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DB Cooper

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One man's bull is another man's Oscar performance.

When are you going to talk to me about Murray? I need to find out when you were there and if you remember a (male) teacher and a (female) student - approx. 1968.

We may as well go completely off subject....as long as Knoss is here there is no need to discuss Cooper.

I have always tried to keep what I know - to what I actually experienced and heard and saw during my yrs with Weber. Of course there are the other things such as hard data and facts I would learn to go along with the above...hell, I didn't have to make things up about Weber. They were just there!

Married to this man for 17 yrs and I didn't really know who he was. Knew only what he offered about his past. I actually feel pretty foolish because it makes me appear to be very naive - guess I was. Can you imagine what could have happend if I had figured all of this out while he was still alive.

I have really thought about this and my memory of him is clouded now. What would he have done if the combination of the Dream in 1978 and the trip in 1979 to Seattle along with Media articles about the Money find in 1980 had triggered what I know today? I expect he would have disappeared from our lives and I would have been trying to find out how you divorce someone who has vanished.

He put a lot of distance between us very quickly - about 4 wks. in 1980. He even traded the Cadillac for a brand NEW OLDS and paid cash for it around Thankgiving of 1979. He left CO driving the Olds but when I got to AL in June of 1980 he had the Marquis.

I had no way of knowing where he was calling from in those days so no telling where he really was.
He had a room in Mobile so he said, but I do not know if I even had an address. I probably did.

Then I jump to 1990 - what if I had figured it out then with all of the mysterious things going on?
This was the period he went on the kidney machine - we had been married 12 yrs - and that was the yr I would learn I was married to an ex-con (he had spent 16 months in Jefferson).
What would I have done if I had known about San Quentin, Folsom and Canon?

I will never know the answer to these questions or how different my life could have been or would have been. What would I have done if I had known and had figured it out - would he have answered me - obviously he had tried to tell me, but I would have passed it off as his joking with me - or have thought there was another woman had he been in good health.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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One man's bull is another man's Oscar performance.

When are you going to talk to me about Murray? I need to find out when you were there and if you remember a (male) teacher and a (female) student - approx. 1968.

It was in the mid 60s to early 70s. Just fell into it
due to my wife and her associates going to Murray
State to expand their Art Dept; otherwise I would
never have known Murray anymore than the dark
side of the Moon. I hate the southern climate and

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I don't know what else to tell ya about Knoss, this might shed some light. Wondering why BK doesn't remember his draft period? B|

I remember everything clearly. You just don't want the facts, so you badger rather than discuss anything. You are obvious in your ploy and deliberate in your tactics. Unfortunately, you are boring and uninteresting. Let's liven it up a bit.

Shed some light? Naw, it probably has more to do with endowment envy than amnesia. I can remember when I used to swing in the breeze. Now I can't even find it. At least those facts are tangible, mrstudderman, Mr. Badger King.

Let's do a "Janet" review. Update the facts. Get some information that has not been contaminated. Sort out some white-wash. Let's talk to the people who were there. Let's follow up on the REAL evidence like the Brigham Medallion. Penny-anti badgering only shows your lack of credible backup for the lies that have been planted. Why spend all of your time bantering about a Doctor's first name that had NOTHING to do with Cooper, when an obvious exposure of part of the cover-up is on the table???? You are so transparent you are almost invisible.

Are you afraid of my minefield? You know where the Claymores are, why are you afraid to tread? Come dance with me! We can do the four-step and tromp the ground together! I'll whisper the Doctor's initials in your ear.....
FAA/FBI. Chicken-chicken-chicken-Mac-Mac-Mac-

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"This man has taken snipets of things he has read and been told and contrived a complete fiction regarding Weber. I have a feeling this is DELIBERATE."

Let me restate that a little for accuracy's sake. This man has taken extensive testimony he was given and supportive data he has read and compiled an accurate record of Richard McCoy's activities. And, yes, it is deliberate. Weber was just a pawn. Same information, different perspective. We are both dedicated spokespeople.

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Bob, your not even worth checking anymore!

"I remember everything clearly, Once there was one, now there are three...."
Richard Floyd, Tommy Gunn, and me....."
you forgot TOG! B|

It's really kind of sad you have built your world around this story, good luck on your quest of slowly telling your story! (over a decade now) you have been proven to be a true story teller! :)

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Bob, your not even worth checking anymore!

"I remember everything clearly, Once there was one, now there are three...."
Richard Floyd, Tommy Gunn, and me....."
you forgot TOG! B|

It's really kind of sad you have built your world around this story, good luck on your quest of slowly telling your story! (over a decade now) you have been proven to be a true story teller! :)

I don't have to explain that to Jo, but if you want to play slow, I can go into the depths of part of the story, just for you. McCoy and O'Hara staged McCoy's death as the McCoy character was 'used up'. No value anymore. That was one. New name, new credentials, new job. "Tommy Gunn", Special Agent Underworld Crime. Things got so hot for him he had to not exist anymore. Died of leg cancer, per Stallone. That's two. As no. 3 he is retired, no longer in Salt Lake (Call me Nick) and hoping he does not have to go to 4. Get it now, badger dude? You need to room with Mattie for a while, eat more red meat. One guy, three lives, like Herb Philbrick. Youse guys is slow! That's why I have to give you little bits at a time, because you get lost so easily. Really hard to slow it down far enough to unravel everything for you. Carr is quick enough, he just doesn't have the patience or the authorization to pursue what really happened. He'd get fired. Ask O'Hara.
Yah! Ask O'Hara and Ralph, too. Maybe Bernie and the rest of the retired guys. The truth is there for the picking. Start with Bernie and the Medallion. Double Dare Ya!

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Almost forgot.....did you say something?????? B|

"One guy, three lives"
Two lives, you included yourself! slip, slip!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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RB, coincidentally, I took a drive last weekend down to Amboy. I just drove around, I went up the Washougal River gorge for quite a ways, I went through Battleground, I even dropped by the Ariel Tavern. I see what you're saying about the Amboy, Yale conundrum.
I must admit, I was confused when I first joined the forum. And now, after several months, I'm still feelings confused, but I feel I'm confused at a higher level now and about more important things! MeyerLouie

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Knoss Stated:
***I don't have to explain that to Jo, but if you want to play slow, I can go into the depths of part of the story, just for you. McCoy and O'Hara staged McCoy's death as the McCoy character was 'used up'. No value anymore. That was one. New name, new credentials, new job. "Tommy Gunn", Special Agent Underworld Crime. Things got so hot for him he had to not exist anymore. Died of leg cancer, per Stallone.

:)I edited out most of the nonsense in K's post, just to make this point!

Well, Jo (ME) is laughing her head off because you Knoss are a fraud. You told me you never heard of Tommy Gunn. Tommy Gunn was a REAL person and he owned property and I went to see him - you didn't know that one did you? I first met Tommy Gunn in 1980 in a southern town while I was with Duane at a MALL. If my Tommy Gunn was your McCoy why would he HOLLER clear across a MALL "JOHN". Duane turned around and saw this man standing there waving. I told Duane - "he said John not Duane". Duane says to me - "I know that man - wait here for me". A few moments later Duane come up to where he left me with the gentileman and introduces him. I asked the man why he called Duane - John.
His reply was "because -- --- --------".

That would be number one of the 3 times I actually saw Tommy and I also spoke to him on the phone a 2 or 3 times...AFTER Duane died.

Someone who reads this and others know the details of the REST of this story. Doug Pasternak knows all of this, but he has moved on with his life and I doubt he has his reseach, but writers do have a way of keeping things.

I also told you about a one legged man - and I promise you this man was NOT McCoy. But later you worked this one legged man into your story. Perhaps I recorded you and perhaps I recorded everything I said to you.

I assure you that I have communications I made to you - communications which I did blind copies to Doug with explanations of what was real and what was BAIT.

You took the BAIT, but sometimes your revelation was a few months away and then you suddenly remember this or that and I consistently told you NO.
Just as I am saying NO now. If you continue this I have an attorney in your area who will do whatever is necessary.

Knoss you are a very very VERY sick man - please get some help.
I do not want to make charges against you - but, you may leave me no other alternative.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Same old stuff, Jo. I took no "Bait". I only accept what came from viable sources. There are probably 1000 Tommy Gunns in the phone book at any one time. I don't know who you are talking about, but I have pictures of the one I'm talking about, with the name attached. Domination Nation. The guy grinding steel. Gray mentioned it in his book. This Tommy Gunn lived in Canada half of the time, AKA, Raul Rauol. With two legs and occasionally a patch over one eye or the other. Did you know "the movie star", one of 1000 Tommy Gunn's? The Tommy Gunn that "Rocky V" was dedicated to? The Attached Tommy Gunn? Of course not. To admit this would prove my whole case. To deny it is to admit your complaints have no merit at all. Lose-lose situation, Jo. You have been de-bunked again, same topic. Think you'd catch on after a while. THINK ABOUT IT!!

I know nothing about any one legged man. That was your concoction. I share no knowledge of anyone with one leg, heart shaped lips, money sources, Mexico, or 99 percent of your other claims. I know only about my own experiences, and really do not accept your story, as I have stated in PM's to you. You admit constantly that you create falsehoods to tell people who try to assist you in your search. I will tell you that I may get something wrong, but I NEVER, NEVER fabricate untruths about this information. Never have, never will. Don't want your reputation. THAT is why I think the FBI dropped you. Loose cannon. You don't have any support anymore, because of statements like your last one here. I can't help you if you want to create your own version of events. I understand, really.

You know the brick wall better than anyone. There is no evidence of anything left to glean. It has all been "cleaned" or replaced, including the Bloomington Sun archieves, internet accounts, even FBI pages contain fabrications now! There are some busy badgers at work.

I am not one of them. I am a sheep in wolf's clothing.

Let's discuss the BYU Medallion that Duane stole from Mac's dresser. (See the FBI film)

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Almost forgot.....did you say something?????? B|

"One guy, three lives"
Two lives, you included yourself! slip, slip!


Colors courtesy Jo Weber. It's like a Forth of July celebration!

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Knoss stated:

I know nothing about any one legged man. That was your concoction.

[:/]Jo STATES!
You have mentioned this right here in this thread and on the phone to me and to others.


Knoss stated:

You admit constantly that you create falsehoods to tell people who try to assist you in your search.

[:/]Jo STATES!
You are the only person I have ever had to put to task. You kept fabricating things over the phone before you ever used a computer in regards to Cooper.
Yes, I fed you FALSE HOODS, because I wanted to see if there were any TRUTHS in your story.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you failed EVERY test.


Knoss Stated:

I will tell you that I may get something wrong, but I NEVER, NEVER fabricate untruths about this information. Never have, never will. Don't want your reputation. THAT is why I think the FBI dropped you. Loose cannon. You don't have any support anymore, because of statements like your last one here.

:)Jo States:
It is obvious you mimic others - just look at your statement above. Nothing orginal - on your part. "FBI dropped you". (You stated this in reference to me)
You repeated exactly what I said about you.

Then you rant and rave about things having been "cleaned" and "washed" such as the Bloomington Sun. Bull Crap! Someone is going to go into the internet and alter YOUR words - not hardly.

The only badger at work is you!

You hear voices - you claim McCoy has called you. Why didn't you invest in caller ID or a recorder. McCoy has never called you and if you really received any such phone calls - PROVE IT!

You have NEVER offered one piece of evidence you even knew Duane Weber much less the rest of the fabrications.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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No one wants to post in this thread to hear more rants and raves from Knoss or myself (Jo Weber).

Everytime I post it just adds more fuel to his creation. This is almost over and I will be going to WA sometime within the next 4 months to put the tail on the donkey's ass...it might be my own ass, but we will wait and see.

I keep trying to say GOODBY, but letting go is hard to do. So many times I have said I was leaving - but, it is difficult for me to let go. Now I have to for the sake of the thread in order for the DZ to have 1st options on a story as it unfolds.

I would advise Knoss to sit on his hands and maybe he should seek legal advice. His mental state is a concern and he did contact the FBI before I went public in 2000.

See You Guys in WA, - I hope! Will not be making any public interviews and I will be just as private and silent as I was for the 15 days I spent there in 2010. As before, FBI will know I am there when I want them to know...perhaps they should do a little investigation into some very specific things.

Digging up graves and plowing thru old files and searching for old pictures - using photo recognition programs sure helps.

I'll be hanging around if the thread is here - but will refrain from posting in relation to Knoss. Only updates as I am allowed to relate them.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I've been laying off the heavy posts lately on this thread and this may or may not be an exception.

First off, I'm not going to mention any names, but I'd like to make a few observations. Right after I got out of the Army, I went to college for a couple of years. Later, I worked for about six years in different group homes for the mentally ill, mostly in Seattle and in the South King County area. I'm neither a shrink or a psychologist, but I WAS a case manager. This basically means you observe people, work with them, keep records and notes, and make recommendations to the MHP's above you.

I have seen it all, my friends. Most of these folks were harmless, others became dangerous and needed a quick thirty-day eval and a med adjustment down at Western State Hospital.

One thing I learned is that when some people are under a delusion, there is no way on God's earth you are ever going to succeed in convincing them that their delusion is not real. You can try reasoning, cajoling, hard evidence, whatever. Doesn't work. They will have an answer for anything you present.

It's a weird thing, too. I was a real idealistic crusader at first. I would try to talk them out of their delusions in an effort to somehow 'cure' them. But you can't. Truthfully, the only thing that can bring some of them out of these delusions is professional help and large doses of phenothiazines. I know that's a cruel statement, but it is often true.

This is what is going on with a certain poster here. You can't 'help' this person, you can't bring them to reality. Their entire life, their current existence, is BASED upon the delusion, and they will never willingly give it up on their own. It is useless to argue with them about it. In fact, they actually FEED on the challenges you present them, because it gives them an opportunity to expand that fantasy world further. And the more complex that world becomes, the more they justify it, and the more they enjoy it.

So unless you are a shrink, don't bother. One thing they taught me was to deflect delusional statements with another subject and ignore the delusion entirely, unless the person speaks about harming themselves or others. To challenge the delusional person with reason is strictly a shrink's job, and even then he/she won't have any luck either, unless that therapy is accompanied by medication.

In the case of the poster I mentioned, this person would be classified in a general way as a 'borderline personality'. Probably another subgroup of illness as well, maybe a mild form of delusional disorder. Borderline personalities are the type with behavioral problems which are low enough on the scale that they can live outside mental facilities with proper care. They're impulsive, and have trouble in their personal relationships. Generally, they aren't dangerous as long as they keep taking their meds, and often they can live reasonably normal lives in the outside world, even hold a job. It is only if the delusion becomes a problem in daily life that it becomes a societal problem.

So...the best anyone can offer this person is to ignore the delusions and stop feeding into them. You're wasting your time trying to 'talk them out of it', or reason them out of it.

Remember: They receive emotional gratification and a certain justification to their delusions when you do this. And if the person has been harboring this delusion for many years, you are not helping by feeding into it, but making it worse. Someday...this person will reach a point where the delusion may begin to interfere with their daily life. If and when that happens, then professional help will be warranted.

so in short form: you cant take the competition,
so suggest 'dont feed the troll'.

who is this aimed at - since only one or two are
posting, including you of course? is this self elimination? of course not!


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Knoss stated:

I know nothing about any one legged man. That was your concoction.

[:/]Jo STATES!
You have mentioned this right here in this thread and on the phone to me and to others.


Knoss stated:

You admit constantly that you create falsehoods to tell people who try to assist you in your search.

[:/]Jo STATES!
You are the only person I have ever had to put to task. You kept fabricating things over the phone before you ever used a computer in regards to Cooper.
Yes, I fed you FALSE HOODS, because I wanted to see if there were any TRUTHS in your story.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you failed EVERY test.


Knoss Stated:

I will tell you that I may get something wrong, but I NEVER, NEVER fabricate untruths about this information. Never have, never will. Don't want your reputation. THAT is why I think the FBI dropped you. Loose cannon. You don't have any support anymore, because of statements like your last one here.

:)Jo States:
It is obvious you mimic others - just look at your statement above. Nothing orginal - on your part. "FBI dropped you". (You stated this in reference to me)
You repeated exactly what I said about you.

Then you rant and rave about things having been "cleaned" and "washed" such as the Bloomington Sun. Bull Crap! Someone is going to go into the internet and alter YOUR words - not hardly.

The only badger at work is you!

You hear voices - you claim McCoy has called you. Why didn't you invest in caller ID or a recorder. McCoy has never called you and if you really received any such phone calls - PROVE IT!

You have NEVER offered one piece of evidence you even knew Duane Weber much less the rest of the fabrications.




I have no agenda. No point to make, no monetary goals, no dislike of individuals, only the lies. I HATE lies. I am content with the truth. And McCoy is my friend. I got my computer in 1983, before the Mac-Mac-Mac. YOU were the one with no computer. Just tunnel vision. I remember how happy you were to hear some truth which you were able to verify. Now you deny the same information because you don't like the truth. I understand. Facts are still facts. I can't change facts to please you. 'Snot right.
I suggest you correct your story to fit the facts. Dig a little deeper. Challenge your false data. That is how the truth finally gets recorded. You've heard that Pluto is not a planet anymore, right? Eventually it all comes out in the wash.

Your current story is only a collection of erroneous and correct opinions on your part. You prove nothing by countering what I say at every turn. We all know you do not like it. I am not a mental case, and I do not fabricate as you admit doing. One can not prove a negative. What I profess will be proven in due time. Truth usually prevails.

Why are you so strongly opposed to the involvement of McCoy? Seems to me it confirms the 'golden heart' of Duane Weber. P.S. I told my story to the FBI at length also. They don't give a shit, just like the honey badger. Eating poisonous snakes and mice and yuck, that's disgusting! They just roll over and take a nap, like Georger and Bleep should do.

Replacing all the stars in the heavens is a laborious job and could lead to tennis elbow. Those guys don't qualify for Workman's Comp. Do you?

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do you remember your address in 1961?

Absolutely. I had to submit it for my records, you know that. I did that, remember? Why do you care? I'm not worth asking, remember? You should study the records on McCoy's BYU pin. You don't need my records to do that. Or the real facts about Janet, or the association between McCoy, George Tenent and O'Hara. There must me 100 things more important than reordering up my request for information. You wasted much more time just dickin' around with Dr. Thayer's initials. Remember? You did not impress me with any interest in anything but more Cooper subterfuge. ALL of your previous activity here has been directed at false information. Why is that? How do I know that? How would I be able to differentiate phony baloney from tenderloin morsels? Because I have the recipe cards from the kitchen. Does anybody have the REAL KFC spices formula? I loved that original taste. All gone now. I'd like to buy a pair of 1928 Ford Model A Roadster rear quarter panels with braces, too. They run about $1000 each with shipping. That's what I want to do. Can't afford it. Have to wait until I can get it scraped together, wait by the computer here on Dropzone, wasting time. I'd much rather be building my hotrods. My new engine is done, the weather is perfect, and we are all in here fighting over insignificant trivia that is older than our kids. You get the picture? It's the principle of the thingie. Government by deception. "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." Abraham Lincoln. I'm in the last group in that quote. You don't NEED that address. You NEED to find a hobby.

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I asked you a simple question once again and get a paragraph and no address, that's fine since you don't want to tell what your address was in 1961.

Hotrods = address?

for the third time, your past makes your story Bob, by not answering to any of it makes you look very suspect!

can't "get the picture" Bob, your film was not in the camera during your past! Remember?

cred·i·bil·i·ty [kred-uh-bil-i-tee]
the quality of being believable or worthy of trust: After all those lies, his credibility was at a low ebb.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Hotrods no address?

You have not earned any favors with your insults and display of ignorance. You only demonstrate a false since of superiority. If you wish to be superior, you may be. But in that position you are expected to display occasional bursts of energy, enthusiasm, wit, and discovery. I'll wager you have to write yourself a to-do list everyday, don't you. Memory problems at your age? Tisk-tisk.

We are waiting for the paperwork. Why do you need another copy? What are we trying to do? I told no lies, but you fabricate to irritate by claiming so. You do not know. You only blow. And attack the flow of truth like Curley Joe, and Moe.

Do something constructive while you wait. Ha-ha. Brain flatulation got you down?

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"WE" are trying to ask you your address in 1961! has nothing to do with what you are rambling on about, just another simple question with no answer, no problem!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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