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georger 247
It wasn’t a left handed tie clasp, it was a left handed shirt OR a woman’s blouse!!! Why didn’t I see this before? It’s all so clear now.
OR....somebody put the shirt on inside-out![Reply]
Instructions to putting a tie clip on THE Reich WAY
We will cover opening left handed match books in the
next chapter. (under Military vs Civilian rights & ceremonies & tells of the aforementioned.).
It wasn’t a left handed tie clasp, it was a left handed shirt OR a woman’s blouse!!! Why didn’t I see this before? It’s all so clear now.
OR....somebody put the shirt on inside-out![Reply]
Instructions to putting a tie clip on THE Reich WAY
We will cover opening left handed match books in the
next chapter. (under Military vs Civilian rights & ceremonies & tells of the aforementioned.).
Ahhh Haaa
Most tie clips are designed to be attached from right to left, and you should be careful in applying your tie clip from this direction...
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Robert99 50
It wasn’t a left handed tie clasp, it was a left handed shirt OR a woman’s blouse!!! Why didn’t I see this before? It’s all so clear now.
OR....somebody put the shirt on inside-out!
I bet it CAN happen... getting dressed in hung-over-hurry, leaving a steamy airstream after having a real wild 'knight'!
Airtwardo and Farflung, I think you have solved the case. Cooper was either Barb Dayton or a fairy (or maybe both).
Farflung 0
Gray goes so far as to ask (I presume he is asking because he does not know) if there was a Sky Chef in Portland by 1971. What must the reading comprehension be? Yes Virginia, Portland had a Sky Chef restaurant in 1971 and this was pointed out by smokin99, five months ago. Of course five months is more than ample time for a myth to become re-animated and begin stomping out of the castle’s laboratory once again.
First there will be the claims of who identified this gem first, as has already happened. Then some butthurt will be applied to ‘Mr Short-term-memory’ in a desperate ploy to extinguish going through this again (now scheduled for 1 Aug 2012) while acting ignorant about the last act or two.
Some clever assclown offers some Sky Chef matches and a cheesy TIE CLASP (I see there is still confusion on what the thing is called) which is modeled after some DB Cooper trivia as a way to make a few bucks. Why not? Good for him. But, and this is a Hometown Buffet/Wal Mart, BIG but…… analysis is done on this matchbook (in Gray’s website) as if it was the one Cooper carried on the plane, when this was NEVER even obliquely suggested by Gray or the eBay seller. Astonishing! Yet they want to be taken seriously on other research items?
So this leads to the patently obvious item to investigate next. Did DB Cooper wear an ‘emergency moustache’ to compliment his toupee and glasses? This would explain why no one noticed him in the waiting area or on another inbound flight since he was still sporting a press-on, cookie duster. Did the FBI ask the living witnesses if they noticed any mustachioed individuals in the bars, restaurants, incoming flights, neighboring towns and cities or restrooms? No and it was careless on their part.
As it stands….. Cooper was from North Pierce County, right handed, never worked for an airline, was not gay (but transsexual), wore a woman’s shirt, a man’s toupee, had Sky Chef matches (may not have had Portland listed in cover) and an ‘as of yet to be identified’ moustache (just a strong possibility). Did I miss anything? This is way better than discussing Cooper’s seat, good call.
It wasn’t a left handed tie clasp, it was a left handed shirt OR a woman’s blouse!!! Why didn’t I see this before? It’s all so clear now.
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