airtwardo 7 #29526 December 31, 2011 QuoteThe subject matter is quickly becoming yet another ‘headless corpse’, so I thought I would help with a few definitions. I just give and give and give. You might be surprised how these terms are utterly destroyed by the average person since they are now part of the American lexicon, right or wrong. I don’t recall any being right though. But isn't a 'Bull Horn' also an amplifier? ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #29527 January 1, 2012 It might be good to hear some fresh ideas from someone with your vast credentials. I'd like to hear some your thoughts and ideas about the case. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29528 January 1, 2012 Quote Mac had a badge they gave him. He used that to get Duane Weber out of the Missouri prison, too, for his early release, assigned to McCoy. Quote And the proof of that would be? Jerry takes the things I told and changes them and says I am a Liar. He hears what he wants to hear. Knoss takes things and also changes them, but he never calls me a liar. He seems somewhat protective of me, but I never understood this. Sometimes it seems Jerry and Knoss are interchangeable polar opposites. Hey Bruce, maybe this is part of that Mind Control project you explored and researched. Strange - Knoss sent me information YRS and YRS ago regarding this same program. What Knoss sent me was the 1st time I ever heard of the existent or non-existent program. I still have a copy (paper copy) of what Knoss provided YEARS AGO and then Bruce talked about this program in this thread. Jerry fits the profile of this program along with Knoss and Weber and others. I have never seriously considered this Mind Control, but perhaps this thread is a Mind Control Project - you think?Only Quade will ever know the truth!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29529 January 1, 2012 Quote I was 9 when this happened and to be honest I don't remember it until later in school perhaps, I have followed it off and on over the years and became more involved with as the Internet came about and then really dove into this once the story with Marla came out, I am probably like many others seeking some sort of truth and conclusion to all this but it seems it's a never ending story! This story is one of my top stories I have been intrigued with along with flight 401 which is also very close to my home and the ever popular escape from Alcatraz. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #29530 January 1, 2012 If you read the post correctly I do live in Florida and am also intrigued in the case of flight 401 where it happened (Florida) and I also like the case of the 3 convicts who escaped Alcatraz in 62. I don't know how you got that confused but it says it right on your reply? I live about 20 miles from the location of the plane that went down in the Florida Everglades known as flight 401, or as some call it. "Ghost Flight of 401" It's kind of hard to live in Alcatraz today?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29531 January 1, 2012 QuoteYes, there is plenty of testimony that is not being presented by the real important community leaders who I mentioned more than once. So it is what nobody is sayin'. Physical evidence has been eliminated piece by piece down to little tiny details. The internet has been scrubbed, records at the insurance company, the Pentagon, Flying Cloud, Missouri prison, Pa. prison, everywhere. Try and find anything anywhere. Zippo. Nadda. What is available is cow tootie, or a blend thereof. Like Blevins' creations. You are not dealing with amateurs. It takes tons of hours to do what has been done. Somebody thinks it is important, but they won't tell ME why. I dunno. The FBI just says they have "a different point of view." Go figure. Gotta agree, it's different. Yea, we all will have to agree it is odd so much evidence has POOFED! All of this Poofed Evidence and/or lack of it is what keeps the Cooper story going.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29532 January 1, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteBK says in part: Quote'Not quite right, Jerry. I stand by my information because it was part of my life. Not speculation...' Your story reminds me of the final scenes from Raiders of the Lost Ark: Army Intelligence man: 'We have top men working on it, Dr Jones...' Indiana Jones: 'WHAT men?' Army Intelligence: 'Top men...' I'll admit your Cooper Fable is one of the most entertaining, if not actually fact. Get out of town. You are funnier than an ant trying to climb out of a sand hole with a wooden crutch. Just more fiction from a fiction writer. Glad you are enjoying the presentation of honest to God realism. We need to put Bob Hope's big white hat on Jerry as he rides the nuclear bomb out of the bomb bay doors, YEE-hay!!! Then you could make it your story. Now your confusing your movies characters! That was Slim Pickens. At least use the attention to detail you use in your made up cooper story in your rebuttals! Matt I know it was Slim Pickens! Everybody KNOWS THAT. GEES, Matt! I said Bob Hope's big white hat on Jerry. I did not say Bob Hope was in the movie. No wonder you don't get it. The Hat was Dan Blocker's 20 gallon Stutsen and it would look as cool on Jerry as it did on Bob Hope. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29533 January 1, 2012 Jo Stated: Quote Cooper may not have had a walkie talkie, but a transmitter so an accomplice could find HIM. They would have had pre-arranged places for the accomplice to head to - depending on the range of the transmitter. Maybe why Green Mt (in Washougal was so important to my story). I don't know this for a fact - just Duane's background and the stories he told me and what he showed me in WA in 1979. The witnesses never mentioned a walkie talkie and I do NOT believe they were all that small in 1971, but I do not really know. Because of Duane's involvent in communications - (walkie talkies, CB's and his association with the Tower (communications in airports) operators. (can't remember the correct name for these ground controls tower personnel at this moment - NOT feeling well at all right now). Robert 99 Stated Quote Jo, Now you are claiming that Duane has a background in aviation radio communications? Just exactly when did you get that idea? He had friends in Atlanta who worked the towers at the airport and he sold insurance to these guys. They are rated REAL high for insurance purposes because of the stress involved. One of the companies Duane worked for specialized in insurance for Government Employee with Aviation and the FBI being part of this group. He claimed MORE than ONCE to know PaperLegs Petersen of Intermountain Communications. He actually went to his home in late 1979 or early 1980 - when ever the white-outwe got caught in happened in the N.W. of WY. Duane had made a trip to Landon the day before the white out. I have told about the CB systems Duane had and the extra battery he carried - he had the best. In fact one night in Virginia I was worried about my daughter on the road coming into Va. Bch. She was driving a treacherous road and she was finishing up a long drive from Atlanta, Ga. She had worked all day and was driving in that night (now it is morning and I am frantic) Duane told me to go out and get on the CB and see if I could rally any of the truckers coming up that God For Saken Death Road (don't remember the name of the road anymore - loosing lots of memory lately due to stress and age). Suicide Strip or something like that. I wrote a song that night in Va. I have long since lost the paper, but it was a song (I cannot sing) with me on the CB asking the guys on the road if they had seen her car and Mama Bear was worried about her baby - she was late and I was asking the guys to come back to me. I got several responses and ONE was right on her. He stayed behind her to the last moment and then radioed her position - I drove out to the meeting point to direct her HOME 3AM. It was already Christmas Morning. I still get a tear in my eye remembering that Christmas Morning. When I feel like it if someone will reminde me I will dig up a map of VA and find the road and the place we lived - so you can understand the RANGE on the equipment Duane had (this was 1984). Duane knew exactly what he wanted and demanded in a CB and he and his exwife told me about Walkie Talkies. It was 377 I asked if the Walkie Talkies worked in communicating with CB's - because this was the impression the ex gave me on the phone - I did NOT know if it was possible. She told me how much Duane LOVE his CB's. Duane pointed out every power line, pipe line, cemetary, gravel pit, every Tower of any kind and told me about the lights on top of these towers and he pointed out every airstrip regardless of how small it was - and I could not even see them from the road, but he knew they were there even if there was NO sign. This was on our 1979 WA trip I refer to as Sentimental Journey. I found all of these things on maps others helped me to acquire - old maps and new maps. Some of the towers on the old maps are no longer and there there are towers in other places. Somethings I tried to find when I was out in WA in Oct of 2010. 15 days and I DID not call the FBI until I was on my way home. Even Jerry did NOT know I was out there until I was on my way home. ONLY one person in the thread knew - and he almost spilled the beans before I could accomplish my mission. The guys kept wondering why I was not posting and he mentioned something about they would be surprised if they knew were I was and what I was doing. Miss that Sluggo. Duane was familiar with small airports and communications with the small planes. He knew about radio equipment - and towers for ham operators....I did NOT know were he acquired this information other than his profession from 1962 to 1968 as John C. Collins. When someone finds out what John C. Collins did from 1962 to 1968 - there might be some answers. Obviously the FBI does NOT want anyone to know about these yrs...or they would have pointed the yrs out to prove Duane was NOT Cooper. I might help if someone found out what Dusty Wenz (Weber)was doing in the late 1945 to 1949. Perhaps he was in the Coure d' Alene, ID area and also in the OR area...and The Dalles and Goldendale. BIG problem with those yrs - especially 1962 to 1964 and 1945 to 1949. SO many HOLES in the life of Duane L. Weber - too many! The files neglected to mention what he did in all of the yrs he spent in prison - what kind of labor did they have him doing?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29534 January 1, 2012 Quote Nixon was NOT a pilot. He was a lawyer that was assigned to various Naval Aviation organizations but strictly in a legal capacity. Thanks for your input, I respect your opinion, but I DO recall his discussing being a pilot and am attempting to properly research this for 377. Can be reckless to claim a negative. I am rarely wrong on my recalls, but some details are starting to get foggy at 69, and that is good. I suspect that is a common phenomenia here...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29535 January 1, 2012 Blevins, HOW many times do the people in this thread have to explain to you the logical reasoning behind the 'hiding place'. I was only accessible from an attic you had to enter from the outside. Makes sense it was where an old wood stove was vented out. HOW many discussions did we have about this "box" you claimed. I would advise anyone reading your claim to read the ENTIRE thread or at least use word search and see how many post we did on this subject.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29536 January 1, 2012 Quote That's a fair explanation. Now present your actual PROOF concerning the Cooper hijacking. And we need to see more than 'because I SAY so...' Not enough. Not even CLOSE. Remember: I was aware of the KC deception from before the beginning. I know your intentions. You have no interest in anything but fabrication of more fiction to dilute suspicions away from Cap. You will argue anything you are told to. Sorry, but you were exposed, Mr. Cooper Crew Member. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pek771 0 #29537 January 1, 2012 My fried stopped a large projectile with this apparatus. Prior to stopping the projectile, he hated carrying it. I believe his was even bulkier. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29538 January 1, 2012 QuoteQuote Nixon was NOT a pilot. He was a lawyer that was assigned to various Naval Aviation organizations but strictly in a legal capacity. Thanks for your input, I respect your opinion, but I DO recall his discussing being a pilot and am attempting to properly research this for 377. Can be reckless to claim a negative. I am rarely wrong on my recalls, but some details are starting to get foggy at 69, and that is good. I suspect that is a common phenomenia here...... It is even more reckless to claim a positive which is pure baloney. Nixon had a reputation for being incapable of doing anything mechanical. Even changing a light bulb, to use an illustration, was apparently beyond his mechanical skills. He certainly would not be a pilot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29539 January 1, 2012 QuoteJo Stated: He [Duane] had friends in Atlanta who worked the towers at the airport and he sold insurance to these guys. They are rated REAL high for insurance purposes because of the stress involved. One of the companies Duane worked for specialized in insurance for Government Employee with Aviation and the FBI being part of this group.Quote Jo, I have never heard of a life insurance company that specialized in selling life insurance to government employees. The federal government already has in place excellent life insurance programs for it employees and that insurance is purchased through the government. If such was actually done, it would have to be done through the government. In the case of medical insurance, a number of commercial companies sell insurance to government employees but that insurance is purchased through the government and not directly from the company by the employee. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29540 January 1, 2012 You DO realize how many time you have repeated this same post time after time with NO change in the verbage. Who are you trying to convince? Definitely not anyone on this thread unless you are repeating for the Newbies. All you are doing is trying to salvage your time spent and SELL your book. Again - if someone buys a house and they redo the kitchen, if there are other repairs needed - using the old formica is an excellent way to save money. I would have done the same thing. You have made NO photos of the SO CALLED Hinges that I remember. Every post I make is original and not a copy of an old post I made 2 or 3 or 6 yrs ago. When you do this it is obvious you do NOT have a point to get across. It is Blevins promoting his book and you are beginning to sound DESPERATE. I repeat things, but every post is orginal unless it is something NO one seemed to notice and it was a point I had to get across or a question I wanted answered. How many times have you pulled the "little boy act" - telling us you are out of here? Too many times! If you are going to stay - please stop trying to sell the book!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29541 January 1, 2012 QuoteJo Stated: Duane had friends in Atlanta who worked the towers at the airport and he sold insurance to these guys. They are rated REAL high for insurance purposes because of the stress involved. One of the companies Duane worked for specialized in insurance for Government Employees with Aviation and the FBI being part of this group. Robert stated: QuoteJo, I have never heard of a life insurance company that specialized in selling life insurance to government employees. The federal government already has in place excellent life insurance programs for it employees and that insurance is purchased through the government. If such was actually done, it would have to be done through the government. In the case of medical insurance, a number of commercial companies sell insurance to government employees but that insurance is purchased through the government and not directly from the company by the employee. OKAY: Well, you are going to learn something NEW! Contact Sluggo - he is aware of the company. The address and company name have been posted in this thread before. I do not have it at my disposal and do NOT feel well enough to make a trip to pull it - but, I will assure you this company did exist and that supplemental coverage was provided to government employee through this company, per the letter head. This company did exist and the owner was XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX of Atlanta, Ga at that time. The company did change names later. Note I did NOT say health insurance - but, supplemental insurance...I am not familiar with the types of programs offered because Duane's involvement with this company was before my time and between 1969 and 1977. I met this man in 1981 or 1982 as Duane delivered a package to him. I do not know what this was as I never saw it - so it must have been papers in his chest pocket. They did NOT have a discussion other than normal chit chat in my was discussed elsewhere in the apartment. NOW, I am sure this got someones attention: I will NOT talk about this in a public forum, because I did not know what was going down. This is where the Texas and New Orleans stuff comes into play....something I to this day do not understand and the FBI has never talked to me about it. If an investigation of Duane Weber was actually done, the FBI MUST know about Duane's involvement with these individuals. This was the same trip in which he met up with the man I knew as Ed Huran who did NOT want his picture made and only agreed to do so when Duane told him it was for our private album. I met this man the first time in CO. I hesitate to go in this direction because of the reaction of others, but these things really happened. Duane was very secretive and did NOT talk about his past - except now I know he told me lots of things in the 3rd person - something that did NOT hit me until this thread exposed the 1957 St Peterburg arrest of Duane L. Weber while on parole from San Quentin. YEA, Duane Weber was NOT lying to the authorities when they questioned him about the list of names and addresses of residents in the area. His remark "Ask them - they know me". He did have family member who had a winter home in the area...and you may even find a musician by the name of Doc Severinson who played on the Johnny Carson - did indeed know Duane Weber. I do know know the name Doc knew Duane as because this was between 1945 and 1949 as best as I can guess since Doc made his first live performance on KODL in the late 1940's . I did know the exact date and have stated this in the thread. My attempts to get in touch with Doc have failed and this is one more link to Duane's past that will go down as a lost cause he is getting old and frail even though he still plays. Duane had told me that someone recorded him singing. Because of what I found about Doc being in The Dalles at KODL and his first live broadcast - I believe it was Doc. My memory is starting to fail me. Duane had always told me he knew Doc. Duane told me about a recording of his singing being done. Doc was in The Dalles when Duane was there. Duane did NOT use his real name in the The Dalles. Right now I do NOT remember the sequence in which I learned all of this. My finding out Doc recorded in The Dalles was in the last 2 or 3 yrs and why I have been trying to make contact with him. I want to know what the truth is.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #29542 January 1, 2012 Well, Happy New Yr. It is 2:35 here and I just viewed the picture of Robert and Ginger. I am starting the new yr with a smile. Robert, I am sorry, but that smile is at your expense and I hope I do NOT hurt your feeling, but on viewing that photo - Hell, I am still laughing, not just smiling. I open the pic and expect to see the usual publicity promo pic, but here is this set of hairy ape arms with a kitten in them and the man is looking up with puppy dog eyes that say please take me home or I wanna go for a walk. I apoligize if this is offensive as I assure you it is NOT meant to be...this candid photo of a personallity in the thread was just so unexpected. Some of you have met each other and know what to expect. I had seen distance photos of Robert. but not upclose and candid. I know what 377 looks like and Sluggo, Carr, Kaye, Bruce and Jerry, but the rest of you are only words on the screen.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29543 January 1, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuote Nixon was NOT a pilot. He was a lawyer that was assigned to various Naval Aviation organizations but strictly in a legal capacity. Thanks for your input, I respect your opinion, but I DO recall his discussing being a pilot and am attempting to properly research this for 377. Can be reckless to claim a negative. I am rarely wrong on my recalls, but some details are starting to get foggy at 69, and that is good. I suspect that is a common phenomenia here...... It is even more reckless to claim a positive which is pure baloney. Nixon had a reputation for being incapable of doing anything mechanical. Even changing a light bulb, to use an illustration, was apparently beyond his mechanical skills. He certainly would not be a pilot. Never say, "never".... famous quote. I have basis for the statement, despite his apparent mechanical shortcomings, he had an extremely high IQ. I did find this from a book on the life of Nixon: "He was an air transport officer in the US Navy during the war, and after the war was posted stateside as a legal officer. He wanted to become a pilot, but instead was posted at Guadalcanal and later at Green Island, never seeing active combat." From this and the tape where he claimed to have been a pilot, I am guessing that any pilot experience would have been civil and post-war. I will keep you posted. It will show up, I think. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29544 January 1, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuote Nixon was NOT a pilot. He was a lawyer that was assigned to various Naval Aviation organizations but strictly in a legal capacity. Thanks for your input, I respect your opinion, but I DO recall his discussing being a pilot and am attempting to properly research this for 377. Can be reckless to claim a negative. I am rarely wrong on my recalls, but some details are starting to get foggy at 69, and that is good. I suspect that is a common phenomenia here...... It is even more reckless to claim a positive which is pure baloney. Nixon had a reputation for being incapable of doing anything mechanical. Even changing a light bulb, to use an illustration, was apparently beyond his mechanical skills. He certainly would not be a pilot. Never say, "never".... famous quote. I have basis for the statement, despite his apparent mechanical shortcomings, he had an extremely high IQ. I did find this from a book on the life of Nixon: "He was an air transport officer in the US Navy during the war, and after the war was posted stateside as a legal officer. He wanted to become a pilot, but instead was posted at Guadalcanal and later at Green Island, never seeing active combat." From this and the tape where he claimed to have been a pilot, I am guessing that any pilot experience would have been civil and post-war. I will keep you posted. It will show up, I think. Nixon jumped into politics immediately after getting out of the Navy. If you "think" the tape will show up supporting your claim then I guess you also expect the famous 17 minute gap in another tape, courtesy of Rose Mary Woods, is going to reappear at some point also. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29545 January 1, 2012 QuoteWhether or not [Nixon]was actually a pilot is completely immaterial to the D.B. Cooper case. Unless he was aboard Flight 305 disguised as Captain Scott. But there had to be a beginning to the Cooper Conspiracy, and I think I've figured it out. Blevins, You should be able to figure it out since you are a part of it. So is everyone who is pushing a candidate who doesn't have a chance of the proverbial snowball of being Cooper. The above excludes Vicki since she is not pushing Mel and he is a stronger possibility than any others since he has actually been missing since 1971. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #29546 January 1, 2012 Quote Quote Quote Whether or not [Nixon]was actually a pilot is completely immaterial to the D.B. Cooper case. Unless he was aboard Flight 305 disguised as Captain Scott. But there had to be a beginning to the Cooper Conspiracy, and I think I've figured it out. Blevins, You should be able to figure it out since you are a part of it. So is everyone who is pushing a candidate who doesn't have a chance of the proverbial snowball of being Cooper. The above excludes Vicki since she is not pushing Mel and he is a stronger possibility than any others since he has actually been missing since 1971. I can appreciate the idea of Mel as a suspect, but I DO have to point out the obvious. A lot of people went missing in 1971. Doesn't make any of them DB Cooper without some additional evidence. I also didn't see anything in my last post that 'pushes' a suspect. It was strictly satire. Since it involved Bob Hope, Rich Little, and the cast of Laugh-In, you weren't supposed to take it seriously. And the fact that a lot of people didn't go missing in 1971 doesn't make them a possible Cooper suspect either. But should anyone take KC, Duane, etc., seriously either? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29547 January 1, 2012 Quote QuoteYes, there is plenty of testimony that is not being presented by the real important community leaders who I mentioned more than once. So it is what nobody is sayin'. Physical evidence has been eliminated piece by piece down to little tiny details. The internet has been scrubbed, records at the insurance company, the Pentagon, Flying Cloud, Missouri prison, Pa. prison, everywhere. Try and find anything anywhere. Zippo. Nadda. What is available is cow tootie, or a blend thereof. Like Blevins' creations. You are not dealing with amateurs. It takes tons of hours to do what has been done. Somebody thinks it is important, but they won't tell ME why. I dunno. The FBI just says they have "a different point of view." Go figure. Gotta agree, it's different. Yea, we all will have to agree it is odd so much evidence has POOFED! All of this Poofed Evidence and/or lack of it is what keeps the Cooper story going. Now that we agree on this point, let's go to the next point. Perhaps we can agree again, then look for another point. Study this post: "Knoss.Donkeys has nothing to do with a no go on intelligence. Maybe I can put it in simpler term's. Game plan over. There is no sand table for this operation. Call in artillery "Danger Close ". Jerry" Jerry is saying I have nothing to do with an approved declassification of Project Norjak by McCoy. He thinks the internet is no place to argue about telling the true story of Cooper. He thinks I'm talking too much and releasing too much information. He does not believe this is a negotiable subject and thinks it is time to lower the boom on me. Jerry is the "go-to" guy for Cap and I believe is in charge of the "Cooper Crew". I believe it is his primary job to mute the truth of Cooper and keep the real story off TV. Diversions are a goal of the Cooper Crew, certainly KC as I was in on that one. Now think back about this theory, Jo, and see if it doesn't fit your recollection of what has transpired. I am not guessing at what I am saying here, and you should know better by now also. Need more evidence? Read the confirming post above this! More horse tootie, constant horse tootie from a horse tooter, like you said. If you can't cover it with facts, bury it with BS. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites warosebud 0 #29548 January 1, 2012 I’m impressed with all of the research and investigation that has gone into this case by the people here. I haven’t read every post that has been written so I may say something that has already been beaten to death. I have read the books written on the case. I have no Cooper suspect. All of the theories written about here are just that, theories, and those who are asking for some fact or documentation to prove the theory are correct. A fact to prove their theory in my opinion would be some of the money, a matching fingerprint, matching DNA or perhaps the parachute. Everything else is just talk. The FBI is no different than a room full of plumbers, some are good at what they do and some (most) are not. I do however believe that the FBI has information that they can use to exclude or confirm that a suspect is the guy we call Cooper. I’m sure that they have a box full of fingerprints from the plane, not enough to make an I.D. but enough to determine if a suspect was on that plane. The facts that we have, start with buying the ticket and end with Cooper leaving the plane. The finding of the money at Tina Bar is a clue that should really be looked at. 377 is correct in saying that no crook would bury 5800 bucks in the sand at Tina Bar. No theory I’ve read here makes any sense. The other conflicting information that is a puzzle is where the plane actually was when he left. Whether he knew anything about how to put on the parachute or how to get the thing to open is a subject interesting to read about from you jumpers, and may mean something or perhaps mean nothing. The Treasury shreds five million bills a day. The serial numbers mean nothing unless we find a guy with a pocket full of those twenties. The main question of course is where did he go? If he was over Ariel why didn’t all the manpower and searchers find some trace of him? I know, an accomplice has been voiced along with the problem of how they hooked up after the jump. I hope you don’t respond to this with red or blue letters. What is a Whuffo? rosebud Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29549 January 1, 2012 Quote Nixon jumped into politics immediately after getting out of the Navy. If you "think" the tape will show up supporting your claim then I guess you also expect the famous 17 minute gap in another tape, courtesy of Rose Mary Woods, is going to reappear at some point also. I think it exists, unless you guys can convince the Nixon Library to erase that, too. Come on, let's be play nice. Gone is gone, these are pros. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BobKnoss 0 #29550 January 1, 2012 QuoteI’m impressed with all of the research and investigation that has gone into this case by the people here. I haven’t read every post that has been written so I may say something that has already been beaten to death. I have read the books written on the case. rosebud Have you read George Nuttal's book on Cooper? If not, please do, as it is full of accurate information. Faulty conclusions, but good thinking. 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skyjack71 0 #29540 January 1, 2012 You DO realize how many time you have repeated this same post time after time with NO change in the verbage. Who are you trying to convince? Definitely not anyone on this thread unless you are repeating for the Newbies. All you are doing is trying to salvage your time spent and SELL your book. Again - if someone buys a house and they redo the kitchen, if there are other repairs needed - using the old formica is an excellent way to save money. I would have done the same thing. You have made NO photos of the SO CALLED Hinges that I remember. Every post I make is original and not a copy of an old post I made 2 or 3 or 6 yrs ago. When you do this it is obvious you do NOT have a point to get across. It is Blevins promoting his book and you are beginning to sound DESPERATE. I repeat things, but every post is orginal unless it is something NO one seemed to notice and it was a point I had to get across or a question I wanted answered. How many times have you pulled the "little boy act" - telling us you are out of here? Too many times! If you are going to stay - please stop trying to sell the book!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29541 January 1, 2012 QuoteJo Stated: Duane had friends in Atlanta who worked the towers at the airport and he sold insurance to these guys. They are rated REAL high for insurance purposes because of the stress involved. One of the companies Duane worked for specialized in insurance for Government Employees with Aviation and the FBI being part of this group. Robert stated: QuoteJo, I have never heard of a life insurance company that specialized in selling life insurance to government employees. The federal government already has in place excellent life insurance programs for it employees and that insurance is purchased through the government. If such was actually done, it would have to be done through the government. In the case of medical insurance, a number of commercial companies sell insurance to government employees but that insurance is purchased through the government and not directly from the company by the employee. OKAY: Well, you are going to learn something NEW! Contact Sluggo - he is aware of the company. The address and company name have been posted in this thread before. I do not have it at my disposal and do NOT feel well enough to make a trip to pull it - but, I will assure you this company did exist and that supplemental coverage was provided to government employee through this company, per the letter head. This company did exist and the owner was XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX of Atlanta, Ga at that time. The company did change names later. Note I did NOT say health insurance - but, supplemental insurance...I am not familiar with the types of programs offered because Duane's involvement with this company was before my time and between 1969 and 1977. I met this man in 1981 or 1982 as Duane delivered a package to him. I do not know what this was as I never saw it - so it must have been papers in his chest pocket. They did NOT have a discussion other than normal chit chat in my was discussed elsewhere in the apartment. NOW, I am sure this got someones attention: I will NOT talk about this in a public forum, because I did not know what was going down. This is where the Texas and New Orleans stuff comes into play....something I to this day do not understand and the FBI has never talked to me about it. If an investigation of Duane Weber was actually done, the FBI MUST know about Duane's involvement with these individuals. This was the same trip in which he met up with the man I knew as Ed Huran who did NOT want his picture made and only agreed to do so when Duane told him it was for our private album. I met this man the first time in CO. I hesitate to go in this direction because of the reaction of others, but these things really happened. Duane was very secretive and did NOT talk about his past - except now I know he told me lots of things in the 3rd person - something that did NOT hit me until this thread exposed the 1957 St Peterburg arrest of Duane L. Weber while on parole from San Quentin. YEA, Duane Weber was NOT lying to the authorities when they questioned him about the list of names and addresses of residents in the area. His remark "Ask them - they know me". He did have family member who had a winter home in the area...and you may even find a musician by the name of Doc Severinson who played on the Johnny Carson - did indeed know Duane Weber. I do know know the name Doc knew Duane as because this was between 1945 and 1949 as best as I can guess since Doc made his first live performance on KODL in the late 1940's . I did know the exact date and have stated this in the thread. My attempts to get in touch with Doc have failed and this is one more link to Duane's past that will go down as a lost cause he is getting old and frail even though he still plays. Duane had told me that someone recorded him singing. Because of what I found about Doc being in The Dalles at KODL and his first live broadcast - I believe it was Doc. My memory is starting to fail me. Duane had always told me he knew Doc. Duane told me about a recording of his singing being done. Doc was in The Dalles when Duane was there. Duane did NOT use his real name in the The Dalles. Right now I do NOT remember the sequence in which I learned all of this. My finding out Doc recorded in The Dalles was in the last 2 or 3 yrs and why I have been trying to make contact with him. I want to know what the truth is.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #29542 January 1, 2012 Well, Happy New Yr. It is 2:35 here and I just viewed the picture of Robert and Ginger. I am starting the new yr with a smile. Robert, I am sorry, but that smile is at your expense and I hope I do NOT hurt your feeling, but on viewing that photo - Hell, I am still laughing, not just smiling. I open the pic and expect to see the usual publicity promo pic, but here is this set of hairy ape arms with a kitten in them and the man is looking up with puppy dog eyes that say please take me home or I wanna go for a walk. I apoligize if this is offensive as I assure you it is NOT meant to be...this candid photo of a personallity in the thread was just so unexpected. Some of you have met each other and know what to expect. I had seen distance photos of Robert. but not upclose and candid. I know what 377 looks like and Sluggo, Carr, Kaye, Bruce and Jerry, but the rest of you are only words on the screen.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29543 January 1, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuote Nixon was NOT a pilot. He was a lawyer that was assigned to various Naval Aviation organizations but strictly in a legal capacity. Thanks for your input, I respect your opinion, but I DO recall his discussing being a pilot and am attempting to properly research this for 377. Can be reckless to claim a negative. I am rarely wrong on my recalls, but some details are starting to get foggy at 69, and that is good. I suspect that is a common phenomenia here...... It is even more reckless to claim a positive which is pure baloney. Nixon had a reputation for being incapable of doing anything mechanical. Even changing a light bulb, to use an illustration, was apparently beyond his mechanical skills. He certainly would not be a pilot. Never say, "never".... famous quote. I have basis for the statement, despite his apparent mechanical shortcomings, he had an extremely high IQ. I did find this from a book on the life of Nixon: "He was an air transport officer in the US Navy during the war, and after the war was posted stateside as a legal officer. He wanted to become a pilot, but instead was posted at Guadalcanal and later at Green Island, never seeing active combat." From this and the tape where he claimed to have been a pilot, I am guessing that any pilot experience would have been civil and post-war. I will keep you posted. It will show up, I think. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29544 January 1, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuote Nixon was NOT a pilot. He was a lawyer that was assigned to various Naval Aviation organizations but strictly in a legal capacity. Thanks for your input, I respect your opinion, but I DO recall his discussing being a pilot and am attempting to properly research this for 377. Can be reckless to claim a negative. I am rarely wrong on my recalls, but some details are starting to get foggy at 69, and that is good. I suspect that is a common phenomenia here...... It is even more reckless to claim a positive which is pure baloney. Nixon had a reputation for being incapable of doing anything mechanical. Even changing a light bulb, to use an illustration, was apparently beyond his mechanical skills. He certainly would not be a pilot. Never say, "never".... famous quote. I have basis for the statement, despite his apparent mechanical shortcomings, he had an extremely high IQ. I did find this from a book on the life of Nixon: "He was an air transport officer in the US Navy during the war, and after the war was posted stateside as a legal officer. He wanted to become a pilot, but instead was posted at Guadalcanal and later at Green Island, never seeing active combat." From this and the tape where he claimed to have been a pilot, I am guessing that any pilot experience would have been civil and post-war. I will keep you posted. It will show up, I think. Nixon jumped into politics immediately after getting out of the Navy. If you "think" the tape will show up supporting your claim then I guess you also expect the famous 17 minute gap in another tape, courtesy of Rose Mary Woods, is going to reappear at some point also. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29545 January 1, 2012 QuoteWhether or not [Nixon]was actually a pilot is completely immaterial to the D.B. Cooper case. Unless he was aboard Flight 305 disguised as Captain Scott. But there had to be a beginning to the Cooper Conspiracy, and I think I've figured it out. Blevins, You should be able to figure it out since you are a part of it. So is everyone who is pushing a candidate who doesn't have a chance of the proverbial snowball of being Cooper. The above excludes Vicki since she is not pushing Mel and he is a stronger possibility than any others since he has actually been missing since 1971. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #29546 January 1, 2012 Quote Quote Quote Whether or not [Nixon]was actually a pilot is completely immaterial to the D.B. Cooper case. Unless he was aboard Flight 305 disguised as Captain Scott. But there had to be a beginning to the Cooper Conspiracy, and I think I've figured it out. Blevins, You should be able to figure it out since you are a part of it. So is everyone who is pushing a candidate who doesn't have a chance of the proverbial snowball of being Cooper. The above excludes Vicki since she is not pushing Mel and he is a stronger possibility than any others since he has actually been missing since 1971. I can appreciate the idea of Mel as a suspect, but I DO have to point out the obvious. A lot of people went missing in 1971. Doesn't make any of them DB Cooper without some additional evidence. I also didn't see anything in my last post that 'pushes' a suspect. It was strictly satire. Since it involved Bob Hope, Rich Little, and the cast of Laugh-In, you weren't supposed to take it seriously. And the fact that a lot of people didn't go missing in 1971 doesn't make them a possible Cooper suspect either. But should anyone take KC, Duane, etc., seriously either? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29547 January 1, 2012 Quote QuoteYes, there is plenty of testimony that is not being presented by the real important community leaders who I mentioned more than once. So it is what nobody is sayin'. Physical evidence has been eliminated piece by piece down to little tiny details. The internet has been scrubbed, records at the insurance company, the Pentagon, Flying Cloud, Missouri prison, Pa. prison, everywhere. Try and find anything anywhere. Zippo. Nadda. What is available is cow tootie, or a blend thereof. Like Blevins' creations. You are not dealing with amateurs. It takes tons of hours to do what has been done. Somebody thinks it is important, but they won't tell ME why. I dunno. The FBI just says they have "a different point of view." Go figure. Gotta agree, it's different. Yea, we all will have to agree it is odd so much evidence has POOFED! All of this Poofed Evidence and/or lack of it is what keeps the Cooper story going. Now that we agree on this point, let's go to the next point. Perhaps we can agree again, then look for another point. Study this post: "Knoss.Donkeys has nothing to do with a no go on intelligence. Maybe I can put it in simpler term's. Game plan over. There is no sand table for this operation. Call in artillery "Danger Close ". Jerry" Jerry is saying I have nothing to do with an approved declassification of Project Norjak by McCoy. He thinks the internet is no place to argue about telling the true story of Cooper. He thinks I'm talking too much and releasing too much information. He does not believe this is a negotiable subject and thinks it is time to lower the boom on me. Jerry is the "go-to" guy for Cap and I believe is in charge of the "Cooper Crew". I believe it is his primary job to mute the truth of Cooper and keep the real story off TV. Diversions are a goal of the Cooper Crew, certainly KC as I was in on that one. Now think back about this theory, Jo, and see if it doesn't fit your recollection of what has transpired. I am not guessing at what I am saying here, and you should know better by now also. Need more evidence? Read the confirming post above this! More horse tootie, constant horse tootie from a horse tooter, like you said. If you can't cover it with facts, bury it with BS. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warosebud 0 #29548 January 1, 2012 I’m impressed with all of the research and investigation that has gone into this case by the people here. I haven’t read every post that has been written so I may say something that has already been beaten to death. I have read the books written on the case. I have no Cooper suspect. All of the theories written about here are just that, theories, and those who are asking for some fact or documentation to prove the theory are correct. A fact to prove their theory in my opinion would be some of the money, a matching fingerprint, matching DNA or perhaps the parachute. Everything else is just talk. The FBI is no different than a room full of plumbers, some are good at what they do and some (most) are not. I do however believe that the FBI has information that they can use to exclude or confirm that a suspect is the guy we call Cooper. I’m sure that they have a box full of fingerprints from the plane, not enough to make an I.D. but enough to determine if a suspect was on that plane. The facts that we have, start with buying the ticket and end with Cooper leaving the plane. The finding of the money at Tina Bar is a clue that should really be looked at. 377 is correct in saying that no crook would bury 5800 bucks in the sand at Tina Bar. No theory I’ve read here makes any sense. The other conflicting information that is a puzzle is where the plane actually was when he left. Whether he knew anything about how to put on the parachute or how to get the thing to open is a subject interesting to read about from you jumpers, and may mean something or perhaps mean nothing. The Treasury shreds five million bills a day. The serial numbers mean nothing unless we find a guy with a pocket full of those twenties. The main question of course is where did he go? If he was over Ariel why didn’t all the manpower and searchers find some trace of him? I know, an accomplice has been voiced along with the problem of how they hooked up after the jump. I hope you don’t respond to this with red or blue letters. What is a Whuffo? rosebud Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29549 January 1, 2012 Quote Nixon jumped into politics immediately after getting out of the Navy. If you "think" the tape will show up supporting your claim then I guess you also expect the famous 17 minute gap in another tape, courtesy of Rose Mary Woods, is going to reappear at some point also. I think it exists, unless you guys can convince the Nixon Library to erase that, too. Come on, let's be play nice. Gone is gone, these are pros. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #29550 January 1, 2012 QuoteI’m impressed with all of the research and investigation that has gone into this case by the people here. I haven’t read every post that has been written so I may say something that has already been beaten to death. I have read the books written on the case. rosebud Have you read George Nuttal's book on Cooper? If not, please do, as it is full of accurate information. Faulty conclusions, but good thinking. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites