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DB Cooper

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Word made the correction and I just went with it. I seriously doubt those newletters exist in this day and time - Pyramid didn't keep a file of their Newletters, so why would Boeing? My dumb old brain said extinct - because they probably do NOT exist anymore.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Maybe Blevins should publish Marla's book. A small run.

Nobody else is likely to publish it. Perhaps it is fiction but at least she would work tirelessly to promote it.

I don't know if anyone has noticed this about LD Cooper & Dewey Max Cooper, I see a problem with Birth dates?

Records show Dewy died in 1985 at age 54. (see attached photo)

Writer or publish error - for sure.
Dewy was supposedly older than LD.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Maybe Blevins should publish Marla's book. A small run.

Nobody else is likely to publish it. Perhaps it is fiction but at least she would work tirelessly to promote it.

I don't know if anyone has noticed this about LD Cooper & Dewey Max Cooper, I see a problem with Birth dates?

Records show Dewy died in 1985 at age 54. (see attached photo)

Writer or publish error - for sure.
Dewy was supposedly older than LD.

well she has stated that he died in 1985 at age 54, so that puts him at 1931? Family tree site gives the birth at 1931 and so does the SSDI.

Birth Date: 11 Aug 1931
Death Date: May 1985
Social Security Number: 541-34-####
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Oregon

Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 97305
Localities: Brooks, Marion, Oregon
Salem, Marion, Oregon

Death Benefit Localities
Zip Code: 97305
Localities: Brooks, Marion, Oregon
Salem, Marion, Oregon
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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MRS. Tosaw? Tosaw had a sister who is still living - but a wife? Blevins this was discussed when I made the same mistake.

Blevins this is what Georger is trying to say, but YOU never listened. This thread took you in and tutored you on the specifics, but no one expected you to use the thread to promote your book over and over and over.


The first thread was actually created by or for Jo to explore and the crazies got in there and crashed the thread. Then Quade started this thread for the specific purpose of discussing Cooper. EVERYONE here needs to go back and read the 1st Post in this thread and abide by the law laid down by Quade.


This thread was established for all of us to discuss Cooper in a civil manner. It is in History and Trivia only because I pleaded with Quade not to put it in one of the other controversial classifications...we need to appreciate the opportunity DZ has provided us and those who abuse it need to go else where.

A couple of you are entirely out of hand right now and I will assure you Quade is NOT going to sit still for very long on this.

Knoss needs to make civil posts and stop the gibberish or he may be establishing a new residence. IF he has facts - post them, but stop it with the accusations and crazy pictures. Inflamming others does not contribute to the investigation of Cooper.

Blevins needs to stop promoting his book.

Georger go back to your focused posts - you are letting everyone else get to you lately. I get the feeling you have been trying to keep a BIG secret for some time now - What is It and When will it happen?

I was joking about a book, but it would be the title if I was capable of writing one, because everything I learn about Weber shouts louder everyday "GHOST".[:/]

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You know that I favour someone along the lines you
do but smarter, strongest skills social vs technical,
with stress induced borderline personality disorder.
May have a decent education. Talked about hockey
with Tina. Rides horses.

It was NOT clear who made the above post or why.

What does the profile of Cooper have to do with horses and hockey?

Who ever said Cooper talked with Tina about Hockey?

Weber knew how to ice skate and was pretty good. I learned about this ability when we lived in CO and Duane took my daughter and I out for my first and last time on ice skates.

Duane's knowledge of horses was limited to a horse farm in FL where he evidently spent some time - near Ocala. It was just a passing conversation and if horses had not been mentioned above I would never have ever have given that a thought. Seems like this man he knew or maybe worked for was into collecting cars. That is all I remember and I do not remember during what time frame other than it would have been on one of our trips to see my parents or the time we drove to Miami or Ft. Lauderdale for our trip to St. Martins.

This is the first I ever heard of Cooper making small talk with Tina. Had he done so - the FBI would have zeroed in on those specific areas in 1971.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have no idea if Tosaw was married or not. I was only passing along the request from Dona Elliot. She said Tosaw's wife had copies of his book. Maybe she meant his sister or something, but she SAID his wife.

I sent a message to the proper people alerting them
of your post and attached a copy of your post - this
may take a couple of days before someone gets
back to Dona.

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You know that I favour someone along the lines you
do but smarter, strongest skills social vs technical,
with stress induced borderline personality disorder.
May have a decent education. Talked about hockey
with Tina. Rides horses.

It was NOT clear who made the above post or why.

What does the profile of Cooper have to do with horses and hockey?

Who ever said Cooper talked with Tina about Hockey?

Jo you are chasing the wild goose - it was a joke.
Made up. Save your time. Put on Chopin or
Schubert and enjoy the night air instead -

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A big clue and my favorite is the choice of aircraft. In 1971 very few people knew that a 727 could be jumped. Not one of the three highly trained cockpit crew knew. I was a jumper in 1971 and neither i or any of my jump buddies knew. Cooper, in my opinion, did know. Without that knowledge he'd have been crazy to do the job.

Had he worked for Boeing or one of Air Americas companies?

I can't make a profile without a huge amount of speculation, but here is a guess.

Jumper or aircrew who had worn a chute
Had access to 727 flight test info and or Air America 727 jump info.

One can speculate about grudges, need for money etc, but it's all guesses.

Ted Braden is worth a further look.


377, you know I was the one who insisted the 727's were jumped out of early on. I insisted on this because of something that was on TV after we moved to FL in 1988. It took Snowmman to find the clip and make it available on this thread about the 727's.

I also mentioned very early on in the explorations of Duane's past what he told me about Air America and a group who bought 2 planes. One was Sanford and the other was down in S. Fla. This was again something he talked about on one of our trips to FL. He showed me an office building and told me several things came out of that office - now I forget where, but all of this had to do with one of the companies he was associated with in his past.

My memory is failing me lately - difficult to just remember what I have to do to function....getting old and tired. Tired of the chase because it never ends.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Yes Jo, as I've acknowledged many times, you got me started on my quest for evidence of 727 jumpships used in SE Asia.

Here is the link to my find. Go down tbe page and you will see how it evolved.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Yes Jo, as I've acknowledged many times, you got me started on my quest for evidence of 727 jumpships used in SE Asia.

Here is the link to my find. Go down tbe page and you will see how it evolved.



Where - how did Jo hear about it? Ive forgotten that
part, if I ever knew.

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I can understand why there is so much angst about who discovered what first regarding DB Cooper.

Just discovered is a meat eating plant:


That’s scary indeed. Ya know someone wants to be the first to discover a ‘man eating plant’, but by definition they would be the ‘second’ person to make such a discovery.

Seeing how the video from three years ago (727 air drops) is still being treated like a new discovery, perhaps some record keeping is in order. We should make this a group activity since group think always leads to quality.

Skyjack71, First to suggest the use of radios, the 727 being jumpable and the metal ribs from a man’s girdle as vibrating VOR receivers (at least three times).

RobertMBlevins, First to theorize Cooper backed down the stairs, Paradise Point Park as upstream from Tena Bar and Dan Cooper Comics being available on Shemya in 1951.

Marla, First to add some ‘schwing’ to the Cooper thread, the first to make me realize the Cooper case could even have ‘schwing’ and the third thing doesn’t matter thanks to the first two.

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You doubt the girdle or back brace VOR receiver with the vibrating rib?

Oh ye of little faith.

The clue was there, hiding in plain sight. Remember Duane's CB handle? Radio and undergarment, how could you have missed it?

Snakes came close to evolving a similar capability:

From Wiki

The jaw-quadrate-stapes pathway is capable of detecting vibrations on the angstrom scale, despite the absence of an outer ear and the ossicle mechanism of impedance matching used in other vertebrates to receive vibrations from the air.

Yes, I know that RF isn't really vibrations in the "ether" but you've gotta think out of the box when in the Cooper Vortex.

Duane probably had fillings that not only could detect a VOR signal but could transceive and get a DME range (TACAN to you military pilots).

You are, of course, correct Farflung. It matters not who discovered things first. Thanks for pointing out our ego follies. We need moral guidance here and you so generously provide it. I bet Marla would benefit from your counseling.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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If you are going to pull the ripcord while standing on the stairs you sure don't want to be facing aft. On bailout rigs as soon as you pull the ripcord a spring loaded pilot chute pops out. You wouldn't want that to pilot chute to launch back up the stairs.

Barnstormer stunt jumpers used to pull while standing on the wing. They always faced forward so that the pilot chute would launch into clear air.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I’m a fierce believer in the wearable VOR receiver 377; I simply wanted the credit to go where it is deserved.

I even created a schematic of the device as a way to showcase my awesome knowledge of electronics, fashion and as a first step to patent this before Bill Gates steals it.

You may have an EE degree and an Advanced or Extra HAM ticket 377 but you lack the imagination required to craft such a device. I may not be ‘book readin’ smart’ or have one of those fancy, licenses from a university to hang in the garage but I’ve got what it takes. The willingness to go with an electrode, where no man has gone before.

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You've done it again Farflung. Great poster. B|

You must have felt very constrained as a military pilot. What kind of pranks could you play with a nuclear bomber?


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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If you are going to pull the ripcord while standing on the stairs you sure don't want to be facing aft. On bailout rigs as soon as you pull the ripcord a spring loaded pilot chute pops out. You wouldn't want that to pilot chute to launch back up the stairs.

Barnstormer stunt jumpers used to pull while standing on the wing. They always faced forward so that the pilot chute would launch into clear air.


Cooper pulled on a ten second count, and he went down face first. McCoy went down backwards. Ask McCoy. Don't ask Bleepins. He don't know squab from goose.

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Georger - what instrument/s do you play?

Trumpet - Piano

Obviously very well...

As an aside... A friend's parents met when he played trumpet in a band and she went to watch them :)

we have an office in Capetown. Ive never been there

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