skyjack71 0 #32951 July 5, 2012 Quote Richard Owens stole the rifle at the request of Richard McCoy because Duane was supposed to destroy it and did not. I posted a picture of Judge Joe Brown with a duplicate rifle. Everything Jo is stating here is consistent with my information. I believe it is all true. I know there is a connection to MLKjr's assassination, but I do not know the truth in fact. I know Duane was an expert rifleman and hated blacks. [BLUE]OH BOY there you go JUST making a FOOL out of yourself over and over and over![/BLUE] Perhaps Richard Owens is JUST a made-up name to see what you would do! You Think? I do NOT know what DUANE did or his reason for going to Memphis - it was just a co-incidence a rifle appeared when he sold the Marquis and bought the station wagon (no place to hide anything there). Then when we got robbed in 1988 - his only concern was the damn rifle. DOES not mean it had anything to do with Memphis or King. This is exactly the thing you have done for yrs and yrs. Do you really know how much BAIT I threw at you - you wouldn't know real bait from artifical bait - Hell, they both hurt and can be fatal to the "fish" who takes a bite on it. I will repeat something one more time Duane did not hate blacks and just the opposite. There are many things YOU do not know about Weber and that is one of them. Duane would help anyone who needed help and it made NO difference what color their skin was. Duane never judged anyone by the color of their skin. Since you never met Weber you don't know that he was often mistaken for being "black" when he had been in the sun for long long periods of time - also many thought he had Indian or Greek in him.His heritage was German. This is exactly why I and everyone else "laugh" at your claim regarding his using make-up because of his prison complexion. He looked tanned by normal standards even when he had not been in the sun. Why I KNOW you never knew Duane Weber - if you did, PROVE IT RIGHT HERE ON THIS THREAD. NOW! This is what you have been doing for years. YOU never met Weber and you know it. Your own posts stand as evidence of your deceits. No more issy and pissy posts trying to get off subject - DO IT NOW - PROVE YOU ACTUALLY KNEW WEBER or leave us be.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32952 July 5, 2012 Quote Not such a tough shot, been to the sight, studied the data, they had a story on it the other night, H2 I think ran it. They had a three shooter test, Pro Shooter, Am Shooter, and never shot before shooter. ALL made the shot, all made it deadly WOW, thing thing is fun! We are going to un-solve and then resolve cases "solved", all the while, not solving the one of topic here. This guy? Matt Matt do you see what this mad man (BK) does now? Everything I state about Weber reverts to coverts of some kind within his mind. Hell, I don't know where the damn rifle came from - it is just parts of the story of Duane's life and the mysteries he left behind....maybe he bought a rifle in Virginia at a flea market! Maybe he stole it! Best part was the take on Richard Owens. This is how I have had to deal with BK, but he is unrelenting - and keeps on and on trying to make things fit. Oh, Well, such is the world of the lunacy.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32953 July 5, 2012 Richard Owens is your name, not mine. I don't know who took it as McCoy always uses the term "we", rarely "I". You know NOTHING of my association with Duane, you only wish to discredit me to build your own credibility. Bullpoop! You were on a roll with good information, now you trash it up with this lie!! I have shown beyond your capability to disprove my association with Duane during his training in 1968 which you knew nothing about except for what I told you and what you could squeeze out of the blonde wife at the time. Most of which she withheld to cover a rent theft and her trip to Niagra Falls to a honeymoon cabin! It was a long eventful summer, and I have it all on paper. You do not. Ask McCoy. Ask Barton, ask TOG. Ask "Jerry". Ask Himmelsbach. "His heritage was German." Then why did McCoy say he was Native American? Why did Duane say he was proud to be an Indian. "We're all over the place, not just on the reservations!" More Bullpoop, Jo. James Earl Ray and Duane shared a similar perspective on race. McCoy said, "He hated Blacks with a passion." That surprised me because Duane was always so friendly. "Why I KNOW you never knew Duane Weber - if you did, PROVE IT RIGHT HERE ON THIS THREAD. NOW!" I have, over and over. You just keep arguing about everything and anything. If I said he looked like a bum most of the time, you'd say the opposite. Well, he dressed in baggy old clothes and beat up tie shoes or boots depending on the schedule. He peeped in bedroom windows constantly. By summer's end he had the tan and darker hair you profess, but most of all was his smile. You never ever forget that wonderful smile. He could melt anyone with that smile. You have one picture of his youth and that smile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32954 July 5, 2012 Quote Richard Owens is your name, not mine. Jo interjects - then why did you use the name I don't know who took it as McCoy always uses the term "we", rarely "I". You know NOTHING of my association with Duane, you only wish to discredit me to build your own credibility. Bullpoop! You were on a roll with good information, now you trash it up with this lie!! I have shown beyond your capability to disprove my association with Duane during his training in 1968 Jo states: you just discredited yourselfwhich you knew nothing about except for what I told you and what you could squeeze out of the blonde wife at the time. Most of which she withheld to cover a rent theft and her trip to Niagra Falls to a honeymoon cabin! It was a long eventful summer, and I have it all on paper. You do not. Ask McCoy. Ask Barton, ask TOG. Ask "Jerry". Ask Himmelsbach. "His heritage was German." Then why did McCoy say he was Native American? Why did Duane say he was proud to be an Indian. "We're all over the place, not just on the reservations!" Jo states: You created the indian story - you are the only one who ever claimed Weber was Indian - the only Indian story about Duane Weber was his own story about a problem on an Indian Reservation in WA or ID and couldn't go back there - he got into something with another guy - they were young) More, Bullpoop, Jo. James Earl Ray and Duane shared a similar perspective on race. McCoy said, "He hated blacks with a passion." That surprised me because Duane was always so friendly. YOU - Knoss, just admitted your deceit right here on this thread! It is all in the post above. Go back and read that post. YOU need to check yourself into a mental ward RIGHT NOW or someone is going to be knocking on your door with papers to commit you. You deliberately put yourself into the middle of a legitimate investigation with fraudulent statements. Note the remarks within his post in RED and BOLD are my statements.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32955 July 6, 2012 Actually, you haven't not once. Your word is not worth any thing here. Proof would be worth some thing, but you have none of that either. You should just fade away quietly, did you see what Mr. Owens does? he is not amused with you. And now you re-new your liable against the Co-pilot? OK. This will be fun to watch now. I will need more paper to keep up with the two lawyers requests already. I may have to start cutting trees from the farm! Chief thinks this is funny, you boxed yourself in, real well. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32956 July 6, 2012 "You should just fade away quietly, did you see what Mr. Owens does? he is not amused with you." You can't put words in my mouth, although you keep trying. Never said that, you guys did. Losers. Framers! You are too sick to deal with. I only report what is told to me by creditable sources. If those sources lie to me and it comes around, they need to correct the statements, not threaten. Perhaps they were "testing me" also. The sources are the whiners themselves. Why would I lie about things like that? That would be dumber than rocks. They can call me any time to retract their statements. Back peddling has started already and I haven't continued the argument past those retractive comments. Have Owens call me. Love to discuss it. "Richard Owens is your name, not mine." Jo you gave me that name years ago on the phone. I thought it was McCoy if you remember. You convinced me otherwise. What a couple whitewashers! LIE, LIE, LIE! "You deliberately put yourself into the middle of a legitimate investigation with fraudulent statements." Nope. Information I present was provided to me as I present it. Claiming to prove otherwise is a fraudulent statement. Like HoneyBadgerDude, Matt and yourself. I present another theory of the case that has been a possibility for the FBI from the beginning. This case can NEVER be tried. The instigators were acting at the direction of President Nixon, executing a plan designed for another purpose. It was an authorized operation and the people involved are now all pillars of the community, many passed away. Unknown warriors for unpopular legislation, used and abused, classified as criminals, and should be heroes and identified as such. Always been my position. Ask the Chief! I claimed whistleblower status. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #32957 July 6, 2012 what exactly is it going to take to get you removed from here? you are now claiming in front of the wife of Duane Weber that he was racist against blacks, there is zero tolerance for statements as you are making. You now want to link Duane with MLK? do we need to get a lawyer to have you removed for the constant deception you are spewing onto this site? you have been removed from here once and for God knows what reason allowed to return only to argue and call people names? the other site I go to has a monitor that puts a stop to anything remotely close to what goes on here! I'm really surprised that nobody has taken legal action against your words!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32958 July 6, 2012 Mrsshutter stated: Quote what exactly is it going to take to get you removed from here? you are now claiming in front of the wife of Duane Weber that he was racist against blacks, there is zero tolerance for statements as you are making. You now want to link Duane with MLK? do we need to get a lawyer to have you removed for the constant deception you are spewing onto this site? you have been removed from here once and for God knows what reason allowed to return only to argue and call people names? the other site I go to has a monitor that puts a stop to anything remotely close to what goes on here! I'm really surprised that nobody has taken legal action against your words! Jo States for the Record: It is nothing new! He has used the racist thing for yrs even before he came to the thread and my reply has always been the same. I actually am the one who tried to link Weber to Memphis - just because of the strange improptude trip we made. Duane told me about the crime and showed me where the shot came from and and where King was standing and Jowers (the guy who had the place up the street). Couple all of that with what he did there regarding handing me keys to the car and telling me if he was not back in 45 minutes to take the car and go home...he would find me. I watched him put something in the trunk of the car before he came up to the room and we left FAST. My knowledge after the fact and after Duane died, I learned Duane actually did know James Earl Ray and was actually in prison when he was there...but James Earl Ray escaped. The "wife" of the days claimed James Ray's "wife" of the day lived with her for a short time in an apartment near Jefferson. That is all the James Earl Ray connection is based on and may be just as simple as I have stated - they knew each other and where in the same prison. This was the story BK built his fable on regarding Weber's connection to Ray. I actually have a tape of the ex stating she knew Ray and she KNEW he was innocent. I do not remember if the statement about Ray's "wife" is on that tape. So we cannot condemn BK entirely about the JER and MLK connections. I will admit to the above I just stated, but NOT to the 'extras' BK has added. Duane was definitely not racists - at least not to my knowledge and why what I stated above is basically all I know. I did try to talk to some of the individuals when the trial was going on in AL several yrs ago. Jower's attorney said he would see if Jower's would talk to me. Never happened - he died. Some place in all of my files I have notes regarding conversations and who I spoke to, but none of it was helpful. I was not able to talk to Ray, but I tried. So, I am responsible or part of BK's rant. He changes things to suit his purpose or reasoning. He colors the truth so much - it is hard to keep up with what actually transpired.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32959 July 6, 2012 There are things regarding the above I chose to walk away from. If you study the dates of JER's escape, phone calls to a place he worked while on the run, the place he was working, aliases he used and how he managed to acquire money to move about the way he did. Yes, individuals on my behalf have had conversations with a prominent writer and it was decided Ray's bothers could offer nothing of value to my search. I read everything I could find on the subject and then just filed it away with the rest of my "stuff". This is why Sheridan's Freedom Ride was of so much interest to me and the fact that Duane mentioned knowing the guy in the photo. The article I now know was about Sheridan Peterson. This was extremely odd and I could never arrange to actually speak with Sheridan or to send him pics to see if he remember this "joker" called Duane. Sheridan is a bit of "joker" himself. So much happened right after Weber was released from Jefferson. Bobby Kennedy was near Jefferson and had just come off his tour of the very poor areas of KY. He stayed in Jefferson at the very hotel I was told the tie was stolen from. Duane had just got out of Jail and he and his wife worked in the area for a while (hence the tie story). Was it true? I don't know, but the kids (his step-children) were convinced it was and it was a family discussion long after Weber had exited their lives. Bobby Kennedy makes his annoucement MLK had been killed. All of this in just a 2 or 3 wk time span. Duane was a Bobby Kennedy fan.... These are things that BK expands on - and these things have nothing to do with the Skyjacking. His elaborations go beyond anything real. My search has taken me to places & events I thought were just part of history - but, it was the little things that added up. I do not know what they add up to other than Weber was a liar and a criminal. His sucessfully living under an alias (1962 to 1968) and being given a commutation of sentence under that alias does NOT create a LOT of confidence in the investigative abilities of the FBI. I expect this is the one thing that drove me to continue the search. I explored the possibility of the skyjacking being a grudge. But remember "grudge" was not the skyjacker's words. This was Tina's word as she tried to explore his reasoning. Cooper just answered her question. Cooper was a desperate man with no place to go. He was a complete failure and had been given a death sentence (one most people would have feared in 1971). Cooper had enough knowledge to obtain the basics (remember his brother was a Boeing consultant during the war). He knew how to put a chute on and the basic knowledge he needed. Did he expect to survive - NO! WHY the fricking hell did he get so GIDDY when the money arrived?. He expected sky marshalls to storm the plane and kill him or he would be in prison for the rest of his life (at least he would have medical care and dental care and a roof over his head). This was a man who had spent most of his adult life in a prison - 17 yrs approx. The way Weber lived his life had destroyed the lives of individuals he had come to care about...he was a failure as a provider and a man. He thought he deserved to be in prison, but I won't go into the sordid details. If any one of you put yourselves into Weber's shoes in 1971 you will realize this was NOT a man without a conscience. What his life had been (circumstances) he had created and the harm his life had caused to others you might have done the same thing. At Jefferson these guys actually talked about making this jump. He had connections with a jumper in AL. and he had the basics during his military stint as short as it was. When we were in the Fort Benning area he pointed out a white apt - "That's were we stayed and over there is where we used to jump". I immediately stated "You were never in the army". This is when he told me about a guy who took another guys' place during war time until he got found out - about 2 months. So did Weber manage to get basic jump training in that manner. I did not pursue the conversation and that is all I remember about the conversation. That army base still has some closed file - a lot of them. I also had some weird and confusing conversations with a man incharge of records there. First he existed and would contact me under another number and then he doesn't know who I am and has no recollections of our conversation. Then he is no longer there and then he is. I would have to go back to my notes for the specifics of this, but it was weird. He is there and then he is gone and then he is back. That experience was enough to get my curiousity up and that happened before I ever got a computer - prior to 2000.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32960 July 6, 2012 Tonight I feel I have absolutely NOTHING to loose by putting it all on the line. My explorations and facts I learned over the yrs. If a TV program and a writer thinks they are going to portray me as a comedy act and a slut then I am going on record with the above. I was willing to let lots of things slide in the past if the FBI would just provide me with the information they had and why they dismissed Weber as a suspect. Weber's history should have been disclosed to his wife, but our government does NOT care how they treat "victims" and I am a victim of Weber's past as are several others. My reasons for my decisions tonight are not just for me. There are those whose only objective is to seek notoriety in any form the can or just to make Cooper go away in a manner that would mean NO one would ever DARE speak up with any knowledge they have of this Skyjacking or other crimes. The public is afraid to speak up when they have knowledge of a minor crime being commited or become aware after the fact. Witnesses of crimes are afraid to come forward or to testify in relative minor crimes. The truth and forth right investigations used to be the norm. Now Crime is rampant and the average citizen is afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation and ridicule. This is no COMEDY this is a TRAGEDY for America and the very foundation of America is crumbling. Report a crime and you end up in court as a witness along with the loss of income and fear of retaliation and if the person is acquitted you can get sued. The citizens of America should NOT have to live in fear of standing up for what is right and what is wrong, nor should they have live with fear of being ridiculed and their reputation being destroyed.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32961 July 6, 2012 I respect your statements and thank you for the clarifications. The information I contribute was given to me by McCoy long before meeting Jo, so it was not built on her information, her information only confirms what I had been told. Mac told me he was looking for a patsy and chose JER. Now, if you use your head, that would have to be before Ray was arrested. Mac told a long story of the incident, including taking the rifle wrapped in brown paper, out of the building and running into the manager who he registered with. Rather than be recognized, Mac turned around and ran out the back, avoiding identification. I suspect if you look at the registration you might find McCoy's handwriting which can be compared to his hijack notes and possibly the first Cooper note which McCoy wrote for Duane. If I wrote you a note and you were in the cockpit, and I made a personal greeting on the note, what would you do with the note?? Send it back? Don't think so. Don't think so at all. I believe, based on personal discussions, that Duane Weber was immediately recognized from the very beginning. Mac's note was a little more basic and the first note to be passed. But what do I know. I'm just a keeper of fact who promised silence for 35 years. 35 years is up and far gone. 'We the People' deserve the truth. Heroes deserve credit. If there was a criminal, it is the system. George Tenet publicly admitted verification. "Yes, that is true." to Britt Hume per Britt Hume on PBS in a discussion with Pasternak and the ethics of disclosing the truth of this case. It was unanimously concluded it would not be reported by any of those at the roundtable based on National Security. So, I hear the majority. I see no National Security value. Convince me PM and you will be granted your request of silence. The system allows whistleblowers. History deserves the truth, not more lies and cover-ups. P.S. "I explored the possibility of the skyjacking being a grudge. But remember "grudge" was not the skyjacker's words. This was Tina's word as she tried to explore his reasoning. Cooper just answered her question." Total supposition. It was a phrase he was instructed to use as directed during his training. I was there at the time the direction was given. It was intended to throw a curve into the investigation, and it was very effective. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32962 July 6, 2012 Quote"Duane and I made an unusual trip to Memphis in the early 80's and a rifle made an appeared in our home. Later, it was stolen in 1988 along with appliances and boxes of packed, but labeled items (we had just moved) by a man named Richard Owens." _____________________________________________ Richard Owens stole the rifle at the request of Richard McCoy because Duane was supposed to destroy it and did not. I posted a picture of Judge Joe Brown with a duplicate rifle. Everything Jo is stating here is consistent with my information. I believe it is all true. I know there is a connection to MLKjr's assassination, but I do not know the truth in fact. I know Duane was an expert rifleman and hated blacks. I know McCoy registered Ray's hotel room and took the rifle. Ray's room did not have a good shot. The only shot was an awkward one from the bathroom. The real shooter was in the bushes. McCoy was the Canadian Ral Rahaul with a patch over one eye. This is what McCoy told me. Could be fantasy, but facts jive with Jo. The name came from you right here, for me it was the first time I saw it. Did you see what he does? do you really want him to call you? You still have not offered up any evidence and proof. All you offer is unverifiable fictional statements that are liable at best. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #32963 July 6, 2012 QuoteQuote"Duane and I made an unusual trip to Memphis in the early 80's and a rifle made an appeared in our home. Later, it was stolen in 1988 along with appliances and boxes of packed, but labeled items (we had just moved) by a man named Richard Owens." _____________________________________________ Richard Owens stole the rifle at the request of Richard McCoy because Duane was supposed to destroy it and did not. I posted a picture of Judge Joe Brown with a duplicate rifle. Everything Jo is stating here is consistent with my information. I believe it is all true. I know there is a connection to MLKjr's assassination, but I do not know the truth in fact. I know Duane was an expert rifleman and hated blacks. I know McCoy registered Ray's hotel room and took the rifle. Ray's room did not have a good shot. The only shot was an awkward one from the bathroom. The real shooter was in the bushes. McCoy was the Canadian Ral Rahaul with a patch over one eye. This is what McCoy told me. Could be fantasy, but facts jive with Jo. The name came from you right here, for me it was the first time I saw it. Did you see what he does? do you really want him to call you? You still have not offered up any evidence and proof. All you offer is unverifiable fictional statements that are liable at best. Matt Give it up Matt. You're tilting at windmills and other people's phantoms. The Cooper case itself is a phantom flame (more like a volcano!) which has attracted many moths, who cannot think for themselves. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32964 July 6, 2012 It would be nice if we could actually stick to facts, investigate theory, with out fantasy being interjected by force. Theory with facts to justify would be acceptable, but thus far we don't have that with that particular theory. Another nice thing would be to expunge all the none-cooper case items from the thread so we can read the facts being discussed. Then, if we could keep the attitudes at a professional level, mine too, we might make progress, or none. But it would be done "proper" at least. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #32965 July 6, 2012 Bobby's memory is slipping again. Bob has said numerous times "Penalty for disclosure is 20 years. I claim Whistleblower status and have broken no laws pursuant to this case" Now it's 35 years " I'm just a keeper of fact who promised silence for 35 years. 35 years is up and far gone. 'We the People' deserve the truth." better get a hold of your facts!!!!!!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32966 July 6, 2012 QuoteBobby's memory is slipping again. Bob has said numerous times "Penalty for disclosure is 20 years. I claim Whistleblower status and have broken no laws pursuant to this case" Now it's 35 years " I'm just a keeper of fact who promised silence for 35 years. 35 years is up and far gone. 'We the People' deserve the truth." better get a hold of your facts!!!!!! Yup. Don't see your problem. Penalty on the conviction for disclosure was 20 years. That was wiped out by Carter. McCoy held me to 35 years of silence. McCoy told me it was OK to talk. You don't HAVE any facts. You just blow hot air. CONSTANTLY. The ONLY people with any facts on here are "Jerry" and Jo. They don't agree on anything publicly, but privately their stories are the same as mine. Just won't admit it or don't have the whole story. Jerry (JR) backed off for a reason. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32967 July 6, 2012 QuoteIt would be nice if we could actually stick to facts, investigate theory, with out fantasy being interjected by force. Theory with facts to justify would be acceptable, but thus far we don't have that with that particular theory. Another nice thing would be to expunge all the none-cooper case items from the thread so we can read the facts being discussed. Then, if we could keep the attitudes at a professional level, mine too, we might make progress, or none. But it would be done "proper" at least. Matt ____________________________________________ OR: You could take a trip to Iraq and put your proposition on their ballot. Let them vote for the various facts to combine to create a story. I absolutely GUARANTEE they will vote a more correct answer than you all attempt to project (prop up). You could substitute any country in the World and get the same results. The only people nieve enough to buy your story were elected to office or report to one who was. I don't need to listen to suppositions. I was there. Whole big difference. Impossible to try the case. That's FACT. Too many critical dead witnesses. Too many witnesses promised to secrecy. Too many Government erased facts and Government created lies. And YOU won't investigate anything of real value with any integrity, you just accept the cover stories. ALL of them. I find that extraordinarily improbable without a specific all-out objective to destroy the truth. Just my opinion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32968 July 6, 2012 QuoteQuoteIt would be nice if we could actually stick to facts, investigate theory, with out fantasy being interjected by force. Theory with facts to justify would be acceptable, but thus far we don't have that with that particular theory. Another nice thing would be to expunge all the none-cooper case items from the thread so we can read the facts being discussed. Then, if we could keep the attitudes at a professional level, mine too, we might make progress, or none. But it would be done "proper" at least. Matt ____________________________________________ OR: You could take a trip to Iraq and put your proposition on their ballot. Let them vote for the various facts to combine to create a story. I absolutely GUARANTEE they will vote a more correct answer than you all attempt to project (prop up). You could substitute any country in the World and get the same results. The only people nieve enough to buy your story were elected to office or report to one who was. I don't need to listen to suppositions. I was there. Whole big difference. Impossible to try the case. That's FACTless. I Sir, did go to Iraq, I did answer the call of my Country, I dodged no draft and made no excuses for failing to step up. Nor do I tell stories or fabricate "facts" for this thread. I have been kind to you thus far, but find it hard to hold back when you continue with your fabrications. But it is typical of you, caught in a lie, you redirect and try another direction of fables. Caught making things up or spreading falsehoods you then try to claim others are lying and "putting words in your mouth". Fact is your the one who lies, most every one of your posts is pure unadulterated BS and you should be ashamed of the harm you have caused Jo and the job of misdirection and disinformation you have pulled on the thread. If any one can be blamed for the case not being solved, it is you and your tin foil hat needed to follow conspiracy theory. None of which passes any factual tests. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32969 July 6, 2012 I probably would have gone to Iraq. Different situation. Perhaps if you experienced what I did you would see that differently too. I do not lie or fabricate what I say, Matt. You don't have the facts, just your opinions based on bad intel. Pushing me around only firms my stance. I stand my ground when I'm right. McCoy never lied to me. Prove otherwise. "FACTless." No, FACT!! per Larry Carr in a 45 minute conversation with me discussing the fine details of this case. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32970 July 6, 2012 TTBOMK - McCoy never spoke to you, I SWEAR IT. TTBPMK - You never had any thing to do with the hijacking, I SWEAR IT. There, using your standards of proof, it is proven. Now using actual standards of evidence, I've based My CONCLUSIONS on the tangible items, not make believe. You still offer no actual proof. As to you serving, not likely, it takes honor, among other things, to do that. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32971 July 6, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuote JO WEBER STATED: "Duane and I made an unusual trip to Memphis in the early 80's and a rifle made an appeared in our home. Later, it was stolen in 1988 along with appliances and boxes of packed, but labeled items (we had just moved) by a man named Richard Owens." _____________________________________________ BOB KNOSS REPLIED: Richard Owens stole the rifle at the request of Richard McCoy because Duane was supposed to destroy it and did not. I posted a picture of Judge Joe Brown with a duplicate rifle. Everything Jo is stating here is consistent with my information. I believe it is all true. I know there is a connection to MLKjr's assassination, but I do not know the truth in fact. I know Duane was an expert rifleman and hated blacks. I know McCoy registered Ray's hotel room and took the rifle. Ray's room did not have a good shot. The only shot was an awkward one from the bathroom. The real shooter was in the bushes. McCoy was the Canadian Ral Rahaul with a patch over one eye. This is what McCoy told me. Could be fantasy, but facts jive with Jo. MATT STATED: The name came from you right here, for me it was the first time I saw it. Did you see what he does? do you really want him to call you? You still have not offered up any evidence and proof. All you offer is unverifiable fictional statements that are liable at best. Matt GEORGER STATED: Give it up Matt. You're tilting at windmills and other people's phantoms. The Cooper case itself is a phantom flame (more like a volcano!) which has attracted many moths, who cannot think for themselves. Matt this is what I tried to explain, perhaps you are computer savy, but so many here are NOT. Georger thinks I made the statements above when I only made the first statement. Please do something to ID the individual stating something. Look at the post you made - anyone who did NOT know the characters would not know who said what. Evident from the reply Georger made. Please never quote me in the same post with BK unless you make it specific who said what. Please - pretty please. The old guys here like myself do not get the new WAYS of things and in this case it is creating posts that make it look and sound like - I said what Knoss actually said.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32972 July 6, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuote JO WEBER STATED: "Duane and I made an unusual trip to Memphis in the early 80's and a rifle made an appeared in our home. Later, it was stolen in 1988 along with appliances and boxes of packed, but labeled items (we had just moved) by a man named Richard Owens." _____________________________________________ BOB KNOSS REPLIED: Richard Owens stole the rifle at the request of Richard McCoy because Duane was supposed to destroy it and did not. I posted a picture of Judge Joe Brown with a duplicate rifle. Everything Jo is stating here is consistent with my information. I believe it is all true. I know there is a connection to MLKjr's assassination, but I do not know the truth in fact. I know Duane was an expert rifleman and hated blacks. I know McCoy registered Ray's hotel room and took the rifle. Ray's room did not have a good shot. The only shot was an awkward one from the bathroom. The real shooter was in the bushes. McCoy was the Canadian Ral Rahaul with a patch over one eye. This is what McCoy told me. Could be fantasy, but facts jive with Jo. MATT STATED: The name came from you right here, for me it was the first time I saw it. Did you see what he does? do you really want him to call you? You still have not offered up any evidence and proof. All you offer is unverifiable fictional statements that are liable at best. Matt GEORGER STATED: Give it up Matt. You're tilting at windmills and other people's phantoms. The Cooper case itself is a phantom flame (more like a volcano!) which has attracted many moths, who cannot think for themselves. Matt this is what I tried to explain, perhaps you are computer savy, but so many here are NOT. Georger thinks I made the statements above when I only made the first statement. Please do something to ID the individual stating something. Look at the post you made - anyone who did NOT know the characters would not know who said what. Evident from the reply Georger made. Please never quote me in the same post with BK unless you make it specific who said what. Please - pretty please. The old guys here like myself do not get the new WAYS of things and in this case it is creating posts that make it look and sound like - I said what Knoss actually said. Georger made no such claim in his post. You're the only one making this "new ways" claim. Again, the Re: [Skyjack71] at the top of this should let you know i am replying to you. If it is not Skyjack71, then I am replying to some one else. Simple. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #32973 July 6, 2012 QuoteI probably would have gone to Iraq. Different situation. Perhaps if you experienced what I did you would see that differently too. I do not lie or fabricate what I say, Matt. You don't have the facts, just your opinions based on bad intel. Pushing me around only firms my stance. I stand my ground when I'm right. McCoy never lied to me. Prove otherwise. "FACTless." No, FACT!! per Larry Carr in a 45 minute conversation with me discussing the fine details of this case. Why do you keep going back, after being replied to, to edit your quoted posts? It doesn't get edited in the quoted posts. So the original text, still stands. Your info is till FactLESS. Let Larry Carr speak for himself, i am sure chief is fully capable, there sparky MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #32974 July 6, 2012 Matt stated: It would be nice if we could actually stick to facts, investigate theory, with out fantasy being interjected by force. Theory with facts to justify would be acceptable, but thus far we don't have that with that particular theory. Another nice thing would be to expunge all the none-cooper case items from the thread so we can read the facts being discussed. Then, if we could keep the attitudes at a professional level, mine too, we might make progress, or none. But it would be done "proper" at least. Jo States and replies: Would be a little difficult to expunge all none-cooper related post. It would mean posts expunge at the disgression of one individual with following posts not making any sense. I like the idea of Knoss going to Iraq. I'm Sorry - I just couldn't help myself -Wish BK would go away and then I would not have to repost crap just to defend myself - especially when he makes it sound like I ate his POOP! I am QUILTY of baiting the man - to see if he was real and if he actually did know something. May the CREATOR forgive me for my MISTAKE......I created a MONSTER. --------------------------------- Matt stated in response to BK Fact is your the one who lies, most every one of your posts is pure unadulterated BS and you should be ashamed of the harm you have caused Jo and the job of misdirection & disinformation you have pulled on the thread. If anyone can be blamed for the case not being solved, it is you and your tin foil hat needed to follow conspiracy theory. None of which passes any factual tests. ----------------------------------- Jo States: Thank You Matt. I am not to be held innocent of using deception to find out what truths another individual might hold. I usually confessed to that deception within a short time. NOT a real good liar, but you don't have to be a good liar with BK. Just mention something in passing and he BUILDS a story around it. The story is never the same - it grows!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #32975 July 6, 2012 "The story is never the same - it grows!" It is like Georger says, a volcano. It is just simmering, like Yellowstone is. It's not growing, just releasing a little at a time. You have the concept of St. Helens? Yellowstone could cause an ice age. Hopefully not in our time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites