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Knoss, so you were inducted on a Saturday morning in 1968? In case you haven't heard, it is highly unlikely that anyone in 1968 was inducted on any day except Monday through Friday. The draft board and most of the federal government works on a five day week.
Your ignorance of how draft boards work matches your ignorance of everything else you have been claiming on this thread.
Don't argue about facts, look them up. You sound like Matties little sister, making like a motorboat with the pablem. Wait for the facts rather than spit all over the floor. Act like a grown up.. Choke it down.
The facts debunk you.
Please start acting like a mature adult and lay off the PA's. Your starting to lend credence to the mentally disturbed banter that is being pointed toward you in this thread.
Your knowledge of AVN terms is lacking, as well as your skills in their use.
So, start being safe, first!!!
BobKnoss 0
That's the deception.
Also, I hate to be the one that has to tell you this, but the airliner navigation was being done by the people flying the aircraft. The airliner did not have a separate navigator.
There was an FBI navigator tracking the flight, right or wrong?
One thing can be said with absolute certainty, you don't have a mind block. You obviously have mental and emotional problems, but you can fabricate impossible scenarios in a flash.
All previously written down and work out in detail, amaturish as it may be, it is based on real reports from the two people who carried it off. And I do not refer to Duane Weber. He was a pawn.
Persons of Interest attached. Bedtime.
BobKnoss 0
I believe you, totally. I'm just sayin'. Look here.
Amazon 7
The facts debunk you.
Please start acting like a mature adult and lay off the PA's. Your starting to lend credence to the mentally disturbed banter that is being pointed toward you in this thread.
Your knowledge of AVN terms is lacking, as well as your skills in their use.
I am sure SOMEONE is trying to use this little gem I found on WikiMapia as "proof" but just because some MORON stuffed some idiocy onto a website.... it just does not make it so.
Getting the airplane from where the placard was found.. over to where this little box on the map is.... is ludicrous at best.. but I think SOMEONE found it on the map so it must be so. Too bad the facts just add up to so much monkey poop.
BobKnoss 0
I stand, and applaud!
Yah, and you sit to pee. (:#)
Amazon 7
Funny how living in an area for over 30 years will really do a good job of getting to know what is actually there.... out here in the real world.
I believe you, totally. I'm just sayin'. Look here.
Uh huh...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.. What you see today in pictures you dig up on the internet, is not what was there 40 years ago.. and trust me... there is a better chance of hitting a lottery than seeing or landing in that "LZ" in the dark on a cloudy night.
The problem with having about 30+ ACTUAL night jumps under rounds and square canopies... both static line and freefall tends to give me a very keen monkeyshit detector. Sorry to add some reality into SOMEONES fantasy world where all things seem to be possible because they heard so from some idiot.
BobKnoss 0
The facts debunk you.
Please start acting like a mature adult and lay off the PA's. Your starting to lend credence to the mentally disturbed banter that is being pointed toward you in this thread.
Your knowledge of AVN terms is lacking, as well as your skills in their use.
I am sure SOMEONE is trying to use this little gem I found on WikiMapia as "proof" but just because some MORON stuffed some idiocy onto a website.... it just does not make it so.
Getting the airplane from where the placard was found.. over to where this little box on the map is.... is ludicrous at best.. but I think SOMEONE found it on the map so it must be so. Too bad the facts just add up to so much monkey poop.
I respect your right to a personal opinion. I request your consideration of a presentation of facts which lead to a different conclusion. A closed mind is a dead end, an open mind is a vessel of learning. Monkey poop is only the tip of the mountain. Lots of contributions to this pile, including yours. I'll take the word of TOG and Mac any day of the week over pure speculation based on jumping experience. You had to be there to warrant credibility. TOG was. Mac was. Duane was. I never left the backyard.
Amazon 7
The facts debunk you.
Please start acting like a mature adult and lay off the PA's. Your starting to lend credence to the mentally disturbed banter that is being pointed toward you in this thread.
Your knowledge of AVN terms is lacking, as well as your skills in their use.
I am sure SOMEONE is trying to use this little gem I found on WikiMapia as "proof" but just because some MORON stuffed some idiocy onto a website.... it just does not make it so.
Getting the airplane from where the placard was found.. over to where this little box on the map is.... is ludicrous at best.. but I think SOMEONE found it on the map so it must be so. Too bad the facts just add up to so much monkey poop.
I respect your right to a personal opinion. I request your consideration of a presentation of facts which lead to a different conclusion. A closed mind is a dead end, an open mind is a vessel of learning. Monkey poop is only the tip of the mountain. Lots of contributions to this pile, including yours. I'll take the word of TOG and Mac any day of the week over pure speculation based on jumping experience. You had to be there to warrant credibility. TOG was. Mac was. Duane was. I never left the backyard.
FACTS.. what facts.. I have yet to see you post anything resembling a FACT
Shall I mention that the flight path and that bogus landing zone in the west hills.. STILL does not put money in ANY concievable possibility of putting the money on Tena Bar far to the south of that LZ you are touting.
Soory dude but I have probably got a far wider range of jump experience in numbers and types of jumps than the sum total of your Mac and Duane and anyone else in your fantasy jump team ever dreamed of.
Most of those who are into tripping is with not having everyone else on the same high as you is no one else gets to see the same trails and tracers and hallucinations.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteQuoteBob, showing your Induction and draft verification process would be and very good sign that your story could be true from that point forward!
when you call them they ask you for your SS number and can check it from that point, very simple process!
Transferred to another page to fill out a form to request records to be snailed to St. Louis. Filled out and sealed ready to mail. Asked for the complete file. They will call for credit card payment. I do not see what this proves.
are you completely 100% positive about this when you called them? when I called they gave me all my information? was not put on hold, the whole thing took less than ONE MINUTE! would you like to retract your version and try another?
was 10:09pm when I did it!!!!
I think the gig is up! don't you Bob?
mrshutter45 21
Correct me if I am wrong Bob, I thought a while back you claimed your records were destroyed or missing like LD's? so why would you attempt the check?
I said this once before, this is more fun than trying to find out if Obama's certificate is real!!
We need a medic stat...Doctor Thayer your wanted in the DZ....Doctor Thayer report to the DZ
"I did not keep a copy. If I had to guess, I'd say on a Saturday morning, maybe 8AM. Traffic was very light, no pedestrians"
there was alot of protesting going on at the building you went to Bob, 1968 they were on the steps protesting the draft? I guess you missed them, or perhaps they were at lunch? Induction was Monday thru Friday!
georger 244
QuoteCorrect me if I am wrong Bob, I thought a while back you claimed your records were destroyed or missing like LD's? so why would you attempt the check?
I said this once before, this is more fun than trying to find out if Obama's certificate is real!!
We need a medic stat...Doctor Thayer your wanted in the DZ....Doctor Thayer report to the DZ
"I did not keep a copy. If I had to guess, I'd say on a Saturday morning, maybe 8AM. Traffic was very light, no pedestrians"
there was alot of protesting going on at the building you went to Bob, 1968 they were on the steps protesting the draft? I guess you missed them, or perhaps they were at lunch? Induction was Monday thru Friday!
You beat the dead horse, I see.
I see, you beat the dead horse.
mrshutter45 21
"No. Please explain. I waive a white flag, you pop your head up and I blow you away with a precalculated shot?
Or, I fly a French flag to draw you in, then blow your French panties off? Not sure. I'm straight arrow, Dude. No snakes in the woodpile. This stuff is post-jump and put together from reports from McCoy and TOG coupled with bits and pieces from a multitude of sources, a little Cook, a little Ralph, a little Jim, etc. I never left the yard, like 377 said."
While you can only joke about it shows me what your story is all about!
A False Flag is a operation done by the Government to fool you into thinking something else has happened or a specific purpose to start something while looking like they were not aware of what happened, lot's of people (growing yearly) believe the 9/11 attack was a false flag operation in order to get us into a war with the middle east! as you are aware lots of questions have come into play such as how the towers fell and how tower 7 looked like a detonation rather than falling by itself!
your whole theory would have and should have fallen under a False Flag Operation! not joking about it now are ya? you should be careful how you joke about things Bob!
If this thread is suddently shut-down I hope some of you continue to communicate with each other and with least to keep all updated as to where they are standing on various issues the thread has discussed over the yrs.
At this time the thread is at a stall and we all know who and why. I admire you brave souls who continue try to help the Caretaker. The way I have seen it for yrs is that he is the one who needs a Caretaker. Now the thread is experiencing what I have experienced since 1996. This one is not the first and he won't be the shout his story from the roof tops.
At least some of those who contacted me with similar stories and different stories knew when to STOP. There was on man who I have since lost contact with, but his story had a ring about it different from all of the rest. One day if the thread survives and if I survive surgery #3 - I will dig up those old communications.
Perhaps some astute researcher might be able to find this gentleman if he is still alive.
The FBI dissed his story rather quickly and without any media attention. He wrote them a letter and did some research on his own. He claimed that he spent some time in prison with Duane. I could not make any of this make sense - he had letters he sent me copies of where he had contacted the FBI and a county were he had been encarcerated at in Oregon along the coast line.
Now I wish I knew how to find this guy, but I don't. Last I knew he lived in FLA, but he must have moved on. This guy actually sent me copies of communications he made with the FBI and the county jail. This man was sincere and backed up his interest with actual communications. I followed his foot prints and came to the same dead-end he did.
The name he used was Doug like the writer who did an article on Duane. At this moment I do not remember his last name, but I have it in my files. If you heard his story - it is a different story than all of the others...the man in the county jail with him - he swore was Duane L. Weber, but was not using that name. I forget how he got in touch with me, but he was the most sincere of those who contacted me.
This encarceration in a county jail house was only a short time before the Skyjacking along the Oregon Coast Line. All I had at that time was a telephone by which to contact the FBI or the authorities in that area.
BobKnoss 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteBob, showing your Induction and draft verification process would be and very good sign that your story could be true from that point forward!
when you call them they ask you for your SS number and can check it from that point, very simple process!
Transferred to another page to fill out a form to request records to be snailed to St. Louis. Filled out and sealed ready to mail. Asked for the complete file. They will call for credit card payment. I do not see what this proves.
are you completely 100% positive about this when you called them? when I called they gave me all my information? was not put on hold, the whole thing took less than ONE MINUTE! would you like to retract your version and try another?
was 10:09pm when I did it!!!!
I think the gig is up! don't you Bob?
You seem awfully anxious to dispose of my facts. No, when I called them, I got a recording that told me to 'press one if you are on a touch-tone.' Then it tells you that records are archived in St. Louis for men born before 1960 and to go to and click on the "before 1960". Which I did. No live answer, and I called immediately after you posted the phone number. They are not open today I imagine. The only thing that is up is the proverbial cob, I think.
BobKnoss 0
Quotealso, do you know what a False flag operation is? don't start using it now either!
"No. Please explain. I waive a white flag, you pop your head up and I blow you away with a precalculated shot?
Or, I fly a French flag to draw you in, then blow your French panties off? Not sure. I'm straight arrow, Dude. No snakes in the woodpile. This stuff is post-jump and put together from reports from McCoy and TOG coupled with bits and pieces from a multitude of sources, a little Cook, a little Ralph, a little Jim, etc. I never left the yard, like 377 said."
While you can only joke about it shows me what your story is all about!
A False Flag is a operation done by the Government to fool you into thinking something else has happened or a specific purpose to start something while looking like they were not aware of what happened, lot's of people (growing yearly) believe the 9/11 attack was a false flag operation in order to get us into a war with the middle east! as you are aware lots of questions have come into play such as how the towers fell and how tower 7 looked like a detonation rather than falling by itself!
your whole theory would have and should have fallen under a False Flag Operation! not joking about it now are ya? you should be careful how you joke about things Bob!
Never heard of that before. No, I won't adopt a new name for it, but I guess it would fit. The original plan was as an excercise to demonstrate the vulnerability of the pilots and passengers based on the airline policy for how to respond to a hijacking, "according to the manual." The whole thing was nothing but a pilot sponsored living Play. The point would be made, the money returned, and negotiations between the pilots and the airlines about improving thr aircraft for PILOT safety would continue, with a reference. Reference: The Cooper vane which had been presented and rejected, created by TOG (but patented by another to cover the real designer). This plan was discussed with NOH evenings in his FBI office and things progressed through approval. Federal efforts on international negotiations in Montreal faltered as did Congressional support for Nixon's proposals. Nixon was big on pushing legislation through but could not get enough votes. He changed the purpose from a Pilot's Union dirty trick to a Tricky Dicky dirty trick and executed it. Then he made an edict with a Presidential Executive Order putting into effect that legislation Congress did not have the votes for. The pilots pursued the airplane modifications and the Government persued the baggage and magometometer changes, but this is all documented in the FAA History page, in detail, so you can follow along, step by step. The Montreal Convention on Air Piracy is key to the actual cause for authorizing Project Norjak, but it was not the original cause for creating it. It just became something new and got used for much, much more than it was intended. A False Flag? You decide. Kinda fits, huh?
I like that a lot better than the term "conspiracy" which has been worked to death. Hey, if I couldn't find humor in this pain in the ass project, I'd probably be dead by now. I was used against my will by intimidation and, "I have a grudge."
BobKnoss 0
I will be frank........ I'm....... baloney.......
God man!!! You left, remember? I told you you couldn't leave your diary behind! Time away is good for you ailing mental health. Go talk to Ralph. Do something constructive. He can check with Mac for you.
In the event you haven't figured it out by now, the Amboy Chute is a Big Deal in the Cooper case.
How can it be, if it was manufactured after 1972?? You beat a dead horse. Time travel? You spend too much time on that Ragina site. Take Ralph out for dinner. Crow is in season.
BobKnoss 0
Roof top would be the Enquirer. I'm quietly trying to slip you the real story in total, because TOG can't tell it himself. Mac can't either, although he wants to. I'm the gopher. TOG or Mac could stop me in a split second with a short visit and a request. It won't happen.
BobKnoss 0
QuoteCorrect me if I am wrong Bob, I thought a while back you claimed your records were destroyed or missing like LD's? so why would you attempt the check?
McCoy told me he cleaned out my files. When my attorney did a Freedom of Information check, the report back to me was, "nothing there." I tried again and they told me I had already done a Freedom request. I'm game to try this new approach. The nothing there answer makes no sense to me. I got a draft notice and I know I had a draft file because I watched Lorraine K. Long write lots of notes while she interviewed me. I know there was a file someplace.
there was alot of protesting going on at the building you went to Bob, 1968 they were on the steps protesting the draft? I guess you missed them, or perhaps they were at lunch? Induction was Monday thru Friday!
No, there was nobody on the steps. Nobody on the sidewalks, nobody in the halls. Just a room full of guys, 30 or so taking a written test. I sat down and finished the test before anybody else, all of whom started way before me. The rest of the room was guys in drawers and one guy in a bra. Folding tables with army guys sitting behind them and short lines in front of each on the other side of the tables. No jokes either. Until we got to the "spread your other cheeks smart ass." That was not me. "Any fooling around and you are in on the spot."
mrshutter45 21
How to Obtain a Copy: The requester must be the registrant himself, or show written permission from the registrant, or provide proof that the registrant is deceased. A caller may verify that a man is registered and/or obtain a registrant's Selective Service number and the date he registered by calling Selective Service at 847-688-6888 and providing the registrant's social security number and date of birth. The information may also be obtained by writing to:
Selective Service System
Data Management Center
P.O. Box 94638
Palatine, IL 60094-4638
where is the money part you were talking about?
again, why would you attempt this when your records were "wiped clean" as you said in the past! keep up the two step and the dosey doe Bob!
"False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive!" just like you!
the term has been around for years, my guess would be that since you didn't know what it was is a major factor in why you think it's new! one would think "being in the loop" would know of said term?
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.
This term is not one the Government would admit too, similar to the movie "A Few Good Men" were they used a term "Code Red" or when you are on the Highway the far left lane is the "fast Lane" but legally it is not.
I could understand why you didn't know this term because before the internet you would not learn or really know about half the things as we do in this time period!
mrshutter45 21
"I'm game to try this new approach" REALLY
I'm confused as to why this wasn't the first place you would look given the fact that one would go straight to the source VS going to the FOIA website? what did you ask them, I need my records from the Select Services about my Induction or Draft notice?
If it's "wiped clean" there is no "new approach"
your College Education has failed at this attempt of record search?
BobKnoss 0
QuoteBob, it's a computerized 24 hour system that gives the dates, not records!
How to Obtain a Copy: The requester must be the registrant himself, or show written permission from the registrant, or provide proof that the registrant is deceased. A caller may verify that a man is registered and/or obtain a registrant's Selective Service number and the date he registered by calling Selective Service at 847-688-6888 and providing the registrant's social security number and date of birth. The information may also be obtained by writing to:
Selective Service System
Data Management Center
P.O. Box 94638
Palatine, IL 60094-4638
I did all that and had to process through what was not born before 1960, then it said nobody was available to help. It clearly states that all records with birth dates prior to 1960 are kept in St. Louis. I can try your routing again on Monday to see if it works then, but so far, following instructions, I get what I got before. I sent my request form to St. Louis because the records are not at Palatine. That seemed really clear.
BobKnoss 0
Quotegetting a draft notice is very similar to when people talk about where they were when JFK was shot or MLK and when the tower fell, it's a moment in your life you tend not to forget!
I moved on to things that were of interest. THAT was a pain in the ass to forget, not to remember. Yes, I do remember where I was when JFK was shot. Not MLK, RFK, Marilyn, or anybody else though. Just got my hemaroids under control. OOPs! Sorry.
"I'm game to try this new approach"
REALLY I'm confused as to why this wasn't the first place you would look given the fact that one would go straight to the source VS going to the FOIA website? what did you ask them, I need my records from the Select Services about my Induction or Draft notice?
Obviously the only reason I'm doing this is because you think it is important to have written records. I have no idea at all where to find any of that stuff. My attorney did all that on his own with my authorization. Yes, that's what I asked for, plus any attachments, the complete file. I don't know if that is the same file we are talking about, I'm just trying to comply to your request. I followed your instructions and the instructions on the phone. Sorry. That is what it said to do. That's what I did. If you want to do it for me, you can, if you keep the numbers private.
I have NOTHING to hide.
If it's "wiped clean" there is no "new approach"
Never looked myself. Can't imagine that my draft board records would be non-existent. I could understand sanitizing a file, but not completely destroying it. Why wouldn't it still be in Fairmont?
your College Education has failed at this attempt of record search?
I doubt it. The letter was just sent. Never took Government Records 101. I was a 'dumb jock' just squeeking by, chasing women day and night and never studying. Did not really have to so I didn't. No regrets. I'm content with my life so far. Levenworth would not be kool though.
I don't know. You might have. If you were at Ralph's party. In the den. Talking about the shift in flight path by 15-20 miles west. Now, I doubt you would have been consulted. Wasn't information for release at that time. I'm telling you now, so you can be the brilliant guy that figured it out. But you got too big an ego to admit you missed the boat first time around. Do you know how many trials Edison ran on light bulb filaments? The first one that even gave hope was a carbon filled bamboo, but it was very brief. That's a true answer, but I flunked the test because the professor didn't read Edison's notes. Thought he was above it all. Sound familiar?
Where the fuck are my chest waders.. the BS is gettin seriously deep BK.
Other than the fact your 15-20 miles west of the flight path ( funny how the placard from the aft stairs was right on the prescribed flight path and not over on the other freaking side of the Columbia River ) you would not find farmland... it was and still is heavily forested in that area in what are called the Portland West Hills... you will also find Forest Park there... GEOGRAPHY... you do not find open anything until you get just north of Beaverton... and back then it was far more heavily forested than it is today since they have logged out the second growth forest over the last 30 years.
Funny how living in an area for over 30 years will really do a good job of getting to know what is actually there.... out here in the real world.
Next phallacy/hallucination Bob.
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