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DB Cooper

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The only caveat I would mention is Cooper knew about McCord Air Force base .

How do we know that for sure? He did mention

As far as I know the hijacker never mentioned McChord AFB. Nothing about it in the transcripts, etc.

'We're over Tacoma now...' is supposedly what he said to Mucklow while they were circling over the Puget Sound area.

Well I guess it's open to interpretation like everything else in this flippin case.....but in the handwritten notes...." "He" said why it took money + chutes long time, -chutes came from McCord air force base."

Punctuation and underlines are the original writer's, not mine. The way it is underscored makes me think that the writer is repeating what he said. Be pretty hard to prove either way, but that's what I get out of it.

Note courtesy of Sluggo's website here:

Sorry ...forgot attachment
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I think it more likely the reference to McChord was the reply the crew gave him when he wanted to know why it was taking so long. Either way, though, it appears he knew something about McChord and Tacoma. But that does not mean he said anything about either of them upon actually seeing them.

edit: The reference to Tacoma in the transcripts (5:26) was 305 saying he knew TCM was 20mi away. Dan may not have said anything about Tacoma. The crew may have been just trying to stop the stalling on the ground.


The way it is underscored makes me think that the writer is repeating what he said. Be pretty hard to prove either way, but that's what I get out of it.

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I think it more likely the reference to McChord was the reply the crew gave him when he wanted to know why it was taking so long. Either way, though, it appears he knew something about McChord and Tacoma. But that does not mean he said anything about either of them upon actually seeing them.

edit: The reference to Tacoma in the transcripts (5:26) was 305 saying he knew TCM was 20mi away. Dan may not have said anything about Tacoma. The crew may have been just trying to stop the stalling on the ground.


The way it is underscored makes me think that the writer is repeating what he said. Be pretty hard to prove either way, but that's what I get out of it.

Yeah, well I guess we could parse it all day long since it's all based on opinion :)Suffice to say, barring more information, it is also possible -- dare I say perhaps just as likely -- that he said it and he meant -- Why is it taking so long - the chutes just have to come from McCord?

Like I said - it's all open to interpretation, and be pretty hard to prove either way without more information.

The point I was making is, though I agree with Farf's premise that the choice of parachutes was a crap shoot which Cooper did not even seem to try to control??? -- one caveat might be the logical assumption that the parachutes will be obtained from the base. Again, pure speculation - just something to think about.

Edited to add:

Ckret posted:

Cooper never made the request that the chutes not come from McCord, his only demand was two back and two front chutes. In fact he assumed they were coming from McCord from a mistake the pilot made in relaying information to Tina. At 5:15 Tina called the cockpit to find out why they had not landed (Cooper wanted everything by 5 PM), the pilot told Tina they were still waiting for the front chutes from McCord. When Tina relayed this to Cooper his response was, "McCord is only 20 minutes from Tacoma, it doesn't take that long."

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Here’s some more grist for the parse mill smokin99.

It appears that McChord AFB and the distance from SeaTac, was not a mystery to DB according to the transcripts from Sluggo’s website.

This should put the McChord myth is in a shallow grave with the lights of Tacoma in a …… coma (see what I did?). Leaving the ‘Sport’ Pioneer parachute which had no attachments for a reserve chute and a military, 26 foot, conical canopy as the third of the Cooper vampires getting a wooden stake driven into their cold, black, dead, dignity-less hearts.

My goodness, what a difference some research about Cooper’s seat makes in a few days.

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I can't get by the fact he took a dummy chute? did he first try the NB-8 and find no D rings and then put the 6 on? seems a paratrooper would catch that just as a civilian jumper would? is there any statements (proof) telling what size canopy was actually in the 8?

Is it in stone that it was a 26'
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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First, I don't know WHEN Cooper made his reference to Tacoma. Sounds more likely he did that while 305 was making it's approach to Seattle, and before they started circling at your Lofal reference. I do know the Tacoma statement by the hijacker has been quoted more times than I can remember, but I venture there was nothing said about McChord. Witness was Tina, IF the statement is true. She's always the one who is quoted on it. That's all I know. I would ask Sluggo to clarify it for everyone.

well then read it again:

Cooper never made the request that the chutes not come from McCord, his only demand was two back and two front chutes. In fact he assumed they were coming from McCord from a mistake the pilot made in relaying information to Tina. At 5:15 Tina called the cockpit to find out why they had not landed (Cooper wanted everything by 5 PM), the pilot told Tina they were still waiting for the front chutes from McCord. When Tina relayed this to Cooper his response was, "McCord is only 20 minutes from Tacoma, it doesn't take that long."

5:15 seems purdy firm, Pilgrim.

Tina said "McChord".

Cooper said "Tacoma". Brought Tacoma up all on
his own in response to Tina saying McChord.

You have better evidence?

Actually, you might like Michael Taylor's version better! :ph34r:


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I can't get by the fact he took a dummy chute?

From "the chute is missing from the plane" you
assume "he took the chute" ?

Maybe he ate it! ?

Maybe he tossed it out the door?

Maybe maybe maybe maybe . . .

True, then I guess we can assume he fell out of the plane rather than jumping while we are at it.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I do know the Tacoma statement by the hijacker has been quoted more times than I can remember, but I venture there was nothing said about McChord.

Well then I don't know how much more I can give you. I posted the handwritten note and Ckret's post about the McChord reference. :S

Interpret it as you will, but whether he said what was written in the note or the crew said it to him -- from the real-time documented evidence and the FBI agent's statement, (eta: and the transcript that Farf cited) it seems pretty obvious, at least to me, that he was aware of the base and the distance from Tacoma, and appears to have thought that that at least two of the chutes were to come from there.
I guess one can choose to believe that the conversations were crew manipulations to appease him or hurry up the ground crew - just my humble opinion, but I'm not buying it. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Alright, alright already RobertMBLevins, you are the thread expert on Bernie’s sexuality as well as the expert on when and where he was a temporary bone doner. I don’t have any source materials to dispute your claims and believe you have kept a watchful eye on his activities for years. You win. But for as much as you may know about his sausage plantings, you can’t tie him to the hijacking which is odd considering what you claim to know about him. Freaky I think.

You don’t have to worry about the McChord stuff since there has been ample source documentation presented today which disputes previous fables.

Same for the Tacoma lights being viewed while circling as you opined yesterday. The LOFAL which you think I have claimed; is in fact the property of the FAA and therefore the American people. No copyrights or trademarks, just good old fashioned public domain material.

Skipp may have been the genesis of that brain dead, Paradise Point garbage, but you fully endorsed it as a good idea. Wanna see the quote? We believe, blah, blah, blah.

Upriver indeed.

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I can't get by the fact he took a dummy chute?

From "the chute is missing from the plane" you
assume "he took the chute" ?

Maybe he ate it! ?

Maybe he tossed it out the door?

Maybe maybe maybe maybe . . .

True, then I guess we can assume he fell out of the plane rather than jumping while we are at it.

Correct. Fell with chute on. Ki (arabic for because)
last seen he had the chute on. Whatever guess we make we must assume a fairly high probability
he fell "with chute".

Here's our dillemma spelled with two ll's and two em's.

We are stretched between extremes. One the one extreme we assume peaches are ballbearings -
becausae Blevins commands it! On the other extreme we must assume all socalled facts in this forum are - circularised. That is assumed in order
that they exist at all, in the first order.

I can provide source and reference.

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I do know the Tacoma statement by the hijacker has been quoted more times than I can remember, but I venture there was nothing said about McChord.

Well then I don't know how much more I can give you. I posted the handwritten note and Ckret's post about the McChord reference. :S

Interpret it as you will, but whether he said what was written in the note or the crew said it to him -- from the real-time documented evidence and the FBI agent's statement, (eta: and the transcript that Farf cited) it seems pretty obvious, at least to me, that he was aware of the base and the distance from Tacoma, and appears to have thought that that at least two of the chutes were to come from there.
I guess one can choose to believe that the conversations were crew manipulations to appease him or hurry up the ground crew - just my humble opinion, but I'm not buying it. :)

Wre are not LOST! Only Blevins is LOST and in need
of decoding. That is why he had particular gravity
toward DECODED! Birds of a feather and all that-

This is very simple, in fact.

Tina said McChord.

Cooper replied; TAHHHHHHHHHH COMA!

Each to his own word. None were mixed or confused.
Each said his or her own word. The one saide the one, and the other the other.

The reflexive Fourier Transform was Cooper's!
That is the news. In other words, hearing McChord
(said by Tina), Cooper supplied TAAAAAAAHCOMA.

All at ~5:15 according to sources.

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Well, we ain't dead, yet.

Sluggo emailed me over the last weekend, Feb 26th or so, and although it was exceptionally brief, it did say "Wayne" at the end, so I assume that Mr. Sluggo is still with us in this reality.

Then, the next day, Feb 27, I went and had a serious heart attack of my own. 95% blockage in one of the four cardiac arteries and 30 % in a second. I'm alive because I'm a sensitive new-age guy and didn't do the tough-it-out-tough-guy thing and thus called 911 as soon as I had chest pains bigger than heart-burn. One of the splendors of being a local newspaper reporter is that when you're facing death a paramedic whom you have recently done a story on may actually show up at your door with a defribulator and other pricey gadgets that will help save your body.

Note: after I made the phone call, I had to pee, so I walked outside my 16-foot RV trailer and relieved myself in the nearby bushes. Hearing the sirens of my rescuers screaming toward me on Mountain Hwy a mile or two away as I whizzed was just so weird - one of many weird experiences I had in this latest journey of life. Another was calling my 89-year old mom and telling her that I had had a heart attack. usually, I'm taking care of her. Life, go figure.

Within hours I was in a cardiac surgical unit and getting a stent put into my artery to relieve the blockage. Stents are like little flexiible pipes that get whiggled into place inside the heart via the femoral artery. The docs cut into my right-inner thigh, accessed the right-femoral artery there and snaked a balloon-pipe kit into the heart and then played a video game on million-dollar consoles called: Fixing Cousin Brucie's Heart.

After scoring the Big Touchdown and getting oxygenated blood flowing back into my heart tissue, I was good to go.

During the procedure I probably had more drugs in me than a skydiver has after a post-jump party. In fact, at one point I said to myself, "How come I can still understand English?"

Although the pharmaceuticals tended to drop off after awhile, the clinical staff were still working on me at 4 am. So, all Hail Good Sam Hospital - Puyallup-WA!

After two days of recovery, they cut me loose, and here I am back online, drinking some red wine and sending Love Out Into the World!

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Georger says in part:


'When Tina relayed this to Cooper his response was, "McChord is only 20 minutes from Tacoma, it doesn't take that long."

Take this as you want. That's exactly the response anyone from Pierce or South King County would give. Not someone from another state, even if they had visited here a lot. This comes from a resident, IMHO. If you asked anyone in those places I named, anyone who had lived here for a while, that's exactly what they would say. Twenty minutes.

Also...the reference to 'it doesn't take that long' could assume the hijacker had driven south through Tacoma on Interstate 5 more than a few times. This statement hints experience in the short trip itself, as if he had done it previously.

I think I just said that and probably did it twice for emphasis.

Not that it will deflect you for one nano-second,but
the quote you attribute to me above, was Ckret's.
Moreover I did not post it. Smokin99 did. You never
seem to get anything right - not that that matters in
the slightest given your agenda.

All agendae are good! It means there is still life
somewhere on the planet and allis not lost!


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RobertMBlevins makes another astonishing statement with:

People quote each other so much around here, you need a scorecard to keep track.”

I would hope this would be the case for every historian, author or investigator writing NON-fiction. Without source attribution Shemya would have sunk into the Bering Sea in 1951, under the weight of all the Dan Cooper comic books by now. Without a scorecard Captain Scott would have done much more than talk to Cooper. Here’s how it probably would have played out if that went unchecked:

(insert dream sequence effects)

As Captain Scott walked away from the hijacker satisfied that there was a threat to the lives on board that jet. A jet which cut through the skies at a merciless speed which heated the air to such a degree, as to leave behind smoke trails which would drift and swirl in the atmosphere, appearing like a sinister fog, a fog which Captain Scott was peering through in his mind.

There was something familiar about Cooper, something that nagged Scott as he walked down the fuselage while smiling and nodding at passengers. The woman in seat 12B cradled a child in her arms and her eyes let Scott know that his steady hand controlling that ferocious aircraft, kept her calm while she considered offering herself as a vessel for Captain Scott’s progeny.

What was it about Cooper, Scott thought to himself as he passed through First Class where the obscenely wealthy and captains of industry exchanged pleasantries or crafted business deals which would make millions before the plane landed in Seattle. But with all this wealth and power, they still harbored envy in their hearts towards the jet airplane Captain that exuded confidence and that impossible to define, animal magnetism which all the money in the world could not rent for a single minute. They realized how they had dedicated their lives to a treadmill of overcompensation with the goal remaining at a fixed and unobtainable distance. Captain Scott continued toward the cockpit, unaware of these fantasies.

Then Scott began to experience that feeling of recall, the sort of sensation when one remembers the name of a song that had plagued them through the day. He was a young First Officer and earning his stripes flying less desirable routes across the Pacific. He remembered a damp and desolate place named Shemya, but what was it?

His memory nagged him as there was something about Shemya, a place where he had left comic books in the day room for the mechanics as he passed through. Now his memory became fogged like the vapor trails left behind by the thrusting engines which guzzled fuel and screamed for more. Scott could recall someone from Shemya but just barely, he was tan in the winter and was close friends with a mechanic. They were constant companions in the best sense and were never suspected as having buttseks with each other, even though they spent years and years together on that lonely, hard rock of an island. How’s the fuel flow? asked the First Officer….. this snapped Scott out of his deep thoughts. He had to land this plane in Seattle for the sake of that mother and child. He did not have any more time to spend on Cooper’s identity.

I’ll bet this version is well within the 90th percentile for inclusion and accuracy if it wasn’t for all those damn people on this thread demanding sources. Sure would be easier without having to prove everything.

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There was a mini-stink made about Cooper requesting ‘negotiable American currency’ as indicative of foreign origins. Like Canada.

After the spirited research regarding sport parachutes and circling Tacoma, I was inspired to trace the provenance of the request.

Of course I’m not sure what is the gospel truth but the first recorded indication was on the crew notes, page 4. Someone wrote “wants money in negotiable currency”. Then at some time later and unknown touch points, someone typed “WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRENCY”. This culminating as evidence that Cooper would be a foreigner since an American would not ask for ‘American currency’.


I think this may be a case of ‘telephone’ being played out where each telling of a story contains some slight, barely detectable nuance where the end product may not resemble the original article.

I simply can’t think of an example where this has happened in real life. Sorry, I fail.

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Farflung, in his overly-explanatory and convoluted way, refers to the first edition of Blast again. In that, we theorized that Ken Christiansen may have seen copies of the Dan Cooper comic for a couple of reasons.

Both of these reasons were submitted to me by Jim Andersen, NWA historian. Andersen told me in an email:


'Flights were coming into Shemya from Europe, Canada, and the United States. When the crews landed, it was traditional for them to gather all the reading material they had on board and leave it for the guys on Shemya in the dayroom. Some were foreign publications, and there were comics as well...'

(I had asked him about comics. He did NOT say anything about the Cooper comic in particular, nor did he know of it. Later, I spoke to him on the phone and got basically the same story.)

We found out later that the comic was either not available at the time KC was on Shemya, or had not been in publication long. KC went to Shemya in 1951 and left five years later. These dates are approximate, although we know he was there for almost five years, which is about three times the average stay. We know after he left Shemya, that he was occasionally assigned to flights out of Seattle that landed on Shemya to be refueled before continuing on to Orient destinations. How long that went on before NWA stopped that route and went directly to Japan, I don't know. I attached a flight plan below with KC's name on it. I can't tell from the map whether a stop on Shemya was scheduled for that particular flight. I'm not a pilot and don't have a clue how to read a flight plan properly. Maybe you can make sense of it.

The first issue of Dan Cooper was published on February 2, 1955. This makes it remotely possible that KC saw it on Shemya, but without any further evidence to confirm it, we dropped this theory from the Revised Edition. (The window is pretty small. First Cooper comic came out in February 55 and KC was gone from Shemya by mid-56 at latest.) So in the Revised edition, we said that the comic remained an interesting thing, but there was no way to link it to the name the hijacker selected (or KC) without further evidence.

By the way, Farf...you are the only one quoting anymore from the first edition of the book. It sold less than fifty copies before I pulled the files from Lightning Source. The Revised has done somewhat better. I've given you the opportunity at least three times now to download the Revised free at the website. Maybe it's time you stopped flogging a dead horse. If the book did not have inaccuracies...we wouldn't have pulled it so quickly in the first place. Anytime you want the REAL book (the one actually being distributed) let me know and I'll make it available to you (again).

Yes, we also dropped the reference to Captain Scott leaving the cabin. That was MY mistake. You should try writing a book sometime with a guy whom you never actually get to meet. It's done by email mostly, and very difficult. I thought Porteous had told me Scott left the cabin, so I put it in the book. That was my fault completely. But since only a few people actually SAW the book, I didn't think much harm was done.

On a side note, I think in 1958 NWA was still using DC6's, or the (?) DC-6B's.

That form is not a flight plan. It is a chart, and not a navigational one, that includes some notes at the top that apparently lists the names of the crew members, flight number, and times related to boarding and preparing for take-off. For this particular flight, there appears to have been two pilots, one flight engineer, one navigator/radio operator (?), and two flight attendants.

On the bottom half of the chart are a solid line that probably represents the great circle line between Seattle and where ever the flight was headed. The dashed line appears to be a weather front.

The numbers separated in an over-under line manner are the latitude on top and the longitude on the bottom. The numbers separated by a slash are the wind direction and speed (compare with the winds aloft symbols above them). Other numbers are the Zulu time and some whose meaning is not obvious.

Some notes are also included with the above numbers. Note the "lt. ice" (light ice) in the second grouping from the right.

This is probably a weather briefing chart prepared for this specific flight by the dispatcher and includes other information, such as the crew information, as mentioned above.

There is a lot more flight related paperwork that the flight crew would prepare and update during the actual flight.

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Robert99 is correct in that document is not a flight plan, nor is it a navigation chart. Who thought that thing was a flight plan in the first place? Weird.

I think if a person was to consider the date (1958) and the available technology, they could arrive at a reasonable conclusion as to just what that document is used for. I mean if a person can finger Cooper with little or no information then the function of this parchment should be self evident.

Oh dang, I feel I’ve already over explained. Sorry, I fail.

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Wow RobertMBlevins, that’s not filled with convolution or a raging desire to plant Dan Cooper comics on Shemya at all. Damn you’re smooth and suave.

I prefer the approach with LESS touch points and assumptions. Hey, Seattle was an international airport which serviced those prop jobs with fuel from Europe too! It’s not like they went from Antwerp to Shemya as you appear to believe. Nope, they would have fueled in SeaTac and even tossed some comics around the crew lounge along with some DNA, who knows?

This is also paper thin but looks like a coffee table version of ‘War and Peace’ compared to that Rube Goldberg story you posted. Why not just surrender the last of your dignity on the subject and simply declare a Dan Cooper comic was on Shemya, since you have a primal need for this and then you can go on to realize how much of a null set it ultimately represents. Geesh.

Here’s a hint to what your ‘flight plan’ is…… (.--. / .-.), actually it’s a double hint. Hope this isn’t too much explanation.

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No one is trying to 'plant' Cooper comics on Shemya Island.

No one knows if they made it to Shemya, and even if they had, if Christiansen even saw them.

There isn't any evidence that shows the hijacker even took his name from the comic. No one knows except the hijacker himself. It could be a coincidence. I think everyone understands that.

I'm beginning to understand why this thread is rapidly losing traffic, though. True discussion went by the wayside a while back, and probably will never return. I think my new policy around here will be to comment on posts I think are intelligent, stop submitting anything new, and leave any other replies to Bob Knoss. :)

Dont threaten this THREAD! with losing traffic, except
by your continual bloviation now years old.

Who appointed you caretaker here?

Your protestation is as empty as your program.
At the end of the day all you have is a religion
and the church is empty. And you're too old to
re-enlist. Helluva a mess aint it!

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