skyjack71 0 #33151 July 20, 2012 Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33152 July 20, 2012 Jo Stated: Quote What is with this man? If anyone is a deterent in the investigation of Weber - it has been BK. He is the reason the FBI back off of WEBER. Georger replied: Quote Nonsense. He is no more a deterent to the FBi or anyone else than a rainbow in Spain. What you dont like is having to share media space here with him. Pretty pathetic on all accounts. Georger, I didn't see you post until I finished up with some other things tonight. He was definitely a deterent - he has made lives miserable for others who have tried to uncover Cooper - NOT just me. BK destroyed all hopes of Grey having an interview with the co-pilot. BK's story was WHY the FBI backed-up on Weber. . Put yourself in the shoes of the FBI. The Goverment cuts their pay-check and they are going to investigate a man who this BK is claiming was involved in Govt. Secrets? You are an intelligent man. Anyone can post here - we don't have to agree with them. There is a LIMIT when they are making up things up. BK follows cookie crumbs trails left behind when someone posts - he will eat anything. What BK does regarding Weber is libel...unless he can PROVE it. What he does is slander and NOT one word or one document does he present to prove it. What if it was your wife or your brother BK was making up these stories about? You would NOT be a very happy camper.Gotcha! Remember this - BK even hi-jacked that expression regarding an executive with a company Duane worked for. A man of respectability and honor. He even used this man's nickname and changed the spelling. BK is not very original and he has produced NOT one document. At least I can produce prison records, tax records, family records and items belonging to the suspect. I didn't "create" these items like BK does. He makes a mockery out of any posting of any substance. None of what he does is productive...if we are here to find anything of value that might solve this case now or in the future. What he does only encourgages others to do the same....and discourages those who might have something to contribute. You used to make some great posts, but since BK has been around - you only come here to quibble or make short "sharp" post. You no longer contribute useful information the way you did before. I think that is very sad because it is such a waste of your knowledge.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33153 July 20, 2012 "Gotcha! Remember this - BK even hi-jacked that expression regarding an executive with a company Duane worked for. A man of respectability and honor. He even used this man's nickname and changed the spelling." ______________________________ Perfect example of your read on EVERYTHING I SAY!! "Gotcha~" is a quote from Larry Carr. It is standard language in their FBI office. Anyone who spoke with him would know that. Jo, you consistently twist what is said with some other feeble memory in your head and come out with Rosan Rosanna Danna comments. It would be funny if it wasn't so sick. What I have said is all true. What you conclude is partly true, but you buy into too much misinformation from your investigation by believing too much BS. You did very well, considering. The blond wife lied to you, or withheld information, if you prefer. You intentionally leave out the primary suspect to enhance your Duane story. You irritate the FBI to the point they won't talk to you, then try to blame me for calling the case dead? Would that I could! Scorned words echo in empty halls. You are preaching to a non-existant congregation. It is not that they don't care.... it is that they care in reverse. I am the only preacher of your valid words. Open your blinded eyes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #33154 July 20, 2012 See that reply has merit, and good advice. I admit, I try to ignore him, but he is such a good story teller! He could make millions with his imagination, if it was able to be balanced with his sanity. Much like Mr.King. Chief keeps laughing at him, and then me ,for addressing him. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #33155 July 20, 2012 [/url][url] It is used by most of the US's English speaking community apparently. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33156 July 20, 2012 Quote[/url][url] It is used by most of the US's English speaking community apparently. Matt Not 50 to 100 times a day like Washington State SA's. Inside of 4 minutes Carr said "gotcha" five times, so I asked him to refrain from using the word. He had serious difficulty complying. This is a well known fact among Washington State law enforcement officers. It is how they are identified. "The gotcha boys." "They play for keeps!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #33157 July 20, 2012 Quote How many light years does it take to figure out Knoss is not worth talking to? You disappoint me, george; you of all people should know that a "light year" is a unit of distance not one of time. Or was that some sort of CETIian humor that escapes even me?Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33158 July 20, 2012 Matt posted: (omitted url) "It is used by most of the US's English speaking community apparently." Knoss then replied with this statement: "Not 50 to 100 times a day like Washington State SA's. Inside of 4 minutes Carr said "gotcha" five times, so I asked him to refrain from using the word. He had serious difficulty complying. This is a well known fact among Washington State law enforcement officers. It is how they are identified. "The gotcha boys." "They play for keeps!"" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jo Weber is: Sick and tired of dealing with you. I spoke many times with Carr and he never used the world Gotcha!. You never used it in this thread till I used it in post. ONE more time. PRODUCE PROOF or go POOF on your own. HOW CAN YOU EVEN LIVE WITH THE LIES YOU TELL? YOU INVENT A LIE TO COVER A LIE! Why Quade allows this to continue I do not know. This thread is NO longer deserving of History and Trivia...because of you KNOSS. You destroyed what so many worked so hard to build and you contribute absolutely NOTHING regarding a suspect nor any facts about the crime. The thread is being monitored by an attorney. ONE more slanderous statement and outlandish lie - and you will be served. Tell your story, but leave WEBER out of it. You never knew Duane and "your story" proves this all by itself. ONE LAST TIME - PRODUCE YOUR PROOF OR GO AWAY - PLEASE! BK - You are responsible for destroying the most valuable tool ever made available on the internet regarding Cooper and the possiblity of the survival of the jump. There is NO other place on the internet which has the expertise and the know how of the guys on DZ, yet those who contributed more technical infomation than ever available before - will not and do not want to post anymore because of the CRAP that spews out of your mouth and onto the screen. Even those who came to DZ to offer their technical support regarding the money and other aspects NO longer post. Georger is the only one of those who has hung in for the long haul just as I did. I was here for personal reasons, but it spurred others to investigate the crime and the possiblities. You BK have taken a useful tool regarding the Cooper case and literally destroyed it. This is not about Duane Weber - it is about Cooper, but you knew neither of them....! My reason was personal, but it spurred others to investigate the crime. Now ALL of that is gone and you BK did that single handed. Maybe you were the guy on the ground - or a young man in prison with Weber. Did he try to protect you from being raped? Do you feel you owe him an obligation? Why do you feel compelled to make yourself Part of someone elses story - are you that SICK! Is your life that Worthless? To All: SSSHHHHsssss! Let BK answer this all by himself! Will he confess or continue the charade? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33159 July 20, 2012 I do not agree with you on your opinions above. You believe what you wish. My experiences are quite different than your beliefs. This is a forum to present differences, not threaten capitulation by force. Verify my statement with Carr. I DO NOT LIE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33160 July 21, 2012 Prison Record that is! Grey couldn't get Duane's prison record straight nor could the FBI agent Carr nor the agents before him. 7-22-55 Folsom 3-18-57 (reads PAR.FR.FOL) this means placed on parole. 7-29-57 Arrested in St. Pete, Fl 5-59 reads REINS. & DISCHARGE This means he was released from parole and discharged. I have the records of ALL of the above and more. Who in the thread found the St. Pete article? The brother sent me letters and information stating Duane was living with his mother in March of 1957 after being paroled from Folsom. Yet, the St. Pete article puts Duane in Florida in July of 1957 and they mention he is in violations of parole in Ca. What does the file mean by 5/59 REINS. & DISCHARGE? Did his mother buy yet another charge off. The GOLD coin in the possession of Weber belonged to his deceased father...not stolen. Note there were NO follow-ups on the St. Pete news item. Now let us put another item in the mix. 1959 - Duane was in PA. Anyone remember the crazy part of Grey's book toward the end. Remember when Grey discusses - Cugie? Duane's old wallet contained an old news article about Cugie. Not sure if Grey mentions this in the book...but he quotes the article about Cugie in his book (if I remember the book correctly). Note I do not go back to the books and study them - I can make mistakes. I do know that in my home the article fasinated Grey and I felt it was useless as the FBI didn't seem to have an interest in it. In Gray's book he CLAIMS to be communicating with a man who was supposedly undercover. Was this actually KNOSS. It could have been and Grey perhaps snookered by BK one more time. The entire time I was reading that part - the inside of my head - screamed - Knoss! Who knew about Cugie? Anyone besides Gray? The FBI ignored Cugie. I knew about Cugie. Who else knew about Cugie? Stay tune and hear the rest of the story! Perhaps NOT from me as I am sure there is someone else who could fill you guys in.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33161 July 21, 2012 Quote I do not agree with you on your opinions above. You believe what you wish. My experiences are quite different than your beliefs. This is a forum to present differences, not threaten capitulation by force. Verify my statement with Carr. I DO NOT LIE. You DO NOT AGREE! You DO NOT LIE! - Present YOUR proof! Give ONE piece of PHYSICAL evidence that PROVES you are telling the truth. No one has threatened you - but, you have been asked to prove yourself. You can't - you do not have one shred of evidence to support the story you tell about a man you never knew. YOU CANNOT even prove you knew Weber! That is where ALL of this starts from. Prove that ONE thing and perhaps someone might listen. You have played many different roles over the yrs with others. Do you even know who you are? If one is not lieing - they will not feel threatened by someone calling them out or asking them to produce proof. Not one time have I ever felt threatened by this thread or anyplace else. Jerry did a number on me - but it was only words, when he claimed to be coming to my home and the local news and the senior center (which by the way I do not attend) - that was a threat. Only because my community is small and I have always protected my identity in this area - and that is for security & privacy reasons. No question ever asked of me was considered a threat. If one is NOT lieing they have NO need to feel threatened. If you feel threatened by your being asked to produce PROOF - WHAT does that say about YOU? Only a liar would feel threatened by requests to present documentation. I opened my doors to Grey, 2 guys in CA, the FBI, Sluggo and anyone else who wanted to see what I have. Not one piece of it alone will prove Weber was Cooper - but it does prove I am NOT a liar. If anything I said was considered a threat - then you are lieing or I hit a nerve about something you have never revealed or have concealed. You claimed there was a new sarticle about Duane's lady and a theft she supposedly commited- There was NO news article...Grey looked, I looked and other have looked. You claimed Weber and his "companion" stayed in the area - but, there was NO proof. I caught you in so may "fibs" about that - it got ridiculous. The family is with them and then the family is not with do not even know what Webers' family consisted of. Weber dyed his hair blonde and used make-up to look darker (gee whiz - look at the man's complexion and the color of his eyes - that was a ridiculous fib on your part). Duane's hair and complexion was dark. You prefer to call it a mistake and tried to take back your words. This is what I have put up with from you and why we want PROOF you even knew Weber. There is a lot of my story I cannot prove...but I do NOT consider it a threat.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #33162 July 21, 2012 Jo, Just how do you get "Placed on Parole" from "PAR.FR.FOL"? Is this in Latin or some such thing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33163 July 21, 2012 The time changes caused this not to make the local newspapers and turned the TV on about an hour ago. My daughter attended Littleton High School and I have friends who live in the Aurora area. I immediately called them and this theater is in walking distance of their home. Helicopters have been over-head all day. This horrible thing is touching so many and I cannot shake the goose bumps. Young lives taken away - because of our corrupt society. We all need to take a moment of silence and take those families into our hearts. Locally there have been random shootings by young people. The domestic violence is taking over and it time Americans take stock. My heart breaks for the families of those killed and those injured. This has to stop, but what do we do and how do we make changes before the US becomes even more corrupt. Stop some of the corruption at the polls this yr. Go Vote and in the mean time take time to reach out to a person who is troubled or acting strange. The signals are always there - but society chooses to turn their head and individuals do NOT want to get involved because of the consequences. Is there any place that is SAFE any more?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33164 July 21, 2012 QuoteJo, Just how do you get "Placed on Parole" from "PAR.FR.FOL"? Is this in Latin or some such thing? I think the first is "Personnel action report" second is "For Review" third "Folsom" could also be abbreviation for "Parole after release, for review...Folsom State Penitentiary" PAR AD "Parole Administrator" Basic Government/Correction: abbreviation/acronyms"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33165 July 21, 2012 QuoteQuoteJo, Just how do you get "Placed on Parole" from "PAR.FR.FOL"? Is this in Latin or some such thing? I think the first is "Personnel action report" second is "For Review" third "Folsom" could also be abbreviation for "Parole after release, for review...Folsom State Penitentiary" PAR AD "Parole Administrator" Basic Government/Correction: abbreviation/acronyms good estimate. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33166 July 21, 2012 Quote Quote Jo, Just how do you get "Placed on Parole" from "PAR.FR.FOL"? Is this in Latin or some such thing? I think the first is "Personnel action report" second is "For Review" third "Folsom" could also be abbreviation for "Parole after release, for review...Folsom State Penitentiary" PAR AD "Parole Administrator" Basic Government/Correction: abbreviation/acronyms 7-22-55 Folsom (he had been moved to Folsom from SanQuentin). The Columbia he escape from was added to this term and servered concurrently because he had family in CA rather than send him back to Columbia. 3-18-57 (reads PAR.FR.FOL) this means Pardon from Folsom. Three months later he is inviolation of the terms and we believe sent back to Folsom. 7-29-57 Arrested in St. Pete, Fl What we do not know is if he spent more time in Folsom or the family pulled string for him to do his remaining time at the house of his mother (the family records indicate this happened). Serving Parole from his home. 5-59 reads REINS. & DISCHARGE This means he was released from parole and discharged. We could never figure out what the REINS ment. I was told it he was discharged from parole and a feer man. Because right after that he is in his mothers home in CA. documented by a letter from the brother. Face it 3 months later he is arrested in St.Pete Fla and whe have that. Ovioulsly sent back to CA because his mother was dieing. Even the old prisons could not translate all of this for us. The back detailed papers had been destroyed.....what I was told that is all I know.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33167 July 21, 2012 By 1959 he is on the other side of the states - Pa. He had family there (an uncle who was still living and aunt). But not too long after that he is Colorado at Canon City Prison and not release there until 1962. I will be happy to have the documents copyied and sent to you to see if anyone can pull anything off of them the prison system was unable to . They even mention a scar on his hand and his tattoos. His mother was dying and on dialysis and need he to stay with her - guess they thought that suitable punishmen. His father had died while Duane was in San Quentin.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33168 July 21, 2012 "3-18-57 (reads PAR.FR.FOL) this means Pardon from Folsom" that would not be "Pardon from Folsom" they don't abbreviate the word "from" who has been supplying you this information? REINS, sounds more like "reinstatement" your first post you said this..."3-18-57 (reads PAR.FR.FOL) this means placed on parole." "3-18-57 (reads PAR.FR.FOL) this means Pardon from Folsom. Three months later he is inviolation of the terms and we believe sent back to Folsom." the above statement is in conflict with itself, you can't have a Pardon and then sent back. when I was younger (17-25) I had my fair share of conflicts with "Law Enforcement" and found myself in trouble on many occasions."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33169 July 21, 2012 QuoteJo's time line, and circumstantial evidence, is as strong as Robert's and his theory of KC. And both theories show a small one or two perp operation that had nothing to do with a false flag operation (that did not exist and no trace of any sort can be found, which tells you it is all false). But both theories lack that critical piece of evidence that make s it all come together. I would still like to know the details of how the FBI ruled out some suspects like McCoy. Matt McCoy was ruled out because he had his entire family as witnesses at a Thanksgiving dinner table with him in Utah at the time of the hijacking in Washington State. McCoy was ruled out because he was 27 and Cooper was reportedly around 45. McCoy was ruled out because he had a full head of black hair and looked like Curt Warner, not Bing Crosby. The only surfaced link tying McCoy to 305 was his BUY gold medallion that had his initials on the back found on the plane in Reno. "Coop" stole that from the top of McCoy's dresser in his apartment in Burnsville, MN. He admitted to TOG and me the theft and his plan to 'drop' it on the plane to throw suspicion back to "da boys." A second link exists if it were ever to be released, and that is the first note sent to the cockpit on 305. That note was written by McCoy and could possibly be identified as his. It would at least be consistent with the note he passed several months later on his own hijacking. Hope that answers your question, Matt. No proof, just truth. Proof is for investigators. I'm not an investigator, I'm a witness. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33170 July 21, 2012 Bob, aka "whistleblower" I'm going to do you a favor, I am contacting some news sources and telling them your story, you are soooo dead set on telling this as truth to such a small amount of people I think it's time for your "whistle" to actually work that you claim you are blowing!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #33171 July 21, 2012 QuoteBob, aka "whistleblower" I'm going to do you a favor, I am contacting some news sources and telling them your story, you are soooo dead set on telling this as truth to such a small amount of people I think it's time for your "whistle" to actually work that you claim you are blowing! As well as Putting "TOG" right on the middle again, and we know who "TOG" is, according to him. Funny how the "lack of evidence"-evidence, conflicts with the facts. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #33172 July 21, 2012 Quote Quote Quote Jo, Just how do you get "Placed on Parole" from "PAR.FR.FOL"? Is this in Latin or some such thing? I think the first is "Personnel action report" second is "For Review" third "Folsom" could also be abbreviation for "Parole after release, for review...Folsom State Penitentiary" PAR AD "Parole Administrator" Basic Government/Correction: abbreviation/acronyms 7-22-55 Folsom (he had been moved to Folsom from SanQuentin). The Columbia he escape from was added to this term and servered concurrently because he had family in CA rather than send him back to Columbia. 3-18-57 (reads PAR.FR.FOL) this means Pardon from Folsom. Three months later he is inviolation of the terms and we believe sent back to Folsom. 7-29-57 Arrested in St. Pete, Fl What we do not know is if he spent more time in Folsom or the family pulled string for him to do his remaining time at the house of his mother (the family records indicate this happened). Serving Parole from his home. 5-59 reads REINS. & DISCHARGE This means he was released from parole and discharged. We could never figure out what the REINS ment. I was told it he was discharged from parole and a feer man. Because right after that he is in his mothers home in CA. documented by a letter from the brother. Face it 3 months later he is arrested in St.Pete Fla and whe have that. Ovioulsly sent back to CA because his mother was dieing. Even the old prisons could not translate all of this for us. The back detailed papers had been destroyed.....what I was told that is all I know. Jo, Your explanation of these abbreviations and the reasons for the supposed actions, just doesn't hold water. If Duane was ever pardoned, then the Governor of the state would be the official who issued the pardon. And there would an official public record of that act. But you apparently haven't come up with anything along that line. So you may have some records mixed up or for someone other than Duane. Take another look at them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33173 July 21, 2012 I think someone other thn Knoss has given her misinformation, Duane should of had a letter from the Governor that looks like (see photo) each time you are in prison you go up before the board for evaluation of your sentence to see if you are ready for release, that is what I am seeing from her post. there is nothing there showing any type of "out of the norm" release dates. this puts more holes in Bobby's little scam. I can't even find the "abbreviation" for "Pardon" I think the reason would be that it doesn't happen enough to have a abbreviation. If he was caught and sent back as Jo mentioned this would be the reason you see REINS (reinstate) and then released, if you violate your Parole/Probation you go back to prison and serve the remaining time that was given, then you would be released as the say (without paper) no more Parole or probation, time served. here are some acronyms"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33174 July 21, 2012 "The Columbia he escape from was added to this term and servered concurrently because he had family in CA rather than send him back to Columbia" I'm a little confused at this statement as well, I have never heard of a escape sentence running concurrent, you are always sent back to where you escaped from and any time is added to your original sentence, which can be up to 5 years more. other States and prisons don't want to deal with a case that has nothing to do with there State or Prison system. If you commit a crime in Florida and you are caught in California based on the severity of the crime they will send you back to Florida to comply with the court. If it's a misdemeanor, I doubt they will extradite you back, you will be released and told not to go back to Florida or they will arrest you."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33175 July 21, 2012 QuoteI think someone other thn Knoss has given her misinformation, Duane should of had a letter from the Governor that looks like (see photo) each time you are in prison you go up before the board for evaluation of your sentence to see if you are ready for release, that is what I am seeing from her post. there is nothing there showing any type of "out of the norm" release dates. this puts more holes in Bobby's little scam. I can't even find the "abbreviation" for "Pardon" I think the reason would be that it doesn't happen enough to have a abbreviation. If he was caught and sent back as Jo mentioned this would be the reason you see REINS (reinstate) and then released, if you violate your Parole/Probation you go back to prison and serve the remaining time that was given, then you would be released as the say (without paper) no more Parole or probation, time served. here are some acronyms Asked and answered. McCoy signed him out in his custody from the Warden of the prison. Very easily accomplished with a Marshal's badge. That summer the Warden asked for his return to finish the sentence. Mac said he would see what he could do for Duane (Smith), hence the early release, I'm sure. The Government wouldn't destroy those records, right? This is all so simple. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites