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DB Cooper

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I stand, and applaud!


Yah, and you sit to pee. (:#)

More PA's, or at least what you think is one. Can you be an adult for a while and address the FACTS and present PROOF?

Or are you now going to try and act all childish as a way to redirect others from your dodging the draft and needing a story to cover it? President Carter gave you immunity a few years ago, remember?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I'm quietly trying to slip you the real story in total, because TOG can't tell it himself. Mac can't either, although he wants to. I'm the gopher. TOG or Mac could stop me in a split second with a short visit and a request.

Who is TOG?


n! = 6
3! = 6
take your choice.

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He did not call them.

I did and was surprised, they needed a little update as to my status.


are you shocked he didn't, it's in black and white, no big deal.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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your College Education has failed at this attempt of record search?

I doubt it. The letter was just sent. Never took Government Records 101. I was a 'dumb jock' just squeeking by, chasing women day and night and never studying. Did not really have to so I didn't. No regrets. I'm content with my life so far. Levenworth would not be kool though.

Take a look at this picture and tell me this is a "dumb jock" do you know this person?

from points spread afar, your story sounds good until you compact it together and the bits and pieces start falling out! my friend down the street is a Viet nam Vet, I will bring him here and have him do the call to the Selective Service, just like I did!


The guy should open his own restaurant and call it, TGI Mac's B| or even a Movie Theater, I Mac's theater!!!

Dunwoody College Of Technology
Minneapolis, MN
Graduated: N/A
Degree: Other
Major: Machining
1964 to 1966
University Of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN
Graduated: 1965
Student status: Alumni
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Education
Minor: Athletics
Greek: Mu Iota Epsilon
1961 to 1965

Barely squeaking by ya say?

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I'm quietly trying to slip you the real story in total, because TOG can't tell it himself. Mac can't either, although he wants to. I'm the gopher. TOG or Mac could stop me in a split second with a short visit and a request.

Who is TOG?


n! = 6
3! = 6
take your choice.

I'm guessing this is a Knoss term for "The Other Guy"
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I'm quietly trying to slip you the real story in total, because TOG can't tell it himself. Mac can't either, although he wants to. I'm the gopher. TOG or Mac could stop me in a split second with a short visit and a request.

Who is TOG?


n! = 6
3! = 6
take your choice.

I'm guessing this is a Knoss term for "The Other Guy"

Good guess, Dave.

Does anyone know what TOG means, or who this is?

Bob, are you going to help us out here?

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I'm quietly trying to slip you the real story in total, because TOG can't tell it himself. Mac can't either, although he wants to. I'm the gopher. TOG or Mac could stop me in a split second with a short visit and a request.

Who is TOG?

The Other Guy. The one we never mention because he is above ever having done anything. The guy with children. A pillar in the community. A really nice guy, who we can't name or Blevins will sue us for him. He is a name that has been changed to protect his character. I can live with that if it allows the whole story to be released.

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He did not call them.

I did and was surprised, they needed a little update as to my status.


are you shocked he didn't, it's in black and white, no big deal.

Another CREW attack. I did exactly as I said. You only reinforce the claim of prejudice and cover-up. I will happily settle for proving involvement in cover-up after the fact. Just keep confirming the proof. I copy it all.

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your College Education has failed at this attempt of record search?

I doubt it. The letter was just sent. Never took Government Records 101. I was a 'dumb jock' just squeeking by, chasing women day and night and never studying. Did not really have to so I didn't. No regrets. I'm content with my life so far. Levenworth would not be kool though.

Take a look at this picture and tell me this is a "dumb jock" do you know this person?

from points spread afar, your story sounds good until you compact it together and the bits and pieces start falling out! my friend down the street is a Viet nam Vet, I will bring him here and have him do the call to the Selective Service, just like I did!


The guy should open his own restaurant and call it, TGI Mac's B| or even a Movie Theater, I Mac's theater!!!

Dunwoody College Of Technology
Minneapolis, MN
Graduated: N/A
Degree: Other
Major: Machining
1964 to 1966
University Of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN
Graduated: 1965
Student status: Alumni
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Major: Education
Minor: Athletics
Greek: Mu Iota Epsilon
1961 to 1965

Barely squeaking by ya say?

Yup. Made $1.85 an hour as asst. manager at the Cedar porno movie house. Jim Johnson, manager. 3.2 GPA. 6 girlfriends with money. And building my '54 Ford 409ci, 3 spd '57 Merc., 6 carb log, 4:11 '57 rear from rebuilt free junkyard scrap pile iron. (The junkyard owner was a girlfriend's uncle and gave me whatever I needed.) Squeekin' fer sure. I mowed lawns for girlfriends dads, and even worked vacation shift for one.

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Yup. Made $1.85 an hour as asst. manager at the Cedar porno movie house. Jim Johnson, manager. 3.2 GPA. 6 girlfriends with money. And building my '54 Ford 409ci, 3 spd '57 Merc., 6 carb log, 4:11 '57 rear from rebuilt free junkyard scrap pile iron. (The junkyard owner was a girlfriend's uncle and gave me whatever I needed.) Squeekin' fer sure. I mowed lawns for girlfriends dads, and even worked vacation shift for one.

once again Bob, you have a impressive amount of things you are recalling before the "mind altering" but can not come up with a Doctor's first name or actual Draft dates? those appear to me as the typical side jobs College students get while in school full time.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I received a mesage from Tom Kaye with a couple of suggested corrections to my article on the Amboy parachute. Those corrections were made.

Thank you, Tom.

Im going to post this ONLY ONCE, so pay attention.

Tom Kaye quote from his website as currently
devised, quote:

"This research did not, however, uncover a better
explanation for how the money ended up on Tena

0 minus 0 = 0

Blev thingy quote:

"More recently, Tom Kaye ... and his team of
experts were allowed to examine samples of that
money and they came to a different conclusion.
Kaye believes the money arrived at Tena Bar by
what he calls 'non-natural means'. ... In a nutshell,
Kaye's water tests with identical bundles of money
do not support the F.B.I.'s theory on how the money
arrived at Tena Bar."

In other words, the Blevins' Thingy is at odds with
Tom's own words on his website. Or maybe at this
point we should approriately call it: Tom's Thingy?

Kaye's own words are: ""This research did not,
however, uncover a better explanation for how the
money ended up on Tena Bar"."

Now if Kaye wants to equate that with "non-natural
means of arrival" I have no problem with that. Its
better than some propereller-thingy, which I do
(and did) cringe at.

So Blev-Thingy, please stop putting words in
people's mouths, as is your natural inclination
always leads you to do over and over again? You
really are broken record of incompetence at this

My interpretation of this and based on personal
conversation with Tom Kaye is: 'Tom Kaye has no
fucking idea at all how the Tena Bar money got to
Tena Bar. He literally, after years of research,
doesnt have a clue!' He has repeatedly stated this
to me many-many tymes. Now either he is lying to
me, or he hasnt a fucking clue! And he says on his
website ....

"This research did not, however, uncover a better
explanation for how the money ended up on Tena
Bar." Tom is referring to the FBI explanation(s),
or the Palmer Explanation.

Better than what? Tom is referring to the Washougal
Washdown and/or Dredging theories he says were
the FBI's two competing theories of how money got
to Tena Bar.

""This research did not, however, uncover a better explanation for how the money ended up on Tena Bar"" - Tom Kaye, etalles

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Yup. Made $1.85 an hour as asst. manager at the Cedar porno movie house. Jim Johnson, manager. 3.2 GPA. 6 girlfriends with money. And building my '54 Ford 409ci, 3 spd '57 Merc., 6 carb log, 4:11 '57 rear from rebuilt free junkyard scrap pile iron. (The junkyard owner was a girlfriend's uncle and gave me whatever I needed.) Squeekin' fer sure. I mowed lawns for girlfriends dads, and even worked vacation shift for one.

once again Bob, you have a impressive amount of things you are recalling before the "mind altering" but can not come up with a Doctor's first name or actual Draft dates? those appear to me as the typical side jobs College students get while in school full time.

Doctor did not use a first name. Impossible to remember facts that did not exist. That's a dead horse. EA were his initials according to records, but he was not called "EA". Actual draft dates are being verified. I want to give you the accuracy you request, not guesses. I do know the difference, as stated. You are badgering again.

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I received a mesage from Tom Kaye with a couple of suggested corrections to my article on the Amboy parachute. Those corrections were made.

Thank you, Tom.

What Georger said, plus a correction on Bleeps correction on Kaye's correction. Of course, it is only a guess, but a more informed guess than the heretoafore mentioned professional guessers with cover-up intentions. See correction of corrections attached. Per McCoy and TOG, and Janet, and Cook, and Ralph, and not Jo, because Jo doesn't know.

Gotta go make some dog carts that were just sold. Anybody got some 80+# dogs you want to train for Dog Sulkies? Exciting new sport and I make the best you can buy in the USA. Cheap. No profit, just funner than this. Check out the true story of O'Hara and Walker from 1968 and follow McCoy from 68-74, then combine the stories. It's all available in plain sight on the internet. Mac worked for O'Hara under Project Norjak and received his promotion with a whatchacallit flag thingy shooting a John Doe corpse in the chest with a shotgun. Listen to the whole true story (and the undercover cover stuff) from Mac's cop buddy in his hometown. Johnny Surles, if you want to search it.

If you put the entire story together, It will support my claim of Mac responding to Janet, since Mac was working the Cooper operation for O'Hara SA in charge of Norjak.

You can also find film on all the stories, including the Captain Tommy Gunn Maffioso riverboat arrests of 7 or 9 or so top criminals. Movie Star, porno star, Super Cop, Wannabe that did. And you got a problem with the doctor's initials? Right. That's serious. Actually, the doctor that I saw most often was Dr. Otto Wandke, a partner of Thayer's in the same office. HE actually used a first name. Very rarely saw Thayer, Thayer just offered to write the letter for my induction.

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Georger says in part:


'So Blev-Thingy, please stop putting words in
people's mouths, as is your natural inclination
always leads you to do over and over again? You
really are broken record of incompetence at this
point! '

Calm down and take a chill pill, as the kids used to say, Georger.

I contacted Kaye yesterday about his theories on the money. That's called 'verification with the source'. I don't care what Kaye says on his website, I care about what he says personally, today, IN 2012.

He stands by this: His water tests show that the idea the money floated down a river or was dredged from the Columbia isn't viable. He believes the money was *probably* delivered to the spot on Tena Bar by 'non-natural means'. He reinterates that, although he says the Gray quote from the book about the ink running together on the bills is inaccurate. So I took that part out of the article.

Here is a quote from the article, which Kaye says now accurately represents their stand on the Tena Bar money:


'Researcher Tom Kaye's water tests with similar money bundles show that these bundles would have 'fanned' within seconds of being exposed to water. The samples of the ransom money from Tena Bar that were examined by Kaye and members of his team showed absolutely no signs of fanning apart. In fact, Kaye and his team discovered the bills were almost perfectly aligned, something they wouldn't do if they had been washed down a river or dredged from the bottom of the Columbia. This is part of the reason he believes the bills ended up on Tena Bar by non-natural means, or in other words, perhaps placed there by human hands...'

If you think this theory is inaccurate, you should be taking this up with Kaye, not me. And we all know one good reason why your opinions on Kaye might be slanted. I won't say why publicly, but I think you know what I mean.

If Kaye says he doesn't know how the money ended up at Tena Bar, that makes sense. Who does? He only says he doesn't think it was by floating down or dredging, and I agree. That theory leaves fewer choices, most of which point to human intervention.

I'll assume you actually read the whole article...and again...you didn't even bother to respond to any of the real points about it. It was more about the Amboy parachute, which you ignored. Maybe you swallowed that story by the FBI, too? I showed in detail why their version doesn't make sense. You never even noticed. And there it was in the headline thingie and everything. :)
I will give you this much, though. You did question a part of the article itself, although a small part that had nothing to do with the chute. Did you think I was going to quote Kaye without consulting him about it? When the article was first published, I sent him an email asking him to take a look at the article and specifically about what I said on the money. He said it was accurate, except for the part on the ink. I took that part out and now he is okay with it. If you disagree...talk to him. He's the one who did the money tests and was allowed to examine the Tena Bar bills, not me.

Side Note That Has Nothing to Do With Cooper:

Starting at noon Monday, April 9th, and running to midnight Wednesday, April 11th, my novel The 13th Day of Christmas will be free for the Kindle. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download free apps at Amazon for your PC, smartphone, Bberry, whatever you use. We do this once in a while with different titles, just for the heck of it.

So now you engage in further misrepresentation.

You started this by saying in your first post
above: "I received a mesage from Tom Kaye with a
couple of suggested corrections to my article on the
Amboy parachute. Those corrections were made.

Now you are saying it is you who emailed Tom Kaye
asking his advice and his latest position?

Which is it? Neither. Either. Both? The first? The last?

You are always a day late and a dollar short with an
ample supply of misrepresentations, you previously
claimed were THE TRUTH, as you call it. You have
come to be known, laughingly, as the Correction Kid.
And then you get angry and demand people pay
attention to you!?

Oh! Your article on the Amboy chute? I dont trust
and wouldnt count on, anything you say, due to your
track record which includes your manic agenda.

You say you are going to "force the FBI"! And then
you tell me to "take a pill"?

Gray or somebody conveniently calls it the "Cooper
Vortex"? You Blevins are now synonymous with that.
Kaye is given one small task and then tears off in
fifty different directions to become a media-star in
his own right, leaving everyone stalled and stunned,
then forms his own "committee". Just how much of
this bullshit do you think people will stand for until
the credibility of the whole enterprise has been lost.
Well, we crossed that divide ages ago here.

So in conclusion: thanks for all your "advisories"
from Newsvine Olympus, Oracle-Thingy Blevins.
See you in 300 days when you stumble on a way
out - if you survive being lost there which seems
to be your only true skill.

The media "is" the message, from clowns.

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I did NOT over anaylze the article Blevins did the way you guys did. What got my attentions was the fact the individual the FBI believed the chute to have belonged to would have had to cross (2) two paved roads to be picked up from the site he was picked up from.

If the 2 paved roads statement is correct - this leads me to believe the FBI needs to re-examine the circumstance of the found chute.

Remember this Chute was incidentally discovered while CARR was trying to chew my story to pieces. He called me on the way to an interview about the found chute...telling me Duane was NOT Cooper.

How co-incidental his call was regarding the Chute find! Carr & the FBI would have gone to any extreme at that time to silence me....That is my feelings if the 2 paved road senario is correct.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I did NOT over anaylze the article Blevins did the way you guys did. What got my attentions was the fact the individual the FBI believed the chute to have belonged to would have had to cross (2) two paved roads to be picked up from the site he was picked up from.

If the 2 paved roads statement is correct - this leads me to believe the FBI needs to re-examine the circumstance of the found chute.

Remember this Chute was incidentally discovered while CARR was trying to chew my story to pieces. He called me on the way to an interview about the found chute...telling me Duane was NOT Cooper.

How co-incidental his call was regarding the Chute find! Carr & the FBI would have gone to any extreme at that time to silence me....That is my feelings if the 2 paved road senario is correct.

Its not over analyzation. What it is, literally, is
Blevins playing catchup and finally catching on to
questions people have had, since the beginning.
Just because people didnt announce it in the media
or go on Newsvine and make some big "thing",
doesnt mean the questions did not already exist!

Since when it is the role of anyone to keep Blevins
up to speed, on anything!? Or Tom Kaye either!!

And this hack Blevins is going to "force the FBI" into
answers or a statement about it?

And then Blevins tells people to "take a pill"?

Hey Blevins! "Look at the two asssholes on that
camel in front of you in traffic!"

Get it?

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Bob Says:

"Doctor did not use a first name. Impossible to remember facts that did not exist. That's a dead horse. EA were his initials according to records, but he was not called "EA". Actual draft dates are being verified. I want to give you the accuracy you request, not guesses. I do know the difference, as stated. You are badgering again."

Bob, nobody is "badgering" you, I find this hard to believe that you saw two separate letters, one being your "excuse letter" and the next being his reprimand with nothing on the letter with his first name! giving the Military and letter from a Doctor would be a well documented letter, including the full names of all involved! we are not giving the teacher a note to be excused for class, signed by Mommy!

Now, let's throw more gas on the fire, If you received your Induction papers "Mid March" and didn't hear back from the from the (MEPS) until weeks after your first visit, we would be well into April before you would even know something was wrong or anything about your need in this operation!

The Government gives you a certain amount of time in order for you to get your personal things together before you actually go to Induction! by stating the "operation" started mid March can only be another false statement! My guess would be if you received your letter Mid March, I'm guessing you date would be around the first week of April.

The following are records from Induction letters:
October 18, 1967 report date November 1, 1967
December 18, 1967 report date January 20, 1968
April 30 1968 report date May 23, 1968
April 12, 1968 report date May 7 1968

as for your dates, how is it that you are going to find them after Lawyers and who ever else in the past could not find them because they were wiped clean?
Think long and hard about how much you wish to continue this adventure!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Blevins, you have apparently swallowed your own story on the Amboy chute.

According to my calculations, the chute is now 66 years old. Yet you are asserting that it is basically in pristine condition except for some dirt and mud.

Exactly one hundred years ago this next weekend, there was a ship that hit an iceberg in the Atlantic and sank which resulted in a lot of publicity. Yet the remains of that ship are disappearing so rapidly that they will certainly not be around in 2112.

Yet you feel that a parachute is going to survive in the brush, buried or not, for 40+ years. The parachute that Cooper used was probably closer to the 66 years than just 40 years.

If the Amboy chute is the one used by Cooper, then it was almost 27 years old in 1971. That is a really old parachute for that day and age. If the canopy had been used in skydiving, it probably would have been very near the end of its useful life which was approximately 100 jumps.

But even if the canopy found was not the one used by Lt. Walling, there is nothing whatsoever to even suggest that it is the one that Cooper used. There were millions of parachutes produced in the United States during World War II.

The military typically replaced parachutes after about 10 years of service even if they were never used. Some canopies, for instance, were sold new as surplus without ever being packed into a parachute while in the military. In fact, you could probably buy new parachute canopies at your local Army/Navy store as late as the mid-1970s.

Your thesis is that if the Amboy parachute was not the one used by Lt. Walling, then it must be the parachute that Cooper used. That is not a valid assumption.

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Attention Amazon: She would be able to pinpoint the areas as she and I discussed the area I will speak of below:

Robert99 stated:


But even if the canopy found was not the one used by Lt. Walling, there is nothing whatsoever to even suggest that it is the one that Cooper used. There were millions of parachutes produced in the United States during World War II.

The military typically replaced parachutes after about 10 years of service even if they were never used. Some canopies, for instance, were sold new as surplus without ever being packed into a parachute while in the military. In fact, you could probably buy new parachute canopies at your local Army/Navy store as late as the mid-1970s.

Your thesis is that if the Amboy parachute was not the one used by Lt. Walling, then it must be the parachute that Cooper used. That is not a valid assumption.

Jo the dummy on here enquires:

I never heard if there was a dwelling or anything near where the chute was found (I am talking about what would have been there in 1971). I have seen NO pictures of the FIND site. I also do NOT know the exact location of the chute find.

If someone has a map of the area - could they mark the find with an X and note the towns or areas and road near by as they existed in 1971.

What is the finds relationship to Amboy in distance and direction?

What is the finds relationship in regards to Heisson?

What is the finds relationship in regards to the rails Amazon and I discussed (these where rails used by the logging Co. - private rails) below where there used to be an old logging bridge that is no longer there.

In 1971 exactly what was near the site of the chute find? Not what is there now or since 1971.

Was it a popular place for campers? How wooded was it in 1971? What I want to do is examine - why a chute would be buried there. I am sure this has been discussed previously, but would someone simplify it for me.
I know there was no pac or harnesses with it.

If the FBI thought for one moment that might be Cooper's canopy - maybe they should examine this old knife with a thread in it (one Sluggo said was dust). It is a fragment of a cord, but of course I expect a knife as old as this one has cut lots of cords. The knife appeared to have been very old and it was larger than a regular pocket knife. The knife had a hole drilled in the end of the handle - as thought there had at one time been a chain or rope thru it.

;)The fragment would need to be compared with the found chute and the one cut-up and left on the plane.

If Cooper had a knife he would have had it anchored to himself in some way - otherwise he could loose it, if it was just in his pocket. I still have a gut feeling about this old pocket knife (a large pocket knife). I really think the knife needs to be examined to see if it is possible IF this is the knife Cooper used to cut the cords on the chute he cut up and left on the plane.

;)IF just by chance there was a positive connections of that knife to the cut cords of the chute left on the plane.... OR this other questionable chute found in 2008, then why and how did Weber come into possession of this instrument?

If Kaye or someone of authority could possible get hold of one of the cut cords of the chute on the plane and the cords of the found chute - I will release this knife and it's contents into their hands in person to study and to analyze it - someone like Kaye.

I would expect the knife to be given back to me and not held as evidence by the FBI which is why I prefer it to be someone other than the FBI. It was my strong opinion that Sluggo dismissed this knife just a little to quickly.

Geeze! I hope BK doesn't make this part of HIS BullShit now. Because of BK I hesitate to contribute one word to this thread, but here goes nothing.

As time winds down and I am winding down - I am more willing to co-operate with anyone willing to help me.

:|[:/]I ask the Creator to forgive me for what I am thinking & about to say. If BK suddenly remembers a knife then PLEASE strike him dead or maybe :)
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I received a mesage from Tom Kaye with a couple of suggested corrections to my article on the Amboy parachute. Those corrections were made.

Thank you, Tom.

I'm a little confused, Robert. Are you saying that Cooper took the Amboy chute out of its harness on the plane and threw the canopy out the door so that he could put the money in its container - or some similar kind of scenario?

Is that how the Amboy chute gets to the ground without its harness and container?

Also, I see no mention of the chute's dimensions or of Cossey's commentary, especially his view that the chute is a 30-foot cargo chute, which might explain the absence of a container and harness, but then begs the questions what the military was doing dropping cargo over Amboy, WA, circa 1946-1971.

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First, nylon can survive in the ground for a LONG time.

Agreed, sunshine and nylon don't mix well.

My understanding is that the Amboy chute was unearthed by a grader that was doing some road work. The grader operator reportedly pulled the chute out of the ground rather than dug it out. So who knows, maybe the harness and pack are two feet from where the canopy was found.

But there are numerous possible explanations for how it got there, and buried, in the first place. See Jo Weber's post above.

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Who is TOG?


The Other Guy. The one we never mention because he is above ever having done anything. The guy with children. A pillar in the community. A really nice guy, who we can't name or Blevins will sue us for him. He is a name that has been changed to protect his character. I can live with that if it allows the whole story to be released.

So, TOG is "The Other Guy." But what does that mean, exactly; the "other guy" of what?

Is he a member of the flight crew? Or how is he connected to the skyjacking? What story are you trying to tell for him that he is not able to tell for himself?

Further, I'm not sure how you feel about NORJAK Bob, and its players. You seem to be pleased that you are part of it, even though you were profoundly assaulted by them via the Bluebird activity.

So, can you please tell us how you feel about these guys. Thanks.

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