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DB Cooper

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My understanding is that the Amboy chute was unearthed by a grader that was doing some road work. The grader operator reportedly pulled the chute out of the ground rather than dug it out. So who knows, maybe the harness and pack are two feet from where the canopy was found.

and his children went back and pulled it out
altogether after he reported it home. The road
is an access entrance to a field he was improving/
grading and widening. He caught the chute with his
blade during a pass, just off the edge of the road.
Buried may be an over statement - whether it was
under old dirt from previous grading or new dirt
or actually buried-buried. It was 'buried' just off the
side of the road, in any event, hardly a thorough
hiding place. I previously posted Google photos of
the location (with a coordinate) and the field/road.
I will not post them again.

My understanding is, Larry talked extensively with
the owner of the property and the (FBI) determined
an excavation was not warranted.

Forensic tests for a situation like this have been
available since the 1950s.

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Robert: Cooper was given the $200,000 ransom in a canvas bag marked 'Seafirst Bank'. He may have disconnected the container for the parachute after landing, and transferred the money to the container. Walking along with a marked bank bag full of cash might draw a bit of attention...'

Go back and read Tina's testimony?

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My understanding is that the Amboy chute was unearthed by a grader that was doing some road work. The grader operator reportedly pulled the chute out of the ground rather than dug it out. So who knows, maybe the harness and pack are two feet from where the canopy was found.

He and his children went back and pulled it outaltogether after he reported it home. The road
is an access entrance to a field he was improving, grading and widening. He caught the chute with his blade during a pass, just off the edge of the road. Buried may be an over statement - whether it was under old dirt from previous grading or new dirt
or actually buried-buried. It was 'buried' just off the side of the road, in any event, hardly a thorough hiding place. I previously posted Google photos of the location (with a coordinate) and the field/road.
I will not post them again.

If someone would be so kind as to direct me to that post I will appreciate it. Unable to keep AOL up for any lenght of time and you guys know what a POOR reseacher I am. I just want to see the location and mark it on a map with some other things I have marked - want to see if it make sense with Cooper or Walling. I know someone posted a map, but I either did NOT pay attention or did NOT understand where it was. I believe I could NOT figure out the area you guys had indicated the find in - but, just want to revisit this. Hey, it keeps me our of your hair - RIGHT!

Remember the TOWER that wasn't there and I could not find the site. There was no Tower there in 1979, but if this location had a tower in 1971 or near-by - Maybe just Maybe we are on to something. Who was it that used to say that all of the time?
"Maybe we are on to something" I forget.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Bob Says:

"Doctor did not use a first name. Impossible to remember facts that did not exist. That's a dead horse. EA were his initials according to records, but he was not called "EA". Actual draft dates are being verified. I want to give you the accuracy you request, not guesses. I do know the difference, as stated. You are badgering again."

Bob, nobody is "badgering" you, I find this hard to believe that you saw two separate letters, one being your "excuse letter" and the next being his reprimand with nothing on the letter with his first name! giving the Military and letter from a Doctor would be a well documented letter, including the full names of all involved! we are not giving the teacher a note to be excused for class, signed by Mommy!

Now, let's throw more gas on the fire, If you received your Induction papers "Mid March" and didn't hear back from the from the (MEPS) until weeks after your first visit, we would be well into April before you would even know something was wrong or anything about your need in this operation!

The Government gives you a certain amount of time in order for you to get your personal things together before you actually go to Induction! by stating the "operation" started mid March can only be another false statement! My guess would be if you received your letter Mid March, I'm guessing you date would be around the first week of April.

The following are records from Induction letters:
October 18, 1967 report date November 1, 1967
December 18, 1967 report date January 20, 1968
April 30 1968 report date May 23, 1968
April 12, 1968 report date May 7 1968

as for your dates, how is it that you are going to find them after Lawyers and who ever else in the past could not find them because they were wiped clean?
Think long and hard about how much you wish to continue this adventure!

Ha-ha-ha! You are funnier than Jerry Thomas!!

Facts are facts. You continue to badger. Purged was the term McCoy used. "Nothing unusual" is what my girlfriend reported. You continue to discard valuable information and pursue discreditation on minor points rather than wait for facts. I speak the truth and can guess at facts if necessary, just like everyone else does 100% of the time. At least I KNOW the difference. If Kaye thinks the money was buried at Tena's Bar, then my information about the flight path and jump location is consistent with his supposition. Add another witness to facts that add up.

Let's try calling for a live operator and see if we can get a live answer to your questions today. Have you read O'Hara's story of arresting Walker in Va. in 1968 while he was stationed in the Minneapolis Office? Nick worked here from when I was in college and spoke to him about a pyramid scheme that was being played at the dorms with out-of-state college kids. 1963 as I recall.

in March 1968 he was talking to McCoy about Norjak. McCoy buddied up with Walker 1972-74 in Va. and O'Hara was there too. Those two were joined at the hip. Father and son. Film stars. Remember the TV series with Nick O'Hara played by David Jansen? "Yah, I really like my name!" Nick told me.

Have you verified the FBI evidence being a Brigham Young Pin instead of the switched tie clasp? Facts are all there, all you have to do is Google, "Brigham Young Medallion." Facts are all still there, predating the clasp. You farted away lots of time putting the false clip on the map. but I don't see you showing the slightest bit of interest in the real truth. The medallion with Mac's initials. I don't see you looking at the helicopter chase segments of the Cooper made for TV films for McCoy's stand-in. I don't see you investigation Henry Selick's post plastic surgery pictures. That one is a piece of cake. Any fool can verify that one. No, you have no interest in the real truth, you have an interest in shoveling dirt on a Doctor who didn't like his first name, making a mountain of a molehill, or a false flag thingy of a whistle blower with a long list of realisms which you very boldly try in vain to minimize with trivialism.

You could at least cover your blazen attempt with a little effort to look like you really had SOME interest in something other than cover-up stories. So far, you have yet to persue ANYTHING of relative value to the case in fact. Only the case in FALSE fact. Your panties are showing MrShutter. Don't wet them. Do something constructive rather than destructive. No, you have not been fair to me, and you have asked no questions of value. You will get answers that are true, if you ask them. I think you only wish to bore the subject to death.

Talk to Ralph about the den discussion. Talk to Rataczak about the den discussion. Talk to Tenent about Mac getting his job back. Or, ask Britt Hume who got the answer out of Tenent. Better yet, ask McCoy or O'Hara. But you probably already know the answer, otherwise you wouldn't try so hard to avoid the subject. You see, guys, your charade is not a secret. It is a laughing stock. You guys are funnier than "I Love Lucy" with the cake conveyor. Your fabrications just flop frosting down on the floor and you just keep pumping them out.

Your acting job sucks. Almost as much as Mattie's is lacking. I really do appreciate your helping me scrounge the dark corners of my mind for the rest of the things that I had not yet drawn out. You really have helped me, but you have yet to shine a light on ONE DAMNED THING that really happened. Credit to 1/2 of Jo's story being garbage. You CAN NOT CHANGE FACTS, only erase or change words. The truth is still the truth and it is awfully hard to bury it all. Now, do you want to play fair, or do you want to admit your obvious tactics to Dropzone readers?? Never say, "die!" right? "Williams, shoot Sgt. Smith, there." "Yes, Sir!" BOOM! "Thank you, Sir!"

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The ONLY way we can get any information on my records is to mail a written request to St. Louis because I was born before 1960. They will NOT give me anything over the phone. ALL records prior to 1960 are in St. Loius. It is exactly as I stated before. There is no way I can get any information from the people I spoke to today, so your information as always, is INCORRECT. They all had wrong telephone numbers for me to call. What a screw-up operation! I spent a full hour getting nothing but the run-around. But I tried. Can't be done like you say.

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The ONLY way we can get any information on my records is to mail a written request to St. Louis because I was born before 1960. They will NOT give me anything over the phone. ALL records prior to 1960 are in St. Loius. It is exactly as I stated before. There is no way I can get any information from the people I spoke to today, so your information as always, is INCORRECT. They all had wrong telephone numbers for me to call. What a screw-up operation! I spent a full hour getting nothing but the run-around. But I tried. Can't be done like you say.

I find it ironic, that you replied to yourself, and claim as always your information is incorrect.

Truth is finally coming out. And it is not as you claim you Bobby.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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As far as whether the bank bag was marked, I wasn't sure about that when I wrote the article, freely admitting that I am not always familiar with all the finer details on the Cooper case. When I've seen armored car guards walking in and out of stores or banks, the bags are often marked, but not always. When SeaFirst Bank was the biggest bank in the Puget Sound area, I used to see those bags being carried, and most had the name on them. However, I think it's important to get the details right for the article, There is enough mis-information out there as it is. Believe it or not, we are on the same page here.

EARLY 1990 February and March:

The bank bag was clearly marked with SeaFirst Bank. Since I am supposedly the world's greatest liar, I do NOT expect anyone to believe me.

In a Cooler Duane used between the 2 front captains chairs in the Van - we had a large Cooler we used as a console. It was 1990 and after Duane did some very mysterious things and had disappeared for a few days. AS all of you know - I was the obedient wife and at that time he did NOT want me near his THINGS. We were going out to lunch together and he forgot something in the shop. When he went back into the shop - I opened the container and saw this Bank Bag (I actually opened it up and read what it said on the front of the bag).

When he returned to the car I asked him what that bag was and he told me it was a Bank Bag from Seattle. He acted like it was just something he found in a locker he bought-out and ended the conversation. This was during a time after he had started the machine and some very mysterious things happened.

Because he was so irrational during this adjustment time - the Dr. suggest he needed some time alone to adjust and asked if this was possible. I am the one who suggested we move the travel trailer to the Shop (the shop was an old house on a well treed lot). It was only 3 block from the hospital. All were in agreement to this arrangement.

After he moved into the travel trailor (it was very nice) he disappeared for a time. It was after this disappearance that the SeaTac sub showed up and also this was the time frame his buddy walked into the shop and Duane was counting out around 50K in bills. Not 20's. I would NOT know about this until after Duane's death when the friend shared this with me. This was the same time frame I saw a magazine with the pictures and the same story - that was in the book left in a safe deposit box I had NO knowledge of until after his death 5 yrs later.

It might interest some of you that Duane opened that safe deposit box before he disappeared and after he had moved into the travel trailor. It was also after he had obtained a current drivers license for John Collins one day before they picked him up for attempting to do the same thing in the county we lived in. Yet, that same day he had drove to another county and had successfully obtained a drivers license for John Collins.

I kept "his" dog when he was gone - he had brought him to the house claiming his dog was missing my dog.

The FBI ignored the dates and the valid John Collins ID.

Duane disappears for a few days and a plane ticket (one way showed up on my credit card bill).
About 3 wks later he drove the trailer to the house and announce he was HOME if I would have him.

After that trip - there is money spent (lots of it), he comes home, he settles down. He had gone someplace to a safe deposit box under the name of John Collins and retrive his "things". Among them was some of his family momentoes he must have gotten from his mother after his father died. There were some gold coins - one of which he sold a later. It was more valuable than the other coins.

Very little merchandise moved in that shop and yet he always had the money to contribute to the household expenses and very very nice gift for everyone in 1994 - his last Christmas before he died.

His checking acount never revealed his contributions to the household during those 4 yrs. He paid cash. He used his small SS checking account to pay other things by check. I found another safe deposit box in our area unclaimed belonging to John Collins - but the FBI would NOT provide me with the information I needed to access that box. I have NO idea what or where it is because now Duane has been dead 17 yrs.

GEEZE! All someone has to do it mention the Bank Bag and I am back to telling this damn story NO ONE believes. Sorry, but so help me GOD the accounting above is true. There was no Knoss involved in this and never was. All I have is my word for the above.

When Jim was alive I had a witness about the money, but the FBI would not even go talk to him. They never checked our expenses versus monies spent during those 5 yrs, they never enquired about his unusual trip, nor did they check out the John Collins ID which was legal or question why he had done that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I now have a name and an email for the head engineer at Mills. Info going out to him, plus the pictures. Let's see what he says.

Thanks Robert. Investing facts provides a welcome detour from fantasy land.

Keep us posted.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I now have a name and an email for the head engineer at Mills. Info going out to him, plus the pictures. Let's see what he says.

Thanks Robert. Investing facts provides a welcome detour from fantasy land.

Keep us posted.


By all means keep us posted -

Send in the clowns.

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I am repeating this post as I REALLY REALLY need this information. I have surveyors ready to pull their old records, but we NEED to know approx the area within a 2 mile radius. Please help me do this. I could not find the area when I went to WA in 2010 Duane showed me in 1979 were a tower had once been. Since the 2010 trip I made and noted that my memory had not accounted for how far my memories were separated by space or driving time. I did NOT explore this when I was in WA., but have surveyors ready to volunteer their time and effort with the research. If I knew the name of the man who currently owns the property that would make this effort a cake walk, but I know the person wanted to keep his privacy and the exact location was never publicized - at least to my knowledge (remember we do not get Cooper updates in the South).

Request Repeated Below:
You can pm or email me this information because we all know that a certain individual uses anything he can lay his hands on to probagate his "delusions".

I never heard if there was a dwelling or anything near where the chute was found (I am talking about what would have been there in 1971). I have seen NO pictures of the FIND site. I also do NOT know the exact location of the chute find.

If someone has a map of the area - could they mark the find with an X and note the towns or areas and road near by as they existed in 1971.

What is the finds relationship to Amboy in distance and direction?

What is the finds relationship in regards to Heisson?

What is the finds relationship in regards to the rails Amazon and I discussed (these where rails used by the logging Co. - private rails) below where there used to be an old logging bridge that is no longer there.

In 1971 exactly what was near the site of the chute find? Not what is there now or since 1971.

Was it a popular place for campers? How wooded was it in 1971? What I want to do is examine - why a chute would be buried there. I am sure this has been discussed previously, but would someone simplify it for me.
I know there was no pac or harnesses with it.

If the FBI thought for one moment that might be Cooper's canopy - maybe they should examine this old knife with a thread in it (one Sluggo said was dust). It is a fragment of a cord, but of course I expect a knife as old as this one has cut lots of cords. The knife appeared to have been very old and it was larger than a regular pocket knife. The knife had a hole drilled in the end of the handle - as thought there had at one time been a chain or rope thru it.

;)The fragment would need to be compared with the found chute and the one cut-up and left on the plane.

If Cooper had a knife he would have had it anchored to himself in some way - otherwise he could loose it, if it was just in his pocket. I still have a gut feeling about this old pocket knife (a large pocket knife). I really think the knife needs to be examined to see if it is possible IF this is the knife Cooper used to cut the cords on the chute he cut up and left on the plane.

;)IF just by chance there was a positive connections of that knife to the cut cords of the chute left on the plane.... OR this other questionable chute found in 2008, then why and how did Weber come into possession of this instrument?

If Kaye or someone of authority could possible get hold of one of the cut cords of the chute on the plane and the cords of the found chute - I will release this knife and it's contents into their hands in person to study and to analyze it - someone like Kaye.

I would expect the knife to be given back to me and not held as evidence by the FBI which is why I prefer it to be someone other than the FBI. It was my strong opinion that Sluggo dismissed this knife just a little to quickly.

Geeze! I hope BK doesn't make this part of HIS BullShit now. Because of BK I hesitate to contribute one word to this thread, but here goes nothing.

As time winds down and I am winding down - I am more willing to co-operate with anyone willing to help me.

:|[:/]I ask the Creator to forgive me for what I am thinking & about to say. If BK suddenly remembers a knife then PLEASE strike him dead or maybe :)

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I now have a name and an email for the head engineer at Mills. Info going out to him, plus the pictures. Let's see what he says.

Thanks Robert. Investing facts provides a welcome detour from fantasy land.

Keep us posted.


What planet are you on?

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"Geeze! I hope BK doesn't make this part of HIS BullShit now. Because of BK I hesitate to contribute one word to this thread, but here goes nothing."

Ask and receive, Dear Jo. I have no BullShit except what you have provided. I have referred to Duane's pocket knife here before, but you would never remember. He ALWAYS carried a 3" pocket knife in his right pocket. Just a small one. He showed it to me. Nice, horn handle. I always carried one too, but mine was smaller, 1.5" and all stainless, single blade. Cheap. He didn't carry a lighter and was always out of matches. He'd bum a cigarette from me, then stick it behind his ear and ask for another, or ask Bill. We both smoked straights Bill Lucky Strike, and me Pall Mall, and duane didn't like them, but being free, he'd certainly take every one he could get. Got so I'd take 2 and give him the pack. He preferred the "lady" cigarettes with filters, no flavor, light mint or menthol. Salem was too strong. But if they were free.....

The knife will do you no good for trying to match it to the chords because the chords are made of small strands and would retain no characteristics of the knife. Give them the knife and, "POOF!"

And I know nothing of Duane after McCoy's incarceration except what you told me and that is not important to me in the least. Duane was a pawn in McCoy's story. Nothing more. Just tell the truth and I won't bother you. Tell us another fib and I'm all over you like a dirty shirt. Tell the real truth about Mac and Rataczak. I think you have the FBI guys pegged correctly and you are finally telling the truth about the conspiracy, which, if you remember, you opposed quite vigorously?? We should get the basic facts straight before concentrating so heavily on the filler information. I plan to be around for another 20 years.
I wish you many more as well. We could be Buds!

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BK says in part:


'...Tell the real truth about Mac and Rataczak.'

Since you asked: McCoy was blown to pieces back in 1974 by the FBI because he was stupid enough to go for a gun when they confronted him.

Bill Rataczak is a respected pilot who had a distinguished career with Northwest Airlines. He is now retired. When your name comes up on his Caller ID, like many other people, he ignores it.

Any other questions? (*laughs*) I think another series of cartoons will be coming soon.

'Tommy Gunn'. That's truly funny, I will admit. Is he like Peter Gunn's brother or something? Ha ha. They do have something in common.

Both are fictional characters. :S

I thought you left. I told you that you were addicted. You are plucking blinking stars from the Heavens and putting rebuilt replacements back. Too bad you can't realize that Georger is stealing your new batteries. Your efforts are futile. It is not newsworthy. My story is HEADLINES!!!

You need to send your little prodigy, the pablem spitter to the Vet's Hospital. He is developing water on the brain or something. Agent Orange, perhaps. Responding more like rabies infection than a brain fart, but hard to tell with him. His eyes cross, he gets red in the face, then he blurts out some nonsense, not understanding what was said. I am wondering if he slept over with Jamie Cooper. Could be catchy. Whatever it is, I am concerned for the poor guy. He definitely needs help to diagnose his problems. Obviously incoherent and not able to address the problem himself. He is your responsibility, you help him. I'd can his ass, myself.

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Bob, you can say what ever you wish about St. Louis, the fact of the matter is that you did not call them, call it "badgering" all you want, the fact still remains that you really don't even know the draft process!

when did you get a Order To Report for Armed Forces Physical Exam??? (see photo)

you can go on and on about making a phone call that is designed to tell you certain dates! not records and nothing was said on this end with my Vet buddy, he got his just as quick as I got my information!

Your failure to show any sign of truth lies in your statement of being drafted, the problem I see is the fact that you were 25 years old in 68, they were heavy on 19 year old inductions, plus I'm almost positive you probably got a deferment in either 65 or 66 sliding through the age range wanted by the military! the loved to nab you the second you were out of school or College.

This is why it was so important to show these dates that you seem to "not remember" but millions of others remember that day clear as a bell.

I'll say it again Bob, how could someone with your education not take advantage of a deferment? and wait till you got "drafted" in order to have a false letter made by a Doctor with no first name!

My intention was to bring you to the table with your FACTS but, you keep kicking one of the legs on the table in order to keep it unbalanced! you show pictures of things that are not even in the United States as proof, you were high on the horse with Janet seeing Cooper at 10,000 feet and where you thought she lived making your calculations work, only to retract and make a statement that the plane was seen?

I suggest you take a "timeout" and come back....only when you have solid proof! possibly take a road trip to the fire tower and dig up your Golden Chute!

ask mac, is no longer a source, Jerry doesn't seem to back you? no body does! I have given you more than enough time in order to make two points in your behalf and you failed! you try to make your story fit just like a perfect picture frame like you use to build, but your frame falls apart at anything attached to your name!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Repeat. You have no interest in investigating real facts in this case, only bogus ones. You can only badger and play stupid games about procedures that are black and white clear. If you cared one smidgen about truth you would not ignor all the gaping holes in the cover-up. You are more transparent than Jerry. At least Jerry actually knows some things. You twist whatever I say to fit your position rather than look at the facts. You are so obvious you make Matt look like a genius. You just tipped your whole game plan. You are an amateur at this, dude. I've played with the best of them, and you don't make the grade. Your panties are showing.

I don't think you can be productive. I think you are a total waste of time. You impressed me with your approach to the clasp, but your conclusions fell short of finding any truth. You fall into the classification of just another cover-up blow hard.

I don't need the help of losers. Guess I was wrong about you. You can't perform, you are a drag on the process. Talked a good game, but you are farting in the wind. Give it up. You don't have what it takes. Right? Nailed you.

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Repeat. You have no interest in investigating real facts in this case, only bogus ones. You can only badger and play stupid games about procedures that are black and white clear. If you cared one smidgen about truth you would not ignor all the gaping holes in the cover-up. You are more transparent than Jerry. At least Jerry actually knows some things.

I don't think you can be productive. I think you are a total waste of time. You impressed me with your approach to the clasp, but your conclusions fell short of finding any truth. You fall into the classification of just another cover-up blow hard.

I don't need the help of losers. Guess I was wrong about you. You can't perform, you are a drag on the process. Talked a good game, but you are farting in the wind. Give it up. You don't have what it takes. Right? Nailed you.

that is the mature response I thought I would get from you.

Bob, it's clear as a bell, you can not back up anything about your past what so ever! I have proven many things about you and if I was wrong, I'm sure someone would of stepped in! now you want to change your thoughts about me only because I have shown your failure to produce one little fact about Bob Knoss, that is your right, and go ahead and run all day with it!

from this point on I think we all should take 377 advise and no longer acknowledge your Existence, you want to stay and play with your theory, that's fine, nobody should respond to this until you have some sort of Proof of who Bob Knoss was in 1968!

retracting last statement
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bob, I'm still confused. Are you happy to be part of NORJAK?

Then you need to search your mind, Bruce. You are not blind, although you act like it sometimes. I thought you might be a voice of reason, but it appears your well-being is in the control of this mob. Shouldn't be confused, buddy. I have a grudge. I also respect my friends, even if they no longer call me friend. I detest lies with every ounce in my body. I have ZERO tolerance for lies. ZERO!

This forum it would appear is a den of pure fabricators and nay sayers. I would liken it to a LIAR'S CLUB of specific topic. A Cover-Up Cooper Forum designed to combat the TRUTH that Jo Weber seeks. A KANGAROO COURT in the truest sense of the word, They even posted it!! That is the conclusion I see and the opinion I have formed over the time spent exchanging information and thoughts here in this Cauldron. If that is not apparent to you, Bruce, then I can't save you. Don't ever seek the truth here, as it will never be forthcoming. And you can take THAT to the bank. But don't accept a check from these guys.

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Ok, Knoss, I have retracted the court statement!

Now, I owe you a Apology about your statement made in reference to the Selective Service call, you are correct about the ages before 1960, I tried to use McCoy's SSN and found out what you were talking about!

This still does not bring you out of the woods, because you Draft process is not matching, so you can either come up with proper dates by recollection or sending for your information. either way it's still the only logical way to start the proof process of your statements! can we agree on this action?

You have to understand that as wild as this story sounds, there has to be doors left unlocked! the constant name calling and drifting off subject must stop in order for us to find any truth you speak of!

You need to realize the dates surrounding your draft are crucial to the truth, I am standing by all of my previous statements as of this date. I have been more than fair and also admit my faults,
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I understand what you are saying and agree with almost everything:

Robert says to Bob:

Well, I guess I owe Bob Knoss an apology...

Looks like the draft WAS going all during the Vietnam War.

Dave says;

I believe in admitting when I'm wrong and will apologize when I'm wrong, regardless of who it is B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bob, I'm still confused. Are you happy to be part of NORJAK?

Then you need to search your mind, Bruce. You are not blind, although you act like it sometimes. I thought you might be a voice of reason, but it appears your well-being is in the control of this mob. Shouldn't be confused, buddy. I have a grudge. I also respect my friends, even if they no longer call me friend. I detest lies with every ounce in my body. I have ZERO tolerance for lies. ZERO!

This forum it would appear is a den of pure fabricators and nay sayers. I would liken it to a LIAR'S CLUB of specific topic. A Cover-Up Cooper Forum designed to combat the TRUTH that Jo Weber seeks. A KANGAROO COURT in the truest sense of the word, They even posted it!! That is the conclusion I see and the opinion I have formed over the time spent exchanging information and thoughts here in this Cauldron. If that is not apparent to you, Bruce, then I can't save you. Don't ever seek the truth here, as it will never be forthcoming. And you can take THAT to the bank. But don't accept a check from these guys.

I'm not asking to be saved, Bob, nor asking for an analysis of the literary value of the DZ. Rather, I'm asking if you enjoy being part of NORJAK.

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NONE of what Knoss says is true and he knows it. NO ONE can even get a sensible train of thought going or really try to pull things together, because Knoss just keeps on MAKING his Stuff up and he is involving me and Duane.

Knoss did NOT know Weber and he never met him unless it was in prison or thru something else Duane and his lady were known to participate in.

Knoss has never proven to me or anyone else that he actually knew Weber/Collins and/or was involved in anything.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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