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DB Cooper

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............The FBI's has claimed to have ruled Weber out in regards to Cooper BUT, WHY have they NOT offered PROOF he was not Cooper. The FBI has NO PROOF Weber WAS NOT Cooper.

The FBI has NOT verified they actually have Coopers DNA nor they cannot be sure they have Weber's DNA. They can't prove the prints they used from McNeil match the prints from Jefferson.


Because they do not want to have to debate a qualified witness in a public forum, Jo. You have too much credibility for them to continue a charade in front of everyone. They know what went on, and their evidence room was turned into a treasure hunt. Not just Cooper evidence, but all evidence was affected by swapping out the cigarettes, etc. into other boxes. This would be a real zoo to get into. The LAST thing they want to do is get back into the Cooper case with all the Home Security Projects going on. Just my opinion. I think they know all they want to know, because there is no way they could proceed with this case. It is IMPOSSIBLE. If they pursue your requests, they step in a bucket of poo. Really, you know this to be the case, right?

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Everything I say is as true as I can make it



Yeah me too...provable and verifiable is the standard for believability though. ;)

And when Ratacyzak, Ralph, O'Hara, Haapala, McCoy, and associates are all dead, you will read what I am telling you now, in the 'tell-all' books about, "Project Norjak," the "FAA Forced Play," and 50 years of cover-up. I'm just giving you the Enquirer early edition of what the story flash is going to be. Jo Weber is basically right. She is just a not so hot investigator of the real facts because she's working strictly on rumors like all of you. I was in the mix. Chocolate ice cream tastes different after you experience what they throw into it. You don't eat hot dogs for a long time after touring the packing plant either, but you sure as Hell remember it forever. I'm tellin' you, someone peed in your pop, and it ain't me.

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Everything I say is as true as I can make it



Yeah me too...provable and verifiable is the standard for believability though. ;)

And when Ratacyzak, Ralph, O'Hara, Haapala, McCoy, and associates are all dead, you will read what I am telling you now, in the 'tell-all' books about, "Project Norjak," the "FAA Forced Play," and 50 years of cover-up. I'm just giving you the Enquirer early edition of what the story flash is going to be. Jo Weber is basically right. She is just a not so hot investigator of the real facts because she's working strictly on rumors like all of you. I was in the mix. Chocolate ice cream tastes different after you experience what they throw into it. You don't eat hot dogs for a long time after touring the packing plant either, but you sure as Hell remember it forever. I'm tellin' you, someone peed in your pop, and it ain't me.

Your rumors.

Your fabrications.

And now we know your motivation. Your book, after any one you liable is dead so they wont sue you for that.


Now, we KNOW your making it all up and need not pay attention to you any more. Thank you for finally being honest, it is a nice change of pace.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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And when Ratacyzak, Ralph, O'Hara, Haapala, McCoy, and associates are all dead, you will read what I am telling you now, in the 'tell-all' books about, "Project Norjak," the "FAA Forced Play," and 50 years of cover-up. I'm just giving you the Enquirer early edition of what the story flash is going to be. .

Hmmmm. So you are saying Karl at Oregon State
was involved ?

yes or no will do -


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Knoss stated:


And when Ratacyzak, Ralph, O'Hara, Haapala, McCoy, and associates are all dead, you will read what I am telling you now, in the 'tell-all' books about, "Project Norjak," the "FAA Forced Play," and 50 years of cover-up. I'm just giving you the Enquirer early edition of what the story flash is going to be.

Matt, You seem to know what he is talking about. Who is Haapala and who is Karl from Oregon. I never heard either one of the names in connections with Cooper or Oregon. I was introduced to a man by the name of Carl - do not know how it was spelled, but this was an Alabama resident.

P.S. I have an old negative for which I found no print. A bunch of men sitting around talking. Maybe I should retrive it and have it printed out. :D:D Did Karl have a mustache in the 50's? Was he heavy set?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Knoss stated:


And when Ratacyzak, Ralph, O'Hara, Haapala, McCoy, and associates are all dead, you will read what I am telling you now, in the 'tell-all' books about, "Project Norjak," the "FAA Forced Play," and 50 years of cover-up. I'm just giving you the Enquirer early edition of what the story flash is going to be.

Matt, You seem to know what he is talking about. Who is Haapala and who is Karl from Oregon. I never heard either one of the names in connections with Cooper or Oregon. I was introduced to a man by the name of Carl - do not know how it was spelled, but this was an Alabama resident.

P.S. I have an old negative for which I found no print. A bunch of men sitting around talking. Maybe I should retrive it and have it printed out. :D:D Did Karl have a mustache in the 50's? Was he heavy set?

Karl was an expert in refrigeration. Specialised
in Kelvinators, but had a "large" Cooper comic
collection. Moreover he came from Franco-Alberta.
Geof Gray probably interviewed him, on Tom's
propeller theory. All just rumors.

Do you have alligators in your yard?

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Okay...I may as well announce it here first.

We're going to do a THIRD edition of Blast.

No Cooperite Left Behind.

Phase LXIVIII under Blevins.

"It's all good"! (Mark 3:77)

ps: Quade was prolly worrried this wouldnt happen.
:D The thread was dying. :D:D

There are addiction programs for purloiners and

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Georger wrote

"It's all good"! (Mark 3:77)

Yup. No such thing as bad Cooper books. The more the merrier.

Mick had Blevins nailed:

This must be the last time, this must be the last time, maybe the last time? I don't know"

Georger verse follows:

...Oh NO

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Well, I won't deny that the Cooper case in general is a fluid thing. Changes were necessary. We just want to present the best evidence we have, such as it is. I also thought it was time to expand on my experiences exploring the Cooper Thing. That's all, really.

And to tell you the truth, I was never in favor of the book title we originally used. Not my idea and it's GTG.


Why not bring in several Aborigines (and their
dingos) to search for Cooper.


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Georger wrote


"It's all good"! (Mark 3:77)

Yup. No such thing as bad Cooper books. The more the merrier.

So right - the more prophets the better - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

That will shut down all officials channels and seal things tighter than a witches purse.

Then, we will only have you, Gray. Kaye, Blevins,
and Abrakadabra to count on! Guess I forgot
Nicholson - sorry.

The Cooper Industrial Complex. Missing only
Mary Magdalene and her pet fish, Bowie Knife
and Whitney.

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Georger wrote about Blast III

That will shut down all officials channels and seal things tighter than a witches purse.

Nah. The FBI isn't that rational.

If an edgy New York journalist with solid credentials shows up, files will open.

If a hot blonde with a compelling Cooper story shows up...

You know how it goes.

JT sure has been quiet. What's up Jerry?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Nah. The FBI isn't that rational.

If an edgy New York journalist with solid credentials shows up, files will open.

If a hot blonde with a compelling Cooper story shows up...

You know how it goes.


Cant argue with that logic. B|


Confirmed: Google News Archive Search's Home Page Is Gone
Dec 31, 2011 ... Another Google search service has gone missing: the home page for Google
News Archive Search is no longer available. It was previously ...

So the pool of resources is "expanding"! Enjoy!

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In case Cooperites did not know, Goggle killed its newspaper archive search engine.

Confirmed: Google News Archive Search's Home Page Is Gone
Dec 31, 2011 ... Another Google search service has gone missing: the home page for Google
News Archive Search is no longer available. It was previously ...

searchengineland.com/google-news-archive-search-page-gone-forever-or-temporary-bug-89768 - Cached - Similar

I doubt it will matter here.

So if there was some Cooper clipping you wanted - its gone.

Bye bye.

Jo & Knoss need not worry any longer about old clippings on Duane getting into the hands of "the wrong" people!

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Karl was an expert in

refrigeration. Specialised
in Kelvinators, but had a "large" Cooper comic
collection. Moreover he came from Franco-Alberta.
Geof Gray probably interviewed him, on Tom's
propeller theory. All just rumors.

Do you have alligators in your yard?

I guess this means Matt emailed you - good. Yep, I got an alligator in my back yard for REAL. He was a baby about 3 yrs ago. He hissed at me - I didn't know it was a gator until I spoke the developer.

Now, he is a good size - because I found his prints in the marsh along the spring that connects the 2 small lakes...but did NOT actually see him this past summer. I haven't worked in the yard for a couple of yrs now other than a little light work.

Maybe Knoss needs to enlighten us about the new name he threw out at us? You think?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Really think he went to the Enquirer? If he did - I got a gator in my backyard! YEP, sure do. That gator don't like anything messin around this territory. I didn't even see a snake this past yr. :)
For Real!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Maybe Knoss needs to enlighten us about the new name he threw out at us? You think?

"In February, FAA created an eight-man Task Force on the Deterrence of Air Piracy that combined a broad spectrum of expertise under the leadership of the Deputy Federal Air Surgeon."

Who were those eight men? This is basic Cooper Conspiracy stuff you should know. At the same level as, "Who signed the Declaration of Independence?" (Another conspiracy)

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RobertMBlevins proclaims:

“I'm expanding on my personal experiences in the investigation, including Dropzone, Ariel, etc.”

This sounds very similar (read identical) to the format used by Geoff Gray in his debut opus codex, ‘Skyjack, The Hunt for DB Cooper’. The theme where author becomes part of the story (as they all deny) since the machinations of the research are more interesting (relatively) than the subject matter (Kenny Christiansen). Once Gray realized he was saddled with a loser suspect he turned the table and portrayed his interactions with the various individuals associated with the case.

Perhaps the latest review (12 Feb 2012) of the book on Amazon explains it best:

“I use to be so interested and intrigued by this story. That is until I read this mess. To a person, everyone involved in this saga can be summed up in one word, pathetic. After reading this I truly hope that this case is never solved and rest be sured I have lost all interest in the subject. I thought this book might provide some answers to this long unsolved mystery. All this book does is throw inane,speculative, conspiracy theories at you which involve people who are truly the dregs of society. Not only was I completely confused after reading this book, but I actually felt a little dirty after being exposed to the seedy "people" that make up this story.”

DB Cooper has long been little more than a foil for whatever agenda is being pushed. Bigfoots, Roswell Aliens, Space NAZIs and a bevy of gubbermint conspiracies are but a few gems from the past. Yep, everyone is writing a book which will not answer questions that have not been asked, regarding tangential trivia associated with non-sequiturs, in an eccentric orbit around Flight 305.

A bald employee who wore a toupee certainly covers all hair styles, colors and even the lack of the stuff. You are never wrong here. Colored contacts cover any eye descriptions and everyone knows height is impossible to judge. But if a suspect matches some eye witness account then this witness becomes the most reliable and honorable sources of information which will not be questioned (Bohan).

This appears to be the new trend in Cooper commoditization. But then, I’m just looking for deception and lies.

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Georger wrote

In case Cooperites did not know, Goggle killed its newspaper archive search engine.

Jo & Knoss need not worry any longer about old clippings on Duane getting into the hands of "the wrong" people!

Talk about a POOF! Wow, wonder why it was pulled? Copyright hassles or an elaborate and sinister conspiracy?

Google is now in control of history, it figures.

"But that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone." Chad and Jeremy.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Amazon review of Geoff Gray's book:

All this book does is throw inane,speculative, conspiracy theories at you which involve people who are truly the dregs of society. Not only was I completely confused after reading this book, but I actually felt a little dirty after being exposed to the seedy "people" that make up this story.”

Spotless Yuppie cruising in the Cooper hood for atmosphere and inspiration. Hooks up, then typical morning after regrets.

Go home, Buffy is waiting for you.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger wrote


In case Cooperites did not know, Goggle killed its newspaper archive search engine.

Jo & Knoss need not worry any longer about old clippings on Duane getting into the hands of "the wrong" people!

Talk about a POOF! Wow, wonder why it was pulled? Copyright hassles or an elaborate and sinister conspiracy?

Google is now in control of history, it figures.

"But that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone." Chad and Jeremy.


Its the first time in memory that Google has actually
backed down (out) of what had the potential to
become a major (free) project? Maybe it will
resurface at $2.00 a search? Wierd Snow hasnt said

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The Cooper story evolves more than Donatella Versace.

There is pattern which is common with DB and Donatella (notice: same monogram). Where a little change or enhancement initially results in a refined outcome then continues to morph into more bizarre renditions.

Cooper went from an unsolved crime with a desperate criminal to a fable which includes dozens of strange suspects and stranger suspect handlers. Cooper has gone from man to woman, from bald to Sasquatch-y, from dwarf to giant and skydiver to Whuffo.

Donatella has evolved in a parallel fashion, probably due to the same feeble feedback loop used with Cooper data or more likely the utter lack of one in the first place. Yeah, you look good baby, very hot. Flares would give this story some flair; that looks good too. What’s next?

Either way, they are both interesting (droll) to watch as they mutate in a way which defies every tenet of Darwin’s theory. They are freaks which are neither repeatable nor sustainable, but are continuously replaced with something weirder.

Does the fact that Donatella once served as Mary Travers’ doppelganger whom performed this song solo simply a coincidence?


Any intelligent person can clearly see the staggering and profound implications of this little song in relation to Cooper. Enter the next suspect.

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........ At least I have a little evidence to present, she has NONE. :)

Ha-ha! YOU HAVE NO evidence. You have rumors and misinformation. Radacyzak is the only one I know still holding hard evidence. They trashed the rest, or hid it in the evidence room boxes.

You are like the Magician we watched in Colorado once. Before he came on the place started to stink. He did his whole act as the stink got worse. At the end he pulled a very mad skunk out of this top hat. That is your evidence, Sir. If it looks like, walks like, smells like, and associates with other debunked skunks,.......... It is not a bunny wabbit and you can tell that when you open the door. Nobody liked the performance, but everyone remembers it.

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Your Versace poster is another creative masterpiece Farflung.

There are some Carly Simon photos that might have been good choices for the Limpet section.

Keep up the good work.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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