matthewcline 0 #33226 July 24, 2012 Hypothetical e-mail from Mr.King's publicist: (Funny, to me, an author has a "publicist") "Sir, Mr. King is not familiar with a Mr. Bill Rataczak, or "TOG", if he did approach Mr. King with a story idea, he does not remember it." MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33227 July 24, 2012 August 2 2000 She does an article for the Oregonian and I am chewing her out. I felt important things had been left out - and did not look at the fact she only had so much space to work with. I have always felt badly about my lashing out as she actually did a great job with the article. I was upset she did NOT mention the hidden wallet, misunderstood somethings, didn't mention the Army record and not giving Doug Pasternak or US New and World Reports credit for some photos. She goes on to pay me a compliment "Yes, Mr. Pasternak did good reporting, althought it's no more than what I would expect any good investigative reporter to do: search military records and prison records. I myself have done that many times, for many stories. I did not understand you wanted me to site every specific fact that Doug verified; I thought it was much more impressive that you had uncovered so much information yourself, without a background in investigative work or reporting." I had to go to work the day she contacted me for an interview so the interview was fast and she had to supplement my information with other articles - not realizing some of those article had been FLOWERED UP as the writers call it. She had some mis-information obtained from another source and to this day I do NOT know what that source was other than Jerry Thomas. Jerry is the only person who ever claimed that Duane Weber was too sick in 1971 to have made that jump. That is so NOT true! In 1971 he was in good shape. She told me she took this from other stories had no knowledge of being published...I never knew what article she was referring to or used for that information. During Duane's last days he was nauseated and unable to eat, but he did NOT whisper and the confession was BEFORE - he got bad - 11 days before he died. She explained that "columniists are storytellers, and I write in a storytelling vein. It was never my intentions to write anything misleading or untrue, and I apologize if you believe that's what happened". I have come down hard on anyone who gets facts wrong, but I have found it is something one has to live with if they go public about a story of this nature. I was very naive. Not sure if I ever formally apologized to her, but at this late date I expect she never wants to hear another word from me. She stopped all contact with me after her second article, but she was always professional and she is a good writer. Anyone knowing how to reach her please sent her my sincere apology as stepping back 12 yrs I see my flawed shortcomings. Margie Boule: Jo Weber wishes to publically apologize that I was so harsh. I thought everything was cut and dry - but in the 12 yrs since you did the article in 2000 I have experienced a tremendous learning curve in Human reactions and expectations. I still march to my drummer, but the bugle call is getting louder and louder - soon it will drown out the beats of the drum. (Margie now that is FLOWERED), but hope you understand what I am saying. Sincerely, Jo Weber (Cooper's Widow until the FBI proves otherwise - which I do NOT believe will ever happen...not in my life-time)Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33228 July 24, 2012 Quote are you talking about the Fontain Bleu in Miami? it's off of, you guessed it,Collins Avenue I did NOT know that - so this makes it real COOL!In fact it makes it really WEIRD! Picture this senario: Duane is using John Collins ID in 1962 after his release from Canon and until 1968 when he is release from Jefferson Federal prison. In 1962 he is on Collins Avenue at the Fontane Bleu and in 1977 meets a Collins and marries her....and in 1996 uses that name and the car title to obtain another drivers licenses under John Collins so he could get into a safety deposit box he paid forward for 10 yrs before - he still had his John Collins ID - prison papers and drivers license and SS card....along with other items under the Collins name. ALL of this is JUST co-incidence!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33229 July 24, 2012 BREAKING UP is HARD to DO! This thread has actually been funny recently. Never thought I would laugh when BK's name is mentioned. So many nights I went to bed with tears and woke up screaming "GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" He was destroying my credibility - I didn't need help in that department...I was my own worse enemy because I jumped all over the place. I was using too much of my valuable energy trying to stop his ridiculous tales instead of moving on. His creepy avatars were in my dreams and I would wake-up screaming at him.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33230 July 24, 2012 Quote Georger: You DESERVE to have to wade through BK's posts and deal with them. In other news, JP Patches, Northwest clown whose TV show ran for more than two decades and touched the lives of countless kids (and adults), has died. I'm outta here to do some official mourning. I was a Patches Pal and all. No big deal. So were half the people in the Northwest...probably even YOU. very strange. Do you hold vigils for Rin-Tin-Tin and have a stockpile of automated teabags? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33231 July 24, 2012 Quote Skyjack 71 says in part: ............................................................... Blevins says: The reason I stopped posting here so much wasn't because of you, and I won't discuss why. You can probably figure that out easily. . Thank God it wasnt me! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33232 July 24, 2012 Robert Blevins stated: Quote I hate to point out the obvious, but being in jail doesn't make Duane the hijacker. In fact, having an extensive record works AGAINST the idea that he could have escaped detection for all those years. Jo Replies: Obviously you only read posts made by Georger. I have ALREADY pointed out the CRIMINAL RECORDS ARE FLAWED. The ideal that the criminal record would have worked against Weber is EXACTLY why they over looked the obvious....the FBI did NOT check all of his records and they made sure NO ONE had access to his JEFFERSON file??????????? Did you or anyone else look at the photos I ask someone to put on a flyer together and in the proper order? He is a boy and then he is a Man and then he is a boy again and then a man. Who was he - a Chameleon or Weber or Collins or who-ever he wanted to be. ====================== Robert Blevins stated: Quote I have some sympathy for your story, and I would be first in line to promote it if you could only put Duane in Washington State (and not in jail at the time) during the week of the hijacking. Jo replies: At that time he had 2 stepsons living in WA. So yes, he had a reason to be in WA - can I put him in WA before 1971. I already did! That is all I will say. =================== Robert states: Quote Duane doesn't look like the type of person who could come close to passing the physical requirements necessary to do that. Jo States: Exactly what does someone look like that may have made two or three jumps in their life or someone that packed someone elses chutes. Duane looked a helluv more like a jumper than KC did! Remember this - Cooper did NOT expect to survive! How convenient of you to only remember what you want to remember. ===================== P. S. from Jo - the handwriting in the book has been a DEAD issue for yrs with me.... Proving Weber was in the NW on a wk in Nov. 1971 would have been much easier if the FBI had just asked certain individuals the RIGHT questions, but they chose to state he was NOT even in McNeil - BAD mistake! That got my dander up and I decided to fight them to the end. Your tooting KC - was not good - a local everyone saw everyday! He did NOT even match the description given of Cooper. Is that hard for you to digest? His prison records, the SS information on John Collins, a safe deposit box in XXX, but WHAT if I have actually put him in WA in the 40's and in very close connection with some REAL jumpers...A BOY who sought out friends he could relate to and a father image. Duane Weber did NOT have a typical normal childhood.....he was the baby of a middle aged woman - his mom and dad where old by the standards of other parents and there was a WAR. He spent most of his adult life in prison between 1944 and 1968. Think about this for a while! Think about what happened in the 60's and why lots of career criminals like J.J. Mahoney and Duane L. Weber decided there was something else in life beside a prison. Someone stated they were just getting old. I expect that was part of it.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33233 July 24, 2012 After all this time, it has come to this. SOMEBODY KNOWS THE TRUTH. The only difference between you and I is that I can provide the tools to either eliminate KC as a suspect, or help confirm him as truly being Cooper. That extended family is going to come forward and provide the necessary key to either solve the case, or finally ditch KC as a suspect at last. You think I wouldn't like to know? Of course I would. You rejected a similar analysis when it came to the weather and threw out witness reports. Now you call for the same thing, in your defense. Let's go to the root of this. You (like othes in this Cooperphelia), are a GIANT EGO WHOSE DOES NOT LIKE BEING PROVED WRONG. YOU KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT. YOUR SHIN BONE IS THE "PROOF". You are shin-bone-proofer-thingie! You rejected Marla for the same thing and made her life miserable - now you employ the same method she asked for! I have always said there isnt a penny's worth of difference between you and Weber. You both employ and then rely on, "the public's shin bone". Now if you can stire people up and get them thinking along the lines you established for them, ... then your mission is accomplished. Its Brother Rev Billy-Bob Blevins at work in the name of science! NOT! Remember "The Rat That Saved Seattle" ? It was a cartoon Blevins. Not real life. We knew you were lying when you said you were leaving and had put all things Cooper down. Now you come back, predictably, with a vengence. The AB staff notwithstanding or was that just one more lie also? Their welare means nothing to you. Welcome to Jo Weber's Club. You are now a Charter Member. Dont bother criticising Knoss and Weber further. Just look in the mirror. Yes, you have "actual testimony". Just like Marla and Jo. Actual testinmony from a bunch of stirred up zealots you can manipulate after you got them stirred up in the first place. Work on the AB Staff. I am sure you can bring them around too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33234 July 24, 2012 Come on, man. I already know you lived in Washington when you were younger. You didn't like JP? LOL, I don't believe that for a second. . Blevins you are an idiot. You now claim to know more than my Mother knows! Crawl back in your hole. And take your claims and shames with you - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33235 July 25, 2012 Georger, This is the only post I will be making tonight. Please do NOT be so Quick as to lump me in with Marla or Blevins. I was married to this man for 17yrs and his family helped put his past together. Unlike Blevins "witnesses" they were all older than Duane and the few that were younger than Duane - over the yrs have deceased therefore I only present on their behalf the things they relayed to me in writing and on tape. I have never "flowered" the stories they told me about Duane. They are as close as I can get to what was actually said. Written records also speak on their behalf and mine. I have spent most of the evening in the ER so I am going to bed. How many bullets have I dodged over the yrs....I think my nine lives have been used up. 1. Age 5 double pneumonia with my father going to retrive penicillin in 1945 by horse/mule and wagon. That is what he had to do to save my life - the Dr. had already told them I would not make it with out it. I was so small and sick they had to insert the needles into my back some place for the IV. All I remember is my first food was Coke and mash potatoes fed to me by my grandmother. They had moved a bed downstairs in the family room for me. Someone was always sleeping on the couch in that same room until I got better. 2. Saved from a giant rattler by the tenant O'shea - My little Abner. He jumped from a tractor with it still running and he grabbed that rattler in mid-air with his bare hands and then beat it to death on the ground. It was a record size and lenght (but, I do not remember the statistics). Approx age 9. 3. Saved again by "Little Abner" from a worker on the farm. Approx age 10. 4. Diagnosed with Lymes diesease after suffering for 2 yrs and Rocefin was used intravenously for 2 or 3 wks - outside of some joint residual damage - went on to lead a mostly normal life. 1988 5.. Auto accident 2000 that would have killed me save 2 inches of axel. Multiple broken bones, internal injuries and eye eyelid was cut (still have a droop because of it). 6. Vehicle struck by lighting - killed the vehicle but my sister, my mother and I suvived. 7. Bat bite in 2004 (3 of 2 bat retrived that yr were rabid). This was during Hurricane Ivan and getting to and from the clinic for the shots was an ordeal. My husband was fighting cancer at the same time. 8. Diagnosed with Celiacs 2007 and the last few yrs have been dealing with "other things" that follow late life onset Celiacs . All of this time I continued to fight my battles one at a time and still continued to "investigate" Cooper culminating in a trip to WA in 2010. The ER visit tonight was for a scorpion bite - so I still have # 9 to continue my battle with the complications of Adult onset Celiacs - High Cancer markers and extreme fatigue are difficult to ignore. I only have ONE goal in my life to finish - to vindicate myself and to make sure SOMEONE hears the truths - I have a job I have to finish, but I am NOT going to be able to finish it without a lot of help. BK has made a mockery out of the truth and the FBI for whatever reason ignores the fact they screwed up. They never revisited this - and actually looked at the things I and others put together since 2000. P.S. Georger, Jo Weber does NOT have a club. All I have done is TRY to get SOMEONE - ANYONE to listen to me and to SEE what I have. Unfortunately my quest only invites lunatics like BK and writers who are looking for a story line or guys just wanting to pass the time of day. ALL I want is for the FBI to PROVE to me Duane WAS NOT Cooper. THEY have NEVER presented me with ONE piece of evidence. ALL they have ever presented was ONE letter - which later proved NOT to be true. Their CLAIMS about Duane's criminals records have been proven to be FLAWED and yet they won't even look at anything I and others have found.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #33236 July 25, 2012 GEORGER: You post "After all this time, it has come to this. SOMEBODY KNOWS THE TRUTH. The only difference between you and I is that I can provide the tools to either eliminate KC as a suspect, or help confirm him as truly being Cooper. That extended family is going to come forward and provide the necessary key to either solve the case, or finally ditch KC as a suspect at last. You think I wouldn't like to know? Of course I would." Can't you get the Citizens Team to compare the DNA from the four envelopes/stamps sent to the four news paper companys with the DNA of Sheridan Peterson that the FBI all ready has on file? By doing so you could blow the whole DB Cooper case open and Sheridan would not be able to use his "In Nepal" perfect alibi as the letters were sent from the scene of the crime just shortly after the DB Caper. This is the real "Smoking Gun" in the DB Cooper case and could solve the crime very quickly. With a DNA match, Sheridan would be caught telling a lie to the FBI and that alone could put him in prison for the rest of his life. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33237 July 25, 2012 QuoteGEORGER: You post "After all this time, it has come to this. SOMEBODY KNOWS THE TRUTH. The only difference between you and I is that I can provide the tools to either eliminate KC as a suspect, or help confirm him as truly being Cooper. That extended family is going to come forward and provide the necessary key to either solve the case, or finally ditch KC as a suspect at last. You think I wouldn't like to know? Of course I would." Can't you get the Citizens Team to compare the DNA from the four envelopes/stamps sent to the four news paper companys with the DNA of Sheridan Peterson that the FBI all ready has on file? By doing so you could blow the whole DB Cooper case open and Sheridan would not be able to use his "In Nepal" perfect alibi as the letters were sent from the scene of the crime just shortly after the DB Caper. This is the real "Smoking Gun" in the DB Cooper case and could solve the crime very quickly. With a DNA match, Sheridan would be caught telling a lie to the FBI and that alone could put him in prison for the rest of his life. Bob Sailshaw The above was not my post, but Robt Blevins' post. The post refers to KC which I am not involved in. As for the rest, yes such tests could be done by someone. I doubt it will be us for a whole slate of reasons. I could arrange for others to do the tests but the protocols for that have not been forthcoming nor solicited. The FBI is more than capable to conduct these tests and I would tend to trust their results should they do the required tests/analysis. We are busy these days trying to come up with the genetic components of a corn and soy bean, that can grow on the planets Mercury and Venus, that will feed the Universe in a hail of bullets coming from Earth. Wish us luck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33238 July 25, 2012 While everyone argues about the weather on the night of the hijacking, they forget an important concept - Trust me, the truth one way on another on Christiansen is going to emerge, and sooner than you think. Yes. Kenneth Christiansen was in fact, Kenneth Christiansen. The rest is all invention by you. You could have an Inventor's Symposium. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33239 July 26, 2012 QuoteGeestman is SO full of it. Geestman even sent Kagan a teddy bear in the mail down to the Go Go Luckey offices in Los Angeles. This was after she and others there caught him calling his sister and asking her to take back everything she said and not speak to History Channel. Well, that didn't work out too well for him. He finally volunteered to drive the 120 miles down to Puyallup from Port Angeles to be interviewed. You would think that after the book came out he would just get a lawyer. You see...that's what INNOCENT people do. EXCUSE ME! Innocent people USED by writers do NOT always have the money to employ an ATTORNEY. Geestman did NOT strike me as a man who had money to spare. NO ATTORNEY will take a deflammation of CHARACTER lawsuit for free. It is very obvious WHY the FBI has not investigated KC! See what I mean - you continue to stir the POT - all you are interested in is selling your book. If you were interested in the truth YOU would have provided me with a way to contact Geestman - but, YOU REFUSED to do that. PROVIDE me with a way to contact him - I want to show the man some pictures and talk to him privately about unrelated Cooper things....and then you just might get some answers. You invaded Geetsman's life and he was probably advised by free legal council to meet with you guys hoping to make you GO AWAY, but instead YOU used his coming as a WAY to INVOLVE him. He did NOT appear to be very WELL in that program and he may be ill and of course like myself AGE is against him. If YOU or THE TV PROGRAM paid for his room and meals and his transportation - he took full advantage of that! What did he get for his efforts - exploitation of his character....! Stick that where it will do you the most good. If you want to find out if GEESTMAN knows anything or is hiding anything - maybe an old lady who has also been damaged by all of this can go where you or others have not and cannot go. Been there - done that! Geestman and I have a lot in common - we are victims and we did NOT know how to contend and communicate with media types like yourself. This means book writers, news reporters,newpaper writers and TV programs. The above think they have to "FLOWER" the story to attract the readers.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33240 July 26, 2012 Quote I have turned all the information I have regarding Christiansen over to the family of the infamous 'Dawn J' from Fox Island. She is important, and I mean VERY. Why? Because when I interviewed her she ID'd without hesitation a picture of the tie tac as one she had seen Christiansen wear previously, said he owned a toupee, testified that she and her friends suspected he was the hijacker from the start, and received FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in cash from him less than six months after the hijacking to buy a house. And we've already established that Christiansen had NO MONEY TO DO THAT. Dawn's family has seen the Decoded show and read the book. They have also spoken to her about all of this. And even though her brother, aka The Liar Bernie Geestman denies it, he's been caught trying to get her to take back everything. I have this from both Pete Berg (associate producer for that episode) and Marisa Kagan at the production company. This is exactly the kind of TACTIC one would expect from you. You stated in the past that the loan Dawn received was arranged by someone else (was it the brother)? Did NOT her brother arrange this loan? If I remember correctly he did. Therefore she did NOT meet KC until after the jump. All Geestman was trying to do - was to reason with his sister - as she HAD no knowlege of KC prior to the incident. It is very easy for a good looking slick writer to plant information in an old woman's mind and that is WHAT YOU DID! You led her down the path with your questions. There by the way is NO evidence Cooper was wearing a Toupe (your 1st mistake). Since Coopers hair was combed back a toupe - would have been easily detectible in 1971. Geestman is probably upset the way you LED his sister along. By the way - why would Cooper wear a tie tac after the fact - a piece of evidence that could have caused him to get caught? Your story has so many holes in it someone SHOULD and could sue you. You were NOT writing a first hand accounting. I could have had a book on the shelves yrs ago - it would all have been "he said" and "she said". Not what I wanted - which is for the FBI and awake up and to be held accountable. I wanted the truth - NOT just A story TO sell for PROFIT! As my life comes to an end - that is ALL I still want - for the FBI to really sit down and show me WHAT they have that PROVES Weber could NOT have been Cooper and to study the flaws I and other researchers have found in their "evidence".Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #33241 July 26, 2012 Jo wrote about Blevins:QuoteI mean - you continue to stir the POT - all you are interested in is selling your book. Blevins has repeatedly made FREE copies of his book available. That doesn't square with your characterization above Jo. Nobody gets rich off a Cooper story. It's a curse. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33242 July 26, 2012 "Georger and Jo have hinted at different times that I 'manipulated' the witnesses somehow, or led them along. That's baloney, and also means you probably haven't even read the Revised edition of the book. If you had, you would know that is not true. I'm not stupid, you know. If you want to draw honest info out of people on a sensitive subject, you don't just walk up to them and give the game away." That's Preposterous! More likely the witnesses (and others) manipulated Bleep. It is a fact that the whole story was a set-up from the beginning (Kenny's Will reading) but the instigator was reported by TOG to be Lyle. I believe that, because I got the story before Bleep. Who told Bleep the story? There be your SOB. I find it totally impossible to believe Bleep is even 10% as stupid as he would have to be to buy into that whole package. Ozzie Osborne has more reasoning than that. Duhdaradamtobaaduhuh? Acid too?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33243 July 26, 2012 keep naming names Bobby, I got some reporters working on your story, I hope you will be available for any questions they have if they come on here, since you don't want to go "public" I'll bring them here and you can give all the names or just refer back on what you have said. Bill Rataczak instigated Lyle? "PM message from Bob Knoss when asked: "Who is TOG?" Answer From Bob Knoss: "Bill Rataczak (DO NOT REPEAT THIS) ""It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33244 July 26, 2012 I see that you are here....BobKnoss Viewing posts (Flat mode) Jul 26, 2012, 5:32 AM 5:42 you were writing a post reply.....where did it go? "Poof" I think you are better off in the "Flat Mode" "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33245 July 26, 2012 QuoteQuoteTo the Media: Just so you don't have to file through the many pages on this thread, I'll bring you up to date. Bob Knoss has made claims for years now (kind of out of the spotlight) saying the the hijacking of flight 305 was a Government cover up directed by Richard Nixon and played out by ex-cons and a gentleman by the name of Richard Floyd McCoy who also hijacked an airline several months after flight 305, Bob has swore up and down that McCoy is still alive and was the person who got Duane L Weber out of prison early because McCoy was a US Marshal, Bob also claims that the flight path given by the FBI was 15 miles east of the real flight path, Bob also claims that Janet, a witness to the plane flying over her house also saw a man on the steps of the plane and flares being tossed from the stairway. Bob has also implicated Nick O'Hara the person known to have shot and killed McCoy to being involved with the cover up, Bob once again implicates Bill Rataczak, Agent Carr, Tina Muclow and Ralph Himmelsbach of all being part of the cover up. He claims the chute with the X on it was a plant so Cooper would have the tools he needed to make the jump, Bob also claims that the money was buried in a milk can by the Columbia River and poped up like a cork after the flood of 79 I believe, Bob has gone on making claims as far as Hollywood, by stating that Rocky v was dedicated to Richard Floyd McCoy. as far as I can remember Bob has included the CIA, US Marshals, the Pentagon, the Pilots Union, The Government of The United States were all included in this 'Cover-Up" and instead of using Military personnel, they used EX-Cons to pull this off. Bob has claimed that Richard Floyd McCoy was not in Vietnam and was used to make this plan all come together. For any further information, you can ask me, or ask Bob Knoss personally, he is always on here to speak the truth! Chief is having a hard time breathing after reading this he is laughing so hard. Matt That is almost a nice summary of what I believe to be true based on my experiences, yes. It is only PART of what I have offered, but I have never changed my statements. Mr. Cline makes a few critical mistakes in his frequent badgering posts of my belief. He will not correct his errors and I disavow responsibility for his slanderous statements. I see no positive purposes in his posts except to entice a response to badger me further. Kind of an entrapment ploy using my honesty against me. I have stated in the past that the insiders think this is a big joke. I have experienced huge fits of laughter coming from most of them at one time or another. Real F'n funny! Carr is no different. Just another convincing bit of information for me. I see absolutely NOTHING funny about fooling everyone as a National JOKE. There were people that were affected. Maybe a little turn-about is fair pay-back, considering we don't have the power to correct or rectify any injustices caused by this 'terribly funny joke.' Maybe the only thing left to do IS ROFLMAO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #33246 July 26, 2012 Quote I see that you are here....BobKnoss Viewing posts (Flat mode) Jul 26, 2012, 5:32 AM 5:42 you were writing a post reply.....where did it go? "Poof" I think you are better off in the "Flat Mode" Now you "Ly in wait to ambush?" Moving up on the ladder? I take no responsibility for your posts. That is your doing, not mine. If I were not absolutely correct, you would have no time to keep harassing me. You simply reinforce the series of events I offer. You stand out like a beginner shingler's swollen thumb! You need a plan! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33247 July 26, 2012 Bob, Quade would have said something if Matt's posting was incorrect! I don't see you asking Quade if this was fabricated? I have a gentleman who runs a website that deals in Historical news, will you talk to this man if he come on here? he wants to run your story with all of the names you have included, we MUST get this TRUTH outside this thread Bob, you want to carry the torch of TRUTH, this is your golden opportunity, you can not claim "whistleblower status" on a thread! once again you are claiming everyone else is "badgering" or "slanderous" to you while you sit back and claim everything you say is TRUE without any evidence of what you say has any merit!! once your story gets out, I will get this story made public through websites, news sources and then I will load them onto Torrent sites and seed them so the reach is further in getting your story out on the terrible wrong doing. Bob, you can't expect people to just sit in idle with this ever growing story you claim you have! I'm am dead set on making you a hero to the United State by exposing this wonderful story you claim "whistleblower status" on! I want people such as Nick O'Hara, Rataczak, Ralph Himmelsbach etc etc to see this story unfold from different sites other than just here! after reading this from different sources perhaps they will finally come forward like you have! right? Fasten your seat belt Bob, the Cooper vein has been escape from the TRUTH "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #33248 July 26, 2012 GEORGER: You say: "The FBI is more than capable to conduct these tests and I would tend to trust their results should they do the required tests/analysis." My question to you and the Citizen Sleuth Team is" why haven't the FBI done the obvious and obtained the DNA from the envelopes/stamps of the four letters?" I just returned from a Russian UofW cruise and on the cruise I was able to talk with an expert in DNA who says that the envelopes/stamps would provide a very good source for DNA of the person mailing the four letters. I am going to have the expert and Bruce Smith get together for lunch with me shortly. Bruce can then report what the expert says. DB could have wiped the fingerprints away but would not have thought about DNA as it was not used in those days to solve cases. This opertunity to get the old but undisturbed DNA from the four letters should not be overlooked and I hope the Citizen Sleuth Team can get the FBI to take advantage of this last piece of evidence available in the DB Cooper case. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33249 July 26, 2012 I agree, but it seems they feel that the letters are nothing, but yet the cost would be minimal for the testing I would say. Idla "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #33250 July 26, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteTo the Media: Just so you don't have to file through the many pages on this thread, I'll bring you up to date. Bob Knoss has made claims for years now (kind of out of the spotlight) saying the the hijacking of flight 305 was a Government cover up directed by Richard Nixon and played out by ex-cons and a gentleman by the name of Richard Floyd McCoy who also hijacked an airline several months after flight 305, Bob has swore up and down that McCoy is still alive and was the person who got Duane L Weber out of prison early because McCoy was a US Marshal, Bob also claims that the flight path given by the FBI was 15 miles east of the real flight path, Bob also claims that Janet, a witness to the plane flying over her house also saw a man on the steps of the plane and flares being tossed from the stairway. Bob has also implicated Nick O'Hara the person known to have shot and killed McCoy to being involved with the cover up, Bob once again implicates Bill Rataczak, Agent Carr, Tina Muclow and Ralph Himmelsbach of all being part of the cover up. He claims the chute with the X on it was a plant so Cooper would have the tools he needed to make the jump, Bob also claims that the money was buried in a milk can by the Columbia River and poped up like a cork after the flood of 79 I believe, Bob has gone on making claims as far as Hollywood, by stating that Rocky v was dedicated to Richard Floyd McCoy. as far as I can remember Bob has included the CIA, US Marshals, the Pentagon, the Pilots Union, The Government of The United States were all included in this 'Cover-Up" and instead of using Military personnel, they used EX-Cons to pull this off. Bob has claimed that Richard Floyd McCoy was not in Vietnam and was used to make this plan all come together. For any further information, you can ask me, or ask Bob Knoss personally, he is always on here to speak the truth! Chief is having a hard time breathing after reading this he is laughing so hard. Matt That is almost a nice summary of what I believe to be true based on my experiences, yes. It is only PART of what I have offered, but I have never changed my statements. Mr. Cline makes a few critical mistakes in his frequent badgering posts of my belief. He will not correct his errors and I disavow responsibility for his slanderous statements. I see no positive purposes in his posts except to entice a response to badger me further. Kind of an entrapment ploy using my honesty against me. I have stated in the past that the insiders think this is a big joke. I have experienced huge fits of laughter coming from most of them at one time or another. Real F'n funny! Carr is no different. Just another convincing bit of information for me. I see absolutely NOTHING funny about fooling everyone as a National JOKE. There were people that were affected. Maybe a little turn-about is fair pay-back, considering we don't have the power to correct or rectify any injustices caused by this 'terribly funny joke.' Maybe the only thing left to do IS ROFLMAO. I have made no slanderous post about you, only quoted you exactly and proved the posts validity with the screen shots. Deny your lie all you want, but you made it, not me. I am happy that two media entities are willing to run with this story and base their work, on, your story. If your story is truthful, you should want to tell it to the world. If this is just a place for you to feel included, then of course continue to fabricate and deny. But there are actual physical locations you could try for more value. MattAn Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites