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mrshutter45 21
Trying to get Knoss to provide something real is like trying to get Disney to switch to porn.
Ain't gonna happen.
Very true Robert but, this is a guide for BK, showing him the mistakes he makes

Seems there is no records of Bob, or anyone associated with him, I guess I'll will be the Record Keeper

I went to special efforts to acquire this - because Duane told me a about all of the pipeline and the towers and the power lines and how they intersected. I am the one who told Knoss this - he did not invent that one. Each and every intersection Duane told me was there - where they parallel was also there. Everything I told in the very beginning - thing I could NOT know and things JT and others TOLD me did NOT exist. THAT I was making it up.
They exist and exactly where Duane told me there were - it was all there.
I had a substantive interview with him, and I've posted it on the Mountain News-WA.
I know it doesn't address all of the issues that have been subscribed to him over the past few weeks, but it is a worthy start in the exploration for answers.
The Post that probably will not make any sense to any of you but, me.
I have had enough of Knoss and his garbage. I have another surgery and possible another one after that ahead of me.
The Cooper story does NOT need anymore "stories". It is time to end the Cooper Saga once and for all. Unfortunately Knoss is NOT part of that story - he was a detour placed in my way and in the path of others.
The Cooper Story has taken so many twists and turns it reminds me something I wrote regarding my journey. I even gave it a title
I just did a copy and paste and had not read it in several yrs. Since it caused me to cry - I decided it was NOT time to share those thought with you guys. Aren't you glad I spared you the additional garbage.
It is a story about being lost in this maze regarding Cooper, but never mentions Cooper or Duane or the individual I am directing my words to.
I end the story with a memory about my father who had called me the night before he died. I was unable to be by his side as in 1991 I had just had surgery.
I wrote:
I remember and I yearn for my father as he was when I was 5 yrs old when the fire ball raced all around me in the darkness of the basement. He came running to the sound of my screams and took me up in his arms gently assuring me he loved me and that I was in no harm as he wiped away my tears with a love that beamed on his face and radiated in his blue eyes.
Even when he was punishing me I could always feel his love and could see the pain it caused him. This is a memory I recall every time this happens and it is the one comforting thing that helps me to feel whole afterwards --- because I know I was loved and that in death he did come to tell me Good-By as I felt his hand on my shoulder early that morning as the cloudy sky parted and the moon was suddenly visible. I would not know until 7:15AM that morning that he had died around 5 AM that same morning.
Why Daddy is part of all this I know not, other than we regress to happier times when we are troubled. It is a defense mechanism when all else fails - a way to hold on.
Well, I am sure I just bored you guys to death. I look at it as a reflection and inspiration to continue my battle to find the truth. The road has been long and lonely and with lots of detours and often I have strayed and became lost. Some way I always found my way back as though someone was directing me from deep within the forest.
When I have felt lost - somehow someway - there was always a ray of hope. Often wks and months would go by with nothing new. I needed to be in WA and not in FL if I was ever going to find the answer. Now I need to go back - but it maybe a trip I will not be able to make. The answer to that lies within the hands of the creator - not me.
One can be sure the FBI nor the Government will expend any effort to find the truth - even when I have basically told them where to look. All of the theories and different stories come back to only one answer. All of the piece fit - the dates & the background - it is all there, but the actual footprints are the only things that will end this Saga once and for all. I want to get well and go back to WA - I know were the footprints are, but I am the one who has to put my hands on them and point them out.
I didn't do this by myself - there has been a spirit guiding me from the beginning - ever since Duane walked into the door and said "I'm Home". I bolted straight up in bed - it was only a dream. Perhaps the last 17 yrs have been just that - only a dream or am I in hell?
georger 247
nice job Bruce.Retired FBI Nick O'Hara has been bandied about these pages a bit, so I took the opportunity provided by Vicki and others to contact Mr. O'Hara.
I had a substantive interview with him, and I've posted it on the Mountain News-WA.
I know it doesn't address all of the issues that have been subscribed to him over the past few weeks, but it is a worthy start in the exploration for answers.
Retired FBI Nick O'Hara has been bandied about these pages a bit, so I took the opportunity provided by Vicki and others to contact Mr. O'Hara.
I had a substantive interview with him, and I've posted it on the Mountain News-WA.
I know it doesn't address all of the issues that have been subscribed to him over the past few weeks, but it is a worthy start in the exploration for answers.
Interesting read, thanks.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
BobKnoss 0
Retired FBI Nick O'Hara has been bandied about these pages a bit, so I took the opportunity provided by Vicki and others to contact Mr. O'Hara.
I had a substantive interview with him, and I've posted it on the Mountain News-WA.
I know it doesn't address all of the issues that have been subscribed to him over the past few weeks, but it is a worthy start in the exploration for answers.
Good job! I notice a much more "tippy-toe" approach to the facts. I see the veiled comment about keeping one's word to be silent. Wonder who in the Hell he could be throwing THAT at? Duhhhhhh.
BobKnoss 0
Bob, on your quest for the truth, perhaps you can guide us to the website showing Oil lines (pipelines) in Washington? and don't use the Russian oil pump station again either! try to keep something real Bob!
Pipeline maps were easy to find. I don't see my map though. There are gas pipelines shown in some of these maps too.$file/Olympic.jpg
Just an example, guy. Not trying a case. Showing concept, as
I t'were not there. I only have words, rather than visuals like Bleep.
About Janet, since we all agree she didn't see flares and a man on the stairs of 305, what caught her attention in order to see flight 305? maybe a good reason this was buried in the files? (not plausible)
You assume totally wrong on Janet. Janet HAD to see something of value, otherwise there would have been no response to her simple message. She did not go national, she quietly passed on information to the authorities. The fact that McCoy made the trip and a foul threat IS, in fact, proof that the information had merit. The fact that both Ralph and McCoy discuss flares being shot from a helicopter confirms flares which Janet independently offered. Perhaps she augmented her story with seeing a man, perhaps the reporting is not accurate on what she actually stated. Let's see the original communication. Let's ask "Janet" again. Janet is FACT and her statement is validated by others. Talk to the others. I will not write off Janet. She is real and confirmed viable.
mrshutter45 21
I t'were not there. I only have words, rather than visuals like Bleep. ???
you have made dozens of comments about the oil pipeline running along the river! including a map with oil pump stations, why would you go to such an extreme for a "concept"
Janets story was brought out (not by the FBI) because it was not plausible, I'm sure there is dozens of stories you would attach yourself to if you had access to them! not buying it Bob!
can you say "bait and switch"
sailshaw 0
What we need to do is the following:
1) Do no read his posts (they are pure BS anyway)
2) When you see it is a post from BobKoss, just skip over to the next post.
3) Never answer the posts from BobKoss as it just makes him post more BS and take up more space on the DropZone.
4) Possibly, if we all do the above, BobKoss will just fade away.
mrshutter45 21
mrshutter45 21
I am up for that Sailshaw! if we all are on board with this, we can simple reply by saying...agreed!
BobKnoss 0
The difference between my story and yours, Bleep, is that you can fantasize what if scenerios and plug them in to make your story sound reasonable. I was told of Lyle's intention to tell a fake story about his brother wanting to be Cooper after his death. Jim Rataczak told me the story long before you got involved. See the association between your investigator and the story sources??
I don't use smoke and mirrors and dead men's LIES to make up cover stories at the behest of friends. If it isn't true, I won't repeat it as if it were. YOU have produced NOTHING BUT smoke and mirrors and misdirection, boldly, illegally, and consistently. You get on the bandwagon and preach my downfall at every minor opportunity. I must be a major risk or you would not stay awake nights watching my posts, wondering what big secret I'm going to release next. Attack MrShutter now, because he is assisting the enemy! God forbid the Georger should say anything supportive, or Jo should wake from her Crew induced dreamland and be shocked to realization of even ONE truth. I see you. I know what you are. So does everyone else. Does Gayla know you are back in Cooperdom? Perhaps we should send her an email? Giving that book company a bad name? P.S. YOU apologized to me half-assed last week. Should do it again. Wait till Mac talks to Bruce. WHOA!! Hang you out to dry, sucker!
BobKnoss 0
Just an example, guy. Not trying a case. Showing concept, as
I t'were not there. I only have words, rather than visuals like Bleep. ???
you have made dozens of comments about the oil pipeline running along the river! including a map with oil pump stations, why would you go to such an extreme for a "concept"
Janets story was brought out (not by the FBI) because it was not plausible, I'm sure there is dozens of stories you would attach yourself to if you had access to them! not buying it Bob!
can you say "bait and switch"
I can say, "Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr." And I can say, "So help me God." And Ralph and Nick can explain their GAMES. You have no basis to make your assumptions other than seat of the pants guesses, or intentional badgering. You can draw no conclusions like Bleep does, as no have nothing to stand on but misinformation, smoke and mirrors. I have my word, which I value far more than you do. I do not see any comparison from my perspective. Throwing barbs is not productive, but I understand the satisfaction one can achieve from coming up with a good zinger. We could try to be professional, but that is boring. You only live three times or so.

BobKnoss 0
... I'm asking if you enjoy being part of NORJAK.
NO. I detest it. I was used. Unfairly, unwillingly, illegally. Nice guys, rotten tactics. Mean to Tina. Unforgivable. Answer your question? The whole thing stinks. Cover-up makes me puke. Happy?
Why are you so sarcastic and hostile to me? I asked the only question I knew to ask, since you seemed to be enjoying the banter here and delight in being the center of attention.
Sorry, Bruce. I am about totally exhausted. Center of attention?? Try whipping boy. I'm not into S&M. I am overly big on truth and just don't take garbage being crammed down my throat. Nothing personal. I had determined to vacate this den of in-ink-quity and give it up as a total lost cause. But that nice MrShutter rolled a cookie my way and I sat back down. I don't mind this secluded venue. I don't wish major exposure. I'm naturally anti-social, anti-war, anti-gay, anti-theistic, anti-Bleep, anti-lie, anti anything but pie.
If Nick just said I promised to be quiet and I should be quiet, that's good enough for me. Mac said to go ahead and tell it. That is 180° from what Nick might be hinting at. I'll leave it to Nick, if he can speak direct English. I'm in the phone book.
georger 247
It must be nice to have another wacko to go after -
since your own thingy failed. Keeps you in the media
with something to say/type.
11) You have a history. It's known you've gone onto several forums and articles on Cooper and driven those forums and articles into trash. The interactive page at Facebook on Cooper was closed because of you.
BobKnoss 0
Bob Knoss says in part:
'I am overly big on truth and just don't take garbage being crammed down my throat...'
We have something in common, I see.
The main problems in your standalone story regarding the hijacking are these:
1) You are virtually the only person on the planet who claims that Richard Floyd McCoy is still alive, when the evidence is overwhelming that he is dead.
That means he did a really good job of begging people to be quiet.
2) The DB Cooper case has been exhaustively examined by both professionals and amateur investigators for forty years - and not one of them has ever verified ANY of the claims you make on how the crime went down.
It was done by professionals with Government secrecy. Works.
3) In order to forward your story, you have involved people still living where the overwhelming body of evidence shows they were NOT involved. This includes former FBI agents, one or more of the crew from the hijacked flight, and a respected film director from Disney/Pixar pictures.
Sometimes the truth is stranger than your fiction.
4) You blast anybody else's evidence in the case as 'lies', even though you provide no hard evidence of your own to back your claims.
Sometimes the truth is stranger than your fiction.
5) You continue to hold to certain claims, even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary. Janet is a good example. The weather above Portland at the time of the hijacking was dark, raining, with heavy overcast at 5,000 feet. The jet was flying at 9,600 feet. You jumped on that story and added it to your little fable, AFTER Galen Cook first announced it in the Utah Standard Examiner. Before that time, you never mentioned her or tried to use McCoy as the Janet Messenger Boy who allegedly showed up at her door. Yet later, you claimed to know all about it, and said McCoy was the messenger. In the Galen Cook article, Cook said he thought it was an FBI agent, although that is extremely doubtful as well.
Can't argue about facts. Look them up.
6) Not ONE of the people involved in your story have come forward other than you, and not one of them has independently verified even ONE point in your story. Basically, it all comes from you with absolutely no confirmation. Newspaper editors would throw you out of their office if you came to them with that.
Tell that to Bob Woodward.
7) If indeed the hijacking was one big conspiracy to improve airline safety, involving FBI agents, crew, famous people, a dead hijacker, and others...YOU would not be the first to suddenly figure it out. Chances are it would have come out within months of the Cooper hijacking.
Need to know limited fact exposure, total story not available to all.
8) You've been caught in outright lies. One example is when you tried to involve Henry Selick from Pixar Pictures. You said he was a stand-in for Richard McCoy at the McCoy trial, and that he was later 'paid off' with plastic surgery. In reality, Selick was only 19 years old when the McCoy trial began in Utah, and studying science at Rutgers University in his home state of New Jersey.
You are too lazy or blind to look at the Henry pictures and identify them as the same man? Any fool can do that. Consult an expert. You apparently don't understand the word "lie". Try "boldfaced truth right in front of your face"!
9) Your claim of being a draft-dodger during the Vietnam War, and then subsequently being 'recruited' by certain government elements as a result of that action, has not been proven.
Not my job. I'm not trying a case, but I submitted forms to satisfy our badgering. Grab you shorts and cross your legs. Hang on.
10) Standing back and looking at the whole forest of the Knoss Story, you see this: Your central claim is that the Cooper hijacking was planned and implemented with the goal of somehow improving airline safety. The idea that anyone in the government would actually put people's lives at risk in the air to do this is beyond belief. Yet, it lies at the core of your story, and you base much upon it. There is also the fact that the FBI spent millions of dollars and many years investigating the hijacking, which goes against your theory. In reality, they would have put a convenient end to the whole thing rather quickly, if your story were true...NOT continue to keep it in the public eye and risk discovery. Your story just doesn't meet the truth test here.
My pain in the ass, too. Look at all the films made of every single case that McCoy was involved in. FBI training films. One after another. Hoover did not like showy exposure. Mac was Pentagon furniture on loan. Larry Carr or Ralph can explain the answer to this question better than I. They have it memorized. They get 2000 calls a year from witnesses. New agents are not informed of the truth, so they tried to funnel everything through the retired agents in charge. Big mistake. It just ballooned. Then you get in the act with your hoop-harrah fiction and try to stir up misdirection when things get hot with my exposure. It is all very obvious to me and soon it will become very obvious to everyone. I'll just keep plugging away. Converts are accumulating. Pasternak, Hume, pretty soon, Bruce. (Play theme to Lone Ranger)
11) You have a history. It's known you've gone onto several forums and articles on Cooper and driven those forums and articles into trash. The interactive page at Facebook on Cooper was closed because of you.
I VERY MUCH DOUBT THAT, since I was off for more than a year before it was closed. You read too much Jo Weber ranting.
12) Unless you can provide at least a couple of pieces of evidence besides 'cause I say so.' then your story on the Cooper hijacking must be relegated to fantasy.
On the authority of Cooper Crew Kangaroo Court? I think not. You have one little voice with no credibility at all. And THAT is being NICE. Bite me.
BobKnoss 0
12) Unless you can provide at least a couple of pieces of evidence besides 'cause I say so.' then your story on the Cooper hijacking must be relegated to fantasy.
It must be nice to have another wacko to go after -
since your own thingy failed. Keeps you in the media
with something to say/type.
11) You have a history. It's known you've gone onto several forums and articles on Cooper and driven those forums and articles into trash. The interactive page at Facebook on Cooper was closed because of you.
I used to have an old recording machine but I can't find it in all the boxes of junk piled to the ceiling in every room in the house. All my washing machine parts and clocks, etc. Maybe you could find one. One of those old Polaroid cameras too. If we sent those items to this failed book guy, maybe he would be like the monkeys in the monkey cage over at the zoo. HE could take pictures of himself and tape them to all his walls, and record loops of himself shouting Hitler jibberish on the recorder. If we included color crayons, he could draw cartoons in the bathroom. The guy REALLY needs an outlet other than here. This is not a private diary where every day he can record his daily chores, sell his rotting book, and cry about Gayla. Attention difficiency anemia. Take two aspirin. Place head in vise and tighten until pain is alleviated. Or, you could just open the closet door and join us in the real world. No flashing lights, no loud recordings, no washboarding or dripping water, no more porno emails from DZ, no fantasy conversations between non-existent posters on some space ship site. Naw, never happen.
There was a zoo keeper that was hired at our zoo to care for the monkey cage. He taught the monkeys to masturbate and throw it at the visitors through the bars. Obviously, he is not there anymore. The monkeys still do it, and the keeper he trying to write books? Similar mentality me thinks.
~actually he was training the monkeys to be a part of an airline safety black op...when they tried it before with humans they weren't smart enough to toss the pudding and just kept rubbing it on themselves.
go figure...
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
About Janet, since we all agree she didn't see flares and a man on the stairs of 305, what caught her attention in order to see flight 305? maybe a good reason this was buried in the files? (not plausible)
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