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DB Cooper

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Once again I have exceeded the bounds of generosity and cobbled an image of the suspect letter sent to a newspaper. I have included the ticket which Cooper was issued where his name is in fact Dan and not the widely published, and incorrect, DB. You will notice that whoever wrote the letter also spazzed out on the postage, with a pair of 6 cent stamps instead of the 8 cents required. I guess even a mastermind like Cooper can blow it and forget to buy some 2 cent, filler stamps. Looks like the system beat his silly ass that time. I excluded the letter where Cooper mentions the $200,000 is for revolution, as this is clearly a hoax since the ‘Real Cooper’ knew he only had $194,200. Who besides the most mentally infirm would have considered that legit? Pulllllease.

I also included an image of the letter AND painstakingly transcribed the entire document like a Trappist Monk. That is if Trappist Monks were wicked cool and took a couple nuns to heaven and back on a daily basis, then that’s just how I did it. You can see the message isn’t that long, so sailshaw should be able to answer two questions about how he surmised a “black tie” is mentioned. If you would be so kind sailshaw as to explain either of the following:

1. Where in this letter is there mention of a tie? It could be ANY tie, like a bit of haberdashery, creosote soaked wood used in railroads, a pair of exact finishing times in a race, that device which holds a bread bag closed, that dude that co-starred with Randy Mantooth in ‘Emergency!’ or a citizen of Thailand. You see, I’m open to any type of tie, thus saving you from having to ask for some faux clarification, where it is obviously a stalling technique. How did you (sailshaw) extract a tie from the DB Cooper letter? Please explain your process or simply point out what must be a painfully obvious reference to a tie. I’m simply too dense and thick to see it. Many thanks in advance for your thoughtful, complete and kind answer.

2. Where is there any mention of the color black? This does not even have to be associated with the tie, even though YOU (sailshaw) said the letter referenced a black tie. I’m just too cool to make you do all that extra work, so I’m just asking for the reference to the color black. It could be the classic definition where black is represented by the amalgam of all the frequencies in the visible light spectrum or the total absence of the same. Or even Navy blue which is defined as ‘black in appearance’ will suffice. Again you can use anything which may not necessarily be in the color realm but something emotive like a black mood or perhaps racial as with black people. You see I’m looking for how you (sailshaw) found or interpreted ‘black’ out of this sixteen word letter. You (sailshaw) said that you only mentioned a black tie and did not (not that is) call it a clip-on. Well, you can be sure that I will make it my life’s mission that you (sailshaw) get full and constant credit for mentioning the ‘black tie’ in the Cooper letter, which is attached to this comment for all to see for themselves.

Here’s where you (sailshaw) can demonstrate your objective, sincere, honest and genuine approach to this subject, which is a refreshing change from the usual techniques which involve: deception, fabrication, delusion, faux authority, confirmation bias, cold readings, conjuring, force of wills, douchebaggery, false statements, hearsay, lore, Satan’s frothy stool, denial, deflection, leaps of logic, time travel, the reversal of river courses, vanity, braggadocio, false witness, data mining, misrepresentation, data suppression, asshattery, assclownery, attention whoring, abject disdain for science and a couple things that might actually embarrass the average person.

There you have it. I know that there’s no chance of a mea culpa being issued and penned with contrition or humility as that would make the planet implode. If I were a betting man, the next move will involve an explanation, or the brilliant technique where the subject goes all quiet for a while, then reappears assuming that everyone has forgotten their last faux pas. But then I’ve always been an all or nun kind of guy.

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Farflung: Tell them to bring you your pills as your thinking is not as good as it used to be.

You say: "I have attached a graphic, which holds an eerie similarity to the previous one which illustrates just what was being communicated AND BY WHOM".

Look at your information it says clip on bow tie in the DB Decoded. You some how add the clip on to the regular black tie that DB left on the plane. You are a little mixed-up but that is OK as we are all getting a little older. All I said was add the black tie to the list of things mentioned in the DB Decoded (not a clip on or clip on bow tie).

However, read what I say as I try to say it very clearly and it needs to be read clearly.

Thanks again,
Bob Sailshaw

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Farflung: You have really missed your pills and have gone off on a toot like KOSS.

You say: "Yet sailshaw remains baffled, in spite of my best effort, which hails far beyond anything sailshaw has ever contributed or offered to this thread (I’ll assume all others as well)."

OK Farflung, I have offered a quick solution to the DB Cooper Case (Compare the DNA under the Stamps/Envelope with that of Sheridan). That would blow the case wide open after 40 years of nothing but stumbling over the trivia that led nowhere.

So, I have offered a quick solution. Have you offered a solution? No, but some good laughs and now at yourself.

Bob Sailshaw

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Straight from the DBCOOPERDECODED web site which you give such credence sailshaw.

It’s a leading ‘cold reading’ which is favored by fortune tellers and psychics advertising the ability to speak with the dead on the high numbered channels on cable TV. I did not reference this activity, you did and got caught, the character ‘W’ is NOT a tie. Now you want to deflect how I added some attribute when I say they are all malarkey since they are fruit gleaned from a poison tree. That letter makes no mention of any tie, but you see one somehow.

A rational thinker would compare the DNA from the envelope or stamps to the DNA on the tie first, but you wisely want to compare it to Sheridan…..weird. Don’t worry your bias is well hidden. I need to take a pill now.

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exactly, by not listening to your BS would be the first step, so, are you ready "whistleblower" or is this more of your misleading information.

again...put up or shut bob....plain and simple, I'm giving you a chance to prove your story and you respond with nonsense!

Apples beget apples. You are not my friend. You have no interest in my experiences, you call me liar, crazy, etc., you have presented only bad information and only attack my every post. I speak of what really happened. It is the way it was. Bite me.

There are better avenues than your booby-trapped snares and I'll take the other road, thank you.

all you are doing is denying coming forward Bob, you will not have a choice soon anyway, you want to claim whistleblower status but quickly back down when confronted, cowards do this Bob, do you want to be branded a coward? you not making any sense only talking about this HUGE crime on here Bob, then you respond with "bite me" your deformed pictures of your Family and your profile pic tells a lot about you Bob, you think it's funny while other are not laughing!!

let the record show that Bob has left the battlefield once again non victorious,.....

Always wrong. Always trying, very trying. It is the FBI that laughs at us all. I'd sue, given an opportunity, not funny. Yes, bite me. You are the cause, not the solution. Overzealous FBI that STILL operates under J. Edgar rules. Promised to fix it, no more Ruby Ridge, no more Waco, no more Monroes, Kings, etc. Bullshit. No real oversight of any value at all. Rotten to the core. Time to clean house.

Ahhh, there it is.:S

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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you are the problem Bob, these are your problems that do not add up and then you try and say it's not relevant evidence?

these are your problems to solve, not mine or anyone else's, remember you are the record keeper!!!

explain your 15 miles west of the FBI flight path? 9th attempt
explain how you think Janet is in Portland and not Vancouver?
explain how you think a milk can buried close to a river would not rust out and damage contents after 5+ years?
explain why you are the only known person who can't give correct Induction/Exam dates? 5th attempt
explain how you told Matt TOG was Bill Rataczak and see a screen shot and still deny it?
explain how you think you fall under a "whistleblower? 3rd attempt
explain how you are the only one in the world with this story?
explain where exactly the Oil Pipeline is running along the Columbia? 5th attempt
explain again the reason for a 15 mile hike?

Bob these are all stories said and written by you and you only, you keep talking about truth but have yet to back up a single thing! including your own background.

as for " booby-trapped snares" that's another cop out, why would gong public with the truth you speak of be a "booby-trapped snares" ??? Mr Squartino is a news reporter that has ties to ABC or NBC I forget but he is interested in a story about this and you are running away in fear why Bob? these people involved would not get in any trouble since they are linked to the Government right? they could just have another fake trial like yours and everybody goes home and Bob gets the credit for getting the story out to the Public and not just on some parachute thread right!

Time to man up and stop using your Liberal tactics to tell your story Bob, stand up for your Country and take a bullet Bob! remember you hate what they did to you and your dead buddy MAC can still relocate to another grave if needed!

Bob, before you comment with hatred which I'm sure you will do, please explain the above questions that were started by YOU! not me or Matt but your story! answer it!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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A rational thinker would compare the DNA from the envelope or stamps to the DNA on the tie first

I agree with this. And, fWIW, how do we know that the FBI hasn't done this.
And fWIW again, the subject of obtaining DNA from the envelope was mentioned way back in 2008 by snowmman in a post about another letter and, in that discussion, ckret subsequently posted this:

"Lots of "Cooper" letters have been sent to the FBI, this was the first one. In fact, every time something comes out on the news I get some. I actually know where this one is and will scan and post it when I get back from vacation (2 weeks).
I also remember reading a lab report about it but can't say 100% without going back so I'll wait posting on it. Safe to assume nothing came of it."

Smokin sez: I haven't found yet that he ever scanned the letter or produced results of the "lab report". Just saying that there might have been more attention paid to the letters than we give them credit for.

And this from Bruce Smith mentions "New DNA evidence". The FBI interview with Peterson and DNA swab happened around 2002 or 2003 and I don't think there was any mention of where the "New DNA evidence came from". Was it the Tie? Or maybe they found the cigarettes, magazine, drink glass? Or could it have been the letters/envelopes? I don't know. does anyone outside of the FBI know this?

From Bruce's post....
"Mary Jean received a “lead” from the Seattle FBI office to “locate” Sheridan Peterson and conduct an inquiry regarding Petey’s association to the Cooper case, such as his parachuting skills, and take a DNA swab. She believes the lead was generated by new DNA evidence coming forward, and it originated in Seattle, but she doesn’t remember the case agent who issued the lead. She also said that Petey fit the general metrics for DB Cooper, i.e.: age, jumper, etc."
"Mary Jean didn’t know about the 1971 investigation of Petey prior to the interview, but Petey volunteered the information.
Mary Jean was very impressed with Petey’s recall and the volume of documents he has on his life, such as his skydiving log."
[Smokin sez - Incidentally, the Parachutist Online article written by Musika Farnsworth stated that Peterson provided fingerprints, DNA, and proof of his whereabouts when interviewed "clearing him as a suspect".
"Mary Jean said that she sent the DNA swab to Quantico, and that she later “received a cover” informing her that the findings were negative."

Just some additional perspective. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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You guys are correct in assuming the letters could have been processed for all anyone knows.

It’s this silly presumption that all four letters ARE from Cooper and how one contains information not known to the public if you make seven or eight assumptions.

So let’s assume Cooper is a mastermind criminal who rages against the machine known as the United States government for a moment. Now Cooper, the mastermind can’t find the correct postage to mail a letter which he has constructed entirely from…. Oh what were they…. The Economist?... No, ahh…. US News and World Report….nope that wasn’t the periodical…. ummm Mother Jones…. gosh what was that magazine that oozes intellectual rebel and independent thinker, favored by engineers designing the system that beats the system? Of course….. Playboy. Yes, Playboy would be the natural choice by someone who isn’t some ‘Joe Six-pack’ jerk-off who can’t find an 8 cent stamp, looking to play some beer fueled prank. Cooper was so careful to have his handwritten note returned that it makes sense he would now expose his penmanship by addressing the envelope. Plus he would imbed secret messages associated with the ads and articles from which he created his missive.

And what was Cooper’s SECRET message? That he drank bourbon, wore a tie and smoked. Newsflash DB, the entire planet already knew that, so thanks a million Captain Obvious. If he really wanted to set the news wires on fire, he should have mentioned that missing $5,800 or where he hucked that placard, but nooooooooo, he decides to admit to well dressed, smoking and drinking.

Then Cooper would do the exact same thing, only entirely differently, by making his next letter from some newspaper which has no hidden messages, which proves just what a master genius he is. Who else would go to such lengths to hide a message, then do virtually the same thing without any subtext or message? Only DB Cooper, of course! Gosh, he sure is a smart one, that for sure.

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This is a reply to smoking99, farflung, mrshutter45, guru312, and georger.

Thanks guys for piling on and trying to discredit an honest attempt to solve the DB Cooper case.

Jeus H Blevins! Do I have to spell this out! ?

Follow these instructions:

(1) Contact owner of 23 & Me.

(2) Ask: "Will you test some DBC letters for mtdna" ?

(3) He will either answer or not.

I see Blev is back - that was another short month.
Blev-time. In the year Blev12.

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you are the problem Bob, these are your problems that do not add up and then you try and say it's not relevant evidence?

these are your problems to solve, not mine or anyone else's, remember you are the record keeper!!!

explain your 15 miles west of the FBI flight path? 9th attempt
explain how you think Janet is in Portland and not Vancouver?
explain how you think a milk can buried close to a river would not rust out and damage contents after 5+ years?
explain why you are the only known person who can't give correct Induction/Exam dates? 5th attempt
explain how you told Matt TOG was Bill Rataczak and see a screen shot and still deny it?
explain how you think you fall under a "whistleblower? 3rd attempt
explain how you are the only one in the world with this story?
explain where exactly the Oil Pipeline is running along the Columbia? 5th attempt
explain again the reason for a 15 mile hike?

Bob these are all stories said and written by you and you only, you keep talking about truth but have yet to back up a single thing! including your own background.

as for " booby-trapped snares" that's another cop out, why would gong public with the truth you speak of be a "booby-trapped snares" ??? Mr Squartino is a news reporter that has ties to ABC or NBC I forget but he is interested in a story about this and you are running away in fear why Bob? these people involved would not get in any trouble since they are linked to the Government right? they could just have another fake trial like yours and everybody goes home and Bob gets the credit for getting the story out to the Public and not just on some parachute thread right!

Time to man up and stop using your Liberal tactics to tell your story Bob, stand up for your Country and take a bullet Bob! remember you hate what they did to you and your dead buddy MAC can still relocate to another grave if needed!

Bob, before you comment with hatred which I'm sure you will do, please explain the above questions that were started by YOU! not me or Matt but your story! answer it!

Sufficient explanation has been given. I'm not proving the case. I'm simply telling you what the facts are. You want to prove the case, you find the facts I'm telling you and YOU prove it. I'm just a snitch whispering in your ear. Bite me.

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Sufficient explanation has been given. I'm not proving the case. I'm simply telling you what the facts are. You want to prove the case, you find the facts I'm telling you and YOU prove it. I'm just a snitch whispering in your ear. Bite me.

Knoss, There is no way on earth you can be a snitch!

The term "snitch" means an "informer" and that implies knowledge of something that is used to rat out someone else.

Since you don't know what you are talking about in the first place, you don't have any information to pass along in order to rat out anyone.

With no information, you don't have anything to "snitch" about. Sorry.


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I see once again a bunch of childish jibber coming out of you typed mouth, by not answering the questions tells us all you are full of hot air Bob.

It's not my position to find your proof that is no where to be found, you are lying and have been caught more times than one can count.

I don't have to prove nothing Bob, what I have proven in the past is that you lied about your exam/Induction because you got it backwards and your little milk theory doesn't work either! "Got Milk!"

keep making a fool of yourself Bob thinking you have all the cards! all you are holding is Jokers! there is an ace hiding in the deck and it's about to be shown!

Let us not forget your BS story about how you said Flying Cloud changed it's name B|;):D

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Sufficient explanation has been given. I'm not proving the case. I'm simply telling you what the facts are. You want to prove the case, you find the facts I'm telling you and YOU prove it. I'm just a snitch whispering in your ear. Bite me.

Knoss, There is no way on earth you can be a snitch!

The term "snitch" means an "informer" and that implies knowledge of something that is used to rat out someone else.

Since you don't know what you are talking about in the first place, you don't have any information to pass along in order to rat out anyone.

With no information, you don't have anything to "snitch" about. Sorry.


once again Bob is feeding off of others, Jo said she thinks he was the person who snitched McCoy out, you know the dead guy he talks too??????????

Bob was so busy being the "record keeper" he wrapped everything up and was in the North Dakota by Christmas of 71 which means he was packing up and leaving while the biggest cover up was going on B|

the picture is from when I caught him using his College buddy who a while back claimed haapala counted the money and yet said nothing about the radio fix, God he is easy to catch :)
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Whistleblower......is a person who tells the public ( a thread is not considered Public)or someone in authority about alleged dishonest or illegal activities

Snitch........Someone who gives up incriminating evidence to people they have no business talking to in the first place. Some snitch because they need attention others snitch because they are scared.

Attention is about the only thing that fits you Bob!!

you don not fit either category Bob, please stop using these terms! while your at it stop all together Bob!!!

Troll...is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."

now this category fits you like a glove! has your name ALL over it Bob!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, "Leverage" is a crime drama, and based on the one episode I saw, not a very good one. It is purely fictional. Last nights episode was about a dying FBI agent who was unable to solve the Cooper case. The detectives in the show of course solved it. Cooper bailed out of the plane and hooked up with the stewardess from the flight and married her (The stewardess name was made up). He was then hired by the FBI as an agent to help solve the Cooper case. Check with Knoss, maybe there is some "truth" to this. Weber and McCoy both were mentioned in the show. Sorry, I should have pointed out that this was fiction.
"They were saying he was never gonna make it now, now that daylight had set in. But later that night, they were shining those lights back down on that mountain again." - Todd Snider

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Georger says in part:


'Jeus H Blevins! Do I have to spell this out! ?

Follow these instructions:

(1) Contact owner of 23 & Me.

(2) Ask: "Will you test some DBC letters for mtdna" ?

(3) He will either answer or not.

I see Blev is back - that was another short month.
Blev-time. In the year Blev12....'

I said I was busy but I would post up if I had something to contribute. I posted up a picture someone asked about. I posted up a tribute to Neil Armstrong. Big deal. Next time you use my name like that in an insulting manner, there will be a written response to it with pictures and quotes. Not at DZ, of course. Have a great day, JW.

why do you keep directing your post to me >:(
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Georger says in part:


'Jeus H Blevins! Do I have to spell this out! ?

Follow these instructions:

(1) Contact owner of 23 & Me.

(2) Ask: "Will you test some DBC letters for mtdna" ?

(3) He will either answer or not.

I see Blev is back - that was another short month.
Blev-time. In the year Blev12....'

I said I was busy but I would post up if I had something to contribute. I posted up a picture someone asked about. I posted up a tribute to Neil Armstrong. Big deal. Next time you use my name like that in an insulting manner, there will be a written response to it with pictures and quotes. Not at DZ, of course. Have a great day, JW.

Blevins my initials are JW. Are you referring to me? I only post here and go places and look things up. Do I need to go to your site to see what you are referring to?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger says in part:


'Jeus H Blevins! Do I have to spell this out! ?

Follow these instructions:

(1) Contact owner of 23 & Me.

(2) Ask: "Will you test some DBC letters for mtdna" ?

(3) He will either answer or not.

I see Blev is back - that was another short month.
Blev-time. In the year Blev12....'

I said I was busy but I would post up if I had something to contribute. I posted up a picture someone asked about. I posted up a tribute to Neil Armstrong. Big deal. Next time you use my name like that in an insulting manner, there will be a written response to it with pictures and quotes. Not at DZ, of course. Have a great day, JW.

why do you keep directing your post to me >:(

What are you talking about? Georger said that. You see the part at the top...'Georger says in part...' ?

And personally, I'm fed up with Jerry Warner's insults where he uses my name. Yes...that's Georger's REAL name. (He was in the book by Geoff Gray. Not exactly a state secret)

Is that the best you got - Gotcha Troll ?

May the bird of paradise fly up your nose.

Geof Gray ID'd you perfectly. "SMALL MAN
SYNDROME. Completely untrustworthy ..... ".

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This is a reply to smoking99, farflung, mrshutter45, guru312, and georger.

Thanks guys for piling on and trying to discredit an honest attempt to solve the DB Cooper case.

Jeus H Blevins! Do I have to spell this out! ?

Follow these instructions:

(1) Contact owner of 23 & Me.

(2) Ask: "Will you test some DBC letters for mtdna" ?

(3) He will either answer or not.

I see Blev is back - that was another short month.
Blev-time. In the year Blev12.

Mabe Petey wrote the letter.
Petey is not DB Cooper.

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Jo, "Leverage" is a crime drama, and based on the one episode I saw, not a very good one. It is purely fictional. Last nights episode was about a dying FBI agent who was unable to solve the Cooper case. The detectives in the show of course solved it. Cooper bailed out of the plane and hooked up with the stewardess from the flight and married her (The stewardess name was made up). He was then hired by the FBI as an agent to help solve the Cooper case. Check with Knoss, maybe there is some "truth" to this. Weber and McCoy both were mentioned in the show. Sorry, I should have pointed out that this was fiction.

Thank You, I made some phone calls trying to find if anyone had seen it. No, one I know saw it.

They actually mentioned Weber's name? In what context?

This kind of thing is WHY I do not go public and exactly the kind of problem I ran into with the man who wanted to tell Duane's story. He wrote 2 pages of garbage and NOT one thing that was true....claimed he had to do something to get the attention of publishers. I was quick to say NO that was NOT our agreement....and fired him. I didn't care if anyone ever bought the book - I just wanted the story out there as I have told it.

This thread is where I tell what-ever I have to tell other than some things "my guys" are working on which I am NOT allowed to divulge.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There must be something going on. You guys are acting like a bunch of kids on a blog.

I had forgotten that Georger was a JW also, but I do NOT understand the bickering that goes on between a bunch of adults. I do not understand the animosity between Georger and Blevins nor Matthew Clines' sarcasm toward me.

Maybe it is the atmosphere lately and the stars! Hurricances, earth quakes, body parts stored in public storage facility, politicians misusing words, secret information leaks, illegal immigrants getting drivers licenses (I was a denied a drivers license under a name I have used for 34 yrs), drive by shootings, senseless murders, ID theft, nurses infecting innocent patients and now you guys stay at each others throats.

Speaking of the sky. Did anyone look up at the milky way toward slightly NW. I do not know what I say, but perhaps Georger could tell us.

I saw stars with orangy colors peeking out of the milky way - seem to be moving. NO not a craft this was in or behind the milky way.

Gold Dartings in a circle behind the millky way or within it. Perhaps I was seeing things as my eyes have aged very poorly.
Even with glasses I sometimes see things double, but I was seeing all of the other markings I have come to recognize over the yrs.

I stood out there for several minutes - it was like the approaching storm was enchancing the skies.

When we all agree to disagree in ways that are not nice - perhaps we need to go OFF subject for a little while.

Seems like Jerry Thomas has stepped out at least for the time being. Georger kept acting like he was rushing around - made it sound like a hush hush thing regarding Cooper.

Georger makes statements that makes one think he is actually involved in the investigation of Cooper and privey to FBI information, but then in the next post - he is acting like a spoiled kid. Belvins does the same thing, but Belvins is polite with his rebuttals.

Mrsshutter and Farflung are objective and yet interesting. We rarely hear from 377. Sailshaw and Robt 99 are in a rut. Parrothead obviously reads what is being written in the thread and obviously a lot of writers read the thread....seems like Scott and Scott stopped using the thread for souces in their TV programs.
Everything they were involved in the last 2 yrs - you would catch phrases used first in this thread and ideas bounced around in the thread. As soon as I heard the prhases on a program I would look for their names...now I can't record things so I can play them back.

Wonder what has happened to Bruce Smith and Galen Cook?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Farflung: You are wrong again when you say:

"A rational thinker would compare the DNA from the envelope or stamps to the DNA on the tie first, but you wisely want to compare it to Sheridan…..weird."

I say: The DNA on the tie and tie clasp are not know to be from DB Cooper and could have been from his girl friend that dressed him the morning of the caper.

To compare the DNA from the stamps/envelope flaps with Sheridan Peterson would show that Sheridan was not in Nepal as his perfect alibi indicated. Caught in this lie to the FBI he could be sent to jail for the rest of his life or bargain with to get him to confess to the DB Cooper crime and solve this old puzzler.

So, have some more bananas and climb back into your tree. Here I go trying to talk to a dumb monkey again

Bob Sailshaw

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Georger says in part:


'Geof Gray ID'd you perfectly. "SMALL MAN
SYNDROME. Completely untrustworthy ..... ".

Sir, that is an outright LIE. And it's Geoff with TWO 'f's'.

Is your hatred for me so intense that you feel obligated to put false words into the mouths of others? It's beneath you.

Geoff Gray and I get along just fine, thank you.

Glad to see you and Geofffff Gray have
made up and settled the old issues between you?

Nevertheless Geof said exactly as I said, and more.
It was not good.

Hey! This is not the first time you have forced this
discussion out of me and others on this thread . . .


Go Solve your personal issues somewhere else - ?

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