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DB Cooper

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You had no connection to Pasternak - ZERO!

I told him not to discuss anything with you. He is an honest and trustworthy man. He did extensive research on MKUltra and THAt was my discussion with him. You were left out of ALL communications. He promised. Bite me.

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Remember the one with YOU standing in YOUR kitchen....did you forget about that picture?

Yah, this one from Facebook for Richard McCoy. My pictures are under my name in Facebook. We look nothing alike. You have a mental problem you need to realize. Too strong a drug regiment, probably. Shit happens when you have to take that stuff. My dad sat here and carried on conversations with my late mother for hours.

The person Jo thinks is McCoy is Henry Seleck. He has had nose and ear surgery. Mac referenced these pics to show the comparison before and after surgery. The guy in the kitchen is a guy off Facebook that I thought looked like Mac. Jo thought he was Georger or somebody. She is all jumbled up on everything these days. Sorry.

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You don't even remember Maggie! (Margie) The blonde FBI secretary type from Cleveland that took care of Duane. You know, the one that wanted to get paid???? You are losing it.

The woman you are referring to DID NOT exist. There was a MJ who gave her name as several names over the yrs and who did in 1971 have dyed Blonde hair.
You claimed Weber did his training in 1967- 1968 - while Duane Weber was in prison as John Collins You claimed McCoy got him out - BULL! The woman claimed she only knew Duane as John Collins until he was released from the prison.

The only way you are going to leave this thread is if I leave - not even sure that would work. Even when I stay silent you keep right on going with your tales.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He posted the pic on his own. Then he turns around and posts his own picture.

If the pic of MAC does NOT match McCoy with photo recognition he will claim Mac had plastic surgery

Blue Bird never was part of Knosses "NOTES" or memories until I mentions a Blue Bird Organization and involvement of another person connected to the Cooper Saga ( NOTHING sinister about a charitable organization). I tried and tried to explain to Knoss at that time this organization had nothing to do with Cooper or the Skyjacking. Even then I could NOT shut him up - later in postings he made he is going on and on again about Blue Bird. Sudden Blue Bird had become part of one of his Secret Government Programs.

[:/][:/][:/][:/][:/]So very very sad.

I questioned him about Blue Bird and he comes back with a post about his discussions of MKUltra.
Pasternak told me about the discussion regarding MKUltra and dismissed it.

So I have ZERO connections? Huh, What did you just say?

See how you change subjects - I asked you about Blue Bird and suddenly you are on MKUltra.
You think that by changing things you can make them go away - it does NOT work like that. You did NOT discuss Blue Bird with Doug! That is a given!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If the pic of MAC does NOT match McCoy with photo recognition he will claim Mac had plastic surgery!

As a matter of fact........ HE DID!!! Had HIS ears flattened, too! Gotcha!!

YOU do not have pictures of McCoy!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I'll bet you give his full name since it's not connected too ya! (the doctor)

On another note Zippy! why do you keep posting a picture of Henry Selick?


sources tell me you use to plaster this picture all over FB Cooper pages until you were caught B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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At the time of the hijacking, she was cracking jokes and smoking cigarettes with the guy, at least part of the time - according to GG.


and what would you do? Thjey had been ordered to
cooperate. Ordered! That seemed the best overall
strategy. You are hostage with no escape route and
facing a guy with a bomb ... a little like dealing with
some of the people in this forum!

I would probably do the same as Tina, and hopefully be as skilled doing it. I applaud her decision and marvel at her skill. I agree with Rataczak that Tina's ability to keep Cooper cool, calm and collected was the key piece of their surviving the ordeal.

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[replyGeoff Gray was allowed access to the FBI's actual witness testimony reports from the Seattle files.

You keep bragging about this. :S
What good did it do you ?

Knoss is no real threat to anyone. What do you gain
by attacking him? What vital truth, as you see it, is
at stake with Knoss? The right to chew bubble gum?

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"not the first to check out Christiansen, anyway. That would be Geoff Gray."

Geoff got legs when he smelled a KC rat and left you guys in the muck to sink by yourselves!!! Don't rely on the messenger, go directly to the source. He considers you the biggest mistake of his life and now has you guys to live down. You can't tell two sentences of truth in a row, and it's getting worse. I don't know this, it was just told to me first hand. Of course I could have heard it wrong, I could have it backwards. It could be that Gray didn't want to expose KC out of respect for his personal rights. Yah, that's it! Respect! Yah.

The Judge in McCoy's case authorized a stand-in for McCoy to protect McCoy's identity. You will find the order in McCoy's transcript. Larry Carr confirmed this to me. "There is no law against doing that." McCoy advised me on the phone that he would put pictures for me on Google where I could find them, and I just posted them. Henry Seleck was hired as a stand-in for McCoy and all the pictures of the days back then were Henry, NOT McCoy. Payment for his services was in the form of plastic surgery which is more than evident to anyone with half a brain. Look at the pictures. That's Henry today, still working. McCoy pictures courtesy Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr. Ask Henry, he might even 'fess up with these pictures exposed.
Nothing lost at this point in time.

Bite me Blevins. Truth talks, BS walks. "These boots were made for walkin'.... and that's just what they'll do.... these boots are gunna... walk all over you!" (Tina & Frank Sinatra) Really rotten song, but I got it stuck in my craw, now. Frank just helped get it done.

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"Do you believe his story? Since you brought it up, you may as well go on the record about it. Nobody's really attacking Knoss, the problem is that he has a history of trashing articles, forums, and other online venues that have anything to do with Cooper."

Blevins, you have ONCE to consider or discuss ANYTHING i have posted from the very beginning. You immediately attacked and continue to mount unequalled attempt to belittle, dishonor, discredit with false statements, and even unprecidented attempts to have me banned. I have NEVER been banned from a forum. I have been outspoken and active, and was once given a 30 day vacation from this page.

The ONLY reason is your involvement with a "club" of sorts, known as "The Cooper Crew" who act on the welfare of the co-pilot and Project Norjak to deflect release of any truth about Flight 305. Initially the object was to muffle Jo Weber, but that was easy. I am a horse of a different color because I actually KNOW what Jo is guess at. Bigger stakes, bigger performance. Ask Jerry Thomas. TheHeadOffice.com. That's what we called the can in my day. Bathroom jokes on some weirdo page by Blevins, practical jokes with the phones, newspaper trashings, yah, Gray has it pegged. As Jim said, "the guy who writes for Grapevine would be the guy............" NAILED, SUCKER!!

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"See how you change subjects - I asked you about Blue Bird and suddenly you are on MKUltra."

Jo, the terms are interchangeable. If you even read the first sentence about mind control in the FBI/CIA you would not be so silly sounding. It is why you have everything so jumbled up and confused. You can't associate or disseminate or departmentalize information AT ALL. You have all the words, but they appear to you like confetti in a big fishbowl. You can't rely on your memory anymore. It is SHOT! I know that you know better. Read some of your earlier notes, maybe you did a better job of recording what was actually given to you. Start before 1999, since none what you quoted of mine from 2000 is correct. Sad.

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There have been a number of Tommy Gunn porn stars. The other star in Domination Nation is a mutual friend of Mac and mine. His name (real) is Mike Barton. He and his wife are the main subject of the film. Mike was also known as half of the "Smokin' Gunns" a World Champion tag team wrestling duo, that Tommy Gunn was involved with. Billy and Bart Gunn. Mac took Mike to Japan where his career started over. Mike boxed "Butter Bean" and lost in the first punch.

Richard McCoy, Jr., is featured in a portion of the film as Tommy Gunn, film star. He is in the picture I posted here. The rest of the film was another look-alike actor posing as Mac.

Yes, and no. Mac claimed to be a movie star as he was in many pictures, most all as an extra, background. He was bodyguard for a number of stars including Burt Reynolds, Stallone, Peppard, and his best friend is Mr. T. Just passing on what McCoy was passing to me. Not my claim, it is his. Ask him.

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March, 1999 in Maui, Hi. Right after my mother died.
I met a wonderful Doctor (whose name I don't remember) who prescribed a wonderful combination of Vallium and Vicodin, commonly referred to as a "cocktail". I contribute my recall to that regiment of drugs. Expensive duo on the street. I had a 30° fracture of L4 in the inside. Not operable. Looked like a chisel in the X-ray.

I suggest you call a top expert in the field of hypnosis and inquire as to the validity of recall from medication. An MKUltra expert in California advised me on it. I expect you will find the same answers I got. That will do it! If you recall, Duane had a recall in the hospital under medication as well...... Same scenerio. But Jo will disagree. She will change her story again, because I upstaged her again. Big monochrome puzzle that lights up when all the pieces are in their proper places.

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Give it up Knoss! Sorry, but your post crawl deeper and deeper into a delusional world. You hear a word and you make that word part of your story or you create a completely fabricated story built around a phrase.
Nothing spells this out to you You are beyond help. I have tired to be kind, but NOT anymore. You have trashed this thread just like you trashed every Cooper site that allowed you to post.


OK, Jo. You just blew my monitor. I clicked on your post and it literally blew up! I'm sending you an invoice for a new monitor for $200 including tax. I can dispose of the one you wrecked, no charge. There is absolutely no call for this kind of tretchery. It is totally beneath you and you should be ashamed. I only enlighten the readers, I throw no trash, but I sure get tossed a lot. I should report you to Quade, but he has his hands full investigating that sidewinder Blevins.(:K) Enough already! Damned children, anyway.

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You had better hope Mr Selick never sees your
posts, or worse, Disney lawyers see them. They
would be all over you like a cheap suit. You own a
home? Gone. Either that, or they will demand a
public retraction. I've seen them in action before.
Two of them flew up to Seattle once and forced a
daycare to remove tempura-painted Disney
characters from the front windows. They are ruthless.
I may help them along and drop a few of your posts
regarding Selick on their legal department.


'Bite me Blevins. Truth talks, BS walks...'

If that is true, I would say you go through pairs of
shoes at an amazing rate. :)

Do a double-wacko-thingie, and send along the
McCoy poster signed by J Edgar Hoover you postied
last night. (that alone was probably a terminal
mistake you could not resist.)

Make it a triple-wacko-thingie and send along your
book "Into the Blast - the TRUE Story of D.B. Cooper"

Why limit yourself! Jump into a shopping box
with a sandwich and ship yourself! "Lost for 30 Days
in Obsessive Wackoism", by RobertMBlevins. That
could generate a new self-help business for you,
(and that other one) ie. more cleanup work!

If your going to be a wacko, Robert, be the very
best Wacko in Amerika! Otherwise, people will soon
get the idea you are nothing more than a "mean not
too bright son-of-a-bitch" who has a serious
hormonal-metabolic issue and preys on the weak
and vulnerable, and nothing more!

Truth has ceased to be an excuse for you.

You are NOT the Truth Condo Nightwatchman!

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"Specifically, WHAT non-truths? Give one example."

HOW MANY PAGES IN 'BLAST'?" Must be half a dozen per page. And the work before that, with Poisonious and whoever, and Gray, was it?? OUCH!!!

Selick's age. You just say what you read. He is 10 yrs older than reported in that release.

LOOK at the pictures. You have to be blind.

"Walls" by Robert Frost.

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"Specifically, WHAT non-truths? Give one example."

HOW MANY PAGES IN 'BLAST'?" Must be half a dozen per page. And the work before that, with Poisonious and whoever, and Gray, was it?? OUCH!!!

Seleck's age. You just say what you read. He is 10 yrs older than reported in that release.

LOOK at the pictures. You have to be blind.

"Walls" by Robert Frost.

We understand and have compassion, Knoss.

Give our regards to Santa Claus and get some rest.

Put another way, you "provocations" are ineffective
here. Best find another orchard to pick.

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"Best find another orchard to pick."

The fruit flies have ruined this crop and they will rot by themselves anyway. I just put a little sunshine out and water the ground in hopes the planted seeds will grow into tall and healthy trees. There has certainly been enough manure laid here to last a lifetime. Nobody willing to hoe in such a deep pile, however. I'll just stick around and keep the crows off.

And Santa Claus passed a message which I cannot repeat here. BAAAAD Santa!

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" I have heard quite enough from Mr Knoss. First, he slams on Bill Rataczak, now it's Selick."

No slam. Just telling the truth. Tell Selick that Mac said it was OK to tell the truth now. See what he says. A relative of mine met with Henry recently. Different subject.

Enough? You haven't gotten past the tip of the iceberg, yet. Just the threat of a little truth leaking out.

Gees, you could write a REAL book!

"Truth is not an excuse. It is a concept."

That's why you don't practice it. Truth is a way of life, not a theory. Truth is treason in the empire of lies. I tell the truth and it is considered treason by Blevins and the Crew.

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; Not going all the way, and not starting......Buddha

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