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DB Cooper

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The same could be said of anyone's pet theory, including your own. The ONLY thing any of you should actually care about is PROOF. If you can't or are unwilling to PROVE your claims, then you're no different than anyone else. Don't think for a second you aren't. If you really want to shut up everyone else on the topic, provide the PROOF of your claims. Not a theory, not a claim, not a wild government conspiracy claim. Actual, tangible PROOF.
Lacking that, anyone's claim is just as invalid as the next guy.

Or valid, as the case may be? I totally agree! With all due respect, that is my point. I should have the same right to play nice as anyone here without the flaming or constant barrage of gar-bage' from the Left. Fair and balanced response excepted. Evidence is not always hard physical, tangible, touchy, feelie PROOF, correct? Most evidence, and often the BEST evidence is circumstancial evidence.

Obviously, eye witness testimony is totally worthless here. I still think that is sufficient to be the best 'proof' ever offered in this case, but I'm totally biased. For some reason, that does not count? Works for me.

Robert99 is the only poster I see with any effort to exhibit what actually happened as real evidence. He will succeed, I believe, eventually, because he is correct based on my eyewitness confirmation. I am not going to present that evidence. It would not be prudent for reasons I choose not to explain here. My "PROOF" is the book that has not been published at this time. I can wait. I'm not the Captain of this boat, but as a passenger I could get keelhauled.

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I guess the thread has ended.


Not so lucky.

We will continue to see posts of proof-less stories made up of dreams and fantasy. Posts with more creativity than fact, posts with out even circumstantial evidence to back them up. We will continue to see posts that spout on and on but have no merit.

IMO, "Cooper" died with in 24 hours of exiting the Aircraft, he was a coward and not too well versed on what he was doing. Mother Earth helped to make him a legend buy swallowing him up.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I guess the thread has ended.


Not so lucky.

We will continue to see posts of proof-less stories made up of dreams and fantasy. Posts with more creativity than fact, posts with out even circumstantial evidence to back them up. We will continue to see posts that spout on and on but have no merit.

IMO, "Cooper" died with in 24 hours of exiting the Aircraft, he was a coward and not too well versed on what he was doing. Mother Earth helped to make him a legend buy swallowing him up.


Nope...my uncle's friend's daughter's milkman's mailman's brother in law did it...I know so for a fact because the non existent dog up-thread TOLD me so! :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Most evidence, and often the BEST evidence is circumstancial evidence.

No. In fact, almost never.

It may be the "best" some individual may have, but that certainly doesn't mean it's the best in terms of accurately representing what happened. For instance, a fingerprint at the scene of a crime is circumstantial evidence a person was there, but is no indication at all the person pulled the trigger on a murder.

However, you haven't even shown circumstantial evidence in this case; simply a wild theory.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Hi guys, I've been quiet for a while. The reason is I have been in contact with a individual that was on the flight with Cooper. This person actually had a good look at him. This person was sitting accross the Isle from Cooper. The individual states that mother nature called and it was time to use the restroom so this person stood up and was waiting for there turn to the restroom. The individual looked down at Cooper and Tina . All this took place while they were in a holding pattern over Seattle. Vicki contacted me and ask me to send them pictures of her Dad. I suggested that she do it instead,and she did. I sent him Pictures of all candidates ,Blevins , Webers, Marla's the Transexual and others. He stated that there was no Doubt in his mind that none of the candidate's matched Cooper. So sorry guys especially you Blevins and Jo. Thanks Vicki for the contact. No sense in arguing this Post it is validated and confirmed.This will become a permanent part of the FBI Files. Jerry

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There are only two possibilities with the Knoss Fable.

1) He's inventing a story about the Cooper hijacking to gain notoriety.

2) He really BELIEVES his story.

The first is harmless, and can be put to rest. The second requires professional help and a possible intervention by friends and family.

I'm hoping it's the FIRST.

There is a third option....He could be messing with you.

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Hi guys, I've been quiet for a while. The reason is I have been in contact with a individual that was on the flight with Cooper. This person actually had a good look at him. This person was sitting across the Isle from Cooper. The individual states that mother nature called and it was time to use the restroom so this person stood up and was waiting for there turn to the restroom. The individual looked down at Cooper and Tina . All this took place while they were in a holding pattern over Seattle. Vicki contacted me and ask me to send them pictures of her Dad. I suggested that she do it instead,and she did. I sent him Pictures of all candidates ,Blevins , Webers, Marla's the Transsexual and others. He stated that there was no Doubt in his mind that none of the candidate's matched Cooper. So sorry guys especially you Blevins and Jo. Thanks Vicki for the contact. No sense in arguing this Post it is validated and confirmed.This will become a permanent part of the FBI Files. Jerry

I'm curious...

let's say the person you're referring to was 30 back then...

How much validity would be given 'in court' to a 40 year old recollection via picture ID by a 70 year old?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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airtwardo. This individual is as sound as 377 you ,Quade ,Amazon , Vicki, or anyone else you can come up with. This witness is extreemly reliable. I would not have posted my comments if i wasn't sure. Lets not forget ,even my suspect Melvin Wilson has been excluded. Trust me ,That alone was a blow to my Ego. Jerry

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airtwardo. This individual is as sound as 377 you ,Quade ,Amazon , Vicki, or anyone else you can come up with. This witness is extreemly reliable. I would not have posted my comments if i wasn't sure. Lets not forget ,even my suspect Melvin Wilson has been excluded. Trust me ,That alone was a blow to my Ego. Jerry


Twardo and amazon may be older than dirt, but they are not even close to 70 y.o.:|

Keep on trucking
One Jump Wonder

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Hi guys, I've been quiet for a while. The reason is I have been in contact with a individual that was on the flight with Cooper. This person actually had a good look at him. This person was sitting accross the Isle from Cooper. The individual states that mother nature called and it was time to use the restroom so this person stood up and was waiting for there turn to the restroom. The individual looked down at Cooper and Tina . All this took place while they were in a holding pattern over Seattle. Vicki contacted me and ask me to send them pictures of her Dad. I suggested that she do it instead,and she did. I sent him Pictures of all candidates ,Blevins , Webers, Marla's the Transexual and others. He stated that there was no Doubt in his mind that none of the candidate's matched Cooper. So sorry guys especially you Blevins and Jo. Thanks Vicki for the contact. No sense in arguing this Post it is validated and confirmed.This will become a permanent part of the FBI Files. Jerry

Ok. Here is a new candidate. Im serious. This
candidate is not a suspect but a person claiming
"I was there. I knew Cooper".

Send this photo to your guy, and let's see if
"this guy" is "the guy" or what, as he claims?

Photo atached -

[Col Sanders]: was in charge of maintenance at his
local KFC. Let go when they downsized their chicken.

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airtwardo. I have not gone public since the Today Show on Nov 26. With any info pertaing to this case. This new Info will be publized soon. This Info does stop a lot of speculation and false claims by many. Jerry

vat info you talkingsh?

you always have info - somewhere - nowhere -
everywhere - nowhere - hidden - only you know.

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airtwardo. I have not gone public since the Today Show on Nov 26. With any info pertaining to this case. This new Info will be made public soon. This Info does stop a lot of speculation and false claims by many. Jerry


I'm not saying they wouldn't be credible, they sent Nazi's home with similar identifications...but there was more than just a picture ID.

I really AM curious how a court might view it.

~ oh and Jerry, I light myself on fire and jump out of airplanes at night as a job...wouldn't use ME as an example of someone who's 'sound'! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Here is a update to the story, this was posted on my Facebook page with permission from Vicki.

Just a quick note to let everyone know what transpired in the last two weeks.

After some internet searching I found a passenger on the plane that spoke with Cooper while waiting for the restroom. There was a short conversation between them and Cooper looked up and smiled.

I searched and found and address and a phone number of the witness and passed it on to Jerald Thomas Sr.

Jerry contacted the witness and there was an agreement to view the pictures of Melvin. I sent the information to the witness by e-mail. After a week of studying the Unsolved Mysteries video and comparing photos. it was determined by this witness, that Melvin was NOT involved.

Jerry sent other pictures of the other suspects (Christiansen, Weber, L.D. Cooper, Sheridan Peterson, Barb Dayton, et al. ) The witness said NONE of the suspects that were in the news, or brought up as a suspect since, matched their recollection from that evening.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Georger: Read my past post about A Witness. then you will understand. Jerry

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.

ok. I will go back and read it again.


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Here is a update to the story, this was posted on my Facebook page with permission from Vicki.

Just a quick note to let everyone know what transpired in the last two weeks.

After some internet searching I found a passenger on the plane that spoke with Cooper while waiting for the restroom. There was a short conversation between them and Cooper looked up and smiled.

I searched and found and address and a phone number of the witness and passed it on to Jerald Thomas Sr.

Jerry contacted the witness and there was an agreement to view the pictures of Melvin. I sent the information to the witness by e-mail. After a week of studying the Unsolved Mysteries video and comparing photos. it was determined by this witness, that Melvin was NOT involved.

Jerry sent other pictures of the other suspects (Christiansen, Weber, L.D. Cooper, Sheridan Peterson, Barb Dayton, et al. ) The witness said NONE of the suspects that were in the news, or brought up as a suspect since, matched their recollection from that evening.

Yes. I believe he has been interviewed before ...

but ok. I will go back and read it again.
does he look like Col. Sanders?

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How about you have this new guy give us a description of the guy he remembers? Get all the details, hair, eye color, height, weight, complexion etc. You would do the community a big service and help get things back on track here.

Tom Kaye

Oh gorsh! Is Simmons still alive! ?

How many more cheap thrills can we stand?

Mrs Hutter finds missing link!

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How about you have this new guy give us a description of the guy he remembers? Get all the details, hair, eye color, height, weight, complexion etc. You would do the community a big service and help get things back on track here.

Tom Kaye

Oh gorsh! Is Simmons still alive! ?

How many more cheap thrills can we stand?

Mrs Hutter finds missing link!

Georger, I was told parts were left out in previous comments about what I copy/pasted at the request of someone else! I had only been home several minutes before posting what I wrote!

I get tired of back reading because all I see is several people constantly arguing with Knoss! which seems to be the bigest "repeat" on this thread!

it's not Mrs Hutter it's Mr Shutter (long story)

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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it's not Mrs Hutter it's Mr Shutter (long story)


Very good.

You and Jerry Thomas (of Cooper folklore, fame,
and claims) announced last night here, a brand new
Rosetta Stone in the DB Cooper case.

May we see it? Hear it? Touch it? Come to know its
marvels and special message?

Tom Kaye has even broken his secret silence to ask
you & Jerry bring us back on the right track ?

How any asses do we have to kiss to get you and
Jerry to say something now that you have yelled
"FIRE" in this theatre, which is well-covered by
national news media?

Pardon my skepticism but Ive been through this
kind of 'marvel' with Mr. Thomas many times

Where's the beef? (or even a bean sprout)

Do you know the correct equations to apply when
trying to calculate the aeuronautical paramaters of
an hypothetical snail phart, in F#?

And most importantly of all! Is it covered in one of
Weinberg's Dan Cooper comics, on Franco-Shemya?

But of even more importantia! Now that Ive set the
stage and given you the introduction you wanted-
expected, please continue. Dont slink back into
triple dread-naught Level-12 KFC Col. Sanders
secrecy... :o

Ive made an ass out of myself precisely so y'awl
can now be heroes and look smart. Please continue -

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