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mrshutter45 21
Like I said before Knoss! you are avoiding the questions given to you! they are not hard one's that should have resulted in one simple post! I suggest you think long and hard on how much further you wish to continue to slowly tell the story (several years now)
bottom line is you are not credible!
Amazon 7
Damn. Where are Earl Flatt and Lester Scruggs when you really need them?
Wanna try agin there writer duuuuuuude
Amazon 7
I've been reading pages of Bob Knoss' rantings. BK, I liked you better before you started italicizing. Jo has a big ego, and is not truthful? I can't believe that's actually coming from you.
So what happened Bob? Get dropped when you were a baby? Potty training took a tragic turn? Always the last one picked for dodge ball in the 4th grade? Got stood up for the senior prom? Maybe too much big house basement buttsekts? Something must have happened....
Once in a while you actually make sense, you actually have something substantial to say. Too bad it's a rare occurrence. You're a trip dude. You're definitely not stupid, but I'm thinking you might be a little crazy.
That right there is the best explanation....

Knoss' story has been proven false over and over and over. Yet he lingers.
He insults and makes personal attacks over and over, yet he is still posting.
So, some one get the winds aloft, I will do the math.
Some one get the point over the ground that the A/C reported the "bump" when they believe "Cooper" exited.
Then I will give you a pretty accurate search grid. Some thing Amazon and I have each had experience with.
Of course, this many years later you wont find any viable evidence, but it will put to rest a few half brained theories.
So, start being safe, first!!!
georger 247
No one listened to me at the start about Knoss, and look where we are now. Any posts I bother to make here containing REAL research or what I consider legitimate points are soon buried under a mountain of Knoss Fable.
I snipped the rest but, at least it was a semi congent post vs some flamming piece of nonsense ?
The point to the above is: nobody including you
NEEDED to tell us, or anyone else, about Knoss!
People here generally have good minds, and
the glamour of Knoss preceded him, and his very
words betrayed him quick - as Cline and Mrshutter
spent time in back-n-forth with him.
So your intercession was not required. A few of us
tried to tell YOU THAT, as youw ere busy TELLING
Some things are self evident and you are not the
caretaker of the Truth, even in reality.
Thats all there is to this - could there be more?
I dont think so.
As Sluggo tried to tell you over a year ago, you
are not CENTRAL to anything, except in your mind.
And now, if what Im told is true, you are behind the
last on the list, of those with whom XXXXX would
ever chose to deal with ... and that is the truth
and you 'are' central in that one! So you have
achieved a central position in something -
Remember Blevins: glue comes from the glue tree.
Do I have info I dont share here - is the Pope
Catholic? But I am not the only one. You pose a real
dilemma here which sooner or later will have to be
solved, and some have been working ont hat for
some time already - I sit and wait for the message.
But I dont think you care, in truth. I dont think
solutions are your purpose.

Robert99 50
My offer to do the math for the Release point and LZ still stands, yet none of the trip queens can agree on ANY weather, even though there is a a record of it, it is called wrong, by people who weren't even there.
So, some one get the winds aloft, I will do the math.
Some one get the point over the ground that the A/C reported the "bump" when they believe "Cooper" exited.
Then I will give you a pretty accurate search grid.
I agree with this concept, and I think it would help. Believe it or not, I think Georger has info on this.
Matt and Blevins, Where have you two been for the past year or two?
Didn't you notice any number or posts by Hominid a few weeks ago about the weather? And he included a discussion about the winds aloft using information from people who were there and measured the actual weather parameters.
The mathematics of the jump are simple. It is just what the clock read and the VOR and DME receivers read at the time of the jump that you need to come up with.
Surely a couple of "queens" such as yourselves can come up with such simple information. At least give it a try.
BobKnoss 0
You, Sir, are a SNAKE!
It is your sworn duty, with your trainee, Mattie (who is a failure) to bury the truth about the Cooper hijacking for your exhaulted leader. EVERY SINGLE offering of truth, no matter how insignificant, is met with a major attack from you. You even tried to frame me with your other sight, posting false statements, then blaming me.
You take on the task of propagating a hoax about KC at the request of his brother, Lyle, after I got the proposal myself. Gray confirmed your guilt.
Any and all effort contributed is strictly on COVER-UP. If you are an advocate, we can all assume it is BULLSHET, and everyone does, automatically. You have NO credibility, only a reputation. They make fun of you on every other site. You have become the laughing stock of Cooperdom.
There is absolutely no question about my information. It is absolute truth, and I believe it is correct. There is a difference. I KNOW that everything that comes from your mouth is pre-digested, and most of it processed.
I suspect never before in history has so much effort been spent on trying to bury the truth of such a minor crime. The reason for that is that it was not really a crime, but, as I stated, a Government attempt to sway opinion. It is ridiculously obvious. Besides, I know that's what happened because I saw and heard and was told everything. So, bite me Bleep. Your thingy is up. You can't keep a promise. Time to email Gayla again.
As Sluggo tried to tell you over a year ago, you
are not CENTRAL to anything, except in your mind.
And now, if what Im told is true, you are behind the
last on the list, of those with whom XXXXX (TOG) would
ever chose to deal with ... and that is the truth
and you are central in that one!
Sounds like you got your thingy in a slingy!
Robert99 says: Surely a couple of "queens" such as yourselves can come up with such simple information.
OMG!!!! Is this TRUE ??? QUEENIES ??? Could it be?
BobKnoss 0
I got a job. Two of them.
'There is absolutely no question about my information. It is absolute truth, and I believe it is correct.'
Fine. Great. Good. Any proof or evidence of the same? Everyone's read your version of events, but since many of your points fly in the face of reality on the case, your burden of proof is pretty high. Extraordinary claims the saying goes.
And so far you have offered up zip, nada, nothing.
My basic position on the Cooper case is simple. I believe Kenny Christiansen is a strong suspect in the hijacking. I am also open to reasonable evidence that it was someone else. Key word there is 'evidence'.
My evidence will come in due time. I am not trying the case like you. You have ZERO evidence as well. Just falsehoods and speculation based on secondhand hearsay. Moreover, I know it to be intentional hoaxing. I see you've backed off in the strength of your statements, but we have enough history to hang you. Why not come clean and save your ass before the ship sinks? Like a rat jumping overboard. We could try to get you into one of those nice white collar places like Martha or Jimmy or even a politician. Wouldn't that be great?
1. Perpetrating a hoax.
2. Profiting from a crime after the fact.
3. Aiding and assisting after the fact.
4. Impersonating an author.
5. Fraud.
6. Tax evasion.
7. Ripping off senior hoarders.

Robert99 50
No one listened to me at the start about Knoss, and look where we are now.
Blevins, you have been on this thread since August 1, 2010. And I can personally guarantee that Jo Weber and others have been critical of Bob Knoss from long before that date. So you just jumped on the anti-Knoss bandwagon.
Your humility in stating that "I still consider you [Georger] a smart guy and a pretty good expert on the Cooper case in general." is laughable.
First, you are no expert whatsoever on the Cooper case.
Second, I don't remember you even being listed as an author (third or otherwise) on the first edition of "Blast". Nevertheless, just recently you claimed that you were the author (no co-authors mentioned) and you were demanding that the FBI re-investigate something that they have already ruled out.
You need to read that line at the bottom of your posts. Why don't you join Knoss in an exodus.
BobKnoss 0
Actually, he is well versed in cover-up topics and could probably list off all the bad information. So, does that make him an anti-expert? A BS announcer? Actually, he's small arms fire and Jerry Thomas is the big guns. Mattie is obstacle man in charge of wet cow pies and pablum, but can't hang on to his own spoon.
smokin99 0 beat me to it.
georger 247
This Amboy chute 'explanation' from the Seattle FBI comes to you from the same folks who just last August were touting Marla Cooper as a 'viable witness'.

My point is, everyone has a few points to raise. Just
no need to be so strident about it, as if the fate of
the world depended on it? The planet will still turn on
its axis (eastward) and the Sun come up @ morning.
On that you can count ....1,2,3,4,5,6,... n
Sleep well.
The point I see is that if Bob can not come up with ANYTHING credible and remains on this thread, perhaps a disclaimer should be put at the bottom of his postings (signature area) stating he can not prove anything said!
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