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remember, Knoss does not have any knowledge of "black ops" or anything used by the Government, he likes "conspiracy" B|

Bob, when did you go to induction? Ummm I drove a 2 door ford parked facing west! what day? I don't remember?

50 different posts about a oil pipeline, Ummm, that was just an example?

hiked 15-20 miles, but look at his map and see how close he is to Tena Bar? where did he hike too? and on the west side of the river.

Just found this! Classification records are not covered under any privacy act! B|

Classification Record

Covered under the Privacy Act?

No—available to anyone who asks for it. A man's classification record is public information.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Can't really have it both ways.

Funny you throw it back at us! The message is for
you, as you very well know.

I apologise. I just have to convince myself beyond
all shadow of doubt that you are nothing but a troll\
and totally hopeless/worthless.

Your staged attacks on Knoss are over the top,
considering he is the most vulnerable tool in the
the whole Cooper kit.

You seem to be a tool who has a deep seated
grudge against other tools - like you see them
as competition or something.

Why dont you attack Brian Ingram instead ?

Or ant farms and Chia pets?

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Jo Weber does NOT post on face book. I was invited to an individual's site and made a complimentary mark about that site and the pictures (this site had NOTHING to do with Cooper).

I will remind you guys that it was during the time of the FACE BK page that Knoss harassed some of the McCoy's descendants. When one does a face off with children and teens - well, it goes beyond words I will allow myself to use in this thread....don't get me started!

I tried to view the Face Bk site I heard so much about which was Trashed. Since I could only go to invited sites - I may have made ONE post - but I frankly I don't remember doing so. When the Jamie Cooper thing was going on in the DZ - someone posted a link and I got to read a few statements, but saw nothing of interest. Have never learned to navigate Face Bk and why I like DZ - it is easy.

Bruce needs to talk to this former FBI agent some more. He did a great job on the interview. Since some of us gave him such a hard time about Tina and her family - he has done a complete turn about...he admits his errors and does everything he can to right any wrong or harm he has done. Good Job, Bruce.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hello, this is the Timewarrior speaking. . .

I am a follower of the Cooper case and have a question that may have been answered previously, however I have not found the answer in all the material I have watched and read. . .

My question is this:

The FBI assumes Cooper did not survive the jump because the only bills that have been found were the ones by Brian Ingram, but how do we really know that the bills are not already in circulation? Is every bank in America actively looking for these bills? Has there been any type of massive recall for the $20 bills with the same dates as the ransom and have all the serial numbers been checked that way?

If cooper survivied the jump, could he have laundered the money in a way that would have put them in circulation without the banks knowing it?

I guess my point is, how do we know this money isn't in the system? What are the odds that banks are actively looking for these biils?

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Blevin made is panned remark below:


I actually put together a reasonable circumstantial case against Kenny Christiansen. Witness testimony, pictures, documents, patterns of spending after the hijacking that are backed up by real evidence and more witness testimony. That means property transaction docs, bank statements, and the like. I was able to establish motive, even suspicious whereabouts at the time of the crime.

Still, even after all that I don't claim that Christiansen was the hijacker for sure. Maybe he was, maybe not.

Blevins, you put together some "things" - individuals led you to believe might have some meaning. You have NO detailed records with dates of KC's background. Did you read the time lines I provided for Weber - employment records, dates of unusual activities documented with purchases and property records along with coins and other things There is more circumstancial evidence regarding Weber than there was KC.

KC never harmed a fly on the wall much less skyjacked a plane.
He was a hard working honest young man who was frugal and invested in his future. He was likeable and yes - probably gay, but who cares.

Why would these former friends claim the things you wrote about? Most of them are very elderly and did not realize the extent to which a writer would go to write and sell a book on this subject. You put words in their mouths - word that will be very embarassing to them if they are still alive when the truth is known and Cooper is exposed. You have them backed into a corner with your book along with all of the publicity and they are afraid of being shamed by their relatives and friends. You pushed these seniors into a corner and they just don't know how to get out...

Not one piece of evidence did you produce that would NOT have been the NORM for those days. The financial records mean nothing...and the way you approached these vulnerable individuals and the way you wrote the story - left them with NO out. One such story is about the night of the crime - these guys were out having a good time and probably heard about the skyjacking on a CB or the radio...and knew about the skyjacking...and decided to hang out to see what was going to happen.

If those guys had a CB or a radio in the RV - they knew what was going on and you can bet Cooper was discussed when they got home. If I lived in Wa in 1971 and was married to Duane and he came home after a night out with the "guys" - a night that was actually a family night - you can bet he would have been on the line - up one side and down the other. Also, consider I did NOT know about Duane's criminal past - and put that into the above senario. It is just natural for a wife to be pissed as hell about a husband who does not show up and the next day is Thankgiving! Believe me the families would have made a bigger to do about it at that time and NO one would ever have forgotten it.

How would these "guys" handle this. Hell, you know that on Thankgiving Day - Cooper was ALL people were talking about. I am sure these guys also liked a good tease - but, if these women even for one serious moment believed their friend or spouse was Cooper - it would have come out back then...not 38 yrs later when some writer starts asking questions. All because some investigator on the opposite of the US got a letter from a man who thought his brother could have been Cooper. If Lyle actually thought this - why didn't he come forward immediately after KC died?

Think about this for a moment!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hello, this is the Timewarrior speaking. . .

I am a follower of the Cooper case and have a question that may have been answered previously, however I have not found the answer in all the material I have watched and read. . .

TimeWarrior - good name, because you must be in a time warp. Anyone who depends on watching videos or old TV programs and news articles does NOT get a consistent answer to any one facet of the Cooper case.

Suggested reading - this thread and the prior thread that is closed - from beginning to end.
Over the yrs I have receive many enquiries from individual such as yourself - wanting quick answers. Many of these were students who had chose Cooper for their thesis or just a project for a Web page.

One has to know something about the crime - OLD news papers. Then you start to sort thru the many versions of the story - it is mind boggling and hence someone else writes an article or story and screws up some more facts - and so the Never Ending Cooper Sago goes on and on and on. Every story told adds even more Myths and hence the Facts become buried beneath the rubble of what some call research and others call garbage.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Greetings Time Warrior, and welcome to the DB Cooper case.

One of the best collections of information on the Cooper skyjacking is "Sluggo's" website:

Of course, I invite you to peruse my online news magazine, The Mountain News - WA, which specializes in the Cooper skyjacking since we're based in the heart of Cooper Country.


You can also use the search function at the DZ to hunt around for money facts, etc. It's not too easy, but it does give ya goodies eventually.

By the way, your handle is quite intriguing. You fight time? If you'd care to explain, I'm all ears, or eyes as the case may be.

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Well, knowing that pretty much everybody gave up the search against the list within six months...yes. [.

Is this above in the Blevins Encyclopedia
under 'Facts on the Cooper Case' !?

Hey Bullshitter, Name one person or entity to prove
your assertion! Just one! Cite your source.

You cant because you dont know one. But you will
spin a yarn of bullshit 500 miles long and then
chase somebody like Knoss' around, like a wolf after
a the last Big Mac ....

And you have the gall to tell the world this forum
has gone to hell!?

Your statement above is nothing more than your
personal opinion of-the-moment) and you have no
facts at all to back it up with. And this is precisely
why you are now a Charter Founder of the Cooper
Bullshitters' A-Team.

Hey Tom! Let Blevins post to your website!

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The hijacking happened before the days of personal computers, so the list was issued to all Federal Reserve banks, most banks in the Northwest, and casinos in Reno and Nevada, I believe.

RobertMBlevins esq says: "The hijacking happened before the days of personal computers"

RobertMBlevins may tell you the FBI, banks, and
the rest of civilisation had no computers in 1971,
and therefore no way to communicate or do data
processing!. RobertMBlevins would be wrong. Just
because Blevins is an unschooled person who hates
education does not mean the rest of the world was
blind, deaf, and dumb in 1971 - as Blevins asserts
and wants anyone gullible enough to believe it, to

Blevins is an ideologist with a personal agenda of
shit. He is factually wrong most of the time.

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Georger rather than chewing on Bitter Herbs - make a post about something WE all might like to discuss. Lately U offer 0 in the way of material information - U just Bash someone - anyone!

Surely there is something about Cooper U would like to or need to discuss!

Do you have anything new within your grasp or have you done all U can do?

I want to talk about Salt Lake City - I want to know who that man was Duane had me take a pic of. The guy sure was giving me a hard look when he passed by.

I find it difficult to understand why I NEVER found anyone who was willing to ID the man. He worked at the Vistors Center in August of 1979 and his name was on the roster in the hall. His office as you went out the door was to the right down the hall.

I have never been able to get anything out of anyone in Salt Lake City and I just do not understand this. I just want to know who the man is in the attached photo. Strange that out of 50 yrs of photos - the only negatives missing was the first strip in this group and that when I had the film developed - Duane wanted to know where the negatives where. Why did he need the negatives? Who was this man?

This picture would also have a reaction YRS later when I was redoing the photo Album around 1989 - he took the photos I discarded, but I never saw them again. I wasn't interested in the man - just the building behind him - The Assembly Hall.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger rather than chewing on Bitter Herbs - make a post about something WE all might like to discuss.

I did. You are just too uneducated to understand it!
That I can do nothing about.

Read it again. Maybe you will get the drift ...
because at length it applies to Duane and your case

We know Knoss is 'challenged'. His technical
remarks are a joke. He and you and Blevins have
more in common than you apparently know. Thats
ok. Your case is closed. If you (plural) want to waste
people's time with this pre-school level bullshit ...
that's your affair.

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Well, knowing that pretty much everybody gave up the search against the list within six months...yes. [.

Is this above in the Blevins Encyclopedia
under 'Facts on the Cooper Case' !?

Hey Bullshitter, Name one person or entity to prove
your assertion! Just one! Cite your source.

You cant because you dont know one. But you will
spin a yarn of bullshit 500 miles long and then
chase somebody like Knoss' around, like a wolf after
a the last Big Mac ....

And you have the gall to tell the world this forum
has gone to hell!?

Your statement above is nothing more than your
personal opinion of-the-moment) and you have no
facts at all to back it up with. And this is precisely
why you are now a Charter Founder of the Cooper
Bullshitters' A-Team.

Hey Tom! Let Blevins post to your website!


'Hello...(hello)...is there anybody IN there...'

Pink Floyd

Uh, Special Agent Larry Carr, you know...former case agent thingie guy...for the DB Cooper case...said that...IN HIS RADIO INTERVIEW.

Unlike you apparently, I actually LISTENED to it. It's been on the Wiki Cooper page for at least two years now. Kinda near the bottom of your screen, under that thingie part called 'External Links'.:S

*Cites requested source*

I am 100% aware of what Carr said. Carr wasnt
running the case in 1971 or did you think he was!?


And that you bring this up is just one more example
of how you build a whole litergy out of one supposed
factoid, is it not? But you are not alone in this
practise of Cooper Alchemy.

Now who is OBSESSED?

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Hello, this is the Timewarrior speaking. . .

RobertMBlevins, thank you for the response. It is just as I surmised, in all likelihood a proper massive prolonged search for these bills has not been conducted. One would have hoped that the Treasury would have checked every $20 bill prior to destruction, however, with the limitations on government resources and the short attention span of the American public, I fear this too was not done. Our only hope would be to find all the remaining bills out there still in circulation,test them and eliminate them. All you would need is one positive hit to prove Cooper survived. You prove Cooper survived, you change the entire course of the investigation.

However it still does not explain the Ingram money. . .unless he managed to loose a bundle during the jump. . .why would any sane individual throw away a portion of the ransom? Plus it was in such an obscure location, where there was no guarantee they would ever be found that it almost rules out a taunt to authrorities. Zodiac, BTK, and other criminals leave their taunts out in the open, in obvious places where the media and police can find them. To me, the ingram money is a big clue that Cooper may not have survived, but since the ball was dropped on the tracking. . .we may never know for sure.

skyjack71, I am not a student writing a thesis or a webhead making a webpage. I have followed the case since the 80s and was not looking for a quick answer. I was looking for the piece to a glaring hole in the case that has been gnawing at me for years. None of the books or newspaper articles I have read or documentaries I have watched fully clarified the search done for these $20 bills. The explanation seemed lacking so I came here to clarify what others knew about the search. I do no appreciate being insulted or accused of trying to start a new myth or distort the facts of the case.

However, if you so insist, then perhaps Cooper was a magical irish fairy who flew away on his gossamer fairy wings after jumping and now lives in the Magical kingdom of Landover in house built out of the ransom money and now spends his days conversing with the gnomes and trolls about how he outsmarted the silly humans and stole all their gold. . .I think I might write a book about that theory. . .just for you. . .

BruceSmith, thank you for your response. I shall try to go through your links when I have more time. As to my chosen title, some would say it was title of respect bestowed upon my by the coalition of balloon doggies due to my ability to manipulate time and instill paradoxes into the space time continuum. Still others say, it is the ancient Mayan name of a long forgotten god that brings forth death and destruction. Or maybe I just thought it was cool. . .like the Cooper case. .. it will probably be an eternal mystery.

Georger. . .there is much anger in you. . .be careful that it does not blind you in your endeavors. . . what I believe Mr. RobertMBlevins was referring to is that the existence and use of PERSONAL computers in the day to day activities of modern business such as it is now, was not in existence at the time of the highjacking. This is believeable, in the past decade alone, how much more dependent has society become on these infernal machines. . .one downed network at work. . .equates to an entire day of work lost due to one not being able to access their systems.

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I did. You are just too uneducated to understand it!
That I can do nothing about.

Perhaps you should not put down intuition and memories. I may have dumb blonde syndrome and I may not have the degrees you and my brother have, but I have a memory and it is very accurate.

The case against Duane is completely different than the other claims. I was married to this man for 17 yrs. I wasn't writing a book. I have NOT changed my story. I did NOT go public until the FBI lied to me.

I have tax records, employment records, financial records, time date and stamp - by this I mean - admissions to a facility and only hours after he was taken in for trying to obtain a drivers license in another county under the name of John Collins.
The county which came after him was unaware he had actually obtained his goal in the next county over.

The government nor the authorities had not been looking of Weber in relation to a crime for yrs. He held decent employment during our marriage and made good money. Why did he need that drivers license so badly he risked going to jail for obtaining that drivers license? Why did he fly out to the midwest very shortly thereafter and who provided him with the funds he supplemented his income with for the next 5 yrs?

As for the case against Duane being Closed - that is what you would like everyone to think and this is something the FBI wants to go away. Problem is it will not go away - nor will I until someone puts some PROOF in my hands that Duane Weber was NOT Cooper. Therefore my case or the case against Weber is NOT Closed as much as you would like to think so.

My level is far above pre-school, so no need to insult me. U certainly are not behaving like a gentleman - educated or uneducated. Your blatantly turning your back on suspects - will NOT stop the public from persuing the truth....what will you do when I walk in to the FBI office (not alone) with a footprint that cannot be denied?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger. . .there is much anger in you. . .be careful that it does not blind you in your endeavors. . .

what I believe Mr. RobertMBlevins was referring to is that the existence and use of PERSONAL computers in the day to day activities of modern business such as it is now, was not in existence at the time of the highjacking.

This is believeable, in the past decade alone, how much more dependent has society become on these infernal machines. . .one downed network at work. . .equates to an entire day of work lost due to one not being able to access their systems.

Believe what you will. Misrepresent the past as you
will. I see you are going to. You have come to the
right black hole for Cooper myth.

Werent you here once before asking the same
questions, and got nowhere?

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Georger. . .there is much anger in you. . .be careful that it does not blind you in your endeavors. . .

what I believe Mr. RobertMBlevins was referring to is that the existence and use of PERSONAL computers in the day to day activities of modern business such as it is now, was not in existence at the time of the highjacking.

This is believeable, in the past decade alone, how much more dependent has society become on these infernal machines. . .one downed network at work. . .equates to an entire day of work lost due to one not being able to access their systems.

Believe what you will. Misrepresent the past as you
will. I see you are going to. You have come to the
right black hole for Cooper myth.

Werent you here once before asking the same
questions, and got nowhere?

This is the Timewarrior Speaking. . .

I believe in facts sir. . .obtained through observable means and through cause and effect relationships. And no, I was not here before. That post was the first post I ever made to this forum. This is my third post. I find it sad that two of my 3 posts have to deal directly with your somewhat hostile personality.

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Well, I kinda figured that since Carr was a case agent assigned to the Cooper thingie-thing skyjacking case, the boys upstairs may have allowed him to sort of like examine/look at/analyze the files on the actual case.

You are beginning to worry me a bit, Georger.

So I kinda figured Carr might be at least minimally informed at the time he did the interview with Steven Rinehart and only offer up information he knew was true.

If not, then YOU can be the one to call him a liar. He says most banks gave up the search for the bills in less than six months. Considering the list and the tech at the time, this makes perfect sense.

Carr is like an FBI guy and everything, and I heard most are reasonably honest and stuff. Well, at least the ones I've met are.

Am I talking down to you? I think it's possible, but lately it seems necessary. :S

FU Blevins. Dont put words in my mouth. I did not
call Carr a liar.

How goes your attempt to "force" the Seattle office
into submission? "Force" is the word you used.

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Georger. . .there is much anger in you. . .be careful that it does not blind you in your endeavors. . .

what I believe Mr. RobertMBlevins was referring to is that the existence and use of PERSONAL computers in the day to day activities of modern business such as it is now, was not in existence at the time of the highjacking.

This is believeable, in the past decade alone, how much more dependent has society become on these infernal machines. . .one downed network at work. . .equates to an entire day of work lost due to one not being able to access their systems.

Believe what you will. Misrepresent the past as you
will. I see you are going to. You have come to the
right black hole for Cooper myth.

Werent you here once before asking the same
questions, and got nowhere?

This is the Timewarrior Speaking. . .

I believe in facts sir. . .obtained through observable means and through cause and effect relationships. And no, I was not here before. That post was the first post I ever made to this forum. This is my third post. I find it sad that two of my 3 posts have to deal directly with your somewhat hostile personality.

What time is it there, at AB Books, Timewarrior Esq ?

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