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DB Cooper

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McCoy goes from a full dress uniform Military guy, turns around and jumps out of a plane, then goes on a Bank spree, then becomes a Federal Marshal? WTF?

This is better than the debate about Obama's Birth Certificate B|

McCoy is actually muich stranger. Prior to his skyjacking, he was studying Law Enforcement at BYU AND had scored #1 in the Utah State Highway Patrol exam. In addition, according to Richard Tosaw, McCoy had been admitted to a VA hospital for a psych eval in October, '71, and released after a couple of days. Further, he was known for his valor in Vietnam, even flying rescue missions to save ARVN soldiers.

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First was when you added 'Janet' to the story, when she was only discovered in 2010 by Galen Cook.

And yet another wrongo-dongo-thingie for the troll,

His bad - again!

And, he never will get this one straight until the facts
are released, which they wont be so long as the troll
Blevins is hawking his wares in the Cooper case.

The public is paying a HEAVY PRICE for Blevins.

His BAD again!

Keep paying! Keep paying! Keep paying!

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McCoy goes from a full dress uniform Military guy, turns around and jumps out of a plane, then goes on a Bank spree, then becomes a Federal Marshal? WTF?

This is better than the debate about Obama's Birth Certificate B|

McCoy is actually muich stranger. Prior to his skyjacking, he was studying Law Enforcement at BYU AND had scored #1 in the Utah State Highway Patrol exam. In addition, according to Richard Tosaw, McCoy had been admitted to a VA hospital for a psych eval in October, '71, and released after a couple of days. Further, he was known for his valor in Vietnam, even flying rescue missions to save ARVN soldiers. That's all fine and dandy and I am grateful he did something worth while, but to place him in the position of a Federal Marshal is a bit of a stretch to say the least.

This is not like the movie Rambo, where they get him out of prison to go save the POW's and the world, the guy is dead, until he pops on TV! the guy is dead, plain and simple.

Lot's of people believe Booth is not in his grave, a large portion of people think JFK was killed by the Government, numbers are growing about what happened with the towers.

Now, the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012, and we have one person claiming two convicts pulled this stunt? the people making the claims above are indeed showing plausible proof of those claims, here we have nothing but words, I have a problem with that, nothing against Bob, but we have ZERO B|

Sorry, got on a roll and kept going B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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could this be possible in Washington?
In the late 1940's, a small group started development activities for smokejumper and cargo dropping in the Northern Region, headquartered in Missoula, Montana. Under this program, regular aircraft patrols were used to detect fire, and methods were developed to parachute firefighters and supplies to remote fires. These basic innovations are still in use today. In 1953--largely because of the Northern Region's success in the use of aircraft for fighting forest fires--the Missoula Aerial Equipment Development Center was established.

:|Betcha everyone ignores this post but me. This is what I have tried and tried to tell about Duane's background. Flying in and out of Missoula, The Dallas and Redmond. On our trip Duane told me about Missoula and the fire. Another time after 1988 - I think there was a huge fire in the mid West and Duane mentioned that he knew some of the guys who worked in that area (I don't remember where the fire was). He was glued to the TV during those few days - and he mentioned a couple of names, but they didn't stick in my mind.

:|On our trip in 1979 to WA he talked about "the guys" - Duane may have been using another name. He had Dusty tattooed on his arm. He had relatives by the name of Wenz or Wentz in the WA, OR and ID area. He was too familiar with airplane to ground communications, plus an old friend in Atlanta was an air traffic controller at the airport. He told me about this friend when we were dating, but I don't remember anything other than what I just said. We met August of 1977 and married in March of 1978. So the guy would have been working there while we were dating.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Am I the only one seeing there is a problem here?

You ARE NOT the only one seeing it - but, how the hell do we get the FBI to do anything about it. Our best bet is Coss at this point or someone in the Amboy area. There is a bar on the corner - go up there and see if those two old timers are still around. They might talk for a drink or two. Go talk to the locals who have lived there all of their lives.

You do realize that if that chute was on that plane - that it points right at Duane. Don't forget the airstrip not far from there and the fact that Duane knew the nephew of a woman who was connected to that airstrip. Took me to where she used to have a shop in Biggs or Rufus.

Her nephew ran a motel in the same area (Rufus or Biggs). Both individuals connected to the airstrip near Amboy!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Don't waste your time with Knoss's Milk Can Story. There was NO diary on the river - other than the one at Tena's Bar. Don't feed the Troll and that is all he his. He Trolls for Cooper and destroys every thread and site he has gone to. One site banned him - he called himself CareTakerAl on that one.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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the fact that Cooper wanted to take off with the stairs down points to someone who planned on jumping as soon as 305 gained enough altitude, not cruise another eighty or so miles with the door open. I think his DZ was more or less forced upon him by circumstances.

Circumstances of what - a bowel movement?

Explain your "I know it when I see jello" theoy!

Or dont bother to answer. You (and we with you) have been down this same road 10,000 times.

There are no facts to support your theory. You dont
label it a theory because it isnt a theory and you
only hope people wont catch on. What this comes
down to is an empty vessel and what you would
think and do - maybe".

That in a nutshell is why Blast is a piece of crap,
and everything you say is nonsense. Its all based
on "I will know it when I see it maybe" and "they did
what I would do maybe".

That is your factual record, Blevinaide. Its all hot air
based on an opportunity to type repetitive
restatements of the same ole crap ovr and over.
Maybe syaing it over and over makes it real? Or
makes you real?

Play it again Sam. Or give us something NEW ?

Liek admitting you dont even know what a theory is!

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Skyjack71: I did read your two posts. On the first one, the Missoula thing, you still have nothing that puts Duane into that program. Those guys have records on all their jumpers, I'm sure.

Amboy parachute: Does not necessarily point to Duane. You are assuming the hijacker knew where he was when he jumped. I've said previously that MAYBE he watched for the lights on Merwin Dam, to make sure he was past that point, but there's no certainty he did. And that's only a theory.

:)Radio Operators, constuction of jumping towers and living quarters and training facilities.. The forestry was involved in the process and they may have used young men in what would have been the forerunner of our work release programs (perhaps why the FBI stated that Duane only passed thru McNeil). Remember they did NOT even admit he was at McNeil until I produced the papers.

Remember that is WHY I went public - the FBI lied to me.

I speculated yrs and yrs ago in 1997 that perhaps the Large Dam East of Lake Merwin may have been used as a land marker, only because Duane told me about it - just as he told me about the power lines and how they intersected and where they intersected and when they ran parallel. How the hell does a man know all of this if he had never lived and worked in WA.

Also REMEMBER that Duane pointed out every airstrip we passed and some that I could not see, but later learned they were there. One I never found because it was long gone before 1971.

Sorry Blevins a lot of the things others are claiming now are possible defects in the investigation is just solidifying everything I have told for 17 yrs.

WHY would Duane know all these things and Why did he tell them to me? GIVE me a logical explanation of when and how and why - Duane would have all of this information. Remember the trip was in 1979 and he did NOT confess to being Cooper until 1995. 11 days before he died. Sure wish to HELL I had known in 1995 who "Dan Cooper" was, but I didn't.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Don't waste your time with Knoss's Milk Can Story. There was NO diary on the river - other than the one at Tena's Bar. Don't feed the Troll and that is all he his. He Trolls for Cooper and destroys every thread and site he has gone to. One site banned him - he called himself CareTakerAl on that one.

caretakeral was on here too B|


"Do ya really think so? Ya think that CaretakerAL (a screen name used elsewhere by Knoss) says the same things as ole “Crazy Bob”? "
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"First was when you added 'Janet' to the story, when she was only discovered in 2010 by Galen Cook."

Ahha! My dear Watson! You fail to grasp the facts of the matter again! McCoy told me the story of Janet way back in the day. Cook just verified and confirmed what Mac reported. Truth ALWAYS wins out over deception.

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Don't waste your time with Knoss's Milk Can Story. There was NO diary on the river - other than the one at Tena's Bar. Don't feed the Troll and that is all he his. He Trolls for Cooper and destroys every thread and site he has gone to. One site banned him - he called himself CareTakerAl on that one.

caretakeral was on here too B|


And my information is always basically the same, isn't it? Truth is truth, it doesn't change, only one's understanding of what the truth might be. Falsehoods on the other hand, have to change as the truth is uncovered and the falsehoods are exposed. Pluto ain't a planet no more, is it. We learned something new and the story is different. We have new planets now. Duane Weber was Dan Cooper and he told me so, face to face, in 1968. It was the name he was using. THAT will never change. I have a witness who was standing right next to me asking the questions. You all know him. He ain't talkin.

I have recently spoken to a man I 95% believe to be my friend McCoy. That changed my position of his body temperature. May be right, may be wrong. You go with your gut feel sometimes. Jo does it all the time.

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"First was when you added 'Janet' to the story, when she was only discovered in 2010 by Galen Cook."

Ahha! My dear Watson! You fail to grasp the facts of the matter again! McCoy told me the story of Janet way back in the day. Cook just verified and confirmed what Mac reported. Truth ALWAYS wins out over deception.

Yes but like Charlie Sheen, you are not "winning" B|

"95% believe to be my friend McCoy" ?? Ok, since you don't know who your friends really are, what percentage is your story now? B|

Also, was it not confirmed that "Janet" was in the flight path of the FBI's path and not your 15 mile correction? see a problem here?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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" One site banned him - he called himself CareTakerAl on that one."

If you banned me, it must have been after I left, because I was not aware of it. They closed the forum because of your fights. I was never banned. You are telling stories to fit your needs again. Damn, you're ruthless.

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"First was when you added 'Janet' to the story, when she was only discovered in 2010 by Galen Cook."

Ahha! My dear Watson! You fail to grasp the facts of the matter again! McCoy told me the story of Janet way back in the day. Cook just verified and confirmed what Mac reported. Truth ALWAYS wins out over deception.

Yes but like Charlie Sheen, you are not "winning" B|

"95% believe to be my friend McCoy" ?? Ok, since you don't know who your friends really are, what percentage is your story now? B|

Gobelty-Gook, mrshutter. You drinking? You missed the quote. "I...believe..." Need to go back to school. Thought we were doing so well. Charlie won, in my book. It's not my story. It is the truth. I try to tell the truth, but I don't know everything. I can only tell what I know first hand, or what Mac, "Dan" or the other guy told me. Doesn't sound like much, but I believe it 100%. Accuracy? I'll wait and see. Nobody is perfect, but some try.

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" One site banned him - he called himself CareTakerAl on that one."

If you banned me, it must have been after I left, because I was not aware of it. They closed the forum because of your fights. I was never banned. You are telling stories to fit your needs again. Damn, you're ruthless.

That is a quote from Jo, not me!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"First was when you added 'Janet' to the story, when she was only discovered in 2010 by Galen Cook."

Ahha! My dear Watson! You fail to grasp the facts of the matter again! McCoy told me the story of Janet way back in the day. Cook just verified and confirmed what Mac reported. Truth ALWAYS wins out over deception.

Yes but like Charlie Sheen, you are not "winning" B|

"95% believe to be my friend McCoy" ?? Ok, since you don't know who your friends really are, what percentage is your story now? B|

Gobelty-Gook, mrshutter. You drinking? You missed the quote. "I...believe..." Need to go back to school. Thought we were doing so well. Charlie won, in my book. It's not my story. It is the truth. I try to tell the truth, but I don't know everything. I can only tell what I know first hand, or what Mac, "Dan" or the other guy told me. Doesn't sound like much, but I believe it 100%. Accuracy? I'll wait and see. Nobody is perfect, but some try.

I have recently spoken to a man I 95% believe to be my friend McCoy, I believe, 95%??? anyway you cook it, it's not done!

perhaps you missed Jay Leno when Charlie admitted he was "loosing"


I like Charlie too, but that was a big mistake B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"The dairy farms I am referring to were NOT on the Columbia. Period. The owners of Tena's Bar had dairy cattle, but not the supposed dairy farms I have referred to."

Does not have to be a dairy farm to have milk cows. Most family farms had a little of everything. Vegetable garden, pigs, chickens, milk cows, etc. I grew up with my grandparents farms and took milk in cans to the creamery often. It was not called a dairy farm, but might qualify as the type farm Duane buried the milk can on. I have no idea WHAT river it was on, only that there was a tree on the farm, by a river that Duane buried the can beneath. Because McCoy said so. And I believe Mac 100%.

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"The dairy farms I am referring to were NOT on the Columbia. Period. The owners of Tena's Bar had dairy cattle, but not the supposed dairy farms I have referred to."

Does not have to be a dairy farm to have milk cows. Most family farms had a little of everything. Vegetable garden, pigs, chickens, milk cows, etc. I grew up with my grandparents farms and took milk in cans to the creamery often. It was not called a dairy farm, but might qualify as the type farm Duane buried the milk can on. I have no idea WHAT river it was on, only that there was a tree on the farm, by a river that Duane buried the can beneath. Because McCoy said so. And I believe Mac 100%.

Dairy farming is a class of agricultural, or an animal husbandry, enterprise, for long-term production of milk, usually from dairy cows but also from goats and sheep, which may be either processed on-site or transported to a dairy factory for processing and eventual retail sale.

Huge difference between the farms!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I have no idea WHAT river it was on, only that there was a tree on the farm, by a river . . .

Well, that sure narrows it down.

Next we will hear this B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"Well, that sure narrows it down."

Well, it is not another epic post of BS like that recent one. I am not responsible for the sugarplums that may dance in your heads from mixing alcohol and Cooperdom. It is a meeting of The Liar's Club here, and I walked into this bar a Pepsi drinker, looking for the washroom. I didn't wish to be the guest speaker, or to draw you a map to the loot. My boots don't fit, my feet hurt, and there is no TP in the can. I can't bum you a cigarette, I don't smoke. What I can tell you is I am not a member of this club, I just wanted to use the facility to unload.

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