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Taxing the Sales of you Homestead - This was sent to me by a retired real estate agent like myself and I want to know if it is true. This person claimed there was NO exemption in the Obama bill for your homestead.
Hope some you politically motivated individuals and astute individuals might be able to enlighten me on this subject.
I do NOT open junk mail so I was unaware of this and have no connections to the current real estate market beside wanting to sell my own home.
How these individuals are claiming Obama bill about the health care bill:
When does your home become part of your health care? After 2012!
Is the below actually part of the Health care bill. I was told not only is this home sale tax in the bill but 20 some other taxes.
Note the below is NOT my words but the words in the email I received:
"If you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8% sales tax on it? That's $3,800 on a $100,000 home, etc. When did this happen? It's in the health care bill, -- and it goes into effect in 2013. Why 2013? Could it be so that it doesn’t come to light until after the 2012 elections?"
I was sent the actual pages this is on, but I am unable to upload it so I want to find out what those of you who have read it might know.
Most homeowners who have homesteaded our homes for yrs and are using them to down size and need to know. Is this true? Is this how the bill actually reads.
Is this bill written in such a broad term as to do away with the homestead deduction seniors have relied on and one many Americans have used to climb up to a bigger and better home as their families grow or their incomes increase.
I don't care if it just affects investors.... I am talking about home owners who buy their homes and live in them for several yrs and accumulate value (a value the economy has already taken a big chunk out of and if we now have to pay a tax on a homestead - there will be NO profit). In fact a lot of people would have to take money to closing. A realtor charges 7% and the tax is 3.8 and the closing charges are 2% no one will be able to sell their house. Does this mean the buyer pays a tax on on the purchase price?
Under the new health care bill all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% sales tax. Is this true and how does the bill actually READ? How is it actually stated in the bill?
Is the below an OFFICIAL site or something someone COOKED up. I am afraid to open it because it has the word BLOG in it. I just want to know if what I was told is TRUE or FALSE and how the home tax is actually written in the bill itself and if there is a REAL site one can go to and use search words to look at certain issues. What other taxes are hidden in the bill?
mrshutter45 21
there are plenty of things in this bill that have nothing to do with heathcare.
Ronald Reagan best explains it here.
You can pass a bill but, something of this nature should have gone beyond the 500 or so elected official who control the USA. We elected them, but these officials are into government for all the wrong reasons. We Americans allowed this to happen. Now it is time to stand up and fight back.
How many pages can be in one bill should be limited and written in simple language any high school student could understand. If not the officials need to look at the education of our children are receiving first before health reform.
If they wanted to pass a health care reform bill - it should have been something - Americans as a whole could swallow - not something that will feed the poor, but cause those who did the right things all of their lives to suffer.
As a young single mother I paid the rent, the utilities, our heath insurance then - food and clothing were the last things on the list. The people who are GIVEN Health INSURANCE are those who put cars, gadgets, clothes, alcohol, junk and fun BEFORE necessities will be taking money out of my pocket in TAXES. That is NOT fair. This is NOT about their not having jobs nor about the economy as a whole - this is about GIMME GIMME GIMME and so many of the newer generations have used the system day after day and yr after yr.
I have watched for yrs while young men and women used the system to pay for their babies and to go to school - Most never learned the meaning of the word responsibility and now I as an old woman I will have to pay taxes on what I put aside to take care of me in my old age - so they will not be without their gadgets and have health insurance. I have watched individuals get special loans to purchase homes they had NO business purchasing in the first place...yet the government continues to offer the subsidies.....If you can't give up something to save for a down payment you do not need to be buying a house.
Now our government is doing this with health insurance. AMERICA is Doomed.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteSince were on a non-Cooper subject, that official position is that I am in favor of it. Well, it seems better than what was going on before, i.e. rates jumping at 10-15% a year, insurance companies dropping unprofitable clients at key moments, etc.
I'm not surprised that true Cooper discussions are going downhill on this thread lately. Legit folks mostly get slammed, and the rest of the time you have to spend your time arguing against fantasy. This wastes a lot of bandwidth.
If any of you are going to be in the Puget Sound area, you can stop by the Auburn Ave Theatre on Saturday, August 11 and see something besides Cooper.
377: Special invite to you.
Picture attached of a poster that went out to King County Libraries today. (Low-res GIF rendition)
keep drinkin that Kool-Aid, Government Healthcare is NOT the answer to the problem, this will inflate the problem and once it's running you will kick yourself once you see what there intentions really are. Postal sevice, in the red, Amtrack, in the red, Medicaid, in the red, Social Security, will soon be gone, yea your right, Government Heathcare is the right thing to fix this problem!
It might be too much too late because the FBI won't even return my call. I am anxiously awaiting for answers to something I have been working on (not thru the FBI).
It has to do with Duane's history in WA, OR and ID. If I can just disprove one thing the FBI has presented then I am ON my way - to what I have not got a clue.
Let's talk about Cooper - this medicare thing is really scary and makes me very nervous. Many of us see what is ahead, where as others just want to believe what the government is tooting. All those yrs I paid for health insurance and then everyone else jumps on the FREE health care wagon and will leave those who contributed all these yrs and did all the right things with NO care. If you are over 72 and seriously ill Obama Care just signed your death warrant.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteQuoteQuoteSince were on a non-Cooper subject, that official position is that I am in favor of it. Well, it seems better than what was going on before, i.e. rates jumping at 10-15% a year, insurance companies dropping unprofitable clients at key moments, etc.
I'm not surprised that true Cooper discussions are going downhill on this thread lately. Legit folks mostly get slammed, and the rest of the time you have to spend your time arguing against fantasy. This wastes a lot of bandwidth.
If any of you are going to be in the Puget Sound area, you can stop by the Auburn Ave Theatre on Saturday, August 11 and see something besides Cooper.
377: Special invite to you.
Picture attached of a poster that went out to King County Libraries today. (Low-res GIF rendition)
keep drinkin that Kool-Aid, Government Healthcare is NOT the answer to the problem, this will inflate the problem and once it's running you will kick yourself once you see what there intentions really are. Postal sevice, in the red, Amtrack, in the red, Medicaid, in the red, Social Security, will soon be gone, yea your right, Government Heathcare is the right thing to fix this problem!
It's not actually Government Healthcare, and you can argue that point to all the people who died in the last fifteen years due to ridiculous insurance companies who were allowed free rein. Tell that to poor kids who died in oncology units when those insurance companies said 'no more'. Those cases are many and legend.
Understand something here. I stand up for regular folks, working people, and sick kids. I can identify with their daily lives and problems. I have SEEN it with my own eyes. Example: Kids dying at Seattle Childrens' Hospital because the insurance companies said 'no'. Trust me, this has happened, and not just here. It happens all over. Well...not so much now, since somebody figured out this wasn't necessarily good.
If you have a better plan (besides 'Just Say No') I would like to hear it.
On a happier note, I was asked to modify the poster going out to the libraries for Auburn Days, so the final is attached.Wish I were a poet. They're offering cash prizes. I got a couple, but I'm a lousy poet.
Before you decide that building another tank, or bomb, or bullet, is worth more than healthcare, examine your conscience first.
looks like you need another glass!
The Government Heathxare plan makes about as much sense as you do saying you are leaving DZ.
Washington Post: Obama administration unveils government health-care Web site
"and the rest of the time you have to spend your time arguing against fantasy. This wastes a lot of bandwidth."
so if I look back on these pages I won't find you arguing with Knoss or wasting "bandwidth" anywhere, right?
try looking at the whole picture and using your Peripheral before you condone those trying to make things better, until Knoss is removed, this site will never be on track! just like the Government Heathcare!!!!!!
Before you decide that building another tank, or bomb, or bullet, is worth more than healthcare, examine your conscience first.
You bring up a good point...those corporations are for profit...what is a corporations ONLY purpose?...
to make a profit for their share holders!
Any for profit health care industry will not meet the the needs of the people when health insurance corporations, to make a profit, means not paying benefits...
Hospitals for profit work like meat factory production lines, doing as many surgeries a day as they can and discharging patients too soon...and if the corporation has a monopoly in the region, they can fix costs which can put competition out of business.
Is this anyway to keep us healthy?
You bet it is...
A corporations only obligation is to make a profit for their share holders!
it's come to this...
Think about it...!!!
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
mrshutter45 21
forcing people to do something is no longer "freedom of choice" should we now make everyone pay auto Insurance even if they don't own a car? were do we end this need for coverage?
aside from what you read in the media, I have friends in England and Canada, they don't have anything good to say about Government run Heathcare.
whether you like Reagan or not, I believe he has made strong points in the video I provided above warning us about what is happening 40 some years later after he made that statement.
objecting to this Bill does not make one disregard the sick or suffering, it's common sense telling me this is all wrong in everyway!
here is another "old school" video that turned out true, I'm ashamed this happened!!
mrshutter45 21
maybe your KC theory could use some Obamacare
georger 247
Quotemaybe your KC theory could use some Obamacare
You mean the author could - screw the theory!
He's on another manic roll ...
A rolling manic gathers no theories; just sparks
with his tailpipe draggin. His muffler, radio
speakers, and sole remaining hubcap are worth
100x what the vehicle is worth! Varoooooooom -

A corporations only obligation is to make a profit for their share holders!
it's come to this...
Think about it...!!!
Ditto on THAT ONE!
May of last yr. major surgery went like clock work and all of the proper procedures done before hand and the necessary test.
January of 2012 was completely different. I did not get to meet with the anethesiologist nor did they do anything other than a blood test. They had surgery patients lined up in one very very large room with no petitions other than curtain. It was a mad scary place to be.
The surgery in April of this yr was a complete fiasco. The IV nurse put in 2 IV's and I told her the first site had been blown the last time because they left the IV in for 4 days and the nurses from the Jan surgery did not remove it for 4 day. I spent 2 wks dealing with a very painful arm after the January surgery..I knew the vein was blown.
The April surgery after the "girl" put in the second IV - I told her it was painful and not working. She insisted it was flushing. She used the SAME needle for both sticks. When I was taken to the surgery room they immediately noted the IV was not working and I told them about what the IV "girl" did. When I woke up from surgery the IV had been removed and placed in my hand.
15 days after the surgery I was very very fatigued. I am still fatigued and blood tests show I have mono - NOW what the hell has a 72 yr old done to be exposed to mono. I live a solitary life and say away from people. I wore masks to the stores before and after surgery so I would not pick up a bug and my surgeries be delayed.
Now the mono diagnosis is being disputed and I have to see 2 specialist this wk. I have done the 10 days of anitbiotic and only got worse. Energy is limited and lymph nodes swollen in my neck, chest and under my right rib cage (right where the liver is).
Stay nauseated and weigh less than I did at age 16.
DITTO on the for profit thing - we are already seeing it and my last hospital stay is an example of what is to be expected in the future.
Quotemaybe your KC theory could use some Obamacare
He tries to make the public think his story is "The Story". I have not read or heard about any of his "witnesses" being visited by the FBI and they went silent after the video was done.
If the FBI took any actions they sure kept it quiet. His story is just a BOOK and that is all.
Back to my logs:
May of 2000 I am talking to a man by the name of Johnson with the WA. government. I enquired about any work camps or forestry work being done in with McNeil prisoners or with Camp Bonneville. During the yrs 1942 - 1945 there was a shortage of man power due to the war...and much of the Local Gov. labor was provided by "others".
I also enquired about The Nickels who trained in the area and if any of the state services would have worked along with them.
Was told the yrs I enquired about predated the Dep of Corrections.
Work Camps and Prioson were obperated by the Dept of Social and Health Services.
McNeil was a federal operation.
I was directed to 2 other sources - Deputy Secretary VonHeeder and the Larch Mountain Honor Camp. The Larch Mt Camp did work in connection with all of the above.
No information could be provided on Camp Bonneville. I would later learn from a local in the Washougal area - who claimed workers where housed at the camp at times due to necessity - regarding transportation time for road crews...from outside of the area and they were NOT military.
That is ALL he or she would say!
The repository for fingerprint based arrest submission for the entire state of WA. The records only date back to 1974.
Was referred to the Dep. of Corrections and WA. gov - places I had already been.
On the 16 of May 2000 I am communicating with Doug Pasternak. This email discusses all of the things a certain other person would later claim I told him differently, but we are digging into Duane past.
The 1962 photo of Duane's release is studied. The clothes he had on - looked like a vagrant versus the other picture that was found in the Canon file of Duane ALL dressed up and looking completely different than the release photo. It was like a transformation was made - the man that went in versus the young boy they released (he did look boyish in that release photo).
We also note that the way he holds the glasses in the picture was the same way he handled a smoke.
We discuss Duane's SS record.
No income was reported for Weber until from 1960 to 1968...and we were never able to obtain the SS record for John Collins the alias he used during those yrs.
It was an established fact (from the exwife) that Duane worked for an insurance company and they lived in Overland Park in 1964.
They are on the run in 1965 before he is arrested in 1966. She told me the circumstances of the arrest in Cleveland in detail including what Duane was doing when the FBI showed up. WAIT and SEE - BK will pipe in on that!
A man from Duane's past contacts me and asked me questions - he made me feel uneasy the same way I felt when the guy in Mobile talked to me. Opening Pandora's BOX is the gest of this - and the same as when the Mobile guy told me to "Leave the Past in the Past - your husband knew people in high places".
I back track regarding Duane being released from prison in 1962 and yet he is seen in Miami in 1962 by a friend of the family who reported this to Duane's brother. This family accounting is documented in a letter sent to the brother and one he sent to me. THIS has ALWAYS BEEN A SOURCE OF REASON TO BELIEVE Weber could have been involved in "STUFF" from 1962 to 1968.
The FBI would hear NONE of this and INVESTIGATED NONE of this.
Had the FBI have listened to me and informed me of what John Collins was and what he was doing - the STUFF regarding this part of Weber's life would never have been explored. THIS is when the Covert STUFF came into place....the FBI would not or could not tell me about Duane's life from 1962 to 1968.
I was told NOTHING until THE Jefferson file was destroyed and the only things left of John Collins was what was on-line
The FBI was WHY the covert thing existed in the first place - NOT me...closed sealed records?
Why would I not think covert and secrets?
Not feeling very well right now - computer phots were corrupted when the computer failed, but they are still here - I just have to move them back into a file in Photos - I hope.
Got to go right now - burning up and sick.
If there is someone out there with the abilities of FarFlung and could put all of these in the correct sequence on one page with the back and forth appearance of Weber - then please send it to my private email and if it is correct - I want that amazing guy to post it so one is not seeing it pic by pic but the whole picture. I am able to make a flyer with the pics in sequence, but the flyer would be too large to post. See what I am looking for.
Had he not had a mother and a father, he probably
would have been a "chicken", or a weed.
The weed would have been a DANelion. Something most wish to eradicate because they are so difficult to "control". Their stems and leaves although made a tasty meal back in the war days.
The "chicken" is a little more complicated
Chickens are kept in Coops (sometimes).
Chickens create nasty messes to clean up.
Chickens depend on the Rooster to defend the Coop, but have you ever been chased by a mother hen when her babies are threatened.
Chickens can't fly - so it is declared, but have you ever seen one Fly or at least try to when fleeing a predator.
Chickens can't fly but how do they get to the 3rds roost level and the higher nests in the coop.
Chickens are considered cowards, but don't try to harm the biddies or her nesting eggs.
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