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DB Cooper

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Bob, today's world along with the Government is not what it use to be like back in the 70's (strong fearless) today people are "sensitive" about everything, bringing this story out in my opinion would cause little or no harm to those you say you are trying to protect.

This Country was once known as "the sleeping Giant" but has crumbled into a lost sole of a Country by the hands of those worried about being mean to others and striving on Political correctness etc. etc. my Father was proud to be a part of the Cuban Missile crisis when Russia thought it would be nice to park a few nukes 90 miles from the U.S.

Today people would probably say, "they have the right to do what ever they want" enough about my Political views, I just don't really see the reason you feel so strongly to post your "truth" on here and nowhere else? regardless of not wanting any money or book deals?

I think it's time to push the button on the red wooden dowel and let the pins fall as they feel fit to land. B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"(Crabbing, by the way, does not change a flight path, it keeps you on it and it is adjusting for potential drift . AVN 101)"

Yes, it does when you crab into winds you claim are eastbound when in fact they are westbound. This is why I don't care to waste the forum's time with you. You don't have what it takes to follow along. Robert99 and MrShutter have a brain on their shoulders which they use effectively. 377 has blinders on, and Jo has an ego caught between her eyes. YOU have a CREW thing enveloping you and can't be objective. Understand?

That is not caused by crabbing then.

Stick to a reasonable discussion, one with mutual respect and we can go point by point.

I am a member of no fictional "crew". I am however very experienced in Parachuting and AVN. I have even been trained in some law enforcement and investigative techniques, not a internet course, but real hands on, in class and on scene work.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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"You obviously have mental and emotional problems."

Only in your mind, Sir. I check out just fine other than shoes that are a little too narrow for my wide spreading feet. You need to study the winds and headings of 305 and the trailing airliner in a little more depth. Since my information came from the cockpit of 305, I can assure you that I am not trying to lead you down a golden KC path. The crab is a fact and you can do the math to expose it. Unless your job is to cover it up.....

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are you talking about O'hara? how did you come about knowing him, he can be contacted, I know where he lives.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"(Crabbing, by the way, does not change a flight path, it keeps you on it and it is adjusting for potential drift . AVN 101)"

Yes, it does when you crab into winds you claim are eastbound (meaning traveling to the east) when in fact they are westbound (meaning traveling to the west). This is why I don't care to waste the forum's time with you. You don't have what it takes to follow along. Robert99 and MrShutter have a brain on their shoulders which they use effectively. 377 has blinders on, and Jo has an ego caught between her eyes. YOU have a CREW thing enveloping you and can't be objective. Understand?

If you meant "Westerly" or "Easterly" then your google search for terms, and understanding them, might be correct.

So Crabbing, altering the flight path has been proven false. Mainly, it doesn't pass the science.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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are you talking about O'Hara? how did you come about knowing him, he can be contacted, I know where he lives.

You might assume that. He will deny everything, obviously, as he won't even take my calls anymore. He just says to "Call the FBI, I don't work for them anymore." It is my opinion he knows EVERYTHING and it goes deep. You will not get squat. Please try.

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So Crabbing, altering the flight path has been proven false.


Jesus, Matt! If a pilot pretends he is flying into a wind which is not really there, and plots a compensating course, he is CRABBING into a fake wind. The result is a flight path alteration from his plot to a real location. GET IT??? If in fact, there is a countering wind that is real, and blowing him in the direction he is actually flying, then his true speed and direction are altered, RIGHT???? THAT is what was done to put the plane on a course different that what was recorded. If you could check radar recordings it would be there. IF you could find radar recordings. GET IT?????? Crabbing. FAKE crabbing. Pretend crabbing.

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"You obviously have mental and emotional problems."

Only in your mind, Sir. I check out just fine other than shoes that are a little too narrow for my wide spreading feet. You need to study the winds and headings of 305 and the trailing airliner in a little more depth. Since my information came from the cockpit of 305, I can assure you that I am not trying to lead you down a golden KC path. The crab is a fact and you can do the math to expose it. Unless your job is to cover it up.....

Knoss, your reply supports my conclusions about your mental and emotional health.

I have done an indepth analysis of the flight path and dynamics of NWA 305. It convinces me that you are still nuts.

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" It is my opinion he knows EVERYTHING and it goes deep.

seems to me if you were both involved in this, that part of the sentence should be worded differently?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"You obviously have mental and emotional problems."

Only in your mind, Sir. I check out just fine other than shoes that are a little too narrow for my wide spreading feet. You need to study the winds and headings of 305 and the trailing airliner in a little more depth. Since my information came from the cockpit of 305, I can assure you that I am not trying to lead you down a golden KC path. The crab is a fact and you can do the math to expose it. Unless your job is to cover it up.....

Knoss, your reply supports my conclusions about your mental and emotional health.

I have done an indepth analysis of the flight path and dynamics of NWA 305. It convinces me that you are still nuts.

Then, Sir, you are inept. It happened as I state, right from the man's mouth.

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A guy is driving around the Washougal woods and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: 'Talking Dog For Sale He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard.

The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there.

"You talk?" he asks.

"Yes I do," the Lab replies.

After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says "So, what's your story?"

The Lab looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. The CIA found out and told me I had two choices: I could play ball with them or get sent to Viet Nam to work with the Tunnel Rats. I chose the former.

In no time at all they had me hanging out with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was also the record keeper for a number of covert and illegal domestic ops.

But the work and the pressure really tired me out. I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down. I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired."

The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog.

"Ten dollars," the guy says.

"Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?"

"He told you those CIA stories?"

'Yes he did, what an amazing life that dog has lived"

"I'm selling him because he's a bullshitter. He's never been out of the yard."

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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" It is my opinion he knows EVERYTHING and it goes deep.

seems to me if you were both involved in this, that part of the sentence should be worded differently?

It is a legal statement. I can have an opinion, I can not claim a fact that challenges his character. It has to be worded that way. Ask 377.

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So Crabbing, altering the flight path has been proven false.


Jesus, Matt! If a pilot pretends he is flying into a wind which is not really there, and plots a compensating course, he is CRABBING into a fake wind. The result is a flight path alteration from his plot to a real location. GET IT??? If in fact, there is a countering wind that is real, and blowing him in the direction he is actually flying, then his true speed and direction are altered, RIGHT???? THAT is what was done to put the plane on a course different that what was recorded. If you could check radar recordings it would be there. IF you could find radar recordings. GET IT?????? Crabbing. FAKE crabbing. Pretend crabbing.

If the nose of the plane is pointed "down wind" and the plane is now flying with a rear quartering or tail wind, it is closer to "running".

Your Crabbing term does not fit the actions of the plane and its flight path, nor reality of AVN.

But, for reasonable discussion purposes only, if the pilot did run with the wind, it would increase his airspeed, as well as ground speed. How would it at several tons be affected more than the light weight placard?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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"The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there."

Ya know what? That is actually right on the money!! Good shot, 377! I don't know if BS is the right analogy though.

Finally, truth.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Your Crabbing term does not fit the actions of the plane and its flight path, nor reality of AVN.

Right. It is Faking a recorded path and flying an altered path.

But, for reasonable discussion purposes only, if the pilot did run with the wind, it would increase his airspeed, as well as ground speed. How would it at several tons be affected more than the light weight placard?

Assuming facts not in evidence. The plane is going to actually be further west than the navigator records. Actually 35 miles west of the FBI search area. Per Cook and TOG. This is the story told to an SA at a party by TOG and ignored. Ignor the placard, too. That was a later incident, no one saw it drop, only claimed the found location. No proof. Familiar? A PLANT!


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Your Crabbing term does not fit the actions of the plane and its flight path, nor reality of AVN.

Right. It is Faking a recorded path and flying an altered path.

But, for reasonable discussion purposes only, if the pilot did run with the wind, it would increase his airspeed, as well as ground speed. How would it at several tons be affected more than the light weight placard?

Assuming facts not in evidenceit is your "fact". The plane is going to actually be further west than the navigator records. Actually 35 miles west of the FBI search area. Per Cook and TOG. Ignor the placard. That was a later incident, no one saw it drop, only claimed the found location. No proof. Familiar?


Actually the placard is a physical piece of evidence, it can't be ignored. Now add it to the actual tracks showing the actual flight path and your offset path is not possible. These items are in evidence, nothing else is on this part of the subject.

Kind of like a person seeing some one on a ramp of a half lowered stair well, at near 2.5 miles away, in the dark, with weather in the area.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Your Crabbing term does not fit the actions of the plane and its flight path, nor reality of AVN.

Right. It is Faking a recorded path and flying an altered path.

But, for reasonable discussion purposes only, if the pilot did run with the wind, it would increase his airspeed, as well as ground speed. How would it at several tons be affected more than the light weight placard?

Assuming facts not in evidence. The plane is going to actually be further west than the navigator records. Actually 35 miles west of the FBI search area. Per Cook and TOG. Ignor the placard. That was a later incident, no one saw it drop, only claimed the found location. No proof. Familiar?


and yet you call a woman that will not come forward completely with her story of seeing a man on the stairs of a plane at 10,000 feet at night in a storm, that does say flares came off the plane and you claim a helicopter shot them? Proof? OOOOkkkk

didn't see Matt's post until after mine, let the record also show 2.5 miles away!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Nobody has more experience watching people on the exterior of aircraft than skydivers. When we are on the ground and hear a plane on jump run we usually look up.

Janet's story about seeing a person on the 727 stairs is simply not credible. Just a reminder.

As I recall Georger backed this up with some Rayleigh's criteria and aperture analysis.

I just know from experience what you can and can't resolve visually. I've watched a few hundred 14,000 ft jet exits from the ground and thousands of exits from prop aircraft at altitudes ranging from 2800 ft to 24,000 feet.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Nobody has more experience watching people on the exterior of aircraft than skydivers. When we are on the ground and hear a plane on jump run we usually look up.

Janet's story about seeing a person on the 727 stairs is simply not credible. Just a reminder.

I acknowledged that, 377.

As I recall Georger backed this up with some Rayleigh's criteria and aperture analysis.

I just know from experience what you can and can't resolve visually. I've watched a few hundred 14,000 ft jet exits from the ground and thousands of exits from prop aircraft at altitudes ranging from 2800 ft to 24,000 feet.


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and yet you call a woman that will not come forward completely with her story of seeing a man on the stairs of a plane at 10,000 feet at night in a storm, that does say flares came off the plane and you claim a helicopter shot them? Proof? OOOOkkkk

YUP! Read Ralph, guys. PLUS Mac told me the same thing on the phone. Good enough???? Good!

didn't see Matt's post until after mine, let the record also show 2.5 miles away!

At 45°, distance is not 2.5 miles for 10,000 ft, Einstein. That's LINE of SIGHT! It's less than 2 miles distance and less than 2 miles elevation. It is impossible to discuss anything with Matt because he can't understand it. He has his crew duties that get in the way all the time. If you can't win with facts, then bury 'em in BS. I get the facts on the table and the subject changes to a dead topic with the same old line. Sorry, Matt. You are out of chances. You burned your bridge. See ya.

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