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JerryThomas oddly remarks with inverse bombast:

I have to testify at the trial for my son that will put him in prison for life.”

I would imagine that anyone you testify ‘for’ would go to prison for life. However the significant evidence in reverse order would likely be: the ATM photograph, the ejaculate DNA profile and the person you never mention in this saga, the teen age victim with her testimony and identification of her rapist and potential murderer. THAT is what will put this monster away forever.

JerryThomas could stay home and the outcome would be the same. But take heart in knowing that at least half of that DNA matches you exactly. So you have that to brag about?

Man, you're starting to act like an asshat. Low blow and dirty pool, so beneath you. I am truly disappointed.
Your efforts should be redirected.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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... Another Knoss.

You are correct about that nut-case, Blevins, but to associate ME? An upstanding pillar of my community?
Now, THAT is a downright dirty low blow that REALLY gets me upset!! (Not) Now you, Georger, are resorting to the worst kind of name calling. Quade should sensor you for LIFE. (But he agrees with you.) God will strike you with a bolt of lightening, and the ghost of Duane Weber will sleep in your bed. May Mathew Kline dog your ass for eternity. (That's Blevin's trainee.)

On the positive side, I haven't reposted the FAA chronological history of skyjacking events leading to Nixion's Executive Order for luggage searches for quit a while. Maybe we should go back over that again. Matt needs documents to review and doesn't think any documents exist. There must be a couple months' reading there. All time-line evidence. But, that's not evidence because Mr. Kline says so. HA-HA-HA!
Don't argue on the internet. Nobody gives a pixel.

Well, if you're gonna avoid answering with direct evidence and use my name in insults at least spell it right.

I read your time line last time, it didn't prove your story, didn't even back it up, but you ignored that, remember?

Plus it is YOUR claim the documents to support your fabrication do not exist, not mine, I keep asking for them! Remember?

And in reading the MK Ultra docs, as well as watching the numerous documentaries, you aren't once mentioned, listed or even a good candidate to fit the test profile.

Please post your proof.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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The main problem is that this would not be very useful in Real Life, which exists only here on the Cooper thread.

LOL....A video game not useful in real life??? Wow... now there's a news bulletin I wanta make sure at least one resident of my home sees.

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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On the subject of where Cooper may have landed: Co-pilot Bill Rataczak has maintained that the crew knew pretty much WHEN Cooper jumped. They just don't know where he landed. That would depend on when he pulled the ripcord. Immediate pull, more drift. Freefall, less drift. The location of his eventual landing zone? Your guess would be as good as mine, and probably better. Rataczak said this about it:


'Paul (Sortum, Head of Tech Ops for NWA's Training Dept) and many others did a lot of work trying to determine the exact area in general, and then tried to narrow down where the hijacker could have landed after he jumped from the airplane. They finally determined the likely spot. Well, our crew on board was 99% sure they were correct because we felt a tremendous amount of pressure bump in our ears when the aft stairs rebounded when they closed. It would be like rolling down and rolling back up the window with a vast crank on your car when you’re speeding down the highway, which is something we’ve all experienced with our ears.

We also got confirmation on the Flight Engineer’s panel indicating that the stairs had momentarily closed. I make the analogy that walking down those aft stairs during flight was like walking to the end of a diving board. The more you weigh, the more the board will bend, and when Cooper finally jumped from it, the stairs rebounded and sort of came back to neutral. Well, the stairs were open about thirty to thirty-six inches under the air-stream after Cooper opened the door—that’s just the natural point where they will fall – the gap between the bottom of the stairs and the closure point in flight. When he walked out there his weight made the steps open further the farther he went down. Then, he was certainly able to jump from the bottom step. So we pretty much know when he jumped...'

The problem is not really WHERE Cooper landed. The unknown quantity is WHEN Cooper jumped. Knowing when Cooper jumped, the landing area can be estimated with some degree of accuracy. Some assumptions will be necessary but they can easily be applied to the problem.

So, did Rataczak ever mention an estimated TIME for the jump? Rataczak is surely aware that the Seattle ATC radio transcripts, the FBI Notes, and ever thing else has been "sanitized" to eliminate the possibility of determining such things as the jump time.

So to repeat, what TIME did Cooper jump?

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On the subject of where Cooper may have landed: Co-pilot Bill Rataczak has maintained that the crew knew pretty much WHEN Cooper jumped. They just don't know where he landed. That would depend on when he pulled the ripcord. Immediate pull, more drift. Freefall, less drift. The location of his eventual landing zone? Your guess would be as good as mine, and probably better. Rataczak said this about it:


'Paul (Sortum, Head of Tech Ops for NWA's Training Dept) and many others did a lot of work trying to determine the exact area in general, and then tried to narrow down where the hijacker could have landed after he jumped from the airplane.

When someone says they knew when something happened, they frequently do not mean they knew what time it was when it happened. The words often mean that, when it happened, they were aware of it happening. Notice in your second hand quote of Rataczak, that he didn't say something like, "it was at 00:13 UTC." I've never found any such claim by any crew member. It is this kind of SPECIFIC that would be necessary to narrow down jump time, which is more of a problem than the drift under canopy since we do have some specifics about the drift.

And, since you keep repeating the incorrect info, NWA's head of tech ops training was their chief pilot, Paul Soderlind--not "Sortum."

edit: Yeah. What Robert99 said.

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Nutcase...well, here's a typical day (let's do yesterday) in the life of yours truly...The Nutcase.

I get up around six-thirty AM and check email while having coffee. This is Seattle, so having coffee in the morning is required by law. :)
At 7:30, Gayla and I pack up cleaning equipment into the car and head out to work for a new customer we met with the previous week. We already know what to expect. These folks, a retired couple in an upscale neighborhood, had just let the dirt and cobwebs get away from them.

We arrive at eight and start work. The hardwood floor is embedded with grime. The kitchen and bathrooms are very bad. Cobwebs and spiders are not just living here, they have assumed the mortgage on the house.

Ten hours later, it isn't even the same house. Everything is sparkling and clean, smelling great, spiders, cobwebs, garbage...all gone. Bathrooms, kitchen, and living areas are like new. We collect a nice fee for this work and crawl home. The owners of the home are stunned by the change and sign with us for bi-monthly service at $300 a visit, a reduction from the fee for the initial visit. I give them a copy of our Information for New Customers pamphlet on the way out. Gayla decides we will do their home personally, not farm it out to one of the cleaning crews.

We get home about six pm and we're so exhausted that we say the hell with it and order take-out. The other cleaning crews have left messages for us, saying everything went fine on their assignments, etc. and that's good.

After dinner, I go upstairs and doze on the couch for a few, than get to work on the cover for our Young Writer Project winner's new book. She has sent me a great shot of her standing against a palm tree, holding her cat, with the Florida ocean in the background. Great. It's going to be the back cover, I decide.

Checking email again, I see that another lady whose book I edited has contacted me. Her computer crashed, she said, and she lost the cover and text files I prepared for her last year. This is the second time her computer has crashed since I did the edit for her. Fortunately, I keep copies of all the private edits, so I send her another set of files. She's happy. She also tells me she went out and opened an account at Lightning Source and bought her first ten ISBN's. Kudos to her.

Well, hell. Might as well check Dropzone, so I do. Usual stuff. Georger hates me B| and Knoss thinks I'm part of his Conspiracy Theory again...

I make a mention about stuff I used to do thirty years ago. Big mistake, I guess, since Georger responds to it negatively. I don't care much, but just to make him madder, I post up links to an article I did against the death penalty and toss in the podcast to boot. B| Oh man, I can be awful sometimes.

Saturday Morning: No work. Cleaning companies don't usually do weekends much. Wrapping up the cover and adding the front and back matter today on Katie's book. Everyone at AB is so proud of this fourteen-year-old who actually wrote a decent novel. Then I stop in and check Dropzone.

Another typical day in the life of the Nutcase.:S

On the subject of where Cooper may have landed: Co-pilot Bill Rataczak has maintained that the crew knew pretty much WHEN Cooper jumped. They just don't know where he landed. That would depend on when he pulled the ripcord. Immediate pull, more drift. Freefall, less drift. The location of his eventual landing zone? Your guess would be as good as mine, and probably better. Rataczak said this about it:


'Paul (Sortum, Head of Tech Ops for NWA's Training Dept) and many others did a lot of work trying to determine the exact area in general, and then tried to narrow down where the hijacker could have landed after he jumped from the airplane. They finally determined the likely spot. Well, our crew on board was 99% sure they were correct because we felt a tremendous amount of pressure bump in our ears when the aft stairs rebounded when they closed. It would be like rolling down and rolling back up the window with a vast crank on your car when you’re speeding down the highway, which is something we’ve all experienced with our ears.

We also got confirmation on the Flight Engineer’s panel indicating that the stairs had momentarily closed. I make the analogy that walking down those aft stairs during flight was like walking to the end of a diving board. The more you weigh, the more the board will bend, and when Cooper finally jumped from it, the stairs rebounded and sort of came back to neutral. Well, the stairs were open about thirty to thirty-six inches under the air-stream after Cooper opened the door—that’s just the natural point where they will fall – the gap between the bottom of the stairs and the closure point in flight. When he walked out there his weight made the steps open further the farther he went down. Then, he was certainly able to jump from the bottom step. So we pretty much know when he jumped...'

There is one giant plus to everything you post!

THERE IS NO AUDIO - so one can chose to tune in,
or turn off. I usually turn off, and scroll past
(quickly). If someone says something referring to
something you might have said I may go back later
and read some part of a prior diatribe of yours -but
I could care less how many trips to the potty you
made between 6:00am and 7:30am. You arent my
child to potty train. Thank Christ! Good luck at
preschool and feeding the spiders BYE!

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Georger: Hates what I post...and yet RE-POSTS the whole thing in its entirety. Again.

There is another of those logical-leaps you are so
famous for!

Nose burger implies > collision of worlds eminent!

God is a liar!

God was the Devil!

Blevins is God!

God posts on Dropzone!

Build statue of Blevins at Auburn WA to mark the
place where Blevins took a piss while on Earth.

Worship Blevins.

Worship Blevin's posts on the Internet.

(when all anyone wants is for you to move your fat
inane ass out of traffic so others can get through!
Its that simple. Blevins cant comprehend or allow
that. Blevins must always be CENTER STAGE

Blevins go back to Newsvine and fuck them up for
a while and give us some peace?

Take your old car and your dumb ass out of the

Dumb fucker is drunk or in a trance or something.
Call 911.

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Children, children!! Go get your rugs and unroll them on the floor. It's quiet time, now. Everyone lay down and take a nappy-poo. Bobby, you can read your book quietly to yourself. Georger, you can quietly count sheep porking Bobby in your head. Put Matty back in his crib. Then we will wake up and go back to replacing our heavenly stars. Won't that be Fun?

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Following is a position plot for an aircraft flying due south at a constant ground speed:


0 - +
--- +
5 -
--- +
10- +
--- +
--- +
--- +
--- +
--- +
--- +
--- +

Notice that the vertical spacing of the crosses is not constant. But, the distances covered in equal time periods are all the same if speed is constant. Without a solid understanding of what you see, you could erroneously conclude from this that the ground speed for the plotted positions could not be constant. But it is constant.

The latitudes are calculated from a constant speed of 191 knots starting from a latitude of .13 minutes. The plot would be similar for most starting positions and ground speeds. The plot has the "jumpy" spacing irregularities for the same reason as the flight path plot from the FBI has them.

If you don't believe the plot is for a constant ground speed, or if you want to have a better understanding of how the spacing irregularity comes about, calculate a string of positions for yourself and plot them using one minute of latitude per text line space as I did.

To make it easy for you, one knot is one minute of latitude per hour. So take your speed in knots and divide by 60 to get the minutes of latitude covered per minute of time. Calculate distance (latitude) covered in one minute, two, three, etc. Then plot the positions. But don't use a ground speed that is an exact multiple of 60 knots, for this is the one condition for which the spacing will have no irregularities. And, if you use a ground speed that is close to an exact multiple, you may have to fly quite a few minutes before the irregularity occurs.

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Children, children!! Go get you rugs and unroll them on the floor. It's quiet time, now. Everyone lay down and take a nappy-poo. Bobby, you can read you book quietly to yourself. Georger, you can quietly count sheep porking Bobby in your head. Then we will wake up and go back to replacing our heavenly stars. Won't that be Fun?

Okay...now THAT'S funny! :D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Geez, Georger.

Don't you think you're going a bit overboard?

I mean if you WANTED to have Quade ban you, why don't you just send him a message saying so? We've had our differences, but I don't wish banning on you. Maybe you should edit that post a bit before he sees it.

I'm going downstairs to barbeque some pork ribs now. Be back later.

Yes that has been part of your strategy from the
first day you showed up here fucking up this thread
for everyone -

So far you have not suceed in maneuvering anyone
into being banned, although everyone knows it is
uppermost in your mind as a strategy for getting
you way here.

"When all else fails drive people to being banned:.
thats been your ploy from your first day here.

Maybe some day someone will get banned here for
suggesting too much that others be banned?
It could happen!

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Has any computer geek yet tried to put best guess scenarios into a simulation model for Cooper's landing?

Isnt the NWA search map just such a work product?

The idea is as old as the Cooper case itself.
Actually older.

Yes. Take a look at the write-up that accompanies the colorized version (I think it is) on Sluggo's web page. That jump zone was apparently worked up the very night of the hijacking.

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Yes. Take a look at the write-up that accompanies the colorized version (I think it is) on Sluggo's web page. That jump zone was apparently worked up the very night of the hijacking.

Problem is that it is 15 miles East of the real location due to undetected shift in position by crabbing based on fake winds from the West. You have to transpose the map onto a highway map to see the obvious conundrum with tower communications from Portland.

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Has any computer geek yet tried to put best guess scenarios into a simulation model for Cooper's landing?

Isnt the NWA search map just such a work product?

The idea is as old as the Cooper case itself.
Actually older.

exactly - this is not news - this thread is very old in
fact. started long before this thread at Dropzone
even existed - you can even go back to Websleuths
and pick some of the pre-Dropzone discussion up
there, and there were smaller threads before that,
each with some talk (and interest) about
simmulations being run in the background by
different groups.

I can name three groups that ran computer sims of
the flight (just for the fun of it) as far back as 1974.
Another about 1985-6. Another back when
Websleuths was hot. There probably have been
more nobody knows about. Nothing ever came of
any of these simulations (that I ever pursued
knowing about, or was in a position to know about)
but people have been talking about playing with this
flight path for a very long time.

I would not be surprised if Sluggo probably knows of
several simulations nobody has heard about. Sluggo
has always had a personal interest in this matter.

Let me see if I can find one of the old DOS programs
run by a flight simulator team ... at a university in
the 1970s I recall, just to cap this historically. I
actually know a Boeing guy who wrote (or
colaborated with the writing of) software for the

My feeling however, is all of these small studies
were of a private nature and not done for the FBI.
Some of this work probably fed into private and
even commercial aviation - then finally with more
and more hijackings happening the FBI finally
became involved as when the Cooper case emerged.

all I am saying is simmulations of guidance and
flight simmulation has ben around for a very long
time so inevitably people ran sims of the Cooper
flight specifically, as best they could ...

I have always just assumed, Robt99, that you knew
all about such matters due your professional resume.
I have been sitting here almost waiting for you to
post about some simulation someone has done - in
your continuing work on the Coopercase?

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Yes. Take a look at the write-up that accompanies the colorized version (I think it is) on Sluggo's web page. That jump zone was apparently worked up the very night of the hijacking.

Problem is that it is 15 miles East of the real location due to undetected crabbing based on fake winds from the West. You have to transpose the map onto a highway map to see the obvious conundrum with tower communications from Portland.

Yes Knoss. The tower had a persistent problem with
Tio2 and BP94 signal absorption vectoring as a
transverse from 339er and 994er, on the azimuith
isotope of kaldrum fornax. Galium arsenide makes
a poor transponder dector at those freqs!


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Today is a very very bad day.
I will try to make this a short post. My health is taking a bad turn and I am SCARED.

With the exception of a few no one is really gaining in ground in solving this thing. Homid is one of the great exceptions along with MrShutter and Georger (on a good day):)
I will not name those who are just messing around and playing games for their own benefit. Seems like some of you have lost track of reality.

As I said TODAY is a bad day and it is not going to get better for me. I am hoping tomorrow will be better - but placing odds on that is like placing odds on someone in this thread to make advances in this case that will bring resolutions to this 40 plus case.

I am sitting so close to something very solid right now, but I can't do anything about it or tell anyone about it. Please make NO negative responses to this post...my emotion state and physical state is sitting on the edge of disastor - total collapse.

I do want to thank you guys that have knowingly and unknowingly been helpful, but right now all of the petty bickering needs to stop.
I will TRY to come in a see what is going on, but right now I just want to cry and cry and cry and want someone to hold me. I am afraid. I have to worry about what is happening to me, myself and I right now. I have no time for Cooper or some of the childish squabbling and name calling going on in the thread.

Sorry, this is all I can say. I can not type thru the tears of fear...and yet in the same moment my joy about the advances made recently regarding Duane L. Weber are real. I had hope to finish the "assignment" Weber put upon me, but now it may be in the hands of a power far beyond me or this thread.

Remember this always:

Duane Weber (John Collins) was involved is something the government doesn't want disclosed and this is why they have tried so very hard - to push other suspects. The FBI buried Duane Weber as a suspect, because of what he was involved in. This has been obvious to me from the beginning of my search, but I had NOTHING concrete to go on. NOW I do.

The FBI "excused" Duane. Note I said EXCUSED and that was Carr's wording. It was the only word the could use. He was excused as a suspect, because of his past connections and it was a matter of National Security. The media and the thread has changed those words over the yrs, but that is what he said to ME on the phone. The verbage was changed by others and in the media and postings.

If the FBI allowed Duane to remain as a suspect and someone REALLY dug into his past - it was going to cause harm to others. Everything possible was done to cover-up the Foot Prints, but the authorities missed 2 of them.
Even as I type this there are those who know the truth.

This has NOTHING to do with Knoss - absolutely nothing. It has nothing to do with the airlines - absolutely nothing. It has to do with Duane's past and those he was "actually" associated with. If the FBI knew who he was in 1971 - they had to turn away even then.

When Duane told me what he did and I realized things did not add up - the only for the FBI to get Weber to go away was to EXCUSE him - not EXCLUDE him. Understand the meaning of those words.

I wish all of you a successful hunt, but until you go where I have been you will never solve this. By the Way Georger - you have played your "part" well. You are too old to play the game and it caught up with you.

It is unbelievable the extremes those in our government have gone to hide all of this stuff. When Dirk was in the media regarding Coffelt - Black Limo's paid the casting of a movie in it's 5th or 6th day of production with badges and orders to ceased and deceased because it was a matter of National Security.

Frankly with what I know now - the FBI could have just let Weber have taken the fall and all of this would have been over with, but their insistence and what I knew did NOT add up. When feeble attempts at presenting a "Fall Guy" failed...their actions were obvious and that only DROVE me forward...to find that FOOT PRINT.

To those who tried to help hide the truths - YOU FAILED. Yes, I have suspected over the yrs that 3 of the participants in this thread in the past - were actually deterents and I still believe that.

One is still with us...and it is not KNOSS. Time to move on and let the truth be known - the truth will not hurt anyone right now other than politics. It is time for America to move forward and that can only be done by revealing the wrongs that have been done and promise this will never happen again.

Sorry - this was going to be short, so DEAL with IT. It is what it is.

It you guys want to continue to discuss this case - so be it, but remember this post. Please tell Knoss to get lost and JT is just as bad. Georger is just doing his job.

If any of you really want the truth - don't depend on this thread to provide that. The truth is in the foot prints and the photos some of you have dismissed so casually.

You guys go back and think about who the MOLES are and who was genuinely interested in solving the case. Go back and read the thread from beginning to the end. What are some of the names from the beginning to the present? Why did certain key individuals back away? Was it becausse they had managed to do exactly what they set out to do?

I am very very tired and I feel horrible - this is what you have all waited for and what you have spent 7 yrs waiting for. Most of you are genuine everyday people caught up in a never ending web. I came here looking for help and the truth. I found both...it has been a long long trip. Perhaps my time would have been spent better doing otherwise, but it got results.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I really hope things get better for you. We spar from time to time but it never gets personal or bitter. I hope you have friends or family nearby that can help you through these hard times.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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JerryThomas said: “Hope you enjoyed making a fool out of your self.”

Farflung’s response: Yes I did thank you so much for asking. I truly enjoy the more lighthearted activities which enhance the joy of living. It’s is fun to have a giggle and I do it as often as possible. How nice of you to notice!

JerryThomas continues: “Stand by I will do the same for you.”

Farflung says: That’s great JerryThomas; I hope you enjoy making a fool out of yourself too. I’m sure you will be much better as you are clearly an overachiever and will prove to be a superior fool.

JerryThomas adds: “Jerry Jr is a person that has made mistake's”

Farflung pontificates: I have made mistakes myself. I have brought home Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise, turned right when I needed to go left and passed the peas when asked to pass the carrots at dinner.

Your view of a mistake may be that when you asked Jerry Jr. to pass the carrots he instead stalked then kidnapped a girl at knifepoint, then stole her car and got her PIN to withdraw money from her bank, then drove to a remote location to commit rape, on to getting her car stuck when she escaped in total mortal fear of being knifed to death.

I guess we simply have differing definitions of what comprises a ‘mistake’.

JerryThomas continues: “My question is what did you expect to gain by you exploritation of his crimes.”

Farflung answers: Well this is the end result of your repeated demands for my personal information which I have refused on multiple occasions. I even went so far as to ask you for a quote or Post Number of my offending statement which you did not provide again. I have no idea who you are and have even less interest. You continued to press the matter and I did a Google search which produced your name with an association with the crime of identity theft and a whole bunch of other crimes. This public news source was an exemplar of just what ‘type’ of people constantly demand personal information and why it is dangerous and foolish to toss it around. Jerry Jr. was clearly willing to kill a little girl for a few hundred dollars so he could binge on narcotics for a few more days. You were well aware of this and sent him to that town for reasons unknown.

JerryThomas injects: “The chilld lived with his mother untill he was 18 years old. Then he was on his own.”

Farflung says: As is the case for most children in the US. They are legal adults at 18 and have been presumably habilitated with the skills and talents to interact kindly with society by their parent(s) in years previous.

JerryThomas asks: “Why don't you post the acomplishments of my other three kids.”

Farflung responds: Because they did not appear in the search for “Jerry Thomas identity theft”. Perhaps they are not criminals or their crimes do not include identity theft. I posted the process used and the rationale earlier and find it odd that you can’t understand the cause relationship here. You wanted private information and I did not want to give it to you for reasons which have a threshold, orders of magnitude below your published nefarious activities and those with whom you associate.

JerryThomas continues: “They all make more than you do and are very prominent members of society. And still you can not post there accompishments.”

Farflung responds: I have no idea if they make more or less money as there is no data point to compare, but apparently you have information on my income so I will take your good word for it. I will add that I have no idea why that would matter to you, but money is an idol it appears. I have no idea what your definition of prominence would be considering your other associations. I have no desire to post their accomplishments and have no desire to know about them so they can continue to be wealthy, prominent citizens who don’t engage in identity theft and don’t ask for my SSN or phone number. Is this really that hard to understand? You want private information as a display of credibility and virtue, yet you have a background that indicates anything but.

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JerryThomas demands after multiple refusals:

Last but not least farflung . Prove that you do not have anything in your background by posting your full name and ssn pluss your phone number like I have. Or Just leave DropZone. Falure to do so will prove that you have more to hide than All of us on drop Zone. Make no mistake . I do have all this info. I can post it. Still it is only fair that you post it instead of me. I posted mine willing , won't you. Its your battle not mine. Jerry

Yes this is the last thing JerryThomas. Now you want me to post my Social Security Number along with phone number and full name after I have refused at least three times.

You know what? Why don’t you do like Jerry Thomas Jr. and just take it from me? I tried to escape your constant demands for personal information and told you I was not going to hand that information out to someone who could be a full fledged psycho. It turns out you are much, much more than that.

Do just like Jerry Jr. did to that girl that did not want him to have her car, money and body and just do like he demonstrated from someone’s teachings and take what you want. You already said you have this information so I don’t understand why you keep asking for it. You win, take it by force and do with it as you please. It’s all the same in the Thomas clan.

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Not one post did I find where FarFlung made information available to the public that was detrimental to Jerry, yet Jerry kept insisting it was here - threaten to expose FarFlung

Sluggo and Jerry both really dropped the ball posting private information on the thread. I never forgot when "someone" posted the name and address and phone number for Tina's "husband".

I laughed my head off for several post while I played along pretending to believe what was being said about calling this "ex-husband of Tina's" and quoting what he supposedly said. I KNEW that was NOT Tina's husband. I knew his REAL name, but did NOT know nor was I interested in where he currently was. ]At the time of that post I had Tina's divorce records...but, you guys did NOT know this. I did entertain the idea he may have changed his name.

It was one of my HA HA moments. I had it and I wasn't talking...but, I played the game with whoever was posting at the time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I really hope things get better for you. We spar from time to time but it never gets personal or bitter. I hope you have friends or family nearby that can help you through these hard times.


I second that Jo, take it easy and get strong!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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