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Note that both the Co-Pilot and I have discussed - CANVAS and a STRAP and leather handle. It was more of a SATCHEL rather than a bank BAG. WHY I thought perhaps Cooper used something one of the crew had or was left on the plane.
This MIGHT explain why the FBI or someone else stated things seemed to be strewn around in the Cabin.
If the truth be known - Cooper DID have a little problem with the bag. Be it Tina found him something left in the overhead or whatever. The MONEY DID NOT go out of that PLANE in a standard BANK Money BAG!
What I say above is speculation based only on the bag Duane brought into our home in 1990 and the bag I discussed with the co-pilot. Perhaps he has NO idea what a BANK Bag in those days looked like. Maybe I have NO idea what a satchel looks like.
Under the leather handle a tongue like thing went under it and there was a catch on the other side. There was leather along the bottom and sides with leather straps going up the bag to the top - (I do not remember the configuration of this exactly - time has taken its' toll on my memory of something I threw away). There was also loops one could put a shoulder strap thru or rope thru to secure the bag to ones self. (Duane had told me that at one time it had a strap). It was more narrow at the top than the bottom and it was longer than it was wide.
If I had to guess from my memory the size of this bag was
1. Approximately 15 or 16 inches long from left to right.
2. Width about 9 or 10 inches.
3. Height about 10 inches.
I really do not remember - just trying to remember how if felt in my hands. It was NOT stiff other than the parts where the leather came across the bottom and up the sides and corners.
There was definitely loops on it use to connect straps with...I do not remember how many...they were relative sturdy - the entire case was sturdy.
If I remember correctly the bottom was also leather with sturdy stitching. The leather was either dark brown or a very dark leather color. The color of the bag - I called tan because I did NOT know how to describe the color, but tan puts it in a lighter color the co-pilot said beige - and then I agreed that was a better word. It was NOT army green and it was not real light in color - somewhere in between.
Before we tried to find this bag on line and you guys kept throwing out the typical bank bags - this was NOT a typical bank bag, but could easily have held 2 very large phone books lieing down on top of each other and more room on top...and a little on each side.
Perhaps someone can come up with a picture that will show what I remembered...and held in my hands. I called it a satchel, but it could very well have been used for transporting money (especially to conceal that money was actually being transported). Not everyone wants to announce they are transporting money with regular a bank transport Bag.
Galen has asked me to announce that he has received numerous phone calls from Jo, begging for answers to her questions, but that he does not respond to her calls. He feels this statement will help add some clarity to Jo's pronouncements here.
QuoteGalen in the past was well known for using posters in the DZ to generate interactions to benefit his agenda.
Galen has asked me to announce that he has received numerous phone calls from Jo, begging for answers to her questions, but that he does not respond to her calls. He feels this statement will help add some clarity to Jo's pronouncements here.
Just what is the PURPOSE of that.
I have NOT CALLED GALEN COOK in a long long time. I have NOT BEGGED him for anything. The only reason I have even called him in the last yr was to see HOW HIS book was going...but all I could do was leave a message.
Bruce he just USED you as his PUPPET! Over the YRS I have provide COOK information and now he has wind of a THREAT so he is COUNTERING! I know who the MOUSE was who fed COOK.
Do you guys know HOW many times he USED me for that same purpose?
Well, now for why I came back.
I found on the web what to classify the satchel, but did NOT find a REAL close match.
Flight satchels - 1960's, canvas leather combo. GEEZE, why didn't anyone think fo that before. If someone find one close to what I describe - post it.
I have been unable to LIFT pics from sites to post here. Does anyone think that perhaps this is one of the SECRETS - never revealed? Well, I now believe this to be so.
QuoteQuoteGalen in the past was well known for using posters in the DZ to generate interactions to benefit his agenda.
Galen has asked me to announce that he has received numerous phone calls from Jo, begging for answers to her questions, but that he does not respond to her calls. He feels this statement will help add some clarity to Jo's pronouncements here.
Just what is the PURPOSE of that.
I have NOT CALLED GALEN COOK in a long long time. I have NOT BEGGED him for anything. The only reason I have even called him in the last yr was to see HOW HIS book was going...but all I could do was leave a message.
Bruce he just USED you as his PUPPET! Over the YRS I have provide COOK information and now he has wind of a THREAT so he is COUNTERING! I know who the MOUSE was who fed COOK.
What the hell was all that? Threats now?
Come on.
So, start being safe, first!!!
My latest findings about Letter #3 are posted at the Mountain News.
QuoteFamily members of a Cooper suspect can open the door to a possibility, but they are not proof unless the family members can PROVIDE such proof. And their testimony alone is not to be trusted. We found this out with Marla Cooper (Facebook entry: 'I'm going to capitalize!') ...and now with William Gossett. Dead judges who refuse to comment don't count. (Gossett)
Galen Cook doesn't have the guts, IMHO, to face the tough questions. You can tell him that for me if you wish.
Blevins thank you for explaining that to those who do NOT know we have those who play a CAT and Mouse GAME thru proxy. These individuals can't or won't post themselves.
You Blevins and others who know my 17 yrs - know that one of the very 1st things I told the FBI in 1996 was about the nightmare while we were living in CO, just wks after we were married. Duane was talking and shouting in his sleep. I didn't know what he was talking about - but thought I might be able to find out about a daughter he had he wouldn't discuss. Suddenly he shouts out " I left my print on the AFT stair - I am going to die!
He was screaming as the shouted the last words grasping into the air with his hand.
He got up and fixed himself a brandy and took some medication - he was very very upset. When I ask what that was all about - specifically what was AFT stairs. He said it was something from prison. I immediately responded in shock and he explained he was in a county jail for a couple of months and the aft stairs was what they called the stairs. Of course over 17yrs later after he died and he confess to being Dan Cooper and when I found out who Dan Cooper was - THEN and only THEN did I know what AFT Stairs was...and that he had spent several yrs in several different prison.
When he went on dialysis in 1990 I did learned about Jefferson and his time there as John Collins since he could NOT keep that from me after trying to and successfully acquiring a drivers license under the name of John Collins...and his 16 months in Jefferson State Prison.
After 12 yrs of marriage and his being sick - I refused to throw him way - so I just kept him for 5 more yrs. I do not regret that at all.
Galen quickly LATCHED on to this story and USED it for his suspect. What he did was claim his suspect contacted a judge about the prints...but that is just too ODD....that Cook's suspect also feared he had left prints on the Aft Stairs!
Remember this - Duane's dream took place in 1978 between February and July in a small apartment with my daughter there.
I just though it ODD, and Galen's story about Gossett taking his problem to a judge - that just did NOT set well with me since I had told the story about the AFT stairs and prints in 1996 in May of that yr when I contacted the FBI....they would not even listen to me.
QuoteGreetings All,
My latest findings about Letter #3 are posted at the Mountain News.
Bruce I find the other letter MORE interesting:
The first letter was received by the Reno Evening Gazette in Reno, Nevada on November 29, 1971, just five days after the skyjacking. In addition, Cooper’s plane had landed in Reno for refueling after he jumped somewhere south of Sea-Tac airport.
Letter #1 was postmarked on November 27, 1971 in Oakdale, California, a small town just south of Modesto, and delivered hundreds of miles away in Reno. According to Mr. Cook, it was a cut and paste job using lettering from the Friday, November 26, 1971 evening edition of the Sacramento Bee newspaper. It read:
Thanks for the hospitality
Was in a rut.
DB Cooper”
It was published by the Reno Gazette and then given to the FBI.
This letter was mailed 13 miles from where Duane's sister lived. A woman who thought she had met me in 1971 I kept telling her I had never been to CA and had never met her.
Only in 2004 when I was in CA with my currently deceased spouse was the sister confidentant I was NOT the woman who was with Duane in in 1971. The FBI never interviewed this sister of Duane's.
Even if they did she loved her brother so much that she would do as she asked me to do - "Leave the Past in the Past - Please." She was so much into the social world she feared it would cause her friends to think ill of her. I still have her letters.
So much of my story was NEVER investigated - because even in 2000 the young agent DID NOT even have Duane's background correct. That was an investigation?
Duane always went running to his big sister when he got in trouble and she took him in and gave him aid. The ex also told me she had met the sister - but all along the sister thought the ex was me....until the day she had her heart attack while I was in CA to talk to her brother (Duane's brother) and John and I never got to have that talk because the call came while we were eating dinner. The brother had not seen Duane for 38 yrs before he died - John was 12 - 14 yrs old than Duane and Duane was involved in some manner with John's wife of the day in the 40's to 50's. John would divorce that wife and blamed his brother for thing he would not discuss with me.
I never knew the 1st wife's name, but believe John married her before moving to CA.
BobKnoss 0
What you are describing here might be what is called a "bucket bag" and several are shown in Google that might meet your recollections.
georger 247
Hey, Cooper isn't my only life, you know.
Where's your promised interview with Rataczak last weekend?
Did it happen?
vat did he say ?
Mr. Di has not responded to my email inquiries, including for permission to publish his work.
Galen and I had a long chat about Al Di today, and here is a synopsis of what he told me.
Galen has had over 60 emails from the individual calling himself Al Di. Despite numerous requests, Al Di has never identified himself to Galen.
The emails cover a range of DB Cooper topics, but most are inquiries by Al Di to learn more about what Galen knows about the case. That said, Galen characterizes Al Di's knowledge of the case as "superior," and Galen believes that Mr. Di is part of the FBI investigation in some fashion.
Galen has not heard from Al Di in the past two weeks or so, not since Galen challenged him on his decoding process, in particular the colorization of the black and white picture from the web posting Al Di has claimed is his source of Letter #3. Galen thinks Al Di has -or had - access to the original color version of the letter "DB Cooper" sent to the Oregonian.
Snowmman has also weighed-in for the search, but so far none of his leads have panned out.
georger 247
QuoteLooking for Al Di, an update.
Mr. Di has not responded to my email inquiries, including for permission to publish his work.
Galen and I had a long chat about Al Di today, and here is a synopsis of what he told me.
Galen has had over 60 emails from the individual calling himself Al Di. Despite numerous requests, Al Di has never identified himself to Galen.
The emails cover a range of DB Cooper topics, but most are inquiries by Al Di to learn more about what Galen knows about the case. That said, Galen characterizes Al Di's knowledge of the case as "superior," and Galen believes that Mr. Di is part of the FBI investigation in some fashion.
Galen has not heard from Al Di in the past two weeks or so, not since Galen challenged him on his decoding process, in particular the colorization of the black and white picture from the web posting Al Di has claimed is his source of Letter #3. Galen thinks Al Di has -or had - access to the original color version of the letter "DB Cooper" sent to the Oregonian.
Snowmman has also weighed-in for the search, but so far none of his leads have panned out.
What certifies that any of these letters came from
Dan Cooper the hijacker. Is there a vital clue in
them ONLY the FBi would know about, and what is
that clue?
Otherwise, the letters could have come from anyone,
even the FBI itself; as ploys trying to get Cooper (or
anyone with knowledge of the case) to respond in
some fashion.
The FBI could have decided to ressurect the
technique, just to see what comes out of the bushes
now, from gullible 'researchers'?
Without further knowledge its probably another
media event and dead end.
This case is so full of crap it has become self-
QuoteQuoteLooking for Al Di, an update.
Mr. Di has not responded to my email inquiries, including for permission to publish his work.
Galen and I had a long chat about Al Di today, and here is a synopsis of what he told me.
Galen has had over 60 emails from the individual calling himself Al Di. Despite numerous requests, Al Di has never identified himself to Galen.
The emails cover a range of DB Cooper topics, but most are inquiries by Al Di to learn more about what Galen knows about the case. That said, Galen characterizes Al Di's knowledge of the case as "superior," and Galen believes that Mr. Di is part of the FBI investigation in some fashion.
Galen has not heard from Al Di in the past two weeks or so, not since Galen challenged him on his decoding process, in particular the colorization of the black and white picture from the web posting Al Di has claimed is his source of Letter #3. Galen thinks Al Di has -or had - access to the original color version of the letter "DB Cooper" sent to the Oregonian.
Snowmman has also weighed-in for the search, but so far none of his leads have panned out.
What certifies that any of these letters came from
Dan Cooper the hijacker. Is there a vital clue in
them ONLY the FBi would know about, and what is
that clue?
Otherwise, the letters could have come from anyone,
even the FBI itself; as ploys trying to get Cooper (or
anyone with knowledge of the case) to respond in
some fashion.
The FBI could have decided to ressurect the
technique, just to see what comes out of the bushes
now, from gullible 'researchers'?
Without further knowledge its probably another
media event and dead end.
This case is so full of crap it has become self-
Alas, you may be correct, G. The decoding seems to be accurate, but what does it mean? It doesn't prove the skyjacker sent the letters. Nor does it tell us who Al Di is, or what his motives are.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteQuoteLooking for Al Di, an update.
Mr. Di has not responded to my email inquiries, including for permission to publish his work.
Galen and I had a long chat about Al Di today, and here is a synopsis of what he told me.
Galen has had over 60 emails from the individual calling himself Al Di. Despite numerous requests, Al Di has never identified himself to Galen.
The emails cover a range of DB Cooper topics, but most are inquiries by Al Di to learn more about what Galen knows about the case. That said, Galen characterizes Al Di's knowledge of the case as "superior," and Galen believes that Mr. Di is part of the FBI investigation in some fashion.
Galen has not heard from Al Di in the past two weeks or so, not since Galen challenged him on his decoding process, in particular the colorization of the black and white picture from the web posting Al Di has claimed is his source of Letter #3. Galen thinks Al Di has -or had - access to the original color version of the letter "DB Cooper" sent to the Oregonian.
Snowmman has also weighed-in for the search, but so far none of his leads have panned out.
What certifies that any of these letters came from
Dan Cooper the hijacker. Is there a vital clue in
them ONLY the FBi would know about, and what is
that clue?
Otherwise, the letters could have come from anyone,
even the FBI itself; as ploys trying to get Cooper (or
anyone with knowledge of the case) to respond in
some fashion.
The FBI could have decided to ressurect the
technique, just to see what comes out of the bushes
now, from gullible 'researchers'?
Without further knowledge its probably another
media event and dead end.
This case is so full of crap it has become self-
Alas, you may be correct, G. The decoding seems to be accurate, but what does it mean? It doesn't prove the skyjacker sent the letters. Nor does it tell us who Al Di is, or what his motives are.
The whole things keys on the grudge aspect, the
evil genius outwitting and playing games, a person
financially hard up who is now hopscotching around
like the Sultan of Oil State, spending his millions on
200k$ credit? Winning and dinning ... lady on his
I saw him Chicago with violin case under his arm.
I saw him in Philadelphia with a group of orphans.
I saw in Reno at the highstakes tables.
I saw him in Fairbanks with gold dust and a jet.
I saw him in Minnethota with three Swedish girls and
a stamp collection worth a fortune!
He sent me a letter from Shangrilah.
He's a secret agent in the Mosad.
He was at the Indy with a cockerspaniel.
He sent me a card from Javanna.
He dated Margaret Truman.
The Titanium on his tie is from a quickie knee
replacement done in a shed behind the Ariel Tavern.
377 22
G wrote:
QuoteI saw him in Minnethota with three Swedish girls and a stamp collection worth a fortune!
You sure that wasnt Snowmman?

georger 247
QuoteG wrote:
QuoteI saw him in Minnethota with three Swedish girls and a stamp collection worth a fortune!
You sure that wasnt Snowmman?
It might have been!

mrshutter45 21
QuoteQuoteQuoteLooking for Al Di, an update.
Mr. Di has not responded to my email inquiries, including for permission to publish his work.
Galen and I had a long chat about Al Di today, and here is a synopsis of what he told me.
Galen has had over 60 emails from the individual calling himself Al Di. Despite numerous requests, Al Di has never identified himself to Galen.
The emails cover a range of DB Cooper topics, but most are inquiries by Al Di to learn more about what Galen knows about the case. That said, Galen characterizes Al Di's knowledge of the case as "superior," and Galen believes that Mr. Di is part of the FBI investigation in some fashion.
Galen has not heard from Al Di in the past two weeks or so, not since Galen challenged him on his decoding process, in particular the colorization of the black and white picture from the web posting Al Di has claimed is his source of Letter #3. Galen thinks Al Di has -or had - access to the original color version of the letter "DB Cooper" sent to the Oregonian.
Snowmman has also weighed-in for the search, but so far none of his leads have panned out.
What certifies that any of these letters came from
Dan Cooper the hijacker. Is there a vital clue in
them ONLY the FBi would know about, and what is
that clue?
Otherwise, the letters could have come from anyone,
even the FBI itself; as ploys trying to get Cooper (or
anyone with knowledge of the case) to respond in
some fashion.
The FBI could have decided to ressurect the
technique, just to see what comes out of the bushes
now, from gullible 'researchers'?
Without further knowledge its probably another
media event and dead end.
This case is so full of crap it has become self-
Alas, you may be correct, G. The decoding seems to be accurate, but what does it mean? It doesn't prove the skyjacker sent the letters. Nor does it tell us who Al Di is, or what his motives are.
might be possible that his Grandfather made the letter, or someone in his Family made the letter letter, or they new the person who made it??
G_Jones 0
QuoteGreetings All,
My latest findings about Letter #3 are posted at the Mountain News.
I enjoy reading your articles at The Mountain News and am appreciative that persons are willing to continue to investigate the Cooper story.
But I must disagree on some of your article - the one that states "That level of sophisticated sleuthing suggests that Al Di is either an FBI agent or connected to the Bureau and its Cooper investigation" - or that the video is "well financed" and has "high production values".
I don't know anything about Al Di or what he has communicated other than what I see on his web site, but a quick glance at the black & white version of the letter reveals one of the most recognizable typefaces in branding history.
I would think a large portion of non-sleuths would pick out the source right away. I know I instantly did the first time I saw that letter. Certainly I could never forget first stumbling across a stack of these things in the back of a dusty garage at a tender young age.
PDF archives of scans of the entire run of this famous publication are locatable online within a few minutes of searching, and it is trivial to extract the images. It would take only a few minutes to pick out the source issues used for the letter, as they would most likely from an issue or issues of the magazine within a couple years or few months preceding the time the letter was sent.
It might take a bored young person an hour to re-create the letter in photoshop or freeware photo editing software, and the same for the "video" using freeware desktop video software. It would require merely laying out the graphics and text on a timeline, and adding in the narration voiceover using an inexpensive microphone plugged into a stock soundcard.
Total budget required for this project if using freeware editing software, (not counting the cost of one average home PC built in the last ten years) $20 for domain name registration with registration privacy service, and $3 monthly or even free web hosting. ( analysis of the site reveals other web customers hosted at that IP address. It's apparently a hosting reseller based account so it probably is literally a $3-$4 hosting company if not free)
In my opinion the site and video are something that an average high school student could cook up in an afternoon. Certainly the grammar and abuse of capitalization on the site is atrocious. The html itself is simple and looks as if hand coded in notepad, although the author was at least savvy enough to include index-able keyword entries for search engines.
Jo, there are hundreds and hundreds of canvas bags, bank bags, Brinks bags, etc. you can look at. Go to Google, click "images" and type in "canvas bag" or "bank bag" and scan through till you see something close. As you described it, I found a standard railroad bag that was used in the 70's that might be close to your description, the kind I remember seeing used in armored cars. This might be found at a bank. This one is marked DuPont. (attached)
On a further note to the money transfer, there was a Northwest management employee that helped count, copy and rubber band the cash. It was done in a big hurry and they did not have any paper bands to use. This does not ring true with Carr's reported chain of events. I chose not to believe Carr's statement for this reason. I DO trust my source, a NW pilot. I have access to the source of my information, but I don't think it is necessary to impeach SA Carr. Where the money came from is inconsequential.
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