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DB Cooper

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This is the Timewarrior speaking. . .

Has there been any consideration for the world's recent climate change? The weather I knew of back in the 80's is not the same as it is now. Could that be affecting the way rivers flow? I would appreciate just straight forward answers to my questions and not insults or snarkiness please.

This is Robert99 replying. . .

Based on my recent personal observations, water still runs downhill.

And this specifically includes the Columbia River downstream of Bonneville Dam.

It is good to have another serious researcher on this thread to counter the likes of Knoss, Blevins, etc.. Welcome.

But the intesity of the flow might have changed. Plus I recall reading somewhere that the area that the bills were found was dredge by the USACE prior to their discovery. So the question remains how long would the bills take to travel down stream? There are just too many variables to consider. What we need is a single source that consolodates all these theories and facts. Like a cooper encyclopedia. Something like what the Jack the Ripper investigators have. Or what Robert Graysmith tried to do with Zodiac. . .

Most of the recent books I have read have been interesting, but they all seem to push one theoriy or another. Recently read skyjack, and while I found the description of the actually highjacking interesting, I found it's organization to be disjointed and the ending to be somewhat deflating. . .Plus it was intriguing and saddening to find out about how Brian Ingram's family was affected by all this.

the next book I plan to read is into the blast. Right after i read this book about the Bell Witch. still would prefer a cooper encyclopedia. One that is organized by the event, the suspects, and the facts.

You are very observant to note the connection with the Jack the Ripper and Zodiac cases. Like the Cooper hijacking, those two cases have not been solved either.

None of the books on the Cooper hijacking are worth buying. And that specifically includes the Blevins book which is now in either its third or fourth edition. Blevins has stated that he is working on a movie manuscript so you might want to wait for the movie.

If you are interested in facts on the Cooper hijacking, you might check out Sluggo's web page. Since Sluggo likes to stick to facts, he seldom posts on this thread anymore.

Just Google "Sluggo" and you should end up on his web page. Otherwise, go to "http://n467us.com" and look around.

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I was looking for the piece to a glaring hole in the case that has been gnawing at me for years. None of the books or newspaper articles I have read or documentaries I have watched fully clarified the search done for these $20 bills.


That's always been my question Timewarrior...what happened to the rest of the money?

Earlier in this thread I speculated that surely the Fed had to be looking for some of it coming through the system.

I was dismissed with the theory that they didn't have the capability at the time...maybe, but do we know for sure some effort was never made. If an effort WAS made to what scale?

To me anyway, 'some' evidence was possibly available...why wouldn't that avenue be pursued at least for a while...

Occam's razor tells me the money was lost prior to being spent. As you note, doubtful anyone would toss a sample of their hard earned gains just for shits & giggles.

Leads me to believe that either it broke away because of poor rigging during the parachute deployment, or nature carried it away from a dead body somehow.

Having some experience with both the canopy type Cooper used and rigging items to a harness, I tend to believe the prior.

Good observation on your part, I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees that question as a major point in the case...

How the money that was recovered got to the sand bar has been discussed here ad nauseum, some viable theories have been discussed...but HOW / WHY was it in the water in the first place?

The two simplest answers I noted above tend to rule out several of the 'Cooper Candidates' as they seemed to have had money to spend/hide during the time somewhat immediately following the crime....as you said, a Glaring Hole.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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What time is it there, at AB Books, Timewarrior Esq ?

AB books?

I guess you mean Seattle. It's 7:30 am or so here.

Georger: Himmelsbach, and others either at or formerly with the Seattle FBI whom I have asked about it, have expressed the opinion they believe Cooper died in the jump. As I pointed out in the article, the reason they usually give is the Tena Bar money, and sometimes the difficulty of the jump itself.

No, I don't believe the 'Washougal Washdown Theory' and yes, I've heard of it. It doesn't explain very well how more than a single bundle of the ransom mysteriously traveled more than twenty miles, and somehow stayed together, landing in the exact same spot. We've been down this road previously. As I said before, if they had found what amounts to a single bundle, maybe. Or...if MOST of the money had ended up on Tena Bar, then again...MAYBE. But not three together. That does not make sense to me.

Yes, I believe Tom Kaye's theory over the FBI's. There is no proof one way or another about it, this is strictly an opinion on my part. It's actually pretty simple. We just disagree on how the money arrived at Tena Bar.

So, you believe all bundle of money, wrapped in
rubber bands, automatically fan-out (and fan-in,
fan-in-and-out) "when placed in water", on Earth.

They were observed to fan-out. Were they observed
to fan-in?

Do the Kaye-Tell instructions include "water must
be flowing". ?

Oscillation? Frequency of fanning? He says fans in
seconds! The little buggers -

Uhhhhh, do the bills fan-in and fan-out in a bag,
or a box? Could they random-walk due to this
fanning, out of a bag?

If a dead guy fell into the Columbia, would his legs
and arms fan-in and fan-out, giving the appearance
he was swimming, when in fact he was dead?

If ten Cooper Dropzone timewarriors fell into the
drink, would they (as a group) fan-out and fan-in,
giving the appearance of a water dance in progress?

How did Kepler, Galileo, and Newton miss this?


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This is the Timewarrior speaking. . .

Has there been any consideration for the world's recent climate change? The weather I knew of back in the 80's is not the same as it is now. Could that be affecting the way rivers flow? I would appreciate just straight forward answers to my questions and not insults or snarkiness please.

Bleep, or Whomever: I was given to understand by someone, I remember naught, that the area around Tena Bar was flooded several times. Larry Carr explains the time frame for the movement of the money, in his opinion, from the East. However, it is reportedly possible that currents were reversed for a brief period which by a wild chance, might throw a curve to the fact pile. The money was covered and protected for seven to nine years and was only exposed for the last few. The majority of the money was found buried under three feet of dredging fill, suggesting a wash-up on the shore before being covered by the dredging.

McCoy reported that Weber buried all but two pockets full of bills in a milk can under a tree by the river, before a flood. Carr's information isolates the time frame of the flood, assuming the flood to have caused the release of the bills from their hiding place. In that scenerio, watershed and water flow might even couple with tidal flow for unusual results. I have never studied it myself, just taking notes from smart speculators.

This puts a causative flood as a possible release date about 1978-80. Larry Carr makes sense and is consistent with Weber and McCoy.

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Yeah I for one think if a 20 pound bag of money hit something hard a 100+ MPH...the shit WOULD hit the fan.

Your example has nothing to do with what we are
talking about:

Tom Kay says bills secured with rubber bands in
bundles, "fan out" when placed in water. As usual
he doesnt specify the conditions he says this holds
true in - so no equation describing the behavior is
possible. And so far as I know Tom does not tell us
what the "cause" of the fanning out is.

He extrapolates from that the Cooper bundles
could not have 'flowed' to Tena Bar by water,
because the bills in the bundles were not fanned
out when found. He says his forensics show the bills
were in near-perfect alignment when found! His
evidence for this is "bleeding print between bills" .

Never mind that the Ingrams nor anyone else
mentioned the bundles being in such a condition
of perfect alihgnment, and the Ingrams tried to
separate and clean the bundles using household
chemicals including Clorox. The FBI never
mentioned or documents the bills being in the close
perfect alignment Kay claims they were when found.
And, Kaye never saw or examined the money as
they came out of the ground, until generations later!

Tom's claims are just not credible, or an expression
of universal Physical Law, as it applies to currency in

Tom has not specified the forces which would "fan
out" bills wrapped in bundles and submitted to
water. He doesnt even bother to explain the
conditions he's talking about.

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Your example has nothing to do with what we are
talking about:


And YOURS does?! :D:D:D:D:D

Fan in Fan out...sports fan watching Fandango in front of a window fan!:S

Don't drift out into left field during football game and call ME out for making light of it! ;)

...and what's this 'WE are talking about' you mention?? :|

You're talking about some hard-on you have for Blevins all the time. . . give it rest, it's boring. B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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This is the Timewarrior speaking. . .

Has there been any consideration for the world's recent climate change? The weather I knew of back in the 80's is not the same as it is now. Could that be affecting the way rivers flow? I would appreciate just straight forward answers to my questions and not insults or snarkiness please.

Bleep, or Whomever: I was given to understand by someone, I remember naught, that the area around Tena Bar was flooded several times. Larry Carr explains the time frame for the movement of the money, in his opinion, from the East. However, it is reportedly possible that currents were reversed for a brief period which by a wild chance, might throw a curve to the fact pile. The money was covered and protected for seven to nine years and was only exposed for the last few. The majority of the money was found buried under three feet of dredging fill, suggesting a wash-up on the shore before being covered by the dredging.

McCoy reported that Weber buried all but two pockets full of bills in a milk can under a tree by the river, before a flood. Carr's information isolates the time frame of the flood, assuming the flood to have caused the release of the bills from their hiding place. In that scenerio, watershed and water flow might even couple with tidal flow for unusual results. I have never studied it myself, just taking notes from smart speculators.

This puts a causative flood as a possible release date about 1978-80. Larry Carr makes sense and is consistent with Weber and McCoy.

This has all been discussed before. 1978 was a
draught ending in Dec with heavy rain into 1979
and then flooding with some parts of the washougal
ten feet out of their banks ...

You and Blevins need to read the thread.

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Your example has nothing to do with what we are
talking about:


And YOURS does?! :D:D:D:D:D

Fan in Fan out...sports fan watching Fandango in front of a window fan!:S

Don't drift out into left field during football game and call ME out for making light of it! ;)

...and what's this 'WE are talking about' you mention?? :|

You're talking about some hard-on you have for Blevins all the time. . . give it rest, it's boring. B|

Stop being a pest disrupter!

I dont have the faintest idea what you are
yammmmering about!

Cite something soit can be discussed?

Be specific for a change, Air Twardo.

This is a discussion about physical causes and effects
as it relates to the moneyand the Tena Bar find. Not
about Mr Blevins! You are the one stuck on Mr.

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"Tom's claims are just not credible."

Poor logic and only a guess. I have to agree. Dispersion indicates some degree of floatation for some calculable period of time. I assume river speed there is like any other river, variable with current flow. With flooding and floating, or being carried by current being the probable cause of release, flood currents being minimal up to massive, documentation of movement is impossible to replicate or determine. It is immaterial anyway. The Insurance Company was more than happy to absorb the lost money. They saw that much value in the Project. YES, another conspirator, the insurance company, no longer in business. MAC-MAC-MAC-MAC-MAC-AFLAC.

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This puts a causative flood as a possible release date about 1978-80. Larry Carr makes sense and is consistent with Weber and McCoy.

This has all been discussed before. 1978 was a
draught ending in Dec with heavy rain into 1979
and then flooding with some parts of the washougal
ten feet out of their banks ...

You and Blevins need to read the thread.

Well, then I just confirmed your previous thread. Happy to be of service. Now had you asked earlier, I could have saved you a lot of probable hashing and arguing, and name calling. I'm here to make your life easier, Jerry! You want facts, come to the source. You want to banter, go to (Bleep)!

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Your example has nothing to do with what we are
talking about:


And YOURS does?! :D:D:D:D:D

Fan in Fan out...sports fan watching Fandango in front of a window fan!:S

Don't drift out into left field during football game and call ME out for making light of it! ;)

...and what's this 'WE are talking about' you mention?? :|

You're talking about some hard-on you have for Blevins all the time. . . give it rest, it's boring. B|

Stop being a pest disrupter!

I dont have the faintest idea what you are
yammmmering about!

Cite something soit can be discussed?

Be specific for a change, Air Twardo.

This is a discussion about physical causes and effects
as it relates to the moneyand the Tena Bar find. Not
about Mr Blevins! You are the one stuck on Mr.

Yeah sure, you're right... I'm the one with issues! >:(:D:D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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This puts a causative flood as a possible release date about 1978-80. Larry Carr makes sense and is consistent with Weber and McCoy.

This has all been discussed before. 1978 was a
draught ending in Dec with heavy rain into 1979
and then flooding with some parts of the washougal
ten feet out of their banks ...

You and Blevins need to read the thread.

Well, then I just confirmed your previous thread. Happy to be of service. Now had you asked earlier, I could have saved you a lot of probable hashing and arguing, and name calling. I'm here to make your life easier, Jerry! You want facts, come to the source. You want to banter, go to (Bleep)!

What is the melt transition temp of the rubber
bands used in the Cooper money bundles?

How affected by Oxygen depletion?

Explain how these realities are involved with the
Coopermoney find.

Im opening a door for you and the others here.
Can you walk through it?

You talk the talk. Can you walk the walk?

And why won't Tom Kaye/Carol/Alan come here and
explain and discuss their findings and claims, vs.
relying on outside interpreters-editorialists which at
length even includes me! That is the source of the
consternation which has plagued this project.

Town and Gown must merge, if it can.

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Georger: You seem openly hostile to new members and only seem to offer one piece of advice, to RTFF. And perhaps that would be good advice were it not for the singular fact that this forum consists of one single topic that consists of over a thousand pages. If you want everyone to RTFF, then perhaps YOU should develop a forum with multiple subject headings that woud allow new users to get caught up to your vastly superior position of knowledge. Perhaps a section on the cooper money, or the weather of pacific northwest? Or the flight placard that was found? At the very least it would help narrow my search down. I hereby officially assign you homework for the upcoming weekend. DESIGN a better forum.

Robert99: Thank you for the suggestion. I will check out the website. I find appeal of such cases as Jack the Ripper D.B Cooper, the zodiac killer and others like the Viscilla Axe murders to be quite intriguing in that they could very well have been solved had things been done right at the time.

airtwardo: thank you for your commments.

BobKnoss: Read about you in skyjack. . .would really like to see your screensaver.

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Georger: You seem openly hostile to new members and only seem to offer one piece of advice, to RTFF. And perhaps that would be good advice were it not for the singular fact that this forum consists of one single topic that consists of over a thousand pages. If you want everyone to RTFF, then perhaps YOU should develop a forum with multiple subject headings that woud allow new users to get caught up to your vastly superior position of knowledge. Perhaps a section on the cooper money, or the weather of pacific northwest? Or the flight placard that was found? At the very least it would help narrow my search down. I hereby officially assign you homework for the upcoming weekend. DESIGN a better forum.

Robert99: Thank you for the suggestion. I will check out the website. I find appeal of such cases as Jack the Ripper D.B Cooper, the zodiac killer and others like the Viscilla Axe murders to be quite intriguing in that they could very well have been solved had things been done right at the time.

airtwardo: thank you for your commments.

BobKnoss: Read about you in skyjack. . .would really like to see your screensaver.

What is RTFF ? Translation pse. Ordinary English will
suffice here.

I have no control whatever over the content or length
and breadth of this thread. 99% of this thread is
spurious to the Cooper case.

The issues currently at question are very
specific and easily understood at Mr Kaye's site:


No login required - just click the headings for content.
So in essence there is your "single website with
multiple subject headings that would allow new
users to get caught up." This website is much easier
to navigate for some vs. Sluggo's website. And
Sluggo's site is not current..

One thing you should try and read is Robert99's
analysis of the FBI flight path, on Sluggo's website.
That work is unparalleled and a standard.

Again the primary issues at stake are stated on
Tom's site in an organised manner. Tom presents
the standing issues pretty well in my opinion.

Thats the best I can offer.

You should also want to search and read posts here
by Farflung and Hominid.

Its a large repertoir to tackle.

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"Tom's claims are just not credible."

Bob's claims are not credible either! at least Tom has evidence, what do you have? a two door Ford facing west!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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anything in a metal can (milk can) for that many years would have rusted and leaked! I would say it would take a massive wash out in order to pull it out from the earths suction, that close to the river would make the ground very moist causing more damage to the (milk can) as each year passed, not plausible!!

Despite its uses in storing and transporting milk, milk cans had a few faults. Milk cans lacked insulation, so on warm days the milk would start to sour in the can. There wasn't an adequate covering for the milk cans. the milk can was used for transporting milk and not meant to be submerged!

Even in 1971 milk cans were considered "Old School" and were rarely used by farmers, if one was found on a farm, it was probably already rusted in in disrepair.

in 1938, the first farm bulk tanks began to pick up the milk from farmer. That development sounded the death knell for the utilitarian milk can
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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1979 Duane and I make a trip to Seattle and Duane makes a stop in Salt Lake City. We had both seen Salt Lake and I had not wish to revisit it.

Duane sets me up to take the attached photo - but I never knew why. A man in Salt Lake City who worked out of the visitors center.

We spend that first night in The Dalles which was his target. He disappears for 5 1/2 hours the next morning - returning soiled and 15 min after Check out.

He tells me about people he knew in Biggs and Rufus - I even have their names now. I was told this store did NOT exist and Mattie didn't exist nor did her nephew exist, but in 2010 I found they did exist.

Everything he told me about The Dalles was exactly as he told me and the fire dept had a museum and what he told me about that Fire Dept. puts Weber in WA during the late 40's.

My accounting of this trip is detailed in the thread many time.
Yet, there are those who dispute this trip. Yet, I told this to the FBI and to Himmelsbach during those first 4 yrs before I went public.

While in Seattle he disappears for a complete afternoon returning to our hotel and we are late getting to the Awards Banquet. He was giddy and he had not been drinking and he was not with the other guys.

On our way back to Vancouver he makes several stops which I have outlined in prior post.

As we crossed into Portland headed East - he turns around after making several strange comments and showing me things (all out lined in this thread many times).

We head instead to Tahoe - and he was in several casinos depositing me at an exit and telling me to be there when he got back. We never spent more than a few minutes in each casino. I now think he was WASHING money and the stops since they all relate to the crime locations - one across from the PDX and then at a big TANK on the river and then West where he again gets out of the car and goes to the river ordering me to stay in the car (trees and some kind of shed down by the water) -that he would be just a few minutes. The final stop in Vancouver was THE RED LION and at that time he threw a paper sack into the water. He makes sure I am kept busy telling me to get us some snacks and tells me exactly where the rest rooms and machine were located.

There was a side trip off of the I-4 when he crossed a bridge - I would not remember this until I went to WA on my own in 2010 and after crossing that bridge there was the store we stopped at and the large Yard there. The place had changed very little and he drove me down to a small town along the river on the Oregon side and then back to the bridge we crossed over before. This was before we got to Vancouver.

After we had married in 1978 he wakes with a terrible nightmare.
"I left my prints on the AFT stair - I am going to die" He lets out a blood courdling scream. I knew nothing about Cooper, but when I asked him what the AFT stair where - he told me it the stairway in a county jail. THis was the 1st I knew about Duane having ever been in jail. He dismissed it as a couple of months in a county jail because he and a couple of guys got into something they should not have.
I swallowed this story hook and sinker - he never told me he was in prison and I now know that AFT stairs are NOT in county jail houses or prisons.

Our trip to Salt Lake and Seattle and Tahoe are the next yrs 1979 around the end of Sept. This is when he made all of his STOPS.

There were lots of other places between The Dalles and Seattle he took me to and all of these indicate he had spent a LOT of time in the area. He never looked at a map the first time.

While in Seattle we had to go to a banquet away from the Hotel site and they gave us a map. When Duane is going there I tell him that is out of our way. He tells me that the road we are taking will go back to the highway we were supposed to be on. We end up behind the Airport and the first thing he say is " I don't remember that fence".
He does not mention Cooper or the skyjacking. He does mention a building to our Left that was offices - he told me it used to be a motel. Now yrs later I find the fence that was there in 1979 and the one that was there in 1971 are different. The chain link was put up after the skyjacking. The old fence was what appeared to be wood and low.

In 1980 they papers are plastered with the Cooper find of the money. Duane resigns his job (making great money) and leaves me in Ft. Collins with a daughter graduating in May and her birthday party coming up. His resignation is dated the day after the money find was announced. He leave 4 wks later only after asking me to ride with him to a town in another state. He has his brief case - he is not licensed in that state. He had been emphatic we had to get there before 3 Pm. He tells me to say in the car and a few moments later he is back in the car and we head back to CO. He went to a bank - just told me he had to see a man about some business. I now believe he opened a safe deposit box in that bank and paid it forward for 10 yrs. Because in 1990 he goes back there after risking his freedom to obtain a John Collins ID. Things showed up I had never seen. This is when the Sea-Tac stub showed up, a book of matches, Mickey, A couple of magazines - which he blew his top about when I threw them away before he died. Also this thing - that I would later learn was part of a parachute - but I didn't know this until I sold it in 1995 at a garage sale after Duane died. The man who bought it told me what it was.
At that time I puzzled why Duane would have an attachment for a parchute. Also in the garage was alarge jar - with some kind of contraption in it...Duane told me never to throw it away. I still do not know what was in that jar.

Duane broke his leg in the early part of 1994. I wanted to clean out an old 1990 file from the shop. He told me he would do it later. I persisted and dumped the entire contents of the box and started to sort things out. There was an old airline ticket and I read it out loud - he just said it was an old ticket and had no meaning. Later he would ask me what I did with that ticket. I thought maybe I had put it in the throw away things, but since he seemed upset - I went to the garage and when thru every item I had removed from the box (they had not been mixed up with the regular trash as I had put them in a plastic bag. I told hhim it wasn't there and it was probably in the box. He tells me he will get it later.

A couple of days later I am putting his clothes away as I away did when I did the laundry.
He said he would put them away later, but he has a cast on his leg and I proceed to do my job.
There is that airline ticket! He had retrived it. I never saw it again.

Then in late 1994 I had a garage sale and had one of the workers he had use help me. I had to take Duane to diaylsis and when we got back she asked me about a book that was not a book and what was in it - DUANE eemphatically told her it was not for say and to set it aside.

Later that evening Duane would ask me to retrive it - it was not there. He said he would ask the girl about it tomorrow. Duane was visibly upset. Over a yr after Duane died and I had found out who DAN COOPER was - I called this girl but she had no memory of the box (she had a problem).

Duane told me in the hospital 11 days before he died he was DAN Coooooper, but I didn't know who Dan Cooooper was. I didn't understand what he was talking about.

One yr and 2 months later I learn purely by accident - D.B. Cooper was Dan Cooper. I really wish I had not. I was trying to let a suitor down gently and the book on widowhood said if you meet a guy you do not want to be romantically involved with but wanted to keep him as a friend to start talking about your deceased. I did and he asked me if I ever thought my husband could have been D.B. Cooper.
Two wks later I check a book out of the library and learn in the first few page that D.B. Cooper had called himself Dan Cooper. This was the first knowledge I ever had of this - I was on the phone to the FBI on that night May 24 1996 - the rest is history and it has been the worse 16 yrs of my life.

The FBI dissed me, but I thought Himmelsbach was telling them what I told him - he had only gave them a letter someone helped me put together and copies of the ID's and what was in the hidden Wallet I did NOT find in the Van I sold after Duane died. The new owner called me and told me had my husband's wallet and I replied I have my husband's wallet. A few days later he would deliver this wallet to me. It was my husband, but the ID in the wallet was for John C. Collins. The finder claimed nothing else was in it. Why did he tell me 2 different stories - one on the phone and then when he delivered the wallet tell me he hadn't looked in it when I asked what was in it. I won't go into details with this - but something was fishy.

Oh, Well - NO one believes me, but surely as I sit here telling this story again - I have changed nothing. Tried of trying to get someone to hear me and to REALLY investigate the background of Weber....I decided to do what I could do myself. The FBI did NOT investigate Duane Weber and John Collins and if they did they sure missed a lot.

I posted Duane's work history and that of a wife during the 60's all the way to 1972. How does a man go from making less than 2K in 1971 buy 2 new cars and divorce and remarry and buy a new house and make lots of expensive improvements. He even loaned his boss 5K on a note.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Has there been any consideration for the world's recent climate change? The weather I knew of back in the 80's is not the same as it is now. Could that be affecting the way rivers flow? I would appreciate just straight forward answers to my questions and not insults or snarkiness please.

The short answer is "Yes," Global Climate Change has altered rain patterns in the Pacific Northwest, and thus, river flows.

The more complete answer, though, is more difficult to convey; especially in teasing out how it may have impacted the transport of Cooper money to Tina's Bar from a point in the east.

In general, the climate effects are mostly localized, such as flooding in individual river valleys, which has greatly increased.

To whit: the Director of the Department of Emergency Managament of Pierce County told me that costs from flood damage have increased about 20% on average per year over the past 4-5 years. I have written about the governmental response to this dynamic when I was a newspaper reporter for the Eatonville (WA) Dispatch. Other journalists have covered this story as well, and the local joke is that we have a 1-in-a-100 year storm every couple of years or so. In fact, the Pierce County Council just voted to form a flood zone district with its own taxing power even though the council is 5-2 Republican, and folks on high ground are screaming.

That said, the most logical river to deliver money to Tina's Bar is the Washougal, but I do not know of its flood history circa 1971-1980. However, others here do, and I hope they share the specifics.

But that requires the money to get into the Washougal watershed before its wash-down, and that has a multitude of problems, not the least of which is the truthfulness of Bill Rataczak in his description of the flight path. Ralph Himmelsbach is on record as saying that Rataczak told him that 305 flew over the Washougal and not Victor 23. However, when I asked Bill to confirm, he was evasive and said he couldn't remember where he was that night.

That kind of waffling on basic information drives much of what is written here, and lays the foundation for Bob Knoss' audience.

As for gathering the facts of the case in a comprehensive fashion - that is my goal in my upcoming book: The Hunt for DB Cooper - The Resurgent Investigation into America's Only Unsolved Skyjacking, although many here desire that I find a title with a bit more punch, such as "Denuded DB Cooper - The Facts of the FBI's Bungling of America's Only Unsolved Skyjacking Stripped Totally Naked!"


Time Fighter, you clearly have a cognitive octane rating well in the 100s, so I hope you read Sluggo's account of the skyjacking, and mine, in the near future. I would think we could then take this conversation to the next level.

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The Columbia River has a long history of flooding. Flood stage for the river,
as routinely measured near the Port of Vancouver, is 16 feet. It was recently
exceeded in May-June 2011.
The following are the 20 highest historical crests of the Columbia, as well as
what you can expect when the river reaches certain levels.
All information is courtesy of the National Weather Service.
1) June 13, 1948 31.00 feet
2) June 1, 1948 30.80 feet
3) Dec. 25, 1964 27.70 feet
4) June 4, 1956 27.60 feet
5) Feb. 9, 1996 27.20 feet
6) June 19, 1933 26.30 feet
7) May 31, 1928 26.20 feet
8) June 12, 1921 26.00 feet
9) June 26, 1950 25.90 feet
10) June 16, 1903 25.60 feet
11) Jan. 19, 1965 25.44 feet
12) June 22, 1917 25.30 feet
13) June 3, 1916 25.30 feet
14) June 13, 1913 25.20 feet
15) Jan. 3, 1997 22.55 feet
16) June 12, 1972 21.50 feet
17) June 22, 1974 21.10 feet
18) Jan. 24, 1970 19.54 feet
19) June 5, 1997 19.03 feet
20) Dec. 1, 1995 18.50 feet
Above 16 feet
Expect some flooding of islands and low areas, with minor impacts for parks
and trails along the Columbia River.
Above 17 feet
Expect flooding of some lowland access roads, parking areas and trails on
Sauvie Island, around Vancouver Lake and near downtown Vancouver.
Access to some houseboat communities will be affected, along with
recreation and camping areas at Cottonwood Beach near Washougal and on
Government Island.
Above 18 feet
Expect flooding of undiked lowland, pasture and farmland to begin.
Historically, the main areas affected have been from Sauvie Island
Above 20 feet
Expect widespread flooding of undiked lowland and agricultural lands, along
with flooding of the access road under the north end of the Interstate 5
Bridge. Islands on the Columbia River downstream from the Interstate 5
Bridge are threatened above this level.
Above 24 feet
Expect numerous sloughs to begin flooding in the Portland and Vancouver
area. Numerous islands and sloughs on the Columbia River, both upstream
and downstream from the Interstate 5 Bridge, historically have begun to
flood at this point. Also expect flooding of parks and lowland areas near the
Sandy River confluence.
Above 27 feet
Expect widespread flooding of low‐lying farmland, islands on the Columbia
River and sloughs in the Portland and Vancouver area. Historically, river
traffic has been halted to prevent water from overtopping the lowest dikes
along the river.
Above 30 feet
Expect widespread inundation along the Columbia River from Vancouver
downstream to Longview. Numerous islands and sloughs on the Columbia
River upstream and downstream from the Interstate 5 Bridge will be flooded.
Many industries along the Columbia River have historically ceased operations
at this level.
Above 31 feet
Expect major flooding. Overtopping of some lower levees is possible. Expect
widespread inundation along the Columbia River from Vancouver
downstream to Longview. Tributary rivers will be backed up. Many industries
along the Columbia River and most ship traffic will be affected.
Above 34 feet
Expect flooding of much of downtown Vancouver, along with major flooding
along the Columbia River from Vancouver downstream to Longview. Some
lower levees may be overtopped.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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This puts a causative flood as a possible release date about 1978-80. Larry Carr makes sense and is consistent with Weber and McCoy.

This has all been discussed before. 1978 was a
draught ending in Dec with heavy rain into 1979
and then flooding with some parts of the washougal
ten feet out of their banks ...

You and Blevins need to read the thread.

Well, then I just confirmed your previous thread. Happy to be of service. Now had you asked earlier, I could have saved you a lot of probable hashing and arguing, and name calling. I'm here to make your life easier, Jerry! You want facts, come to the source. You want to banter, go to (Bleep)!

What is the melt transition temp of the rubber
bands used in the Cooper money bundles?

I doubt they'd melt. They dry out and crack.

How affected by Oxygen depletion?

Do you mean antioxidant protection? There is none.

Explain how these realities are involved with the
Coopermoney find.

Rubber bands have limited and predictable life expectancy under UV exposure. Without stabilizers and anti-oxidants most polymers are good for about 30 days before losing color. I have never logged data on deterioration of rubber bands, but I have done a myriad of other materials.

Rubber bands in a drawer decay also. Aging is not solely due to UV degradation. The reaction doubles with every 10°C rise in temperature. In a cold buried milk can, they might be protected. Moisture would play a role as well. Too many variables to be precise, but Carr has a good handle on the state of the bills, which should be more predictable.

Im opening a door for you and the others here.
Can you walk through it?

I generally have to turn sideways as my shoulders are like Swartzenigger's.

You talk the talk. Can you walk the walk?

I'm in a wheelchair when it comes to big walks.
I have an HD Hovearound Deluxe Electric with a rear shopping basket that will lose your ass in the dust. I can do 10-12 miles at running speed without stopping.

And why won't Tom Kaye/Carol/Alan come here and
explain and discuss their findings and claims, vs.
relying on outside interpreters-editorialists which at
length even includes me! That is the source of the
consternation which has plagued this project.

The FBI does not share information. They just keep collecting and collecting stuff and saying, "Gotcha," even when they really don't at all.

Town and Gown must merge, if it can.

An open mind on this forum refers to an in-process frontal lobotomy. A major discovery is a recti-cranial collision.

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