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DB Cooper

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Whew. That was a very close call Bruce. Glad you didn't take the macho denial option and called 911 at once. I am pleased that we are reading your posting rather than your obituary. Welcome back.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Whew. That was a very close call Bruce. Glad you didn't take the macho denial option and called 911 at once. I am pleased that we are reading your posting rather than your obituary. Welcome back.


Yup, glad to be around rather than a statistic. Funny how people are responding to my heart attack. My mom was unemotional, or rather just pragmatic and not too excitable. Then my sister called to say that a neighbor of my mom's had just called her saying that she had just taken my mom's BP and it was 222 over 192, which was higher than mine when I got admitted to the hospital. Then my ex in NY called me, and picked a fight that basically fell under the theme: "Don't you dare die on me, you sonovobitch!"

Ah, I feel the love. Ain't it grand?

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Whew. That was a very close call Bruce. Glad you didn't take the macho denial option and called 911 at once. I am pleased that we are reading your posting rather than your obituary. Welcome back.


What HE said...

Welcome back, Bruce.

Georger: Mess? What mess? I'm the happiest guy in the world right now. Our Young Writers Project winner Katy Onus gets published next week. Julia Broussard's ruthless Revenge Story comes out not long afterward. Cooper is a sideline to me. Interesting and curious, but certainly doesn't pay the office rent.

In ten days the Big Package of Information will be delivered to the Seattle FBI office, along with copies to KOMO News. Then it becomes their problem. I'm curious as to the final results, yes. Willing to dedicate as much time to it as in the past, no.

You might want to consider travel plans to Auburn, WA this coming August. Especially, Farflung...who I think should come out of the identity closet. Metaphorically speaking, of course. ;)

Witnesses or expert opinions on subjects are often enhanced by knowing the source (and the background) of the opinion.

That was a challenge. As Kurt Russell said in the film The Thing:


'It likes to hide inside an imitation...'

Did you say something? Is he baaaaaaaack?
We reakky must move on, Blaveins. All chakras
aside, there are other needy Cooperites waiting to
have their claims heard and papers filed. You sir
have consumed enough of our time and resources.
So Good luck! Dont let the faith healers bite. See
you in Egypt soon, next to the Book of the Dead.


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........The first issue of Dan Cooper was published on February 2, 1955. This makes it remotely possible that KC saw it on Shemya, but without any further evidence to confirm it, we dropped this theory from the Revised Edition. (The window is pretty small. First Cooper comic came out in February 55 and KC was gone from Shemya by mid-56 at latest.) So in the Revised edition, we said that the comic remained an interesting thing, but there was no way to link it to the name the hijacker selected (or KC) without further evidence.........

OK. You have forced my to release more of the real truth. The real source of the name "Dan Cooper" was from Richard McCoy when he gave Duane Weber is new identity paperwork. Mac was an avid comic book collector, and was even personal friends with the Marvel Comics creator. Mac had an amazing comic book collection which included the early Dan Cooper editions. Later in his growth of this hobby he opened a Video Rental which he grew to 5 stores. He split his time between here and Canada where the laws were more to his liking.

KC just wanted to be Cooper in death, as explained to a note to his brother in his will. Lyle requested help from 'The Crew' and the book was created. There are good connections because the crew had access to information that enhanced the KC story. The FBI saw through this immediately, because they pretty much know the whole story. I have confirmed that, too.

Blast: Wind caused by a blow-hard from the Northwest. Generally a cold, brief, all-wet driven force, not approaching Gayle conditions. Created by an accumulation of new pressure forces from leaks in the 'I-know-its-true-fear.' Typically drops surprising amounts pure BS on the US from somewhere in outer space, generally accompanied by a huge sucking sound, and the thunder of a railroad job to nowhere on narrow tippy tracks and a constantly moving foundation. Now, Blevins, THAT is funny. Laugh.

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OK. You have forced my to release more of the real truth. The real source of the name "Dan Cooper" was from Richard McCoy when he gave Duane Weber is new identity paperwork. Mac was an avid comic book collector, and was even personal friends with the Marvel Comics creator.

Mac had an amazing comic book collection which included the early Dan Cooper editions.

Writing your own history of the world, according to
Knarp ?

What "early Dan Cooper editions". ?

What has this got to do with Marvel!?

More phoney bs. Get help 'Knarp'. Or is it Col.
Sanders wannabe today? What and who tomorrow?
Mennonite-Amish comic book editor, with a plate of
KFC and 30 lottery tickets pass the KFC?


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BK says in part:


'KC just wanted to be Cooper in death, as explained to a note to his brother in his will. Lyle requested help from 'The Crew' and the book was created. There are good connections because the crew had access to information that enhanced the KC story. The FBI saw through this immediately, because they pretty much know the whole story....'

I've seen the will. No note in it to his brother.

Lyle has never spoken to any of the 305 crew.

Only Bill Rataczak was actually interviewed for the book. Umm...just a guess, but my gut tells me he wasn't involved in the hijacking except as one of the victims.

Some in the Seattle FBI think KC is a good suspect (according to SA Fred Gutt) while others in the Seattle office think there are better suspects.

Gutt has said twice now that KC has never been checked out by the FBI because they think he doesn't fit the description.

Marvel didn't do the Cooper comic.

Question: Do you make this stuff up as you go along, or do you work from a central file?

Why have you got ME tagged in your reply to Knoss!?

Knoss made the post not me.

Tag your replies to the people who made the posts who you are replying to - its a small thing. For the
sake of accuracy.

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Bob Blevins:

In your post "Gutt has said twice now that KC has never been checked out by the FBI because they think he doesn't fit the description. "

That says a lot that the FBI does not believe KC fits the description. Such as wrong height at 5 ft 8 in, wrong color of skin and not olive, and wrong color of eyes blue and not brown. That is "three strikes and he is out"!!!

Now Blevins is time to pull your book off the for sale rack and find a real suspect. I and ,I believe, the rest of us are tired of you continuing to push KC as a believable candidate. KC was not DB.

KC was not DB, KC was not DB, KC was not DB


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Bob Blevins:

In your post "Gutt has said twice now that KC has never been checked out by the FBI because they think he doesn't fit the description. "

That says a lot that the FBI does not believe KC fits the description. Such as wrong height at 5 ft 8 in, wrong color of skin and not olive, and wrong color of eyes blue and not brown. That is "three strikes and he is out"!!!

Now Blevins is time to pull your book off the for sale rack and find a real suspect. I and ,I believe, the rest of us are tired of you continuing to push KC as a believable candidate. KC was not DB.

KC was not DB, KC was not DB, KC was not DB


Sailshaw is correct about KC.

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While still on a futile quest to discover the source of the “NB-6” Cooper used, I have blundered upon another incongruity in this tale. Except this one is from the least likely of places, that of course being Sluggo’s website.

This was spurred by the article Bruce Smith published about Norman Hayden and his ‘Cooper parachute’ where he tells of sending the chutes off in a cab and the battle to recover the remaining Pioneer rig from the FBI. Remember?

Attached are two screen shots of how the chutes were handled by Earl Cossey. The first version has Cossey putting the things in the cab from his (Cossey’s ) home.

The second version has Cossey claiming the chutes were given or sold to the ‘individual’ who sent them in a cab.

Now it appears that Norman Hayden’s version matches the second telling and Earl Cossey has two versions of what happened.

Either way, the claim that the chute Cooper used was in fact a “military issue NB-6” is appearing less solid since there is confusion on who owned or sent the things to SeaTac. Any clarification (with a source) would be most appreciated.

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Earl Cossey claims to have packed all four chutes? where is the 4th chute? the 4th chute was sewn shut!

did he pack the chutes the same day? or were they waiting on him while he was still packing the last two?

He claims to have packed all four, but then says Issaquah sky sports owned the reserves and some how the dummy chute got into the equation!


Did Cossey pack chutes for the surrounding area exclusively?

Two of the parachutes, both chest-mounted reserve chutes, were from Issaquah Skyport, which was owned by Linn Emirch, and the two main backpack parachutes were provided by Earl Cossey, an FAA Master Parachute Rigger and parachuting instructor, from his home. (quote from website above)

Then we have Norman Hayden's version, The rigging card shows the chute was packed 6 months b4 the hijacking, then it shows a packing date 11 years after?

was the chute out of the container for 11 years? or did they open it back up 11 years later?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mrshutter45 asks:

“The rigging card shows the chute was packed 6 months b4 the hijacking, then it shows a packing date 11 years after?”

The repacks are only required to keep the item ‘airworthy’. Once out of time or currency then you have a nice conversation piece until getting it through the next inspection.

It’s a dirty little secret that no one talks about. Take a look at this gem (bottom of page, Inspection Status):


That’s right, the last time that airframe was inspected - Eisenhower was president. Gosh I wonder what 57 years of hangar rental cost.

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Mrshutter45 asks:

“The rigging card shows the chute was packed 6 months b4 the hijacking, then it shows a packing date 11 years after?”

The repacks are only required to keep the item ‘airworthy’. Once out of time or currency then you have a nice conversation piece until getting it through the next inspection.

It’s a dirty little secret that no one talks about. Take a look at this gem (bottom of page, Inspection Status):


That’s right, the last time that airframe was inspected - Eisenhower was president. Gosh I wonder what 57 years of hangar rental cost.

most recent maintenance inspection date: 02/22/1955:)
If the chute was in evidence, I don't think they were worried about it being airworthy?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I have not even bothered to read the thread - have been very very quiet for a long time now.

I have not read anything posted for about 2 plus wks.

Knoss - you have LOST touch with reality! NO one ever even discussed Cooper Comics with Duane and I doubt Weber even knew of their existences.

I only read this last post of yours and nothing for over 2 wks now.



WE - (mean NO ONE on this thread) has found a foot print.
I knew it was impossible for all evidence of Weber's past in the N.W. to be non existent and my guys found the foot print.

NO! I will not disclose this until it is verified and then NOT to the FBI. EAT your heart out. Will it prove Weber was Cooper?

I am sure the FBI will say NO, but it does prove they did NOt investigate Weber or information was covered up.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If the parachute rigger was known then the parachute would be known as well. Then some of this fabled lore could be removed till the next contestant reinserts the disinformation.

The FBI did make the files available to certain members of the public who then immediately put a lid on their access. Life does imitate art, so it’s hard for me to complain about the FBI when it appears to be human nature. He who controls the information is king.

There are just four chutes involved and two of them went with Cooper. One of the reserve chutes is in the FBI vault so there’s one mystery solved. It is a Switlik, 24 foot chest reserve made in 1959 under a military contract. Perhaps the other reserve is the same breed? I don’t know. But the surviving reserve is a military pack.

The back pack Hayden has is made by Pioneer who also made parachutes for the military. The chute Hayden is wearing is most certainly NOT a Sport rig (source: skydiver, It has no provisions for a reserve chute) and has the appearance of an emergency aircrew parachute. If Hayden’s is the other chute, the FBI file notes the canopy as military. So if this is the other chute (IF), the Sport parachute with an inferior canopy data point would appear to be yet another Cooper myth. One which has enjoyed a full and vigorous life and still lives.

Why this is so difficult to sort out is probably proportional to the amount of perceived damage done to a theory or revenue stream. Of course, those just looking for the truth are not concerned with such things. Yeah….. riiiiiiiiight.

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The plane seating changed over the yrs and different lines made their own vairiations. Since I do NOT know the seating arrangement used in the 727 that Cooper Hijacked - there is only one way to know where Cooper sat.

When the plane was on the ground in Seattle - Cooper asked or closed several of the blinds. Why I do not know - I doubt a sniper bullet would penetrate the windows of the plane and there was no way to know the position of the stewardess.

All of this CRAP is senseless.

Take the Dan Cooper Comics - foreign comics were also sold on the campus of Jefferson (a federal prison) by none other than James Earl Ray. J.J. Maloney mentions this fact in one of his writings - he had been encarcerated in Jefferson himself.

I spent a great deal of time without a computer prior to 2000 trying to find JJ Maloney. Yes later when I found him - he had died 3 months before. Alway a day late and a dollar short.

WATCH this GUYS! Is the above a truth or bait to create yet another myth or story told by those who lurk within the mists of this thread.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am going to ask this thread for some help. Have absolutely NO IDEA how to accomplish what I am proposing.

Since I know Duane talked about and showed me EVERY AIRSTIP and SMALL AIRPORT we passed, I think this means something important.

He pointed out the powerlines and pipelines and cemetaries and gravel pits - some small towns and noted places the "guys" used to eat at. These all mean something, but one specific things might make the background of Weber stand out to the FBI. I am focusing on this because of what Duane said regarding 3 of the strips...."We used to fly into there". Who was we and why and what would Duane Weber or John Collins or Dusty Wenz be doing in these area that would place him in a plane at relative small airstrips?

The Airstrips:

How and Why and when did Weber or whatever name he used have a connection to these airstrips?

1944-1949 and then 1962-1968.
Since these are the yrs that have blank spots in them - these are the yrs I want to concentrate on.

I am going to try to recall every airport and airstrip Duane told me about and what I want to do is to somehow be able to contact these areas and find out if there is a way to contact the old owners or their families to see if anyone still living remembers this man and why he would have had anything to do with these airstrips....perhaps I need to make a huge leap of faith and go public with this, but I will not be able to do that until March.

Please help me lay some ground work - This project will be my last attempt to find another human being alive who might remember the man in the the photos I am going to attach. I only have 2 photos of Duane from those time frames - that actually resemble the man I knew.

He started talking about things before we approached the Boise area. It was like he was telling me about his life - I thought maybe from when he was a kid, but the remarks he made would soon chase that thought away.

Of course we all know he talked about the Missoula Fire (Mann Gulch) and an airport there. He mentions the event that killed so many and I got the impression he had a personal connection to this. It was like he was there if nothing else involved in the recovery and aftermath. He seemed remorseful and sad. Some place there are details of what he told me. He mentioned Bitterroot and Gates of the Mountains. Then the Missouri River (I remembered that because I did NOT know there was a River in ID called Missouri River) - I even thought he was using the wrong name and questioned him about this.

Around Boise - he really starts to unwind. It was around here that he mentions knowing someone in Homedale area, but we would not be seeing him - I got the impression who ever this was - he made a recent contact with.

When we get near the Oregon State line he can't shut up. Talks about Wiesner and takes his memories to Coeur d'alene and Spokane. Tells me about an Indian Reservation and knowing a boy there. He mention Hayden - and he talks about Mountain goats or Elks and a lodge up that way.

His memory comes closer to the highway when he mentions he used to know someone in the in Pullman and Palouse (again the impression of an airstrip) - I have often thought this is where he probably got in trouble and why he could never go back.

What did he do that was so bad he could not go back? Was the trouble in Coure d'alene or Palouse. He mentions Moscow and Lewiston.

As we cross the corner of OR he mentions Castle Rock and Apples and Burns and John Day (something about Indians and China - seemed to be out of place). For some reason he mention a town named Hereford, but now I do not know why.

In the Pendleton area he talks about the Nickels and how they could not go to the restuarants. He used to run errands for them.
Duane had a connection to Blacks I never understood - perhaps because of his Summer dark complexion he was often mistaken for being Black.

He mentions Walla Walla but nothing stand out. He is starting to talk about airports - the Pendleton memories seemed to open him up.

It is getting late and he is pushing for The Dalles, but we go off of the highway in Biggs or Rufus. The shop he pulls up to is closed and he used to know the woman who owned it. (There was an old gas pump across the street). Mattie Findley owned the shop and her nephew owned the motel there. Duane goes into the motel and comes back out - I can't remember why (whoever he was looking for was not there or perhaps deceased or no long owned the place - whatever it was, he did NOT want me to go in with him). Duane talks about Goldendale and a place he and the "guys" use to go to a bar there.

We check into a motel just off the highway in The Dalles area. We go a restuarant there near the river that night. He tells me about a river boat (I forget what he told me about the river boat) and the place we went into was very nice. NOT one time has this man looked at a map. He tells me about the Spillway!

After we check in he points off to the South and tells me about Dufur and Maupin - he knew someone who lived there. He talks about Mt Hood and the guys. He mentions Government Camp and I got the impression he had worked there, but didn't have a clue what it was.

That night he tells me to sleep in because he had something to do. He leaves around 7:30 and does not get back until after check-out time. He is soiled and washes up and before we hit the road.

He mentioned before we left that The Dalles had a Fire Museum and there was a picture of him in that Museum. He mentions he had a family member or friend who had worked for the Fire Dept. He mention knowing a family in the area and I thought that was who he went to see, but he did NOT share it with me. He tells me he used to sweep out a store there - believe he said Buster Brown Shoe store.

Before we leave we go to what I now know was The Dalles Dam and we sit there in the car as he tells me about the Dam and the Day Dam to our East and the Bonneville Dam and how the gates worked. I had forgot this until I went back out in 2010 on my own.

The most important thing he points to the other side of the river - on the Washingon side and tells me about an airport he used to fly out of. HOW, WHEN and WHY? I did not ask questions just accepted he had a life before me he did NOT want to share with me.

The Bridge of the Gods is where we crossed the river, but it took my trip back in 2010 to trigger this, but the moment I got there I remembered it like it had been very recent. My trip in 2010 was in the opposite direction - but it worked.

We are up high on the Oregon side and the boat are sailing below.

Tomorrow I will take you across the river to the WA side. It may take me a few days to take you on this trip with Duane in 1979.
When I finish the trip to Seattle and to Vancouver and then to Tahoe - you will see a common thread in the stories Duane told me.

Those who choose not to believe me will do so, but my job will be done when I reach Tahoe. I do not know why Duane told me the things he did - but he did and when the trip is over, I will be moving on - I am tired.

Recall this post? No one here offered help - but, help did come. First there is Fire and then Water and then Cooper is on the run. Something important is supposed to happen soon, but I think I have been having nightmares and dreams during my naps. Maybe I am CRAZY!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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'We're over Tacoma now...' is supposedly what he said to Mucklow while they were circling over the Puget Sound area.


Well I guess it's open to interpretation like everything else in this flippin case.....but in the handwritten notes...." "He" said why it took money + chutes long time, -chutes came from McCord air force base."

Punctuation and underlines are the original writer's, not mine. The way it is underscored makes me think that the writer is repeating what he said. Be pretty hard to prove either way, but that's what I get out of it.

:)Smoking99,Glad someone else is starting to repeat the DETAILS.
These guys get so far off the road they get lost. Myth versus fact - a lost cause in this thread as of late.

Tried to read all of the posts, but it is just too much. Think I will go back to work now - at least I have been accomplishing something. Amazing who reads this thread and do NOT post.

:)Bruce - hope you are feeling better and having a speedy recovery.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Exactly how I feel. These guys argue such ridiculous stuff. The flight path gets changed over and over. Now they want to change history again. What Seat Cooper sat in is of NO consequences and will not solve this case.

The exact fight path the plane was on might be of help.

I got off the bus for awhile, but even if you just read this thread is like an addiction. The race was over in 1996 - but, the man who raced thru the finish line was invisible to the world....because of stuff like this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Farflung's point about heads or tails on the choice of parachute makes a lot of sense.

The only caveat I would mention is Cooper knew about McCord Air Force base and might (toss that quarter again) have assumed that any chutes would come from there. Hell that's probably the first place I would have gone if I was the one securing the chutes anyway.

Regardless, he (Cooper) obviously had the power and the opportunity to direct where the chutes should come from and/or what type/model of chutes they should be -- and he didn't. I think that says a lot.

I do not have the data bases or search capabilities you guy have.
What I do have is my memory or what is left of it.

In the beginning of my search and in the written articles on the news and tv reporting the McChord remarks were made early on.

Also remember I have talk to many many individuals involved in the very beginning. I was told or read (do NOT remember the source) - that when the delay in landing was made that Cooper was agitated. He was told they were having difficulties with the chutes - Cooper made a remark to the stewardess about McCoy being less than 20 minutes - but, I don't remember where I heard this or read it or who told me.

I no longer have reason to search for these things or to argue about them nor to harass the witnesses. I am getting old and just have NO reason to continue to squabble about the trivial and thing NO one remembers after 40 yrs.

I concentrate now only on the foot prints and what can be proven. By doing this with only 5 focal points progress finally came.

By stepping away - my mind was free to remember things I thought were gone. The memories came and then the dreams came - crazy dreams.
A dream is just a dream unless it is a nightmare and still with no meaning.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Ckret posted:

Cooper never made the request that the chutes not come from McCord, his only demand was two back and two front chutes. In fact he assumed they were coming from McCord from a mistake the pilot made in relaying information to Tina. At 5:15 Tina called the cockpit to find out why they had not landed (Cooper wanted everything by 5 PM), the pilot told Tina they were still waiting for the front chutes from McCord. When Tina relayed this to Cooper his response was, "McCord is only 20 minutes from Tacoma, it doesn't take that long."

Thank You 99 - I would never have found this - but it was right here all along and I had verbal access to this same infomation 1996 to 1998...long before I ever knew anything about getting info on a computer - just $100's dollars in phone calls.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Superb point about Cooper being from South King or North Pierce counties based upon the fact that he knew McChord is only 20 minutes away. That demonstrates a clear familiarity with the area.

Hey!!! Cooper said to fly that 727 to Mexico City from Seattle. This proves that Cooper knew nothing about aircraft, international travel or airline operations.

Using the same philosophy, Cooper is from North Pierce and has never worked for an airline.

Something tells me the same philosophy won’t be used though.

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I'm telling you...the hijacker was local. South King, North Pierce counties. Maybe even Kitsap county. One of them. Take your pick.

Blevin, you will do anything to try and make money off of your book. Cooper WAS NOT local - perhaps YOU should go back and read a post Georger made - which stated a detail I have stated to the FBI since 1996.
The FBI never investigated Duane Weber in detail or not at all. WHY?

OKAY, guys I am out of your hair for a few days. I am over my limit and I have said too much as it is.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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