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georger 247
You have a lot of facts there that lead one to believe SOMETHING happened around Thanksgiving 1971 with KC and Bernie. Both of them missing that weekend, KC suddenly coming into money and Bernie hiding his whereabouts means something. However, if we were to discover $200,000 were stolen from a bank that weekend and never reported, your story could also be used to point to that robbery.
Still, that is circumstantial evidence that could point to KC being Cooper.
If acting differently is circumstantial evidence, then you'd have to say the behavior of Marla's uncles was out of the normal and could indicate SOMETHING. One of them disappeared and moved out of the United States on short notice, cut themselves off from their families and didn't even return for their mother's funeral.
Again, that doesn't mean they were involved in the hijacking -- but, like KC and Bernie -- their behavior was suspicious.
Perhaps my actions were also suspicious to some that Thanksgiving weekend. I got off an airliner on the evening of November 24, 1971, rented a car, drove across a good size river, and didn't come back until the following Sunday afternoon.
But I wasn't the hijacker. In fact, the hijacking had already taken place before I got on the ground. Also, I was in the midwest and was headed to a family gathering for Thanksgiving.
My actions that night were 100% suspicious.
I took the mother of my children out to a movie
and dinner, then ice cream, then a ride to Moonlight
Hill, then back to our quonset hut in married student
housing - and we werent even married yet!

georger 247
QuoteGeorger's question: Would Lyle Christiansen be up to a DNA/and or blood test. Yes. I have asked him, and he would do it. I can't set it up. I don't have the funds for it.
Damn. I was affraid you would say that!
377 are you in on this or what! ?
Before I quote numbers lets see where 377
comes in on this -
How close to Chicago (Skokie) is Lyle - how long
a drive for him?
I want blood taken, not just a mouth swab. Lyle
would have to sign off on this ...
georger 247
QuoteGeorger, you are a good example of someone who doesn't WANT the case solved. Let me ask you this? What do you have against the Seattle FBI finally checking out the Christiansen story? You have nothing to lose. I have MUCH to lose, especially if it is proven that KC was not the hijacker. Yet, you seem to be more afraid of the FBI investigating Christiansen than me. I can actually HANDLE the truth. Why can't you?
Your pithy comments notwithstanding...
total nonsense ... I have always backed the FBI
checking KC out - or anyone for that matter.
Why would I not be? Where do you get this stuff
from? Its time to get real here Robert.
[edit] Im waiting . . . why does it always go silent
when things get real?
tap tap tapping my foot .... waiting for a reply ...
377? ...................
waiting . . .
going to make coffee . . .
still waiting . . .
Earth to Blevins ?
[edit 1:35am] Have PM'd 377 to see if he is
interested in helping get Lyle C dna tested,
because 377 has previously said he would be
wiling to help in dna testing in the Cooper case.
still waiting for any reply from anyone -

QuoteKarl was an expert in refrigeration. Specialised
in Kelvinators, but had a "large" Cooper comic
collection. Moreover he came from Franco-Alberta.
Geof Gray probably interviewed him, on Tom's
propeller theory. All just rumors.
Do you have alligators in your yard?
Very surprise you know who has NOT come back to engarnish his story about Karl and to explain who and what karl was.
Any "cheap"senior developments in N. Georgia, lower TN, Northern tip of S. Carolian along the Georgia state line . Everything I find is over 189K plus the associations fees. Seems like the real estate values have NOT taken a beating in those area as they have in my area.
If this surgery was successful enough to allow me to get moved - I am OUT of FLA. Should have moved when Jim died, but lingered too long and the value of the house is in the toilet and the homeowners insurance was $3200, plus last yr. The home is currently 13 yrs old - that is a BAD sign, but my health and conditions were not allowing me to move forward in the last 3 yrs.
Do NOT want to spend what is left of my life - taking care of a yard, but I want about 1500 sq ft - prefer a cottage/cabin type with a garage. Do NOT like to share walls - so condos and duplexes are out of the question. Also do NOT want to be in an area with LOT of kids.
Perfer a Senior complex.
Don't want to sell the house and not have a clue where I am going. I am attached to my "things" so I have to find a a home on the other end. The family has been NO help. Moving out of FL because of the cost and the HEAT & SUN - I can't take it anymore.
Haven't found anything I can affored in the computer searches I did.. Snowmman - HELP! Rescue me! I need to find a new home. I know I am supposed to know all of this being a retired realtor, but I have been out of since 2004 and LOTS of things have change...
Farflung 0
“I don't know what to tell you about Bernie's sister and the loan. She didn't know KC very well…”
Well there you go…… her ‘testimony’ is worth bupkis since she had no idea of his spending or savings (WTF is that?) habits were and the loan is a non-issue. She did not know if he was broke, in fact she somehow had the idea that he had money thus asked for a loan.
What is strange is not the loan, but the fact that he made one to a person that did not know him very well. That’s just stoopid. Stoooooopid with extra dumbness and stuff.
Bernie was an alleged ‘accomplice’ but had no money to loan to his own sister? I say double bupkis with obvious on top. This needs a fork stuck in it because it sucks as a story. Bernie should have made the loan from his ‘cut’ from being an accomplice in the Airstream provided for the purpose of NOT being a haven for sodomy or butseks. At least according to RobertMBlevins, who tracked the use of Bernie’s penis since 1972.
Have I got this latest story straight?
georger 247
Lyle Christiansen lives in Morris, Minnesota. He's in the phone book. PM me and I'll give you his email address. But only the FBI has the current DNA profile from the tie, such as it is.
The road to proving or disproving Christiansen doesn't mean DNA. The sample the FBI is using is suspect at best. Even THEY can't say it's valid for sure, although they claim it can eliminate suspects. This has to do with the amount and quality of the sample, I believe. The partial profile cannot confirm, but it CAN eliminate, supposedly.
The road to the truth about Christiansen is all about the witnesses. Either Bernie was involved, or he wasn't. I think there's enough evidence now, and enough people have gone on the record, to warrant a look from the Seattle office. I have to prepare that package for them soon, I know this. The heck with it, I will send them everything we have in as organized a fashion as I can, and they can decide what to do with it, if anything. That's really all I can do. I'm just one guy.
All I can address with any authority is testing Lyle C.
Let me make several calls tomorrow and I will get
back to you.
Farflung 0
Now the chance that Bernie and Kenny were having buttseks in the Airstream (not that there is anything wrong with that) rather than hijacking Flight 305 is a distinct possibility. You have made numerous statements about the location and disposition of Bernie’s penis many times. You are a self proclaimed expert on this subject and I grant you that without the burden of photographs or testimony, both of which you must possess. The release (Bernie’s dink photos) remains a mystery, but I understand your hesitance.
Why would Kenny loan someone $5,000 who he barely knew, regardless the source of the money? Was Kenny a monster tard and if so, how could he have pulled off this crime? They simply don’t live together.
georger 247
QuoteQuote'Why would Kenny loan someone $5,000 who he barely knew, regardless the source of the money?'
I'm not going there. I can think of a couple of good reasons, but this would be in the realm of speculation. I think the principals involved should answer these questions.
Be creative Robt! Of course you can go there, but
you wont because one of the directions is clear -
it hinges on Kenny and Bernie having a 'close',
relationship. It's all in the family. That's the
"reason". It confirms a relationship of a personal
kind, which closes the door on your theory they were
hijackers vs lovers (or involved in other business of
a close personal serious kind) Maybe they were drug
Bernie is a tightwad or not in a position to makre
such a loan. His sister knows not to ask or she did
ask and just didnt tell you? Kenny is open and
sympathetic, and dependent, and part of the family.
Bernie and Kenny's relationship is stable as a rock
(in a trailer). If the sister defaults all Kenny has to
do is complain to, Bernie, then Bernie will likely
come through or make some accomodation.
Everyone is protected. Even if the sister defaults and
Bernie defaults also, Kenny can take it out on
Bernie - personally. It's all in the family. (No more
Ju Ju's ay bedtime for you Bernie!)
It isnt that these people are idiots. It's that they
have an actual relationship which is strong enough
to have avenues of recourse built in. And stability -
nobody is going anywhere. This is a serious
relationship of some kind.
That the basis for the loan, as I see it.
And its probably even stronger than that! You didnt
ask the right questions because if you had they
might all have thrown you out on your ear. Some
things they keep private while spinning good yarns
in other directions, to an outsider. An outsider is
exactly what you are to these people!
If he made the loan then there was a basis for the
loan - pure and simple.
You can bet Bernie and Kenny talked it over.
You can bet Kenny asked Bernie "is it safe to make
this loan, will you back it up with something"? We
dont even know if Bernie was in a position to make
such a loan, but he did have a relationship with the
loan giver.
Did you ever just ask any of these people: "were
Kenny and Bernie lovers?"
Your reluctance to even engage this issue is a
serious flaw in your whole methodology, as I see
You are wrong and out of your element. Eskimows
are NOT classifieds as Native Americans or Amerinds.
NOT a genetically diagnostic catagory. Different
haplogroups and time bases - much to the surprise
and disappointment of the Clovis Group's hopes &
expectation ... turns out to have been more
complicated than a single uni-directional migration!
I can say this now 50 years 'after' having been
schooled in the Clovis doctrine myself - Ive lived
long enough to see things come full circle.
what you call Eskimos break down to:
Overall: 643 haplotypes in 10 populations
Greenland [Inuit] (70 haplotypes)
Aasiaat, Greenland [Inuit] (42 haplotypes)
Maniitsoq, Greenland [Inuit] (34 haplotypes)
Nuuk, Greenland [Inuit] (50 haplotypes)
Narsaq, Greenland [Inuit] (40 haplotypes)
Ilulissat, Greenland [Inuit] (40 haplotypes)
Tasiilaq, Greenland [Inuit] (41 haplotypes)
Nanortalik, Greenland [Inuit] (25 haplotypes)
Northern Alaska, United States [Inupiat] (151 haplotypes)
Western Alaska [Yupik] (150 haplotypes)
The Na-Dené, Inuit and Indigenous Alaskan
populations exhibit haplogroup Q (Y-DNA); however,
they are distinct from other indigenous Amerindians
with ...This haplogroup has many diverse haplotypes
despite its low frequency .... at a rate of 25-50%,
and North American Eskimo–Aleut populations at
about 46%.
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