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DB Cooper

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Uh oh, you posted truth and fact in the "Cooper" thread!


Crap!! I knew someone would catch that B|;):ph34r:
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Blevins said: Auburn Days has been a big success. The Book Swap was crazy. They let me address from the main stage a couple of times. I did a sicko poem at the theater, discussed Kindle and Today's Digital Publishing.

Blevins, this might fall under the category of TMI, too much information. And to think, you could have organized a DBC symposium at Auburn. Instead, we get to hear your wonderful anecdotes about books and poems and other such irrelevant information. I guess that was your intention all along. Wished you would have just said up front that you were never interested in doing something really productive and useful -- like organizing a quality symposium. The real you just continues to emerge -- it's the gift that just keeps on giving.

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Blevins said: Well, Auburn Days is over for another year...and I'm still interested in supporting the idea of a second Cooper symposium. To be honest, only if there is enough strong interest in having one.


What does your Auburn Days anecdotes have to do with anything here? Thjis falls under the category this time of "TMI: Who cares?" Second Cooper symposium? Will it be as good as your first one? Please Blevins, don't ever offer to put on a DBC symposium, you're not up to it, period.

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Read this:

Smoke In February 1946, after two months of no supervision and watching friends leave for home, the 555th was relieved from attachment to the 13th Airborne Division and attached to the 82nd Airborne Division for administration, training, and supply. It retained its own authority to discipline and manage its own personnel matters. Further attachment was made to the 504th Airborne Infantry Regiment, then commanded by a colonel whose name will go down in history as the originator of "search and destroy missions" in Vietnam. General William C. Westmoreland.

Jumpers part 2

This is the same name in the article - in the magazine Duane Weber had in a safedeposit box.

Westmoreland was at BuDop.

STill trying to understand.

If you guys read the WHOLE article you will pick up on some things about dates.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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at what level of experience would you put Cooper at? do you think he knew what he was doing or was he over his head?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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In 1935 the Forest Service established the Aerial Fire Control Experimental Project in California, and experimented with dropping water and chemicals on wildland fires. Although the retardants tested proved impractical, the improvements made in delivery of cargo by parachute helped set the stage for later experiments with parachute jumping.

By 1939 the Aerial Fire Control Experiment had moved from California to Winthrop, Washington, and was directing all its efforts into parachute jumping. Nine jumpers worked on the project, along with two consultants from the Eagle Parachute Company. During the summer of 1939, some 60 experimental parachute jumps were successfully made into the forests of northern Washington.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Reply to "Skyjack 71"

Jo: I have tried e-mail and leaving phone message for Bruce Smith. No results so far an that worries me as Bruce and I were to meet with my expert DNA worker in the Univ. of Wash. DNA research lab. that I just met during my Russian Alum. trip from Moscow to Saint Petersburg. I had plenty of time to talk with her (the expert) about the possibility of how easy would it be to get the DNA from under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent to the new papers following the DB Caper.

Bruce was to cover the same information and ask anything further when we were to meet with her. My attempts to contact Bruce have had no success. This worries me greatly as Bruce is very active in responding to my e-mails and phone calls normally. I fear he has had some kind of heart attack and is in the Hospital or even worse. Mark (377) have you heard anything?

The DNA expert was willing to go on the record to explain why the DNA covered by stamps or envelope flaps would still be good and easy to investigate. We discussed how this is possibly the only real evidence that the FBI has that they have yet to look into.

I talked with the Lawyer (Galen Cook) looking into the DB Cooper case and he says I am on the right track and to keep after the FBI and he will be talking with Agent Eng in Seattle to help push forward the investigation of the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps. He mentioned the FBI is starting to give some credence to the four letters following the DB Cooper Decoded U-Tube article that found where the words were sniped from the two Playboy magazines to make up the four letters. There was information in the decoding that showed that the writer of the letters knew things about the case that were not known to the public at the time the letters were written. Such as the existence of the clip on black tie etc...

My belief is that Sheridan Peterson is DB and wrote the four letters to show he made the jump and survived. His "perfect alibi" was that he was in Nepal at the time of the caper, so he could not have done it and the FBI bought Sheridan's story. However, the "smoking gun" is the DNA still on the envelopes. When the FBI compares the envelope DNA with that they already have of Sheridan's, the case is blown wide open and solved after all these years.

Agent Eng will become a real hero in the FBI for solving the case? Have the FBI moved to examine the envelopes yet? Will Cook be able to talk Agent Eng into getting the DNA evidence and comparing it with Sheridan?

Meanwhile, where are you Bruce Smith? We hope you are getting well and can let us know soon. You should be really happy when this case is finally solved.

Go Go Go FBI and get that DNA

Bob Sailshaw

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Duane's father moved to CA in 1943 from Ohio with the assistance of an old friend or friend of the family. The 2 photos may explain this research.

Also NOTE in Ohio Duane's Father was a machinist. He made and repaired airplane parts.

I needed and still need to locate a photo taken around 1933 to 1943 of a young man assisting Derry on the ground with one of his chutes.
I needed a complete history backgound of Derry....family, friends, school associates and business associates - times and dates.

It is not just about Duane, but about the brother and his associations and those of his father. Duane had spoke about Derry, but only in passing....it was early on and not in relation to Cooper - just a general conversation during our marriage. I connect Derry and Duane's family I put Weber in a chute or enough knowledge to do the JOB!

Need to find the history of Duane's father in regards to his military records.

Need to know who the other adult woman is in the photo - family photo Duane Treasured because of the memory associated with it.

The photo was taken from what I can tell around 1935 or earlier(judging by the size of Duane and his brother). I believe that in the time frame there may have been an aerial show in CA, but so far have found nothing. Hence WHY they would have taken a trip to CA in that time frame. Duane appears to be about 10 yrs old, the sister about 16 and the oldest brother about 21-23. I am not good at judging age in a photo. What I do know is the bother was 12 or 13 yrs old than Duane and his sister was 6 yrs older than Duane.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Regarding Bruce Smith:
Bruce is GOOD! I got an email from him today - short, but from the jest of it he is reading the thread! He mentioned the beaches with a smile (what I considered a one line smile).
I am just glad he is safe and sound and near family regardless of what his health condition might be or if there is anything seriously wrong. Pehaps he just decided to step away from Cooper for awhile.

Regarding Cook:
So the puppet master is still at it.
He will feed you what he wants to come to the thread. Who knows what he is really up to. I will say this - he was associated with Union representation at one time and Duane's past (confirmed) dealt with providing supplementary insurance to Unions. Remember the picture of a now deceased Governor - Duane treasured that photo (one of the few he had). That Governor had just signed some contracts regarding AL.

Yes the DNA on the letters needs to be addressed, but the only one I am concerned about is the one MAILED near Modesto - 13 miles from Duane's Sister. The sister that thought I was the other wife...until she met me in 2004 very briefly after having a heart attack when she feared her brother was going to tell me her secret. Needless to say - John and I never got to have our conversation because of this.

I seriously doubt Galen has any pull with the FBI regardless of what he claims. That is my personal opinion after what the FBI told me or didn't tell me.

I was under the impression Agent Eng is not longer incharge of the Cooper file...per FBI reactions to contacts by myself and others.

Bruce is in N.Y. or perhaps you missed that post I made back a couple of pages ago!


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Reply to "Skyjack 71"

Jo: I have tried e-mail and leaving phone message for Bruce Smith. No results so far an that worries me as Bruce and I were to meet with my expert DNA worker in the Univ. of Wash. DNA research lab. that I just met during my Russian Alum. trip from Moscow to Saint Petersburg. I had plenty of time to talk with her (the expert) about the possibility of how easy would it be to get the DNA from under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent to the new papers following the DB Caper.

Bruce was to cover the same information and ask anything further when we were to meet with her. My attempts to contact Bruce have had no success. This worries me greatly as Bruce is very active in responding to my e-mails and phone calls normally. I fear he has had some kind of heart attack and is in the Hospital or even worse. Mark (377) have you heard anything?

The DNA expert was willing to go on the record to explain why the DNA covered by stamps or envelope flaps would still be good and easy to investigate. We discussed how this is possibly the only real evidence that the FBI has that they have yet to look into.

I talked with the Lawyer (Galen Cook) looking into the DB Cooper case and he says I am on the right track and to keep after the FBI and he will be talking with Agent Eng in Seattle to help push forward the investigation of the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps. He mentioned the FBI is starting to give some credence to the four letters following the DB Cooper Decoded U-Tube article that found where the words were sniped from the two Playboy magazines to make up the four letters. There was information in the decoding that showed that the writer of the letters knew things about the case that were not known to the public at the time the letters were written. Such as the existence of the clip on black tie etc...

My belief is that Sheridan Peterson is DB and wrote the four letters to show he made the jump and survived. His "perfect alibi" was that he was in Nepal at the time of the caper, so he could not have done it and the FBI bought Sheridan's story. However, the "smoking gun" is the DNA still on the envelopes. When the FBI compares the envelope DNA with that they already have of Sheridan's, the case is blown wide open and solved after all these years.

Agent Eng will become a real hero in the FBI for solving the case? Have the FBI moved to examine the envelopes yet? Will Cook be able to talk Agent Eng into getting the DNA evidence and comparing it with Sheridan?

Meanwhile, where are you Bruce Smith? We hope you are getting well and can let us know soon. You should be really happy when this case is finally solved.

Go Go Go FBI and get that DNA

Bob Sailshaw

If the mtdna they already have is reliable enough to
be exclusionary, then Petey may have already been
excluded if they have Petey's dna, which it seems
they went to some effort to get ...

Your expert will probably agree.

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In 1935 the Forest Service established the Aerial Fire Control Experimental Project in California, and experimented with dropping water and chemicals on wildland fires. Although the retardants tested proved impractical, the improvements made in delivery of cargo by parachute helped set the stage for later experiments with parachute jumping.

By 1939 the Aerial Fire Control Experiment had moved from California to Winthrop, Washington, and was directing all its efforts into parachute jumping. Nine jumpers worked on the project, along with two consultants from the Eagle Parachute Company. During the summer of 1939, some 60 experimental parachute jumps were successfully made into the forests of northern Washington.


You only quoted what you wanted to be known. These were only experiments regarding the chutes. "experimental parachute jumps" from what I have been told it involved a lot of dummies.
Like I have hinted at before and I will use another terminology. You are a Cooper Spook! Perhaps even one set up to enter the thread and dis-spell any hints of the truth that might surface at this time. I will not go so far as to say you are a Government Spook! But if you are connected to the government in anyway - you just might be.

Frankly I am not impressed!
You only use parts of the articles and not the entire article and other material - written yrs ago that disputes your displays of supposed knowledge.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger stated:

If the mtdna they already have is reliable enough to
be exclusionary, then Petey may have already been
excluded if they have Petey's dna, which it seems
they went to some effort to get ...

Well, Georger that is only IF they can prove without a doubt the Tie was actually the tie that Cooper removed. NO one saw him remove the tie. Maybe the tie belonged to Derry! :):D

Did YOU see the actual FBI file and statements from Tina that she saw Cooper remove his tie?
If the tie was shown to her after the fact - and represented to be the tie Cooper left then perhaps it was only a similar tie with NO association to Cooper at all.

Why the time loss in the evidence presented and represented to be an item Cooper was wearing?

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger stated:

If the mtdna they already have is reliable enough to
be exclusionary, then Petey may have already been
excluded if they have Petey's dna, which it seems
they went to some effort to get ...

Well, Georger that is only IF they can prove without a doubt the Tie was actually the tie that Cooper removed. NO one saw him remove the tie. Maybe the tie belonged to Derry! :):D

Did YOU see the actual FBI file and statements from Tina that she saw Cooper remove his tie?
If the tie was shown to her after the fact - and represented to be the tie Cooper left then perhaps it was only a similar tie with NO association to Cooper at all.

Why the time loss in the evidence presented and represented to be an item Cooper was wearing?

and what-if your and Blevins "mantra" is wrong!

wouldn't be the first time - eh?

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Are you kidding me?

Fred Gutt at the Seattle FBI has said that the DNA they have can exclude a suspect, but not match that suspect to a DNA sample from same.

You have no technical knowledge of these matters

You have no idea what Gutt is saying in technical
terms, or is not saying.

But as usual you are fullof opinions and claims.

Give us a clinic-symposium on genetic testing,
Sham Wow Blevins!

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Duane's father moved to CA in 1943 from Ohio with the assistance of an old friend or friend of the family. The 2 photos may explain this research.

Also NOTE in Ohio Duane's Father was a machinist. He made and repaired airplane parts.

I needed and still need to locate a photo taken around 1933 to 1943 of a young man assisting Derry on the ground with one of his chutes.
I needed a complete history backgound of Derry....family, friends, school associates and business associates - times and dates.

It is not just about Duane, but about the brother and his associations and those of his father. Duane had spoke about Derry, but only in passing....it was early on and not in relation to Cooper - just a general conversation during our marriage. I connect Derry and Duane's family I put Weber in a chute or enough knowledge to do the JOB!

Need to find the history of Duane's father in regards to his military records.

Need to know who the other adult woman is in the photo - family photo Duane Treasured because of the memory associated with it.

The photo was taken from what I can tell around 1935 or earlier(judging by the size of Duane and his brother). I believe that in the time frame there may have been an aerial show in CA, but so far have found nothing. Hence WHY they would have taken a trip to CA in that time frame. Duane appears to be about 10 yrs old, the sister about 16 and the oldest brother about 21-23. I am not good at judging age in a photo. What I do know is the bother was 12 or 13 yrs old than Duane and his sister was 6 yrs older than Duane.

I don't need you to repeat your off track trash for me.

Duane's father made plane parts, big deal, 25+ years before the hijacking. SO not hardly the same materials and not the same model plane.

You have NOT connected Duane a Derry, you have suggested it.

Your history of the Smoke Jumpers and 555th has been corrected.

Your own admission has the family out of touch with Duane the con for decades, hardly a good way to gleam information and skills.

So stop with the side trips, put out proof that makes headway.

If you want info you go get it. The rest of us feel this is a dead end and are not going to waist out efforts just trying to complete a family history.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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In 1935 the Forest Service established the Aerial Fire Control Experimental Project in California, and experimented with dropping water and chemicals on wildland fires. Although the retardants tested proved impractical, the improvements made in delivery of cargo by parachute helped set the stage for later experiments with parachute jumping.

By 1939 the Aerial Fire Control Experiment had moved from California to Winthrop, Washington, and was directing all its efforts into parachute jumping. Nine jumpers worked on the project, along with two consultants from the Eagle Parachute Company. During the summer of 1939, some 60 experimental parachute jumps were successfully made into the forests of northern Washington.


You only quoted what you wanted to be known. These were only experiments regarding the chutes. "experimental parachute jumps" from what I have been told it involved a lot of dummies.See above
Like I have hinted at before and I will use another terminology. You are a Cooper Spook! Perhaps even one set up to enter the thread and dis-spell any hints of the truth that might surface at this time. I will not go so far as to say you are a Government Spook! But if you are connected to the government in anyway - you just might be.Pure Bull shit

Frankly I am not impressed!
You only use parts of the articles and not the entire article and other material - written yrs ago that disputes your displays of supposed knowledge.I provide the links, you don't read them, that is your issue not mine. I have knowledge and experience, you do not.

You and BK drink the same cool aid.

The quote was from the same web page you (ironically) want to use as proof you're right. IF you had read the whole page you would see that: YES! Derry had LIVE REAL PEOPLE Jumping before 1940.

Why is it so hard to accept that memories can be wrong and fade over time? notes can be misread and with flawed memories misrepresented?

Yet, it still has nothing to do with the hijacking.

Stop fixating on me, and how right I am about this. It is flattering but you're the one who is distracted from the threads goal. Proving who "Cooper" is.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Georger stated:

If the mtdna they already have is reliable enough to
be exclusionary, then Petey may have already been
excluded if they have Petey's dna, which it seems
they went to some effort to get ...

Well, Georger that is only IF they can prove without a doubt the Tie was actually the tie that Cooper removed. NO one saw him remove the tie. Maybe the tie belonged to Derry! :):D

Did YOU see the actual FBI file and statements from Tina that she saw Cooper remove his tie?
If the tie was shown to her after the fact - and represented to be the tie Cooper left then perhaps it was only a similar tie with NO association to Cooper at all.

Why the time loss in the evidence presented and represented to be an item Cooper was wearing?

So the dead man committed the hijacking? or provided a tie to the hijacker in his death?[:/]

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Like a fart in the wind, Cline, if you can post a little faster you might turn to butter! What a frickin' idiot! A head on a broom stick. You contribute absolutely NOTHING to any conversation. You HAVE to know how dumb you sound, don't you? At least Bleep can express a point, even if it's wrong. What a collection of people in need! Adios.

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Like a fart in the wind, Cline, if you can post a little faster you might turn to butter! What a frickin' idiot! A head on a broom stick. You contribute absolutely NOTHING to any conversation. You HAVE to know how dumb you sound, don't you? At least Bleep can express a point, even if it's wrong. What a collection of people in need! Adios.

Knoss, Make the "Adios" permanent and that will definitely improve this thread.

And while you are leaving, take Jo Weber and all the other characters with their favorite "Cooper Candidates" with you.


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In 1935 the Forest Service established the Aerial Fire Control Experimental Project in California, and experimented with dropping water and chemicals on wildland fires. Although the retardants tested proved impractical, the improvements made in delivery of cargo by parachute helped set the stage for later experiments with parachute jumping.

By 1939 the Aerial Fire Control Experiment had moved from California to Winthrop, Washington, and was directing all its efforts into parachute jumping. Nine jumpers worked on the project, along with two consultants from the Eagle Parachute Company. During the summer of 1939, some 60 experimental parachute jumps were successfully made into the forests of northern Washington.


You only quoted what you wanted to be known. These were only experiments regarding the chutes. "experimental parachute jumps" from what I have been told it involved a lot of dummies.
Like I have hinted at before and I will use another terminology. You are a Cooper Spook! Perhaps even one set up to enter the thread and dis-spell any hints of the truth that might surface at this time. I will not go so far as to say you are a Government Spook! But if you are connected to the government in anyway - you just might be.

Frankly I am not impressed!
You only use parts of the articles and not the entire article and other material - written yrs ago that disputes your displays of supposed knowledge.

Jo, With your demanding that other people produce all kinds of proof to support their statements, let's look at your investigative accomplishments.

You haven't even proven that Duane ever claimed that he was D. B. Cooper.

Even if Duane did claim that, it would just place him in the same category as about 1000 other goof balls who have made the same claim.

And your checking into Duane's background, if that is what you want to call it, has never produced ANYTHING
to support him being Cooper.

Can you give a logical, or even coherent, explanation for what you are doing on this thread?


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Like a fart in the wind, Cline, if you can post a little faster you might turn to butter! What a frickin' idiot! A head on a broom stick. You contribute absolutely NOTHING to any conversation. You HAVE to know how dumb you sound, don't you? At least Bleep can express a point, even if it's wrong. What a collection of people in need! Adios.

Ah yes, when presented with facts and proven historical data, you must use the good old PA.

The use of a PA shows one has no argument, no point to debate. Insults from you, like I told Jo, are more a statement towards your character than any thing else.

Your story, is so fluid, it should be used to ease the nations water shortage issues!

So now you and Jo have two completely different stories on how it could be Duane Weber. But at least in her circumstantial story, she has circumstantial evidence. I do not think it adds up, as do many here, but at least she has some form of evidence.

I would actually like her to be right for her theory, just to put the egg from her face, on yours.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I notice you didn't actually comment upon that claim, but merely postured yourself again. If you are an expert, you should have given an opinion rather than making the statement you did. You think Gutt's full of it, doesn't know what he is talking about, what?

Of course its posturing. But only because you are
making this difficult - 500x as hard as it is.

Drop a nickle in the slot and the monkey will talk.

Blue Fairy.

Or, get off your lazy ass and read the thread.

Are you a responsibility shifter? Another Deadbeat
Cooperite looking for a free ride on some premise
it's owed you ?

You aren't Blue Fairy! You're just another broken toy
looking for a free dream ending, at any cost. You
think dreaming is FREE and owed you!

Borrow another nickel from Gayla and place your bet,
again, Sham Wow man.

Recycle yourself and your postering again, Sham.
Or, just read the thread and ask an intelligent
question for a change vs. claims and advisories
from Blue Fairy Adventure Books.


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