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DB Cooper

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I didn't have anything else to say today on Cooper.

So I did a bit on the economy.

At this time, it's all I can offer. Let's face it. Some issues are more important than others, although I am all in favor of figuring out unknown details and answers on the Cooper case.

I'm sure I will be back to my normal, ridiculous self fairly soon. :)


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...... I have only talked to one person in all the yrs that had bad things to say about Duane Weber and that was the X I mentioned above.

Let's see. There is Karen, Tina, how about Maggie? Don't think those are people Duane made really happy. How about the guy he and you went to see in the bar out east, and was told never to show his face again? They don't put you in the klink for helping old ladies across the street. Your view is clouded.

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Different kinds of clouds are associated with different kinds and intensities of weather (precipitation and wind) as explained below if you're interested.

The surface weather charts for 4am PST on the mornings of the 24th and 25th have indications of what kinds of clouds were observed then at a number of stations (mostly airports) in the US northwest. The symbology also indicates the extent of sky coverage by clouds and the amount of precipitation in the preceding 6 hours for each station.

One thing that would jump out immediately at a weather person is that the 11/24 chart shows complete overcast (total cloud coverage) at almost every station all the way to Montana. The stations for which the coverage wasn't total had near-total coverage. In present day the situation would be like looking at a satellite picture and seeing clouds covering the entire region. The chart for the next day shows only a bit less coverage.

From the 24th chart, low-altitude cumulonimbus (Cb) cloud was above PDX 16 hours before jump time. But this Cb did not have a clear outline at the top and was not flat across the top. This would have indicated likely "bad" weather. PDX reported no thunderstorm. Although it wasn't raining there at 4am, they had received .10" of rain in the preceding 6 hours. A couple of hours earlier, out on the coast to the northwest, Astoria had heard some thunder.

Elsewhere around Washington, Oregon and the Idaho stovepipe, stations reported stratus, stratocumulus over cumulus, stratocumulus, and altocumulus. None of these types is associated with more than light rain and breeze. Reported rain amounts were small, the only significant rain being at the Washington coast. Away from the coast, Washington stations reported fog.

The chart for the next morning (4am) shows close to the same for 8 hours after jump time. No station reported vertically developed Cb or thunder. A higher proportion reported stratocumulus over cumulus, and a higher portion reported broken cloud cover rather than overcast (near total cover). Billings and Cut Bank, MT to the east reported almost clear sky. The cloud cover over the region had somewhat dissipated. Again, the clouds were not of types that produce heavy precipitation or strong wind. Preceding 6-hour rain amounts were small except on the Washington coast.

For both days, the 4am surface charts give a picture consistent with the scenario of humid marine air being driven steadily eastward (as shown by the 500mBar charts) and being cooled gradually as it moved along. Very stable weather conditions. Temperature and pressure gradients too low to produce violent weather. A large, persistent system. Away from the coast, the weather was close to the same everywhere for at least 24 hours. At any given point and time, the weather coming in from the west was going to be pretty much the same for several hours.
Cloud correlations:

Stratocumulus has very light rain or "drizzle" and can have mildly unstable air if close behind a cold front. Nimbostratus gives constant but moderate precipitation and usually develops from altostratus from which precipitation has begun. This constant, moderate precipitation might be considered by some to be "bad" weather.

Altocumulus indicates mild instability at altitude and can produce precipitation that doesn't make it to the surface (if any at all). Stratus forms in precipitation from higher clouds or forms from stable, moist air that is cooled. Stratus produces light rain or drizzle.

Some cumulonimbus (Cb) produce rain, but separate shallow Cb (like beetles) are indicators of fair weather. If the clouds have large vertical development, strong updraft exists inside the cloud. These can produce moderate rain. The worst weather comes with such a cloud that builds high and develops a flattened top. Heavy rain. Wind. Hail. Lightning and thunder. Definitely "bad" weather.

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Believe it or not the Soviets actually made something that sorta fits that wacky description, a radio direction finder for spy use designed for concealment under clothing. It covered 59-150 MHz which would include OMNI navigation stations and VHF airplane communication frequencies.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Believe it or not the Soviets actually made something that sorta fits that wacky description, a radio direction finder for spy use designed for concealment under clothing. It covered 59-150 MHz which would include OMNI navigation stations and VHF airplane communication frequencies.



You can read that gobbly gook or is this a joke!B|
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Well Jo, the whole point of this exercise is to provide
proof for claims. Everyone on this board has said
that to you endless times - Im no exception. 377
has worked tirelessly trying to get you to provde
"proof". Why? Because in serious matters of this
kind proof is everything. But you already know the

There is nothing personal about any of this. It
applies to us all -

Good luck.

The 2 receipts with the tax report are the bottom half of checks.

One reads:
Weber night on town
reimbursement for
"Night on the town"
Contest Award AccT 607056
#0733100 $50. No date

The second one reads:
Contest Award Account 066577206, Amt 325.00
#061851 - Hand Written on this stub by Duane is Bud Mills Contest. This is all in reference to a Managers meeting in Seattle. They are attached to the 1979 taxes.

Except for the 1099's and W'2s this was the only support kept with this file. All of the back-ups were destroyed yrs and yrs ago.

If I feel like it I wlll check the photo album, but I am relative sure the only dates on them are things I wrote and there was NO date stamp in the margins. I do not see well enough to check the negatives - 1000's over the yrs.
I got rid of photos, but have all of my negatives in a safe.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Believe it or not the Soviets actually made something that sorta fits that wacky description, a radio direction finder for spy use designed for concealment under clothing. It covered 59-150 MHz which would include OMNI navigation stations and VHF airplane communication frequencies.




You can read that gobbly gook or is this a joke!B|

No joke Jo. It's real. I was very surprised to find that such a contraption existed.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Believe it or not the Soviets actually made something that sorta fits that wacky description, a radio direction finder for spy use designed for concealment under clothing. It covered 59-150 MHz which would include OMNI navigation stations and VHF airplane communication frequencies.




You can read that gobbly gook or is this a joke!B|

No joke Jo. It's real. I was very surprised to find that such a contraption existed.


No doubt Duane had one, if not several. (diff
models). Duane subscribed to Popular Mechanics
and the Nano Technology Newsletter.

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I didn't have anything else to say today on Cooper.

So I did a bit on the economy.

At this time, it's all I can offer. Let's face it. Some issues are more important than others, although I am all in favor of figuring out unknown details and answers on the Cooper case.

I'm sure I will be back to my normal, ridiculous self fairly soon. :)

Ho-Hum. You want that I should stir the pot a little and liven up the conversation? You are putting me to sleep.

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Then go take a nap, everytime you go NEAR the pot it ends up smelling kinda funny! ;)

I have been told that every now and then you can get a bad one, but I don't partake. Tried corn silk as a kid though. Sick? Oh, boy! Maybe somebody is messin' with yer stash. (:O)

My bad...you said 'stir the pot' and I though you meant spicing up the stew! :S

But I see where your head is at, kinda clarifies a lotta the posting you make...not WHAT ya say but WHY! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Then go take a nap, everytime you go NEAR the pot it ends up smelling kinda funny! ;)

I have been told that every now and then you can get a bad one, but I don't partake. Tried corn silk as a kid though. Sick? Oh, boy! Maybe somebody is messin' with yer stash. (:O)

My bad...you said 'stir the pot' and I though you meant spicing up the stew! :S

But I see where your head is at, kinda clarifies a lotta the posting you make...not WHAT ya say but WHY! ;)

No, just trying to be friendly.

Here is a quote From Bruce on his page:

"There is some question as to how much information sharing has been conducted between the flight crew and the FBI. Ralph Himmelsbach, the Cooper case agent for the Portland, Oregon FBI office reportedly has never spoken with Tina even though she lived in the Portland area during the latter stages of his career. In addition, Ralph told me that he never met the pilot, Bill Rataczak, until he did so at his retirement party from the FBI. Flight 305 Captain Bill Scott also flew in and met with Ralph for the first time at Ralph’s party. Mr. Himmelsbach writes in his book, NORJAK, that important information about the flight path was disclosed at that time, details of which are strongly at variance with the Seattle office’s perspective." Bruce Smith, The Mountain News – WA

Bruce is absolutely correct in this information as it was relayed to me also. The information about the flight path was as I described recently on this forum, 15 miles WEST of the reported flight path. I can not go into more detail without getting into more trouble, but this verification from Bruce is identical to the information I got from the man. This puts the flight WEST of Portland and changes the dropzone consistent with the Tina's Bar money wash-up. It confirms "Janet's" report of the flight west of Portland with flares being shot, and Ralph's notes of flares, and McCoy's account of flares and Janet. Everything is consistent. The lights from the pump stations and the clear-cut pipeline right-of-way. The dairyland not the forest. Created a search zone where he was NOT. Bad weather and dangerous conditions, the big bad forest, he certainly perished or froze to death. Yada-yahda-yahda. It was light rain and cool. He jumped in pasture lands. He knew exactly where he wanted to jump, and that is where he jumped. Can't be more specific, but you can guess how it was done.

The real facts are finally coming to light here. That is what really happened. He buried the money in a milk can and never recovered it. A flood washed the money to the sandbar where the dredge mulched most of it. The insurance company happily bit the bullet as part of the operation. All Duane kept was a couple pocketfuls of bills as I got it. Then Mac pulled his caper to accentuate the skyjacking hazards to persuade Congress to action. Duty called.

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Knoss Stated:


The information about the flight path was as I described recently on this forum, 15 miles WEST of the reported flight path.

Jo States:
This is representation of how you interpret information given to you. You are encapable of processing logic and put your FOOT in your MOUTH (uggh it has manure on it).

Some things I am not capable of grasping such as the complicated flight maps, but the part below is simple.

The Pipelines are NOT 15 miles WEST of Portland nor is any of the other information you posted of any value. I am probably the only person with the Power line and Pipe line Map of the area available as they existed in 1971 - this is in segments I taped together and highlighted the powerlines, pipeline and towers and railroads.

Again I do NOT remember who provided me with these maps. Sluggo has provide me with maps, but I think this was before Sluggo's time - maybe not. If it was Sluggo I wish he was here to correct me and stake his claim.
Who ever sent me that map was actually listening to what I tried to tell the FBI for yrs.

The FBI was never interested in finding out what Duane Weber's connections to the airstrips, the pipelines and the powerlines was.
That was their BAD as they had access to backgrounds I do not have.

A common excon who had spent most of his time in prison and had never touched a computer in his life was able to point out where these Towers, pipelines, airstrips and powerlines were in detail in 1979. WHAT and HOW did Weber obtain this kind of knowledge? If someone can actually provide a logical answer to this question, the case against Weber is NO contest. All of the answers to the identity of Cooper can be found by seeking out Weber's knowledge of the area.

When was the VOR near battleground built? I have struggled with this for a few days as I recovered from my recent surgery. Dreams, delusions or nightmares - fear of surgery and then the recovery can put one's mind into reverse, but I had a memory of something Duane said when he told me about the VOR's - again this thing called "guys". I believe I have asked this question before, but do not recall the answer. I need to revisit the VOR information and for others to assist me. Yr built, company who did construction - anything of that nature.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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No joke Jo. It's real. I was very surprised to find that such a contraption existed.


Georger States:

No doubt Duane had one, if not several. (diff models). Duane subscribed to Popular Mechanics
and the Nano Technology Newsletter.

Georger you are so astute in digging stuff up - get with it. You diss the things I say, but you have the knowledge and capabilities to uncover the background of Weber and how he acquired so much knowledge about the area.

Airstrips and the one specific VOR - how and why did Weber have this knowledge?
Why was it necessary for him to revisit this on that 1979 trip?

377 and Georger:
Do not forget that the back brace was just something he would not let me throw away even though he could no longer wear it if he had to do so....way too small.

I was trying was to figure out something Duane told me. I do NOT even remember exactly what he said. He talked about a wire and a vibration that could be felt by the person who wore the gizmo (I associate this conversation with the VOR). This is why my mind keeps revisiting that VOR and why yrs ago I asked the question some of you considered ridiculous. I have told you all I know about this. I even tried to make that darn gyro watch part of this, but you guys and others assured me the gyro watch had nothing to do with this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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At 14K' 80kt would be a very high wind speed. I think it could happen over central Washington only if a jetstream were overhead with a speed around 160kt, which is about as fast as they get in the region. If it happened, the wind direction would be very close to the direction of the wind in the jetstream.

From the 500mBar charts for the 24th and 25th we can estimate pretty well the path of the jetstream at 4am on those days. Each is a line through maximum wind speeds shown on the chart. I've attached a copy of part of the 500mBar chart for the 25th with the estimates for the jetstream at 4am on both days. The position of Portland is marked with a small "x."

At 4am on each day the jetstream came over the coast at about the California border. On the 24th the jetstream went quickly up to northern Montana because the -25C° (and -30C°) constant-temperature lines (the dashed ones) retreated WAY up into Canada. This reduced the temperature gradient over Montana, so the 500mBar wind speeds dropped a bit and so would the jetstream wind speed. This is why the lines for the jetstreams are not continuous in this area.

You may have noticed from TV weather how jetstreams sort of "slither" across the northern US. Although the wind in the jetstream is fast, the jetstream itself (its path) doesn't. They can't make abrupt changes. The jetstream at 4am on the 24th ran across southern Oregon. Quite a distance from Vancouver. By 4am the next morning (8 hrs after jump time) it was even farther away. In neither case was the jetstream direction anywhere near being from south.

Note too that interpolating between the wind directions on the two "flags" shown near Portland would give close to west wind at the 500mBar level, which is nominally 18K'. 24 hours earlier, the wind direction was almost the same (apx 260°). There is no way the wind at 14K' would have been from south as would have been necessary to fit the Bohan lore.

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Jo: How are you feeling , Hope your operation worked out,and you are having a good recovery. Things on dropzone is still normal. Just wondering how any one can place a person with little or no experience to be the famous Hijacker. Better yet a person that had to have help to open a exit door. And consider them experienced. Yet was he directed or was it suggested that the rear stairs was a better exit than the side door. Jerry

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When was the VOR near battleground built? I have struggled with this for a few days as I recovered from my recent surgery. Dreams, delusions or nightmares - fear of surgery and then the recovery can put one's mind into reverse, but I had a memory of something Duane said when he told me about the VOR's - again this thing called "guys". I believe I have asked this question before, but do not recall the answer. I need to revisit the VOR information and for others to assist me. Yr built, company who did construction - anything of that nature.

Jo, What is now known as the Battleground (BTG) VORTAC was built years before the hijacking. On the date of the hijacking (November 24, 1971) that very same VORTAC was known as the Portland (PDX) VORTAC. Some time after the hijacking, the name was changed from PDX to BTG but the location, radio frequencies, and other matters stayed the same.

Duane didn't have anything to do with either the PDX or BTG VORTACS.

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It happened again a few days ago with a man getting killed with a propeller strike. It’s amazing that this happens and typically under some false economy like saving time or some such malarkey. This guy was at the San Diego airport, which has every service a pilot could ever want, and his plane would not start. Apparently he attempted to hand start the engine by throwing the prop like the old timers did on aircraft which had no electric systems. Then ‘something’ happened and this pilot ended up in the morgue.

Back in December some other guy was giving night flights so his friends could see the Christmas lights in the area. He landed after a twenty minute ride and has his passenger (23 year old female) deplane with the prop turning so another passenger could enter. He hears someone yelling ‘Stop, Stop!’ and cuts power. In this situation the young woman survives but will spend the balance of her life without a left eye and hand as a result of this ‘accident’.

Two prop strikes in two months is truly astonishing. A brand new Hartzell prop is around $12,000 or about as much as what a day in an ICU would cost. What sort of risk/reward equations are these people using? Is it too much Hollywood, where the audience is desensitized from exposure to Delta Force and SEAL operations where Special Ops soldiers are portrayed as constantly jamming magazines into rifles and pulling the charging handles with that distinct metallic crack while yelling ‘locked and loaded’? Then they hold conversations behind the prop wash of a C-130 before launching their secret mission? Here art imitates nothing I have ever observed. Where would these people get the sense that a propeller is a benign force?

I’ve never read an accident report without groaning at least three times at the chain of events which lead to these incidents. The woman was flying in an Aviat Husky which takes more effort NOT to walk into the propeller arc than to find a path away from harm’s way. The San Diego incident would have required some hangar bragging about how hand starting a 180 horsepower engine is ‘no big deal’ and it has been done thousands of times before. I’m confident the San Diego pilot knew how to find the ‘sweet spot’ for a cylinder to be on the compression stroke, had the wheels chocked, then yelled ‘switch off’ (just like in the movies), turned the prop to a suitable position taking advantage of leverage while maintaining balance and yelled ‘contact’ with a similar reply before the engine roared to life.



I guess people want to believe this so desperately in the first place that there is a suspension of common sense which takes place facilitating such incidents. Losing a life or limb are terribly high prices for saving something which is always in ample supply after the fact.

This sort of parable helps me understand what drives an individual to manipulate or fabricate data to validate a pre-selected answer. After reading about the cavalier approach to life with such permanent and painful results, what chance does anything resembling the ‘truth’ have?

Might as well have as many experts look at the weather reports as is required to produce the answer a person really, really wanted from the start. Same for an electric girdle which detects VOR stations as this story won’t die until it is verified by anyone….. anyone will do…. just please step forward and place this tale in the depository. Please anyone, I’m begging for some relief on this matter and no one will admit culpability, but they will highlight anyone who will verify this data. You don’t need any qualifications as long as you are willing to agree that the weather was gale force or greater on the night of the hijacking combined with a super secret experimental garment which used antennas to secure flares inside. Oh, and it the girdle had a toupee pocket would make for a better piece of science.

Never had a problem doing this many times before and everyone does it anyway. Same with people around a propeller, never had a problem before, therefore I never will. Contact!

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This guy was at the San Diego airport, which has every service a pilot could ever want, and his plane would not start. Apparently he attempted to hand start the engine by throwing the prop like the old timers did on aircraft which had no electric systems. Then ‘something’ happened and this pilot ended up in the morgue.


That was Monday at Gillespie Field in El Cajon, about 20 miles east of San Diego.

I use to work across the street and kept a bird there for a while. It's a smaller municipal airport, yes there is fuel & services available but it's no major airport.

A lot of EAA aircraft builds go on in the hangars, he no doubt could have gotten help pretty easy...sometimes dumb kills ya.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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