was Cooper. Peculiar. Hidden. Blame the Copernicans! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #29277 December 26, 2011 On November 24, 1971 I finished classes in Newberg, Oregon, at George Fox College, and a carload of us headed out to eastern washington for Thanksgiving break. I figure we left around 4 pm. We left Newberg, proceeded up 99, then to I-5 to Portland. Then we cut over to 84 and proceeded east to the 97 turnoff at Biggs Junction (which goes to Goldendale). We took our time, we made a few stops. The Columbia Gorge for me was the stretch on 84 between Portland and Biggs junction, south side of the Columbia River. The weather started out ominous and just got progressively worse. The only time I can remember the weather letting up was when we were well into eastern washington, north on 97, well out of the Gorge. By the time we got to The Dalles, we were afraid for our lives because of the fierce wind and rain and poor visibility. I figure we didn't reach Biggs till around 7:30 pm. We had to slow down to almost a crawl because of the wind. If you've been on that stretch of road in bad weather, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, on page 41 of Norjak, Mr. Himmelsbach said "The weather was absolutely rotten." I see the time reference closest to that comment was around 8 pm. That comment, and corroborating comments of several others, make it crystal clear that the weather that night was anything but normal. The lady at the symposium told me, in a private conversation, that she and her husband were on I-5, going north out of Portland, early evening, around 6:30 pm. She said the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #29278 December 26, 2011 QuoteOn November 24, 1971 I finished classes in Newberg, Oregon, at George Fox College, and a carload of us headed out to eastern washington for Thanksgiving break. I figure we left around 4 pm. We left Newberg, proceeded up 99, then to I-5 to Portland. Then we cut over to 84 and proceeded east to the 97 turnoff at Biggs Junction (which goes to Goldendale). We took our time, we made a few stops. The Columbia Gorge for me was the stretch on 84 between Portland and Biggs junction, south side of the Columbia River. The weather started out ominous and just got progressively worse. The only time I can remember the weather letting up was when we were well into eastern washington, north on 97, well out of the Gorge. By the time we got to The Dalles, we were afraid for our lives because of the fierce wind and rain and poor visibility. I figure we didn't reach Biggs till around 7:30 pm. We had to slow down to almost a crawl because of the wind. If you've been on that stretch of road in bad weather, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Also, on page 41 of Norjak, Mr. Himmelsbach said "The weather was absolutely rotten." I see the time reference closest to that comment was around 8 pm. That comment, and corroborating comments of several others, make it crystal clear that the weather that night was anything but normal. The lady at the symposium told me, in a private conversation, that she and her husband were on I-5, going north out of Portland, early evening, around 6:30 pm. She said the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. Hi and thanks for this detailed report. Just to let you know I have reports which seem to corroborate your version, in the same areas you designate. What the final resolution of this will be, I do not know, but thank you for coming forward with this. G. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29279 December 26, 2011 QuoteQuote The weather started out ominous and just got progressively worse. ... we were afraid for our lives because of the fierce wind and rain and poor visibility.... "The weather was absolutely rotten." ... the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. It is just a damned good thing that 305 was not taxi-ing on the I-5 at 8:05. They could have been drowned alive by the flash flood and forgo Duane's skydive. "Afraid for our lives????" A little over the top, perhaps?? Did we poo our panties when the giant tsunami washed our car off the I-5 and out to sea with all the houses and other flotsom? Out with all those giant white sharks and snakes and ocean monsters?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29280 December 26, 2011 QuoteAlso, on page 41 of Norjak, Mr. Himmelsbach said "The weather was absolutely rotten." I see the time reference closest to that comment was around 8 pm. That comment, and corroborating comments of several others, make it crystal clear that the weather that night was anything but normal. The lady at the symposium told me, in a private conversation, that she and her husband were on I-5, going north out of Portland, early evening, around 6:30 pm. She said the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. You need to take a look at the weather information that is available on, the weather information posted a while back on this thread by Larry Carr (FBI, Seattle), the conversations about weather in the radio transcripts while the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, and other sources. Does "rotten" and "horrible" overrule the actual quantative weather data measured by professional meteorologists? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29281 December 26, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuote The weather started out ominous and just got progressively worse. ... we were afraid for our lives because of the fierce wind and rain and poor visibility.... "The weather was absolutely rotten." ... the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. It is just a damned good thing that 305 was not taxi-ing on the I-5 at 8:05. They could have been drowned alive by the flash flood and forgo Duane's skydive. "Afraid for our lives????" A little over the top, perhaps?? Did we poo our panties when the giant tsunami washed our car off the I-5 and out to sea with all the houses and other flotsom? Out with all those giant white sharks and snakes and ocean monsters?? Bob, You are beginning to make sense. Are you okay? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29282 December 26, 2011 QuoteROBERT99: Regarding Fronts: I am not a weather forecaster and do NOT use the technical terms. I only go by what the forecasters say on TV - such as we have a cold front coming in. YOU knew WHAT I was saying, but you prefer to PICK PICK PICK on casual comments I make - you must be a former teacher by profession. Jo, My suggestion was that you find out what the term "weather front" means. If it is not a technical term when you see it on TV, then it is not a technical term in my suggestion. I am not a mind reader. I only know what you wrote and not what you thought you were "saying". Pick, pick, pick? I didn't know you had ever made a "casual comment". And I am not a former teacher. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29283 December 26, 2011 QuoteQuote You need to take a look at the weather information that is available on, the weather information posted a while back on this thread by Larry Carr (FBI, Seattle), the conversations about weather in the radio transcripts while the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, and other sources. You all need to verify facts from an unbiased source. The bad storm was after the jump. Duane jumped in light rain which made for poor visibility at 175. Look it up someplace else. Robert 99 is right about the weather and the flight path. So there! End of story. Facts are facts. Done, signed, sealed and delivered. Amen. PPPffffttttt. I said. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29284 December 26, 2011 I love the way she says bour-bon...... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #29285 December 26, 2011 Quote I love the way she says bour-bon...... WOW...and the weather looked pretty wicked! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29286 December 27, 2011 At first I was wondering why in the world someone would take the time to animate these news stories, but apparently they are trying to sell the service. Okay nothing to do with Cooper but.,,.just this one... it's worth a grin. Guavaitis..... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29287 December 27, 2011 Blevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 1969912 0 #29288 December 27, 2011 "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29289 December 27, 2011 MeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29290 December 27, 2011 QuoteMeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Jerry, Only you are calling people liars. Your "eyewitnesses" were both in the Portland/Vancouver area and their information is contradicted by people who actually get paid to monitor the weather. Such as the National Weather Service personnel, who generated forecasts for the FAA and the general public, and the people at the Portland International Airport, who collected the data for such things as the FAA hourly sequence reports. In addition, you are also calling such people as Larry Carr a liar since he supplied information to this list that also contradicts your "eyewitnesses". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29291 December 27, 2011 Below part of a long lengthy retort Blevins made to Georger: Quote doesn't matter how much I qualify a post with you. I could tell you that day is light and night is dark...and you would find some reason to complain. I think everyone who is a regular at DZ on this thread will agree. It's no longer whether you think I'm full of it on KC. It's a personal Blevins thing with you. Your 'SS' reference proves that, without a doubt. Now lets have some FUN! Blevins, I sound like a broken record and reading your long lenghty post - you repeat and then repeat again. I KNOW I repeat, but you have me beat. Like Georger said - you win, you win, you win, but WHAT have you won? Lets have some fun and talk about HA HA HA by D.B.Cooper - at least it is more interesting than KC or Weber, About time someone solved the mystery of who REALLY wrote the book and WHY! NO ONE has ever owed up to writing the damn book. When I contacted Signum Books, Ltd. it was assigned to Journal Graphics. A man by the name of Gary Twitwert is the man I spoke to. Not sure of the spelling as I cannot read my own writing. Now that is supposed to be funny. The phone number I had 14 yrs ago was 1-503-393-6763. If someone can track this and find anything out about the book there are lots of Cooper Sleuths that would be interested...just for fun. I received my copy of the book in the mail. I still DO NOT know who sent it and I do not remember the post mark and gave it little thought. The only individuals I had spoke to were family, friends, JT, Himmelsbach and the FBI. The book was written in memory of Billy Van Cleave a gentleman rogue and the real "Debra". This is a take on words I know, but I am really curious as to the origin of the book and the caricatures in the book. Love it when he refers to the FBI as a FLAKEY BUNCH OF IDIOTS (FBI).Cooper brags about 8 yrs before having become a legend. This presumable means the writer started the book in 1979. Duane and I made what I have labeled "The Sentimental Journey" in 1979. Note, the book was not published until 1983 therefore Weber had NOT read the book (so don't go makin' with the WISE Cracks). The writer supposedly has 7 clues in the book about where to find the solution and retrive a certificate. Wonder if anyone ever found the "CERTIFICATE"? I often felt Laural and Dave Fisher the then owners of Ariel Tavern did this as a publicity stunt to raise the value of their Tavern and General Store - plus generate a little income from the book. Just thought we needed a diversion after all a NEW YR is just around the corner. IS there a law against scanning the caricatures and comparing them with REAL people? This is a great job for FARFLUNG. On page 69 is caricature of Debbie the madame of the House who looked much older than the 40 yrs she claimed. Her frizzy bleached blonde hair is mentioned. On 45 there is a very tipsy gambler. Definitely Not Cooper. His name is Curt, but he does look like someone who was connected to Barker in N.Orleans. This man was a special Ops at one time. On page 104 is Mr. Farretti - a supposed ganster mafia boss. On page 222 an Attorney with a tear in his eye pleading a case for the 2 main characters. Just thought you guys might like to have a little fun for awhile. I have absolutely NO motive in doing this - other than diversive fun. There is NO caricature of Cooper in the book. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? Note the Shoe Shine man was from AL and was arrested for using the White folk's facilities and got 10 yrs on the chain gang Cooper wiped the word 'nigger' out of his vocabulary after that but Weber never used the word and this remark just struck a cord with me when I read the book and now. Don't forget the Shoe Shine Man in N.O. Duane went looking for in 1980. A woman referred to as Sheila Greene - this name of Greene keep leaping out of no where lately. Green (do not know the spelling) was who Duane's Army # belonged to per the FBI agent. A poster by the name of Green contacted me about some information on a suspect. The "Dog" story is in this book also, but I am too tired to find it tonight. Anyone could read this book and have a lot of fun with it. I think Sheridan Peterson would have a 'BLAST' with Cadillac Carr. Don't ya just love that!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29292 December 27, 2011 Robert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #29293 December 27, 2011 Quote On page 319 is the drawing of the shoe shine man supposedly in the PDX at that time of the Skyjacking. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? How about a 1965-66(?) Cadillac Coupe(r) Convertible?Edit...pictureMelvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29294 December 27, 2011 QuoteRobert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Jerry, The people who prepared the records were eyewitnesses in the Portland/Seattle area and, with all due respect, probably knew a lot more about how to measure and determine the weather conditions than the pilots, FBI agents, and whoever else you are referring to. Of course I wasn't there and neither were you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29295 December 27, 2011 Give it a break Jerry. The weather was NOT the same from Seattle to Portland. The crew was in the air and no notations of weather tubulence was ever mentioned. Have you ever talked to the Co-pilot who was the one at the controls? Weather on the ground and in the air was all over the place on that night. If he jumped just before Hiesson the weather was wet with broken cloud layers - no stormy winds. If Cooper jumped near Portland around Troutdale he may have experienced more problems but that weather was going east. Starting just below Lake Merwin and down to 500 - the weather according to witnesses and new cast reports the next day - the jump was do-able. Memories of the weather 40 yrs ago do NOT hold with actual witness accounts of that night nor the media reports. Over the yrs the stories have been exaggerated about the weather - after all it makes for a better story regarding Cooper not surviving.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #29296 December 27, 2011 It does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #29297 December 27, 2011 So, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29298 December 27, 2011 QuoteBlevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry I was there and heard the discussion on this topic. The trainer, "Bill" worked for Northwest. He suggested $100,000 because it would be easy for them to get in a hurry. Duane raised it to $200,000 and said, "That's $100,000 for each of us." Bill replied, "No, I don't want any, we need to give it back." Duane said, "I am not going to take the risk without getting paid." And so it was left at $200,000. And THAT ladies and gentlemen is the true fact of the matter on how the amount of the ransom was determined. Certified quotations. Copyright Bob Knoss, 12-27-11. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29299 December 27, 2011 QuoteIt does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. I will be the first to say that Ralph Hemmelsbach does not lie easily. However, I will state categorically, that Ralph can be recklessly leading with misinformation. I do not believe everything that originates with him, but believe he is basically an honest man. We ALL lie sometimes. When you know the truth, lies are very obvious, like a flashing red light. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29300 December 27, 2011 QuoteSo, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. I risk my life putting on my pants in the morning. Doesn't mean a tornado is going to rip them off again later in the day. LIGHT RAIN does not a tornado make. Weather fronts can be minor mobile pressure or temperature zones as well as severe cyclonic storm conditions. Rain in the pasture does not necessarily mean rain at the homestead. Planned by a dislexic for EVERYTHING to be not what it really is. If it's light rain, say it was a freak global freeze brought on by a nuclear winter from a Russian hydrogen bomb test that morning. Get the FBI to change the weather records and find some witnesses to use the words, rotten, ominous, foreboding, horrendous, tsunami, tornado, life threatening, flood, drowning, horrible, freezing, high winds, etc. Incidentally, there were two kids fishing on the river in this storm from Hell. LIGHT RAIN, COOL and heavy propaganda. Big blow hard. If 'Janet' could see the plane, the stairs and the flares from two miles or whatever, don't you think the reverse would also be true? I KNOW Janet's story to be totally truthful, as confirmed by McCoy. McCoy was the one who called on Janet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 Next Page 1172 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. 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Robert99 50 #29280 December 26, 2011 QuoteAlso, on page 41 of Norjak, Mr. Himmelsbach said "The weather was absolutely rotten." I see the time reference closest to that comment was around 8 pm. That comment, and corroborating comments of several others, make it crystal clear that the weather that night was anything but normal. The lady at the symposium told me, in a private conversation, that she and her husband were on I-5, going north out of Portland, early evening, around 6:30 pm. She said the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. You need to take a look at the weather information that is available on, the weather information posted a while back on this thread by Larry Carr (FBI, Seattle), the conversations about weather in the radio transcripts while the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, and other sources. Does "rotten" and "horrible" overrule the actual quantative weather data measured by professional meteorologists? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29281 December 26, 2011 QuoteQuoteQuote The weather started out ominous and just got progressively worse. ... we were afraid for our lives because of the fierce wind and rain and poor visibility.... "The weather was absolutely rotten." ... the weather was "horrible" the whole way to Seattle. It is just a damned good thing that 305 was not taxi-ing on the I-5 at 8:05. They could have been drowned alive by the flash flood and forgo Duane's skydive. "Afraid for our lives????" A little over the top, perhaps?? Did we poo our panties when the giant tsunami washed our car off the I-5 and out to sea with all the houses and other flotsom? Out with all those giant white sharks and snakes and ocean monsters?? Bob, You are beginning to make sense. Are you okay? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29282 December 26, 2011 QuoteROBERT99: Regarding Fronts: I am not a weather forecaster and do NOT use the technical terms. I only go by what the forecasters say on TV - such as we have a cold front coming in. YOU knew WHAT I was saying, but you prefer to PICK PICK PICK on casual comments I make - you must be a former teacher by profession. Jo, My suggestion was that you find out what the term "weather front" means. If it is not a technical term when you see it on TV, then it is not a technical term in my suggestion. I am not a mind reader. I only know what you wrote and not what you thought you were "saying". Pick, pick, pick? I didn't know you had ever made a "casual comment". And I am not a former teacher. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29283 December 26, 2011 QuoteQuote You need to take a look at the weather information that is available on, the weather information posted a while back on this thread by Larry Carr (FBI, Seattle), the conversations about weather in the radio transcripts while the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, and other sources. You all need to verify facts from an unbiased source. The bad storm was after the jump. Duane jumped in light rain which made for poor visibility at 175. Look it up someplace else. Robert 99 is right about the weather and the flight path. So there! End of story. Facts are facts. Done, signed, sealed and delivered. Amen. PPPffffttttt. I said. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29284 December 26, 2011 I love the way she says bour-bon...... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #29285 December 26, 2011 Quote I love the way she says bour-bon...... WOW...and the weather looked pretty wicked! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29286 December 27, 2011 At first I was wondering why in the world someone would take the time to animate these news stories, but apparently they are trying to sell the service. Okay nothing to do with Cooper but.,,.just this one... it's worth a grin. Guavaitis..... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29287 December 27, 2011 Blevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 1969912 0 #29288 December 27, 2011 "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29289 December 27, 2011 MeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29290 December 27, 2011 QuoteMeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Jerry, Only you are calling people liars. Your "eyewitnesses" were both in the Portland/Vancouver area and their information is contradicted by people who actually get paid to monitor the weather. Such as the National Weather Service personnel, who generated forecasts for the FAA and the general public, and the people at the Portland International Airport, who collected the data for such things as the FAA hourly sequence reports. In addition, you are also calling such people as Larry Carr a liar since he supplied information to this list that also contradicts your "eyewitnesses". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29291 December 27, 2011 Below part of a long lengthy retort Blevins made to Georger: Quote doesn't matter how much I qualify a post with you. I could tell you that day is light and night is dark...and you would find some reason to complain. I think everyone who is a regular at DZ on this thread will agree. It's no longer whether you think I'm full of it on KC. It's a personal Blevins thing with you. Your 'SS' reference proves that, without a doubt. Now lets have some FUN! Blevins, I sound like a broken record and reading your long lenghty post - you repeat and then repeat again. I KNOW I repeat, but you have me beat. Like Georger said - you win, you win, you win, but WHAT have you won? Lets have some fun and talk about HA HA HA by D.B.Cooper - at least it is more interesting than KC or Weber, About time someone solved the mystery of who REALLY wrote the book and WHY! NO ONE has ever owed up to writing the damn book. When I contacted Signum Books, Ltd. it was assigned to Journal Graphics. A man by the name of Gary Twitwert is the man I spoke to. Not sure of the spelling as I cannot read my own writing. Now that is supposed to be funny. The phone number I had 14 yrs ago was 1-503-393-6763. If someone can track this and find anything out about the book there are lots of Cooper Sleuths that would be interested...just for fun. I received my copy of the book in the mail. I still DO NOT know who sent it and I do not remember the post mark and gave it little thought. The only individuals I had spoke to were family, friends, JT, Himmelsbach and the FBI. The book was written in memory of Billy Van Cleave a gentleman rogue and the real "Debra". This is a take on words I know, but I am really curious as to the origin of the book and the caricatures in the book. Love it when he refers to the FBI as a FLAKEY BUNCH OF IDIOTS (FBI).Cooper brags about 8 yrs before having become a legend. This presumable means the writer started the book in 1979. Duane and I made what I have labeled "The Sentimental Journey" in 1979. Note, the book was not published until 1983 therefore Weber had NOT read the book (so don't go makin' with the WISE Cracks). The writer supposedly has 7 clues in the book about where to find the solution and retrive a certificate. Wonder if anyone ever found the "CERTIFICATE"? I often felt Laural and Dave Fisher the then owners of Ariel Tavern did this as a publicity stunt to raise the value of their Tavern and General Store - plus generate a little income from the book. Just thought we needed a diversion after all a NEW YR is just around the corner. IS there a law against scanning the caricatures and comparing them with REAL people? This is a great job for FARFLUNG. On page 69 is caricature of Debbie the madame of the House who looked much older than the 40 yrs she claimed. Her frizzy bleached blonde hair is mentioned. On 45 there is a very tipsy gambler. Definitely Not Cooper. His name is Curt, but he does look like someone who was connected to Barker in N.Orleans. This man was a special Ops at one time. On page 104 is Mr. Farretti - a supposed ganster mafia boss. On page 222 an Attorney with a tear in his eye pleading a case for the 2 main characters. Just thought you guys might like to have a little fun for awhile. I have absolutely NO motive in doing this - other than diversive fun. There is NO caricature of Cooper in the book. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? Note the Shoe Shine man was from AL and was arrested for using the White folk's facilities and got 10 yrs on the chain gang Cooper wiped the word 'nigger' out of his vocabulary after that but Weber never used the word and this remark just struck a cord with me when I read the book and now. Don't forget the Shoe Shine Man in N.O. Duane went looking for in 1980. A woman referred to as Sheila Greene - this name of Greene keep leaping out of no where lately. Green (do not know the spelling) was who Duane's Army # belonged to per the FBI agent. A poster by the name of Green contacted me about some information on a suspect. The "Dog" story is in this book also, but I am too tired to find it tonight. Anyone could read this book and have a lot of fun with it. I think Sheridan Peterson would have a 'BLAST' with Cadillac Carr. Don't ya just love that!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29292 December 27, 2011 Robert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #29293 December 27, 2011 Quote On page 319 is the drawing of the shoe shine man supposedly in the PDX at that time of the Skyjacking. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? How about a 1965-66(?) Cadillac Coupe(r) Convertible?Edit...pictureMelvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29294 December 27, 2011 QuoteRobert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Jerry, The people who prepared the records were eyewitnesses in the Portland/Seattle area and, with all due respect, probably knew a lot more about how to measure and determine the weather conditions than the pilots, FBI agents, and whoever else you are referring to. Of course I wasn't there and neither were you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29295 December 27, 2011 Give it a break Jerry. The weather was NOT the same from Seattle to Portland. The crew was in the air and no notations of weather tubulence was ever mentioned. Have you ever talked to the Co-pilot who was the one at the controls? Weather on the ground and in the air was all over the place on that night. If he jumped just before Hiesson the weather was wet with broken cloud layers - no stormy winds. If Cooper jumped near Portland around Troutdale he may have experienced more problems but that weather was going east. Starting just below Lake Merwin and down to 500 - the weather according to witnesses and new cast reports the next day - the jump was do-able. Memories of the weather 40 yrs ago do NOT hold with actual witness accounts of that night nor the media reports. Over the yrs the stories have been exaggerated about the weather - after all it makes for a better story regarding Cooper not surviving.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #29296 December 27, 2011 It does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #29297 December 27, 2011 So, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29298 December 27, 2011 QuoteBlevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry I was there and heard the discussion on this topic. The trainer, "Bill" worked for Northwest. He suggested $100,000 because it would be easy for them to get in a hurry. Duane raised it to $200,000 and said, "That's $100,000 for each of us." Bill replied, "No, I don't want any, we need to give it back." Duane said, "I am not going to take the risk without getting paid." And so it was left at $200,000. And THAT ladies and gentlemen is the true fact of the matter on how the amount of the ransom was determined. Certified quotations. Copyright Bob Knoss, 12-27-11. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29299 December 27, 2011 QuoteIt does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. I will be the first to say that Ralph Hemmelsbach does not lie easily. However, I will state categorically, that Ralph can be recklessly leading with misinformation. I do not believe everything that originates with him, but believe he is basically an honest man. We ALL lie sometimes. When you know the truth, lies are very obvious, like a flashing red light. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29300 December 27, 2011 QuoteSo, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. I risk my life putting on my pants in the morning. Doesn't mean a tornado is going to rip them off again later in the day. LIGHT RAIN does not a tornado make. Weather fronts can be minor mobile pressure or temperature zones as well as severe cyclonic storm conditions. Rain in the pasture does not necessarily mean rain at the homestead. Planned by a dislexic for EVERYTHING to be not what it really is. If it's light rain, say it was a freak global freeze brought on by a nuclear winter from a Russian hydrogen bomb test that morning. Get the FBI to change the weather records and find some witnesses to use the words, rotten, ominous, foreboding, horrendous, tsunami, tornado, life threatening, flood, drowning, horrible, freezing, high winds, etc. Incidentally, there were two kids fishing on the river in this storm from Hell. LIGHT RAIN, COOL and heavy propaganda. Big blow hard. If 'Janet' could see the plane, the stairs and the flares from two miles or whatever, don't you think the reverse would also be true? I KNOW Janet's story to be totally truthful, as confirmed by McCoy. McCoy was the one who called on Janet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 Next Page 1172 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing
Robert99 50 #29282 December 26, 2011 QuoteROBERT99: Regarding Fronts: I am not a weather forecaster and do NOT use the technical terms. I only go by what the forecasters say on TV - such as we have a cold front coming in. YOU knew WHAT I was saying, but you prefer to PICK PICK PICK on casual comments I make - you must be a former teacher by profession. Jo, My suggestion was that you find out what the term "weather front" means. If it is not a technical term when you see it on TV, then it is not a technical term in my suggestion. I am not a mind reader. I only know what you wrote and not what you thought you were "saying". Pick, pick, pick? I didn't know you had ever made a "casual comment". And I am not a former teacher. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29283 December 26, 2011 QuoteQuote You need to take a look at the weather information that is available on, the weather information posted a while back on this thread by Larry Carr (FBI, Seattle), the conversations about weather in the radio transcripts while the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, and other sources. You all need to verify facts from an unbiased source. The bad storm was after the jump. Duane jumped in light rain which made for poor visibility at 175. Look it up someplace else. Robert 99 is right about the weather and the flight path. So there! End of story. Facts are facts. Done, signed, sealed and delivered. Amen. PPPffffttttt. I said. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29284 December 26, 2011 I love the way she says bour-bon...... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #29285 December 26, 2011 Quote I love the way she says bour-bon...... WOW...and the weather looked pretty wicked! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #29286 December 27, 2011 At first I was wondering why in the world someone would take the time to animate these news stories, but apparently they are trying to sell the service. Okay nothing to do with Cooper but.,,.just this one... it's worth a grin. Guavaitis..... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29287 December 27, 2011 Blevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 1969912 0 #29288 December 27, 2011 "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29289 December 27, 2011 MeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29290 December 27, 2011 QuoteMeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Jerry, Only you are calling people liars. Your "eyewitnesses" were both in the Portland/Vancouver area and their information is contradicted by people who actually get paid to monitor the weather. Such as the National Weather Service personnel, who generated forecasts for the FAA and the general public, and the people at the Portland International Airport, who collected the data for such things as the FAA hourly sequence reports. In addition, you are also calling such people as Larry Carr a liar since he supplied information to this list that also contradicts your "eyewitnesses". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29291 December 27, 2011 Below part of a long lengthy retort Blevins made to Georger: Quote doesn't matter how much I qualify a post with you. I could tell you that day is light and night is dark...and you would find some reason to complain. I think everyone who is a regular at DZ on this thread will agree. It's no longer whether you think I'm full of it on KC. It's a personal Blevins thing with you. Your 'SS' reference proves that, without a doubt. Now lets have some FUN! Blevins, I sound like a broken record and reading your long lenghty post - you repeat and then repeat again. I KNOW I repeat, but you have me beat. Like Georger said - you win, you win, you win, but WHAT have you won? Lets have some fun and talk about HA HA HA by D.B.Cooper - at least it is more interesting than KC or Weber, About time someone solved the mystery of who REALLY wrote the book and WHY! NO ONE has ever owed up to writing the damn book. When I contacted Signum Books, Ltd. it was assigned to Journal Graphics. A man by the name of Gary Twitwert is the man I spoke to. Not sure of the spelling as I cannot read my own writing. Now that is supposed to be funny. The phone number I had 14 yrs ago was 1-503-393-6763. If someone can track this and find anything out about the book there are lots of Cooper Sleuths that would be interested...just for fun. I received my copy of the book in the mail. I still DO NOT know who sent it and I do not remember the post mark and gave it little thought. The only individuals I had spoke to were family, friends, JT, Himmelsbach and the FBI. The book was written in memory of Billy Van Cleave a gentleman rogue and the real "Debra". This is a take on words I know, but I am really curious as to the origin of the book and the caricatures in the book. Love it when he refers to the FBI as a FLAKEY BUNCH OF IDIOTS (FBI).Cooper brags about 8 yrs before having become a legend. This presumable means the writer started the book in 1979. Duane and I made what I have labeled "The Sentimental Journey" in 1979. Note, the book was not published until 1983 therefore Weber had NOT read the book (so don't go makin' with the WISE Cracks). The writer supposedly has 7 clues in the book about where to find the solution and retrive a certificate. Wonder if anyone ever found the "CERTIFICATE"? I often felt Laural and Dave Fisher the then owners of Ariel Tavern did this as a publicity stunt to raise the value of their Tavern and General Store - plus generate a little income from the book. Just thought we needed a diversion after all a NEW YR is just around the corner. IS there a law against scanning the caricatures and comparing them with REAL people? This is a great job for FARFLUNG. On page 69 is caricature of Debbie the madame of the House who looked much older than the 40 yrs she claimed. Her frizzy bleached blonde hair is mentioned. On 45 there is a very tipsy gambler. Definitely Not Cooper. His name is Curt, but he does look like someone who was connected to Barker in N.Orleans. This man was a special Ops at one time. On page 104 is Mr. Farretti - a supposed ganster mafia boss. On page 222 an Attorney with a tear in his eye pleading a case for the 2 main characters. Just thought you guys might like to have a little fun for awhile. I have absolutely NO motive in doing this - other than diversive fun. There is NO caricature of Cooper in the book. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? Note the Shoe Shine man was from AL and was arrested for using the White folk's facilities and got 10 yrs on the chain gang Cooper wiped the word 'nigger' out of his vocabulary after that but Weber never used the word and this remark just struck a cord with me when I read the book and now. Don't forget the Shoe Shine Man in N.O. Duane went looking for in 1980. A woman referred to as Sheila Greene - this name of Greene keep leaping out of no where lately. Green (do not know the spelling) was who Duane's Army # belonged to per the FBI agent. A poster by the name of Green contacted me about some information on a suspect. The "Dog" story is in this book also, but I am too tired to find it tonight. Anyone could read this book and have a lot of fun with it. I think Sheridan Peterson would have a 'BLAST' with Cadillac Carr. Don't ya just love that!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites JerryThomas 0 #29292 December 27, 2011 Robert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites EVickiW 0 #29293 December 27, 2011 Quote On page 319 is the drawing of the shoe shine man supposedly in the PDX at that time of the Skyjacking. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? How about a 1965-66(?) Cadillac Coupe(r) Convertible?Edit...pictureMelvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29294 December 27, 2011 QuoteRobert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Jerry, The people who prepared the records were eyewitnesses in the Portland/Seattle area and, with all due respect, probably knew a lot more about how to measure and determine the weather conditions than the pilots, FBI agents, and whoever else you are referring to. Of course I wasn't there and neither were you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29295 December 27, 2011 Give it a break Jerry. The weather was NOT the same from Seattle to Portland. The crew was in the air and no notations of weather tubulence was ever mentioned. Have you ever talked to the Co-pilot who was the one at the controls? Weather on the ground and in the air was all over the place on that night. If he jumped just before Hiesson the weather was wet with broken cloud layers - no stormy winds. If Cooper jumped near Portland around Troutdale he may have experienced more problems but that weather was going east. Starting just below Lake Merwin and down to 500 - the weather according to witnesses and new cast reports the next day - the jump was do-able. Memories of the weather 40 yrs ago do NOT hold with actual witness accounts of that night nor the media reports. Over the yrs the stories have been exaggerated about the weather - after all it makes for a better story regarding Cooper not surviving.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #29296 December 27, 2011 It does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #29297 December 27, 2011 So, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29298 December 27, 2011 QuoteBlevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry I was there and heard the discussion on this topic. The trainer, "Bill" worked for Northwest. He suggested $100,000 because it would be easy for them to get in a hurry. Duane raised it to $200,000 and said, "That's $100,000 for each of us." Bill replied, "No, I don't want any, we need to give it back." Duane said, "I am not going to take the risk without getting paid." And so it was left at $200,000. And THAT ladies and gentlemen is the true fact of the matter on how the amount of the ransom was determined. Certified quotations. Copyright Bob Knoss, 12-27-11. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29299 December 27, 2011 QuoteIt does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. I will be the first to say that Ralph Hemmelsbach does not lie easily. However, I will state categorically, that Ralph can be recklessly leading with misinformation. I do not believe everything that originates with him, but believe he is basically an honest man. We ALL lie sometimes. When you know the truth, lies are very obvious, like a flashing red light. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29300 December 27, 2011 QuoteSo, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. I risk my life putting on my pants in the morning. Doesn't mean a tornado is going to rip them off again later in the day. LIGHT RAIN does not a tornado make. Weather fronts can be minor mobile pressure or temperature zones as well as severe cyclonic storm conditions. Rain in the pasture does not necessarily mean rain at the homestead. Planned by a dislexic for EVERYTHING to be not what it really is. If it's light rain, say it was a freak global freeze brought on by a nuclear winter from a Russian hydrogen bomb test that morning. Get the FBI to change the weather records and find some witnesses to use the words, rotten, ominous, foreboding, horrendous, tsunami, tornado, life threatening, flood, drowning, horrible, freezing, high winds, etc. Incidentally, there were two kids fishing on the river in this storm from Hell. LIGHT RAIN, COOL and heavy propaganda. Big blow hard. If 'Janet' could see the plane, the stairs and the flares from two miles or whatever, don't you think the reverse would also be true? I KNOW Janet's story to be totally truthful, as confirmed by McCoy. McCoy was the one who called on Janet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 Next Page 1172 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50
smokin99 0 #29284 December 26, 2011 I love the way she says bour-bon...... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #29285 December 26, 2011 Quote I love the way she says bour-bon...... WOW...and the weather looked pretty wicked! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #29286 December 27, 2011 At first I was wondering why in the world someone would take the time to animate these news stories, but apparently they are trying to sell the service. Okay nothing to do with Cooper but.,,.just this one... it's worth a grin. Guavaitis..... lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29287 December 27, 2011 Blevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #29288 December 27, 2011 "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29289 December 27, 2011 MeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29290 December 27, 2011 QuoteMeyerLouie: Many people have come forward discribing the weather that day as bad and they actually were there. There are those on this forum that choose to call eyewitnesses liers when it comes to the weather for this day. For some reason not being there and reading reports is there source of info so everyone else is wrong. Jerry Jerry, Only you are calling people liars. Your "eyewitnesses" were both in the Portland/Vancouver area and their information is contradicted by people who actually get paid to monitor the weather. Such as the National Weather Service personnel, who generated forecasts for the FAA and the general public, and the people at the Portland International Airport, who collected the data for such things as the FAA hourly sequence reports. In addition, you are also calling such people as Larry Carr a liar since he supplied information to this list that also contradicts your "eyewitnesses". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29291 December 27, 2011 Below part of a long lengthy retort Blevins made to Georger: Quote doesn't matter how much I qualify a post with you. I could tell you that day is light and night is dark...and you would find some reason to complain. I think everyone who is a regular at DZ on this thread will agree. It's no longer whether you think I'm full of it on KC. It's a personal Blevins thing with you. Your 'SS' reference proves that, without a doubt. Now lets have some FUN! Blevins, I sound like a broken record and reading your long lenghty post - you repeat and then repeat again. I KNOW I repeat, but you have me beat. Like Georger said - you win, you win, you win, but WHAT have you won? Lets have some fun and talk about HA HA HA by D.B.Cooper - at least it is more interesting than KC or Weber, About time someone solved the mystery of who REALLY wrote the book and WHY! NO ONE has ever owed up to writing the damn book. When I contacted Signum Books, Ltd. it was assigned to Journal Graphics. A man by the name of Gary Twitwert is the man I spoke to. Not sure of the spelling as I cannot read my own writing. Now that is supposed to be funny. The phone number I had 14 yrs ago was 1-503-393-6763. If someone can track this and find anything out about the book there are lots of Cooper Sleuths that would be interested...just for fun. I received my copy of the book in the mail. I still DO NOT know who sent it and I do not remember the post mark and gave it little thought. The only individuals I had spoke to were family, friends, JT, Himmelsbach and the FBI. The book was written in memory of Billy Van Cleave a gentleman rogue and the real "Debra". This is a take on words I know, but I am really curious as to the origin of the book and the caricatures in the book. Love it when he refers to the FBI as a FLAKEY BUNCH OF IDIOTS (FBI).Cooper brags about 8 yrs before having become a legend. This presumable means the writer started the book in 1979. Duane and I made what I have labeled "The Sentimental Journey" in 1979. Note, the book was not published until 1983 therefore Weber had NOT read the book (so don't go makin' with the WISE Cracks). The writer supposedly has 7 clues in the book about where to find the solution and retrive a certificate. Wonder if anyone ever found the "CERTIFICATE"? I often felt Laural and Dave Fisher the then owners of Ariel Tavern did this as a publicity stunt to raise the value of their Tavern and General Store - plus generate a little income from the book. Just thought we needed a diversion after all a NEW YR is just around the corner. IS there a law against scanning the caricatures and comparing them with REAL people? This is a great job for FARFLUNG. On page 69 is caricature of Debbie the madame of the House who looked much older than the 40 yrs she claimed. Her frizzy bleached blonde hair is mentioned. On 45 there is a very tipsy gambler. Definitely Not Cooper. His name is Curt, but he does look like someone who was connected to Barker in N.Orleans. This man was a special Ops at one time. On page 104 is Mr. Farretti - a supposed ganster mafia boss. On page 222 an Attorney with a tear in his eye pleading a case for the 2 main characters. Just thought you guys might like to have a little fun for awhile. I have absolutely NO motive in doing this - other than diversive fun. There is NO caricature of Cooper in the book. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? Note the Shoe Shine man was from AL and was arrested for using the White folk's facilities and got 10 yrs on the chain gang Cooper wiped the word 'nigger' out of his vocabulary after that but Weber never used the word and this remark just struck a cord with me when I read the book and now. Don't forget the Shoe Shine Man in N.O. Duane went looking for in 1980. A woman referred to as Sheila Greene - this name of Greene keep leaping out of no where lately. Green (do not know the spelling) was who Duane's Army # belonged to per the FBI agent. A poster by the name of Green contacted me about some information on a suspect. The "Dog" story is in this book also, but I am too tired to find it tonight. Anyone could read this book and have a lot of fun with it. I think Sheridan Peterson would have a 'BLAST' with Cadillac Carr. Don't ya just love that!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #29292 December 27, 2011 Robert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #29293 December 27, 2011 Quote On page 319 is the drawing of the shoe shine man supposedly in the PDX at that time of the Skyjacking. Cadillac Carr. Maybe Cooper was driving a Cadillac Car? How about a 1965-66(?) Cadillac Coupe(r) Convertible?Edit...pictureMelvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29294 December 27, 2011 QuoteRobert 99 So be it. Point being Louie Meyer 2 FBI agents 2 Pilots countless other eyewitnesses were there you and your records were not. Jerry Jerry, The people who prepared the records were eyewitnesses in the Portland/Seattle area and, with all due respect, probably knew a lot more about how to measure and determine the weather conditions than the pilots, FBI agents, and whoever else you are referring to. Of course I wasn't there and neither were you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29295 December 27, 2011 Give it a break Jerry. The weather was NOT the same from Seattle to Portland. The crew was in the air and no notations of weather tubulence was ever mentioned. Have you ever talked to the Co-pilot who was the one at the controls? Weather on the ground and in the air was all over the place on that night. If he jumped just before Hiesson the weather was wet with broken cloud layers - no stormy winds. If Cooper jumped near Portland around Troutdale he may have experienced more problems but that weather was going east. Starting just below Lake Merwin and down to 500 - the weather according to witnesses and new cast reports the next day - the jump was do-able. Memories of the weather 40 yrs ago do NOT hold with actual witness accounts of that night nor the media reports. Over the yrs the stories have been exaggerated about the weather - after all it makes for a better story regarding Cooper not surviving.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #29296 December 27, 2011 It does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #29297 December 27, 2011 So, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29298 December 27, 2011 QuoteBlevins:Why do you keep pushing your book here on DropZone?We all already know you even have doubts about Christiansen being Cooper.Now here is a question for you. Why did the Hijacker request $200,000$ why that amount and not more was it an amount he was use to dealing with? Jerry I was there and heard the discussion on this topic. The trainer, "Bill" worked for Northwest. He suggested $100,000 because it would be easy for them to get in a hurry. Duane raised it to $200,000 and said, "That's $100,000 for each of us." Bill replied, "No, I don't want any, we need to give it back." Duane said, "I am not going to take the risk without getting paid." And so it was left at $200,000. And THAT ladies and gentlemen is the true fact of the matter on how the amount of the ransom was determined. Certified quotations. Copyright Bob Knoss, 12-27-11. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29299 December 27, 2011 QuoteIt does. I was there. I, and several others, did not imagine things. Moreover, we've got Mr. Himmelsbach, on page 41 of NORJAK, confirming what we already know about the absolutely rotten weather that night. I am not willing to call the one man who has probably investigated the DBC case more than anyone else a liar. I respect him too much. I will be the first to say that Ralph Hemmelsbach does not lie easily. However, I will state categorically, that Ralph can be recklessly leading with misinformation. I do not believe everything that originates with him, but believe he is basically an honest man. We ALL lie sometimes. When you know the truth, lies are very obvious, like a flashing red light. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29300 December 27, 2011 QuoteSo, BobKnoss, you folks back in Minnesota don't get the kind of weather that makes you risk your life to drive in it? I may have been a bit melodramatic, but that's all I was saying. I risk my life putting on my pants in the morning. Doesn't mean a tornado is going to rip them off again later in the day. LIGHT RAIN does not a tornado make. Weather fronts can be minor mobile pressure or temperature zones as well as severe cyclonic storm conditions. Rain in the pasture does not necessarily mean rain at the homestead. Planned by a dislexic for EVERYTHING to be not what it really is. If it's light rain, say it was a freak global freeze brought on by a nuclear winter from a Russian hydrogen bomb test that morning. Get the FBI to change the weather records and find some witnesses to use the words, rotten, ominous, foreboding, horrendous, tsunami, tornado, life threatening, flood, drowning, horrible, freezing, high winds, etc. Incidentally, there were two kids fishing on the river in this storm from Hell. LIGHT RAIN, COOL and heavy propaganda. Big blow hard. If 'Janet' could see the plane, the stairs and the flares from two miles or whatever, don't you think the reverse would also be true? I KNOW Janet's story to be totally truthful, as confirmed by McCoy. McCoy was the one who called on Janet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites