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DB Cooper

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BLEVINS: You say:

" The FBI hasn't said KC does not fit the Cooper profile. They said they think he doesn't fit the description. There is a difference."

OK, HE DOES NOT FIT THE DESCRIPTION in your own words. To me, there are three really big reasons he does not fit the description;

As I have stated before KC was too short at 5 ft 8 in and DB was 6 ft 1 in. Now the second is his skin color is white and not olive like DB. Finally, his eyes are the wrong color.

Goef Gray makes up the story that KC could have used makeup to change his skin color. Why no other changes to hide his description? Geof also make the argument that height can be confusing and different people had him at different heights, but 5 ft 8 in is just too much of a stretch to get to 6 ft 1 in. Eye color again can be confusing but Tina looked into his eyes and had the color pegged quite well. So, three strikes puts KC out as a viable candidate.

Geof looked a little sheepish when he told me the above story of why KC fit the description. Geof is a smart guy but his story was a too big stretch of the facts and not believable and was just to defend the book he had written (just like Blevin and the Blast).

The FBI was right to exclude further investigation of Kennith Christensen (KC).


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If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must sign your application authorizing the Selective Service to register you when you turn age 18, why would you do this at such a young age being a C.O.

You keep referring to current practices. I am now 69. Things were done differently back then. 15 was the age to register, not 18.


This statement seems quite odd. Why was 15 the age to register? In New York, we had to register on our 18th birthday, and I've never heard of a variation anywhere else until your declaration, Bob.

I was 18 in Septemeber 1967 - I remember the Vietnam era very well. I applied for my CO after my 2-S was canceled when dropped out of college in September 1969.

I got my draft card when I was 18. I went for an interview at 15 as we were required to do. SS card, too. Driver's license, all that stuff. 15 was a mighty good year. Got my first hot rod at 15. A lot of firsts at 15. I'm amazed at how little you all know about basic facts! None of you seem to be able to remember much of anything from your draft periods!!! No credibility. No need to even TRY to help you understand. :)
Here is the official wording guys, you might want to read this several times:

United States male citizens or immigrants who are eighteen years of age or older, but less than twenty-six years of age, shall be registered for the Military Selective Service when applying to receive or renew an instruction permit, driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification card. Any US male citizen or immigrant who is 15 years of age, but less than 18 years of age, shall provide personal information for registration with the Selective Service. Upon the applicant attaining eighteen years of age, the applicant shall automatically be registered with Selective Service. :S

And everything else I tell you xxxxxxxx is true also!
Who has the shitty memory now????

Why use a State law from TODAY for your point it was different yesterday?



Why did you edit out, in your quote, the part about the Drivers License and Drivers Permits?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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They've never investigated Christiansen. Two different FBI agents in the Seattle office have admitted to me that KC has NEVER been checked out. That was as of last June.

I guess that your "marraige" to the FBI, has failed

Maybe get grief and re-orientation counseling, and
lower your expectations ? That's what most people
do in your position.


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They've never investigated Christiansen. Two different FBI agents in the Seattle office have admitted to me that KC has NEVER been checked out. That was as of last June.

I guess that your "marraige" to the FBI, has failed

Maybe get grief and re-orientation counseling, and
lower your expectations ? That's what most people
do in your position.


Or, better yet, the FBI should do their job and arrest the perp for perpetrating a hoax, facilitating a crime after the fact, aiding and abetting, profiting on a crime after the fact, imperthonating an authifer, giving false information to the FBI, fraud, attempted blackmail and the rest of what he did. Damned pervert! They are just too busy, but they took my complaint.

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So, I suppose after I went to all the trouble to put this certification together, sign and notarize it for you, frame it and everything, you don't want it now. So I won't send it to you if you won't tell me where you don't want it sent to.
You can email me in red and blue again. ONCE!

I do not have any powdered anthrax or warfare grade toxins, explosives or critters to include. Just a nice gesture to a pissed old lady needing a friend. I tried to re-write it so it would fit your story, but this is my limit. Nobody is 'out to get you', and I am not a shit or even a little shit. I am 5'10" and wide as a billboard. And I'm a teddy bear. And I don't T-Bone old ladies for fun, either. But I'll admit, I dreamed about it ONCE. Or twice...

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Regardless of how much sauce you put on spaghetti, it is still spaghetti.

Or to translate from the Greek: KC is still KC and he is not, and never will be, D. B. Cooper.

If ya can't baffle 'em with buffalo shit, ya dazzle 'em with bullshit. If the bullshit don't work ya bury 'em in paperwork. If the paperwork don't work, ya best quit. You're there bro. Call the Roto-Rooter dude, cause he's down and taking the count!

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So, I suppose after I went to all the trouble to put this certification together, sign and notarize it for you, frame it and everything, you don't want it now. So I won't send it to you if you won't tell me where you don't want it sent to.
You can email me in red and blue again. ONCE!

I do not have any powdered anthrax or warfare grade toxins, explosives or critters to include. Just a nice gesture to a pissed old lady needing a friend. I tried to re-write it so it would fit your story, but this is my limit. Nobody is 'out to get you', and I am not a shit or even a little shit. I am 5'10" and wide as a billboard. And I'm a teddy bear. And I don't T-Bone old ladies for fun, either. But I'll admit, I dreamed about it ONCE. Or twice...

Did he know, or was he seen by, Jo's HOTEL CLERK!?

Did he make certifications to Jo's Hotel Clerk, as he
made to you?

Did he give Cooper Twenties to the Hotel Clerk, and
returning to Minnethota, stashed Cooper money in
the same apartment building you knew him in?
Should Tom Kaye go excavate the apartment
building!? Or Brian Ingram and Denise go poke
the sand around there?

What say yee, Knosstradamus?

And, how in hell does all of this fit into the Dan
Cooper comic story script!? How did any of this
get to Albert Weinberg to be out into the Dan
Cooper comic?

There are a few lose ends to be tied up -

Do you have anything to do with the Greenspan
School of Economics at the Univ of Chicago?

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Did he know, or was he seen by, Jo's HOTEL CLERK!?
Did he make certifications to Jo's Hotel Clerk, as he
made to you?Did he give Cooper Twenties to the Hotel Clerk, and returning to Minnethota, stashed Cooper money in the same apartment building you knew him in?
Should Tom Kaye go excavate the apartment
building!? Or Brian Ingram and Denise go poke
the sand around there? What say yee, Knosstradamus?
And, how in hell does all of this fit into the Dan
Cooper comic story script!?

Shows identification, intent, planning, knowledge and where-with-all.
No pokie, no jokie. No fun, no mun.
Just another thingie. No clerk, no hotel, just a moment in the Sun! :)

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And, how in hell does all of this fit into the Dan
Cooper comic story script!? How did any of this
get to Albert Weinberg to be out into the Dan
Cooper comic?

His friend, Richard McCoy, comic book fanatic extrodinaire. Canadians! Go figure.

There are a few lose ends to be tied up -

Do you have anything to do with the Greenspan
School of Economics at the Univ of Chicago?

Never. I've been to Chicago about a dozen times more that I would like to have been. So, I guess that's a no?

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My Father was part of the Mercury Project in the Navy, so I guess I could make a statement and sign it saying that NASA never went to the moon,

your words mean nothing here Knoss, when are you going to understand the FACT that we don't believe or care to hear about your little/GIANT story.

I asked you several times when was your Induction date and even made sure you thought you were right, then you found out you should have had a exam first and switched as you normally do!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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we have many different types of people involved with BK's story, including Hollywood, when are you going to start including cartoon characters for more of your FACTS B|

1951 - The Universal Military Training and Service Act is passed, requiring males between 18
and 26 to register.

1952 - Congress enacts the Reserve Forces Act, compelling every man who is drafted or enlisted
to an eight-year obligation to military service. After a term of active duty is completed, one is
assigned to standby reserve and can be called back to active duty upon a declaration of war or
national emergency.

don't see anything about 1958 when you were 15 :P

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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And, how in hell does all of this fit into the Dan
Cooper comic story script!? How did any of this
get to Albert Weinberg to be out into the Dan
Cooper comic?

His friend, Richard McCoy, comic book fanatic extrodinaire. Canadians! Go figure.

There are a few lose ends to be tied up -

Do you have anything to do with the Greenspan
School of Economics at the Univ of Chicago?

Never. I've been to Chicago about a dozen times more that I would like to have been. So, I guess that's a no?

well at least its funny - your attached. :D
good job! time for a nap before the Mayan
Interdiction and the Pole Wars.

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Space Weather.com & NOAA have been sending out
alerts all day - northern lights have been already
sighted in States as far south as Kansas tonight -
northern lights in the northern states tonight likely -
check it out.

Cold down here in Florida (for us) dipping down into the 50's probably warm for your side of town :)
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Space Weather.com & NOAA have been sending out
alerts all day - northern lights have been already
sighted in States as far south as Kansas tonight -
northern lights in the northern states tonight likely -
check it out.

Cold down here in Florida (for us) dipping down into the 50's probably warm for your side of town :)

Its been cold here too in the 30s at night. Last
month was very warm, trees budded early, then
3 hard freezes, and now 80% of the citrus crop gone
for the year.

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Knoss, I have asked NOTHING from you. I don't need for you to send me anything and I want NO communications with you. How, RIDICULOUS - you take pics I post and published and call it a Certification Duane Weber was in Bloomington. A 3rd grader has more common sense than you .

You REALLY NEED to get some help. You never met Duane L. Weber - because if you did YOU would never have talked about "jail house complexion" or "bleached hair". You have produced NOTHING in these 16 yrs to connect yourself to Weber or Collins.

100% of what you claim is contrived - and for what reason I nor anyone else knows NOT. You consistently lie and deceive. You contribute nothing to this thread other than to waste the time of those who are really trying to make some head way.

Produce PROOF you knew Duane Weber or John Collins! Produce it on this thread.

Or PRODUCE proof you had any connection to all of these things you claim. PHYSICAL proof not something you design or invent.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Space Weather.com & NOAA have been sending out
alerts all day - northern lights have been already
sighted in States as far south as Kansas tonight -
northern lights in the northern states tonight likely -
check it out.

Cold down here in Florida (for us) dipping down into the 50's probably warm for your side of town :)

Here in Cooper Country, we usually dip up into the 50s...(smile). But thanks for the tips guys on the Aurora Borealis. I'll take a look if he haven't clouded up, yet. We've had four straight days of sunshine. Gawd-Almighty!

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Space Weather.com & NOAA have been sending out
alerts all day - northern lights have been already
sighted in States as far south as Kansas tonight -
northern lights in the northern states tonight likely -
check it out.

Wish I was there. The last time I saw the Northern Lights was in KY with my father....he had us all out to see what was happening.

I have seen only pictures since then, but what I saw that night lives in my memory to this day.
I remembered Column's of light all across the north horizon. We lived on a farm and our home was on a hill. Daddy was holding one of my younger siblings in his arms - Therefore I know this particular happening was after 1949.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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My Father was part of the Mercury Project in the Navy, so I guess I could make a statement and sign it saying that NASA never went to the moon,

your words mean nothing here Knoss, when are you going to understand the FACT that we don't believe or care to hear about your little/GIANT story.

I asked you several times when was your Induction date and even made sure you thought you were right, then you found out you should have had a exam first and switched as you normally do!

Not true. You live in a World of your own creation. I switched nothing. I answered your basic question and you can't follow along, again. Read about it, then you can apologize again and start over again. You aren't really paying attention, are you? You could write another hoax too. What's the point? I don't see any certifications from anyone else. That is a simple legal document.

When are you going to step off your soapbox and do something constructive with all the pointers I have given here? You have managed to re-emphasize and dead end on most of the planted misinformation, how about trying some REAL facts once? CHICKEN? FAKER! FRONT MAN! You are becoming as obvious as that pablum spitting kid with the dunce hat. Really! I think you are a smart guy, under your disguised semi-badgerness. Why do you not avail yourself of your deductive ability? You just get all tangled up in the knots you tie trying to disprove nothing at all. Deal with the truth for awhile. It is refreshing. How do you perform dealing with real facts when held up against all the obvious planted falsehoods? What a zoo was woven! You guys can't even get through a simple sentence without some kind of misinterpretation. I know you've got to be faking it. You have a to-do list! We have an agenda. Quit wasting everyone's time, please. Get up from wrangling, stomping and kicking the floor and act like a grown man! You can do it! Follow the ways of the Lord.

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"If any of these people wanted to, they could sue us for slander (spoken) or libel (print). They could take us to court and put us immediately into bankruptcy. Maybe even force us to pay them for decades. But none of them have ever made the slightest effort to do so, or to deny....."

Has to do with confidence levels, Robert. If you can support your statements and you know they are true, nobody in their right mind would create a stir. NOBODY ever really wins in a legal contest except the lawyers.

If I were guilty of executing a Government plot, I doubt anyone would invite delving into that murky pot, not knowing what muck was still attached to what ropes. Best not to stir it up, knowing what could surface with so many now in the loop. Like what I know about Lyle. You think he would hold up on the stand when confronted with the real facts of the matter? I think no way in Hell!

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"How, RIDICULOUS - you take pics I post and published and call it a Certification Duane Weber was in Bloomington. A 3rd grader has more common sense than you."

It is legal and it has been sworn before a Judge on the second highest court in Minnesota. He says, if I say it, he will bet lunch on it. Me too, because it is absolutely true.

Anyone that wishes an original Notarized Certification may get one free, simply by emailing me with a U.S. address.

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your "Judge" is a friend of yours, so he doesn't count, plus he is retired!

RANDALL, R.A. (JIM) (Judge, 1984- )

Born August 31, 1940, Little Falls; Gonzaga University (B.A., 1962), Lt. U.S. Marine Corps (1962); University of Minnesota (J.D., 1967); private practice, Hibbing (1967-84); Asst. Public Defender (1967-84); Adjunct professor, University of Hamline Law School, 1990-present; married; three children. Appointed April 1, 1984, elected 1986, 1992, 1998, 2004. Retired on April 4, 2008

I think I will send him a copy, just to make sure he got it!

"I don't see any certifications from anyone else"

I also have a document saying you have several mental problems, it has been signed by many doctors with first names.

If you would like a certified copy, please email me with a legal address and I will send you a true copy, why? because I said it was true, so it must be!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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BLEVINS: You are getting to be like BobKoss, too much posting of junk information to fit your book. You can not alter the facts about the description of DB Cooper. "Because I say so can not alter the facts" for both you and BobKoss. The three facts are:

KC was too short at 5 ft 8 in and DB was 6 ft 1 in. Now the second is his skin color is white and not olive like DB. Finally, his eyes are the wrong color.

So, to make dumb attempts to alter the facts just goes to show how poor your thinking really is and the resulting pity-full book which you should remove from the book sellers shelf. The FBI have not been looking further into Kenney Christensen with good reason. The three above facts totally rule KC out.

Give it up Blevins, you have been exposed!


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BLEVINS: You are getting to be like BobKoss, too much posting of junk information to fit your book. You can not alter the facts about the description of DB Cooper. "Because I say so can not alter the facts" for both you and BobKoss. The three facts are:

KC was too short at 5 ft 8 in and DB was 6 ft 1 in. Now the second is his skin color is white and not olive like DB. Finally, his eyes are the wrong color.

So, to make dumb attempts to alter the facts just goes to show how poor your thinking really is and the resulting pity-full book which you should remove from the book sellers shelf. The FBI have not been looking further into Kenney Christensen with good reason. The three above facts totally rule KC out.

Give it up Blevins, you have been exposed!


I don't think anyone can really be discounted from being Cooper, his Description is all over the board.

The "wanted poster" says; mid 40's and yet the FBI claimed L.D. Cooper to be the "most promising" he was 40? but I found out he was younger than that.

with so many different Descriptions of Cooper how can anything really be dismissed? the age range is once again all over the board with the many suspects from 29 years old, all the way up into the 50's

does this make KC DB Cooper....hardly, but I agree on some points that Robert brings up, just as other suspects have valid points as well.

so the story remains.....who is DB Cooper?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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