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DB Cooper

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"The papers were not fake, they were real and correct, truthful, but perhaps exagerated some by the Doctor. And the Doctor was EA Thayer,"

"{Thayer got a verbal repromand." so, you got a 4 year suspended sentence for a doctors letter that was correct and should of been no reason for the FBI agent to call you saying they gave the doctor a stern warning, basically you told the draft board you were going to Canada, and this is why they convicted you?

"I presented my letter from Doctor Thayer of Fairmont, MN. and went right to the front of the procession to be examined by a Doctor who told me to leave."

couple hours ago you were the last one there, remember, "They were telling me it was my turn coming up, and that I was the only one left. I said no."

you have spun out of control Bob, your mission is to keep the story going as you feel fit to present it, you change things as you go along and avoid anything connected to you, nobody is buying your story here, I suggest you find other avenues to present your zero facts too, because you don't have any facts, ask Mac, ask O'hara is not presenting facts! perhaps a younger audience would help you with your dream!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"The papers were not fake, they were real and correct, truthful, but perhaps exagerated some by the Doctor. And the Doctor was EA Thayer,"

"{Thayer got a verbal repromand." so, you got a 4 year suspended sentence for a doctors letter that was correct and should of been no reason for the FBI agent to call you saying they gave the doctor a stern warning, basically you told the draft board you were going to Canada, and this is why they convicted you?

"I presented my letter from Doctor Thayer of Fairmont, MN. and went right to the front of the procession to be examined by a Doctor who told me to leave."

couple hours ago you were the last one there, remember, "They were telling me it was my turn coming up, and that I was the only one left. I said no."

This was a telephone conversation with Ms. Long prior to going fo the physical.

you have spun out of control Bob, your mission is to keep the story going as you feel fit to present it, you change things as you go along and avoid anything connected to you, nobody is buying your story here, I suggest you find other avenues to present your zero facts too, because you don't have any facts, ask Mac, ask O'hara is not presenting facts! perhaps a younger audience would help you with your dream!

You have no grasp of the story because you want to disprove anything I may say. I am answering YOUR QUESTIONS as you pose them. You just are unable to put anything of substance on the table because you are stuck on stupid little tripping stones of your own making. You don't listen to what is said, you just keep repeating trash that you can't seem to sort out due to a faulty magnet in your head. Face facts and admit the reality that you wish to cover-up the truth of the Cooper case and you have no intention whatsoever of pursuing the release of what really happened. A Government ploy to over-ride public opinion and force Government control on air travel was executed on the population. Now YOU are a contributor, in my opinion with your obvious attempts to silence me from presenting the truth in part or in total. Ask some serious questions. Be a man. Be an American. Stand up for what this country stands for! Not lying and deceitful cover-up of underhanded activities never to see the light of day. You should be proud of what was accomplished and air it out. Or suffer the consequences. I think you are CHICKEN!! DOUBLE DARE YA!

Attached is a certification I will have processed and sign.

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You keep referring to current practices. I am now 69. Things were done differently back then. 15 was the age to register, not 18.

Knoss, you are full of bullshit! But I have told you that before haven't I?

In the post-WW2 era, the age to register has always been 18, specifically your 18th birthday. But you could register a short time before your 18th birthday and, with good reason, a short period of time after your 18th birthday.

Typically, people who were in the process of being drafted (and all were 18 or older) would be sent for a preliminary military physical examination a month or two before they were expected to be inducted.

If they passed the preliminary physical examination, they would be inducted in the normal sequence of events and have to pass still another physical examination which was usually done on the day of their actual induction (assuming, of course, they passed this final physical examination).

For people who volunteered for the military, typically the minimum age was 17, but it required paternal consent. The Navy had a specific program for 17 year olds that would cause them to be discharged on, or the day before, their 21st birthday.

Knoss, You do not know what you are talking about with regard to the Selective Service System. Or any other Federal Government agency for that matter.

Was it mental problems that kept you out of the military?

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Blevins writes:

I've read posts ad infinitum by people like Georger and others who say I have nothing to do with the Cooper case, and haven't a clue on exactly WHO was the hijacker.

RN99 replies:

That includes me as I have told you both publicly and privately.

Blevins writes:

Fact: 75% or better of the many email responses we get here regarding Blast or KC say they think we are onto something. These are people who have either read the book or seen the Newsvine articles.

RN99 replies:

What is the percentage for those who do not have to read your book or Newsvine articles to rule out KC?

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ROBERT99: I agree with you that KC does not deserve further examination by the FBI and they have expressed that KC does not fit the DB Cooper profile. Blevins continues to pushes KC as he uses it to push his worthless book "Blast".

What needs to be done is answer the question as to why the FBI has failed for over 40 years to catch their man. They have the smartest (college degree lawyers) working the case but have not been able to solve it. They also have access to all kinds of experts but why no progress?


I believe they suffer from rigid methods that have worked in the past but limit their thoughts to "inside the box". Just a little "thinking outside the box" could put them on the trail to success. I also believe they have talked with DB but ruled him out as he had the "perfect alibi". They have even taken DNA swabs from his mouth but fail to check the DNA that they have on existing evidence. The case can be solved very quickly comparing the DNA on the four envelopes/stamps sent to the Portland newspapers following the caper with their best suspect . They had their man but just failed to follow thru.
Larry Carr was on the right track by enlisting the DropZone to do the thinking outside the box. Larry was given a chance but got yanked out of the job to think about "greater crimes" and conclude DB died in the jump. FBI thinking again and the failure continues.


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ROBERT99: I agree with you that KC does not deserve further examination by the FBI and they have expressed that KC does not fit the DB Cooper profile. Blevins continues to pushes KC as he uses it to push his worthless book "Blast".

What needs to be done is answer the question as to why the FBI has failed for over 40 years to catch their man. They have the smartest (college degree lawyers) working the case but have not been able to solve it. They also have access to all kinds of experts but why no progress?


I believe they suffer from rigid methods that have worked in the past but limit their thoughts to "inside the box". Just a little "thinking outside the box" could put them on the trail to success. I also believe they have talked with DB but ruled him out as he had the "perfect alibi". They have even taken DNA swabs from his mouth but fail to check the DNA that they have on existing evidence. The case can be solved very quickly comparing the DNA on the four envelopes/stamps sent to the Portland newspapers following the caper with their best suspect . They had their man but just failed to follow thru.
Larry Carr was on the right track by enlisting the DropZone to do the thinking outside the box. Larry was given a chance but got yanked out of the job to think about "greater crimes" and conclude DB died in the jump. FBI thinking again and the failure continues.


what I find puzzling is that fact that most think he died that evening, ok, but why have we found chutes from years before Cooper, and yet nobody has been able to find Coopers chute?

how far off from the "probable" jump site could his body be? is there only two options, one he landed in the river, bloop, bloop, two he survived?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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ROBERT99: I agree with you that KC does not deserve further examination by the FBI and they have expressed that KC does not fit the DB Cooper profile. Blevins continues to pushes KC as he uses it to push his worthless book "Blast".

What needs to be done is answer the question as to why the FBI has failed for over 40 years to catch their man. They have the smartest (college degree lawyers) working the case but have not been able to solve it. They also have access to all kinds of experts but why no progress?


I believe they suffer from rigid methods that have worked in the past but limit their thoughts to "inside the box". Just a little "thinking outside the box" could put them on the trail to success. I also believe they have talked with DB but ruled him out as he had the "perfect alibi". They have even taken DNA swabs from his mouth but fail to check the DNA that they have on existing evidence. The case can be solved very quickly comparing the DNA on the four envelopes/stamps sent to the Portland newspapers following the caper with their best suspect . They had their man but just failed to follow thru.
Larry Carr was on the right track by enlisting the DropZone to do the thinking outside the box. Larry was given a chance but got yanked out of the job to think about "greater crimes" and conclude DB died in the jump. FBI thinking again and the failure continues.


what I find puzzling is that fact that most think he died that evening, ok, but why have we found chutes from years before Cooper, and yet nobody has been able to find Coopers chute?

how far off from the "probable" jump site could his body be? is there only two options, one he landed in the river, bloop, bloop, two he survived?

Sailshaw and Mrshutter45,

On the Cooper matter, I am surprised that the FBI (apparently) didn't use the people available at Boeing more in the determination of a probably jump zone, flight track, etc..

My understanding is that the FBI's probable jump zone was estimated, even before the airliner landed in Reno, by NWA personnel in Minneapolis. Based on the condition of the money at Tena Bar, I would suspect that Cooper landed relatively close to where it was found.

On the matter of the parachutes, it should be remembered that the ones found were out of their packs.

If Cooper did a no-pull straight in, he would be in an area of about 15 square feet, along with the unopened parachutes, money bag, etc.. It would be very difficult to find him if he landed in brush in a relatively urban location. And the winter rain, cold, and snow would also help to conceal him.

Also, the fact that the Seattle ATC transcripts have been heavily edited, I would suspect that some people had a reason to erase the incriminating evidence that suggests they handled the case investigation very poorly.

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"On the matter of the parachutes, it should be remembered that the ones found were out of their packs."

Agreed, I just found it strange that these chutes have been found and not Coopers, but then again it took decades to find one of them ;)

The transcripts are confusing indeed, they tell different stories such as several banks were needed to get the money, references made about taking a look after Cooper exited, the first hand identification of Cooper (age about 50)

If he landed close to Tena Bar, would this not be more level terrain? and if it was a no pull it would be in line with the flight path? can we go by the transcript time and the map sluggo made for possible estimated location? (reference wise)

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must sign your application authorizing the Selective Service to register you when you turn age 18, why would you do this at such a young age being a C.O.

You keep referring to current practices. I am now 69. Things were done differently back then. 15 was the age to register, not 18.


This statement seems quite odd. Why was 15 the age to register? In New York, we had to register on our 18th birthday, and I've never heard of a variation anywhere else until your declaration, Bob.

I was 18 in Septemeber 1967 - I remember the Vietnam era very well. I applied for my CO after my 2-S was canceled when dropped out of college in September 1969.

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'When they finally discover the center of the universe...a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not it.'


There is no center of the universe. The Earth is not
flat either.

Bring your knowledge base up to modern standards,
in Tanna Tuva ?

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If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must sign your application authorizing the Selective Service to register you when you turn age 18, why would you do this at such a young age being a C.O.

You keep referring to current practices. I am now 69. Things were done differently back then. 15 was the age to register, not 18.


This statement seems quite odd. Why was 15 the age to register? In New York, we had to register on our 18th birthday, and I've never heard of a variation anywhere else until your declaration, Bob.

I was 18 in Septemeber 1967 - I remember the Vietnam era very well. I applied for my CO after my 2-S was canceled when dropped out of college in September 1969.

was 18 here and in three other States I know of -
my hometown was full of Quakers from old families -
they regsietered at 18 and if they served they were
made Corpsmen (medics). Any idea what the ratio
of medics to ground combat soldiers killed in Nam
was !? The Wall is full of their names. Snipers liked
to pick off officers and corpsmen first.

Just to state it: there also was a sect of Quakers
known as the Fighting Quakers, whose families
had fought in every war sicne the Revolutionary War.
When Vietnam came along some registered as
CO's, and some didnt. It varied by family and
personal conscience. Quakerism is a religion about
personal conscience. But before any orthodox
Quaker made any decision he had to have several
talks with his Committee of Elders, whoc hecked the
person out. Because registering as a CO was a
serious matter, usually a family and church matter,
not just one's personal decision.

Have no idea if any of this applies to Knoss but
thats how it was for the Quaker kids I grew up with.

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"On the matter of the parachutes, it should be remembered that the ones found were out of their packs."

Agreed, I just found it strange that these chutes have been found and not Coopers, but then again it took decades to find one of them ;)

The transcripts are confusing indeed, they tell different stories such as several banks were needed to get the money, references made about taking a look after Cooper exited, the first hand identification of Cooper (age about 50)

If he landed close to Tena Bar, would this not be more level terrain? and if it was a no pull it would be in line with the flight path? can we go by the transcript time and the map sluggo made for possible estimated location? (reference wise)

Please remember that the parachute that took decades to find was found buried in the ground as a road was being graded.

The immediate area around Tena Bar is indeed flat and not more than about 25 feet above sea level at the highest point.

It should be noted that the NW Lower River Road, which forms the east boundary of the Fazio's dairy farm, is actually built on top of a levee. Thus, with one single exception, the water east of that road including Vancouver Lake water enters the Columbia River several miles further downstream. The exception is a small ditch which passes under that road just a few feet from the Fazio's driveway. And that ditch will not be a major factor in water movement onto the Fazio's property except maybe during some extreme flooding.

South (upstream) of the Fazio's property is a brushy area that would be a very good candidate for a "no find" location for a body. Also, Caterpillar Island would be another good candidate but I think it can be ruled out based solely on fluid flow dynamics and the location on Tena Bar where the money was found.

As I understand it, your reference to Sluggo's flight path maps is to the ones produced by the FBI and provided to Sluggo. The times on those maps are not to be taken at face value. The flight path depicted is also not very likely.

Specifically, the flight path presented as roughly a half circle around the west side of Portland is not realistic at all. It simply would not have been flown that way. If the airliner had intended to bypass Portland on the west side, and it apparently did, then the whole segment from a point near the Mayfield Intersection to a point where the airliner would rejoin V-23 south of Portland would have been flown as a straight line. Nothing beats planning ahead on a flight.

And if the above segment was flown as described, then depending on the exact flight path, the airliner could have passed directly over Tena Bar.

The times given on the Seattle and Portland ATC transcripts are highly reliable. They are much more trustworthy than any times in the remaining paperwork.

The money apparently came from a single bank. I would not consider the mention of multiple banks as being of any importance since it was a casual mention and nobody had all the exact information anyway. It does take a period of time afterwards to get all the ducks lined up after a matter such as that.

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ROBERT99: What needs to be done is answer the question as to why the FBI has failed for over 40 years to catch their man. They have the smartest (college degree lawyers) working the case but have not been able to solve it. They also have access to all kinds of experts but why no progress?


I believe they suffer from rigid methods that have worked in the past but limit their thoughts to "inside the box". Just a little "thinking outside the box" could put them on the trail to success. (edited) The case can be solved very quickly comparing the DNA on the four envelopes & stamps sent to the Portland newspapers following the caper with their best suspect . (edited)


Bob - finally someone made a decent post (I edited some of it out and only left what I want to address). I realize you think Petersen was Cooper, but what you posted applies to all suspects and I just do NOT understand why the FBI doesn't get it.

I expect the problem with the letters sent to several news papers is that because little was known about DNA - so perhaps the envelopes were discarded.

I did NOT realize 4 notes were sent to the Portland Newpapers. Other newpapers received similar notes, I have forgotten who gt what and when.

Perhaps it would be a good idea for someone to post what is know about the notes and the dates and newpapers involved with each note.

Some were definitely pranks, but WHAT IF one of them was actually sent by the Skyjacker.

The one with the code in it I have never seen - and often thought maybe it was someone pulling my leg. That is the ONE note I actually want to see. I want to see the print, the stamp, the envelope and the code as it was reported to be. I want to see if those numbers are written or cut like lots of the notes. Mostly I just want to know if this particular note really did exist.

I forget now if it was Reno or San Francisco.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please remember that the parachute that took decades to find was found buried in the ground as a road was being graded.

If he did not bail near Amboy, then the Amboy chute
cannot be his. Unless Kaye etal are now going to
claim the chute arrived at Amboy by "unnatural"

The first published reports of the Amboy find I read
seemed to stress the following:

(a) nobody seemed certain of the exact Walling
scenario, where and when Walling was picked up
and by who, before possibly being transported and
then checking in at a further location across the
river. No report that I have ever read claims that
Walling swam the river! Only Blevins says that.

(b) early published reports reflect reliance on several
historians who the articles stressed may or may-not
have the facts straight.

(c) the current owners of the property in question
who pulled up the chute, may not be the same
former owners-users of the property who may
have known the chute was there, all along. That
was specifically mentioned in one early report.

Later reports (which Blevins is relying on) may not
reflect the 'original' uncertainties in this matter,
voiced immediately after the find, but be distilled
truncated versions which miss the fuller (original)
realities involved.

When Blevins says: "Walling would have had to swim
the river", I have never read any version which
claims Walling swam a river. Nobody but Blevins has
ever said that, probably because nobody thinks it
happened! Blevins may have constructed a straw
man, whether it could fit with reality or not. Blevins
actually publically saying he is trying to "force" the
FBI to attend to his assertions, is a little like me
trying to "force" my neighbor's goldfish, to have
supper with me - on my plate! Its assinine on its
face. And could not suffice for a full meal in any
event. :D

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I did NOT realize 4 notes were sent to the Portland Newpapers. Other newpapers received similar notes, I have forgotten who gt what and when.

Perhaps it would be a good idea for someone to post what is know about the notes and the dates and newpapers involved with each note.


That cannot happen because nobody here has that
information, and very likely will never have it, or
would never post it publically in any event.

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Read my comments again. Everyone has read the
PI article. Read my comments again? Or dont read
them. I could care less.

Stop changing the titles back to "A Minimal Exam of
KC is Warranted IMHO". I have changed it back to
Amboy chute which is the title I posted under and
what we are taliking about. Your slimmy tactics
speak for your credibility.

Now fuck off. I like you too.


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Read my comments again. Everyone has read the
PI article. Read my comments again? Or dont read
them. I could care less.

Stop changing the titles back to "A Minimal Exam of
KC is Warranted IMHO". I have changed it back to
Amboy chute which is the title I posted under and
what we are taliking about. Your slimmy tactics
speak for your credibility.

Now fuck off. I like you too.


Post of the year! Congratulations!

I got the notification on doing the KC story before Blevins. It is a hoax. I need not go through the details another time. Gray can verify. Jim Rataczak can verify.

While scanning through Dan Cooper mug shots for my certification for Jo, I came upon a Cooper sketch I had not seen before. Now, we all know that this guy could not have been Cooper, but is there a twin? :)

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If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must sign your application authorizing the Selective Service to register you when you turn age 18, why would you do this at such a young age being a C.O.

You keep referring to current practices. I am now 69. Things were done differently back then. 15 was the age to register, not 18.


This statement seems quite odd. Why was 15 the age to register? In New York, we had to register on our 18th birthday, and I've never heard of a variation anywhere else until your declaration, Bob.

I was 18 in Septemeber 1967 - I remember the Vietnam era very well. I applied for my CO after my 2-S was canceled when dropped out of college in September 1969.

I got my draft card when I was 18. I went for an interview at 15 as we were required to do. SS card, too. Driver's license, all that stuff. 15 was a mighty good year. Got my first hot rod at 15. A lot of firsts at 15. I'm amazed at how little you all know about basic facts! None of you seem to be able to remember much of anything from your draft periods!!! No credibility. No need to even TRY to help you understand. :)
Here is the official wording guys, you might want to read this several times:

United States male citizens or immigrants who are eighteen years of age or older, but less than twenty-six years of age, shall be registered for the Military Selective Service when applying to receive or renew an instruction permit, driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification card. Any US male citizen or immigrant who is 15 years of age, but less than 18 years of age, shall provide personal information for registration with the Selective Service. Upon the applicant attaining eighteen years of age, the applicant shall automatically be registered with Selective Service. :S

And everything else I tell you xxxxxxxx is true also!
Who has the shitty memory now????

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