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DB Cooper

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the address when you were 18 would do, nothing bad, not trying to expose anything.

How about when I filed for the draft at 15?? Is that what you are after? Just say so.

1327 E. Webster St, Fairmont, Mn. ph. 1376-L

Wondering why BK doesn't remember his draft period?
BK never had a draft. Period. He avoided it. Walked right out the door.

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I will check but, I don't think you can register for the draft at age 15, you can not sign legal documents at that age without consent, Selective Service requires the draft registration at 18-25

you were drafted, were you not? this is called a "period" in your time of life.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I will check but, I don't think you can register for the draft at age 15, you can not sign legal documents at that age without consent, Selective Service requires the draft registration at 18-25

you were drafted, were you not? this is called a "period" in your time of life.

I believe I visited my draft board at the ripe age of 15 for purposes of a questionaire and talk with Loraine K. Long. Things were different then. That was my registration period. Look it up. You are wrong again.

No, I was not drafted. I was given notice to take a physical for induction into the armed services in the late 60's. (We are awaiting a confirmation date.) I walked out before I was inducted. I had been on school deferments and work exclusion working on DOD AAA contracts for VietNam when I was told to report for the physical. This was an on-going battle for a number of years, not just a one day thing.

Two of my classmates were personally involved with the details, one went to Canada, the other to VietNam in my slot as a Chaplin's assistant.

I was married Jan, 15, 1966, and started a new job on military contracts at that time. We went on our two week honeymoon to the Grand Canyon two years later. When I returned to work I had a military buddy to work closely with. He was part of the Project and the contract and kept a constant eye on me. That is about when everything was going down with the hypnosis, etc. Immediately after Duane's jump he convinced me to take another job working for the FAA Official who was working with Nixon's Committee. He had just taken a tour of my department and was purchasing product I worked on for his company. We hit it off. Eventually I got shuffled off to his plant in Snirtland, Nowhere, USA, for three years, talking to Mac for two on the phone in Pa. What a total waste! Sucks, guys! Really sucks.

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exactly how much yarn do you have?

How long is "War and Peace"? I can beat it. I haven't said much of anything about Jim Jones or the Walkers, or the Mafia bosses, or anything else. I expect I could double George's book just on Cooper. Ray is already a pretty long tale what with his mock trial. Yah, I think I could beat "War and Peace". We could get into exact quotations, word for word, if that is more interesting. Got about 50 pages of just verbatum quotes. Exactly as said, same words, everything. That BlueBird shit is amazing! I am totally impressed. Just like running a color movie! Over and over. Don't have copies of the movies for you however. We'll have to fake it. You can do that, huh?

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exactly how much yarn do you have?

How long is "War and Peace"? I can beat it. I haven't said much of anything about Jim Jones or the Walkers, or the Mafia bosses, or anything else. I expect I could double George's book just on Cooper. Ray is already a pretty long tale what with his mock trial. Yah, I think I could beat "War and Peace". We could get into exact quotations, word for word, if that is more interesting. Got about 50 pages of just verbatum quotes. Exactly as said, same words, everything. That BlueBird shit is amazing! I am totally impressed. Just like running a color movie! Over and over. Don't have copies of the movies for you however. We'll have to fake it. You can do that, huh?

...in other words, if the Great Wall of China need a scarf you could knit it one, with yarn left over! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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You can do that, huh?

...in other words, if the Great Wall of China need a scarf you could knit it one, with yarn left over! B|

On the contrary, if The Great Wall of China were that cold, I would suggest we allow it to freeze and crumble while we warm all the cold people with all the yarn you describe. My tale is one of substance and body... and truth to keep us secure, safe and warm, free from tyrannic rule and dirty tricks. So, it is not necessary to spin yarns and fabricate make-shift solutions to outmoded ruthless tactics requiring cover-up scarves, misdirection and deception. It is not the infrastructure that needs the warm cover, it is the people. The yarns my friends do not spin from the bottom. It is a top down, bottoms up, inside out concept. Look to our leadership for the galley of spinning wheels. The cogs and gears that twist and turn, squeezing and screwing us ever more tightly into the World Domination mold of failure. Well, maybe not. Nappy time. :)

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"No, I was not drafted. I was given notice to take a physical for induction into the armed services in the late 60's"

So, the military wanted a physical from you for no reason, because you were not being drafted? a check up?

If your were not being drafted, why did you threaten the draft board, or say you were going to Canada?

you better put a new ball of yarn on for this answer, I fear a half a page coming B|
Draft evasion is a term that refers to an intentional failure to comply with the military conscription policies of one's nation.

You need to be Drafted in order to be a dodger, Deferments are for avoiding the draft!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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You need to be Drafted in order to be a dodger, Deferments are for avoiding the draft!

uhmm not the whole storey. must Register for the
Draft first. Failure to register means ... deeper
escalades and pamadjeon. Refusal to register
means ... back in The Day.

Did Tom Kaye register and serve? 377? Sluggo?
Gray? Bruce? .... lets expose em all! Will give ole
Blev something to do!!
Houston, we may have a problem.

Ok. I spent a wierd and unexpcted evening ( at
dinner) with some lawyers and students from the
law school - they were discusing contract law and
Federal vs State vs Private interest ... which Law
dominates in certain cases and there are a whole lot
of 'Procedural rules' which apply in such cases -
rules which can even determine a decision. One
such decision, according to one of the kid's there
was the Cooper money case and he brought that
up out of nowhere saying one of his relatives (a
lawyer) worked on that case!! - I was stunned and
just looked at the kid - he had lots of factoids and
opinions! We wound up in a round table about the
Cooper case. Totally unexpected. Wierd evening!
(for the record I defended the FBI & Fed's need to
hang on to the money as "forensic evidence" vs all
other claims so long as the case is alive. My view
was noted as a 'nonprofessional' but did not carry
any weight at all with these Law School attornies -
actually the kid was more sympathetic than anyon
else there! I was stunned at that but took it in
stride. ) I left wondering what procedural filings
accompanied this case behind the scenes, and to
what extent did it determine the outcome? I thought
about 377 and Galen Cook and wished they were
there to arguye my side more effectively! ...

and yes, Tosaw's name did come up. The kid
and another brought it up.

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very true Georger, according to Bob, he registered, but good point! B|

I think Knoss is entertaining to a point but has
literally nothing to do with the Cooper case. Like
Jo Weber and Robert Blevins. A diversion which I
find has certain tactical value, at this time. Keep
up the good work Knoss!
(cash my checks promptly!)


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very true Georger, according to Bob, he registered, but good point! B|

I think Knoss is entertaining to a point but has
literally nothing to do with the Cooper case. Like
Jo Weber and Robert Blevins. A diversion which I
find has certain tactical value, at this time. Keep
up the good work Knoss!
(cash my checks promptly!)


You 'neededed' TWO edits for THAT? :S

What happen ya forget the smiley face...TWICE? :D:D:D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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very true Georger, according to Bob, he registered, but good point! B|

I think Knoss is entertaining to a point but has
literally nothing to do with the Cooper case. Like
Jo Weber and Robert Blevins. A diversion which I
find has certain tactical value, at this time. Keep
up the good work Knoss!
(cash my checks promptly!)


You 'neededed' TWO edits for THAT? :S

What happen ya forget the smiley face...TWICE? :D:D:D

got anything to contribute to a DB Cooper forum?
just personal shit and attacks is all you can muster?

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Knoss Stated:
I remember how happy you were to hear some truth which you were able to verify. Now you deny the same information because you don't like the truth. I understand. Facts are still facts. I can't change facts to please you.

Jo States:

Knoss you are SHIT and you know that. You are nothing.
The "truths" you claim were seeds I planted in your mind and the several months later the seeds start to grow and grow and grow. You became Pinocho.

Knoss States.
Why are you so strongly opposed to the involvement of McCoy? Seems to me it confirms the 'golden heart' of Duane Weber. P.S. I told my story to the FBI at length also.

Jo States:
Because your story is shit you made up of the feeds I gave you. You are a fraud!

You have been a waste of time in the Cooper case and YOU have nothing to offer. Wait until I get back to WA and retrive the information waiting for me there - WHATCA Gonna DO then? Please don't reply - just die!
You are useless crap with you made up information. You do NOT even know where the things are in WA. Get your ass on a plane and go to WA then tell your story and check out the footprints.

UNTIL then leave me be. I will be having someone copy all of the emails and the tape I made and then see who is the LAIR.
You are not only a liar - you are a deprevated creepy professional liar. Your only goal in life is to be heard..

Get yourself some HELP!

Also get your facts together because you are going to need them - NO you are NOT part of the COOPER Story - you are a no one who leeches off of others.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger says in part:


'got anything to contribute to a DB Cooper forum?
just personal shit and attacks is all you can muster?'

This isn't just the pot calling the kettle black. It's cloning yourself into the kettle.

You ignore all advice - just as before.
You are hopeless. Its no longer sad, just a fact.
Travel the circus circuit all your life.

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Georger says in part:


'got anything to contribute to a DB Cooper forum?
just personal shit and attacks is all you can muster?'

This isn't just the pot calling the kettle black. It's cloning yourself into the kettle.

Talk about defining irony, he calls ME out for personal attacks...:D:D:D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Knoss Stated:
I remember how happy you were to hear some truth which you were able to verify. Now you deny the same information because you don't like the truth. I understand. Facts are still facts. I can't change facts to please you.

Jo States:

Knoss you are SHIT and you know that. You are nothing.
The "truths" you claim were seeds I planted in your mind and the several months later the seeds start to grow and grow and grow. You became Pinocho.

Knoss States.
Why are you so strongly opposed to the involvement of McCoy? Seems to me it confirms the 'golden heart' of Duane Weber. P.S. I told my story to the FBI at length also.

Jo States:
Because your story is shit you made up of the feeds I gave you. You are a fraud!

You have been a waste of time in the Cooper case and YOU have nothing to offer. Wait until I get back to WA and retrive the information waiting for me there - WHATCA Gonna DO then? Please don't reply - just die!
You are useless crap with you made up information. You do NOT even know where the things are in WA. Get your ass on a plane and go to WA then tell your story and check out the footprints.

UNTIL then leave me be. I will be having someone copy all of the emails and the tape I made and then see who is the LAIR.
You are not only a liar - you are a deprevated creepy professional liar. Your only goal in life is to be heard..

Get yourself some HELP!

Also get your facts together because you are going to need them - NO you are NOT part of the COOPER Story - you are a no one who leeches off of others.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. Glad to see I no longer rate red ink. This is progress.

I'm making a certified statement for you identifying Duane Weber as Dan Cooper, as I stated earlier. How many of those do you have so far? Maybe I can get McCoy to sign it too. Bet he would.

I really don't want to contaminate my records with ANY current input. What I have is original, not guesses based on trying to re-construct anything. That just waters down the value of what I have to offer. I really can not accept what you try to push unless I already have it from my own records. I know that what is there is not PLANTED by you or any other cover-up artist. You need to take lessons from Jamie, Mattie, and the honey badger. They don't give a shit. Thank you for reducing your thoughts to paper. You are loved.

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"No, I was not drafted. I was given notice to take a physical for induction into the armed services in the late 60's"

So, the military wanted a physical from you for no reason, because you were not being drafted? a check up?

They were trying to draft me, but they were not successful.

If your were not being drafted, why did you threaten the draft board, or say you were going to Canada?

They were telling me it was my turn coming up, and that I was the only one left. I said no.

you better put a new ball of yarn on for this answer, I fear a half a page coming B|

Draft evasion is a term that refers to an intentional failure to comply with the military conscription policies of one's nation. You need to be Drafted in order to be a dodger, Deferments are for avoiding the draft!

I objected to armed conflict from a very early age. It should have been recorded in my interview with Long. I did not fail to comply with anything. I went to the physical, they said I could leave and I did. They tried to draft me, they were not successful. What I did was legal, except for threatening to go to Canada. That was a statement of fact, not a threat.

If I had been drafted and sworn in, I would be AWOL. Draft evasion is intentional failure to comply. I did not fail to comply. I walked out, with permission. Big difference. A legal method for avoiding the draft!

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If you received a notice for the armed forces exam, was the draft not in motion?

If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must sign your application authorizing the Selective Service to register you when you turn age 18, why would you do this at such a young age being a C.O.

If you were a I-A-0 when did you go in front of the board, not just Loraine.

To prepare for a possible draft, COs should have prepared in advance a file which documents their beliefs. Include in this file, at least, the photocopy of the registration card, a comprehensive statement of beliefs, and letters of support for this statement. Such evidence can be presented to the local board who will hear the claim for a CO classification. Compiling this file should be done with supervision from a qualified draft counselor or agency such as CCW

Even "back in the day"

so, you left with permission, and then was convicted of threatening the draft board and given a suspended sentence.

"They were telling me it was my turn coming up, and that I was the only one left. I said no." why even bother going if you were going to say NO, same as not showing up, why would they tell you that you were next if you were the only one left?

you said you were caught with a fake doctors letter remember, doctor no first name!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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If you received a notice for the armed forces exam, was the draft not in motion?


If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must sign your application authorizing the Selective Service to register you when you turn age 18, why would you do this at such a young age being a C.O.

You keep referring to current practices. I am now 69. Things were done differently back then. 15 was the age to register, not 18.

If you were a I-A-0 when did you go in front of the board, not just Loraine.

You said I was 1A-O, not me. I joked that I was 1A-Old exempt.

To prepare for a possible draft, COs should have prepared in advance a file which documents their beliefs. Include in this file, at least, the photocopy of the registration card, a comprehensive statement of beliefs, and letters of support for this statement. Such evidence can be presented to the local board who will hear the claim for a CO classification. Compiling this file should be done with supervision from a qualified draft counselor or agency such as CCW

You seem to have all the rules and regulations messed up. That is not the way it was done. We each went in for a verbal interview, she wrote notes on everything and we left. Took about an hour. I'm really sorry, but you have a false perception of the way things were done and what was required.

Even "back in the day"

so, you left with permission, and then was convicted of threatening the draft board and given a suspended sentence.

That is precisely correct. (were)

"They were telling me it was my turn coming up, and that I was the only one left. I said no." why even bother going if you were going to say NO, same as not showing up, why would they tell you that you were next if you were the only one left?

I was required to go to the physical. I had my necessary papers from the Doctor.

you said you were caught with a fake doctors letter remember, doctor no first name!

The papers were not fake, they were real and correct, truthful, but perhaps exagerated some by the Doctor. And the Doctor was EA Thayer, who did not use a first name, so stick it where the sun doesn't shine! Honey badger. Bite me! You don't give a shit! My father didn't use a middle name either. NONE. Homer NONE Knoss. You never responded to my query, do you have to make yourself a to-do list every day? Bet you do! It's in order, too, isn't it. And you make check marks as you do your tasks, too. I got you nailed. Can't think out of the box. Have you checked on the Medallion yet? PPPffffttt. No.

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