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I totally down with that, Mr. Shutter. It's the FBI's stamp of credibility that leads me to give her the benefit of the doubt. Without that, I'd be more skeptical.

I believe Marla heard what she says she heard and her father told her what she says she did. That, by itself, does not make a "promising lead". What else do they know that caused the FBI spokesperson to say that to the press?

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I totally down with that, Mr. Shutter. It's the FBI's stamp of credibility that leads me to give her the benefit of the doubt. Without that, I'd be more skeptical.

I believe Marla heard what she says she heard and her father told her what she says she did. That, by itself, does not make a "promising lead". What else do they know that caused the FBI spokesperson to say that to the press?
agreed, she must of said something that interested the FBI, however she is on record with Nolan Clay Aug 5,2011 stating her Father 'had a great imagination' :)
Quote for Marla

If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.
Albert Einstein
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, the pic of the Tie Tack looks "off". It is backwards to the shirt style and there is plenty of other white specs on the pic to suggest that it is not even a tie tack but maybe dirt on the pic.

It wasn't Duane, he wasn't part of a conspiracy to change the Pre-boarding security measures (I have e-mails that now want names to sue people over that statement.

I am not and have NEVER said that Duane was any part of a pre-boarding security. The only person who has ever made a claim to that is Knoss - NO ONE ELSE.

Duane was involved in some "stuff" - but, I do not and have NEVER thought the Skyjacking was connected in anyway to the airlines nor have I ever supported Knoss's theory.

Look at the tie pic one more time and you will realize the statement you made makes absolutely NO sense. Under HIGH magnification you can see part of the gold bar...and the tac is anchored from left to right - as part of the gold bar is under the lapel of the jacket. There are other white spec but very minor and this one is exactly where the tie tac was plus you can see some highlights that would be the gold tones.

This is the kind of response I expected from some of you, but we have found a footprint. There are a lot of people who just WANT WEBER to go away and for their own reasons. First and foremost our own government and then all of the writers who are trying to "sell" their suspect.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It is all evidence.
The references to comments and reports.
They can't seem to grasp anything.
The Lapel was swapped out for the clasp.
And returned to the one of McCoy.
MrShutter shall find supporting information.
THAT will be evidence when it is put together.
Pay attention to him and LEARN properly.

No need to substantiate WHEN the clasp appeared.
It was not there in 1974.
The lapel was.
That is truth.
There should be the strong scent of a trail of truth.
They are not stupid people, but not brilliant either.
They screwed up all over the place.
To realize the basics, little gold nuggets of truth that
still rest in the muck.
A closed mind is worthless.
What I tell you is the truth.
To see a few nuggets, then you might begin to
believe what I tell you.
No skin off the monkey.

[Quatrains of Blevins and Abraczinskis coming soon]

If you want to paraphrase, please GET IT RIGHT, or don't do it. Don't change it and attribute it to me.

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'...and then all of the writers who are trying to "sell" their suspect.'

Refresher Thingie I've Posted Before When People Say I'm Here at DZ to 'Market' a Book:...........

He is absolutely CORRECT!! He is not here to market a book. If that were the case, he would be a dismal failure. (Oxymoron) I think that he is here to try to rewrite history and change public opinion starting at the lowest level, countering the truth with a barrage of phony propaganda and trying to cover up the conspiracy information. He is totally protective of the guilty party and attacks at the slightest suggestion of what really happened.

Jo, you do the same thing when McCoy is brought into the discussion. Mac-Mac-Mac-Mac. Remember? Good indicators of strong agendas behind the tirades, I think.

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You have never produced any evidence, nor pointed any one to actual evidence.

You're getting called out on it and getting mad, tough, you made up the story and can not substantiate it.

Your BYU pin can be found in a google image selection in less than .03 seconds. it was never in evidence since it was never at the scene of the crime.

The only truths you have told is: you're immature and don't plan on changing, you spent time in the pen (might be fabricated too dunno, no evidence there either), you dropped acid a bunch (might be a fabrication too, but your words here lend to the story).

You don't have the grand memory you claim, you keep forgetting your suspect wasn't even named Cooper, remember you claim it was Duane Weber (it wasn't), but hey it has to be hard keeping up with all the changes you have made.

You're no investigator, but an instigator.

You have been asked to show these reports you are referencing, do so, or admit your story is a fabrication, 100%.


I don't agree with your statements, obviously. I reassert that you are an overly predictable, ineffective Cooper crew member. At least you're trying.....

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You have never produced any evidence, nor pointed any one to actual evidence.

You're getting called out on it and getting mad, tough, you made up the story and can not substantiate it.

Your BYU pin can be found in a google image selection in less than .03 seconds. it was never in evidence since it was never at the scene of the crime.

The only truths you have told is: you're immature and don't plan on changing, you spent time in the pen (might be fabricated too dunno, no evidence there either), you dropped acid a bunch (might be a fabrication too, but your words here lend to the story).

You don't have the grand memory you claim, you keep forgetting your suspect wasn't even named Cooper, remember you claim it was Duane Weber (it wasn't), but hey it has to be hard keeping up with all the changes you have made.

You're no investigator, but an instigator.

You have been asked to show these reports you are referencing, do so, or admit your story is a fabrication, 100%.


I don't agree with your statements, obviously. I reassert that you are an overly predictable, ineffective Cooper crew member. At least you're trying.....

Ad again with the name calling. At least we know that your fabrications are just that.

But since your so into calling names, does that mean the gloves are off? You can take what you give?

No, you can't.

You lash out like a child because no one believes your fabrications. If this is the only place you can get attention, and that is why you do this, it it just shows how sad a life you do have.

There is no "Crew", it is a fabrication.
There is no GOV Cover up, that is a fabrication.
Duane Weber did not train with you or any one to conduct a hijacking, that is a fabrication.
There are no "records", that is a fabrication.
There was Drug (LSD and others) experiments, you are not a part of that, either.
Your super memory is flawed, making it normal, like all us other mortals.

Now, call me a retard, go ahead. There, good feel better?

Now answer the questions, put evidence in play or admit to the rest of your fabrication.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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JerryThomas demanded:

“farflung: Because of your post and research and willingness to post witnessese names and other info. I feel it is only proper to post your real name and address and phone number here on drop zone. with in the next few post. Jerry”

Farflung partially quotes self:

“Is there a reason you want my name and number? For what purpose would you use it? That’s the first step towards identity theft and you spend an inordinate amount of time demanding people’s personal information. How could I know you don’t have a history of identity theft?”

So I did a search on “Jerry Thomas identity theft” and was a little more than stunned at what the first result produced. Needless to say, there is no value in releasing personal information unless you want it passed on to be used by people who may have very little to lose or have absolutely no respect for human life. They also have the same respect for the truth.

Decide for yourself. I already have.


“Thomas' most recent conviction was for identity theft in the second degree in Grant County”


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How can people give me crap about KC if they haven't seen the book, right?

Blevins...you have an agenda...promoting your own suspect...like the others that we all know...who like you...have started with a favorite suspect and tried to fit the circumstantial evidence to that particular individual.

IMHO...Bruce is the only writer I've heard here that is investigating the evidence to find the most feasible suspect.

I still say it was my dad...:P...

I think I have as much evidence as anyone else that he did it...I found a tie and cuff set with a missing tie clasp.;)

On another subject...I just got my knee scoped so my jump with dad's helmet and silver jump wings is looking doable this summer...I know...who gives a shit on this forum...???...but this is DZ ya know...

here's where I've been...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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You have never produced any evidence, nor pointed any one to actual evidence.

You're getting called out on it and getting mad, tough, you made up the story and can not substantiate it.

Your BYU pin can be found in a google image selection in less than .03 seconds. it was never in evidence since it was never at the scene of the crime.

The only truths you have told is: you're immature and don't plan on changing, you spent time in the pen (might be fabricated too dunno, no evidence there either), you dropped acid a bunch (might be a fabrication too, but your words here lend to the story).

You don't have the grand memory you claim, you keep forgetting your suspect wasn't even named Cooper, remember you claim it was Duane Weber (it wasn't), but hey it has to be hard keeping up with all the changes you have made.

You're no investigator, but an instigator.

You have been asked to show these reports you are referencing, do so, or admit your story is a fabrication, 100%.


I don't agree with your statements, obviously. I reassert that you are an overly predictable, ineffective Cooper crew member. At least you're trying.....

Ad again with the name calling. At least we know that your fabrications are just that.

But since your so into calling names, does that mean the gloves are off? You can take what you give?

No, you can't.

You lash out like a child because no one believes your fabrications. If this is the only place you can get attention, and that is why you do this, it it just shows how sad a life you do have.

There is no "Crew", it is a fabrication.
There is no GOV Cover up, that is a fabrication.
Duane Weber did not train with you or any one to conduct a hijacking, that is a fabrication.
There are no "records", that is a fabrication.
There was Drug (LSD and others) experiments, you are not a part of that, either.
Your super memory is flawed, making it normal, like all us other mortals.

Now, call me a retard, go ahead. There, good feel better?

Now answer the questions, put evidence in play or admit to the rest of your fabrication.


Flamer, yes. Retard? Holy Dog Poop, Matt! I wouldn't do that! You display that well enough all by yourself! You are entitled to your opinion, but not to determine mine. See, Matt, I'm not opinionated or guessing at what happened. I'm telling you what happened. You are acting like a two year old spitting pablum in your mommy's face because daddy taught you to be a motorboat. Perfect analogy.

Try contributing to the discussion in a positive way if you can. Your constant nagging is boring and detracts seriously from what others are trying to accomplish here. Remember Jamie? Gone. Craig's List has a forum for people who play your flame games. Try that.

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~ Or me, I'm the high school go-to-guy for names, people's cars, colors, what happened to who, etc., for two years ahead and two years back. Our graduating class was around 362 give or take. As close to a "photographic memory" as you get. Under post hypnotic suggestion this talent is compounded many fold. It is absolutely amazing as any expert will explain for you. Enquire and learn. You seem to be a very astute learner.

~I do not remember when the swap of the tie clasp was made for the BYU pin


An actual photographic memory Bob, is the ability to take a mental snapshot and recall it with great detail.

My roommate in college could look at a phonebook for 5 seconds and tell you every name and number on the page, he and his twin brother were study subjects when they were children, his brother couldn't do it.

YOU on the other hand...try to remember to turn your clock ahead tomorrow! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I see you're still not going to produce evidence, but as it is none existent, I understand why.

Apparently you lack the comprehension of your own symbolisms. Your pictures are an insult, childish and lacking in intelligence.

You never contribute to the so called investigation, not once in the thousands of posts between the threads. Just wild fantasy and fabrication.

When challenged with truths to your none truths you act out like the child you claim others to be.

So, try and stay focused here, please present your evidence, not your story, evidence. The reports you claim to have access to, post them.

If there is any truth to your story a liable case would fail against you, so no fear there.
The case is so old that any GOV retribution would not happen, no gain.

The only reason not to do this simple, easy thing is it is not true and a total fabrication.

I will let Quade handle your direct and indirect insults as he feel appropriate.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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farlung: What did you realy find . yes the Identify theft was against me. What else did you find other things my son may have done did you decide to post the crimes that were brought against you, Like theft Rape and other crimes from your younger years. Look more than one can play your game . Your a PIS and always will be. All you do is post BS and hope someone can understand it. Still you continue to make off the wall comments that only means one thing. And that is FOS or you just have to find a place to exist. I guess DropZone is the only place you can find that you can post your iliterate writings or that you can post paragraphs that you think people will not understand. After reading your Emails all I can realy say is you are not as smart or as computer literate as you think. You missed aiot of info, if you were correct in your post it would have made me look like a hero. This I am not , It is very hard for me to do what a father has to do in April. Yes that soon and for your Info a lot of people on drop zone are aware that I have to testify at the trial for my son that will put him in prison for life. This was not my son's first rodeo and it is not his first crime nor was it his first rape. The truth is that I put him in prison the first time and when he got out hE DID IT AGAIN I worry that the next time He will leave no wittness will be left alive. Now there you have it shall I post your dirty Laundry like you I am not as dumb as you think. I choose to go public Now its your turn before I do it for you. Jerry There is a lot of misspellings in this post ,Oh will it dose not change the message.

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Hope you enjoyed making a fool out of your self. Stand by I will do the same for you. Jerry Jr is a person that has made mistake's My question is what did you expect to gain by you exploritation of his crimes. The chilld lived with his mother untill he was 18 years old. Then he was on his own. Why don't you post the acomplishments of my other three kids. They all make more than you do and are very prominent members of society. And still you can not post there accompishments. . Jerry

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Farlung: What can a monkey decide. I guess nothing you have too decide to expose your own life or prove some one wrong. You can not do that all you can do is prove that you have allot of deprimental stuff in your background. Or should I post it . Just do me one favor and say you don't . This will give me the opertunity to do the sane for you that you have done for me. Jerry

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Last but not least farflung . Prove that you do not have anything in your background by posting your full name and ssn pluss your phone number like I have. Or Just leave DropZone. Falure to do so will prove that you have more to hide than All of us on drop Zone. Make no mistake . I do have all this info. I can post it. Still it is only fair that you post it instead of me. I posted mine willing , won't you. Its your battle not mine. Jerry

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JerryThomas oddly remarks with inverse bombast:

I have to testify at the trial for my son that will put him in prison for life.”

I would imagine that anyone you testify ‘for’ would go to prison for life. However the significant evidence in reverse order would likely be: the ATM photograph, the ejaculate DNA profile and the person you never mention in this saga, the teen age victim with her testimony and identification of her rapist and potential murderer. THAT is what will put this monster away forever.

JerryThomas could stay home and the outcome would be the same. But take heart in knowing that at least half of that DNA matches you exactly. So you have that to brag about?

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That's all.


How about you take your personal parasitic garbage THINGIE off this thread and go post it to the open forum at Newsvine, where you came from?

Why are posting this shit here?

Here, let me clip it for you :D

I gave it a correct title also, since you cant even
manage that. And you call yourself an editor? A
book publisher? You obviously missed the elevator
and have been cycling between floors ever since,
play it again Sam. And then you have the gall to
announce to us this thread is failing!?


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That's all.


How about you take your personal parasitic garbage THINGIE off this thread and go post it to the open forum at Newsvine, where you came from?

Why are posting this shit here?

Here, let me clip it for you :D

I gave it a correct title also, since you cant even
manage that. And you call yourself an editor? A
book publisher? You obviously missed the elevator
and have been cycling between floors ever since,
play it again Sam. And then you have the gall to
announce to us this thread is failing!?


Personal parasitic garbage thingie? I have to admit, that's a new one.

I just did some interviews, and occasionally spoke to wayward kids in youth camps. No big deal. It was long ago and far away.

Now you change it - here is what you said below:

It has nothing to do with the Cooper thread, or does it? Todays posts are just one more opportunity for you to bloviate your personal bullshit.

Here is what you said - no mention of "wayward kids" and "youth camps" ?


I was interviewing inmates doing long-term sentences, many with no realistic hope of release unless the Fountain of Youth sprung up through the floor of their cells.


"I sentence you to fifteen years for each count...twelve counts...for a total of one hundred and eighty years. Sentences to be served consecutively..."


Ah, no. Not gettin' out in this lifetime. And yet sometimes they DID.

I found out a lot about prison and the folks who reside there on our tax dollars, especially the True Lifers. Back in those days, a lot of guys were doing 'regular' life sentences which meant a minimum term of 13 years and four months. I think they even got good time on this one. The general word I heard was ten years' served was typical unless you were bat-shit crazy.

Five Weird Things About Folks Doing Life:

1) They mostly hang out with other lifers. Protection? Well, maybe. The MAIN reason is because nobody in their group talks much about what they're going to do when they get out. Drives lifers crazy.

2) The guards are easier on them. There are a number of reasons for this, but it has to do with guards knowing when someone is Permanent Party or just a Passerby.

3) Bad News: Criminals, unless they are rapists themselves, hate rapists as much as people on the street. They don't consider them 'real' criminals.

4) Believe it or not, the rate of recidivism for murderers with no previous criminal record is really low. Here's a good example why: You are in a bar. You get drunk. You get stupid with that gun you just bought and shoot someone. You go to prison for second degree murder. There are a lot of killings like this by people who just went nuts for a minute. Most do their time, get out, and never break the law again. I met quite a few of these types. A lot of them were really nice guys. Just had a 'stupid moment' and had to pay. Many were serious about how sorry they were for what they did. We're not talking gangsters or serial killers here, but people like you and I who Did Stupid.

5) Good News for Jerry: Your boy may end up in the Special Offenders Unit at Twin Rivers, a suburb of the Monroe Reformatory. In fact, this is almost likely. And believe it or not, the accomodations are much better than in the regular population.

Lucky for him. Before Twin Rivers opened in 1981, sex offenders went into the regular prisons like everyone else. Then they shortly had to enter Protective Custody. Then...they spent 23 of 24 hours in a single cell...sometimes for many years.

Washington State now uses some type of complex system to assign sentencing ranges, depending on the offense, background of the offender, and circumstances of the crime. An actual 'life' sentence that means Life Without is unlikely. That's all I know.

Where is the part about wayward kids and youth

This is a Cooper thread - not 'TELL THE WORLD


You dont have the appreciative audience here you
had there. There you were God. Here you are just
some repetitive wacko. Another Knoss.

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... Another Knoss.

You are correct about that nut-case, Blevins, but to associate ME? An upstanding pillar of my community?
Now, THAT is a downright dirty low blow that REALLY gets me upset!! (Not) Now you, Georger, are resorting to the worst kind of name calling. Quade should sensor you for LIFE. (But he agrees with you.) God will strike you with a bolt of lightening, and the ghost of Duane Weber will sleep in your bed. May Mathew Kline dog your ass for eternity. (That's Blevin's trainee.)

On the positive side, I haven't reposted the FAA chronological history of skyjacking events leading to Nixion's Executive Order for luggage searches for quit a while. Maybe we should go back over that again. Matt needs documents to review and doesn't think any documents exist. There must be a couple months' reading there. All time-line evidence. But, that's not evidence because Mr. Kline says so. HA-HA-HA!
Don't argue on the internet. Nobody gives a pixel.

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Has any computer geek yet tried to put best guess scenarios into a simulation model for Cooper's landing?

I realize, since no one can agree on anything :)
Okay...I realize that this exercise would probably yield a search area only slightly smaller than the area of Rhode Island, but, hey - add in some animation - persevering FBI guys that look like Carl Hanratty, some guns and bullets, make those flares real dynamite, have some coffee, tea, or me Tina/Flo vixens, some macho flight maneuvers outrunning the helicopters and fighter jets, caves, mountains, lakes, forests, hidden money, hunters, wild animals, Ariel partiers B|.......at the very least it would make a cool video game.

No shortage of technical advisors on this thread - we got weather experts, plane experts, flight experts, chute experts, survival experts, human behavior experts, vixen experts, explosive experts, military experts, sky diver experts, terrain experts, and, I suspect, FBI lurkers.
You could have your name flash in the credits and maybe even make a dollar or two. Just need a computer programmer/game inventor type expert.

Anyone game? Pun intended :)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Has any computer geek yet tried to put best guess scenarios into a simulation model for Cooper's landing?

I realize, since no one can agree on anything :)
Okay...I realize that this exercise would probably yield a search area only slightly smaller than the area of Rhode Island, but, hey - add in some animation - persevering FBI guys that look like Carl Hanratty, some guns and bullets, make those flares real dynamite, have some coffee, tea, or me Tina/Flo vixens, some macho flight maneuvers outrunning the helicopters and fighter jets, caves, mountains, lakes, forests, hidden money, hunters, wild animals, Ariel partiers B|.......at the very least it would make a cool video game.

No shortage of technical advisors on this thread - we got weather experts, plane experts, flight experts, chute experts, survival experts, human behavior experts, vixen experts, explosive experts, military experts, sky diver experts, terrain experts, and, I suspect, FBI lurkers.
You could have your name flash in the credits and maybe even make a dollar or two. Just need a computer programmer/game inventor type expert.

Anyone game? Pun intended :)

Okay..I'm on a roll....In addition to the main players in the actual crime, you could add in the suspect characters - you play the game as Duane, McCoy, Christensen, Gossett, Coffelt, Mel, et al. You've got to get out of the plane AND stay alive AND not get caught AND not lose all the money. And the character's behaviors are programmed to remain true to their known histories. (For example..since Mel is the only one known to have not been seen again after 1971, he's gonna be the hardest to keep alive). One, two player or multi-player game - Player still alive, not caught, and with the most money at the end wins (extra points if you end up with Tina)...Or it never ends -- kind of like the Hotel DB Cooper. :)
Oh yeah...I can see this game now. With all the new publicity on DB Cooper it would be a winner I'm sure.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Has any computer geek yet tried to put best guess scenarios into a simulation model for Cooper's landing?

I realize, since no one can agree on anything :)
Okay...I realize that this exercise would probably yield a search area only slightly smaller than the area of Rhode Island, but, hey - add in some animation - persevering FBI guys that look like Carl Hanratty, some guns and bullets, make those flares real dynamite, have some coffee, tea, or me Tina/Flo vixens, some macho flight maneuvers outrunning the helicopters and fighter jets, caves, mountains, lakes, forests, hidden money, hunters, wild animals, Ariel partiers B|.......at the very least it would make a cool video game.

No shortage of technical advisors on this thread - we got weather experts, plane experts, flight experts, chute experts, survival experts, human behavior experts, vixen experts, explosive experts, military experts, sky diver experts, terrain experts, and, I suspect, FBI lurkers.
You could have your name flash in the credits and maybe even make a dollar or two. Just need a computer programmer/game inventor type expert.

Anyone game? Pun intended :)

The main problem is that this would not be very useful in Real Life, which exists only here on the Cooper thread.

Cooper's jump point probably could not be determined with sufficient accuracy (or within several miles) from the ground radar information, presumably available somewhere, and navigational information available to the flight crew, again presumably available somewhere, even if the complete radio transcripts from the Seattle ATC and the ARINC system suddenly popped out of some file cabinet in Seattle or Minneapolis.

Such information could answer many, many questions and could produce some meaningful leads. But it is probably going to stay right where it is now.

Nevertheless, all is not quiet on that front. Who knows what might turn up through other channels. Stay tuned.

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