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DB Cooper

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Knoss says:


Jo's story on burying the chute, ask her. The money was buried under a tree by the river, with a shovel, in a milk can that was not all rusted out, it was in good shape. I don't think Jo's information is very often correct, so I do not rely on it. I just acknowledge it. She told me something about burying something by an old shed, too. I ignored it.

Jo will set the record straight:

:|[:/]:(I never said I knew where he buried the chute - if I were to guess it was behind the tower in the post I just made above. (in the middle of a forest). He buried something there - he did not tell me what. The tower was NO were near a river or a dairy farm.

The farm with a small building toward the road to the side of the house - reminded me of a milking station. This farm was on Lake LaCames....and NO WHERE NEAR the tower Duane claimed to have buried something behind. Knoss does NOT even know where the lake is or he would not persist with his ridiculous claim.

The location of the farm was NO where near the RIVER or the landing zone - just a place where Duane told me he used to know the people who lived there and they had 2 boys - one about his age. This farm was near Lake LaCames. I have identified the farm and the fact the deceased owners did a have a son Duane's age.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The website is here Jo


you can click on them for info, if you need any help just ask.

you can click on the tower in question and most give a picture along with dates, tell me the ones and I can help you :)

None of those: When yrs ago I spoke with the head man a the forestry division - I explained the land we were on was not on a high point. He suggested it was a private logging tower perhaps around the 1st Standard Parallel what-ever the hell that is. It was not part of the forestry and was probably privately maintained.

Lumber companies bought out forested land and/or acquired land from the state. Some of this land is now farms, developement and privately owned. He mentioned the Lucia Falls area along with others and said that fell outside of the forestry and they had no records of these towers and/or lands. I had explained to him the land with the tower was NOT mountaineous, but relative flat and could be considered what I call rolling hills.

He did NOT know who I would need to contact about these privately owned lands - some of the mills are defunct and there is no telling where their records are or if they even exist.

Back in 1979 If I had been a developer - I would have sold the wood on this land and then later have sold off parts of it for developement. Areas I have lived in - have done this. The area he took me to was NOT in the mountains - just thick woods and tall trees. Today it could be a town or a developement or a golf course - that is the kind of land it was - but wooded with timber..
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Since it was NOT part of the State Forestry division - this makes the surveyors job easier.

Land had to be surveyed before it could be sold and then later if developed it had to be surveyed again. I think what you and others have done was just take "my"word it was a fire tower.
I cannot imagine what a tower in the middle of the wood is other than a fire tower.

Now I guess I start trying to find more from the locals I just know the property was somewhere between Battleground and north of there - probably in directions N.E. because of a Dam he mentioned and the light on it you could see forever.

I think Cooper had to have known the area and have known it well to walk out of there. He had to know land marks and he had to be able to navigate without a map whereever he landed.

He had to reasonable have thought no one would remember him because it had been too many yrs - he was in his 20's when he was there and he changed a lot. Perhaps he felt secure in that he knew the area and hoped no one would remember him if he survived.

Frankly I think just because I knew Duane Weber for so long, that he did NOT expect to survive. I think he actually thought he would die. Hell, it would have been a faster death than what his mother suffered thru. I think he might have sort of went OFF his rocker and expected to die - he did NOT want to die the slow painful death he watched his mother die of.

Since the wife Duane had until 1972 - claims she left the first of November - maybe she told the truth there. Because of Duane's personality and his life - he felt like he had NOTHING to live for. In 1971 he had spent most of his life in and out of prisons. At 19 he was chucked out of the Navy - because he defended a girls honor when a 90 Day wonder forced himself on a young lady. Duane defended her and ended up getting kicked out of the Navy because of this.

Duane had a code - do NOT insult my wife or any woman. I personally experienced this myself - and all the guy did was block my way from the rest room.

The mother and father do everything they can to get the Navy to dismiss the charges (I have the papers and the letters exchanged between the Navy and the parents), but in the mean time Duane gets into the ARMY, but then within in 6 wks they find him out - but he was in there under his name (the FBI agent told me Duane was NEVER in the Army). A friend of the family was on the same base at that time....when Duane was forced also out of the Army because he had a bad conduct discharge with the Navy.
He goes on a tangent within the base by commandering the Commandors jeep and going for a joy ride.

No one will hire him and he heads to Chicago where he has an Uncle (gets in trouble - no money and no job) and then to Ca to be with his parents. The FATHER blames Duane and the mother defends him. Not being able to get a job picking apples he ends up in trouble. When he is sent to McNeil the family has enough pull to keep him out of tye system. No money and no job he gets into more trouble and then the judge threw the book at him and sent him to McNeil (note the FBI claimed he only pasted thru there) and from what I know he actually did NOT get put into the general population in the prison. Intervention was starting then and manpower was short because of the war. Duane was sent to WA and this is when I believe he got involved in the STATE of WA so heavily.

I can only try to piece this together with the family records.
We know Duane ended up back in the Ohio area for short time and was arrested and escaped, but we think he went BACK to WA.
We do know that when he was sentence to San Quention and Folsom that he served extra time concurrently there because of the escape from Columbia.

Since he was on the run from 1945 to 1949 - little is know about where and what he did...other than the Family HELPED to hide him....but he was a Mama's boy and he had to go see his mama....but he didn't have money and he couldn't get a job....not with his dismissal from the Navy and the Army. Duane was the youngest and he was a late life baby for his parents.

He is in prison from 1950 until 1957 and then he ends up getting arrested with in wks - in St.Petersburg, FL. We aren't sure what happened there because he ends up in Prison in 1960 in Canon City, CO. His sister signed him out of Canon City in 1962. What happen from there we don't know - I do know. Duane was involved in somethings in CO in Canon, Leadville and a town above FT. Collins. This is when he met the wife he would stay with for 10 yrs....she met and knew him a John Collins - not Duane L. Weber.

Duane obviously was NOT on the run as he had been released as Duane Weber and went to work as a door man at a hotel in Denver and a town south of there (this is when he met Dorthy Kilgalen). She did NOT want her paper put at her door - she wanted the doorman to knock and hand the paper to her.

We know he met his wife about this time - but she only knew him as John Collins? The hotel had a room in the basement - I understand he used that as his living quarters for a short time.

From 1962 until 1968 - Duane Weber was known as John (Johnny) Collins. His wife and step children only knew him as John. In 1964 he went to work for Pyramid Life in KN - they have no record of him. They claimed to me they had purged all of their records from that time.

According to the step childern they made good money and they lived in a nice house - but in 1966 - Duane is in trouble again. When Duane was in Jefferson and she would go to see him - they told her he was in solitare.

Duane had already spent most of his adult life in prison and Jefferson lets this many time fellon out of prison on a communation of sentence! The wife and kids claimed they did NOT know his name was Duane Weber until that time. After his release from there - Duane Weber never spent another day in jail. His commutation of sentence was for John Collins not Duane Weber. THIS HAS ALWAY BEEN ODD.

In 1971 Duane had made NO money - you can't get a good job if you are an EX-con. He didn't know anything but the prison system. He never got to know what it was to be a normal youth growing up and spending his life doing normal things.

According to the sister Duane was not given a fair shake by the system when the Government refused to change the Army Bad Conduct Charge - it made him unemployable. I think he was bitter about this and I think he was ashamed of the life he had lived. Everyone in his family was successful but him. His brother 12 yrs his senior had graguated from College and was an engineer (try the employment records at Boeing) in WA. The brother and his partner also purchased commercial property in Tacoma.

I believe Duane did have a GRUDGE and I believe a letter sent with a letter to one of the newspaper was written by Weber.
The one with the CODE is a combination of his army and navy serial number.

Since Duane was put out of the NAVY - why would he 70 yrs later still have his navy number written down in his address book.

Connect the Army number and then the Navy number and you have the CODE. If a letter was actually sent to the New Paper with this code - I believe it was Duane trying to get caught. He did NOT know how to function out side of a prison setting.

I know that what-ever he did with Intermountain and in WA it dealt with codes and communications.
He didn't cut it as a jumper so he did the next best thing. I believe he was doing this under a name provided by a distant relative or friend of the family in WA. I believe he was happy doing what he did in WA, but it was about that time in 1949 that the SS records where starting to catch some and he got home sick and wanted to see Mama.

Duane WEBER was always respectfuly of women and he knew how to treat a woman - he was very protective. I have a feeling his survival in the system made him like that. He was larger than some of the others and he could be very ominous looking with his voice and features and when Duane said something in that voice one listened.

I will never believe that Duane was gay or bisexual, but he was the kind to protect others. The young man in N.Orleans who came out to talk to me - he was much younger than Duane anda BABY faced kind of guy. He cared a lot about Duane - and NOW I think I just might know why! In the prisons perverted sex was common and a pretty young baby faced prisoner was quickly destroyed by the perverts.
Perhaps (I hope) Duane used his stature to protect some of the guys....it would be how he conducted his life. Duane would give you the shirt of his back - in the 17 yrs I knew the man he was generous and loving and for the most part a good citizen. He eve got to vote in the last 2 elections before he died. Ex-cons can't VOTE or at least they could not then.

When Duane made a friend it was for life. The friend I met in Denver (a man who lived in Castle Rock, Co in 1979) was exactly like Duane - but I never learned where they knew each other from. This is where Knoss's one legged man came from. THis guy had lost his leg to cancer -Which leg? (He also was at one time a chauffeur for the RICH Hermit whose name I can never remember).

Duane would not and could not kill or harm anything or anyone, but he did feel cheated by the system. He was a DAD to a lot of people over the yrs....young an old. I believe that he intended to die in 1971 when he made that jump. He lived and his life changed - not all at once, but it happened. Whatever he did in his life wrong I think he tryied to do all he could to do the RIGHT thing after he survived.

Strangely he became focuses and made very very good money.
Especially in 1983 when he started to make BIG money and yes I know I am particially responsible of the this. When he was "ascared" a word I could never break him from - worried that someone on might recognize him . HE mentioned this on 2 or 3 occassion when we went to a nich restuarant - he was always watching everyone an deverything in the room. Finally Virginia Beach VA he got over what every fear he had of strangers and this constantly watching ever mover of other.

He kept telling me he couldn't take the promotion - he had to keep a low profile. I thought this was because of the "County Jail " thing. What he told me about going to a jail for a couple of months - and also said his wife waw with them, but they agreed not to tell on her since she had children. Presumably 2 other guys helped Duane with this crime. THis was his explanation nof the nightmare he had after we got married when he screamed "I going to Die" after stating "I left my prints on the Aft Stairs"

[RED]Stupid me didn't know there were not aft stair in a jail house![/RED] Remember this dream was only 3 month after we were married and living in Denver, Co. ...He did not tell me he was in prison (just a couple of months in a county jail).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Knoss says:


Jo's story on burying the chute, ask her. The money was buried under a tree by the river, with a shovel, in a milk can that was not all rusted out, it was in good shape. I don't think Jo's information is very often correct, so I do not rely on it. I just acknowledge it. She told me something about burying something by an old shed, too. I ignored it.

Jo will set the record straight:

:|[:/]:(I never said I knew where he buried the chute - if I were to guess it was behind the tower in the post I just made above. (in the middle of a forest). He buried something there - he did not tell me what. The tower was NO were near a river or a dairy farm.

The farm with a small building toward the road to the side of the house - reminded me of a milking station. This farm was on Lake LaCames....and NO WHERE NEAR the tower Duane claimed to have buried something behind. Knoss does NOT even know where the lake is or he would not persist with his ridiculous claim.

The location of the farm was NO where near the RIVER or the landing zone - just a place where Duane told me he used to know the people who lived there and they had 2 boys - one about his age. This farm was near Lake LaCames. I have identified the farm and the fact the deceased owners did a have a son Duane's age.

Amazing! This is all accurate as to what Jo told me. I don't use Jo's information about money burial, my information came from McCoy as I have stated many times. Jo has an ego so big that everything begins and ends with her. It is simply not the case. It could be true, but I believe Biuebird information before Jo, ANY day of the week.

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"This is where Knoss's one legged man came from. THis guy had lost his leg to cancer -Which leg? (He also was at one time a chauffeur for the RICH Hermit whose name I can never remember."

You are reporting on the second death of McCoy. A cancer caused by a radar detector gun on his lap. You can speculate on left or right leg based on morbidity reports of LE Officers. A second cover story released on the Tonight Show by Sylvester Stalone in dedicating "Rocky V" to McCoy, his bodyguard.

You are also reporting on Melvin Dummar, a truck driver who rescued Howard Hughes from the Nevada desert in 1967. That is an unrelated figment of your imagination. You do come up with some duzzies!

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Try Raoul in Canada with a patch over one eye. That was Mac's favorite character. He visited us in Dassel, MN. with that get-up. You could Google Raoul, if it is spelled right. Mac had a dark complexion like Duane and Jim Jones, and Adam Beach. A friend of Duane's claimed to get directions from this one eyed Canadian. (NOT one legged) It was discussed in his MOCK TRIAL on television. THAT's a lot more interesting than checking my draft experiences, and it is only another tiny blurp in a much bigger tale of fact. You have no idea what all you're not told. This internet can be a dangerous thing without Government controls....................

Try associating some other points of view. Jo says, and Mac says Duane knew Ray. Read this and related info:



An undiscovered rifle like the one Duane had? That "Raoul" hired to have stolen from Jo? Because Duane didn't destroy it like he was supposed to? Duane HATED blacks, so did Ray. Duane was an 'expert' shot. Ray was institutionalized, he could not function outside of prison a perfect 'patsy' like Mac said he was looking for.

Bruce? You only live once..... You wanted something tangible? Ask Jo. A little hairier than O'Hara. Show her a picture of that model rifle. Remington 30-06 rifle, (Attached). Not my cup of tea. Just sayin'. Frickin' octopus, man. I'll stick to my screen saver. Sweet little old lady? Right!

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"Duane WEBER was always respectfuly of women and he knew how to treat a woman - he was very protective."

Like when he took advantage of Tina Mucklow on flight 305? That was not a love at first sight situation. I doubt he ever called again, right? I consider that a case of rape. Like when I caught him widow peeking in the early mornings? You have rose colored glasses.

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Bob, you need to refrain from accusations you mention above, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Cooper case!

we don't need to read sexual content on this thread!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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did you figure out your classification yet?

one would tend to believe that if he had "Attorneys" on his case, he would already have this information?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo wrote

At 19 he [Duane] was chucked out of the Navy - because he defended a girls honor when a 90 Day wonder forced himself on a young lady. Duane defended her and ended up getting kicked out of the Navy because of this.

A very heroic story, but I have my doubts that it is true. It takes quite a bit to get a bad conduct discharge. Sailors get into fights all the time. Those rarely result in discharges.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote


At 19 he [Duane] was chucked out of the Navy - because he defended a girls honor when a 90 Day wonder forced himself on a young lady. Duane defended her and ended up getting kicked out of the Navy because of this.

A very heroic story, but I have my doubts that it is true. It takes quite a bit to get a bad conduct discharge. Sailors get into fights all the time. Those rarely result in discharges.


Not saying Jo's story is true on Duane, but '90-day wonder' indicates an officer, and striking a superior officer...well, yeah, you can get a BCD on that one, possibly. This is more likely also, if the person had not been in the service very long.

Not saying I BELIEVE those were the circumstances, but...

Knoss: What the heck are you talking about? 'Raoul?' That's the fictional character that James Earl Ray made up in an attempt to shift his blame for the King murder. And although there is no doubt that Ray had help (gun store owner where Ray bought rifle testified that TWO men were together and one was Ray, the other seemed to be giving him advice)...it's also true that Ray pulled the trigger on King and went to his grave in denial. You are SO full of it sometimes, I swear. :S

Do you just cherry-pick among the characters, real and imagined, from historical events and simply toss them into your fable at will? Sounds like it to me. Your story is completely convoluted and the end result is a twisted mess of mish-mash garbage full of false accusations. Along the way you slander innocent people who had nothing to do with pulling off the Cooper hijacking.

Get out of town. :S

Your talents are being wasted. You might want to enter yourself in THIS next year. (*laughs*)

You show up with that story, you are a winner.

Think about it: Cooper, airline safety, the Dead Guy, the FBI, 'Project Norjack,' LSD, Nixon, ('I am not a crook!') the Pilots' Union, the FAA, hypnosis, draft dodging Vietnam and your subsequent recruitment...and my personal fave, 'Tommy Gunn'. You could even say he had a brother named Peter. Easy winner. The audience will go nuts laughing...and you will get the trophy for sure.

And don't forget Sly now! He has Producer Credits, he can make it all happen on the big screen!

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Jo wrote


At 19 he [Duane] was chucked out of the Navy - because he defended a girls honor when a 90 Day wonder forced himself on a young lady. Duane defended her and ended up getting kicked out of the Navy because of this.

A very heroic story, but I have my doubts that it is true. It takes quite a bit to get a bad conduct discharge. Sailors get into fights all the time. Those rarely result in discharges.


Not saying Jo's story is true on Duane, but '90-day wonder' indicates an officer, and striking a superior officer...well, yeah, you can get a BCD on that one, possibly. This is more likely also, if the person had not been in the service very long.

Not saying I BELIEVE those were the circumstances, but...

Knoss: What the heck are you talking about? 'Raoul?' That's the fictional character that James Earl Ray made up in an attempt to shift his blame for the King murder. And although there is no doubt that Ray had help (gun store owner where Ray bought rifle testified that TWO men were together and one was Ray, the other seemed to be giving him advice)...it's also true that Ray pulled the trigger on King and went to his grave in denial. You are SO full of it sometimes, I swear. :S

Do you just cherry-pick among the characters, real and imagined, from historical events and simply toss them into your fable at will? Sounds like it to me. Your story is completely convoluted and the end result is a twisted mess of mish-mash garbage full of false accusations. Along the way you slander innocent people who had nothing to do with pulling off the Cooper hijacking.

Get out of town. :S

Your talents are being wasted. You might want to enter yourself in THIS next year. (*laughs*)

You show up with that story, you are a winner.

Think about it: Cooper, airline safety, the Dead Guy, the FBI, 'Project Norjack,' LSD, Nixon, ('I am not a crook!') the Pilots' Union, the FAA, hypnosis, draft dodging Vietnam and your subsequent recruitment...and my personal fave, 'Tommy Gunn'. You could even say he had a brother named Peter. Easy winner. The audience will go nuts laughing...and you will get the trophy for sure.

You could put a matress over your computer to
keep out the noise ?

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Jo wrote


At 19 he [Duane] was chucked out of the Navy - because he defended a girls honor when a 90 Day wonder forced himself on a young lady. Duane defended her and ended up getting kicked out of the Navy because of this.

A very heroic story, but I have my doubts that it is true. It takes quite a bit to get a bad conduct discharge. Sailors get into fights all the time. Those rarely result in discharges.


Not saying Jo's story is true on Duane, but '90-day wonder' indicates an officer, and striking a superior officer...well, yeah, you can get a BCD on that one, possibly. This is more likely also, if the person had not been in the service very long.

Not saying I BELIEVE those were the circumstances, but...

Knoss: What the heck are you talking about? 'Raoul?' That's the fictional character that James Earl Ray made up in an attempt to shift his blame for the King murder. And although there is no doubt that Ray had help (gun store owner where Ray bought rifle testified that TWO men were together and one was Ray, the other seemed to be giving him advice)...it's also true that Ray pulled the trigger on King and went to his grave in denial. You are SO full of it sometimes, I swear. :S

Do you just cherry-pick among the characters, real and imagined, from historical events and simply toss them into your fable at will? Sounds like it to me. Your story is completely convoluted and the end result is a twisted mess of mish-mash garbage full of false accusations. Along the way you slander innocent people who had nothing to do with pulling off the Cooper hijacking.

Get out of town. :S

Your talents are being wasted. You might want to enter yourself in THIS next year. (*laughs*)

You show up with that story, you are a winner.

Think about it: Cooper, airline safety, the Dead Guy, the FBI, 'Project Norjack,' LSD, Nixon, ('I am not a crook!') the Pilots' Union, the FAA, hypnosis, draft dodging Vietnam and your subsequent recruitment...and my personal fave, 'Tommy Gunn'. You could even say he had a brother named Peter. Easy winner. The audience will go nuts laughing...and you will get the trophy for sure.

Beans beans the musical fruit,
the more he eats the more he toots,
the more he toots the worse he feels,
so Blevins Blevins 24/7 on Beanzone -

You're starting to make as much sense and Knoss.
You don't like Blevins, we get it, now move on.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Jo wrote


At 19 he [Duane] was chucked out of the Navy - because he defended a girls honor when a 90 Day wonder forced himself on a young lady. Duane defended her and ended up getting kicked out of the Navy because of this.

A very heroic story, but I have my doubts that it is true. It takes quite a bit to get a bad conduct discharge. Sailors get into fights all the time. Those rarely result in discharges.


Not saying Jo's story is true on Duane, but '90-day wonder' indicates an officer, and striking a superior officer...well, yeah, you can get a BCD on that one, possibly. This is more likely also, if the person had not been in the service very long.

Not saying I BELIEVE those were the circumstances, but...

Knoss: What the heck are you talking about? 'Raoul?' That's the fictional character that James Earl Ray made up in an attempt to shift his blame for the King murder. And although there is no doubt that Ray had help (gun store owner where Ray bought rifle testified that TWO men were together and one was Ray, the other seemed to be giving him advice)...it's also true that Ray pulled the trigger on King and went to his grave in denial. You are SO full of it sometimes, I swear. :S

Do you just cherry-pick among the characters, real and imagined, from historical events and simply toss them into your fable at will? Sounds like it to me. Your story is completely convoluted and the end result is a twisted mess of mish-mash garbage full of false accusations. Along the way you slander innocent people who had nothing to do with pulling off the Cooper hijacking.

Get out of town. :S

Your talents are being wasted. You might want to enter yourself in THIS next year. (*laughs*)

You show up with that story, you are a winner.

Think about it: Cooper, airline safety, the Dead Guy, the FBI, 'Project Norjack,' LSD, Nixon, ('I am not a crook!') the Pilots' Union, the FAA, hypnosis, draft dodging Vietnam and your subsequent recruitment...and my personal fave, 'Tommy Gunn'. You could even say he had a brother named Peter. Easy winner. The audience will go nuts laughing...and you will get the trophy for sure.

Beans beans the musical fruit,
the more he eats the more he toots,
the more he toots the worse he feels,
so Blevins Blevins 24/7 on Beanzone -

You're starting to make as much sense and Knoss.
You don't like Blevins, we get it, now move on.


You have been here for years participating in
the "Cooper-thingy", as Blevins phrases it. So,
what's your "thingy" and how does it apply to the
Cooper-thingy-dada ? As an art form for thingy-

Surely you have something to contribute?

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did you figure out your classification yet?

one would tend to believe that if he had "Attorneys" on his case, he would already have this information?

Today is Sunday. Government offices are closed today. They will open again tomorrow and trudge through another 8 hours and go home. When they get us the paperwork we should have something to discuss. The attorney did not request copies to my knowledge. I never saw any paperwork of any kind from an attorney. No bill either. $20,000 on the cuff.

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did you figure out your classification yet?

one would tend to believe that if he had "Attorneys" on his case, he would already have this information?

Today is Sunday. Government offices are closed today. They will open again tomorrow and trudge through another 8 hours and go home. When they get us the paperwork we should have something to discuss. The attorney did not request copies to my knowledge. I never saw any paperwork of any kind from an attorney. No bill either. $20,000 on the cuff.

you need to fire your Attorneys!!! anytime I used a Lawyer, the paperwork was all ready and there for my viewing!! that makes no sense what so ever, having paid for Attorneys to check your background and not show you anything they have done.

I'm shocked at your response for some dumb reason, it's funny how you avoid anything connected to your background, millions of people are very aware of there classification status during and after drafting periods!

your memory is fading again, but not like remembering the color of the blinds on a building that you saw before you were hypnotized! see a pattern anywhere?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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If we know when Duane was released from Jefferson under a false name, where did he go immediately upon release? He did not go directly to Minnesota? Or did he? Maybe he got there in May? Did he have anything to do with MLK before Norjak? Ties to Ray, a rifle to dispose of? Mac wants a patsy? Mac is Raoul with an eye patch in Montreal with the Montreal Convention? Bernie Haapala gets a visit from McCoy as Raoul in an eye patch checking up on me? Who signed Duane out of Jefferson? Who handled his parole? Where is his parole officer? 6'9" 170# blond hair, young guy. I met him. Why did nobody check further?

What promises of secrecy did O'Hara make about Project Norjak? Same paperwork as mine? What happened to the guy from Salt Lake who was going to answer Bruce's questions? Actually he moved to Texas. Jo knows this too. Sure would like to have Bruce get that call. Mac could produce his own Rambo series of movies. Macbo! Why are we not checking facts?

What progress have you made with recognition of Henry Selick as McCoy's stand in? Any law officers care to do a facial analysis? Only takes 7 points? I count over 25 clear ones. How about a plastic surgeon looking at it? Got one of those here? How about an interview with Henry? Mac says it's OK with him to pursue what happened. The Judge approved the stand-in. It's in the transcript! Why are we not checking facts?

What about Janet? Even Jo has supporting words for the low-key message she supplied. I absolutely guarantee that Gayland Cook has this point correct! Let's get verification on actual facts. Did she dramatize what she saw? Did she just imagine a man on the stairs? Makes sense as he probably didn't jump over Vancouver/Portland. What about radio transmissions from the Portland tower? Were they deleted, who said to stay clear of Portland with a bomb as Ralph states? Why are we not checking facts?

What about the content of Ralph's discussion in the den with the co-pilot? Why has that not been confirmed? It has to do with Janet and McCoy's visit to Janet. It verifies Janet. Why haven't you checked facts?

Why doesn't someone put Jo's story in order and sort out the garbage for her? Some idiot will get the job and we'll get another fairy tale. Or, God forbid, Blevins gets it...... Space monsters and invasion of the Blob! "This is the MindBender speaking....... You are trapped in a world of make believe, caught between reality and the fifth spacial dimension. You have just entered, the MindBenderZone."

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did you figure out your classification yet?

one would tend to believe that if he had "Attorneys" on his case, he would already have this information?

Today is Sunday. Government offices are closed today. They will open again tomorrow and trudge through another 8 hours and go home. When they get us the paperwork we should have something to discuss. The attorney did not request copies to my knowledge. I never saw any paperwork of any kind from an attorney. No bill either. $20,000 on the cuff.

you need to fire your Attorneys!!! anytime I used a Lawyer, the paperwork was all ready and there for my viewing!! that makes no sense what so ever, having paid for Attorneys to check your background and not show you anything they have done.

I'm shocked at your response for some dumb reason, it's funny how you avoid anything connected to your background, millions of people are very aware of there classification status during and after drafting periods!

your memory is fading again, but not like remembering the color of the blinds on a building that you saw before you were hypnotized! see a pattern anywhere?

Yup. Sure do. You are caught up between reality and the fifth dimension with Bleep. Your methodology has you constipated with inconsequential formalities (it is what it is) while you wee away doing anything constructive. Read the post above. It is what you are not doing. You obviously have talents that are going to waste with menial tasks like filling out forms. I'll play your silly game but I think we should initiate a little parallel effort as you appear to be totally bogged down and buried in important details. When you get caught up, perhaps you could join in, in an intellectual discussion of "what if" as a complete scenerio of the Janet story played out. If Janet were true, then this, this, and this would also be true. And if that is the case, then this and this make sense. And that explains why the FBI does this, and that. And the only way the plane could get here is by Tom foolery or magic. But you won't, will you. You will have some excuse, like you don't understand it, or you don't buy it, or I'm crazy, or you voted no. The fact is, my friend, I'm trying to help you and you are doing everything possible to reject any help that will expose the truth. You must realize I am right, or you would be anxious to delve into another search under every rock to discover all kinds of new things about a tie clasp that was never on the airplane. You know what a circle jerk is. but we don't need to go there, we are here already. I am not stupid, I am patient, but you are playing a time card with no dances on the card. Kind of a poor performance. Matt is more constructive. You blew a week of everyone's time on inconscequential dribble and no one appreciates it. YOU are wasting time, and I apologize to everyone for you. You have me available to answer any questions and then just badger about triviality. I'm trying to be nice, but you are pulling my string, not being constructive. It would be nice if we could move on to constructing or destroying a theory fairly.

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The question to ponder is this;

expose or produce McCoy, if not, it's only a story
be honest about your Draft, if not, the story is not valid

you have a good talk, but the problem is the fact that you can't produce one single piece of evidence with yourself or any others you mention.

you keep saying "ask Mac" how is that possible?
you make claims of talking to the FBI as if we can call them up for varification.
you give names of Commanders that can't be contacted or dead (or not the right one)
you show "oil pipelines" that are not there and pictures of things not related to the United States!
you become fuzzy about anything tied to your name!
your story line does not make any sense, something the Government would not do! 68-71?

The answer lies in your Drafting...anyway you cook it! I'm hoping something with your classification will tell part of the story, your job would be to pay the $60 for your full records that can be sent and returned within 10 days on 95% of the Selective Service cases! or you can give me a signed statement allowing the records to be sent to me! it's that simple in black and white on the Selective Service website! (see attachment)

you want to complain that this has no value, that's your opinion, not the ones on this thread! I am calling you once again to the table! if you don't agree to this, it will show that you are not being truthful on anything you say! the fat lady is singing B|

this story might go far on other sites with a younger crowd on the edge of there seats waiting for your next post, not here, you keep typing Mac mac mac...my turn validate, validate, validate!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo Stated:
"This is where Knoss's one legged man came from. THis guy had lost his leg to cancer -Which leg? (He also was at one time a chauffeur for the RICH Hermit whose name I can never remember."


You are reporting on the second death of McCoy. A cancer caused by a radar detector gun on his lap. You can speculate on left or right leg based on morbidity reports of LE Officers. A second cover story released on the Tonight Show by Sylvester Stalone in dedicating "Rocky V" to McCoy, his bodyguard.

You are also reporting on Melvin Dummar, a truck driver who rescued Howard Hughes from the Nevada desert in 1967. That is an unrelated figment of your imagination. You do come up with some duzzies!


I have had it with you Knoss and I am going on record about this:

JO is and will state one more time that you are a complete lunatic and someone who twists things to suit his own needs and wants in his twisted mind.

The one legged man who had cancer was NOT your guy nor was he a body guard. He claimed to have been a chauffeur for Howard Hughes, but this man was not Melvin Dummar.

1. All of this has been investigated by this thread and others and by myself and my guys. You are connecting dots that do NOT connect. You take parts of a conversation and make it part of your twisted story. I watched and listened to you doing this for YRS now and I am tires of putting up with you. Do you not realize you left a paper trail in all of the threads and sites you destroyed with your twisted tale.

2. The moment I heard about Dummar I checked him out...he was not the man I was looking for. NOT only did I check him out, but others did also for their own benefit and some on my behalf.

3. I know where the one legged man lived and that he WAS not McCoy nor was he Dummar.

If you had actually listened or read my story - you would known exactly which leg this man was missing - right down to what he was driving.

Please have yourself commited before someone else does so. You are a loose Canon Ball with a gun - you SCARE me and others. I REALLY hope you are in a WHEELCHAIR as has been REPORTED to me.

For some reason you want so much to be a part of the COOPER Story that you will lie and lie, but you have lied yourself into a corner. I have no idea what your relationship with Duane was or if there was ever one. NOTHING you have ever said indicates you ACTUALLY ever even met him. You have not made one description of him that would have been considered even close, plusnow these guys are blowing your so called story right out of the WATER.

You are Drowning in your own words!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"I'm trying to help you and you are doing everything possible to reject any help that will expose the truth."

that is a False statement Bob! how are you trying to help me? by not disclosing your Draft status?

I'll say it one more time Bob, your story starts from the day you received your Draft notice! period, that is about as fair as fair can be buddy!

how many pages and day's have we spent on two simple questions?
#1 when did you receive your Draft notice in the mail
#2 when did you go to Induction, your response was I drove a 2 door Ford and parked it facing West, and yet with all of that knowledge about how and what you did getting there, the date escapes into the night like Cooper!

your anger in the last post about me tells me a lot, you are very uncomfortable with my style of questioning! when I get close to finding something, you lash out!

"Kind of a poor performance"

this is not what people are telling me offline (PM's) so once again, say what ever you wish about me, BUT, answer the simple questions without hate, anger or Dodging!

The Truth (which you always claim) starts at the beginning of every story Bob, This is not Hollywood, where they take a true story and only put about 3% of truth in there version in order to make the movie story line better!

as of this date, how many days are we into trying to get your classification status? you said you are "trying to help me" when exactly will this help part start? B| I'm the one sending for your classification! Is this how you are helping me?

I don't think anyone wouldn't want to find out this all happened as you say it did but, you are not cooperating in any way on helping your side of this!
failure to disclose anything on your side, looks very bad my friend! B|

I will leave you with this....I don't want to "ask Mac" I'm asking you!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Knoss says in part:


'If we know when Duane was released from Jefferson under a false name, where did he go immediately upon release? He did not go directly to Minnesota? Or did he? Maybe he got there in May? Did he have anything to do with MLK before Norjak? Ties to Ray, a rifle to dispose of?'

This is sheer crud, IMHO. Don't you do any research before you attempt to make known historical events your own?

What rifle 'to dispose of'? Ray dropped it in front of a doorway to a store, where it was quickly found. Duane Weber had nothing to do with the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King. Get real. You have a lot of nerve even saying that stuff, since many Americans consider it to be one of the most heinous race-related crimes of the 20th century. It's not something to joke about, or to make false accusations about.

You keep slandering people on this thread with absolutely no proof on any of your accusations. I don't mind you discussing the Cooper case, but you need to check into the Reality Hotel first, (top floor suite) and work from there. :S

Before you sheit on one more person or thing here,
please xplain this nonsense on your tag line thingy!

'When they finally discover the center of the
universe...a lot of people will be disappointed to find
they are not it.'

Who is the "they"?
And what "center of the universe" are you
yammering about?

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how many pages and day's have we spent on two simple questions?

you have entered the ........ Drop .... Zone.



Noooooo kidding B|
plop, plop, fiz, fiz....well, you know the rest :)
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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